Regarding that MIAC report, and such.

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 09:12
PAGE 1 of 1

Sunday, April 5, 2009 6:45 AM


I am sure no one has forgotten, but let's be clear what I am talkin about...

And they DID in the end offer a backhanded and halfhearted "apology" that if read closely is all the more insulting since it's obviously no such thing, simply a lamentation of being CAUGHT, and shows no inclination that they even feel the *policy* is inappropriate.

And yes, they *HAVE* started harrassing and hounding 3rd party supporters, if you go through that area with a 3rd party bumper sticker, you *WILL* be pulled over and fucked with.

What happened to Steve B was rather interesting too, since it was their sole initial reason to detain him - regrettably the coverage is from F*X News with the obligatory light racism from the commentator, but by no means does that have anything to do with the story at hand.

Watching that *painfully* reminded me of Brent Darrows troubles with his own hometown goons.

When you politely decline a police officers malicious, invasive and often outright illegal questioning because he has not the force of law to compel you to answer, and you have your fourth and fifth amendment rights....
(If you click on only one of these links, make sure it's THIS one, although I find it amusing his assumption that police do not lie.)

And he goes berserk on you and offers threat, violence, or engages his institutional authority against you for refusing to cooperate with his illegal verbal fishing expedition, and for very good reason, as detailed above...

It oughta come clear to you that what you're REALLY dealing with is a criminal mafia with the tacit complicity of the state and you should not cooperate with them beyond what the law requires and only if THEY can clearly and *accurately* articulate to YOU, what that is.

Nor should you forget that half their job is lying, whether to you, or on the stand, and unless they are under oath, they'll not be penalized for it - so YOU had damn well better know what your rights and responsibilities are, cause asking him is begging for a convincing faery tale spun to convict you of something.

They are NOT your friends, NOT there to protect you, and will NOT be on your "side" at ANY point from start to finish, remember this.

Just as a reminder - I'll go into why I am bringing this up in the next post here.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, April 5, 2009 7:07 AM


You should add the MSM to your list of villians, they see what's going on but say little or nothing.


Sunday, April 5, 2009 7:18 AM


Part of the reason I am posting that isn't just because it's applicable in light of the recent MIAC report fiasco, but also due to serious work related frustration which oddly enough, delves into Anarchism and self-reliance because of the situation at hand.

One of our posts is a backwater, low-middle income apartment complex on a spot of marshy ground no one really wanted down the road a bit from a gated community with low income apartments on the opposite side of that, and across the street from an old run down neighborhood - a fairly quiet place to cover for the most part, backed up against a lake and not much of a draw for what little criminal element there is cause the gated community provides a better target and an extra line of defense.

But here's the rub - the only police coverage they have is a sherrifs dept which is well over thirty miles away and not only has far more important fish to fry, but is currently embroiled in a full scale blowout of corruption and brutality, not just he-said-she-said, but shit like beating folk on tape, laughing about it in official dept email and passing the tapes around as party favors...

Worst of the offenders are all concentrated on the night shift, of course, and the only ones they DIDN'T bring up on charges were the ones where they didn't have enough evidence to run over the police union and FOP's legal strike teams - believe me, whenever the FOP calls me with their hand out I give them a reaming that would make R Lee Ermey stand up and SALUTE.

And not only are they shorthanded, the remaining cops are pissing and whining and sandbagging it while crying a river about how their poor noble public servant buddies don't deserve to do time and should be let off easy.. *hiiiisssss*

And SO - Police response to our post is upwards of 65-90 minutes minimum, and they will ONLY show up at all if there is clear and immediate physical danger to someone, though given their response time how that helps any is a matter of conjecture, especially when they absolutely, positively will NOT speak to our guards, and when they DO show up, do a quick pass through without even slowing down or getting out of the vehicle, which at one point had them drive within FIVE FEET of the suspicious person they were looking for, which one of my gaurds had under direct observation at the time, and they never even saw either one of em.

Ergo, for all that money extorted from these people for police protection, what they get for it is jack diddly shit - if you had a choice, would YOU accept a bill for services that were not actually offered, AND a risk of being beaten within an inch of your life just for encountering your so-called protectors ?
(FYI - The more knowledgeable residents, and the complex management, HATE these goons with a passion, mind you.)

And so, they have engaged us - but it seems the long response time and local law enforcement issues have trickled down into the awareness of the local criminal element and sparked a feeding frenzy, there's been a rash of incidents of increasing level, and one of the houses across the street is now a crack house which is not going to be addressed by the local cops since at least one of them is an ongoing repeat customer, and a goddamn idiot for using his own personal car to make the pickup since I got and pulled his plate number.

And these punks come over HERE with a crowbar and a pillowcase for a little one stop shopping, which my people can deter only so much as our coverage allows, and it's a right bitch when the bad guys have the complex under direct observation and the cost of enough coverage to put multiple guards on site at the same time is prohibitively expensive.

Not to mention we do not do armed work, and the bad guys have upped their game - I personally have been takin over some of the shifts, and a couple days ago spotted two guys who knew damn well what they were about, complete with minivan and getaway driver parked smack dab in a spot the night flood lights didn't cover.

I loped up on em from behind a dumpster and engaged my 300,000 candlepower spotlight with my very best "cop voice" impersonation and they hightailed it back to the getaway van and bailed out with screaming tires before my gimpy-legged ass could get close enough to bag the plate, tho it was likely stolen anyhows...

That one concerned me, cause smash-n-grabbers ain't usually armed, why risk a weapons beef in addition to either simple tresspassing (before) or garden variety B&E ?

That last bunch, they were home invaders, and almost without a doubt they WERE armed, and my people ain't.

And with jack shit for backup from the PD, and what there is of it worse criminals than the folk we're running off, one can imagine I am pretty pissed off - especially in light of how much tax dinero is squeezed out of these folk to pay for that so-called "protection"...

How is this not an extortion racket again?

And cause of this, and the lack of other services
(they're not real sanguine about firefighter response neither, and I can see why..)
These folk are starting to trend towards an almost organic form of self-reliant Anarchism, several have approached me or my people asking advice on what they can do for their own protection, and we've established an unofficial emergency line since if I am awake and can physically make it to the car, I can be here in FOUR minutes as opposed to sixty, although only in the capacity as a private citizen.

The complex has also issued basic fire extinguishers to every unit and a policy for monthly self-checks and replacement.

I haven't suggested it, and they've so far not made the connection between me and a certain "villain incident" down the road a ways, but damned if I am not thinkin about spreading a few vague rumors to pick some shit, especially after THIS towns city council offered me a paid advisory position which would conveniently make me ineligable to run against them...

Looking down the way at my old hometown, still under budget with a substantially reduced crime problem (apparently much of it was due to actions of the off duty PD) and most of the ire at me personally long forgotten, with the benefits remaining....

I think this town needs a villain, really it does.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, April 5, 2009 7:21 AM



You should add the MSM to your list of villians, they see what's going on but say little or nothing.

*derisive sniff*
Even Evil has standards, Zit.

Besides, they've called their own fate and are choking on dust and ashes instead of a payday as we the people turn to the internet to find out for ourselves.

Course, this means the powers that be will try to strangle it, but that just ain't happenin cause all the best Techies are anti-gov people.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, April 5, 2009 1:00 PM


You bring us all the best stuff , Frem...

This is a public service you're doing here , hope you don't mind my saying so...

There's much of relevance that I must add when my time allows...


Sunday, April 5, 2009 2:01 PM



Sunday, April 5, 2009 2:21 PM


'...Our very own Steve Bierfeldt was detained for half an hour at the St. Louis Airport and police station. His crime? Why did he arouse the TSA's suspicion? The officials said it was because he was carrying cash on his person. Perhaps.

He was also carrying Campaign for Liberty and Ron Paul materials, and we wonder if the TSA had gotten the infamous MIAC report and not yet heard it has been retracted by the Missouri government...'


Sunday, April 5, 2009 2:27 PM


March 26, 2009

'ALIPAC is issuing a national advisory to all local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies and officers, along with all DHS Fusion Centers, a warning against any reliance upon faulty and politicized research issued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Anti Defamation League (ADL).

A national scandal emerged in Missouri, after their MIAC Fusion Center issued an eight page document which made many false claims. The documents attempted to politicize police and cast suspicion on millions of Americans. The 'Missouri Documents', as they came to be called, listed over 32 characteristics police should watch for as signs or links to domestic terrorists, which could threaten police officers, court officials, and infrastructure targets.

Police were instructed to look for Americans who were concerned about unemployment, taxes, illegal immigration, gangs, border security, abortion, high costs of living, gun restrictions, FEMA, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, and the North American Union/SPP/North American Community. The 'Missouri Documents' also said potential domestic terrorists might like gun shows, short wave radios, combat movies, movies with white male heroes...'


Sunday, April 5, 2009 8:05 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


"3rd Party"!!!

Dr Ron Paul is a REPUBLICAN Congressman, campaigning for president in the REPUBLICAN primary.

Or is the GOP now a 3rd party behind the Constitution-Libertarian-Green Party Coalition?


Monday, April 6, 2009 8:24 AM



Or is the GOP now a 3rd party

I'd say nowadays the GOP is a Turd party, and no one seems able to pour enough frosting on it to make it look palatable.

All according to plan, of course.



Tuesday, April 7, 2009 8:06 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

"3rd Party"!!!

Dr Ron Paul is a REPUBLICAN Congressman, campaigning for president in the REPUBLICAN primary.

Ron Paul is a self-confessed former Libertarian with persistent and consistent Libertarian viewpoints...


Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:51 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by piratenews:

"3rd Party"!!!

Dr Ron Paul is a REPUBLICAN Congressman, campaigning for president in the REPUBLICAN primary.

Ron Paul is a self-confessed former Libertarian with persistent and consistent Libertarian viewpoints...

...who consistently runs as a member of the Republican party.


Just lying smiling in the dark,
Shooting stars around your heart,
Dreams come bouncing in your head
pure and simple every time.
Now you're crying in your sleep;
I wish you'd never learnt to weep.
Don't sell the dreams you should be keeping
pure and simple every time.
, by Lightning Seeds


Wednesday, April 8, 2009 9:12 AM


..who consistently runs as a member of the Republican party.

Cus running as a Libertarian candidate is really going to win the sheeples approval.






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