What's killing this forum

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 16:52
VIEWED: 10256
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:33 AM



Originally posted by rue:
"You're sometimes over the top."

Show me where I am over the top and not responding to repeated baiting, foul-language, name-calling, baseless accusations, repeated lies, misrepresentations and so on. I don't start these things, but I have no problem responding. BTW I resent the double-standard that says it's OK for OTHER people, but not me.*

"I don't really like the tag-teaming."

I post when I have time and opportunity. That is roughly 1 day a week (or fewer) where I can actively participate in an ongoing discussion in an ongoing way, or even several discussions. There are usually 2-3 days a week where I don't come to the board at all. The rest of the days I may jump into a thread if I have time to read the posts and respond, but if the thread is too long and I can't catch up, I let it go.
I presume SignyM does the same, though I've noticed she is a more consistently present poster than I am.
Anything that looks like tag-teaming to you is purely imaginary on your part. I'm simply not here enough to catch up, let alone coordinate with anyone.
And, BTW, you may have noticed that I have often been the subject of tag-teaming, pile-on, and the like ...

"Remember Chelsea Clinton tearing into some 9 year old girl during the campaign? That's absurd. That's sort of how it looks."

* BTW I resent the double-standard.
This is how it looks to me - the first time around - yeah, maybe someone had a bad day, is young, is new ... 95% of the time, it looks like it's who they are ... after 3 years of the same crap ... sorry. They either learn or they get it back.
I spent years being patient and factual. Did it help ? NO. So I quit.

"... you've gotten into some arguments, and have become a citizeneque immovable object ..."

I'll give you an example. I spent a lot of time in one thread insisting on the facts -
that Hamas won an absolute majority of seats in a parliamentary system, that according to (the obviously Nazi web site) Wikipedia, it gave them the right to form the government WITHOUT a coalition of other parties, that Hamas was the legitimate government of the Gaza strip, and that Abbas' claim to be president was simply the attempt to create a junta.
I also said that Hamas didn't break the truce, that it was broken first by Israel and within 25 hours of signing, and that Hamas didn't fire rockets into Israel during the truce.
All of these are undisputed facts.

Should I NOT insist on them ? You tell me.

And, for my efforts in insisting on facts, I've been called all sorts of names (Nazi and Jew-hater among them), been accused of being horrible things (a Hamas loyalist for example), been derided, been piled-on, and tag-teamed.

I would give you more credit in this if you were not so obviously biased, turning a blind eye when people like Riverlove, Finn, Rap and the like do it, and jumping on me.


Silence is consent.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.:
Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:34 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Oh, BTW DT, since you've shown your preference for RivLv and apparently see not much wrong with those posts, and accuse ME of being over the top, I thought I dig up some classic RivLv from not too long ago:

RiverLove's first post on the thread

" You sound like PN, Al Jazeera, and Al Zawahiri. Those your new talking point providers now? I'm stunned and terribly disappointed in you and Rue. You have no credibility any more. Maybe you're just so used to fighting with Auraptor & Geezer that you've lost sight of reality and rightousness in this current situation.

Second post

"Well that just proves my point. You don't really even believe the crap you are spewing. Fuck me? No fuck you, you Jew hating terrorist-loving dumb fuck."

Third post

"Yer wasting your time with this Signy piece of shit. His new thing now is to parrot Al Zawahiri and PN in their delusional hatred of Israel, call us stupid, and then say fuck you. I think he's lost his mind, likely as a result of 8 years of Bush Derangement Syndrome. He's got his Bush leaving in 10 days and he's desperate for something new to hate. You Finn, and Auraptor, and Geezer are 100% right about everything you've written on this subject."

Fourth post

"What gall and utter delusion for you to pass judgment on the will and intelligence of Israeli citizens. Your stunning stupidity, and irrationally biased support for evil is appalling, and all sane people can see now that you now lie in filth in the gutter next to PN and the rest of the team that supports your insane positions; positions that cheerlead for Al Qaeda, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Skinheads, Traditional European Anti-Semitism & Nazism, etc.all determined to destroy Israel. You are on the team of savages, enemies of civilization, enslavers of women, and barbaric enforcers of dogmatic vileness. You make me sick. Why don't you go down to Ft Lauderdale and stand proudly next to the gal screaming out the other day to throw Jews back into the oven. She's on your team. She see the world like you do. Like the forces you support and sympathize with you are psychotic, and morally and ethically bankrupt."

Sixth post

"Wrong on both counts you Nazi idiot. You said your "fuck you" for the day already. Now you can put your typing thumb back up your sorry ass."

This, the same RvrLv who admitted to only posting hate-posts out of hate:

Do you and Zit have anything going but being liberal haters ? Just, you know, wondering, since that's all you seem to do (think, feel, write about ...)

Right now, no.


Accusations, filth, insults - and mostly hate, hate, and more hate; and not a hint of rational discussion - does that float your boat, DT ?

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.:
Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:36 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Part of it is some really obvious sock puppetry by longtime posters who don't have the guts to spew that filth with their primary usernames.

Remember, as I have noted before I cut my teeth on text only and ANSI BBS's and therefore can often identify someone from their phrasing, word choices, style and cadence in text the same way telegraph operators can ID each other by the "fist" of the message.

I don't usually care, is all - but lately it's been taken to ridiculous extremes, and as I say, they know who they are.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.:
Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:39 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Frem, interesting sockpuppet comment.

I have to say that this is probably for people in desperate need of a life. But still, probably true.


You're sometimes over the top. You're not alone. Everyone on one end of the political perspective is bound to be, because they have a firmly held set of beliefs. I've always gotten along with you and Signym, and figured you didn't need any coddling. Signy did go over the line, and as a sane person, she probably shoulda reined it in. I think in the flame wars, she really capped it.

I don't really like the tag-teaming.

Auraptor has posted some things that are definitely over the line but usually falls within it. Finn says a lot of stuff I disagree with, and there's a sort of arrogance that goes with it which is annoying. For a blatant partisan, geezer is pretty mild. The most annoying thing on the forum to be is Whozit's jizm.

IDK, it bugs me. It makes it hard for me to take him seriously.

Riverlove said some interesting stuff when I came back on, I thought newbies are always nice, and anyone who identifies with River is probably insane. So, she hasn't disappointed in the crazy.

But here's what really bugs me, and it's extremely annoying. There's just a fair amount of unmitigated bigotry. Most of it falls on muslims. Some of it falls on jews, and on rednecks (that part was in rare form this past election.)

So, yes, you're pretty intense sometimes. Usually when you argue a political topic, I stand back and watch the fireworks. When Finn gets into it, I just ignore him. He's not alone. I pretty much have Whozit on ignore until he drops the bagel thing, and I have FMF on ignore.

Assume for a second that Riverlove is an unstable teenager, and that you and Signy are seasoned professionals. Then doesn't it seem out of line? Is she crazy? Of course. So is Pirate News, and he doesn't seem to mind people saying that. A lot of people here are not ultra-stable. I mean, they're fans of a show that's really largely about mental illness. Also abuse of power.

Now consider that SignyM, who I like and get along with, can out-do RiverLove in a battle of hate, surely that's an objective lapse in judgment.

If I make fun of people in pretty established positions, it's because they sink to the mud pit. Creatures who live in the mud pit, or come from it, behaving like animals, that's kind of to be expected. No offense, I'm not a Nazi :) and no, I'm not getting into it.

Look it this way. Remember Chelsea Clinton tearing into some 9 year old girl during the campaign? That's absurd. That's sort of how it looks. True, we don't have ages and professions and medical histories posted next to us, but we sort of don't need them.

So yeah, I think RiverLove has things to contribute to the forum, like Fruity Obama Bar

Think a moment about the character of River, and then thing how it would sound to say... well you get the point.

Anyway, I have nothing against you and SignyM, and I'm not taking sides. I think "I hope you choke on your vomit and die" is a bit extreme. Now, I could be wrong. It's entirely possible that SignyM is not a middle aged working professional and Riverlove has no mental health issues. But when she's not trying to kill people, she sometimes has interesting things to say.

So do you and Signy and most people. I think on political points, what I mean by you can get intense is that you've gotten into some arguments, and have become a citizeneque immovable object, which is probably the overall characteristic of liberals that conservatives have problems with. I avoid those, and we have interesting topics on other issues. And yes, sure, there are some right wing immovable objects, we know who they are.

But if everyone were to just try to see the other person's point of view, I think we could not only get along better, but have much more interesting discussions.

For instance, I could challenge Geezer or Auraptor to take a pro-gaza position consistant with their own right to self defense. This is a serious challenge. Ignore for a moment what you assume to be true about the action of Hamas, etc., and any association you may have with Israel, consider the possibility that the MSM is as usual lying, and that anything might be the truth. Then take a "what if" approach to "what if palestinians are just defending their homes against unchecked aggression, and make an argument in their favor. And really try. If you can do that, and do it convincingly, it will add to your credibility on arguments.

As for those of you who can't move from the left position, try a defense of the rights of christian communities, or muslim ones, to have their own way of life. Assume that the women in these societies are not "oppressed" but chose to be a part of them, for the sake of the argument.

Or choose your own topics, but argue with yourself. Most people here seem not anchored to a political position, and will often cave, or say "I see your point" or "I'll have to gnaw that over." I've had fierce disagreements with people that I've later been in complete disagreement with later. It helps that we didn't start calling each other Nazis and the like. But still...

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.:
Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:51 AM


I don't encourage them to self-destruct, I encourage them to destroy each other in such a way that the ranks of both sides get thinned in the process whilst I watch from the sidelines, quite entertained by the whole thing.

Toldja I was a bastard, and I meant it.

And no, I don't get a bailout, but I didn't put my bets on their ragpaper currency in the first place, so barring a total collapse, I'll be ok - and even then I ain't gonna starve cause skills pay bills, and someone with a savant level of mechanical aptitude and a good set of tools is valueable in almost any tech base, someone has to makee machine run again, yes ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:53 AM


Aww, the poor little sock puppet is enraged at being outed, how tear-jerkingly cute.

Cry some more.



Tuesday, January 13, 2009 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Aww, the poor little sock puppet is enraged at being outed, how tear-jerkingly cute.

Cry some more.


Originally posted by SignyM
Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.:
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:11 AM


Hmm. So my analysis is correct, Riverlove is SignyM.

I think that she is off her meds, and Rue could help her with that, but what she's trying to say, if anything, is unclear.

She missed the cue on where to bring the crazy. There's a crazy box for people who want to post things that make no sense.

Oh, and if you're going to post something nine times, in the future, by kind to fellow posters by making it something short. And if you want to just be insane, make it entertainingly insane.

Yawn is all

BTW, did anyone notice SignyM change gender identifications on RiverLove? I thought that was peculiar. Here's another one. I was going through and checking viceral invectives per post as a percentage. It yields kind of surprising results.

The lowest was Chrisisall, followed by Whozit, which backs up my theory that Whozit is the sockpuppet of Chrisisall, People who think of themselves as peaceful, some of them ranked very close to 100%. Riverlove here is pushing it, but I think multiply posting the same thing might not count.

Also, correction, I was giving RiverLove credit for defending Sarah Palin, but on scanning through I noticed it was actually RiverDancer. See how the whole avatar thing gets confusing (the name thing doesn't help.)

Aw shucks. Now I want a sock puppet. This just looks like too much fun.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:59 AM


Blah Blah Blah.

Your conversations serve to prove the point of the thread topic.

I first came here in April of 2004 because I had seen the greatest sci-fi show ever made. Back then, most of the conversations on this site were related to that show, and other Whedon works. Now when I come here I fully expect to see that the list of "latest thread updates" will be a list of 5 threads from the section Real World Events Discussions.

As I ponder it I think it's not really a suprise. Back in the older days of we had a great thing to talk about. Firefly. And the potential for a movie. Now there's very little to talk about anymore so posters fill their time turning to unrelated issues like politics and start to argue.

I saw this happen once before with the dead Franchise Twin Peaks. Back in 1990 and 1991 Twin Peaks was all anybody wanted to talk about. There was a mag released around that time called "Wrapped in Plastic" and it was filled with speculations of where the show was going. As we know, the show ended up going only 1 place: into the crapper. Fans abandoned it with the exception of a loyal core who eventually formed online communities in the later 90's. But as the years wore on, and no new Peaks news was generated, post after post on the Peaks sites turned angry as posters, (bored from no Peaks news) turned to politics to fill the time. Old friendships from the "Wrapped in Plastic" days became tested and eventually broke. Ppl drifted apart. Finally one day the Twin Peaks online fandom was a corpse.

Politics is so boringly common. It was the impossible task of rebirthing Firefly that made us mighty. Just look at the membership spike of late 2005 after Serenity was released. People saw that film and wanted to know more. After seeing the show many joined to swell our ranks.

And then with no outside crusade to fight for we begin to fight inwardly, and our ranks shrink.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:20 AM


fade to black


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:36 AM



Politics is so boringly common.

Very true. This point hit home for me when I saw a documentary on the politics of a termite colony. What struck me was that a termite, with a brain mass of only a few micrograms, vs. 1.5 kg for a human, was capable of partisanship, wedge issues, wars, revolutions, even organized demonstrations, labor disputes, law, martial law and military juntas. Yet, humans, with a hundred million times the brain mass spend their time engaged in the same sorts of activities, think that they are engaging in the highest level of social activity.


It was the impossible task of rebirthing Firefly that made us mighty.

A flaw in design. But just for a little life, I posted a couple videos to the video thread.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:53 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Yet, humans, with a hundred million times the brain mass spend their time engaged in the same sorts of activities, think that they are engaging in the highest level of social activity."

People like to think they're rational. But 95% of what goes on in the brain is hidden from us, to emerge as 'decisions' and 'thoughts' that we think we intentionally created.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:58 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Politics is so boringly common. It was the impossible task of rebirthing Firefly that made us mighty. Just look at the membership spike of late 2005 after Serenity was released. People saw that film and wanted to know more. After seeing the show many joined to swell our ranks.

And then with no outside crusade to fight for we begin to fight inwardly, and our ranks shrink."

I'm not sure that that's the problem. Go back and look at the oldest archived threads. They are just as political, if not more so, heated and partisan.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:26 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.

Okay, ReaverLove, which part of this is it, exactly, that you have such a huge problem with? I mean, you've been blathering on about it for days now...

Is it the "drunken" part? You don't like being called a drunk?

I bet it's the drunken part.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:46 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.

Okay, ReaverLove, which part of this is it, exactly, that you have such a huge problem with? I mean, you've been blathering on about it for days now...

Is it the "drunken" part? You don't like being called a drunk?

I bet it's the drunken part.

"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:59 AM


As a (hopefully civil) counterpoint to the original topic of the thread... Sometimes the intense political discussions are an attraction.

Granted, one person definitely doesn't make a rule, and I can imagine that some people are leaving. And I also didn't really read the flamewars, more the discussions about Isreal and Palastine that led up to it. But the debates are one of the main reasons I keep coming back. I've learned a lot (and heard a lot of different opinions) in the last month or so.

Though there is something to be said about dirty laundry sometimes. And there are definitely some good ideas you've presented there, DT.

But I also think that behaviour should be monitored by the person who's posting, not by rules beyond what we have already. I don't think anyone here is a troll, and even if someone does have to vent a little once in a while or frustrations with opposing viewpoints boil over, I don't think it causes irreparable damage to community function, interaction, and recruitment. Not such that those behaviours should be bannable offenses.

Of course, I'm also pretty new (might not understand all the board relationships), and a tad paranoid when it comes to authority and control measures...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hmm. So my analysis is correct, Riverlove is SignyM.
Are you serious???? I hope you're joking 'cause I know for a fact that I'm not Riverlove! The voices told me so! Just cause I can imitate the "hate thing" better'n than some can spout it doesn't mean I'm pissed. I guess what I SHOULD have done is sent a PM to some neutral third party, explaining what I was going to do. So next time, if there is a next time, I'll forwarn all of you so you don't take it seriously.

BTW- I'm willing to talk about almost anything, and to entertain almost any viewpoint, provided the person is ammenable to talking facts and logic. But some peeps turn disagreements into bar-fights. And out comes the name-calling, ad-hominems, strawmen, slippery-slope, etc which torpedoes the hope of any sort of discussion!

Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:18 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Hmm. So my analysis is correct,
Are you serious???? I hope you're joking 'cause I know for a fact that I'm not Riverlove! The voices told me so! Just cause I can imitate the "hate thing" better'n than some can spout it doesn't mean I'm pissed. I guess what I SHOULD have done is sent a PM to some neutral third party, explaining what I was going to do. So next time, if there is a next time, I'll forwarn all of you so you don't take it seriously.

BTW- I'm willing to talk about almost anything, and to entertain almost any viewpoint, provided the person is ammenable to talking facts and logic. But some peeps turn ANY disgareement into a bar-fight. And out comes the name-calling, ad-hominems, strawmen, slippery-slope, etc which torpedoes the hope of any sort of discussion.

Let's party like its 1929.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:32 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Friday, January 09, 2009 - 11:30

Yer wasting your time with this Signy piece of shit. His new thing now is to parrot Al Zawahiri and PN in their delusional hatred of Israel, call us stupid, and then say fuck you. I think he's lost his mind, likely as a result of 8 years of Bush Derangement Syndrome. He's got his Bush leaving in 10 days and he's desperate for something new to hate. You Finn, and Auraptor, and Geezer are 100% right about everything you've written on this subject.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:35 AM



Originally posted by rue:

Friday, January 09, 2009 - 11:30

Yer wasting your time with this Signy piece of shit. His new thing now is to parrot Al Zawahiri and PN in their delusional hatred of Israel, call us stupid, and then say fuck you. I think he's lost his mind, likely as a result of 8 years of Bush Derangement Syndrome. He's got his Bush leaving in 10 days and he's desperate for something new to hate. You Finn, and Auraptor, and Geezer are 100% right about everything you've written on this subject.

Silence is consent.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:36 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I know SignyM personally (hey, it's a small world for people who do what we do), and she is NOT RiverLove.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey Rue: Let's not make Riverlove the topic of this thread, 'mkay? I know I'm guilty of same but .... that's what's killing the forum.

Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:40 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Hey Rue: Let's not make Riverlove the topic of this thread, 'mkay? I know I'm guilty of same but .... that's what's killing the forum.

Let's party like its 1929.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:54 AM


i'm going with old age....


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:56 AM


....but there is that nasty subdural hematoma lingering just outside the borders....


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:57 AM


This forum's not bein' killed, it's just OK Coralling- the dust will settle eventually.

You bunch of Andorian-loving tri-sexual receptor-organ Wayist scum.
(How's THAT for mean??)

The offensive Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:03 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Let's party like its 1929.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:05 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Let's party like its 1929.

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:08 AM


That was so good it had to be posted twice, huh?


The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:10 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
That was so good it had to be posted twice, huh?


The laughing Chrisisall

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:32 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

RiverLove for $1000 - "who is River6213?"


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:36 AM


Childish much?

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you inebriated, end-of-life-loving self-centered person.

I hope you expire in your own impared regurgitation.
and BTW do yourself.


The kinder, gentler Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:43 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Childish much?

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you inebriated, end-of-life-loving self-centered person.

I hope you expire in your own impared regurgitation.
and BTW do yourself.


The kinder, gentler Chrisisall

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.
and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:51 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
"who is River6213?" oldie, but a goodie...?


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:57 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Childish much?

The kinder, gentler Chrisisall

Is that you WhoZit?



Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:17 AM

DEADLOCKVICTIM what are you saying... there is only, maybe 4 or 5 people on this whole board.... ? sounds 'bout right


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:19 AM


eh, btw, i'm you know who you are??


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, I thought I was you! Now I'm so confused!!

Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:33 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Hey, I thought I was you! Now I'm so confused!!

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.

and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:38 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
...die in your own drunken vomit

hey, it was good enough for Jimi..!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:40 AM


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together....


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:10 PM


As for RiverLove, I think we broke her. She's turned into a spambot. I suppose that if she were a real person she wouldn't be trying to get banned. I feel dumb.



I know SignyM personally (hey, it's a small world for people who do what we do), and she is NOT RiverLove.

lol. I've known this for many years. I'm not sure that she's not RiverLove, but it was mostly meant as a snark, and an interesting and humorous possibility. They share a number of mannerism, I was just analyzing posts, that's what lead me to the conclusion. I was less serious about Whozit being Chrisisall, but again, not something I would completely rule out. I mean, if someone were just screwing with us for no particular reason.

Neither of them are Finn. I can't say that neither of them are Auraptor for sure. If they are someone's second ID, it's more likely that a lurker is suspect.

"Who is River6213?" was the Jeopardy style answer. I didn't get that until I saw it quoted by FMF. Good call, btw.

Sorry, that didn't occur to me earlier. Ouch. Firsted. Pwned, all of that.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:11 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Hey, I thought I was you! Now I'm so confused!!

Originally posted by SignyM:

Please, don't come whining at me about how horrible I am for calling you names, you drunken, death-loving cunt.

I hope you die in your own drunken vomit.

and BTW Fuck you.
Let's party like its 1929

Oh.... okay. That's now your standard response to Sig, regardless of the topic.

Creepy much?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:12 PM


I have to confess, I am really Chrisisall. I've been a sockpuppet for a long time. But now it's time to come clean. But then, Chrisisall is really Haken. I was just created to make a reasonable conservative to argue with.

It's a heavy burden, but everyone is an onion, and when you unravel the layers, it seems like a small thing to admit, before admitting that we are actually an AI.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:13 PM


Oh, and also, I apologize for being RiverLove.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
As for RiverLove, I think we broke her. She's turned into a spambot. I suppose that if she were a real person she wouldn't be trying to get banned. I feel dumb.



I know SignyM personally (hey, it's a small world for people who do what we do), and she is NOT RiverLove.

lol. I've known this for many years. I'm not sure that she's not RiverLove, but it was mostly meant as a snark, and an interesting and humorous possibility. They share a number of mannerism, I was just analyzing posts, that's what lead me to the conclusion. I was less serious about Whozit being Chrisisall, but again, not something I would completely rule out. I mean, if someone were just screwing with us for no particular reason.

Neither of them are Finn. I can't say that neither of them are Auraptor for sure. If they are someone's second ID, it's more likely that a lurker is suspect.

As for "Who is River6213?" Can I get the $1000!?

Sorry, that didn't occur to me earlier. Ouch. Firsted. Pwned, all of that. Actually, I'm going to go with RiverLove is plenty crazy enough to be River6213, but not smart enough, no offense love.

Yes, apparently we drove her crazy. Although, admittedly, it wasn't exactly a long drive...


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:21 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together...."

That is a take-off on a poem. Looking it up, it lead me to this:

A mondegreen is the mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase, typically a standardized phrase such as a line in a poem or a lyric in a song ...

The "top 3" mondegreens submitted regularly to mondegreen expert Jon Carroll are:

Gladly the cross-eyed bear (from the line in the hymn "Keep Thou My Way" by Fanny Crosby, "Kept by Thy tender care, gladly the cross I'll bear")

There's a bathroom on the right (the line at the end of each verse of "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival: "There's a bad moon on the rise")

'Scuse me while I kiss this guy (from a lyric in the song "Purple Haze", by Jimi Hendrix: "'Scuse me while I kiss the sky").

Perhaps the greatest number of mondegreens for a single line of lyrics is for the song Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65. The actual lyrics are gibberish ("n da ba dee da ba dye"), but there are tens of possible mondegreens for it, perhaps the most well-known ones being "if I were green I would die", "in Aberdeen I will die" and "and I'm in need of a guy".

In Stevie Nicks' song Edge of Seventeen the line "Just like a white-winged dove" is often misheard as "Just like a one-winged dove". The title itself originated from a mishearing of "age of seventeen".

In an episode of the television sitcom Friends, Phoebe believes the lyric from Elton John's "Tiny Dancer", "Hold me closer, tiny dancer" is actually "Hold me close, young Tony Danza."

In the CBS sitcom The Nanny, "The girl with kaleidoscope eyes," from the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by The Beatles, is misheard as "The girl with colitis goes by."

Plus, you HAVE to read this

and this


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Oh, and also, I apologize for being RiverLove.

I'm also AuRaptor. And Hero.

And Geezer is really me.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:27 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Damn, Rue - I didn't know it already had a real name. I've always called it "lyricosis".

My wife thought Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon on the Rise" was called "Bathroom on the Right". Listen to it that way sometime; it totally changes the whole song.

"I hear hurricanes a-blowin'
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Don't go 'round tonight
It's bound to take your life
There's a bathroom on the right."


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."






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