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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:34 PM
John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!
Quote: PNTV Playlist: Dream, Team 13, FBI Assassination of MLK; Obama the Magic Negro by Jew Paul Shanklin for Jew Rush Limbaugh; NeoCons Gone Wild by Imagine Peace Films; Jack Blood, FU Radio; What Would You Do, Paris; 9/11 Remix, Tony Robbins; Ode to the NeoCons, Dr Steven Jones; 9/11 Wargames, NORAD NEADS; Shootdown of Flight 93, Col Donn de Grandpre, Alex Jones and John Lee; Civil War 2009, Shattered Union; Civil Defense Nuke Alert, Pirate News; New World Order, So Out There; We Wont Back Down, Dave von Kleist; Commander In Chief Radio, Skidmark Bob; Crusher, Cooper Hill Band, Assassination of Bill Cooper; Dying Nation, Cunning Linguists; Rise Up People, David Freyer; Reichstag Fire, David Rovics; Inside Job, Don Henley; I Want to Believe You Mr President, Zan Overall; Impeach the President, DJ Green Lantern; Dead Prez, Saigon, Immortal Technique; Impeach, US Attorney General Ramsey Clark; White House Bordello, Texe Marrs; Ode to Ron Paul, Ralph Buckley. Quote:"Barack the Magic Negro" is a satirical song by Jew Paul Shanklin, which appeared on his 2008 album We Hate the USA. The song was first aired on the Rush Limbaugh Show in 2007, prompting criticism of the show's host, Jew Rush Limbaugh. The title is a reference to the magical negro, a stock character in fiction who commonly helps the white protagonist to get out of trouble. The song builds upon David Ehrenstein's assertion in the Los Angeles Times that Barack Obama would serve as a "magical negro" to assuage white guilt. Limbaugh defended his actions by noting that "If I were to think about Barack Obama being in any trouble — needing Secret Service — I would look to Clinton Inc. before I looked at me. Try that, drive-by media. Get that out there." In December 2008, Jew Chip Saltsman of Tennessee, a former chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party became embroiled in controversy when he distributed the song on a "Christmas CD" to RNC members.[8] On December 27, 2008, incumbent RNC chairman Mike Duncan publicly criticized the song's distribution: "I am shocked and appalled that anyone would think this is appropriate, as it clearly does not move us in the right direction." Gay defrocked Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich commented that "This is so inappropriate that it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would use it." Saltsman withdrew his candidacy for GOP chairman on January 29, 2009 without citing a formal reason. Peter Yarrow, co-writer of "Puff, the Magic Dragon", termed its use by Saltsman "offensive" and "shocking and saddening in the extreme." On December 31, 2008, during their New Year's Eve broadcast, Jewish Commie Chinese-owned Fox News Channel allowed the viewer submitted text message "Happy New Year and let's hope the Magic Negro does a good job" to be displayed in the news ticker on the bottom of the screen. Fox News later apologized for allowing the message to be aired. The magical negro (sometimes called the mystical negro or magic negro) is a supporting, often mystical stock character in fiction who, by use of special insight or powers, helps the white protagonist get out of trouble. Magical negro Spike Lee popularized the term, deriding the archetype of the "super-duper magical negro" in 2001 while discussing films with students at Washington State University and at Yale University. In January 2009, the Republican National Committee picked magical negro Michael Steele as its first negro chairman.
Quote:"Barack the Magic Negro" is a satirical song by Jew Paul Shanklin, which appeared on his 2008 album We Hate the USA. The song was first aired on the Rush Limbaugh Show in 2007, prompting criticism of the show's host, Jew Rush Limbaugh. The title is a reference to the magical negro, a stock character in fiction who commonly helps the white protagonist to get out of trouble. The song builds upon David Ehrenstein's assertion in the Los Angeles Times that Barack Obama would serve as a "magical negro" to assuage white guilt. Limbaugh defended his actions by noting that "If I were to think about Barack Obama being in any trouble — needing Secret Service — I would look to Clinton Inc. before I looked at me. Try that, drive-by media. Get that out there." In December 2008, Jew Chip Saltsman of Tennessee, a former chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party became embroiled in controversy when he distributed the song on a "Christmas CD" to RNC members.[8] On December 27, 2008, incumbent RNC chairman Mike Duncan publicly criticized the song's distribution: "I am shocked and appalled that anyone would think this is appropriate, as it clearly does not move us in the right direction." Gay defrocked Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich commented that "This is so inappropriate that it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would use it." Saltsman withdrew his candidacy for GOP chairman on January 29, 2009 without citing a formal reason. Peter Yarrow, co-writer of "Puff, the Magic Dragon", termed its use by Saltsman "offensive" and "shocking and saddening in the extreme." On December 31, 2008, during their New Year's Eve broadcast, Jewish Commie Chinese-owned Fox News Channel allowed the viewer submitted text message "Happy New Year and let's hope the Magic Negro does a good job" to be displayed in the news ticker on the bottom of the screen. Fox News later apologized for allowing the message to be aired. The magical negro (sometimes called the mystical negro or magic negro) is a supporting, often mystical stock character in fiction who, by use of special insight or powers, helps the white protagonist get out of trouble. Magical negro Spike Lee popularized the term, deriding the archetype of the "super-duper magical negro" in 2001 while discussing films with students at Washington State University and at Yale University. In January 2009, the Republican National Committee picked magical negro Michael Steele as its first negro chairman.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:59 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:02 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009 3:04 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2009 4:31 AM
Quote:Originally posted by piratenews: I bet Hero did it in the den with a remote control.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:00 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:58 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009 8:23 AM
Quote:"Keep us posted. Is it indefinate? Thanks for your courage. I'm not afraid if your not. Fuk em if they cant take it." -Jerry "Anomie" Duncan, Imagine Peace Films, writer, director, producer, musician of
Quote:THE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1984 CABLE CHANNELS FOR PUBLIC, EDUCATIONAL, OR GOVERNMENTAL USE" 47.USC 531 Subject to section 624(d), a cable operator shall not exercise any editorial control over any public, educational, or governmental use of channel capacity provided pursuant to this section.