Cops beat unconscious crash victim

UPDATED: Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:54
VIEWED: 6665
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009 4:01 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Guess that's the new punishment for not wearing a seat belt.

PS: The 5 cops were fired.

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right? That extra moment of sadism - that's the thing that says it's okay, buddy, you're not up to spec, you're going down!"
-Joss Whedon, Firefly DVD, censored Episode 1 "Serenity"


Thursday, May 21, 2009 2:39 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Guess that's the new punishment for not wearing a seat belt.

Actually not wearing a seatbelt is a Minor Misdemeanor punishable by a $150 fine.

The beating was unrelated.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:05 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Hero:
Actually not wearing a seatbelt is a Minor Misdemeanor punishable by a $150 fine.

The beating was unrelated.

I'd suspect the beating was more related to the suspect trying to run over a cop, as seen earlier in the video. Not that this excuses the beating, but it does put it in a different perspective than just cops beating up a fleeing suspect.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


"Crew, who did not represent Warren in the criminal case, said he fled in the van because he was confronted by a man who never identified himself as an officer, was not in uniform and drove after him in an unmarked car. She said he had not been accused of any crime when the pursuit began."

Anthony Warren was NOT accused of any crime, but was sentenced to 20 years prison WITHOUT knowing he was beaten, due to destruction of videotape by crooked cops.


The five officers were fired late Tuesday by Police Chief A.C. Roper, who said late Wednesday his agency did not tamper with the video.

The Alabama Bureau of Investigation is investigating the beating, who altered the tape, in what agency that alteration occurred, and whether it was intentional. The FBI said Wednesday night it had launched a civil rights investigation of the incident.

Authorities said he was unconscious when the five officers began kicking him and beating him with a billy club and fists.

The battering was captured on police video until a sixth officer turned off the lights and siren in the cruiser that held the camera, automatically shutting off the camera.

So the beating continued long after the tape ended.

The park rangers in my current traffic ticket appeal destroyed their videotape, which showed the cop breaking numerous traffic laws, but failed to show my alleged traffic crime. This is standard procedure for all cops. ALWAYS get the cop's incar videotape ASAP, before filing your defense in court, which reduces their incentive to tamper with evidence.


The video surfaced a year later after prosecutors were preparing to try Warren for assault in connection with the chase. The five policeman were fired. Warren pleaded guilty to first-degree assault and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

An attorney representing Warren in a civil case said he was hospitalized after the chase and didn't realize he'd been beaten until a prosecutor preparing for his trial requested the tape, saw the attack and told the defense about it.

The officers can appeal.

The allegation of tampering is also an issue raised in a claim filed with the city of Birmingham on behalf of Warren, shortly after he entered his guilty plea.

The claim detailed Warren's injuries, which included a concussion and a skull fracture, but also alleges the Police Department interfered with the administration of justice and conspired to tamper with evidence.

"Also of great concern to us is the fact that .¤.¤. everything after the van flipped, the entire beating, was deleted on the tape given to the defense counsel, with clear intent to suppress," said lawyer Wendy Crew, who represents Warren. "The tampering with the evidence and the editing of the video and proffering it was clearly a conscious and deliberate act."

Crew said Warren was shot with a Taser before the high-speed chase, and contended that the chase should have never started.

The officers, whose time on the force ranges from seven to 13 years each, have appealed their dismissals to the Jefferson County Personnel Board.

Authorities believe numerous Birmingham officers and as many as a half-dozen supervisors saw the video over the past year, but none reported it.

District Attorney Brandon Falls said Wednesday the tape of the beating surfaced unexpectedly as prosecutors were preparing to try Warren.

He said prosecutors had a video of the chase "but the beating was not on the copy we had."

Falls said the prosecutor wanted to play the video for the jury but, for technical reasons, she needed another copy and asked for the original.

"We got the original the week before the trial ... and that's where she saw the rest of the tape," he said.

He said they contacted the defense, the Alabama Bureau of Investigation and the Birmingham police chief.

Sleazy "public defender" govt trial lawyer pled him guilty even with that "new" tape, so no trial.

Crooked cops got zero days in jail, all taxslaves pay cops $2-million to jail beating victim.

No mention what the original chase was for in most "news" articles. In fact, no crime had been alleged, Warren was simply fleeing an attack by an undercover cop in an undermarked car who never IDed himself as a cop.

Cops have a gangmember mentality, since they are literally members of a criminal gang. Many are experienced serial killers and mass murderers fresh from killing families in Iraq and Afghanistan, or previous neverending wars.

They are often incapable of professionalism. They quit being peace officers a long time ago, and became so-called law enforcement officers ignoring the US Constitution. Every citizen is guilty of breaking dozens of laws every day, since all normal human behavior is now a crime. This new job drives cops insane.

Former sheriff Richard Mack was on the radio this week, discussing their "lack of professionalism" in this beating, saying nothing excuses their behavior, "or you become the same as the criminal". As sheriff Mack beat the BATF and FBI in the US Supreme Court, killing the Brady Bill requirement for sheriffs to do background checks for every gun purchase. So the feds got him beat in the next election.

Gratuitous picture of copcar

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right? That extra moment of sadism - that's the thing that says it's okay, buddy, you're not up to spec, you're going down!"
-Joss Whedon, Firefly DVD, censored Episode 1 "Serenity"


Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:43 PM


I know, just know, that everyone will rail on me about this, but I have to say it. After he ran down the officer on foot, I'd have done probably the same thing. After seeing one of their own possibly killed, ( I doubt they could have known the officer that was ran down wasn't dead, ) their actions ahould not have been unexpected.

I'm not saying they were right, mind you. But I am saying I'd probably have done it as well. With their anger and adrenaline pumping, and it had to be, I really wonder how long it took to dawn on them that the guy was unconscious. It's fairly evident at once on the video, but I have the advantage of seeing it dispassionately, and not in person.

They're human just like the rest of us, and human emotions can make you crazy in cases like this. They had sixty years of experience between the five of them, according to what I saw on the news. Clearly not rookies, at least some of them.

It would be interesting to know if any of them had any previous reprimands or violations. I don't know how to find that out, though.

Anyway, that's just me.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:56 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Allegedly these cops had no reprimands, according to the lying police chief, who also claimed police didn't delete that videotape (after he fired them). Reprimands are written up in cops' personnel files, which any defendant has access to if they demand them in court. I've gotten personnel files on 2 cops, one who crashed his patrol car by rear-ending innocent bystanders 4 times (he's now a county commissioner), another who killed a woman in a crash and found guilty of stealign my legally parked car according to internal affairs report (he's now a detective).

There's a difference between "running someone down" and dodging a lunatic cop running out in the middle of a busy highway.

This is Birmingham, home of the KKK, lynchins and waterhoses for protestors.

All cops are dirty, so heaven celebrates every time a cop dies.

Until cops start obeying the constitutions and arresting all crooked govt employees, the majority of citizens will celebrate every dead cop. That's a fact. Joss and Terminator made a fortune on that psychology.

"I'll be back."
-Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger, before massacring an entire police station in Terminator

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right? That extra moment of sadism - that's the thing that says it's okay, buddy, you're not up to spec, you're going down!"
-Joss Whedon, Firefly DVD, censored Episode 1 "Serenity"


Thursday, May 21, 2009 7:12 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Allegedly these cops had no reprimands, according to the lying police chief, who also claimed police didn't delete that videotape (after he fired them). Reprimands are written up in cops' personnel files, which any defendant has access to if they demand them in court. I've gotten personnel files on 2 cops, one who crashed his patrol car by rear-ending innocent bystanders 4 times (he's now a county commissioner), another who killed a woman in a crash and found guilty of stealign my legally parked car according to internal affairs report (he's now a detective).

There's a difference between "running someone down" and dodging a lunatic cop running out in the middle of a busy highway.

This is Birmingham, home of the KKK, lynchins and waterhoses for protestors.

All cops are dirty, so heaven celebrates every time a cop dies.

Until cops start obeying the constitutions and arresting all crooked govt employees, the majority of citizens will celebrate every dead cop. That's a fact. Joss and Terminator made a fortune on that psychology.

"I'll be back."
-Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger, before massacring an entire police station in Terminator

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right? That extra moment of sadism - that's the thing that says it's okay, buddy, you're not up to spec, you're going down!"
-Joss Whedon, Firefly DVD, censored Episode 1 "Serenity"

All cops are not dirty idiot, and I doubt that heaven celebrates their deaths. I know you've had some issues with law enforcement, so I can understand your ire. But a blanket statement like that is an insult to evey honest man who has ever worn a badge with no other thought than to try and help his neighbors and friends when and where he could.

Every now and then, you post something almost sane, and I start thinking, 'this guy might be okay'. And then you ass it up like this.

You seriously need help. Really. I mean like serious help. I admit, even when I'm pissed off like I am right now over the 'all cops are dirty' line, I still feel sorry for you.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 7:17 PM


I have no idea why my last post looks like a quote from someone else, so here it is again;

All cops are not dirty idiot, and I doubt that heaven celebrates their deaths. I know you've had some issues with law enforcement, so I can understand your ire. But a blanket statement like that is an insult to evey honest man who has ever worn a badge with no other thought than to try and help his neighbors and friends when and where he could.

Every now and then, you post something almost sane, and I start thinking, 'this guy might be okay'. And then you ass it up like this.

You seriously need help. Really. I mean like serious help. I admit, even when I'm pissed off like I am right now over the 'all cops are dirty' line, I still feel sorry for you.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 9:50 PM


(WARNING, WARNING, inspired semi-drunken rantage imminent!)

Unfortunately, BK, crazy as he is, PN has an excellent point.

Cops have a gangmember mentality, since they are literally members of a criminal gang.

They are often incapable of professionalism. They quit being peace officers a long time ago, and became so-called law enforcement officers ignoring the US Constitution. Every citizen is guilty of breaking dozens of laws every day, since all normal human behavior is now a crime. This new job drives cops insane.

And frankly, I myself will no longer accept one word of apologism in any kind for a criminal mafia that differs from a protection racket only in perceived legitimacy.

They ought to be held to a HIGHER standard of conduct, not a lower one, and that whole "service to the community" dodge has gotten all too threadbare given their idea of "community service" is more like "servicing the community" in the biblical sense, to be downright nasty about it.

Mind you, the township where I reside is currently involved in what amounts to a financial proxy-war with our own "police" department, since their initial agreed upon budget has been eaten up by fines and lawsuit payouts related to direct criminal conduct and abuse not only caught on tape, but joked about in official departmental emails - and so they DEMANDED a tax millage for more money under threat of abandoning the community they were paid to protect cause we feel no obligation to pay legal expenses related to their own blatant misconduct - and we voted that millage into the ground with the help of local villain "Dynamo" agitating against halfass villainry and a lack of professionalism on behalf of our blue suited goon squad.

So for all that money, now they're gonna refuse to do their job cause we won't cover their misbehavior ?

Exactly WHY do we need these fuckheads again, I ask you, if all they contribute is MORE CRIME ?

Also lemme point out that the reason I have several contracts here is because they can not, will not, do the job they were originally paid to do, and thus various communities have contracted us to do the job instead.

And yet they still get raked on the tax bill to fund what the local populace has all but decided is a criminal mafia every bit as vile as the local crack dealers, a logical conclusion given that I have some of their off-duty officers on webcam making product buys from the local crack house and using marked on-duty vehicles in a security function for the damn place - and the only folks who we can report that to is the very assholes making the product buys ?

Yeah, sure, that'll go over well, won't it - fuckers would likely trash MY place for "invading their privacy" despite them having zero respect for anyone elses.

So piss on holding them to a lower standard of conduct - they swore an oath to uphold the law, which we ordinary yahoos did not, and they should be subject to EVERY SINGLE PROVISION OF IT, up to and very specifically including every firearm restriction on the books, with TRIPLE penalties for a violation of any kind as mandatory minimum, instead of this two-tier justice bullshit where they're treated as lords and we're treated as peons.

But a blanket statement like that is an insult to every honest man who has ever worn a badge with no other thought than to try and help his neighbors and friends when and where he could.

This statement is factually inaccurate, as given the current era and known corruption and disgusting savagery of "the force", anyone who signs up honestly believing that line of tripe is either incredibly naive or outright lying to you - more likely the latter, cause in a police state, what better way to make sure you'll never go hungry or have to face the jackboot yourself, than being the police ?

Support the police my ass, FUCK the police - at least the goddamn mafia gives you some VALUE, some neighborhood SECURITY for your money by keeping the other goons out, which if you study gangland history, was the entire original purpose of most street gangs in the first place.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:13 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
(WARNING, WARNING, inspired semi-drunken rantage imminent!)

Unfortunately, BK, crazy as he is, PN has an excellent point.

Cops have a gangmember mentality, since they are literally members of a criminal gang.

They are often incapable of professionalism. They quit being peace officers a long time ago, and became so-called law enforcement officers ignoring the US Constitution. Every citizen is guilty of breaking dozens of laws every day, since all normal human behavior is now a crime. This new job drives cops insane.

And frankly, I myself will no longer accept one word of apologism in any kind for a criminal mafia that differs from a protection racket only in perceived legitimacy.

They ought to be held to a HIGHER standard of conduct, not a lower one, and that whole "service to the community" dodge has gotten all too threadbare given their idea of "community service" is more like "servicing the community" in the biblical sense, to be downright nasty about it.

Mind you, the township where I reside is currently involved in what amounts to a financial proxy-war with our own "police" department, since their initial agreed upon budget has been eaten up by fines and lawsuit payouts related to direct criminal conduct and abuse not only caught on tape, but joked about in official departmental emails - and so they DEMANDED a tax millage for more money under threat of abandoning the community they were paid to protect cause we feel no obligation to pay legal expenses related to their own blatant misconduct - and we voted that millage into the ground with the help of local villain "Dynamo" agitating against halfass villainry and a lack of professionalism on behalf of our blue suited goon squad.

So for all that money, now they're gonna refuse to do their job cause we won't cover their misbehavior ?

Exactly WHY do we need these fuckheads again, I ask you, if all they contribute is MORE CRIME ?

Also lemme point out that the reason I have several contracts here is because they can not, will not, do the job they were originally paid to do, and thus various communities have contracted us to do the job instead.

And yet they still get raked on the tax bill to fund what the local populace has all but decided is a criminal mafia every bit as vile as the local crack dealers, a logical conclusion given that I have some of their off-duty officers on webcam making product buys from the local crack house and using marked on-duty vehicles in a security function for the damn place - and the only folks who we can report that to is the very assholes making the product buys ?

Yeah, sure, that'll go over well, won't it - fuckers would likely trash MY place for "invading their privacy" despite them having zero respect for anyone elses.

So piss on holding them to a lower standard of conduct - they swore an oath to uphold the law, which we ordinary yahoos did not, and they should be subject to EVERY SINGLE PROVISION OF IT, up to and very specifically including every firearm restriction on the books, with TRIPLE penalties for a violation of any kind as mandatory minimum, instead of this two-tier justice bullshit where they're treated as lords and we're treated as peons.

But a blanket statement like that is an insult to every honest man who has ever worn a badge with no other thought than to try and help his neighbors and friends when and where he could.

This statement is factually inaccurate, as given the current era and known corruption and disgusting savagery of "the force", anyone who signs up honestly believing that line of tripe is either incredibly naive or outright lying to you - more likely the latter, cause in a police state, what better way to make sure you'll never go hungry or have to face the jackboot yourself, than being the police ?

Support the police my ass, FUCK the police - at least the goddamn mafia gives you some VALUE, some neighborhood SECURITY for your money by keeping the other goons out, which if you study gangland history, was the entire original purpose of most street gangs in the first place.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


You have every right to your opinion Frem. I'm sorry things are so bad where you live. I have personally known many fine men and not a few women who have been police officers all their lives, and not been 'crooked'. Hell, I've known more than one who never even pulled their weapon during their career, though I'm afraid those days are gone.

I don't know where your first quote came from, so I can't really respond to that. I'm sorry you've never met an honest cop. I've had the priviledge of knowing several, and they are good people.

Nor did I say anything about holding anyone to a 'lower standard', as I recall. In fact, I said clearly that I was not saying they were right in what they did. And I didn't consider what I said making an excuse for them either, though as I read it again, I can see where you might think so.

I was merely making an observation, based only on what I know, and all I know is what I've seen in the news, so far as this incident is concerned.

As to what I said being 'factually inaccurate', the only fact that you presented was your opinion. That's not really a fact. I have noted before, when we've talked about this same kind of behavior, that older, larger, and thus more 'entrenched' police organizations do seem to have problems. And I've known my share of idiots that think pinning on a badge makes them the 'Ultimate Authority'.

That's a far cry from all cops being dirty.

As always, that's just me.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 1:55 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I have no idea why my last post looks like a quote from someone else, so here it is again;

Here's why:

The post you're quoting (PN's) *ENDS* with a URL/link. For some reason, the forum software can't distinguish the end of the link from your {quote} bracket, so it includes the opening bracket, breaking the quote - in essence, it QUOTES, but it never CLOSES the quote.

The easy fix? Whenever you're quoting something that ends with a link, just put an extra space or line break between the end of the link and the beginning of your close-quotes brackets.



Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 1:57 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


This is Birmingham, home of the KKK, lynchins and waterhoses for protestors.

This from the guy who refers to Obama as a "spook"...


Friday, May 22, 2009 5:04 AM


BK, the problem is that the whole CONCEPT has gone "dirty" - to the point where it's like trying to drain a lake with a shovel, you can *not* fix that from inside, and you can't stuff all those genies back in the bottle, neither.

I have met decent cops, Joe Goode, Warren Evans, many others, but the system in which they operate is so corrupted they have little appreciable net effect.

When I name the police a criminal mafia, I mean exactly that, and I would lay good odds that quite a few members of la cosa nostra were decent fellows only interested in protecting their neighborhood from other syndicates as well - their days of power were nearly over in the fringe regions of the area where I grew up, but they were overall more reliable, more trustworthy and frankly, more honest than the police - they didn't try to spin it as some socially useful function although one could indeed have made that argument about them cause the Glen Burnie boys were by that time mostly into legit businesses anyhows.

And the police have their enforcers and mouthpieces as well, it only really takes a few bad ones when the whole damn department covers up for them, which they do - when was the last time you saw the police unions, the FOP, or their little lawyer-mouthpiece collectives blackball a rogue instead of defending them, no matter how blatant, obvious, or inexcuseable their conduct ?

Oh yeah, that's right, NEVER.

And by that action they condone it, one and all.

So to me, they're the bad guys, one more criminal enterprise I must defend myself, my people, and most especially my customers, against.

And I mean that, it's been made abundantly clear to me that short of a force majeure situation, we are *NOT* to cooperate or comply, and the local PD is to be regarded and treated as any other pack of criminals as regards site security - only ones that have the ability to force compliance to their will by threat of arms.

Individually, I take people as people, but as a force, a power structure and a collective, the police are just one more pack of crooks, which we allow to lord over us cause of the idiotic belief that mere words on paper can protect one from the ugly realities of life.

Yeah, I can be damn vicious about this, but given my situation, particularly being contracted to protect local sites AGAINST the police by providing semi-official witnesses against misdeeds - can ya really blame me ?


FYI - When was the last time you heard of a cop who even know of, much less obeyed, the Peelian Principles, eh ?

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, May 22, 2009 5:14 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by badkarma00:

You have every right to your opinion Frem. I'm sorry things are so bad where you live. I have personally known many fine men and not a few women who have been police officers all their lives, and not been 'crooked'. Hell, I've known more than one who never even pulled their weapon during their career, though I'm afraid those days are gone.

I don't know where your first quote came from, so I can't really respond to that. I'm sorry you've never met an honest cop. I've had the priviledge of knowing several, and they are good people.

The legal definition of an "honest" cop is one who:

1. Enforces the constitutions every day, as required by their oath of office, including the right to travel without driver license internal passports, which kills jurisdiction for all traffic tickets (99.9% of all police prosecutions). Traffic tickets are armed robbery by carjacking.

2. Ignores all so-called "laws" and court orders that violate constititions, since the constitutions trump all laws. Constitutional Equal Protection doctrine in 14th Amendment bans all drug laws, since Uncle Scam is the largest importer of cocaine and heroin.

3. Ignores all illegal orders on a daily basis.

4. Immediately arrests all cops, commanders and govt employees observed breaking The Law, on a daily basis.

5. Be certified as First Responders and firefighters, and carry First Responder kits and large fire extinguishers, and actully provide first aid to car crash victims. Currently, no cop provides first aid to crash victims, resulting in 10,000s of needless deaths every year in USA. In a Police State, death squads replace ambulance crews.

6. Arrest and deport 50-million illegal aliens, including so-called anchor babies, and arrest all their employers and seize their assets. When a tourist has a baby on vacation, that baby is NOT a citizen of that foreign nation.

Obviously, no honest cop has ever existed on planet Earth, by the govts' own definition.


"10% of cops are honest, 10% are dishonest, and 80% wish they were honest."
-Detective Frank Serpico NYPD, testimony to Knapp Commission

Not even Serpico ever made an actual arrest of a dirty cop. And he got Al Pacino to play him in Hollywood.

This is not that hard to do, actually. I always file criminal charges against cops in every traffic ticket, proven by their own in-car videotape.

I even filed criminal charges against my wife's military commanders during Iraq War #1, from master sergeant to captain to 4-star general, resulting in all of them being fired, and my wife offered a job at the Pentagon working directly for Secretary of War Dick Cheney.

The problem is 99% of sheeple are spineless, greedy, lazy, stupid and corruptable, with nothing in their life important enough to fight for, not even verbal battle in court or city council. Thus USA shall cease to exist very soon, just like the Roman Empire.


Friday, May 22, 2009 5:56 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Individually, I take people as people, but as a force, a power structure and a collective, the police are just one more pack of crooks, which we allow to lord over us cause of the idiotic belief that mere words on paper can protect one from the ugly realities of life.

Yeah, I can be damn vicious about this, but given my situation, particularly being contracted to protect local sites AGAINST the police by providing semi-official witnesses against misdeeds - can ya really blame me ?

Yes, never trust a cop in your home or business, due to their 5-finger discount. That's a problem with alarm companies that call the cops, who then refuse to leave after false alarms.

An "honest" cop told me a story about his rookie OJT. They responded to a burglery at a large grocery store. His sergent was carrying shopping carts full of loot to his patrol car, to blame the theft on the burglers. The rookie cop never filed criminal complaint against the sergent, nor make an arrest of the sergent, nor did any other officer.

This cop had a 25-year career on the police force, and never got promoted to sergent, as punishment for his family's politics, and because he failed to pay his supervisor a $15,000 bribe for promotion to SGT, or $25,000 bribe for promotion to LT.

The only reason he was talking to me was because he begged me to solve a copkilling of his partner, a murder sanctioned by the police chief, DA and mayor, since the killers were dealing drugs for the sheriff as part of the CIA/DEA Iran-Contra pipeline by the Bush/Clinton White House. The killers confessed on police videotape the night of the killing, and cops recovered the mruder gun, but the DA dropped all charges, even though the shooter already had a prior murder conviction. He asked me to solve the copkilling of his partner, because he didn't want to risk loss of his pension, or worse. In retaliation for my newspaper article about that copkilling, KPD stole my legally parked car, then denied having it for 2 months. The cop that stole my car had killed a woman in a car crash, and is now promoted to "detective", in charge of the investigation of the "lone nut" who gunned down folks in a local church where my family was injured (coverup of co-conspirators and hiding evidence from victims families). KPD's mafia contractor stole a 2nd car from me. I never got my cars back.

I've been to cops' homes, drunk beer and smoked dope with them, listened to their war stories for hours. If we can ever motivate "honest" cops to put their badge where their mouth is, USA just might survive. But the brainwashing, bribery and death threats are too powerful. Many cops are now paid $200,000/year and living in $500,000 homes. Or they get shot in the back by their own cops.


Friday, May 22, 2009 6:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Also lemme point out that the reason I have several contracts here is because they can not, will not, do the job they were originally paid to do, and thus various communities have contracted us to do the job instead.

I have some of their off-duty officers on webcam making product buys from the local crack house and using marked on-duty vehicles in a security function for the damn place - and the only folks who we can report that to is the very assholes making the product buys ?

Most actual arrests are not made by police, they're made by private security guards and private persons, via citizen's arrest authority, often using firearms in self defense. In reality, we don't need police. For 1,000s of years, police did not exist. When a real crime was committed, the sheriff recruited a posse of unpaid citizens, who got the job done then went back to their jobs.

As for local cops running dope, report your evidence to FBI and IRS, and perhaps state police, perhaps anonimously. Don't talk to DEA, since the doper cops work for them. However, all cops are dirty, so there's always risk of retaliation for reporting crime.


Friday, May 22, 2009 6:46 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by badkarma00:

All cops are not dirty idiot, and I doubt that heaven celebrates their deaths. I know you've had some issues with law enforcement, so I can understand your ire. But a blanket statement like that is an insult to evey honest man who has ever worn a badge with no other thought than to try and help his neighbors and friends when and where he could.

You just haven't spent "quality time" with cops.

Here's your homework assignment: Next time you meet a cop, ask "What's the worst thing you've ever seen as a cop?" If you built rapport, you'll probably get an answer about police corruption. Be prepared to listen for an hour or two without talking, since nobody ever listens to them, and they need to download. Alcohol or pot is not required as truth serum.

The "honest cop" who begged me to "solve" the copkilling of his partner was neck deep in "fixing tickets" (felony solicitation of bribery), dope dealing (paying informants in confiscated dope and felony solicitation of bribery), and towtrucking carthefts and extortions (felony solicitation of bribery). Even the dope dealers on his beat warned him his cop bosses were "trying to set him up" (perhaps kill him). His pension was more important to him than "solving" the murder of his own partner. He was a big "brave" guy who played college football, who was scared to death of the police corruption.

WARNING: Once you start talking to cops about their darkest secrets, AND you listen to what they say without pretending it isn't true, AND you take action of any kind, then you risk severe retaliation from police.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
-Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill Jewish Knight of the British Empire


Friday, May 22, 2009 7:14 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by badkarma00:

All cops are not dirty idiot, and I doubt that heaven celebrates their deaths. I know you've had some issues with law enforcement, so I can understand your ire. But a blanket statement like that is an insult to evey honest man who has ever worn a badge with no other thought than to try and help his neighbors and friends when and where he could.

You just haven't spent "quality time" with cops.

Here's your homework assignment: Next time you meet a cop, ask "What's the worst thing you've ever seen as a cop?" If you built rapport, you'll probably get an answer about police corruption. Be prepared to listen for an hour or two without talking, since nobody ever listens to them, and they need to download. Alcohol or pot is not required as truth serum.

The "honest cop" who begged me to "solve" the copkilling of his partner was neck deep in "fixing tickets" (felony solicitation of bribery), dope dealing (paying informants in confiscated dope and felony solicitation of bribery), and towtrucking carthefts and extortions (felony solicitation of bribery). Even the dope dealers on his beat warned him his cop bosses were "trying to set him up" (perhaps kill him). His pension was more important to him than "solving" the murder of his own partner. He was a big "brave" guy who played college football, who was scared to death of the police corruption.

WARNING: Once you start talking to cops about their darkest secrets, AND you listen to what they say without pretending it isn't true, AND you take action of any kind, then you risk severe retaliation from police.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
-Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill Jewish Knight of the British Empire


It was a parking ticket, wasn't it. I've seen this before. Someone parks in the tow away zone 'for just a minute', then comes back to see a cop ordering their car towed, or issuing a ticket. And there it is.

A life long war against law enforcement of any kind.

I've spent plenty of quality time among cops, and I've seen the dark underbelly, as Frem likes to call it. Take your homework assignment and stick it with your framed parking ticket, (you did frame it, didn't you. yeah, someone like you always does). I'm not some punk ass kid who's watched too much TV PN.

Nor do I think you're as nutty as you sometimes act. Yes, act. I think you act the way you do so you won't get into trouble for the stuff you say. That people won't hold it against the local wacknut if he's a little ( or a lot ) offensive.

Or is it to get attention, PN? Is that it? Ignored in middle school, couldn't get a date for the prom, something like that?

Whatever it is, I really do feel sorry for you. Remember this, though. If you look for something expecting to see it, you will.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 7:19 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
BK, the problem is that the whole CONCEPT has gone "dirty" - to the point where it's like trying to drain a lake with a shovel, you can *not* fix that from inside, and you can't stuff all those genies back in the bottle, neither.

I have met decent cops, Joe Goode, Warren Evans, many others, but the system in which they operate is so corrupted they have little appreciable net effect.

When I name the police a criminal mafia, I mean exactly that, and I would lay good odds that quite a few members of la cosa nostra were decent fellows only interested in protecting their neighborhood from other syndicates as well - their days of power were nearly over in the fringe regions of the area where I grew up, but they were overall more reliable, more trustworthy and frankly, more honest than the police - they didn't try to spin it as some socially useful function although one could indeed have made that argument about them cause the Glen Burnie boys were by that time mostly into legit businesses anyhows.

And the police have their enforcers and mouthpieces as well, it only really takes a few bad ones when the whole damn department covers up for them, which they do - when was the last time you saw the police unions, the FOP, or their little lawyer-mouthpiece collectives blackball a rogue instead of defending them, no matter how blatant, obvious, or inexcuseable their conduct ?

Oh yeah, that's right, NEVER.

And by that action they condone it, one and all.

So to me, they're the bad guys, one more criminal enterprise I must defend myself, my people, and most especially my customers, against.

And I mean that, it's been made abundantly clear to me that short of a force majeure situation, we are *NOT* to cooperate or comply, and the local PD is to be regarded and treated as any other pack of criminals as regards site security - only ones that have the ability to force compliance to their will by threat of arms.

Individually, I take people as people, but as a force, a power structure and a collective, the police are just one more pack of crooks, which we allow to lord over us cause of the idiotic belief that mere words on paper can protect one from the ugly realities of life.

Yeah, I can be damn vicious about this, but given my situation, particularly being contracted to protect local sites AGAINST the police by providing semi-official witnesses against misdeeds - can ya really blame me ?


FYI - When was the last time you heard of a cop who even know of, much less obeyed, the Peelian Principles, eh ?

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


You know, Frem, the cops around here don't even have a union. See, that's what I'm talking about, right there. PN made a blanket statement, much as you're doing right here.

"And by that action they condone it, one and all."

You can't blame every cop, every where, for the problems you obviously have where you are. Well, on second thought, you obviously can. You and PN.

As to blame? That's not for me to dole out, in any case. As I've said before, I don't know your personal situation, other than what you've posted here. It sounds like a rotten core, and that's a shame. No, it's a crime, actually.

But you guys keep on keeping on. It's your right after all, and it's not for me, or anyone else to try and deny it to you.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 7:34 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Individually, I take people as people, but as a force, a power structure and a collective, the police are just one more pack of crooks, which we allow to lord over us cause of the idiotic belief that mere words on paper can protect one from the ugly realities of life.

Yeah, I can be damn vicious about this, but given my situation, particularly being contracted to protect local sites AGAINST the police by providing semi-official witnesses against misdeeds - can ya really blame me ?

Yes, never trust a cop in your home or business, due to their 5-finger discount. That's a problem with alarm companies that call the cops, who then refuse to leave after false alarms.

An "honest" cop told me a story about his rookie OJT. They responded to a burglery at a large grocery store. His sergent was carrying shopping carts full of loot to his patrol car, to blame the theft on the burglers. The rookie cop never filed criminal complaint against the sergent, nor make an arrest of the sergent, nor did any other officer.

This cop had a 25-year career on the police force, and never got promoted to sergent, as punishment for his family's politics, and because he failed to pay his supervisor a $15,000 bribe for promotion to SGT, or $25,000 bribe for promotion to LT.

The only reason he was talking to me was because he begged me to solve a copkilling of his partner, a murder sanctioned by the police chief, DA and mayor, since the killers were dealing drugs for the sheriff as part of the CIA/DEA Iran-Contra pipeline by the Bush/Clinton White House. The killers confessed on police videotape the night of the killing, and cops recovered the mruder gun, but the DA dropped all charges, even though the shooter already had a prior murder conviction. He asked me to solve the copkilling of his partner, because he didn't want to risk loss of his pension, or worse. In retaliation for my newspaper article about that copkilling, KPD stole my legally parked car, then denied having it for 2 months. The cop that stole my car had killed a woman in a car crash, and is now promoted to "detective", in charge of the investigation of the "lone nut" who gunned down folks in a local church where my family was injured (coverup of co-conspirators and hiding evidence from victims families). KPD's mafia contractor stole a 2nd car from me. I never got my cars back.

I've been to cops' homes, drunk beer and smoked dope with them, listened to their war stories for hours. If we can ever motivate "honest" cops to put their badge where their mouth is, USA just might survive. But the brainwashing, bribery and death threats are too powerful. Many cops are now paid $200,000/year and living in $500,000 homes. Or they get shot in the back by their own cops.


I love how you quote yourself as your own sources. It's like you're a group, rather than a single entity.

Say, that's pretty much the definition of. . .well, nevermind. It was just a thought.

And, I was right, I see. It was a parking ticket, or a traffic ticket. I noted that was the first complaint in this litany.

And tying a cop drug dealer to the Iran-Contra thing? Priceless, PN. Priceless. Even when you're saying something that really does make me angry, you can still make me laugh.

Some of the best comedians in the business can't do that. You should be on stage. Hey, there's a thought! Once you were a famous comic, you might be able to get out of those traffic and parking tickets, and you could declare you 'war' won, right?

Anyway, you've convinced me you're harmless, PN. I can ignore you now, and be comfortable about it. Probably just lulling me into a false sense of security, but it's a chance I'll have to take.

Good luck, though, with that whole ticket thing. As a parting thought, though, wouldn't it have been easier, not to mention cheaper, to just admit you shoudln't have parked there, paid the ticket, and considered it a lesson learned?

No, on second thought, I suppose not. Your constitutional right to park wherever the hell you want had been infringed, so obviously there was a conspiracy at the highest level to harrass you into parking in a 'designated' parking area, which would mean you were allowing someone to tell you what to do.

Can't have that, can you? Next thing you know, they'll be making you pay taxes or some silly shit like that.

Keep on keeping on!

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 7:51 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by badkarma00:
I know, just know, that everyone will rail on me about this, but I have to say it. After he ran down the officer on foot, I'd have done probably the same thing. After seeing one of their own possibly killed, ( I doubt they could have known the officer that was ran down wasn't dead, ) their actions ahould not have been unexpected.

Actually, if they're in radio contact, they could have known quite easily that he was all right, 'cause he or someone else no doubt would have called it in.


I'm not saying they were right, mind you. But I am saying I'd probably have done it as well. With their anger and adrenaline pumping, and it had to be, I really wonder how long it took to dawn on them that the guy was unconscious. It's fairly evident at once on the video, but I have the advantage of seeing it dispassionately, and not in person.

It can be done out of adrenaline or emotion, but as you said, that doesn't make it right. And it doesn't mean they shouldn't be shit-canned for it. There are decisions at my job that, if I let my emotions and temper take over and let fly with what I'd *like* to say or do, would doubtless get me fired. Beating the shit out of someone who's just been ejected from a vehicle rollover is a firing offense - doubly so if said person is not only NOT resisting in any way, shape, or form, but is obviously unconscious, if not dead or seriously injured.

Congrats to that PD - once that guy gets released from jail (if he can even be prosecuted at this point, given the stink of the officers' actions), he's going to be a very, very, VERY rich man.


It would be interesting to know if any of them had any previous reprimands or violations. I don't know how to find that out, though.

Yes, it would be interesting. We probably won't get that information until their trial, though. Note that I said *THEIR* trial, not HIS trial. Any half-decent lawyer (probably even "Hero", but not necessarily) is going to have a freaking field day with this one.

Anyway, that's just me...


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 8:02 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Nor do I think you're as nutty as you sometimes act. Yes, act. I think you act the way you do so you won't get into trouble for the stuff you say. That people won't hold it against the local wacknut if he's a little ( or a lot ) offensive.

Or is it to get attention, PN? Is that it? Ignored in middle school, couldn't get a date for the prom, something like that?

Whatever it is, I really do feel sorry for you. Remember this, though. If you look for something expecting to see it, you will.

I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get to this point.

You see, there IS a reason so many of us are content to just poke and tease PN, and lob one-liners and jabs at him. Sometimes the angry monkey is the funniest one to watch.

It works with AuRaptor as well. :)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 8:05 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


No, on second thought, I suppose not. Your constitutional right to park wherever the hell you want had been infringed, so obviously there was a conspiracy at the highest level to harrass you into parking in a 'designated' parking area, which would mean you were allowing someone to tell you what to do.

Can't have that, can you? Next thing you know, they'll be making you pay taxes or some silly shit like that.

Of course you realize, don't you, that all parking structures are owned by the nazi-jew-mafia banksters. Right? I mean, you KNEW that already, didn't you?


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 8:46 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by badkarma00:

It was a parking ticket, wasn't it. I've seen this before. Someone parks in the tow away zone 'for just a minute', then comes back to see a cop ordering their car towed, or issuing a ticket. And there it is.

A life long war against law enforcement of any kind.

No ticket, I was parked on my own private property at a building we owned free and clear. The cop on his own 911 radio transmission said it was legally parked, and refused to ticket nor tow it, then left the area. His SGT made him come back and tow it, without a parking ticket. It was NOT towed to the police impound lot as required, nor to the towtruck impound lot, but to a secret private towtruck chopshop outside the city. Police and the towing company denied they towed it or impounded it, so I reported it stolen in NCIC database.

This illegal tow was 6 hours after the newspaper editor warned me to take my name off a byline about the police-approved copkilling, and the police chief's DUI traffic stop transcript.

Two months later I get a tow bill for $800, and the car had been chopped for parts. KPD Internal Affairs report confessed it was a "illegal tow". No parking ticket means zero constitutional due process without court hearing. Police still refused to return the car, so we sued a class action in fed court. KPD was already in violation of fed court order banning all tows. My lawyer dismissed the "slam dunk" case and a similar class action in state court, coincidentally 1 month after getting 2 guns put to his head by "muggers" ("Do what we tell you or we'll blow your brains out!"), coincidentally the M.O. for towing mafia whacking their towing rivals in this city.

My 2nd car was towed from a car dealership parking lot, without notice to me or the dealer. When I caught them trying to steal that title to my stolen car (which state police give them for free even when listed as stolen), they refused to give me an invoice (which is federal mail fraud), but said on videotape it was a $1,500 tow bill.

So I filed felony charges with state police and feds, resulting in 100 towing contractors fired and city court clerk fired, but none arrested. Never got my car back, nor my 2nd car stolen from a car dealership parking lot.

The cop who stole my car had killed a woman in a crash. He was promoted to detective. The Lt was promoted to Internal Affairs in charge of coverups.

Read the class action and criminal complaint:

Towtruckers in this city are convicted of killing cops (Roy Lee Clark), and steal cars from shopping malls with the sheriff as lookout, published on front page of the monopoly newspaper, confessed by 2 sheriffs. Our previous sheriff was sent to prison for stealing $1-million in cars from dealerships IN ONE DAY, to feed his cocaine addiction.

Most cartheft rackets are run by cops and their mafia towing contractors. Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Mafia hitman cousin ran NY state's largest cartheft op and hijacked trucks, before he was gunned down by FBI. Rudy's daddy was a Mafia enforcer living in Sing Sing prison.

If you ever get a car stolen, first suspects are the police and their mafia towtruckers.

However, if you do get a parking ticket, lawyers agree the best legal defense is to frame it and refuse to appear in court, since it lacks personal service of process as required in all civil court cases. Only suckers volunteer for traffic court on parking tickets and redlight/radar photo tickets, which LIE on the ticket and in court about it being a "criminal" case, along with many other lies and censorship never allowed in real civil trials. Only criminals sue parking tickets.

Sticking your fingers in your eyes and ears singing lalalalala wont change the fact that all cops are crooks, who employ at least 50% of all career criminals as confidential informants with immunity from arrest.

As the economy goes bad, police corruption will only get worse.


Friday, May 22, 2009 9:03 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by badkarma00:

I love how you quote yourself as your own sources. It's like you're a group, rather than a single entity.

And, I was right, I see. It was a parking ticket, or a traffic ticket. I noted that was the first complaint in this litany.

And tying a cop drug dealer to the Iran-Contra thing? Priceless, PN. Priceless. Even when you're saying something that really does make me angry, you can still make me laugh.

If you'd learn how to CLICK a mouse and READ, you'd see the verbatim complaint filed by lawyers in court for my cartheft case, similar court cases, and mainline news articles. You just proved that you never check sources, thus your arguments FAIL.

Go to your local law library and read Senator John Kerry's 35-volume report on Bush/Reagan/CIA coke dealing in Iran-Contra. Same for the Iran-Contra Christian Insitutute civil RICO case vs Bush Sr White House, and special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh convictions of dozens of Bush White House staff. That's US HISTORY. If you click the link on my website, it lists those cases verbatim.

Or are you just another Operative selling disinfo for the Police State?

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist


Friday, May 22, 2009 9:10 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Of course you realize, don't you, that all parking structures are owned by the nazi-jew-mafia banksters. Right? I mean, you KNEW that already, didn't you?

Govt owns the parking lots, paid for by taxdollars, then practically gives them away for free to mafia contractors to collect all parking fees.

Parking meters are owned by mafia contractors, who charge more rent and interest to govt than is collecting in parking fees, so govt never gets the parkign fees. Towtruckers routinely tow cars with time left on the meter.

Many parking lots are owned by mafia towtruckers, who then tow any car that pays for parking.

Redlight/radar photo cameras are owned by foreign military contractors that keep 90% to 100% of ticket revenue, and pay $35-million in bribes to politicians per state. Which is why cops are now shooting those scameras with bullets.

100% of federal traffic ticket revenue is paid to private tax-free corporations, according to the fed courts' own website.

Jewish historians on History Channel report that the jewish mafiya has always run the Italian Mafia in USA, since the Russian jews got here first, and run the banking system. Christian Bible forbids interest on bank loans, so the jews got a monopoly in that game, according to world history. Jews invented Freemasonry to get goyim to reject Christianity and help run their local banks for the jews' private foreign "Federal" Reserve Bank, that prints all "US dollars" and keeps all fed income taxes for export offshore. Every chairman of the "Federal" Reserve Bank was jewish, since it was illegally invented in Congress over Xmas holiday at midnight in 1913.

Here's what the US Supreme Court says about police corruption:


"The US Supreme Court said in Miranda that there's 40,000 police jurisdictions in America. We expect one civil rights crime in every one of those agencies every day. 40,000 times 365 days a year is 14,600,000 crimes committed by police every year. Hell, there's only 14,200,000 crimes committed by the criminals. The police commit more crimes against the People than the criminals commit!"
-George Gordon School of Law, The Policeman Is Not Your Friend, He Is Your Adversary

This total does not include traffic crimes by police, which total 100s of millions per year.


Friday, May 22, 2009 10:12 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by badkarma00:

I love how you quote yourself as your own sources. It's like you're a group, rather than a single entity.

And, I was right, I see. It was a parking ticket, or a traffic ticket. I noted that was the first complaint in this litany.

And tying a cop drug dealer to the Iran-Contra thing? Priceless, PN. Priceless. Even when you're saying something that really does make me angry, you can still make me laugh.

If you'd learn how to CLICK a mouse and READ, you'd see the verbatim complaint filed by lawyers in court for my cartheft case, similar court cases, and mainline news articles. You just proved that you never check sources, thus your arguments FAIL.

Go to your local law library and read Senator John Kerry's 35-volume report on Bush/Reagan/CIA coke dealing in Iran-Contra. Same for the Iran-Contra Christian Insitutute civil RICO case vs Bush Sr White House, and special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh convictions of dozens of Bush White House staff. That's US HISTORY. If you click the link on my website, it lists those cases verbatim.

Or are you just another Operative selling disinfo for the Police State?

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist


I know how to click a mouse, and read very well, actually. Why in the hell would I click on your website, when I get more than enough of you here?

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 10:15 AM


You can't really expect me to read, let alone believe, something John Kerry wrote, can you? I mean this is a man who can't even decide if he voted for or against an 87 BILLION ( that's with a B ) military funding bill.

But it was funny as hell to see it written like that. Keep'em comin'. I need the comic relief right now, as I'm in pain.

Seriously, though, you should put a stage act together. Then those crooked cops wouldn't be picking on you.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 10:16 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Nor do I think you're as nutty as you sometimes act. Yes, act. I think you act the way you do so you won't get into trouble for the stuff you say. That people won't hold it against the local wacknut if he's a little ( or a lot ) offensive.

Or is it to get attention, PN? Is that it? Ignored in middle school, couldn't get a date for the prom, something like that?

Whatever it is, I really do feel sorry for you. Remember this, though. If you look for something expecting to see it, you will.

I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get to this point.

You see, there IS a reason so many of us are content to just poke and tease PN, and lob one-liners and jabs at him. Sometimes the angry monkey is the funniest one to watch.

It works with AuRaptor as well. :)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


What can I say? I'm slow to catch on

I have no defense

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 10:17 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by badkarma00:

It was a parking ticket, wasn't it. I've seen this before. Someone parks in the tow away zone 'for just a minute', then comes back to see a cop ordering their car towed, or issuing a ticket. And there it is.

A life long war against law enforcement of any kind.

No ticket, I was parked on my own private property at a building we owned free and clear. The cop on his own 911 radio transmission said it was legally parked, and refused to ticket nor tow it, then left the area. His SGT made him come back and tow it, without a parking ticket. It was NOT towed to the police impound lot as required, nor to the towtruck impound lot, but to a secret private towtruck chopshop outside the city. Police and the towing company denied they towed it or impounded it, so I reported it stolen in NCIC database.

This illegal tow was 6 hours after the newspaper editor warned me to take my name off a byline about the police-approved copkilling, and the police chief's DUI traffic stop transcript.

Two months later I get a tow bill for $800, and the car had been chopped for parts. KPD Internal Affairs report confessed it was a "illegal tow". No parking ticket means zero constitutional due process without court hearing. Police still refused to return the car, so we sued a class action in fed court. KPD was already in violation of fed court order banning all tows. My lawyer dismissed the "slam dunk" case and a similar class action in state court, coincidentally 1 month after getting 2 guns put to his head by "muggers" ("Do what we tell you or we'll blow your brains out!"), coincidentally the M.O. for towing mafia whacking their towing rivals in this city.

My 2nd car was towed from a car dealership parking lot, without notice to me or the dealer. When I caught them trying to steal that title to my stolen car (which state police give them for free even when listed as stolen), they refused to give me an invoice (which is federal mail fraud), but said on videotape it was a $1,500 tow bill.

So I filed felony charges with state police and feds, resulting in 100 towing contractors fired and city court clerk fired, but none arrested. Never got my car back, nor my 2nd car stolen from a car dealership parking lot.

The cop who stole my car had killed a woman in a crash. He was promoted to detective. The Lt was promoted to Internal Affairs in charge of coverups.

Read the class action and criminal complaint:

Towtruckers in this city are convicted of killing cops (Roy Lee Clark), and steal cars from shopping malls with the sheriff as lookout, published on front page of the monopoly newspaper, confessed by 2 sheriffs. Our previous sheriff was sent to prison for stealing $1-million in cars from dealerships IN ONE DAY, to feed his cocaine addiction.

Most cartheft rackets are run by cops and their mafia towing contractors. Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Mafia hitman cousin ran NY state's largest cartheft op and hijacked trucks, before he was gunned down by FBI. Rudy's daddy was a Mafia enforcer living in Sing Sing prison.

If you ever get a car stolen, first suspects are the police and their mafia towtruckers.

However, if you do get a parking ticket, lawyers agree the best legal defense is to frame it and refuse to appear in court, since it lacks personal service of process as required in all civil court cases. Only suckers volunteer for traffic court on parking tickets and redlight/radar photo tickets, which LIE on the ticket and in court about it being a "criminal" case, along with many other lies and censorship never allowed in real civil trials. Only criminals sue parking tickets.

Sticking your fingers in your eyes and ears singing lalalalala wont change the fact that all cops are crooks, who employ at least 50% of all career criminals as confidential informants with immunity from arrest.

As the economy goes bad, police corruption will only get worse.


I was close then.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 10:45 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


What can I say? I'm slow to catch on

I have no defense

Nah, you actually caught on pretty quick. Having been here for a bit, it's kinda fun to watch and see how long it takes someone newer to finally throw up their hands in exasperation at PN's non-stop antics.

And now that you know where the levers and buttons are, it CAN be kinda fun to push here and pull there, just to watch the reaction (Frem taught me that neat trick). Gets pretty predictable after a bit, though.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 11:21 AM


I think those cops were being nice; if they ever beat ME, I'd rather it be when I'm unconscious too.

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, May 22, 2009 11:55 AM



Yes, never trust a cop in your home or business, due to their 5-finger discount. That's a problem with alarm companies that call the cops, who then refuse to leave after false alarms.

Or use them for "fishing expeditions" of course, I've seen folks busted for "drug paraphanelia" by pissed off cops unable to find any real reason and had at them for having a food scale and baggies in their kitchen.

I use MACE products alarm systems, no required contract, no mandatory monitoring, and the system calls YOU, not the cops, allowing you to override the alarm and even listen in and/or verbally screw with the intruders.

Of course, the real brickshitter is the sign across from the door saying "LOOK UP!" - cause over the door pointed straight down is a VERY realistic (in fact it's a real casing filled with sand) claymore mine rigged to a door switch and an ominously ticking device (which does nothing more than tick when the door is opened).

MACE products are intuitive, easy to use, and modular - damn good value for the money.

This cop had a 25-year career on the police force, and never got promoted to sergent, as punishment for his family's politics, and because he failed to pay his supervisor a $15,000 bribe for promotion to SGT, or $25,000 bribe for promotion to LT.

Read that, and then read between the lines and ask yourself just how much shit they're oh so very carefully not admitting to, like how the extra bodies in druid hill park got there, or just why case closure rates were so much higher than they logically should have been.

There's a nice sample chapter, and bear in mind I grew up in this freakin warzone.

Most actual arrests are not made by police, they're made by private security guards and private persons, via citizen's arrest authority, often using firearms in self defense.

My folk aren't armed, and due to the nature of our legal system and the possibility of getting sued - are in fact forbidden to even attempt detainment of a perp, SOP is to scare them witless, helped along by the mysterious rumor that our company will put you at the bottom of the nearby lake and end the matter there.

I'm sure the bits of chain and cinderblocks next to harry's boat out back have helped feed this rumor quite nicely.

As for the folks that do used armed personnel, I help with training, and should it come to shots fired there will be no NEED for an arrest - now, legally you can't shoot any more once the perp hits the dirt, and thus enter what we call the bag drill.

We take a duffle bag filled with packing material out to 25 feet, thing weighs in about 170-180lbs, and hook it to a sound activated latch, which drops the bag when the first shot goes off - to successfully "clear" the drill, the student has to get a minimum of five rounds into that bag before it lands and heels over completely.

If they force one of Jefes people to fire on them ain't gonna be no NEED to be arrestin nobody, capisce ?

As for local cops running dope, report your evidence to FBI and IRS, and perhaps state police, perhaps anonimously. Don't talk to DEA, since the doper cops work for them. However, all cops are dirty, so there's always risk of retaliation for reporting crime.

My own secretary here being a constant reminder of the latter, which you well know - although you CAN put the arm on the DEA a lot easier than you think simply because they ARE that corrupt - cops got all the nice toys and stuff they've lifted from crime scenes or looted from the evidence lockers, as well as all the nice cars jacked by the courts from often law abiding people who couldn't afford the legal fight to get em back.

And you mention two words to the local DEA and they got NO problem climbing up the ass of any police department with a chainsaw and a microscope, and those two words are "Asset Forfeiture" - which is (not that the dust has settled) what I did to those bastards in my former town and WHY local law enforcement would like to see my head on a plate and has an unofficial 'reward' for anyone finding an excuse to put a bullet through Dynamo.

Here's your homework assignment: Next time you meet a cop, ask "What's the worst thing you've ever seen as a cop?" If you built rapport, you'll probably get an answer about police corruption. Be prepared to listen for an hour or two without talking, since nobody ever listens to them, and they need to download. Alcohol or pot is not required as truth serum.

Remarkably insightful that, and all too true - once they START talking to you like that, it becomes difficult to get them to shut the hell up, since as you say, due to hatred to-from the general public, and the bitterness and cynicism of other cops, once they find a 'sympathetic' ear, they'll vent for hours - although I do reccommend alcohol as the only way to stem the flow by getting them drunk enough to nod off so you can make your escape, meh.

WARNING: Once you start talking to cops about their darkest secrets, AND you listen to what they say without pretending it isn't true, AND you take action of any kind, then you risk severe retaliation from police.

Yep, up to and including them calling in a phony shots-fired 911 report to try and get you into a shooting match with the State police - they tried that and got caught at it, since I had the foresight to have someone from the Sherrifs dept with me at the time.


As for the rest, BK, part of the issue with PN is that he's as smart as he is crazy, and it sometimes gets all too difficult with him to determine which is which - I don't buy the fluff since I know most of it's just cover, but he's not half as crazy as folks take him for.

And as for the rest I deliver unto the police as a whole, one and all, you have to understand I have a strong loyalty to Constitutional principles despite my belief that said document is flawed and insufficient, in ways pointed out at its inception by the anti-federalists.

The "Standing Army" our founders were so concerned about does not exist in the body of our military forces, but rather in the context and concept of modern police forces.

While I do see your point, and mind you, despite my opposition to the IDEA of police, I do have good relations with some of the better ones - the Wayne County Internet Crimes Task Force is second to none for professionalism and proper conduct, for example - but it's a corrupt concept that inevitably lurches towards despotism.

I hope that you'll find my "homework" far more thought provoking and interesting than PNs, and I am fairly certain you will.


Of particular interest are sections 701 and 722, particularly when you begin to understand that performing the constitutional and moral DUTY to resist a false arrest is at best suicidal, despite it being both on paper, legally, and morally the correct thing to do.

So you have what the law is, and despite that, a wholesale defiance of it on behalf of EVERY institution sworn to uphold it from the merest beat cop to the highest court - and while it's not the only example, it's a very clear indicator of the vast gaping breach between law enforcement as concept and law enforcement as practiced.

Look at the cases of Cory Maye and Kathryn Johnston as classic examples of this simple principle.

And don't even get me started on Taser involved deaths or related "street justice" caused by lack of proper controls and insufficient oversight - part of the troubles in my former town was coming face to face with an off duty officer who announced clear intent to fry my ass with his M26 and wound up staring down the barrel of my Colt* - a standoff thankfully ended by the officer from another agency that was supposed to meet me there showing up and taking him into custody - but had that gone any farther, you *know* my ass would be either rotting behind bars or a prison "suicide" no matter how innocent I was, and there is something WRONG with that.

Ain't just a few rotten apples, ain't the apples at all, it's the barrel they're kept in that causes the rot, which until you solve that problem, means that no matter how fresh the apples are, after a while in there, they won't be.

*Now that the dust has settled on the matter, I can give a few more details - yon cop was severely pissed at losing HIS house to asset forfeiture despite having visited that same horror on folks with impunity, not ONE of whom was ever convicted of a crime, mind you.

And he began to draw his M26 after stating a clear intent of attempted murder (which could then be dubbed accidental, in those models not having an internal counter) and I snapped out my Colt, a standoff that lasted only a few mere seconds before he was taken into custody by an officer of another agency who not only witnessed this incident on approach, but actually heard the threat.

In all honesty, if he HAD continued to draw, I was gonna try shooting the Taser unit - my work jacket is lined with a variation of the Thorshield material, from when I used to drive a cab, since the threat of being stunned or tasered by someone intent on robbery was ever present, and thus if he DID hit me with that taser through the jacket, it would not have taken effect, so I deemed the risk factor low enough not to use lethal force unless and until he reached for his service weapon.

Anyhows, I am not making blanket statements out of prejudice and ignorance, but a well founded reasoning based on legal, social, and constitutional principles which the concept of police is a threat against.

Just wanna make sure that's abundantly clear, right up front.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, May 22, 2009 12:38 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Yes, never trust a cop in your home or business, due to their 5-finger discount. That's a problem with alarm companies that call the cops, who then refuse to leave after false alarms.

Or use them for "fishing expeditions" of course, I've seen folks busted for "drug paraphanelia" by pissed off cops unable to find any real reason and had at them for having a food scale and baggies in their kitchen.

I use MACE products alarm systems, no required contract, no mandatory monitoring, and the system calls YOU, not the cops, allowing you to override the alarm and even listen in and/or verbally screw with the intruders.

Of course, the real brickshitter is the sign across from the door saying "LOOK UP!" - cause over the door pointed straight down is a VERY realistic (in fact it's a real casing filled with sand) claymore mine rigged to a door switch and an ominously ticking device (which does nothing more than tick when the door is opened).

MACE products are intuitive, easy to use, and modular - damn good value for the money.

This cop had a 25-year career on the police force, and never got promoted to sergent, as punishment for his family's politics, and because he failed to pay his supervisor a $15,000 bribe for promotion to SGT, or $25,000 bribe for promotion to LT.

Read that, and then read between the lines and ask yourself just how much shit they're oh so very carefully not admitting to, like how the extra bodies in druid hill park got there, or just why case closure rates were so much higher than they logically should have been.

There's a nice sample chapter, and bear in mind I grew up in this freakin warzone.

Most actual arrests are not made by police, they're made by private security guards and private persons, via citizen's arrest authority, often using firearms in self defense.

My folk aren't armed, and due to the nature of our legal system and the possibility of getting sued - are in fact forbidden to even attempt detainment of a perp, SOP is to scare them witless, helped along by the mysterious rumor that our company will put you at the bottom of the nearby lake and end the matter there.

I'm sure the bits of chain and cinderblocks next to harry's boat out back have helped feed this rumor quite nicely.

As for the folks that do used armed personnel, I help with training, and should it come to shots fired there will be no NEED for an arrest - now, legally you can't shoot any more once the perp hits the dirt, and thus enter what we call the bag drill.

We take a duffle bag filled with packing material out to 25 feet, thing weighs in about 170-180lbs, and hook it to a sound activated latch, which drops the bag when the first shot goes off - to successfully "clear" the drill, the student has to get a minimum of five rounds into that bag before it lands and heels over completely.

If they force one of Jefes people to fire on them ain't gonna be no NEED to be arrestin nobody, capisce ?

As for local cops running dope, report your evidence to FBI and IRS, and perhaps state police, perhaps anonimously. Don't talk to DEA, since the doper cops work for them. However, all cops are dirty, so there's always risk of retaliation for reporting crime.

My own secretary here being a constant reminder of the latter, which you well know - although you CAN put the arm on the DEA a lot easier than you think simply because they ARE that corrupt - cops got all the nice toys and stuff they've lifted from crime scenes or looted from the evidence lockers, as well as all the nice cars jacked by the courts from often law abiding people who couldn't afford the legal fight to get em back.

And you mention two words to the local DEA and they got NO problem climbing up the ass of any police department with a chainsaw and a microscope, and those two words are "Asset Forfeiture" - which is (not that the dust has settled) what I did to those bastards in my former town and WHY local law enforcement would like to see my head on a plate and has an unofficial 'reward' for anyone finding an excuse to put a bullet through Dynamo.

Here's your homework assignment: Next time you meet a cop, ask "What's the worst thing you've ever seen as a cop?" If you built rapport, you'll probably get an answer about police corruption. Be prepared to listen for an hour or two without talking, since nobody ever listens to them, and they need to download. Alcohol or pot is not required as truth serum.

Remarkably insightful that, and all too true - once they START talking to you like that, it becomes difficult to get them to shut the hell up, since as you say, due to hatred to-from the general public, and the bitterness and cynicism of other cops, once they find a 'sympathetic' ear, they'll vent for hours - although I do reccommend alcohol as the only way to stem the flow by getting them drunk enough to nod off so you can make your escape, meh.

WARNING: Once you start talking to cops about their darkest secrets, AND you listen to what they say without pretending it isn't true, AND you take action of any kind, then you risk severe retaliation from police.

Yep, up to and including them calling in a phony shots-fired 911 report to try and get you into a shooting match with the State police - they tried that and got caught at it, since I had the foresight to have someone from the Sherrifs dept with me at the time.


As for the rest, BK, part of the issue with PN is that he's as smart as he is crazy, and it sometimes gets all too difficult with him to determine which is which - I don't buy the fluff since I know most of it's just cover, but he's not half as crazy as folks take him for.

And as for the rest I deliver unto the police as a whole, one and all, you have to understand I have a strong loyalty to Constitutional principles despite my belief that said document is flawed and insufficient, in ways pointed out at its inception by the anti-federalists.

The "Standing Army" our founders were so concerned about does not exist in the body of our military forces, but rather in the context and concept of modern police forces.

While I do see your point, and mind you, despite my opposition to the IDEA of police, I do have good relations with some of the better ones - the Wayne County Internet Crimes Task Force is second to none for professionalism and proper conduct, for example - but it's a corrupt concept that inevitably lurches towards despotism.

I hope that you'll find my "homework" far more thought provoking and interesting than PNs, and I am fairly certain you will.


Of particular interest are sections 701 and 722, particularly when you begin to understand that performing the constitutional and moral DUTY to resist a false arrest is at best suicidal, despite it being both on paper, legally, and morally the correct thing to do.

So you have what the law is, and despite that, a wholesale defiance of it on behalf of EVERY institution sworn to uphold it from the merest beat cop to the highest court - and while it's not the only example, it's a very clear indicator of the vast gaping breach between law enforcement as concept and law enforcement as practiced.

Look at the cases of Cory Maye and Kathryn Johnston as classic examples of this simple principle.

And don't even get me started on Taser involved deaths or related "street justice" caused by lack of proper controls and insufficient oversight - part of the troubles in my former town was coming face to face with an off duty officer who announced clear intent to fry my ass with his M26 and wound up staring down the barrel of my Colt* - a standoff thankfully ended by the officer from another agency that was supposed to meet me there showing up and taking him into custody - but had that gone any farther, you *know* my ass would be either rotting behind bars or a prison "suicide" no matter how innocent I was, and there is something WRONG with that.

Ain't just a few rotten apples, ain't the apples at all, it's the barrel they're kept in that causes the rot, which until you solve that problem, means that no matter how fresh the apples are, after a while in there, they won't be.

*Now that the dust has settled on the matter, I can give a few more details - yon cop was severely pissed at losing HIS house to asset forfeiture despite having visited that same horror on folks with impunity, not ONE of whom was ever convicted of a crime, mind you.

And he began to draw his M26 after stating a clear intent of attempted murder (which could then be dubbed accidental, in those models not having an internal counter) and I snapped out my Colt, a standoff that lasted only a few mere seconds before he was taken into custody by an officer of another agency who not only witnessed this incident on approach, but actually heard the threat.

In all honesty, if he HAD continued to draw, I was gonna try shooting the Taser unit - my work jacket is lined with a variation of the Thorshield material, from when I used to drive a cab, since the threat of being stunned or tasered by someone intent on robbery was ever present, and thus if he DID hit me with that taser through the jacket, it would not have taken effect, so I deemed the risk factor low enough not to use lethal force unless and until he reached for his service weapon.

Anyhows, I am not making blanket statements out of prejudice and ignorance, but a well founded reasoning based on legal, social, and constitutional principles which the concept of police is a threat against.

Just wanna make sure that's abundantly clear, right up front.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


I don't need your homework Frem, though I will check it out, mostly out of respect for you. I've come to have a good deal of respect for you over the years, and that has to be earned from me. It's never given.

And I'm aware that PN is not as fruity as he seems to be, which I've told him just today. He just uses it as a crutch so he can say anything he wants to, and no one take him to task over it.

I know you've had problems with the cops in your area. I've had some with cops here, and hell, I used to be one. I was never on 'the take' as some like to call it, and I took the job thinking that I could make a difference when people were having problems. And I did, on more than one occasion.

Not everyone in the world is able to protect themselves. By God's grace, I've never been in that position, and I've tried to protect those who can't protect themselves. I hate bullies, and nothing gives me much more joy than beating one down into the dirt. Same goes for pedophiles, child abusers, elderly abusers, and stalkers. It's odd how people who like to make other afraid can often change their ways, when forced to live in fear themselves.

If that makes me 'crooked' then it's a title I think I can live with, considering my intentions.

And you aren't the only who has a problem with authority. I don't like being told what I can and can't do, or having my damn money used to prop up a bunch of crooked ass bankers, or crack row losers, ( both are equally useless to me ) any more than you do either.

And, while some of what you typed earlier did indeed seem like a blanket condemnation, my real bitch here was with Pretty Nutty, over his crack that all cops are dirty, and heaven celebrates every time one dies.

You and me are okay, so far as I'm concerned. I think you feel the same way. As you know, I'm not always on here like this, so I miss a lot in the gaps. Right now I'm recovering from surgery, and ain't allowed to do anthing, including drive, (dammit!) for probably another six or seven weeks at least, so I've been using this as a way to talk to folks about stuff.

Usually I ignore Prozac Noid anyway. That one crack just set me off kilter a bit. That's all. I'm sorry his car got towed, but that doesn't make all cops crooked. I'm sorry his lawyer didn't do a better job after being 'mugged' or whatever. Maybe he should have gotten one that wasn't chicken shit. You get what you pay for.

As for me, the worst thing I guess I ever saw as a cop was an eighteen month ol baby who didn't have a square inch of skin that didn't sport a bruise, contution, or cigarette burn. Some of us in the office were watching over him until the DHS people could come get him. He was so abused that he would't even laugh. He'd been hurt for laughing, and you could see the kid catch himself, and then stay quiet. I challenge anyone to see something like that, and it not make you want to commit a crime of your own. I also pulled the body of a similar aged baby from a car wreck, after the car he was in was hit by a drunk driver. He looked like he was sleeping, but he wasn't. Does it make a cop crooked if that drunk showed up at the jail with a bruise or three? And does Driving Drunk, endangering other people, like that little baby, does that count as one of those 'illegal' traffic laws that Phuck Nut is always whining about?

There are just as many horror stories about what cops see that isn't done by cops as there are of what cops DO. And I'm not excusing a damn thing any of these crooked cops do, or have done, before someone starts in on that. In Tennessee, our problem has been crooked ass sheriffs. WE've imprisoned several of them over the last twenty years, and I'm sure they'll be more to come.

But they're politicians, too. What can you expect from a politician?

Anyway, I'm rambling. To close, I get what you're saying. And you know that you and I see things in the same light far more often than not. Including the little lake bottom 'rumor', lol. I like that.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, May 22, 2009 2:04 PM


Be right with ya here, imma in an explainin kinda mood right now since there's no point in hidin most of it no more, and thus you're gonna get more than ya bargained for.

Thanks for the respect nod though, that is indeed mutual.



Friday, May 22, 2009 2:07 PM



Not everyone in the world is able to protect themselves. By God's grace, I've never been in that position, and I've tried to protect those who can't protect themselves. I hate bullies, and nothing gives me much more joy than beating one down into the dirt. Same goes for pedophiles, child abusers, elderly abusers, and stalkers. It's odd how people who like to make other afraid can often change their ways, when forced to live in fear themselves.

It's interesting you should mention this, as I stumbled upon (remember I do not watch Television whatever, yes ?) a description of "The Wire" and was reading through it, fascinated by the incredible accuracy of it's representation of my initial stomping grounds.

One cultural phenomenon all but unnoticed is apparently addressed there, I've stated time and time again that people like me are a newtonian reaction to a society that's gone depraved, and while most of those backlashers either burn out, die, or get shuffled by the school system into the hellcamps, some rare few survive, even prosper, and then you have the takers.

This is gonna go from local legend to downright jaynestown fuckin eerie in a few, mano.

The takers are people who find themselves down in the ghetto, at the very bottom, unable to survive for whatever reason by conventional methods due to youth, criminal record, or what have you, and for personal or moral reasons are unwilling to victimise the "innocent" - and choose to prey upon the criminal element exclusively.

And The Wire actually represents this in the character of Omar Little - a collage of known and unknown takers in an almost-homage to them, one piece of which strikes right into downright horrifying eerie territory.
See, I was a taker, how the hell else could a rejected seventeen year old emancipated and dropped off in the ghetto, on the run, with no credit rating or family support, get the money for the security deposit and hefty no-questions-please bribe necessary to obtain an apartment ?

And I used to whistle "Pop goes the weasel" while loping up on a target, causing locals who knew what was about to go down to clear out pretty damn quicklike, which was the entire purpose behind me doin it, to limit the possibility of collateral damage - not because I CARED mind you, fresh out of the military service fiasco and the death of my remaining close family, I bore a shocking hatred of everything alive and practiced a nihilistic belief one platoon sergeant described as "Praying every night for nuclear armageddon" - but because a clean operation left the local PD with nothing to work with, and the locals no reason to sell me out to em.

Now, stupidly, foolishly, once I had a bankroll, I tried to go legit, still being young and stupid enough to believe honest hard work could elevate one from the ghetto, and wound up fighting a losing battle working three subsistence level jobs at eighty hours a week and still sliding into debt, when a near fatal auto accident caused all of that to come to a head and left me riding on the edge of death for years afterword as I fought tooth and claw to survive and obtain medical care.

One of the breaking points of this was the George Burdinksy case, a local kid bagged up by predators running low on "product" due to escalating demand thanks to America Online's downright (and intentional) predator-friendly environment, allowing that community to evade the US Postal Inspectors rabid efficicency and sidestep a legal process which had not yet caught up with the times and technology.

The cops hemmed and hawed, tossed it into the lap of the FBI, who finally busted the punks in question, not that it was hard since everybody knew who the hell they were, than they REFUSED to investigate further, causing some locals who had family connections in the USDOJ to have those connections apply pressure, forcing an investigation which the FBI bungled so horribly it's epic legend in the law enforcement community.

The initial "Operation Innocent Images" in six weeks identified over 9000 perps, arrested only 12, charged only 3, and those with misdemeanor petty shit, and then closed the damn book on it. (at the time)

Being technically skilled, and quite recently involved and trained in all manner of dirty business involving computer technology, the locals turned to me with offers of food, stolen medical supplies, transportation, real support - if I would "do something" about those bastards, since AOL would not, and had in fact recently pissed me off SEVERELY by ripping off and causing to fail, one of the few local businesses who would have hired someone as badly disabled as I was.

And that was the beginning of what I do, just so you know, I became their goddamn boogeyman, everything, anything, that could and did dump sand in the gears of those people I did, even helped cook up a virus (VBS.NoPed.a) that scared the ever living SHIT out of them by detecting known images and calling the Feds, since they seemed so DESPERATELY inclined to turn a blind eye to it anyways - and it was damn easy to deliver the payload too, since all you had to do was title it FILENAME.JPG.VBS and since registered file type extensions are hidden, the perp sees FILENAME.JPG and double clicks it.
(and yes, the filename was deliberately something no one but a freak would WANT to open)

Chaos and carnage all day long, and when later due to complete lack of enforcement, those member rooms became a trading ground for scumbag parents to sell the "services" of thier children, we gave the local gangbangers the most wonderful idea - bait them into an "appointment" with plenty of cold hard cash on them, and make a quick buck while handing a pervo the beating of their lives, what are they gonna do, call a cop ?

I became their NIGHTMARE, during a time when no one else cared, and no one would take AOL to task for it as they were too busy gobbling up the slush of cash from accounting practices which would later be emulated by Enron and Tyco - and which Time-Warner would finally realize the truth of to their peril despite having clear warning from us "crazy talkers" as early as 1993.

And things flowed naturally from there, since it wasn't just predators, but all of our society which seemed destructive to children, and by that avenue our own humanity - and the connection between that and the social ills that naturally followed lead me to the path I follow, often in direct opposition to the forces of "Law and Order", which often enough are as much a victimizer as any predator or criminal.

But net based predators especially, will still twitch in horror at the single image representing a half dead guy who had nothing else to DO most days, all damn day, but screw with them in every way humanly possible, as well as the inclination and ability to do it.

The White Ghost.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, May 22, 2009 2:24 PM


As for PN, hell, he'd offend me often enough if I took him that seriously, which I mostly don't.

But one reason for my tolerance is that, well, how to even explain this...

There's ugly, and then there's so ungodly, unhuman, inhuman, shit downright INSENTIENT conduct that's so alltogether horrifying that you will never, ever again in your very life, be able to forget it, stuff that will HAUNT you, for the rest of your days like some damn albatross perched on your shoulder forevermore.

And I've seen that, been right down to the very bottom of that rabbit hole, and even brought others out - some of whom on occasion didn't kill themselves, and a rare few of whom even got better, or at least as close to normal as they'll ever be.

And PN, by virtue of some of the things he knows which most folk don't, which most folk CAN'T, shows evidence of having been down that rabbithole himself cause some of that info could not be obtained any other way, you see ?

And it will BREAK you, the person who comes back isn't the one who went down there - there's stuff in this world that just the *knowing* of can hurt you, hurt you so bad, so deep, that the person you were just withers and dies, and you must learn to live with an accept the person you become, and that's a damn hard thing to face.

So I tend to be a bit more lenient and tolerant with him cause I got a pretty good idea what messed him up that badly in the first place, not that I won't snark at him about it, not that I find it tolerable, any more than the racism of a guy I know who fought in the very worst of Khe Sanh, but while I won't countenance it, neither will I rip the head off someone who's own mental/emotional damage prevents them from viewing the world in any other terms.

It's a funny thing, some things, you cannot set good people against, because due to them being good people, they'll shatter like glass, unable to cope, and be mentally destroyed - and yet the most coldhearted, vicious, nasty people are surprisingly effective because their own personal wickedness somehow insulates them from the horror.

If we are to survive, a new balance must be found. In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil.
-Aereon: Chronicles of Riddick.



Friday, May 22, 2009 2:38 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


To close, I get what you're saying. And you know that you and I see things in the same light far more often than not. Including the little lake bottom 'rumor', lol. I like that.

My respect goes out to both of you - BadKarma AND Frem. We'd make a pretty funny-sounding bunch, I'm sure, if we ever got together to knock back a few and fire off some high-powered weaponry. There we'd all be: an Anarchist, a Conservative, and a Liberal, arguing back and forth and solving the world's problems...

It'd be a sight to see. And hear. :)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 2:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

And Frem, you absolutely MUST see The Wire. It's not just good TV - it's absolutely, without a doubt, some of the very best TV I've ever seen in my life. Period.

Sometimes you'll hate the "bad guys", sometimes you'll root for them. Sometimes you'll like the cops, sometimes you'll hate them.

But Omar is just an amazing character. The cheese, indeed, stands alone.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, May 22, 2009 5:38 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by badkarma00:

I know you've had problems with the cops in your area. I've had some with cops here, and hell, I used to be one. I was never on 'the take' as some like to call it, and I took the job thinking that I could make a difference when people were having problems.

As an ex cop, do you have a sense of humor?

As a cop, either you were stupid for thinking Uncle $cam dont sell dope, or you're a liar. The cops I spoke with said it was common to arrest a drug dealer with a large amount of dope, then get orders to release him and drop all charges.

As for TN sheriffs convicted of dope dealing, the media quit counting at 3-dozen in the 1990s. That's not deputies or police chiefs, nor other crimes. Basically its the feds taking out their small-time competition (Iran Contra never ends).


United States v. Lt Col Oliver "The Hammer" North mugshot, Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC) Papers, National Archives & Records Administration

The text of the Kerry subcommittee report. Pages 145-146 directly quote 15 North notebook entries related to drug trafficking.

Kerry's job was covering up the drug running, but not even a billionaire Skull & Boner can hide the Truth. The House Report is still classified, since it proves the drug dealing. The criminal and civil RICO cases also proved drug dealing by the White House and CIA, as well as other cases listed on my site verbatim from Westlaw database.

In this lawsuit in Kansas fed court, a CIA dope plane crashing at sea during a chase by other feds. The CIA bank sued the CIA insurance company to see who would pay for a jet aircraft, each side saying the other knew about the dope running by CIA, which actually has immunity to run dope under the Federal Tort Claims Act:


"The court finds the actions of the government to be most egregious, indeed appalling."
-Judge Patrick Kelly, Midland Nat. Bank v. Conlogue, 720 F.Supp. 878, D.Kan.,1989, 1989 WL 31439

The judge kept sending the transcripts of this case to the White House, warning Bush Sr that the CIA was running coke, but got no response. Finally the judge figured out it was the White House running dope in Iran Contra, so he shut up. Read the entire court order for yourself. WARNING: You're head might explode trying to follow lawyerspeak to justify the CIA running coke. When I asked this judge for the public case file, he said it had disappeared...


Fremdfirma wrote:


That's a keeper. Might be able to use some of it in traffic court, if only to make the judges' heads explode. The "private prosecutor" part is very interesting, since the attorneys general obstruct justice by blocking arrest of crooked cops and other govt employees.


Friday, May 22, 2009 8:55 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by badkarma00:

I know you've had problems with the cops in your area. I've had some with cops here, and hell, I used to be one. I was never on 'the take' as some like to call it, and I took the job thinking that I could make a difference when people were having problems.

As an ex cop, do you have a sense of humor?

As a cop, either you were stupid for thinking Uncle $cam dont sell dope, or you're a liar. The cops I spoke with said it was common to arrest a drug dealer with a large amount of dope, then get orders to release him and drop all charges.

As for TN sheriffs convicted of dope dealing, the media quit counting at 3-dozen in the 1990s. That's not deputies or police chiefs, nor other crimes. Basically its the feds taking out their small-time competition (Iran Contra never ends).


United States v. Lt Col Oliver "The Hammer" North mugshot, Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC) Papers, National Archives & Records Administration

The text of the Kerry subcommittee report. Pages 145-146 directly quote 15 North notebook entries related to drug trafficking.

Kerry's job was covering up the drug running, but not even a billionaire Skull & Boner can hide the Truth. The House Report is still classified, since it proves the drug dealing. The criminal and civil RICO cases also proved drug dealing by the White House and CIA, as well as other cases listed on my site verbatim from Westlaw database.

In this lawsuit in Kansas fed court, a CIA dope plane crashing at sea during a chase by other feds. The CIA bank sued the CIA insurance company to see who would pay for a jet aircraft, each side saying the other knew about the dope running by CIA, which actually has immunity to run dope under the Federal Tort Claims Act:


"The court finds the actions of the government to be most egregious, indeed appalling."
-Judge Patrick Kelly, Midland Nat. Bank v. Conlogue, 720 F.Supp. 878, D.Kan.,1989, 1989 WL 31439

The judge kept sending the transcripts of this case to the White House, warning Bush Sr that the CIA was running coke, but got no response. Finally the judge figured out it was the White House running dope in Iran Contra, so he shut up. Read the entire court order for yourself. WARNING: You're head might explode trying to follow lawyerspeak to justify the CIA running coke. When I asked this judge for the public case file, he said it had disappeared...


Fremdfirma wrote:


That's a keeper. Might be able to use some of it in traffic court, if only to make the judges' heads explode. The "private prosecutor" part is very interesting, since the attorneys general obstruct justice by blocking arrest of crooked cops and other govt employees.


Gosh, didn't I say that we'd had some problems with crooked sheriffs? I'm sure I did. Well, okay, I'm not SURE, but I'm pretty sure. And, the last time I checked, the number was up to 45.

I think I might have mentioned that sheriffs are also politicians. You can't expect too much out of a politician. Oh, and that's a cute little ditty with Jay Leno, who's almost smart enough to host a TV show.

As to the rest, I fail to see how the CIA dealing drugs translates to 'all cops are dirty,' and 'heaven celebrates when one is killed'.

That must have been some tow bill. I really am sorry you couldn't get your car back, though. That's not right.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Saturday, May 23, 2009 1:03 AM


America loves a winner!

crash victim ? Sure, he 'crashed', after leading the cops on a high speed chase.


Saturday, May 23, 2009 3:42 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
crash victim ? Sure, he 'crashed', after leading the cops on a high speed chase.


Yeah, but like other media sources, PN only gives us part of the story, lol.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:30 AM


America loves a winner!

It's funny to see anyone refer to PN as a " media source ". More like The Onion, but w/ out the humor.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:54 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
It's funny to see anyone refer to PN as a " media source ". More like The Onion, but w/ out the humor.

The T.Rex they call JANE!



Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.






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