Preacher gets traffic stop from Hell

UPDATED: Monday, April 20, 2009 07:16
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Thursday, April 16, 2009 2:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Bloody pissed off preacher sermon

You have the right to SUE THE SHLT OUT OF THEM. Going rate is $40,000 settlement per taser traffic stop.

The Revolution is soon.

Google Battle of Athens...


Thursday, April 16, 2009 5:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



Young Christian lawyer Patrick Henry saw why a JURY of PEERS is so vital to FREEDOM! It was March 1775 when he rode into a small town of Culpepper, Virginia. He was totally shocked by what he saw! There, in the middle of the town square was a minister tied to a whipping post, his back laid bare and bloody with the bones of his ribs showing. He had been scourged mercilessly like JESUS, with whips laced with metal.

Patrick Henry is quoted as saying: "When they stopped beating him, I could see the bones of his rib cage. I turned to someone and asked what the man had done to deserve such a beating as this."


The reply given him was that the man being scourged was a minister who refused to take a license. He was one of twelve who were locked in jail because they refused to take a license. A license often becomes an arbitrary control by government that makes a crime out of what ordinarily would not be a crime. IT TURNS A RIGHT INTO A PRIVILEGE! Three days later they scourged him to death.

This was the incident which sparked Christian lawyer Patrick Henry to write the famous words which later became the rallying cry of the Revolution. "What is it that Gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know no what course others may take, but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!" (view complete speech here)

Later he made this part of his famous speech at Saint John's Episcopal Church in Virginia.

Citizens Rulebook

Jewish banksters are terrified of Christian preachers. So far the other religions have been officially silent. Jewish MIAC Reports order police to arrest Christians and preachers as domestic terrorists, along with all Muslims, of course.

MIAC fails to mention Jewish terrorists like Adam Gadahn Perlman, the ADL's official spokesman for AllCIAduh, with a $1-million REWARD from FBI Most Wanted.

Constitutional Right to Travel


Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:11 AM


What's always still shocking , though it shouldn't be , is that no one seems to care about these types of incidents...

Like the recent occasion where a man in diabetic shock was violently yanked from his vehicle with attendant broken limbs and other physical injuries , or the grandmother similarly yanked through the cop-broken window of her car...

Hey folk , whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU ?

Truth be told , we've been in a martial-law venue ever since Congress adjourned sine die during the Civil War , and Lincoln had Federal troops find 'em and force-march them back to D.C.---


Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:16 AM


'...When the Southern states walked out of Congress on March 27, 1861, the quorum to conduct business under the Constitution was lost. The only votes that Congress could lawfully take, under Parliamentary Law, were those to set the time to reconvene, take a vote to get a quorum, and vote to adjourn and set a date, time, and place to reconvene at a later time, but instead, Congress abandoned the House and Senate without setting a date to reconvene. Under the parliamentary law of Congress, when this happened, Congress became sine die (pronounced see-na dee-a; literally "without day") and thus when Congress adjourned sine die, it ceased to exist as a lawful deliberative body, and the only lawful, constitutional power that could declare war was no longer lawful, or in session.

The Southern states, by virtue of their secession from the Union, also ceased to exist sine die, and some state legislatures in the Northern bloc also adjourned sine die, and thus, all the states which were parties to creating the Constitution ceased to exist. President Lincoln executed the first executive order written by any President on April 15, 1861, Executive Order 1, and the nation has been ruled by the President under executive order ever since. When Congress eventually did reconvene, it was reconvened under the military authority of the Commander-in-Chief and not by Rules of Order for Parliamentary bodies or by Constitutional Law; placing the American people under martial rule ever since that national emergency declared by President Lincoln. The Constitution for the United States of America temporarily ceased to be the law of the land, and the President, Congress, and the Courts unlawfully presumed that they were free to remake the nation in their own image, whereas, lawfully, no constitutional provisions were in place which afforded power to any of the actions which were taken which presumed to place the nation under the new form of control.

President Lincoln knew that he had no authority to issue any executive order, and thus he commissioned General Orders No. 100 (April 24, 1863) as a special field code to govern his actions under martial law and which justified the seizure of power, which extended the laws of the District of Columbia, and which fictionally implemented the provisions of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 17-18 of the Constitution beyond the boundaries of Washington, D.C. and into the several states. General Orders No. 100, also called the Lieber Instructions and the Lieber Code, extended The Laws of War and International Law onto American soil, and the United States government became the presumed conqueror of the people and the land.

Martial rule was kept secret and has never ended, the nation has been ruled under Military Law by the Commander of Chief of that military; the President, under his assumed executive powers and according to his executive orders. Constitutional law under the original Constitution is enforced only as a matter of keeping the public peace under the provisions of General Orders No. 100 under martial rule. Under Martial Law, title is a mere fiction, since all property belongs to the military except for that property which the Commander-in-Chief may, in his benevolence, exempt from taxation and seizure and upon which he allows the enemy to reside.

President Lincoln was assassinated before he could complete plans for reestablishing constitutional government in the Southern States and end the martial rule by executive order, and the 14th Article in Amendment to the Constitution created a new citizenship status for the new expanded jurisdiction. New laws for the District of Columbia were established and passed by Congress in 1871, supplanting those established Feb. 27, 1801 and May 3, 1802. The District of Columbia was re-incorporated in 1872, and all states in the Union were reformed as Franchisees of the Federal Corporation so that a new Union of the United States could be created. The key to when the states became Federal Franchisees is related to the date when such states enacted the Field Code in law. The Field Code was a codification of the common law that was adopted first by New York and then by California in 1872, and shortly afterwards the Lieber Code was used to bring the United States into the 1874 Brussels Conference and into the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.'


Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:20 AM


...So as Chairman Mao said , " political power emanates from the barrel of a gun "...

The Banksters have your gold , folks...

Will they also take your arms ?


Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:43 AM


Out2B ?
(Warning, having a nip of brandy here, expect, well.. anything...)

Remember I am originally from Baltimore, Maryland.

I hated Lincoln even back in the 70's when most of the country was still licking his boots, and spit in disgust whenever I see that goddamn monument in DC...

We Marylanders have long memories, and still hold that grudge even today, the man was a fucking monster, and what's that say about the Government and country that builds statues in his honor ?

Fuck Lincoln, and especially fuck that bastard Pinkerton and his bastard enforcers, who went from Union Goon squad to robber baron strikebreakers to the US Dept Of "Justice".

In 1871, Congress appropriated $50,000 to the new Department of Justice (DOJ) to form a suborganization devoted to "the detection and prosecution of those guilty of violating federal law." The amount was insufficient for the DOJ to fashion an integral investigating unit, so the DOJ contracted out the services to the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.

However, since passage of the Anti-Pinkerton Act in 1893, federal law has stated that an "individual employed by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, or similar organization, may not be employed by the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia."

We knew what these Federalist scum were like from the very start, just read the Anti-Federalist Papers and see for yourself just how horrifyingly accurate every single prediction of Federalist usurpation and abuse has become, often even beyond the wildest imaginings and worst case scenarios of the time.

The irony of it all was that while Maryland was maybe more sympathetic to the Confederates, the general mood of the population was mostly a desire to remain neutral, which the Confederates didn't have too much of a problem with, and thus left us alone, but the Union *DID*, and by their actions drove much of the state further into pro-secession, which it would have done had not Lincoln decided to wipe his ass with the Constitution and disregard it utterly.

I mean, if you were in such a position between two warring parties, and one left you alone, and the other said "side with me OR ELSE!"
And then used its troops on you to make that happen...

Wouldn't you resent it quite a bit ?

Fuck him, and fuck his "Union", just look at the disaster all around you and know full and well that us "crazy talkers" warned you all day long as the rest of you cheered the charge right off the goddamn cliff.

And we BEEN warning you since 1787 - but no, y'all just follow the siren song despite 220 years of demonstrable evidence it DOES NOT WORK.

But what do we know, we're just "crazy talkers" right ?

Weren't for us "crazy talkers" you'd still be an english colony, ya buncha pissants - and YES, Wulfie, I'm drunk, so what.

And just cause it's at the moment so goddamn appropriate!


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, April 18, 2009 1:57 PM


America loves a winner!

What questions did he refuse to answer ? Sounds suspicious to me.

*edit* Whining that the dog didn't 'bark' or anything is weak. Dogs and their handlers
work on visual non verbal clues.

The breaking of the glass and the tazing, that's gestapo bullshit.


Saturday, April 18, 2009 2:56 PM


Whenever US politicians harp on other countrys about
" Human Rights Abuses "

I think of shit like this going on.

Hypocritical Assholes

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:10 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Abe Lincoln was an adopted Rothschild = jewish.

Lincoln/Rothschild was assassinated by inside job, organized by his secretary of war, who banned all bodyguards for the president that day. Eight of the alleged conspirators were arrested and convicted by illegal martial law tribunal. No appeal was allowed. Four were sentenced to hang (included first female hanged by US Govt), rest got life in prison. None were senior in the conspiracy. The alleged lone nut assassin survived and lived a long life of luxury.


"That, that miserable inebriate Johnson, had cognizance of my husband's death - Why, was that card of Booth's, found in his box, some acquaintance certainly existed - I have been deeply impressed, with the harrowing thought, that he, had an understanding with the conspirators & they knew their man. As sure, as you & I live, Johnson, had some hand, in all this."
-Mary Todd Lincoln to her friend, Sally Orne, in a letter dated March 15, 1866

My Pirate TV show is broadcast from the Andrew Johnson Hotel, where George W Bush's manho mayor Victor "Victoria" Ash's boytoy was assassinated...

"Half of writing history is hiding the Truth."
-Capt Malcolm Reynolds, Serenity


Monday, April 20, 2009 7:16 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
What questions did he refuse to answer ? Sounds suspicious to me.

The breaking of the glass and the tazing, that's gestapo bullshit.

Doesn't matter what he refused to answer...

Burden of proof is on the alleged 'law enforcement' officers...

A more relevant question would be 'What prompted a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed , and therefore , what was the nature of , and cause for , the actions of the 'enforcers' ?

The man seems to have been entirely within his 4th and 5th Amendment rights...Seems that the entirety of the actions of the 'law enforcement' types was 'Gestapo b.s.'...

Hold the Oath-takers to the higher standard...

"...A person is seized within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment only when by means of physical force or show of authority his freedom of movement is restrained, and in the circumstances surrounding the incident, a reasonable person would believe that he was not free to leave."






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