What's killing this forum

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 16:52
VIEWED: 10258
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:06 AM


No, it's not being strangled by lichens, but it is dying. I've noticed a drop off in posters, and posts. News Headlines has ground to a complete halt. RWED is getting close to dead.

I kinda like the dog fighting pits, because they distract the trolls from the rest of the discussion, a sort of natural selection, but the overall hostility has made the would be posters back off, abandon threads, rooms, and eventually the forum, as I have done more than once.

It's the hate. The personal attack threads. Riverlove is more to be pitied than censured at this point, but remember that her namesake was not a straight arrow.

People need to calm down.

Rule #1. Read the line at the top of the page before submitting your post. They say things like "I love freedom of speech just as much as you, but I hope that you will post messages that are at least somewhat civil and in good taste." on this particular one.

2. Read over your post, and see if it fits that.

3. If it doesn't, edit, but before you edit, go take a breather. If, for instance, you need to go kill something, such as Hamas, then have at it.

4. The bagel this is really f^&king annoying. It's worse than the Nazi-calling

5. We're all browncoats here. People can be of any political stripe, and I suspect a lot of us are pretty far from Joss in some ways, but we all agree on some level, and we should focus on what we agree on.

Gaza and Israel. We all disagree. Let's drop it. Unless someone here has a fix that they can implement. If it were up to me, I'd take Yassin and Ohlmert out to the desert and build them a thunderdome and let the, well, let some guy win, and then they can decide the fate of the Levant. If it's two men enter, no one leaves, that also works for me. Probably for everyone else. But since I can't implement that plan, there's no point in destroying the forum.

My point is, y'all is scaring the fish away.

I kinda like RiverLove. She should recognize that SignyM has been here since the middle ages, and is ultra mellow. Rue gets a little intense at times, and maybe needs to go kill something, or save a puppy, or whatever it takes, but we should all read the lines posted above our to-be posts, and take chill pill, a long walk, or go hack up some reavers until we can post something civil.

It can still be something insane


Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I've been here long enough to see that it's a cyclical thing; it happens with most forums to one degree or another. Things heat up, things are said, civility is called for, things calm down until the next big love-it-or-hate-it topic comes along. Maybe we all just need to vent now and again...

Also, things ARE going to slow down a bit when there's no news on the Firefly front. No new movie rumors are circulating, we're all patiently awaiting Dollhouse, nothing new on any rumored Buffyverse movies or miniseries ("Ripper", anyone? Spike movie? Anything?).

So, with nothing better to do with our favorite website, we get bored and start yanking each other's tails to see what reaction we'll get. Mostly, the reactions are predictable. Occasionally, they're surprising.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:27 AM


America loves a winner!


My point is, y'all is scaring the fish away.

I'm just glad you used " y'all " in it's proper form, instead of ya'll.

Though I think it's " y'all ARE ", and not " y'all IS ". Maybe both are acceptable ? Not 100% certain on that part.

Oh, speaking of Spike. No news here, but I DL'd some audio clips for my IPod, and randomly have Buffy/Angel/Firefly lines playing during my song list. There aren't too many, currently, so they're fairly infrequent in occurence. Yesterday I was listening, and between songs, Spike blurts out, " Sorry Spock, I don't speak loser ".

I just had to laugh.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:02 AM


DT, thanks fer nuthin'. This board should die if people like SignyM can call me a JEW CUNT and worse, and others accept it. At least I got a BRAVO! yesterday from Auraptor, someone I respect, and that balances out a hundred Fuck You's from SignyM. You want to play pussyfoot with these vile in thought and vocabulary anti-Semetic terrorist apologists, fine with me. Bye


Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:06 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
No, it's not being strangled by lichens, but it is dying. I've noticed a drop off in posters, and posts. News Headlines has ground to a complete halt. RWED is getting close to dead.

I kinda like the dog fighting pits, because they distract the trolls from the rest of the discussion, a sort of natural selection, but the overall hostility has made the would be posters back off, abandon threads, rooms, and eventually the forum, as I have done more than once.

It's the hate. The personal attack threads. Riverlove is more to be pitied than censured at this point, but remember that her namesake was not a straight arrow.

People need to calm down.

Rule #1. Read the line at the top of the page before submitting your post. They say things like "I love freedom of speech just as much as you, but I hope that you will post messages that are at least somewhat civil and in good taste." on this particular one.

2. Read over your post, and see if it fits that.

3. If it doesn't, edit, but before you edit, go take a breather. If, for instance, you need to go kill something, such as Hamas, then have at it.

4. The bagel this is really f^&king annoying. It's worse than the Nazi-calling

5. We're all browncoats here. People can be of any political stripe, and I suspect a lot of us are pretty far from Joss in some ways, but we all agree on some level, and we should focus on what we agree on.

Gaza and Israel. We all disagree. Let's drop it. Unless someone here has a fix that they can implement. If it were up to me, I'd take Yassin and Ohlmert out to the desert and build them a thunderdome and let the, well, let some guy win, and then they can decide the fate of the Levant. If it's two men enter, no one leaves, that also works for me. Probably for everyone else. But since I can't implement that plan, there's no point in destroying the forum.

My point is, y'all is scaring the fish away.

I kinda like RiverLove. She should recognize that SignyM has been here since the middle ages, and is ultra mellow. Rue gets a little intense at times, and maybe needs to go kill something, or save a puppy, or whatever it takes, but we should all read the lines posted above our to-be posts, and take chill pill, a long walk, or go hack up some reavers until we can post something civil.

It can still be something insane

The bagel "worse" then the Nazi-calling? Holy crap! It's just a silly quote from Family Guy.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:06 AM



it's a cyclical thing

Yah, but each cycle, we lose folks.


love-it-or-hate-it topic

Should just agree to disagree. I mean, I think that one side should be allowed to debate itself, like I thought it was good to be proven wrong on 2nd amendment, but just two things to note: 1) there was unnecessary hostility from some people, and 2) I wasn't the voice of gun control. If there had been a voice of gun control, it would've turned into a spiraling heap of gaza. But like, a thread on abortion between both sides? That serves no one.


things ARE going to slow down a bit when there's no news on the Firefly front.

There's a nathan thing coming out, and Sarah Conner Chronicles, Summer as evil robot, pretty hot. I have to say, if I make one criticism of SCC it's that it moves too fast. They should take a look at Buffy. The whole idea of a terminator as a high school student, that was interesting, it was worth a full six-episode stretch at least. There was hardly any char dev time. Likewise with the gf Riley? Where's the relationship. Either do it well, guys, or don't do it at all. I mean, I'm happy if they want to abandon John Connor's social life, but if they're going to do it, they should put in some heart and soul. It's not "star-trek" bad on that level, but it's not up to Joss level. Another one: River forgets she's a terminator. That was a great ep. Err, Cameron I mean. Anyway, I would have carried that for several eps.

And, there's room for Dollhouse speculation. I think it's there, it's just that if people just leave the site, as they might do when we all sink to godwin levels, then they don't post.


Mostly, the reactions are predictable. Occasionally, they're surprising.



I'm just glad you used " y'all " in it's proper form, instead of ya'll.

Though I think it's " y'all ARE ", and not " y'all IS ". Maybe both are acceptable ? Not 100% certain on that part.

I'm secretly from Kentucky. wasn't always a new yorker. It just slips out every once in a while. It's kind of interesting how different politics are regionally. Not always what people would expect. Like, the strongest right winger here is a mexican. He doesn't have an accent, and I didn't know for a long time, just thought he was short and dark. There's some mexifobia, but mostly coming from the skinheads, who are usually the same people as the crackheads, and I think they get their politics made to order from somewhere in california. Anyway, a lot of strong stances on 2nd amendment as stuff, and the libertarian stuff, but not so much on the religious front. There are a lot of fundamentalists up here, but they have abandoned politics completely. No megachurches, just mennonite communities and the like.

Racism is very different too. In KY everyone was pretty much separate but equal, not a lot of hostility between any groups, not a lot of hate. Up here, there's like two different camps, the peaceable kingdom melting pot camp and the lets hate [target group(s)] camp. Another dif. lot of italians, lot of jews up here, but the jewish people don't go ape on palestinians, or muslims. They tend not to be anti-Israel, just some of the hassidem, but they tend to call it as they see it, most of them just peg that sitution as unchecked aggression from the Ohlmert govt. and leave it at that. An increasing number of muslims also. That's awkward, because they don't talk to anyone else. No, correction, the arab muslims don't talk to anyone else. Pakistanis are very gregarious, there's not really any distance. I don't know, it's just interesting to watch humans react differently to clashing cultures.


Sorry Spock, I don't speak loser.

Spike has a band I've never listened to it. I also haven't caught high school musical, but wondered if it was buffy inspired. My personal idea for a Joss project I had a couple years ago. I think he should do a show something like Sunnydale, that's just perpetual musical, with different characters, maybe three songs an ep, invite different people to write for it.


" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

more neutral signature :)

I mean, ya never know, there might be some muslim who loves firefly. One thing I've picked up on is that there is a huge ethnic disparity among muslims. Like my friend who was in Iraq said down in sunni town (Sunnidale?) Oh dear, I feel a filk coming on, anyway, a lot of black cone and stuff. Up in Kurdistan, he said he was actually greeted as a liberator, they bought the soldiers beers, and then they went out to a strip bar. That's not the muslim world as it gets pictured in our press. There are some Iranians in town here, Iran is way different even from Iraq. The idea that this is a nation of fanatical loons is pretty absurd. It's a conservative capitalist western country. Kinda the reason I look at the whole thing differently. Are there islamofascists? Sure. Check out Saudi Arabia. But the term is potentially offensive. It's like some moron in the senate, I think it was George Allen, said that you couldn't use the term "Terrorist" without using the world Islamic. Islam's not an ideology of hate, any more than christianity or Judaism. There are particular groups that go off the deep end in all quarters.

Just for what it's worth. (It doesn't bug me as much as the Bagel thing. But it might bug someone.) I've refrained from going off on it, like I refrain from going off on John for the Russia comments and occassional China ones. I suppose in my own line, I should probably refrain from ranting on commies and socialists, just need to pull that chip and reprogram it some day and they'll be fine ;)


I watched this firefight between the two of you, and all sides definitely need to chill.

A couple things to bear in mind.

1. Signy is a long term member of the forum, and not someone who usually trades barbs. She's just a leftie.

I didn't see this post:

Origianlly Posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt. You and people like you are the real genocidal maniacs, all the while screaming about how "unfair" everyone is while you mow people down with bombs and machine guns. I hope you die in your own drunken vomit. TRY in the future to act like you had at least two neurons to rub together, you inadequate husk of a human being.
Oh, and BTW?
Fuck you.

SIGNY, M, dear. chill. This is really uncalled for. Riverlove is a normally unobjectionable person. I think there's an awful lot of instability going around.

I'm sorry I said the two of you would make a good catfight video, I'm afraid at this point, you'd make a good Jerry springer video.

Okay, both of you

2. Look up "Godwin's Law." It's like you have a loaded machine gun aimed at your own feet and are firing away.

3. I didn't assume that Signy meant anything by the jew comment, it just looked like an identification, like if I say Finn is military intelligence, or PN is USAF, that's just identification. If they want to call me an uneducated hick, they're free to do so. If they call me a nazi jew hater, I'm gonna take issue with that. (this sort of thing happens to everyone, a couple threads ago Finn blamed me for the holocaust. As a descendent of holocaust survivors, I took real offense at that. I seldom take offense at anything.)

Now, SIGNY, that was way out of line. River, that was way out of line. This whole thing escalated, but try to calm down. You just had a nuclear war, and now it's time to back off. I think that siding with anyone in this is worse than siding with someone in the Gaza dispute. Just, girls, back off.

Yeah, I'm aware of getting in the middle of this I'm bound to get some crossfire from both sides. It's the danger of being neutral. But I can't just stand back and watch the fireworks, because I think this sort of thing is killing the forum. So, everybody, chill.

*burries head in hands* Oh, as usual dear.
Of my personal favorite "Oh, bloody priceless"

Anyone else wanting to cheer on one side, remember, this is not on video, so there's limited entertain value. Let them cool off. I'm going to say some apologies are required, let them work that out.

Let me start be apologizing to Finn. I'm sorry I called you a war profiteer. I don't understand your position, which just looks pro-conflict to me, rather than pro-one side. But this is undoubtedly because I don't understand your position. You're probably the person on the forum who I don't get the most.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:27 AM



The bagel "worse" then the Nazi-calling? Holy crap! It's just a silly quote from Family Guy.

Yeah, the bagel thing is worse than insulting, it's annoying. It like, an actual nazi could sign onto this forum and take a position, probably not even as anti-semitic as some of the things already posted here, I don't think there are any nazis here. But if some nazi were to sign up and want to chat about firefly, I wouldn't go ape on them and say "dude, your people killed my ancestors" anymore than NVG does against us. I mean, from a time perspective, that was not that much longer ago. True, nazis chose to join a group with a history of genocide, but there's not really a logic too it. I suppose the same could be said of a lot of groups.

But the bagel thing is just ew. Like having a picture of your jizm as an avatar.

I actually thought the "choke and die on your own vomit was worse than the nazi thing, but I said I wouldn't take sides, so I just view it as a part of a radical escalation.

Humans are pretty simple critters. some hurls a rocket or ten over the border, and someone else sends a sortie, and pretty soon you have a genocidal war. It's sad that humanity hasn't outgrown this, but think of this, it's sadder that heads of state haven't.

River has some sympathy with the Israelis, and Signy has some sympathy with the Palestinians, but neither of them should get rapped up in this. Ohlmert is a class a rat bastard, and so is his palestinian counterpart. I mean, these are people who have literally raped and killed, personally, for kicks, they're reavers, both of them, and neither River nor Signy, if they knew a rapist+murderer personally would be defending them. They'd be keeping minimum safe distance. But now they're at each others throats because they have general sympathies with larger populations, and the result is absurd.

But understandable. The Bagel thing is just a yuck factor which has no justification. I don't want to think about your teenage jizm on my food.

If you want to be inappropriate, at least post a porno or something. I have some good slash topics in mind.

I don't know why but the kinkiest thing in the show was when River decided to marry Simon. More than the lesbian thing. Joss gets hot an bothered by two girls going at it, who doesn't, but he doesn't do it all that well, save one, and I don't mean willow and tara:

Faith+Buffy. That was probably the hottest girl-girl thing that Joss has done to date. Don't believe me, check out the lesbians online and what they choose to make their youtubes about. Someone's made a whole slew of Tatu videos.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:30 AM


I'm not sure about the forum being "killed". I mean, I see your point, some of the attacks on people on the thread about the gaza situation were pretty much bang out, but that same thread was the first time i've posted anything on here for about 6 months, regular posters probably wouldn't've recognised my name. I appreciated the fact that even the people I was arguing with seemed pretty intelligent and well informed about the Middle-East. To be honest it was a bit of a surprise, as a lot of Europeans figure that Americans don't really pay much attention to stuff outside the US Of A. I mean no offence by that, my point is if that post hadn't inspired such passionate responses I wouldn't have known how politically and socially aware a lot of the folks on here are.

Sometimes we might get a bit carried away, but as long as we can make a couple of on-the-edge jokes i see no reason why we can't continue to discuss such charged topics on here. I think people are too quick to make big leaps as well, any1 supporting the Palestinian cause was a terrorist sympathiser and anti-Semitic, while any1 supporting israel was war-mongering. Just be content to let people air their views and argue the point in a civilised manner. As a heads up if your start going radge calling folks all sorts, you kinda lose undermine your points, cause you just look irrational and pretty daft. You crazy Yanks....

ps i hope those smileys work else am gona look REAL stupid!!!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:41 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
No, it's not being strangled by lichens, but it is dying. I've noticed a drop off in posters, and posts. News Headlines has ground to a complete halt. RWED is getting close to dead.

The problem is that Firefly has been gone for a long time and the threads that bind us together as a community are dwindling. I saw the same thing happen with Dark Angel when it was cancelled. The difference between the Dark Angel forum and this one is that we have the RWED thread or the “Scum Trap” as I like to call it. The political debate, the religious debate, etc that often tends to become heated and breed bad tempers occurs in the RWED to a large extent and keeps the rest of the board more or less on topic. The Dark Angel forum didn’t have that. They had a “General topics” board, where Dark Angel discussion and everything else took place. It didn’t take more then a year after Dark Angel was canceled before the debate on the board was completely consumed by religious and political discussion and people forgot the lines that connected them as a community.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:44 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


My personal idea for a Joss project I had a couple years ago. I think he should do a show something like Sunnydale, that's just perpetual musical, with different characters, maybe three songs an ep, invite different people to write for it.

My personal idea for a good Joss project would be along the same lines, but my idea was a full-on Broadway musical (and I tend to loathe musicals) of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Just based on what he did with the episode "Once More With Feeling", I found myself wanting to see the whole series condensed down to 2-3 hours, as a musical.

Sadly, given the current state of Broadway musicals, I don't see that happening too soon.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:50 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Mostly, the reactions are predictable. Occasionally, they're surprising.


Yup, surprising. As in, occasionally I find myself utterly surprised to be in complete agreement with something posted by someone with whom I'm usually diametrically opposed to. In the last few days, I've found myself in complete agreement with Geezer on a few points, and in this very thread, I find myself in complete agreement with Finn on his above-posted reply.

And no, I don't get offended when RWED gets referred to as a "scum trap", because that is its function. It keeps the messy day-to-day stuff and the infighting out of the other forums, which is a great thing. It obviously doesn't mean that all who post in RWED are scum, or Finn would be including himself in that pantheon. It's where we come to argue, debate, or just vent. It's a valuable place, but it really needs a warning for the new or weak-hearted. Things DO tend to get heated in here!


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:12 AM


Badger, Finn, good points.

Political corner is a scum trap that sucks the politics out of the actual discussion, but there should be a mud pitt for things like this.

I've just been watching and the number of posters declines rapidly on all pages when the violence level goes up.

And yes, it's stoked by threads like this.

We should have a stoploss in place for all positions. If something hits a godwin level, or something of the nature, it should be abandoned. Like a ban on Gaza discussions

Also, a ban on blatantly opinion baiting. I mean, some threads do create this sort of fire. People should be allowed to debate gaza without getting into this.

Here's something obvious: Gaza is part of a sovereign state, and that should be respected. Their govt. is behaving badly, and that should be dealt with. I think this is a very similar issue to the Iraq war, which we all could debate more rationally from a distance.

But we probably do better avoiding it altogether.

The thing is, there were so many rivers a couple weeks ago it was confusing. Now there's just one. Most of the posters have run away, and several have posted this as the reason. I would've, but I got bored. I'm still bored. I should probably be working on something, free up some time, delete this bookmark. Something which others debated, and so they left. They might be back, or might not. This ebb and flow is not good, as people lost are probably only 50% likely to come back at some point.

I wonder what the size of a functional online community forum would be, where you know everyone's name, and position, etc.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:33 AM


One problem is that certain posters like to start a new topic on every single thing they think of which drives every other topic off the Top 100 Discussions link. It basically drives every Firefly topic out of sight and replaces it with "Wooo! I have no brain! Liberals/Republicans are morons!"


Sunday, January 11, 2009 10:34 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

It's not our fault that all web traffic is down. Fewer people can afford internet, especially at broadband prices. After all, we're in a Depression, not a Recession.

Plus FFF has to compete with the shiny new websites popping up as the latest trend. Even Myspace is dying from that disease.

It doesn't help that FF Season 2 and Serenity 2 are no-shows. That's the bottom line.

Maybe we need to invade 2nd Life and hang with the fantasy freaks? Might even get laid in the "Companion spaces", one way or another, for a price.

Does 2nd Life have RWED? Maybe we can kill that too?

"You can't stop the signal. You can never stop the signal... He killed me with a sword! How weird is that?!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV, Serenity


Sunday, January 11, 2009 11:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just like to point out that I've been extremely civil and patient with nasty peeps like Riverlove, Whozit, BDN etc. I post ONE in-kind post, and Riverlove has a hissy fit!

It's nasty peeps and trolls who are driving everyone away.

Let's party like its 1929.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:02 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Just like to point out that I've been extremely civil and patient with nasty peeps like Riverlove, Whozit, BDN etc. I post ONE in-kind post, and Riverlove has a hissy fit!

It's nasty peeps and trolls who are driving everyone away.


Sigy-Heil! Another full of shit post from the resident vulgarity queen. Getting ready to call me or anybody else a CUNT today?...Hmmm? Got any new gems to hurl out of your foul mouth for us? Where you been all day, downloading your news from Al Jazeera and Hamas websites? No holds barred now you ignorant slut. And I owe you a few FUCK YOU's too. So FUCK YOU. Need an explanation of that, you Jew-hating Nazi asshole?


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:09 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Just like to point out that I've been extremely civil and patient with nasty peeps like Riverlove, Whozit, BDN etc. I post ONE in-kind post, and Riverlove has a hissy fit!

It's nasty peeps and trolls who are driving everyone away.

Let's party like its 1929.

I can be as nasty as any at times, but never draw first blood. If people don't want to get trashed they should hold their tongue in the first place. If you call me stupid and I return in kind, you're the one that has the choice to take it to the next level or not. To your credit SignyM you rarely do. The problem is that the thin skinned around here don't know when to leave well enough alone. It gets tiresome hearing every one of our best posters here called trolls on a regular basis when in reality it's just someone with thin skin got their feelings hurt. I'd rather see a good fight now and then than see anyone banned. There are no trolls on this site, just a lot of wussies.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:26 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
No, it's not being strangled by lichens, but it is dying

Not so fast trove. Forums are loosing traffic to Blogs industry wide. Also, I post on five different forums, and all of them have one person who thinks they're all dying. Yet only one died in 08 and that was a software issue.

It's nice to make suggestions. But any lack of traffic won't be helped by newbies coming in and seeing rwed posters stifled and trembling under the weight of the rules you've outlined either.

If you can't walk you crawl, if you can't crawl...well, you know.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I'd rather see a good fight now and then than see anyone banned. There are no trolls on this site, just a lot of wussies.

And, in another surprise, I find myself in agreement with Kirk!


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:51 PM


Wow, I just join today and see this. What did I just walk into?


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:52 PM



I post a new topic when it's a new topic, like this. Notice my videos thread is an effort to keep the number of threads down. As for anyone that might be posting way too many new topics, I don't know whozit you're talking about.


I was referring to the rapid drop off every time a fight breaks out. Like 3/4 of users ditch. Btw, you might be right about Israel getting it's ass kicked. They're about to get invaded. God what a mess. Kudos to the US from blocking them from attacking Iran. I guess this point goes to Finn, because the Pentagon said "that would start a new world war."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:59 PM



Not so fast trove.

Actually, several on this site have already died.
It's not helped by people coming in and seeing topics like, let me get this right:

"SignyM , Nazi Bully Should Be Banned From RWED"

sorry love, you posted the thread.


very funny


Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:12 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Not so fast trove.

Actually, several on this site have already died.
It's not helped by people coming in and seeing topics like, let me get this right:

"SignyM , Nazi Bully Should Be Banned From RWED"

sorry love, you posted the thread.


very funny

I was actually being serious. I just joined today.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by KilloWertz:
Wow, I just join today and see this. What did I just walk into?

WARNING: REAL-WORLD EVENT DISCUSSIONS is not a forum for the meek!!

KilloWertz: Welcome. Watch your step. It can be a bit dicey in here at times. The other areas of the forum are much more friendly. Sometimes, some of us who fight tooth and nail in here actually get along decently in the other areas.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:16 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I was referring to the rapid drop off every time a fight breaks out. Like 3/4 of users ditch.

True, but a lot of that is the usual phenomenon of a mob scene when a fight breaks out. Few join in, but all want to watch.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:18 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by KilloWertz:
Wow, I just join today and see this. What did I just walk into?

WARNING: REAL-WORLD EVENT DISCUSSIONS is not a forum for the meek!!

KilloWertz: Welcome. Watch your step. It can be a bit dicey in here at times. The other areas of the forum are much more friendly. Sometimes, some of us who fight tooth and nail in here actually get along decently in the other areas.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."

I'll keep that in mind and thanks for the welcome.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:29 PM



Originally posted by KilloWertz:
Wow, I just join today and see this. What did I just walk into?

Welcome to the RWED KilloWertz. It's actually pretty friendly around here for newcomers. Just ignore the foul language and bickering amongst the old timers and join the conversation. RWED is the anything goes forum on this site and is not typical of the other forums here, many choose to steer clear of RWED but I hope you won't.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:38 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I think you'll really like the site in general, but RWED (Real World Event Discussions, if you were wondering) definitely isn't everybody's cup of tea.

There are lots of fine folks on this site who don't venture in here at all. Others of us aim to misbehave... ;)


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 3:50 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Actually, several on this site have already died.
It's not helped by people coming in and seeing topics like, let me get this right:

I would never tell another member to go away. So don't take it the wrong way when I suggest you strengthen your case by increasing the number of people who've left by one.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 3:55 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:

Originally posted by KilloWertz:
Wow, I just join today and see this. What did I just walk into?

Welcome to the RWED KilloWertz. It's actually pretty friendly around here for newcomers. Just ignore the foul language and bickering amongst the old timers and join the conversation. RWED is the anything goes forum on this site and is not typical of the other forums here, many choose to steer clear of RWED but I hope you won't.

Thanks for the welcome as well. I'll venture all over the forums. I just will try to stay out of the fights.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:05 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by KilloWertz:
Wow, I just join today and see this. What did I just walk into?


FFF fanfic is strong. RWED just adds a little spice to life.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Thanks for the welcome as well. I'll venture all over the forums. I just will try to stay out of the fights.

Actually, once you get your feet wet a bit, feel free to dive right in! :)


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:14 PM



I would never tell another member to go away. So don't take it the wrong way when I suggest you strengthen your case by increasing the number of people who've left by one.

It's always a mystery why people post things like this. They serve only one purpose, to lower the likelyhood that the recipient will ever take anything they seriously again, ie., to discredit themselves.

I of course, have no case, I was simply stating an obvious statistical fact based on the number of posts and users posting. As usual, I have no agenda, and am pretty difficult to get any kind of reaction out of. It's only my weakness that Finn succeeded.

As I said, twice in four years is not a lot. As far as insults of the nature of my faith, they also don't effect me, not because I'm above it, think more, that I am to the side of it, it passes me by.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:29 PM


Double Post. But I'm not a double post without a purpose. I can mention how much the blue starfish adds to the kitten sniper image.


Monday, January 12, 2009 9:29 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
It's always a mystery why people post things like this. They serve only one purpose, to lower the likelyhood that the recipient will ever take anything they seriously again, ie., to discredit themselves.

I'm hardly interested in my individual popularity. When I'm banned I'll know I went too far. I just dissmiss out of hand rules for behavior that go beyond "no threats, no racism, or no sexism".

Originally posted by dreamtrove:As I said, twice in four years is not a lot. As far as insults of the nature of my faith, they also don't effect me, not because I'm above it, think more, that I am to the side of it, it passes me by.
Faith is a great thing.


Monday, January 12, 2009 10:07 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I kinda like RiverLove."

RiverLove spends about 5% of the time trying to be reasonable and the other 95% of the time spewing insults, accusations, and foul langauge. RiverLove is one of the bigger problems on the board.

"Rue gets a little intense at times ..."

Then you should bother to READ MY POSTS. I don't get intense in the way you claim to dislike. I rarely call anyone names, hardly ever use foul language, never lie and DO respond to the topic. I do on occasion REPLY to the filth that is spewed my way. The one thing I do is insist on pointing out the truth when people lie - which they do a lot. Does THAT make me a problem ? Then I'm glad to be one, but I disagree strenuously with your notion of 'problem'.


Silence is consent.


Monday, January 12, 2009 10:13 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh, BTW DT, since you've shown your preference for RivLv and apparently see not much wrong with those posts, and accuse ME of being over the top, I thought I dig up some classic RivLv from not too long ago:

RiverLove's first post on the thread

" You sound like PN, Al Jazeera, and Al Zawahiri. Those your new talking point providers now? I'm stunned and terribly disappointed in you and Rue. You have no credibility any more. Maybe you're just so used to fighting with Auraptor & Geezer that you've lost sight of reality and rightousness in this current situation.

Second post

"Well that just proves my point. You don't really even believe the crap you are spewing. Fuck me? No fuck you, you Jew hating terrorist-loving dumb fuck."

Third post

"Yer wasting your time with this Signy piece of shit. His new thing now is to parrot Al Zawahiri and PN in their delusional hatred of Israel, call us stupid, and then say fuck you. I think he's lost his mind, likely as a result of 8 years of Bush Derangement Syndrome. He's got his Bush leaving in 10 days and he's desperate for something new to hate. You Finn, and Auraptor, and Geezer are 100% right about everything you've written on this subject."

Fourth post

"What gall and utter delusion for you to pass judgment on the will and intelligence of Israeli citizens. Your stunning stupidity, and irrationally biased support for evil is appalling, and all sane people can see now that you now lie in filth in the gutter next to PN and the rest of the team that supports your insane positions; positions that cheerlead for Al Qaeda, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Skinheads, Traditional European Anti-Semitism & Nazism, etc.all determined to destroy Israel. You are on the team of savages, enemies of civilization, enslavers of women, and barbaric enforcers of dogmatic vileness. You make me sick. Why don't you go down to Ft Lauderdale and stand proudly next to the gal screaming out the other day to throw Jews back into the oven. She's on your team. She see the world like you do. Like the forces you support and sympathize with you are psychotic, and morally and ethically bankrupt."

Sixth post

"Wrong on both counts you Nazi idiot. You said your "fuck you" for the day already. Now you can put your typing thumb back up your sorry ass."

This, the same RvrLv who admitted to only posting hate-posts out of hate:

Do you and Zit have anything going but being liberal haters ? Just, you know, wondering, since that's all you seem to do (think, feel, write about ...)

Right now, no.


Accusations, filth, insults - and mostly hate, hate, and more hate; and not a hint of rational discussion - does that float your boat, DT ?


Monday, January 12, 2009 10:31 AM


Part of it is some really obvious sock puppetry by longtime posters who don't have the guts to spew that filth with their primary usernames.

Remember, as I have noted before I cut my teeth on text only and ANSI BBS's and therefore can often identify someone from their phrasing, word choices, style and cadence in text the same way telegraph operators can ID each other by the "fist" of the message.

I don't usually care, is all - but lately it's been taken to ridiculous extremes, and as I say, they know who they are.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, January 12, 2009 10:50 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Part of it is some really obvious sock puppetry by longtime posters who don't have the guts to spew that filth with their primary usernames.

I got yer sock puppetry.


Monday, January 12, 2009 11:38 AM


Frem, interesting sockpuppet comment.

I have to say that this is probably for people in desperate need of a life. But still, probably true.


You're sometimes over the top. You're not alone. Everyone on one end of the political perspective is bound to be, because they have a firmly held set of beliefs. I've always gotten along with you and Signym, and figured you didn't need any coddling. Signy did go over the line, and as a sane person, she probably shoulda reined it in. I think in the flame wars, she really capped it.

I don't really like the tag-teaming.

Auraptor has posted some things that are definitely over the line but usually falls within it. Finn says a lot of stuff I disagree with, and there's a sort of arrogance that goes with it which is annoying. For a blatant partisan, geezer is pretty mild. The most annoying thing on the forum to be is Whozit's jizm.

IDK, it bugs me. It makes it hard for me to take him seriously.

Riverlove said some interesting stuff when I came back on, I thought newbies are always nice, and anyone who identifies with River is probably insane. So, she hasn't disappointed in the crazy.

But here's what really bugs me, and it's extremely annoying. There's just a fair amount of unmitigated bigotry. Most of it falls on muslims. Some of it falls on jews, and on rednecks (that part was in rare form this past election.)

So, yes, you're pretty intense sometimes. Usually when you argue a political topic, I stand back and watch the fireworks. When Finn gets into it, I just ignore him. He's not alone. I pretty much have Whozit on ignore until he drops the bagel thing, and I have FMF on ignore.

Assume for a second that Riverlove is an unstable teenager, and that you and Signy are seasoned professionals. Then doesn't it seem out of line? Is she crazy? Of course. So is Pirate News, and he doesn't seem to mind people saying that. A lot of people here are not ultra-stable. I mean, they're fans of a show that's really largely about mental illness. Also abuse of power.

Now consider that SignyM, who I like and get along with, can out-do RiverLove in a battle of hate, surely that's an objective lapse in judgment.

If I make fun of people in pretty established positions, it's because they sink to the mud pit. Creatures who live in the mud pit, or come from it, behaving like animals, that's kind of to be expected. No offense, I'm not a Nazi :) and no, I'm not getting into it.

Look it this way. Remember Chelsea Clinton tearing into some 9 year old girl during the campaign? That's absurd. That's sort of how it looks. True, we don't have ages and professions and medical histories posted next to us, but we sort of don't need them.

So yeah, I think RiverLove has things to contribute to the forum, like Fruity Obama Bar

Think a moment about the character of River, and then thing how it would sound to say... well you get the point.

Anyway, I have nothing against you and SignyM, and I'm not taking sides. I think "I hope you choke on your vomit and die" is a bit extreme. Now, I could be wrong. It's entirely possible that SignyM is not a middle aged working professional and Riverlove has no mental health issues. But when she's not trying to kill people, she sometimes has interesting things to say.

So do you and Signy and most people. I think on political points, what I mean by you can get intense is that you've gotten into some arguments, and have become a citizeneque immovable object, which is probably the overall characteristic of liberals that conservatives have problems with. I avoid those, and we have interesting topics on other issues. And yes, sure, there are some right wing immovable objects, we know who they are.

But if everyone were to just try to see the other person's point of view, I think we could not only get along better, but have much more interesting discussions.

For instance, I could challenge Geezer or Auraptor to take a pro-gaza position consistant with their own right to self defense. This is a serious challenge. Ignore for a moment what you assume to be true about the action of Hamas, etc., and any association you may have with Israel, consider the possibility that the MSM is as usual lying, and that anything might be the truth. Then take a "what if" approach to "what if palestinians are just defending their homes against unchecked aggression, and make an argument in their favor. And really try. If you can do that, and do it convincingly, it will add to your credibility on arguments.

As for those of you who can't move from the left position, try a defense of the rights of christian communities, or muslim ones, to have their own way of life. Assume that the women in these societies are not "oppressed" but chose to be a part of them, for the sake of the argument.

Or choose your own topics, but argue with yourself. Most people here seem not anchored to a political position, and will often cave, or say "I see your point" or "I'll have to gnaw that over." I've had fierce disagreements with people that I've later been in complete disagreement with later. It helps that we didn't start calling each other Nazis and the like. But still...


Monday, January 12, 2009 12:01 PM


Well at least the forum seems to be alive and kicking!!! Loadsa posts on here.

I agree with dreamtrove, even tho I'm pretty sure we were arguing on a post the other day. There's absolutely no need for personal attacks on people. Look at the guy/girl who only signed up here yesterday and stumbled across the venom. Coulda scared the poor bugger off (hope it didn't btw) and that'd be a Browncoat lost, which is kinda the point of the site. Man, just cos someone supports a certain position doesn't mean they should be tarred with some radical brush. The term "radical", not an actual crazy broom!!!;) See, really bad jokes are the way to go here.

i'm not saying Riverlove or SignyM(that right?) should stop posting, cause it kinda contravenes the idea of frredom of speech, but next time your hittin out wi one of your venomous rants, just remember that you may be having a huge impact on someone's enjoyment of the site. Like I'd previously said I come on here to talk about big issues cos there's lots of intelligent people to bounce off. Yeah let it get heated and passionate but basically... don't be a dick.


Monday, January 12, 2009 12:30 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"You're sometimes over the top."

Show me where I am over the top and not responding to repeated baiting, foul-language, name-calling, baseless accusations, repeated lies, misrepresentations and so on. I don't start these things, but I have no problem responding. BTW I resent the double-standard that says it's OK for OTHER people, but not me.*

"I don't really like the tag-teaming."

I post when I have time and opportunity. That is roughly 1 day a week (or fewer) where I can actively participate in an ongoing discussion in an ongoing way, or even several discussions. There are usually 2-3 days a week where I don't come to the board at all. The rest of the days I may jump into a thread if I have time to read the posts and respond, but if the thread is too long and I can't catch up, I let it go.
I presume SignyM does the same, though I've noticed she is a more consistently present poster than I am.
Anything that looks like tag-teaming to you is purely imaginary on your part. I'm simply not here enough to catch up, let alone coordinate with anyone.
And, BTW, you may have noticed that I have often been the subject of tag-teaming, pile-on, and the like ...

"Remember Chelsea Clinton tearing into some 9 year old girl during the campaign? That's absurd. That's sort of how it looks."

* BTW I resent the double-standard.
This is how it looks to me - the first time around - yeah, maybe someone had a bad day, is young, is new ... 95% of the time, it looks like it's who they are ... after 3 years of the same crap ... sorry. They either learn or they get it back.
I spent years being patient and factual. Did it help ? NO. So I quit.

"... you've gotten into some arguments, and have become a citizeneque immovable object ..."

I'll give you an example. I spent a lot of time in one thread insisting on the facts -
that Hamas won an absolute majority of seats in a parliamentary system, that according to (the obviously Nazi web site) Wikipedia, it gave them the right to form the government WITHOUT a coalition of other parties, that Hamas was the legitimate government of the Gaza strip, and that Abbas' claim to be president was simply the attempt to create a junta.
I also said that Hamas didn't break the truce, that it was broken first by Israel and within 25 hours of signing, and that Hamas didn't fire rockets into Israel during the truce.
All of these are undisputed facts.

Should I NOT insist on them ? You tell me.

And, for my efforts in insisting on facts, I've been called all sorts of names (Nazi and Jew-hater among them), been accused of being horrible things (a Hamas loyalist for example), been derided, been piled-on, and tag-teamed.

I would give you more credit in this if you were not so obviously biased, turning a blind eye when people like Riverlove, Finn, Rap and the like do it, and jumping on me.


Silence is consent.


Monday, January 12, 2009 1:15 PM


Contravenes...great word. Right up there with specificity and repleat.


Monday, January 12, 2009 1:42 PM



Show me where I am over the top

Sorry, not my dept. You're very well aware that you've gotten into some very heated exchanges that go on for a long time. Me too, I try not to do it anymore. Citizen used to bait me all the time, and it was an endless trap, because he'd always throw in some insinuating snark that required a response. Not falling for that trick.


I don't start these things, but I have no problem responding.

No one starts it. That's the myth of the playground. The reality is someone step is a puddle, and splashes someone else who says "watch where you're going you clumsy oaf" and then the splasher says "Hey it's no big deal, don't be a freak" and then freak pushes splasher and pretty soon everyone's a nazi. The fact is each retort is trying to outdo the last, and instigation is almost always unintentional. Signy, for example, probably intended nothing insulting by calling river a jew.


And, BTW, you may have noticed that I have often been the subject of tag-teaming, pile-on, and the like ...

Sorry, I missed it. I tend to not read arguments. Its just that this one couldn't be escaped.


BTW I resent the double-standard. ... after 3 years of the same

hasn't been three years, her membership isn't a year old, and she wasn't here last time I was on.


I spent years being patient and factual. Did it help ? NO. So I quit.

Not sure. I don't take you to task for it but I think politically you're pretty much glued to one side. Not FMF glued, but glued. I think finn, rap and geez are glued to the other side, and that's in decreasing order of glue, but most of us are kind of in the middle somewhere.

If there were a rational discussion, I could see both sides on the Israel-Palestine thing, but this isn't a rational discussion, so there's no point.

"... you've gotten into some arguments, and have become a citizeneque immovable object ..."


I'll give you an example. I spent a lot of time in one thread insisting on the facts -
that Hamas won an absolute majority of seats in a parliamentary system, that according to (the obviously Nazi web site) Wikipedia,

Sorry, you're getting emotional again. Don't godwin your own argument.

A lot of things are in question. Hamas was elected sure, but so was Ohlmert. This is just an example of democracy being a sucky system. I mean, Bush was elected and sits there with his 15%, Ohlmert has 3%, but did all of the above cheat? probably. Was everyone allowed to vote? democrats weren't allowed to vote in the democratic primary. If they were, it probably would've been McCain in 2000. I think the same in reverse, it would probably still be Obama. But then there's the manipulation of the situation. Obama didn't win on merit or platform, he won because Bush was awful. Hamas won because their opponents were pathetic appeasers. I mean if Bush had reacted to 9-11 by saying "oh well, sh*t happens" and then someone had blown up the sears tower and he had said "yep, sucks to be us" then would he have a snowflakes chance of re-election in 2004? Of course not.

The point being: It's legit to criticize Hamas, who is largely foreign funded anyway.

I'm not a strong believer in democracy. I mean Robert Mugabe is a democratically elected leader. Manmohan Singh is the result of a coup. Singh is probably one of the best world leaders today, and Mugabe is one of the worst.

So sure, but I don't really want to argue this. I have mixed feelings about Hamas. Like the ANC, they have a lot of ex-terrorist baggage. The ranters on the right have a point, so do the ones on the left. The result is not a constructive discussion.

Here's who I really have a problem with: Egypt. The should get involved as the only power that borders Gaza. They could help refugees, and no one else can. No one should be blaming the people of either country for the nonsense that is going on. Those people who want out ought to be able to get out.


it gave them the right to form the government WITHOUT a coalition of other parties

Everyone has the right to form a govt. Democracies don't have some special unique right. If Nazrallah came down and said he was King, and got a really large following, which he has, then he set up a monarchy, that would be just as legit a govt.


Hamas was the legitimate government of the Gaza strip, and that Abbas' claim to be president was simply the attempt to create a junta.

Abbas is just seen as weak. But all of this doesn't mean that Hamas is not invoking the violence. Maybe they are, maybe not. We don't know for sure. There's a lot of Saudi money coming in to Hamas, and the Saudis would really like to see a pan-mideast war. Probably because they think the jews would lose.


Hamas didn't fire rockets into Israel during the truce.
All of these are undisputed facts.

I see people disputing them all over the place.
I personally think that it's not that relevant.

My take? A blatant war of aggression with one simple aim: To keep Ohlmert in power, to keep him out of jail.

That's a damn stupid reason for a war, but it's just the sort of thing that happens.


And, for my efforts in insisting on facts, I've been called all sorts of names (Nazi and Jew-hater among them), been accused of being horrible things (a Hamas loyalist for example), been derided, been piled-on, and tag-teamed.

Yeah, me too, and by a number of people. I think that this is just a weak argument. If people want, I can post a list of jews I hate ;)

But the real bigotry on this forum is anti-islam, and it's coming from all sides. Everyone thinks they're above racism because they're not calling Obama an n_, but really, this place just wreaks of racism at the moment.

It's the old star trek rule. They started out by saying "look, we have all races on board, because they're all equal, except for klingons, who are stupid violent and evil." : "no wait, klingons aren't bad, they're just drawn that way. cardassians are evil"


I would give you more credit in this if you were not so obviously biased, turning a blind eye when people like Riverlove, Finn, Rap and the like do it, and jumping on me.

I have a bias?

News to me.

I don't know if you've noticed any love lost between me and Finn.

Of course you haven't, because like me, you don't read other people's arguments. After all, who would. I just had a long vicious argument with finn where he called me some pretty priceless things and I threw a few back in his direction.

And Rap, I call rap out all the time. The fact that we can communicate at all is a sign of some mutual recognition of having different world views. But when he makes, as he has, some blatantly racist comments about arabs, I give him hell for it.

As I said, RiverLove is more to pitied then censured. I try not to point this out, because I don't want to become part of the target, because we do get along elsewhere. Gotta assume that any river isn't all there, just as you assume that any jayne isn't cordial, and that any niska doesn't give a f^&k.

I also don't like this talking about people who aren't here thing. I think that it's in poor taste. Yes, sure, River said some precious things, as did Signy. Folks gotta learn, least said, soonest mended.


Monday, January 12, 2009 1:49 PM



I've already forgotten what it was about. I think we've had more agreements than disagreements. There are only a couple people here who would boot me if given a chance. Ironically they seem to be people I bearly know, rather than ones I vehemently disagree with.

I'm not consistent in my disagreements because I have an unusual world view, and I'm bound to fall outside of the political spectrum. I'm always going to comment on the racist threads, I think that helps no one. People who hurled nazi my way somehow missed the number of times I took PN to task for his use of "Jews", something I've since given up on, but it's pretty much on a par with the number of times I've ragged on rap for the reverse. So, sure, if someone posts consistently on the same topic, I'm liable to argue with them for a while and then give up, but most people I might vehemently disagree one day, and then wholeheartedly agree the next.

For instance, I disagree with the Bush crowd and the Clintonistas both a pretty solid 95% of the time. I'm right of center, so I'll agree with Ron Paul more than Dennis Kuccinich, but I'll probably still pick Dennis over Bush on most issues. A lot of issues I'm of really a mixed mind on.


Monday, January 12, 2009 8:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The dratted double!


Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I would give you more credit in this if you were not so obviously biased, turning a blind eye when people like Riverlove, Finn, Rap and the like do it, and jumping on me.
Kinda agree there. I've been called all kinds of horrible names by peeps on the right who think that name-calling is a discussion. That they've somehow "proved their point" if they can find just the right insult.

Mostly, I ignore them. But this time I tried something new: I wanted to show RIVERLOVE what it would look like if we ALL decided to be just like him. And yanno what? He squalled like a little baby; got out his verbal Uzi and sprayed the board, all the while whining about how badly he was been treated.


I doubt RIVERLOVE learned much from it, but maybe others have.

But the other thing is that tit-for-tat doesn't help. Kinds like Israel and Hamas, it doesn't matter WHO started it, somebody has to be the grownup and end it. And the best ending for trolls and badly behaved people is to JUST IGNORE THEM.

They WANT you to get angry. They WANT to suck you into their little malicious world of hate. They figure, since THEY hate so much, EVERYBODY hates just as much as they do. But there is nothing quite as satisfying as seeing someone spew to nobody in an empty thread. So for me, I'm gonna go back to ignoring the badly behaved.

BY the way, I had a GREAT weekend! Played tennis (it was 85 deg and sunny) and had some killer rallies. Set up a TV stand and finally got the living room furnished and organized. Started cleaning out the "junk room". (Some peeps have junks drawers... I have a junk room. ) Managed to cook ahead several days so that my week is clear for work. All in all... wow. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

what about YOU guys?

Let's party like its 1929.


Monday, January 12, 2009 10:23 PM


I just like to yank their chain every once in a while, causing overt foaming at the mouth and revealing their true character so that no one unwittingly takes them seriously.

They make it so bloody easy it's not even a challenge anymore.

But I got a use for em, boy do I ever - how else to proxy-sandbag the dumbass policies of a liberal administration filled with Clintonista Globalists than to wind up the hard-right bigots and zealots and watch them do all the work for me while conveniently reducing the numbers of *those* morons in play when they inevitably overstep themselves in their wild-eyed partisan blindness.

Hell, they practically work for me, for free, and don't even realise it - not to mention being so pridefully ignorant and stupid that even telling them this to their face will have no effect on their behavior cause they think they're immune to such manipulation.

Bout the same use I got for wild-eyed liberal idealists out to save the world, useful as heck in the other direction, and handy as heck for bait.

Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing the lot of em wipe each other out so that decent reasonable folk can live in peace, but there's that whole collateral damage issue.

Still, it tickles me to set them on each other and watch the fur fly.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:30 AM


I don't really appreciate the encouragement of the unstable to self destruct, but forget that for a moment, Frem, you get a bailout? Why don't I get one!?

I think I need to start a new company, Global Failsafe Securities. our stock symbol will be NASDAQ:FAIL. Then our lawfirm Dewey Chetem and Howe can go to washington and represent our case:

This year, our losses are growing by leaps and bound. In the first quarter we lost $10, second quarter we lost $100, and third quarter we lost $1000. Don't you realize that at this rate by 2053 be will have lost $10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
That will collapse the galactic economy!
But it can be offset with a $540 billion dollar bailout today. (Never works to ask the govt. for small amounts of money.)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:32 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

I would give you more credit in this if you were not so obviously biased, turning a blind eye when people like Riverlove, Finn, Rap and the like do it, and jumping on me.
Kinda agree there. I've been called all kinds of horrible names by peeps on the right who think that name-calling is a discussion. That they've somehow "proved their point" if they can find just the right insult.

Mostly, I ignore them. But this time I tried something new: I wanted to show RIVERLOVE what it would look like if we ALL decided to be just like him. And yanno what? He squalled like a little baby; got out his verbal Uzi and sprayed the board, all the while whining about how badly he was been treated.


I doubt RIVERLOVE learned much from it, but maybe others have.

But the other thing is that tit-for-tat doesn't help. Kinds like Israel and Hamas, it doesn't matter WHO started it, somebody has to be the grownup and end it. And the best ending for trolls and badly behaved people is to JUST IGNORE THEM.

They WANT you to get angry. They WANT to suck you into their little malicious world of hate. They figure, since THEY hate so much, EVERYBODY hates just as much as they do. But there is nothing quite as satisfying as seeing someone spew to nobody in an empty thread. So for me, I'm gonna go back to ignoring the badly behaved.

BY the way, I had a GREAT weekend! Played tennis (it was 85 deg and sunny) and had some killer rallies. Set up a TV stand and finally got the living room furnished and organized. Started cleaning out the "junk room". (Some peeps have junks drawers... I have a junk room. ) Managed to cook ahead several days so that my week is clear for work. All in all... wow. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.:
Let's party like its 1929.






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