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Friday, December 5, 2008 11:40 AM


Cat Wars are a fun diversion and all , but there's more important stuff to consider :

Epochal Transformation Accelerates as
Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, worldwide economic, financial and political events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The forthcoming changes, shifts and breaks with the past that are delineated below do concern the unsavory business of WHAT, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.

I. As we all sat back and waited for this year’s October Surprise, please know that it came a little bit early this year on September 15th which will forever be known as PITCH BLACK MONDAY. Actually, the entire month of October was set up to be a series of Black Monday’s, as well as every other day of the week shaped up to be. It’s really a good time to brace your self since this year’s election cycle, and beyond, will bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the beginning of the end of FIAT money – the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills. This foundational flaw, together with all of the multi-layered financial/economic/accounting mechanisms and schemes that have insidiously crept into the system, are the ‘not talked about’ institutionalized culprits and structural deformities that really need to go. Without them, the perps wouldn’t be so tempted to stack the deck against us all the time.
The only legitimate currency is that which is backed by GOLD, or some other precious commodity that is universally valued, and issued directly by the US Government, not a privately owned, organized crime syndicate like the FED. Debt driven, fractional-reserve banking – the real bane of global finance – will then be banished from the planet forever, along with the overlords of disaster capitalism, institutionalized usury & loan-sharking (e.g. World Bank & International Monetary Fund), as well as their economic hitmen. Finally, the central organizing principle of modern society, and especially Western Civilization, will no longer be: maximizing shareholders’ wealth.
The writing is on the wall: THE FED IS DEAD. And so is the Fed’s collection agency – the IRS. The FED has obviously been on extreme life support since September ’08, and the only compassionate response is to let it go peacefully into the sunset. Perhaps we should organize a simple taxpayers’ revolt, not too unlike those that occurred prior to the American Revolution, to bury this beast forever. When the people do wake up, and realize that the Federal Reserve Note that they carry in their pocket is exactly that – a note (i.e. debt, obligation, debit, commitment, instrument of indebtedness), things will start to get REEEEAL interesting !

II. Another little surprise will come in the form of an announcement that goes something like this: The USA was conceived to be a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy by plutocracy. Or corpocacy, or oligarchy/synarchy, or crony capitalism or any other ism/cracy/archy they have tried to foist upon US. The founding fathers would be absolutely horrified to see the “mob rule by the privileged elites” into which this once great nation has degenerated. Every political philosopher knows that democracy, when sufficiently dumbed down and unduly influenced by the moneyed ruling class, will always devolve into a despotic tyranny. Therefore, the wholesale exportation of our fraudulent notion of democracy, and its supposed freedoms (to buy, buy, buy after watching the boob tube hucksters), by the political and corporate classes must be reconsidered. And it will be soon, on a new channel during this “Fall” season’s new lineup! Stay tuned ---
The recent presidential election, incidentally, is perhaps the most flagrant example of how the US constitutional republic has been suspended (at the very least, once every 4 years, right?). Just as much as the voting populace has been suspended in the state of perpetual ignorance is bliss for generations. Can you imagine – the winner having raised close to $700 MILLION in campaign contributions – just how many debts the president-select* has incurred?! How, pray tell, do you think these debts will be paid back in light of the trillions that are already owed across the world by the US Treasury, US corporations, US citizens, etc. They won’t be paid, because they can’t be paid. The US Corporation is, and has been, bankrupt for quite some time now. It’s stone cold broke and plum busted. And We The People should be thoroughly disgusted. Therefore, this fraudulent corporate entity – US Inc. – can now be trotted off the global stage, so that the REAL Constitutional Republic can be resurrected to its proper place in the nation’s governmental and political life.

*Demoplican or Republocrat – either way, they are still two sides of the exact same coin. The coin of the realm that excludes We The People.

III. Another announcement will be made, in the not too distant future, about the business entity commonly known as the CORPORATION – the main huckster of this ‘brand’ of faux democracy. Surely, if the devil were to ever choose the perfect form in which to enter in order to carry out his nefarious designs, Inc. is it. Is there any other entity on earth – person or party, organization or association, government or institution, jurisdiction or bureaucracy, club or group, fraternity or sorority, etc. that can function with such impunity, as it hides behind the shield of LIMITED LIABILITY. Those two words have given complete cover for the flagrant and wanton destruction of planet Earth.
You name it – oil slicked coastlines, razed rainforests, beaches strewn with dead dolphins and whales. Not to mention the complete erosion of human, civil and national rights, wherever INC decides to set up shop.
Let’s pick a country. Let’s go to India and visit Bhopal of Union Carbide fame. Close to 8000 people died within two weeks of that December day in 1984 in what is known as the worst industrial disaster of the last century. Now that Dow Chemical owns Union Carbide, you can only imagine the veritable phalanx of attorneys who are paid unconscionable fees to ensure proper responsibility and accountability will never be assumed by their master.
Or let’s visit the Punjab and talk to the thousands of widows of farmers who committed suicide because of Monsanto’s “seedless seeds”. Or go to just about anywhere on that subcontinent where a Walmart is being protested for land theft, encroachment and despoilation. Let’s not forget about all the Coca Cola bottling plants that have become notorious for stealing the most precious commodity that every Indian cherishes and covets – WATER. Well, that takes care of land, water, air … and blood. What else in heaven’s name do these stakeholders want?!
We all know the deal. It’s the one where the individual, and his/her environment, is always trampled in favor of the corporate interest. Isn’t it time to really take stock of what our current predicament has left us with? Perhaps it’s also time to seriously think about actually re-ordering the ORDER, instead of once again rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Like we’ve said, “optimizing stockholder profit” will soon be history, as the cease and desist orders are not far from being issued to Corporate America. Might as well get a head start on dissolving (or re-chartering) that corporation.

IV. Termination of Globalization: The dominating and predatory form, that is. No other global initiative has been more unsuccessful at creating a framework for a more efficient transfer of goods and services around the planet. Truly, every aspect of this corporate inspired policy has failed miserably. Wherever it promoters trumpet its stated intention to make markets more streamlined, effective and resilient, it has done quite the opposite.
One only needs to look at the current debacle within the European Union concerning the banking, credit, and stock market breakdowns. Never has a response from the appropriate governing bodies been more disorganized, full of mixed messages and working at cross purposes with the member states. It was like watching The Three Stooges (France, Germany & Italy) play musical chairs blindfolded with no clothes on. What an unprecedented spectacle, and in plain view for the entire world to watch! This will undoubtedly put the brakes on the concretizing of a North American Union and their planned currency – the Amero. Praise the Lord!
As a matter of fact, all of the financial unions and economic superstates (e.g. European Union; Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Union of South American Nations) that have been created over the past many years will, by sheer necessity and desperation, be forced to re–organize themselves in the coming months and years. Even South America, which has two distinct camps that are constantly gummin’ up the works for each other, will abandon their current emerging model in favor of one that enjoys complete freedom from its North American taskmaster. To their credit, they have set the bar higher than it has ever been set concerning their strongly stated desire to be free of IMF and World Bank control. Only Russia has exceeded their standards, as they had already been fleeced by the Oligarchs in what may very well be the grandest larceny of national wealth/resources in history. This, of course, was preceded by a 75 year scourge of incessant rape, pillaging and plundering by the Bolsheviks and their Western financiers & handlers. Clearly Mr. Putin will not allow a repeat of any such conduct within his borders, and the international persecution that he has suffered certainly reflects their displeasure and frustration with him. No wonder Vladimir Putin is now considered a “reincarnation” of Peter the Great by his own people.
The ruinous influence of these two globalization thugs (IMF & WB) can be instantly assessed by looking at the economic calamities they caused in Argentina (1999-2002), as well as in Thailand, South Korea & Indonesia during the 1997 Asian currency crisis. Likewise, every nation in Africa that has chosen to take on their monetary yoke has only misery and war and financial oppression to show for it. Wherever these 2 scrooges show their faces, it’s quite like Ebenezer himself showing up to make a house call. You know the patient will soon find himself in a pine box after all the gold fillings and rings have been removed.
We have seen this globalization scam unfold in country after country, as a ruse to steal a nation’s resources, always taking from those who have, and giving to those who want it. In fact, an objective assessment of all the world’s current conflicts would reveal that the vast majority are directly the result of this geo-political/commercial dynamic. The privatization of water sources/bodies/supplies/rights is perhaps the most provocative and glaring, and can be found at the root of a number of these resource wars.
Clearly the verdict has been delivered: Economies are much less vulnerable, the more locally they are positioned and the less centralized their decision-making process. This arrangement affords much greater resiliency when dealing with the vicissitudes of the marketplace. And it takes the power away from those who are insulated in ivory towers, and far from the plight of the common man. It is time for everyone on the planet to “think globally; act locally”.

V. Stock market will become extinct. There is no greater tool at the disposal of those who can, and do, manipulate the various markets than the charade of “setting up” a formal system of trading, buying and selling of anything, as exemplified by the NYSE. This is where it all happens. From devastating whole national (and regional) economies, to toppling uncooperative corporate execs, to bringing 150 year old multi-billion $$$ companies to their knees within a week’s time. From triggering stockholder revolts, to propping up corporate raiders, to extorting billions from national and/or corporate treasuries. They can, and do, do it all right there on the floor.
Really, the very best example of what occurs in these speculative market exchanges is the gambling casino. In Vegas, everyone knows that the house ALWAYS wins. It never loses. Even when there is the appearance of losing, it still wins. Go figure, but it’s true. Your stockbroker is not too unlike the blackjack dealer. And your financial planner is often a croupier in disguise. So, the question remains, do you honestly know what your hard earned retirement money is invested in? If not, this is a very good time to find out!!!
For those of us who have been there, we know that whether you call it an oil bourse, a commodity exchange, or a bond market, you’re still playing in a game that can go against you at any time. Wipe out your earnings in a heartbeat; devour your principal in a flash. It’s often been said that when he comes, “he comes like a thief in the night”. Do you still feel you know where your entire life savings is currently residing?
The derivatives market represents the single greatest threat to worldwide economic stability and financial security. It poses such great potential for financial abuse and economic devastation that the current institutional arrangements of this commercial realm have become completely unacceptable. The alarming proliferation of hedge funds, as well as the growing number and variety of derivative instruments, has reached a critical mass that is incompatible with living a financially sound life on planet Earth. Simply put, some of these instruments are so far from the street – economic reality – that they put into jeopardy all the hard work, which appears in the form of real goods and services, that is produced by any economy at any given time. This predicament signifies a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to us all.
Remember – DERIVATIVES are the real megilla. Derivatives, by their very nature, can be highly radioactive, and can go nuclear any time circumstances conspire in just the right, or wrong, way. Those who control their destiny can, likewise, utilize their inherent threat as a means of conducting financial and economic terrorism anytime, anywhere completely under the radar screen. It’s time for them to go. And we trust it’s just a matter of execution at this point.

VI. Mass Consumerism & Perpetual Economic Growth – the Fric & Frac of our Age – are history. One need not look any further than the inside of one’s own home to see the ravages of these adopted twins. They own the bedroom, the living room, the family room and all the closets. They’ve taken over the kitchen, the den and the garage, as well. Since their middle names are Amass and Accumulate, we can only imagine what might lay hidden in the attic, the basement and the shed.
Ever since they became the twin pillars of Kali Yuga’s overarching philosophy of life, things started to really go to hell in a handbasket … or rather gilded cage. How so? What else could one expect from a political economy that demands growth, necessitates growth and extols the virtues of growth at every turn (and on every other commercial and newscast). Growth, at the expense of WHAT!! We’ll tell you what – Life!
One of the most tragic parts of this ever-unfolding tragedy has been the dramatic change in the spirit of the people with whom these twins associate. The very society loses its refinement, as the culture becomes debased. Aren’t so many things associated with Americana experienced as coarse, and crude, and crass? Likewise, the nation, which was once known as the “land of the free; home of the brave”, morphs into a country reviled for its unkindness, lack of compassion and cruelty. Before anyone realizes, the citizenry is easily being herded, and then stampeded, into wars and conflict of every sort and kind.
What else could be expected when the meme of consumerism is subliminally implanted at such a young and tender age, and relentlessly reinforced from cradle to grave? And, what does it really say about a society when all who belong to it are known as consumers. Kind of like little pac-men (and pac-women) gobbling up everything in sight. Starts out with BIG Macs and 24 oz cokes, then super-sized HUMMERS, then oil fields and gold mines and precious rainforests, and then whole countries.
Likewise, in the corporate realm, any board director, company officer, division president, regional director, department manager, production supervisor, etc. will candidly speak to the greatest pressure in their lives. More income, more sales, more profit, more production, more revenue – anything that will show an increase in year over year growth. Always gotta GROW, even though yuv been out of puberty for 20 or 30 years!?
Well, you can imagine that this state of affairs can only go on for so long. As a matter of fact, this party’s now over. And the hangover is about to begin. Perhaps it’s time to send these twins on a permanent vacation to the waterless region.

VII. War, as a means of wealth creation, is now bankrupt. War, as a means of conflict resolution, is over. As a means to any end whatsoever, war is finished. You get the picture, don’t you? War has outlived its usefulness, and has become as obsolete as the derivatives hawker. There is simply no more place for it in civil society. It’s time for the curtain to fall on this show for the last time, and for all of its bad actors to hit the stage exit.
It never was a legitimate policy for conflict resolution, as we know. Virtually all conflicts and wars were manufactured in the boardrooms of the world. And impeccably stage managed by the directors of the war studios. Isn’t the Iraq war a perfect example of this kind of terrible and awful-to-watch “B” movie?
Any deliberate, probing and unprejudiced analysis of all the major wars going back to the French Revolution will reveal an extraordinary degree of carefully calculated and coordinated events leading up to the actual conflagrations we call war. Just read the actual history that is only now beginning to surface, and you will reach this very same conclusion.
War has consistently served its masters in three ways which no longer have relevance in an enlightened civilization: (i) population control (ii) artificial creation of wealth for the plutocracy (iii) imposition of a tyrannical order in the wake of the chaos that always results from war. Population control in this context has different meanings. The number of people who are systematically genocided, wantonly annihilated and deliberately infected with disease agents serve the purpose of population reduction. Then there is the sheer terror of war and its effects on whole populations (see how easily controlled both the Germans and Japanese were after WWII). “Order out of chaos” is made easy when all concerned parties have been faced with the extraordinary distraction, mayhem and pandemonium that war always brings.
There are, of course, many other declared wars whose battlegrounds are far from the traditional battlefields of armed conflict. The WAR on Drugs. The WAR on Poverty. The WAR on Crime. The WAR on AIDS. Just like the WAR on TERROR, all of these so called wars are entirely bogus and fabricated, as they all have consistently produced outcomes that are completely contrary to their stated purposes. How so? Because each of them has been designed, and engineered, to perpetuate and expand the status quo. The War on Drugs, for instance, was designed in part to ensure that the opium (and all of its profitable derivatives) flows freely and efficiently from the poppy fields of Afghanistan to the targeted markets in America and elsewhere. In this way, all clandestine US and foreign intelligence agencies/secrets services are able to fund their innumerable black operations without any congressional oversight or public scrutiny from the massive revenues generated that this perfectly controlled black market provides. Oh, yes, did we forget to mention that most of these black ops are actually wars as well. What a Racket?! As Major General Smedley Butler once proclaimed to the world in his book: “WAR IS A RACKET.”
May the shadow governments of the warmongering and real “Axis of Evil” – the USA, the UK and Israel – truly imbibe the message contained in this ongoing proclamation: WAR is no longer an option. For each of these nations is facing an economic armegeddon of staggering and unprecedented proportions. When confronted with such an incapacitating monetary meltdown, the impulse and subsequent orchestrated plan, historically, has been to provoke wars through false flag attacks/operations. This knee-jerk, yet carefully calculated, reaction will no longer work. The consequential global financial apocalypse, this time around will simply be too demanding and debilitating, especially for those who would attempt to plunge the planet into a WWIII scenario. Why? The global money matrix, that supports and keeps their war machine well-oiled, has been in a slow motion collapse for many years, and is now in an epoch crashing free-fall. It’s disintegrating before our eyes, and will soon be unable to fund not so much as a dustup in the neighborhood sandlot.
The 4th Reich has completely run its course. This last covert phase of the “Holy Roman Empire” is finally over. And it’s now imperative that the maestro, and his orchestra, in ‘Rome’ get over it. Let us once again proclaim, here and now, that: WAR HAS COME TO AN END.

VIII. There is a very profound and significant connection between the US Government sponsored and staged terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 and the PRE-PLANNED Financial & Economic 9/11 of 2008 that may be difficult for many to fully embrace. But here it goes:
The OMEN that 911 truly was, looks a little bit like THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
Remember the Twin Towers? When they came down in NYC, it was a message to humankind that the reign of the Almighty Dollar was coming to an end. As a nation’s currency goes, so goes its destiny. Her financial strength and economic prowess were on the wane, and soon to be greatly diminished. Just as the WTC (financial capital of the world) was pulverized into dust, the US Dollar would be swept into the ash heap of history. Just as we see it collapsing all around us, exactly 7 years after the original 911 apocalyptic events.
When the Ring of Power was finally destroyed, like the Pentagon (ring-shaped command center of the military-industrial complex) was mortally wounded and damaged, the message was equally clear. Her military might and superior force would be reduced to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. She would, likewise, soon see the demise of Her all-pervasive state sponsored terrorism. This, because She had lost all moral ascendancy. Besides, the empire could no longer be sustained politically, financially, practically or ethically, as the seeds of its own destruction had fully sprouted. The most fatal seed grew into that extremely corrupt and predatory form of corporate, crony capitalism which was so socially unconscious, and so environmentally unaware, it was quite doomed from the very beginning.
The GOOD NEWS is that the nation – its people – will now be compelled to beat their “swords into plowshares” and their “spears into pruning hooks”.
Just as the Phoenix rose from its ashes, so too will America ascend to even greater heights. As long as She ascends with the guidance of the highest of ideals, loftiest of principles and noblest of intentions. And She reforms, and transforms Herself, in good faith, in earnest and with haste.
As a modern day prophet said in the days immediately following September 11, 2001:
“America, Wake up ! ! ! Seize this God-given opportunity. There is no more time to dally in fear and ignorance and greed. For yours is a destiny that must serve as a beacon of Light and Hope and Peace to the world. Make haste, the time is drawing nigh!”

T. Anthony Michael

Publication, posting and printing of this article is expressly authorized.


Friday, December 5, 2008 3:22 PM


Actually that train has been driven just a tiny hair off it's original course - if folks keep pushing it sideways, wisely, this can indeed still be averted.

Of course, that whole post is best summed up by a single sentence.
"This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it."

Gee, that sounds awfully familar, doesn't it ?
Look down.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, December 7, 2008 11:09 AM


Knew that I'd be able to count on you !

The other folk are oddly silent , though...
Are they somnambulant ?

Thanks for noticin' , and for bein' out on the edge !

Usually , the quote , or its various iterations , are attributed to Santayana , but the concept is pretty ancient...

Put another way , there's nothing new under the ( Blue ) Sun...


Sunday, December 7, 2008 11:15 AM


The times they are a changin'.

Change & growth are a painful business.

Here's to a little discomfort!!

The eyes only Chrisisall


Sunday, December 7, 2008 2:22 PM


Actually while it's in mind - this may interest you.

Milwaukee neighborhoods could print own money,0,2902061.s

Cue shrieking, threats, confiscations and arrests by the powers that be as their pathetic ragpaper "currency" comes under fire again and again as people lose the blind faith required to support it.



Sunday, January 4, 2009 4:08 PM


" Is It So Difficult To Understand The Financial Crisis ?

Many have expressed to me that they are overwhelmed by the complexity of the global financial tsunami and are absolutely confused as to how to prepare and survive the crisis.

When I explained in simple terms, they refused to accept the explanations as to them “it was too simple. It must be more complicated as otherwise how can the crisis become a global fiasco?

Consider the following and my simple explanation:

1. financial engineering: new ways of gambling

2. Investors: gamblers

3. Stock & Futures Markets: casinos

4. Financial Analysts: casinos’ salesmen / women

5. Bonds: I.O.U's.

6. Banks: Dishonest Money-lenders (actual money-lenders licensed not as banks, but as money-lenders, cannot create “money out of thin air”. They have to use their own capital – 100% to lend)

7. Currencies / fiat money toilet papers

8. Derivative markets: ponzi scheme

So many people have difficulty accepting my explanations as the simple reality. This is even after the recent exposé of the US$50 Billion fraud by Bernard Madoff, the former chairman of NASDAQ. He declared to the FBI, that his scheme was essentially a Ponzi scheme (i.e. using one set of “investors’ money” to pay off an earlier set of “investors”).

Banks worldwide have collapsed!


Two reasons – (i) they gambled at the casino and lost trillions and (ii) almost all their borrowers that borrowed huge sums (leveraging 30 times or more i.e. if a borrower has $1 million capital, he can borrower $30 million) have defaulted.

Common sense tells us that if our income is only $X and we borrow 30 times in excess of $X, there is no way that we can repay the debt, unless our gambling bets pay out in excess of 30 times the original amount of $X."


Sunday, January 4, 2009 4:23 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Who is T. Anthony Michael that he should be considered the expert? Could you provide a link to the original source of this article?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, January 4, 2009 7:59 PM


Sorry, 4,000+ words of financial analysis. As I financial analyst for 10 years almost nothing came across my desk that was deep and insightful. I think to convince people to invest time in a post, you need to build up slowly, a small summary, and then a link to the article. People are busy. No offense.


Monday, January 5, 2009 2:07 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:
Who is T. Anthony Michael that he should be considered the expert? Could you provide a link to the original source of this article?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sorry , it came to me as an email forward...

Expert or not , it's probably thought-provoking for folk inclined to think about it...

My experience is that folk tend to ignore 'experts' anyway...


Monday, January 5, 2009 2:12 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Sorry, 4,000+ words of financial analysis. As I financial analyst for 10 years almost nothing came across my desk that was deep and insightful. I think to convince people to invest time in a post, you need to build up slowly, a small summary, and then a link to the article. People are busy. No offense.

No offense intended...

Yup , folk are busy...That's one reason there's so much material there...So that Folk don't hafta go looking for it...

I'm not going to spoon-feed anyone , especially not the brain-donors or the somnambulators...

That's why it's right there...Folk can take or leave it , according to their own inclinations and preferences...

If they're lazy , they can just skip it...


Monday, January 5, 2009 2:20 PM



Not lazy, busy.

I'm on a crusade against information overload, so I thought I'd post it. My own posts are long and tedious.

Any segment should be summarized with the key points in <200 words. Just out of respect to your fellow browncoats. Otherwise, you end up with a debate of only the unemployed.

Notice the length of posts by Rue and Chris. We should all strive for this.

Whozit is not short, because he contains links with no summary. The summary shouldn't be a total synopsis, it should be the 200 or less words worth saying on the topic, followed by the article or a link to it.


Monday, January 5, 2009 3:47 PM


The War part mentioned the War on Aids, though I didn't see it explain how that's a sham. Is that trying to imply that efforts in African nations are actually attempts to keep black people down? Or is it saying it's like the other "wars" we're pretending to fight and not doing near enough about, or going about entirely the wrong way?

I kinda skimmed it... What I saw I agree with, though it's kind of doomsday, and I think I agree with everyone here in wanting to know about the source before determining whether this is sensationalized or not.

I'll probably go back and read more carefully, see if I can't find other things to comment on.

EDIT: Reread it, my agreement is more firm. The last paragraph kind of gets a little too metaphorically rhetoric for my tastes in this kind of writing. Hard to take it as seriously when people do that, although I'm right there with the sentiment.

If the public doesn't want a complete collapse, we need to move and seize back some control before the government, corporate interests, stock marketeer gamblers, and others practicing untrustworthy business take everything from us. Because they will. They're that greedy.


Monday, January 5, 2009 4:25 PM


I'll have to go back and read the article now.

AIDS scam in Africa is a big problem. It works something like this:

An african country has a high HIV population, for which it has to buy drugs. Those drugs are expensive even at a discount, to the point where they can't afford it, so they need to borrow. The leader often gets to keep a portion of the loan, because it's larger than what he needs. So, if he's corrupt, it's to his advantage to keep it running, the drug companies can make a profit, and the banks can collect interest endlessly. In addition, the debt generated is insured, if there is a default, then the IMF can force the govt. to liquidate natural resources. While awaiting this, the lender collects on the insurance, then the country is raped for the cash, if it fails to pay, then we can enter into "debt forgiveness" where fools or taxpayers send money to help this poor african country which really just bounces right back to the bank of Dubai or from whomever the money for the drugs was initially borrowed. It's possible in this scheme, if the bank is invested in the drug company, to actually get triple their money back on the loan. The size of the loan is dependent on the size of the need, which is dependent on the rate of HIV infection. If you increase the number of HIV cases, you increase the profit.

The whole situation is built on an earlier model of third world scam, which was contract scam. Send a corporation into a third world country. That company wishes to do business, usually harvesting resources, and taking them from the country. Buy the right junta or govt, and pass laws allowing foreign ownership of resources. Now declare the urgent need for infrastructure, such as a railroad. Have your govt. take out a large loan from someone connected to you, or from you, to build the railroad, and then hire you to do it. You subcontract the actual work, make a profit, and then start running your business that was paid for already by the govt. Now you've already gotten most of the loan back, but it's also insured, which you may be able to collect on, you're collecting resources, and the govt. is paying you interest on the loan of the money which it paid you to built the railroad.

My brother is full of case files like this, I recall the first major one to spill was the ITT case, hence the railroad, but there have been dozens since. The HIV case is just one in a whole line, but it has an added level of yuck to it, because encouraging the spread of the disease is actually profitable to the operation.


Monday, January 5, 2009 6:15 PM


Okay, o2tb, I'm actually taking the time to read this.


Cat Wars are a fun diversion and all , but there's more important stuff to consider :

Actually, they're essential :)


Epochal Transformation Accelerates as Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates

I hope you allow me editorial comments. These are merely offers of ways to make the article more read, and more understood, they are not criticisms except in the literary sense.

I'm liable to make comments.


Now that the genie is out of the bottle, worldwide economic, financial and political events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The forthcoming changes, shifts and breaks with the past that are delineated below do concern the unsavory business of WHAT, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.

Strunk and White. It's an important text we should read often.


I. As we all sat back and waited for this year’s October Surprise, please know that it came a little bit early this year on September 15th which will forever be known as PITCH BLACK MONDAY. Actually, the entire month of October was set up to be a series of Black Monday’s, as well as every other day of the week shaped up to be. It’s really a good time to brace your self since this year’s election cycle, and beyond, will bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the beginning of the end of FIAT money – the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills. This foundational flaw, together with all of the multi-layered financial/economic/accounting mechanisms and schemes that have insidiously crept into the system, are the ‘not talked about’ institutionalized culprits and structural deformities that really need to go. Without them, the perps wouldn’t be so tempted to stack the deck against us all the time.

I called this far out, but then, I was a financial analyst for many years, exactly when the credit economy would implode was obvious to me about two years out, and I have to say I found the timing very humorous.


The only legitimate currency is that which is backed by GOLD, or some other precious commodity that is universally valued, and issued directly by the US Government, not a privately owned, organized crime syndicate like the FED.

Okay, I said I wouldn't argue, but I'm going to restate a point Ron Paul made during the campaign: The physical backing of the new currency must be "semi-precious" and not "precious." Paul is often toted as Mr. Gold Standard, which he was in '88. In '08 he said, and I'm paraphrasing: Any precious metal or similar limited commodity as the basis for currency leaves itself open to being cornered. For instance, if our economy was based on gold, and Communist China owned two thirds of the world's gold, we would be screwed. Semiprecious commodities which cannot be created, counterfeited or cornered should for the composite of stable currency.


Debt driven, fractional-reserve banking – the real bane of global finance – will then be banished from the planet forever, along with the overlords of disaster capitalism, institutionalized usury & loan-sharking (e.g. World Bank & International Monetary Fund), as well as their economic hitmen.

Ideally. It would be best if we obviate them, or allow them to believe that they are winning, let them get all of the fiat currency, and none of the true currency, and then they can be quadrillionaires, like the guys in zimbabwe, and with any luck, buy a banana with that.


Finally, the central organizing principle of modern society, and especially Western Civilization, will no longer be: maximizing shareholders’ wealth.
The writing is on the wall: THE FED IS DEAD. And so is the Fed’s collection agency – the IRS. The FED has obviously been on extreme life support since September ’08, and the only compassionate response is to let it go peacefully into the sunset. Perhaps we should organize a simple taxpayers’ revolt, not too unlike those that occurred prior to the American Revolution, to bury this beast forever. When the people do wake up, and realize that the Federal Reserve Note that they carry in their pocket is exactly that – a note (i.e. debt, obligation, debit, commitment, instrument of indebtedness), things will start to get REEEEAL interesting !

I think there's edit room here. Stating the ideal future could be done at the outset, rather than throughout.


II. Another little surprise will come in the form of an announcement that goes something like this: The USA was conceived to be a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy by plutocracy. Or corpocacy, or oligarchy/synarchy, or crony capitalism or any other ism/cracy/archy they have tried to foist upon US. The founding fathers would be absolutely horrified to see the “mob rule by the privileged elites” into which this once great nation has degenerated.

Now, I was wrong before, but I don't think I'm wrong on this one: They also would have been horrified by mob rule of the masses.


Every political philosopher knows that democracy, when sufficiently dumbed down and unduly influenced by the moneyed ruling class, will always devolve into a despotic tyranny. Therefore, the wholesale exportation of our fraudulent notion of democracy, and its supposed freedoms (to buy, buy, buy after watching the boob tube hucksters), by the political and corporate classes must be reconsidered. And it will be soon, on a new channel during this “Fall” season’s new lineup! Stay tuned ---

No argument here. Rhetorically, I think that it could do with less rant and more justification. The notion that democracy is a fraud to delude the people into thinking that they live in a system of self rule is one with which I wholeheartedly agree, but the public is pretty well convinced that they do in fact rule. Constructing a concise argument that this is not so would be valuable enough that I would join you in an entire thread devoted to creating this argument.


The recent presidential election, incidentally, is perhaps the most flagrant example of how the US constitutional republic has been suspended (at the very least, once every 4 years, right?). Just as much as the voting populace has been suspended in the state of perpetual ignorance is bliss for generations. Can you imagine – the winner having raised close to $700 MILLION in campaign contributions – just how many debts the president-select* has incurred?! How, pray tell, do you think these debts will be paid back in light of the trillions that are already owed across the world by the US Treasury, US corporations, US citizens, etc. They won’t be paid, because they can’t be paid. The US Corporation is, and has been, bankrupt for quite some time now. It’s stone cold broke and plum busted. And We The People should be thoroughly disgusted. Therefore, this fraudulent corporate entity – US Inc. – can now be trotted off the global stage, so that the REAL Constitutional Republic can be resurrected to its proper place in the nation’s governmental and political life.

Of course. and with no power to produce its own currency, it will have to borrow endlessly to pay its own debt. The certainty of the doom of this system obviates the concept of taxes, they might as well be suspended forthwith.

Riverlove, Out2theBlack here is making a good distinction of the difference between government and country.


*Demoplican or Republocrat – either way, they are still two sides of the exact same coin. The coin of the realm that excludes We The People.

hear hear


III. Another announcement will be made, in the not too distant future, about the business entity commonly known as the CORPORATION – the main huckster of this ‘brand’ of faux democracy. Surely, if the devil were to ever choose the perfect form in which to enter in order to carry out his nefarious designs, Inc. is it. Is there any other entity on earth – person or party, organization or association, government or institution, jurisdiction or bureaucracy, club or group, fraternity or sorority, etc. that can function with such impunity, as it hides behind the shield of LIMITED LIABILITY. Those two words have given complete cover for the flagrant and wanton destruction of planet Earth.

The corporation is inherited from Rome. It's a flawed structure. I think the entity you're referring to is the "corporate citizen" a creation of the 14th amendment. Though not explicitly stated, it was drawn up on the court cases clarifying the implications of the 14th, which is why these are called 14th amendment issues.


You name it – oil slicked coastlines, razed rainforests, beaches strewn with dead dolphins and whales. Not to mention the complete erosion of human, civil and national rights, wherever INC decides to set up shop.

I disagree. Global capitalism through international banking was doing this long before the 14th. It uses the sovereignty of nation state, and the concept of "nations as customers" and international loans at interest, with national resources as collateral to do this damage. The environmental destruction done to America by Banks such as the Bank of London for commodity capitalism in tobacco and cotton farming even before the formation of the United States is so devastating a to dwarf an incident such as the US having been struck by an atomic bomb. It's appalling to read about.


Let’s pick a country. Let’s go to India and visit Bhopal of Union Carbide fame. Close to 8000 people died within two weeks of that December day in 1984 in what is known as the worst industrial disaster of the last century. Now that Dow Chemical owns Union Carbide, you can only imagine the veritable phalanx of attorneys who are paid unconscionable fees to ensure proper responsibility and accountability will never be assumed by their master.
Or let’s visit the Punjab and talk to the thousands of widows of farmers who committed suicide because of Monsanto’s “seedless seeds”. Or go to just about anywhere on that subcontinent where a Walmart is being protested for land theft, encroachment and despoilation. Let’s not forget about all the Coca Cola bottling plants that have become notorious for stealing the most precious commodity that every Indian cherishes and covets – WATER. Well, that takes care of land, water, air … and blood. What else in heaven’s name do these stakeholders want?!

If you're going to attack Coke, at least throw in the migrant labor slave camps. Walmart has these two, but it doesn't own them, it contracts with them.


We all know the deal. It’s the one where the individual, and his/her environment, is always trampled in favor of the corporate interest. Isn’t it time to really take stock of what our current predicament has left us with? Perhaps it’s also time to seriously think about actually re-ordering the ORDER, instead of once again rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Like we’ve said, “optimizing stockholder profit” will soon be history, as the cease and desist orders are not far from being issued to Corporate America. Might as well get a head start on dissolving (or re-chartering) that corporation.

I disagree again. I think that the corporation is very flawed, but that govt. does more damage by itself. Without the freedom of the people to organize business, America would likely become a socialist state, and that's not the road to personal freedom.

If I make disagreements like this, it doesn't mean you have to agree with me, just a suggestion that if you are sure of yourself, you will have to construct a more convincing argument on that point. Most of the public will be far harder to convince than I.


IV. Termination of Globalization: The dominating and predatory form, that is. No other global initiative has been more unsuccessful at creating a framework for a more efficient transfer of goods and services around the planet. Truly, every aspect of this corporate inspired policy has failed miserably. Wherever it promoters trumpet its stated intention to make markets more streamlined, effective and resilient, it has done quite the opposite.

Failure is in the eye of the beholder. If you view globalization as imperialism to serve a minority and enslave the majority, than Dubai is doing quite well. A few other states are as well, but the US is not one of them. We could all name who they are.


One only needs to look at the current debacle within the European Union concerning the banking, credit, and stock market breakdowns. Never has a response from the appropriate governing bodies been more disorganized, full of mixed messages and working at cross purposes with the member states. It was like watching The Three Stooges (France, Germany & Italy) play musical chairs blindfolded with no clothes on. What an unprecedented spectacle, and in plain view for the entire world to watch! This will undoubtedly put the brakes on the concretizing of a North American Union and their planned currency – the Amero. Praise the Lord!

No lord to praise, but I really agree.


As a matter of fact, all of the financial unions and economic superstates (e.g. European Union; Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Union of South American Nations) that have been created over the past many years will, by sheer necessity and desperation, be forced to re–organize themselves in the coming months and years. Even South America, which has two distinct camps that are constantly gummin’ up the works for each other, will abandon their current emerging model in favor of one that enjoys complete freedom from its North American taskmaster. To their credit, they have set the bar higher than it has ever been set concerning their strongly stated desire to be free of IMF and World Bank control.

I think this sounds basically right, but it wasn't clear what you were trying to say here.


Only Russia has exceeded their standards, as they had already been fleeced by the Oligarchs in what may very well be the grandest larceny of national wealth/resources in history. This, of course, was preceded by a 75 year scourge of incessant rape, pillaging and plundering by the Bolsheviks and their Western financiers & handlers. Clearly Mr. Putin will not allow a repeat of any such conduct within his borders, and the international persecution that he has suffered certainly reflects their displeasure and frustration with him. No wonder Vladimir Putin is now considered a “reincarnation” of Peter the Great by his own people.

I'm not sure. I think you have a point, but Putin might buy into the game if they cut him in. China has.


The ruinous influence of these two globalization thugs (IMF & WB) can be instantly assessed by looking at the economic calamities they caused in Argentina (1999-2002), as well as in Thailand, South Korea & Indonesia during the 1997 Asian currency crisis. Likewise, every nation in Africa that has chosen to take on their monetary yoke has only misery and war and financial oppression to show for it. Wherever these 2 scrooges show their faces, it’s quite like Ebenezer himself showing up to make a house call. You know the patient will soon find himself in a pine box after all the gold fillings and rings have been removed.

I'm not sure that the underlying assumption here is correct. My interpretation is that financial collapse is the *goal* of globalism. Each economy must collapse in turn so that Rockefeller, Rothschild and Company can buy it up.


We have seen this globalization scam unfold in country after country, as a ruse to steal a nation’s resources, always taking from those who have, and giving to those who want it. In fact, an objective assessment of all the world’s current conflicts would reveal that the vast majority are directly the result of this geo-political/commercial dynamic. The privatization of water sources/bodies/supplies/rights is perhaps the most provocative and glaring, and can be found at the root of a number of these resource wars.


Clearly the verdict has been delivered: Economies are much less vulnerable, the more locally they are positioned and the less centralized their decision-making process. This arrangement affords much greater resiliency when dealing with the vicissitudes of the marketplace. And it takes the power away from those who are insulated in ivory towers, and far from the plight of the common man. It is time for everyone on the planet to “think globally; act locally”.

I concur, this verdict is definitely in. I've gone so far as to say that America would fair better as a military alliance of independent states, like pre-EU, post WWII Nato Europe, probably one of the most stable economic multinational structures ever. IMHO.


V. Stock market will become extinct. There is no greater tool at the disposal of those who can, and do, manipulate the various markets than the charade of “setting up” a formal system of trading, buying and selling of anything, as exemplified by the NYSE. This is where it all happens. From devastating whole national (and regional) economies, to toppling uncooperative corporate execs, to bringing 150 year old multi-billion $$$ companies to their knees within a week’s time. From triggering stockholder revolts, to propping up corporate raiders, to extorting billions from national and/or corporate treasuries. They can, and do, do it all right there on the floor.

This is so true. You're much sharper than I've been giving you credit for. My apologies

"The stock markets were created to allow capital to own industry without ever doing a day's labor" - Henry Ford


Really, the very best example of what occurs in these speculative market exchanges is the gambling casino. In Vegas, everyone knows that the house ALWAYS wins. It never loses. Even when there is the appearance of losing, it still wins. Go figure, but it’s true. Your stockbroker is not too unlike the blackjack dealer. And your financial planner is often a croupier in disguise. So, the question remains, do you honestly know what your hard earned retirement money is invested in? If not, this is a very good time to find out!!!

I am in favor of investment, because some ideas require capital, but I think that investment should be something that results in conditional profit, not ownership or control of the company. If you could invest in a new technology today, you could help it survive, and Stem Cells or Alternative Energy could have thrived, just by the sheer will of the American people, regardless of the disapproval of the Govt. in Washington DC. I've sketched some plans of popular investment schemes, where you would buy a security in a business, and then that would pay back from the profits of that industry, but not be called in as debt like a bond, nor used to leverage a takeover of the company like stocks. It would be a citizen investment certificate, and each one would be paid from the earnings of the company. Of course, this is just an initial sketch of an idea, there are a lot of kinks to be worked out.


For those of us who have been there, we know that whether you call it an oil bourse, a commodity exchange, or a bond market, you’re still playing in a game that can go against you at any time. Wipe out your earnings in a heartbeat; devour your principal in a flash. It’s often been said that when he comes, “he comes like a thief in the night”. Do you still feel you know where your entire life savings is currently residing?


The derivatives market represents the single greatest threat to worldwide economic stability and financial security. It poses such great potential for financial abuse and economic devastation that the current institutional arrangements of this commercial realm have become completely unacceptable. The alarming proliferation of hedge funds, as well as the growing number and variety of derivative instruments, has reached a critical mass that is incompatible with living a financially sound life on planet Earth. Simply put, some of these instruments are so far from the street – economic reality – that they put into jeopardy all the hard work, which appears in the form of real goods and services, that is produced by any economy at any given time. This predicament signifies a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to us all.
Remember – DERIVATIVES are the real megilla. Derivatives, by their very nature, can be highly radioactive, and can go nuclear any time circumstances conspire in just the right, or wrong, way. Those who control their destiny can, likewise, utilize their inherent threat as a means of conducting financial and economic terrorism anytime, anywhere completely under the radar screen. It’s time for them to go. And we trust it’s just a matter of execution at this point.

CDO squared anyone?


VI. Mass Consumerism & Perpetual Economic Growth – the Fric & Frac of our Age – are history. One need not look any further than the inside of one’s own home to see the ravages of these adopted twins. They own the bedroom, the living room, the family room and all the closets. They’ve taken over the kitchen, the den and the garage, as well. Since their middle names are Amass and Accumulate, we can only imagine what might lay hidden in the attic, the basement and the shed.

Agreed. Talk about wasted human effort and industry. Here's another one for you: The global market encourages export as the ultimate goal. If all of your people are working to make junk for another country, or the world, you get lots of dollars, but no actual effort to maintain your own nation.


Ever since they became the twin pillars of Kali Yuga’s overarching philosophy of life, things started to really go to hell in a handbasket … or rather gilded cage. How so? What else could one expect from a political economy that demands growth, necessitates growth and extols the virtues of growth at every turn (and on every other commercial and newscast). Growth, at the expense of WHAT!! We’ll tell you what – Life!

There's a lot of truth in this, and a lot of rant. If you mention Jews a few times... :) no offense to either of you, or to jews. But you get my point, Information overload. Joe Friday here. Just the facts.


One of the most tragic parts of this ever-unfolding tragedy has been the dramatic change in the spirit of the people with whom these twins associate. The very society loses its refinement, as the culture becomes debased. Aren’t so many things associated with Americana experienced as coarse, and crude, and crass? Likewise, the nation, which was once known as the “land of the free; home of the brave”, morphs into a country reviled for its unkindness, lack of compassion and cruelty. Before anyone realizes, the citizenry is easily being herded, and then stampeded, into wars and conflict of every sort and kind.
What else could be expected when the meme of consumerism is subliminally implanted at such a young and tender age, and relentlessly reinforced from cradle to grave? And, what does it really say about a society when all who belong to it are known as consumers. Kind of like little pac-men (and pac-women) gobbling up everything in sight. Starts out with BIG Macs and 24 oz cokes, then super-sized HUMMERS, then oil fields and gold mines and precious rainforests, and then whole countries.

Never expected we could agree so completely.


Likewise, in the corporate realm, any board director, company officer, division president, regional director, department manager, production supervisor, etc. will candidly speak to the greatest pressure in their lives. More income, more sales, more profit, more production, more revenue – anything that will show an increase in year over year growth. Always gotta GROW, even though yuv been out of puberty for 20 or 30 years!?
Well, you can imagine that this state of affairs can only go on for so long. As a matter of fact, this party’s now over. And the hangover is about to begin. Perhaps it’s time to send these twins on a permanent vacation to the waterless region.

The workers even at the executive level are just slaves to the system.


VII. War, as a means of wealth creation, is now bankrupt. War, as a means of conflict resolution, is over. As a means to any end whatsoever, war is finished. You get the picture, don’t you? War has outlived its usefulness, and has become as obsolete as the derivatives hawker. There is simply no more place for it in civil society. It’s time for the curtain to fall on this show for the last time, and for all of its bad actors to hit the stage exit.
It never was a legitimate policy for conflict resolution, as we know. Virtually all conflicts and wars were manufactured in the boardrooms of the world. And impeccably stage managed by the directors of the war studios. Isn’t the Iraq war a perfect example of this kind of terrible and awful-to-watch “B” movie?

I like B movies. I disagree. I think that banks make up wars, but only part for profit, part for depopulation. You should look into the whole globalist depopulation theories. Most of it comes straight from the horses' mouthes. But yes, enslave the people, make them build something, blow it up, kill people, charge the govt. and let them tax the people that slave and survive.

But rhetorically, you should be analyzing why war exists, since it isn't ending. It's serving a purpose or two, just not the ones that people think.


Any deliberate, probing and unprejudiced analysis of all the major wars going back to the French Revolution will reveal an extraordinary degree of carefully calculated and coordinated events leading up to the actual conflagrations we call war. Just read the actual history that is only now beginning to surface, and you will reach this very same conclusion.

Gnomes of Zurich.


War has consistently served its masters in three ways which no longer have relevance in an enlightened civilization: (i) population control (ii)

Ah, you got there, that's still a goal. It's just who is trying to control whose population that's the key.


artificial creation of wealth for the plutocracy (iii)

Wealth of course is only the abstract creation of power. Power by any means is the goal. The reason this post industrial revolution setting makes sense is that religion had lost its grip, and capital was losing its grip, it needed a new grip, it needed to control the new force of society: Industry.

The NWO now is currently struggling to control the new force in our present society: Information. This is the information age, and the information revolution. It is indeed our chance to break free.


imposition of a tyrannical order in the wake of the chaos that always results from war. Population control in this context has different meanings. The number of people who are systematically genocided, wantonly annihilated and deliberately infected with disease agents serve the purpose of population reduction. Then there is the sheer terror of war and its effects on whole populations (see how easily controlled both the Germans and Japanese were after WWII). “Order out of chaos” is made easy when all concerned parties have been faced with the extraordinary distraction, mayhem and pandemonium that war always brings.

Now it is done more discreetly most of the time. The spread of disease, birth control, etc. Every social policy of the NWO has these elements in it. Margaret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, and her counterpart in Britain whose name escapes me were both open fascists, advocating wholesale cessation of the right of humans to reproduce, going so far as to call the non-elites "the undersirables." Sterilization efforts against the poor in the 1970s and 80s. But there are a hundred policies like this. We all know who wrote China's One Child Policy and why, and what they got in return "Most Favored Nation Status." Now that's a deal with the devil.


There are, of course, many other declared wars whose battlegrounds are far from the traditional battlefields of armed conflict. The WAR on Drugs. The WAR on Poverty. The WAR on Crime. The WAR on AIDS. Just like the WAR on TERROR, all of these so called wars are entirely bogus and fabricated, as they all have consistently produced outcomes that are completely contrary to their stated purposes. How so? Because each of them has been designed, and engineered, to perpetuate and expand the status quo. The War on Drugs, for instance, was designed in part to ensure that the opium (and all of its profitable derivatives) flows freely and efficiently from the poppy fields of Afghanistan to the targeted markets in America and elsewhere.

And that the price remains high.
High price is not just profitable, but it creates dealers who will go out and advertise to create demand.
If gas were a penny a gallon, we'd be driving electric cars, because there would be more money in it for the electric companies (comes out to about 3 cent a gallon equiv to run an electric car) They electric companies would gain the power, influence washington and detroit, and there would be electric cars everywhere. Then they would try to monopolize and control the price of electricity, and crack down on solar cells.


In this way, all clandestine US and foreign intelligence agencies/secrets services are able to fund their innumerable black operations without any congressional oversight or public scrutiny from the massive revenues generated that this perfectly controlled black market provides. Oh, yes, did we forget to mention that most of these black ops are actually wars as well. What a Racket?! As Major General Smedley Butler once proclaimed to the world in his book: “WAR IS A RACKET.”

Gnomes are always selling weapons to both sides. Even now.


May the shadow governments of the warmongering and real “Axis of Evil” – the USA, the UK and Israel – truly imbibe the message contained in this ongoing proclamation: WAR is no longer an option. For each of these nations is facing an economic armegeddon of staggering and unprecedented proportions. When confronted with such an incapacitating monetary meltdown, the impulse and subsequent orchestrated plan, historically, has been to provoke wars through false flag attacks/operations. This knee-jerk, yet carefully calculated, reaction will no longer work. The consequential global financial apocalypse, this time around will simply be too demanding and debilitating, especially for those who would attempt to plunge the planet into a WWIII scenario. Why? The global money matrix, that supports and keeps their war machine well-oiled, has been in a slow motion collapse for many years, and is now in an epoch crashing free-fall. It’s disintegrating before our eyes, and will soon be unable to fund not so much as a dustup in the neighborhood sandlot.
The 4th Reich has completely run its course. This last covert phase of the “Holy Roman Empire” is finally over. And it’s now imperative that the maestro, and his orchestra, in ‘Rome’ get over it. Let us once again proclaim, here and now, that: WAR HAS COME TO AN END.

Nice dream. Here's my counterpoint. The great depression was engineered. As was WWI. Once the Banks had the power of the federal reserve, they pushed us into a world war. Our entry, with our co-conspiratory Britain, made it a world war, rather than a continuation of the franco-prussian war which would probably have ended in a germanic union of some sort. But in selling weapons to all sides, the Gnomes made a mint. They wanted more war. The people were not willing to go back to war, so the federal reserve needed to crash the market, so it could buy up industry. It did this through a credit economy much like the one you've just seen. Afterwords, a depression was created. The civilian corps was intentionally created as a predecessor to the new military industrial complex that would fight the new war. A military machine was created, and the American people were drafted to be sacrificed to an artificial foe.

Artificial? Yes. I mean to say this. I mean to say that Nazi Germany was deliberately created by a coup supported by western banking powers from the US, Britain and more than anywhere else, from Zurich, Switzerland. Neutral? Oh P-h-lease. They set the whole thing up. One the unelected dictator Adolph Hitler had seized power in Germany, he at once set to work enabling his japanese ally and stooge, Tojo, to overthrow the power of Hirohito, and create the new expansionist power. Grandmaster's pawns FDR and Churchill diliberately arranged for China vs. Japan and Russia vs. Germany to be fought to the full extent possible, until all four powers were sufficiently weakened that they could sweep in, claim victory, and save the day, while saving no lives, and killing a great many more.


VIII. There is a very profound and significant connection between the US Government sponsored and staged terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 and the PRE-PLANNED Financial & Economic 9/11 of 2008 that may be difficult for many to fully embrace. But here it goes:
The OMEN that 911 truly was, looks a little bit like THE LORD OF THE RINGS.

Don't forget not only the patriot act, but that Clinton tried this same trick in 1993.


Remember the Twin Towers? When they came down in NYC, it was a message to humankind that the reign of the Almighty Dollar was coming to an end. As a nation’s currency goes, so goes its destiny. Her financial strength and economic prowess were on the wane, and soon to be greatly diminished. Just as the WTC (financial capital of the world) was pulverized into dust, the US Dollar would be swept into the ash heap of history. Just as we see it collapsing all around us, exactly 7 years after the original 911 apocalyptic events.

Interesting point. The clients that survived mostly relocated to the new World Trade Center in Dubai. The building already existed, with that name, but it did not serve that purpose yet. Yes, the NWO gnomes intended to kill american industry. The gnomes have moved many times, and now they are moving to the middle east, and China. Possibly India. I wish them well fighting it off.


When the Ring of Power was finally destroyed, like the Pentagon (ring-shaped command center of the military-industrial complex) was mortally wounded and damaged, the message was equally clear. Her military might and superior force would be reduced to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. She would, likewise, soon see the demise of Her all-pervasive state sponsored terrorism. This, because She had lost all moral ascendancy. Besides, the empire could no longer be sustained politically, financially, practically or ethically, as the seeds of its own destruction had fully sprouted. The most fatal seed grew into that extremely corrupt and predatory form of corporate, crony capitalism which was so socially unconscious, and so environmentally unaware, it was quite doomed from the very beginning.

I disagree. The MIC and the ring survive. The Pentagon represents a tower of men, but it is not Minas Tirith, unless Denethor still reigns, the attacks on the pentagon did not intend to destroy. I think the intent was to kill certain people in that building, and create a new security. This american war machine lives on, but not for America, it serves Sauron. But then, it always did.


The GOOD NEWS is that the nation – its people – will now be compelled to beat their “swords into plowshares” and their “spears into pruning hooks”.
Just as the Phoenix rose from its ashes, so too will America ascend to even greater heights. As long as She ascends with the guidance of the highest of ideals, loftiest of principles and noblest of intentions. And She reforms, and transforms Herself, in good faith, in earnest and with haste.
As a modern day prophet said in the days immediately following September 11, 2001:
“America, Wake up ! ! ! Seize this God-given opportunity. There is no more time to dally in fear and ignorance and greed. For yours is a destiny that must serve as a beacon of Light and Hope and Peace to the world. Make haste, the time is drawing nigh!”

We're still under the spell of Saruman. The one ring is gold, money, and ultimately, power, ultimate power.

The one ring is what the gnomes crave, it's what controls them, in their craven cravings deep within their caves, the cheneys in their bunkers.

The people of the world must unite, as they did in middle earth, not to melt into one entity, but to respect one another, but fight together.
Be we muslim, Chrisian, or elvish. :)

Well said. A lot of rant, and some mis-steps, but solid. Break this down into hinge points that you can call "puzzle pieces" of the problem, and possible solutions as "platform points" and please repost these on a new thread, or my If Browncoats Ruled the Earth thread.

This took 1 hour 40 minutes. It was worth it, because I think it was very well thought out and while I can't say any of it was news to me, you have thought this through very well, and understand the world situation much clearer than I would have thought.

You've elevated yourself in my eyes to one of the few, I think there are maybe 1/2 a dozen here, who truly understand 90% of what's going on. I don't think any of us understand 100%. And while there is a great deal of overlap, I think together, we could make that 99%.

Please, by all means, lets bury any bygones, this really impressed me. I'm very glad I took the time. You can see the barrier of my resistance, I've read many rants this long on this board, but only one or two that really shown, and thousands that just ranted. Well done.

Feel free to email me at gmail.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 12:20 AM


O2B tends to cover it well enough that I rarely expound or add comment - and my side of this is a more humanist/anarchist angle to the same thing, effectively.

Except if I was gonna compare anything to the "Ring of Power", it'd be Government itself.



Tuesday, January 6, 2009 3:54 AM


Yes, long gone Liminocity posted this a long time ago. About the ring.

The ring is power, Tolkein make this clear.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:39 AM


I agree with the identified problems, but not with the predicted solutions.

War, for example, will NEVER end. Neither will poverty or death.

BTW, not somnabulant here. Just moved to an apt here in Peru that is far from cell towers (son's health is improving), but has no internet. Gotta go to an internet cafe every so often to check email and stuff.

Dr. Horrible Karaoke


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 6:00 AM


Internet cafes are very useful. I used one while homeless in budapest, it's where I learned neurochemistry and cured myself, something the medical establishment could not do. Now I know, it is because they didn't want to do it, I was much more profitable sick than healthy.

Best of luck with your son, I don't know this story.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:57 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Not lazy, busy.

I'm on a crusade against information overload, so I thought I'd post it. My own posts are long and tedious.

Any segment should be summarized with the key points in <200 words.
...Otherwise, you end up with a debate of only the unemployed.

Nothing against the unemployed , there'll be a lot more of them , soon enough...

Just de-process the nonrelevant information...

Your 'crusade' is your own...Don't expect many to join you...

When I post something , or comment on another's post , I control the edits...Same as you do , in your own case...

Most of my posts are simply informational in nature...Just collatin' data , as they say...

Admittedly , that's not for everyone...

YMMV , but don't imagine that you're a forum keeper , or copper , or what-have-you...

As for the past , it's prologue...But , it's all just 'air through the engine' now...

I'll send you a note when time permits...But , I'm busy too...All the intelligent folk are , getting ready for
what's going into the fan...


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 2:02 PM



I control the edits...Same as you do

I wish I did, they'd be much shorter.


Just collatin' data

I used to do that on forums.


YMMV , but don't imagine that you're a forum keeper , or copper

None of this meant anything to me. I think you might have the wrong guy, unless YMMV is some other user.


I'll send you a note when time permits...But , I'm busy too...All the intelligent folk are , getting ready for
what's going into the fan...

You guys are way early. Get ready for Dollhouse instead :)

But re-read my long answer to your article. I thought it was on the right track. I'd concur with whoever posted that you have a better grasp on the problems then the solutions, but this is true of us all. If you watch C-Span, you'll hear a lot of people in govt. who actually know problems, but people who know solutions are rare. That's why those of us who know the real problems should get together, so that we can create solutions.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 2:40 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

...You guys are way early. Get ready for Dollhouse instead :)

But re-read my long answer to your article. I thought it was on the right track. I'd concur with whoever posted that you have a better grasp on the problems then the solutions, but this is true of us all.

...That's why those of us who know the real problems should get together, so that we can create solutions.

We are together...That's why we're called 'Browncoats' !


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 2:51 PM


I meant intelligent people. There is a large population of alliance, blue sun and reavers, and lurkers and searchers that you would not want to outlay an actual plan for. I mean, yes, it's true, you can't stop the signal, but you don't broadcast you every move to alliance command.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 4:08 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
The times they are a changin'.

Change & growth are a painful business.

Here's to a little discomfort!!

No joke Chris. I grew 6 inches in 6th grade. You could hear my femurs stretching. During that year it was very difficult to chase a fly ball accross an outfield full of gophur holes with all the changes in coordination. I know suffering.

Out with the trash I say!, and Jan 20th is the day for the "politicians" bin to be set out for the trucks, and much to my dismay, alongside an empty "evangelicals" bin.

Wouldn't it be glorious if the evangelical influence in government went the way of the Dodo bird dragging Pat Robertson with them into a black hole sun!?

I find myself off topic, again.






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