Dogs Vs. Cats.

UPDATED: Monday, January 19, 2009 21:59
VIEWED: 1036
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Monday, January 19, 2009 7:11 AM


Dogs are some of the smartest and dumbest animals I've ever met. While cats seem numerous, dogs never get up and take a whiz on your most valuable books. OTOH, you never have to walk your cat. OTOOH, no supermodel ever comes up and says "aw, what a sweet little kitty." Unless she happens to already be where the cat is.

Of course, cats fit nicely in the drier. Or is it dryer.


Monday, January 19, 2009 8:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

No dog ever pooped in my shoes.

No cat ever humped my leg.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:39 AM


No cat ever woke me up at 7:00 AM by barking at people coming to the door of my next door neighbor.

No dog ever woke me up at 7:00 AM by washing my face and insisting it was time for breakfast.


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:43 AM


I knew that kitten would weigh in. Ah, reminds me of that song, cat jizz on my pillow dog sh*t on my rug.


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:51 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I never had to wash skunk smell out of a cat like I had to with my dog. OTOH, I never had a cat protect me from the creeps at the door like my dog did.


Silence is consent.


Monday, January 19, 2009 10:22 AM


Actually when I lived with my ex I liked to joke that all I had to do to a single intruder is run a laser pointer up their leg and they were TOAST.

Just imagine having six cats climbing your leg in a frenzy trying to catch it, tee hee hee.

I once used Ghosters fascination with the phone to get her to answer it when we had a landline, she'd knock over the handset and meow into it - was hilarious when telemarketers called, one got way into his spiel before he quite realized he really WAS talking to the cat.

On the other hand, my buddy Mick T taught his dog to not only fetch beer from the fridge, and drop the empties in the recycle bin - but he put bucket handles on four tooltrays and the dog would bring them when called for by color*, which is awfully useful for a mechanic.

*of course, dogs don't see color so much, he just remembered which was where, something I proved later when I swapped them around to mess with him.

He was a good dog too, freakin HUGE though, I always joked that we should put a saddle on him and give little kids pony rides.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, January 19, 2009 10:32 AM


THAT says it all, I believe.

(However I have cats. Two of them.)

The pussywhipped Chrisisall


Monday, January 19, 2009 12:01 PM


With all due respect to my idol of extreme snark, Mister Leary, he is incorrect on several counts.

How many stories have you recently heard about or seen on TV or even read about that involve a cat somehow helping to save its owner?

Award for Lily, the lifesaving cat

Serenade for a Life-Saving Dog and Cat
Smokey the Life Saving Cat


There were no rescue cats down at Ground Zero.

This is, strangely enough, untrue.

I cannot for the life of me find a link, but there were at least four cats used, although their role is different from dogs - I remember it quite well cause I was struck by how efficient an idea it was, provided you could convince the cat to do it.

The dogs can find people, but many times due to size and lack of flexibility, plus risk factors, cannot get TO them - and so, at least one SAR group that I am aware of which was present, have a few cats, although heaven knows how they train them.

They get as close as possible to the spot flagged by the dog, and let the cat out wearing a sleeve harness with a small tube of water and a radio, and the cat follows it's instincts and training by reaching the human if at all possible and curling up next to them to provide warmth and comfort.

I dunno about you, but were I trapped in rubble, dehydrated, injured and alone, I'd find the sudden appearance of a cat with some water and a radio curled up next to me and purring quite reassuring.

because of the efforts of his faithful, duty-bound, Seeing Eye CAT?

Actually some cats make excellent service/comfort animals, a practice that is becoming more common especially for sleep and seizure disorders.
Cats As Service Animals

Although Ralphies cat pre-dates even the thought, the old deaf bastard had a calico who would run back and forth in front of him when the phone rang so he could hook his TTY unit, one of the ones where you had to pick up the phone and place it in the cradle.

A VERY memorable cat she was, as she had the incredibly bizarre habit of trying to climb up into your pants legs for some reason.

Anyhow, he's funny and all, but he's wrong all the same.
And no, Kallista isn't holding me at clawpoint or nothin, lol.



Monday, January 19, 2009 12:05 PM


Somehow, I like my cats better now.

The all-in-fun Chrisisall


Monday, January 19, 2009 12:11 PM


Chris, lol

Three dog stories.

1. I know a guy who was in Iraq, they were training iRobot to find wounding soldiers. He said, "When they get me, send the dogs" And when he got hit by an IED, they did, the didn't send the cats.

2. I knew someone who had a dog that could fetch anything in the house by description and location, He could fetch the paper by section.

3. This is fictional, but I was in an RPG, table top. Someone was a thief, breaking into houses. First house, the DM rolled, there was a dog, and someone said "pull out a d8 and roll the dogs intelligence." So, at the next house, there was a cat, and I volunteered "Pull out a marble and roll the cat's intelligence."

Leary, there are cat statues, in ancient egypt, but not of particular cats. There are statues in ancient egypt of particular dogs.

Dogs are descended from civet cats, a more highly evolved life form. But not all dogs. There are always the little inbred ones that clamp into your pants leg and drag along after you.


Monday, January 19, 2009 12:18 PM


I love dogs. Dogs have a natural ability to sense threats and are good at judging character in people. If my dogs don't like someone, and they're not wearing a hat or a uniform, I become leery of that person. Dogs have a instinctual distrust of cats and so I tend to also. I don't dislike cats, just wouldn't want one around.

I think in the movie " A Boy and His Dog" Don Johnson made the right decision in the end.


Monday, January 19, 2009 1:39 PM


Funny little dog story.

Me and my buddy were walking back from a local convenience store when we hear a dog bark at us from around the corner, which we cannot see cause of a thick hedge - and this was the deep, woofy bark of the BIG dog, right ?

And again, twice more coming closer, which means it's not on a leash and not in a yard, oh crap!

So Scott gets in a kung-fu stance and I shift the bags to my right hand and flex my knees as another big deep bark echos around at us...

And around the corner comes...

This itty bitty little freakin PUFFBALL of a mutt that looked something like a cross between Benji and a Pomeranian! I swear the damn thing couldn't have weighed twelve pounds, and was maybe, MAYBE eight inches at the shoulder.

And he stops, glares at us and WOOF! like a freakin great dane!

We busted up laughing on the spot, Scott's over there all doubled over wheezing, as I try to wrap my head around this, and yon puppy gives us a dirty a look, one more giant sized WOOF! and stalks off all offended-like.

Little dog, huuuuge bark.



Monday, January 19, 2009 1:51 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I think in the movie " A Boy and His Dog" Don Johnson made the right decision in the end.

"Well, I'd say she certainly had marvellous judgement, Albert, if not particularly good taste."


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Monday, January 19, 2009 2:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Seein' as I have dogs and cats, in equal numbers (two of each, at the moment), I'm not the one to ask which is better. Both have their advantages. None of my cats ever "had my back" when things were dicey, but my Doberman, Uma, sure did - she backed a guy off right quick when he came at me one dark night. She immediately inserted herself between us, facing him, and just sat down, baring her teeth in a vicious snarl.

I don't know WHY he was coming up on me, but the way he turned and took off, I don't imagine it was to ask directions. You can bet Uma got extra treats with dinner that night!

She was just that way; it wasn't taught, she wasn't trained for anything like that. She was incredibly loyal - if she had to choose between me or my wife, she'd side with me, because I was the one who rescued her, so we had just that little bit stronger of a bond. But if we were out together, Uma would "guard" both of us, and always sit facing any perceived "threat". She never bit anyone, nor did she even try, but she was ever ready to protect us should we need help. But if I told her it was okay, she'd instantly shut down and relax completely, licking the person's hand whom she'd treated as hostile only moments before.

Living in a bad neighborhood, she was a real godsend for us.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Monday, January 19, 2009 2:18 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Did you ever read the book Marley and Me ? My dog Mooch (75lb German Shepard mix) was kind of like that - a total space cadet, albeit a friendly happy one. And just like Marley, she was like that except for the one time I really needed her to act as a defense, which she did with flying colors. I had NEVER seen her act or sound like that before, or since. She sat next to me, completely tensed and alert, all the fur on her neck and back standing straight up, the growls shaking her from head to toe. Each growl was so low you could hear each individual sound, with a vicious snick on her indrawn breath. When those dudes took off, it was like a switch. All the tension and ferocity was gone, like it had never been there.

OTOH I had a cat, who was so loyal she would follow me around the block when I took Mooch for a walk, shaking and quaking and mewing the whole way - but following all the same.


Silence is consent.


Monday, January 19, 2009 4:31 PM


A dog is an incredible defense. I'm always alarmed. Gangsters and hoodlums back off, because the dog barks like mad, even if he's a total pushover.

I've had that happen a number of times.

Here's a little story about a little dog who used to pick fights. He's learned better now, due to a very large number of defeats, but when he was a puppy, this little corgi used to pick a fight with anything. So, we were out walking one night, and the Corgi, whose name is withheld because I don't like to post identifying stuff about other people on a forum, putting me at risk I have no problem with, iow, someone else's dog. But anyway, so the little 45 lb corgi has charged this one headed cerberus, who musta been over 100, maybe 200, doberman, but really broad, muscular. Andyway, the doberman charged to the end of the chain, and in doing so, pulled the trailer he was tied too off its cinderblocks. Not to the point where it fell down, but knocked off its moorings. The family came out in a tussle, and then looked at their dog and said "Killer, stop. And then turned to us and apologized 'Oh, Killer just loves a good fight', we've been trying to train him not to."
Yah, that fight would have lasted one round. Little corgi still has a corner of his ear missing.


Monday, January 19, 2009 4:38 PM


never ceases to amaze me.... the affect animals, dogs in particular, have on people... don't get me wrong - i love 'em, too (5 rescue dogs live here)...

but tell folks about the suffering, the starving people in third world countries and you're often ignored, but show a picture of a mistreated pooch and they'll jump through hoops to save the little mutt.... go figure


Monday, January 19, 2009 4:57 PM


I guess, collective, people have been very annoyed by people, but less so by dogs. But to be fair, people would save people if they were able to.

I remember a story from Katrina of this guy who was drowning and one of the dogs that got left behind jumped into the water and dragged the guy up onto the roof of a building. He said he didn't know the dog, but when the rescue people came, they asked him if that was his dog, and he said, yes, and he wasn't leaving without it. Even so, he said, it took some arguing, but they agreed to take him and the dog in the chopper.


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:59 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
were I trapped in rubble, dehydrated, injured and alone, I'd find the sudden appearance of a cat with some water and a radio curled up next to me and purring quite reassuring.

That's the sweetest frickin thing I ever heard ^_^

Me, I don't like incessant barking. A quiet dog is fine with me, as long as I don't have to clean its poop off my sidewalk! As to owning one, I prefer a pet that can be left to its own devices if I'm taking a trip or something. Cats, you can give them food and water and a litterbox/petdoor and they're good. Dogs eat like horses, so you can't just stock them up. They can maybe be left to their own devices when it comes to doing their bathroom business, but often not so much. You can't leave them in the house alone or (in my experience) something will get chewed up and destroyed. And no, I didn't live with a puppy. He was supposed to be a grown, trained dog, and he destroyed my favorite book. Gorramn stepdog. My dad is a mailman, he hates dogs, I don't understand why he married a woman who had one. It didn't last >.<

Anyway, I think the point I was trying to make is if I want a noisy creature in my home who needs to be fed and washed and have me at the beck and call of bowel movements, I'll have a kid. They grow out of it and start to take care of themselves, more like a cat.

Cats are also softer, and purrs are so much sweeter to hear than panting and tail thumping.

But that's just my opinion.







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