One Superbowl commercial you will not see on Sunday....

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 04:48
VIEWED: 4943
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009 6:19 AM


be forewarned - sexy vegetables

(could this possibly replace the bagel in Zit's twisted sexual fantasy..!?!)

eta: the entire clip may be hard to watch - but oh so true...


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:23 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

That may be the first time vegetables have ever made me drool...


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:02 AM


Ah, PETA, we have a love/hate relationship, you're such a f^&k up. You're like the girl we all dated who was so hot, and so screwed up in the head that you had to get out before she killed you.

The sex is good, but don't fling rotten meat and feces at us, or we start to think that you're a monkey.

1. Omnivores are not a cross between herbivores and carnivores. Actually, anything can eat meat, its the simplest diet, because it's full of animal protein, which is what you need. That's why the lowest (oldest) lifeforms are carnivores. Herbivores can digest plant materials such as cellulose. Omnivores thrive on a diet of nuts, seeds, fruits, and berries. We are evolved from mice. Our main diet problem is that mouse foods are very small, like mice, and so we need so many of them, we could eat all day. Hence, the evolution of peanut butter and jelly. It contains everything the body needs. But better yet are multi-butters and multi-jams.

Take a look at some of our fellow omnivores: birds.

Genetically, due to an ability to store essential fatty acids, parrots can live about twice as long as robins. In the wild, separated from any connection to rearing rituals, this is true, a parrot lives about 30 years, and a robin about 15. In the real world? A parrot lives to be 120-150 years, and a Robin about 18 months. Why? Diet. Robins eat worms and bugs, which have almost no food value, and lots of toxins and parasites. But it's easy food. Robin parents teach this bad behavior to Robin children, and thus doom them. The widely varied diet of the parrot is also taught. It involves a complex mix across the spectrum of the omnivore diet. If they aren't taught, they tend to do the usual bird thing, and eat the same seeds or berries perpetually.

But I digress. The thing with peta is this:

Good Idea:

Naked supermodel in a cage, in public.

Bad Idea:

Taking an animal carcass for a walk.

Idea gone wrong:

You have Shirley Manson. Strip her naked, paint her like an animal, and put her in a cage. Then you will have our attention. Make it a video, and she can tell us all she wants, especially if she hops around like a caged animal.

It doesn't matter if you class it up a little

The fact is, animal carcass is not something that people go to see. No non-whozit is jacking off to their food.

The Right to Life crowd made the same mistake, it was so bad I thought that it might be a stealth move from the other side, but morons are equally distributed.

Good idea: show children. Then remove them from the picture leaving lonely child. It's not a choice its a child. That was a clever add.

Bad idea: show us aborted foetuses. We turn it off.

It's like the same thing all over, popular appealing images of what's being destroyed. Want to defend palestine? Use this image:

Don't use this one: [edited for yuck, second one down after the link]

Sure, show the destruction if you have to, but don't push your audience away. The point of advertising is to attract, and once you have their attention, tell them your message, in as positive terms as you can "you live longer," etc. People know that killing animals kills animals. Showing them dead animals is just going to make them dislike you.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 10:59 AM


When i posted this thread, i was referring to an article, with video, i had seen on Huffington Post. The commercial that was banned by NBC was the veggie-sex romp and ended before the lectures and dead things appeared. I checked the PETA site and linked to their video before realizing what came after the tease. I left it up, however, because of the startling images - things I know from personal experience to be all too true.

Didn't mean to be so preachy... but I felt there was a lesson there - hey, i don't condemn folks for eating meat - it's a personal decision - just saying that there are better, healthier ways to live this short span we have on mamma earth, and maybe, if you think about it, maybe we should take all living things into consideration - in the grand scheme of things, and all.... just sayin'


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 11:36 AM



Originally posted by deadlockvictim:
just saying that there are better, healthier ways to live this short span we have on mamma earth, and maybe, if you think about it, maybe we should take all living things into consideration - in the grand scheme of things, and all.... just sayin'

Allow me a rebuttal argument:



Tuesday, January 27, 2009 12:36 PM



Tuesday, January 27, 2009 12:42 PM


Bagels do'nt scream when you cut into them.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by whozit:
Bagels do'nt scream when you cut into them.

What about when you rape them?


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:45 PM


America loves a winner!

Nice imagry and rockin' music, but I'm doubting those studies.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:11 PM



You're like the girl we all dated who was so hot, and so screwed up in the head that you had to get out before she killed you.

Wow, you dated her too ?

Actually I knew a chick in late high school who was an activist for Peta and something of a zealot, she wanted me to "free" my pet cat - which I had rescued from a pretty starveling and hopeless existence as a feral stray in a chemical plant.

I was like, what are you, nuts, that cat lives like a KING - I *dare* you to convince him to leave the building!

Which, of course, she could not, cause my cats are the most spoiled rotten critters one could imagine and extremely attached, NOTHING will convince them to go "out there" considering what on average I've rescued em from, and I know PEOPLE who wanna be reincarnated as one of my cats.

As far as meat/fur ? cycle of life, folks.
I ain't no fan of factory farming and find waste in the process disrespectful, mind you - but I DO know how and where meat comes from before it gets to the supermarket, and have no issue with it.

So, Pfffthhh!


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:24 PM



They're correct. But there's a trick.

You can't increase your overall well being by taking out meat and replacing it with vegetables. I made this mistake, and we're not rabbits.

You need essential proteins and oils that you aren't going to get out of a garden salad. Most hippie health food is not very valuable nutrition. alfalfa sprouts aren't going to bring you longevity.

If you eat meat, sadly, the remaining meat of the most value is fish, but the world is running low on fish. Giving up milk and eggs is probably a bad idea unless you've really got an excellent diet. Additionally, most of the best proteins and oils come from nuts, which some people have allergies, specifically due to the high cyanide content (particularly almonds.) Allergies in turn are more profoundly effected by diet, and not so strong impacted by genetics, but can be effected by prior immune experience, illness, food poisoning, etc.

The science of a decent diet for a long and healthy life is complex. Red meat is definitely not good for you, but it's an essential source of protein if you don't have any really good sources, soy, whey, etc. But, in general, there are a couple rules to follow:

seeds and nuts>milk and eggs>fish>white meat>red meat
is a basic trend. Fruits and berries, also very valuable. Regular veggies are okay, contain some vitamins, but won't support you. The transition is a tricky one, but a healthy one.

Of course, if you're a carnivore, then by all means, that's your right, but if you want to eat healthy, live long, and live right, you want to do it in moderation.

Myself, my vice is my inner Marie Antoinette. I love a chocolate layer cake with mousse and custard, not ranking high on the health standard, and I don't care. Everything in moderation.

But if you subsist on red meat and deep fry, you might end up the health of Cheney.

For all you vegans out there, make sure that you have all the bases covered on what's essential, proteins, oils, and carbs, you want more slow than fast carbs in general. Soda is perfect vegan, but not very healthy. But the biggest mistake people make is covering their vitamins and not anything else. It's more complex than that.

I personally avoid meat unless it is presented to me.

Just sharing, it's another hobby. My intention to not end up like Cheney pre-empts my ethical rules ;)


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:30 PM




1. Yeah, we all dated her. More than one of her.

2. Leading cause of death of cats in the wild: starvation (70%). Leading cause of death of mice in the wild: Old age. Kinda screws the childhood image, eh?

3. The issue with humans eating meat is that it is not the cycle of life. Technology has enabled an overpopulation of humans who are easily capable of collectively killing everything else. Since I like variety, I have an issue with that.

When my brother's wife first came to the US from China, she was crossing the countryside and said:
"Wow, everywhere I go there are wild animals... and no one is killing them."

Sobering, no?


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 4:16 PM



2. Leading cause of death of cats in the wild: starvation (70%). Leading cause of death of mice in the wild: Old age. Kinda screws the childhood image, eh?

Cats have to be taught how to hunt, actually - only some of it is instinct, the finer points that make the difference between a subsistence existence and starvation don't come via genetics.

And thus when someone takes a kitten birthed to a mother that's never been taught herself and pitches it out into the woods, it's gonna starve.

That's why mama cats will bring back stunned or crippled live mice to the kittens, to educate them in the finer points that she knows, the most key of which is the strike angle to properly get a one shot kill, making most effective use of effort - I can tell by watching a cat "play" whether or not they know it, but then I've made a lifelong hobby of studying feline behavior, since my attachment to them is far greater in capacity to my ability to empathise or bond with humans.

The difference between a cat that knows how and one that doesn't is impressive, on average Puppy Critter will find and execute a mouse in four minutes, while Ghoster can't even find one and wouldn't know what to do with it if she did.
(Her sole encounter with a mouse actually resulted in her fleeing under the bed, lol.)

Kallista is extremely aggressive, but incompetent, she'll chase and fight anything but has no actual hunting skill - well, anything but a hornet/wasp, she sees one of those she will follow and keep her distance but wail for me the whole damn time...
She chased one behind a window curtain once and pinned it, only to get stung on her paw, and she's not forgotten that nor let go of the grudge, she purrs VERY loudly on sight of a flyswatter.

Gah, I could bore one to death with cat talk, be advised.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 4:39 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem: You're a good egg. I always suspected it, but now I'm sure.

For the record, ALL of my cats have always been "freed". That's how they found ME - someone else "freed" them, and they turned up on my doorstep nearly dead. My latest, Rodger, showed up Thanksgiving of '07. I heard a cat outside, thought it was my PeteyCat, then realized he was sleeping beside me. I opened the door, and this tiny ball of bones hopped inside and collapsed on the floor. You could see his ribs, his vertebrae - even in his tail! - and he was obviously starved. He was *maybe* four weeks old, and weighed well under a pound. We made him a bed with a napkin and a bowl, and I ran around searching for a store that was open so I could get him some kitten food and kitten milk. When I got back with them, he woke up long enough to eat as much as he could, and then fell asleep again.

To be honest, I didn't think he'd live through the night, but my wife and I decided to do what we could for him, and if he died in our house, he died in a better place than outside in the freezing rain. We prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. Hope won out.

It continued like that for about three weeks, with him waking up only to eat and use the box (I showed him the litterbox once, and that's all he's ever needed to be shown!), then going back to sleep. Eventually he got healthier and got some energy and started playing with PeteyCat, so I bundled him off to the vet for a checkup, and he came back with a clean bill of health. The vet told me that because he was starved, he'd probably never get very big, but she was wrong - he's now 12 pounds of fun!

Rodger absolutely has no interest in being "free". He follows me around the house, throwing himself at me. His favorite thing in the world is to be petted while he eats. I've never known a cat that would even tolerate that, but he loves it. If I stop petting, he'll stop eating and just look up at me and cry. I start petting him again, he starts eating again.

He never showed any fear of either of my dogs, and loves playing with them whenever he can get them in the mood. One dog, Sookie (a bastardized version of the Japanese word for "beloved", "suki") rolls around on the floor with him; the other dog, Jeepie (named after that mischevious little Eugene the Jeep in the Popeye cartoons) is content just to chase Rodger around the house. It's hilarious - Jeepie chases Rodger up the stairs, then he chases her back down them.

Bored yet? ;)

Oh yeah - my dogs were all "freed" by previous owners, too. They call them free, I call it abuse, neglect, and abandonment.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 4:51 PM



Tuesday, January 27, 2009 5:12 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


dreamtrove wrote:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 09:02
...Idea Gone Wrong

I can almost hear Jayne say, "Miss, you gonna eat that?"


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 5:23 PM


No, but since there's interest and this PC is the only one that works cause we're backing up the office...

When I first moved up here, I got a lot of grief from potential rentals demanding one full year of employment in-state as a condition of the lease, and finally just bagged a trailer by the time-honored tradition of passing a large wad of cash under the counter.

And I felt the place was too small for a pet, so we did not have one, right ?

So we're stuck with a friends little girl and her best friend for a bit and I am digging through my DVDs looking for something interesting for em, and they get a phonecall and start totally freaking the hell out.

Apparently a friend of theirs had a cat, which had kittens, and having not gotten rid of them via newspaper advert, the father had decided to execute the remainder in a horrible fashion I'll not describe here.

Crying girls, and murder most foul flipped all the switches at once and there goes me into Einherjar Glory Charge Mode.

Out to the car and howling down there to do heaven knows what cause I wasn't thinkin that far ahead - we slide to a stop in the gravel driveway of the place the girls directed me to and they do a mobile dismount on the run, charging right into the place wailing like banshees.

And come back out with the sole survivor, having bodychecked the creep and snatched it right from his hands, running full tilt with said creep in hot pursuit.
(which only proves he was as boneheaded as me, I mean, he wanted RID of em, didn't he ?)

Being no stranger to quick exits, I kick open the passenger door with a bang and do a power 180, holding at 1200RPM on the E-brake as the girls literally DIVE into the car, and with a flick of the wrist go sailing down the driveway at increasing speed while they wrestle the door shut and we coincidentally pelt the creep with a spray of his own gravel for his troubles.

We finally get back, and after calming down the girls and seperating them from the now totally freaked kitten, and calming her down, get a call from the girls mother, who had to listen to el creepo rant a bit, but agrees quite completely with what we did and there'll be naught more to it.

So I placed the kitten in my lap and handled some work, most of which I do by PC, paid and otherwise, where she remained other than eating and using the litterbox prettymuch as a general rule - to this day I am often typing with that cat nestled comfortably in my lap, who has mind you, outlasted three different girlfriends.

And no, she doesn't wanna go outside, except to maybe rough up this one squirrel who's so fat that it'd be like watching sumo wrestling if the two lardbutts *did* go at it.

All of the cats me and the ex wound up with were dire circumstance rescuees, especially Squirmy, the three legged one, and Molly, who was literally on deaths very doorstep when we got her, as she was one of a pair, the other of which didn't make it alive to our door.

If they're still kickin when you get em to me, they'll make it, I've done some of that for cats that other folks meant to adopt, some of them quite feral initially, but all of which turned out to live quite happily for years after.

Cats only, mind you, although it's been suggested (and even now I am not sure how serious they were!) you'll have to find someone else to take in your catgirl.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 5:24 PM


Veteran - that was actually MY first thought on seeing that picture.



Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4:48 AM


"they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh and sew our skins into their clothing. And if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order."






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