Sadly, RWED has become nothing more than Troll Country 2

UPDATED: Sunday, June 7, 2009 11:57
VIEWED: 16879
PAGE 4 of 6

Monday, June 1, 2009 9:44 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:
An example would be nice.

Well, the above is an example of you being a hypocrite, how about that .


Monday, June 1, 2009 9:45 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Oh boy. Let me explain, and I will keep it simple.

I would stand up for anyone I think is being treated unfairly (Especially when someone decides to leave)in the RWED. Whether it be Rappy, or yourself. I have no agenda, except for a balanced, thought provoking discussion with others. I don't know why your singling me out, as others have also expressed that they don't want Rappy to leave. If you don't accept that, I don't know what else to say.

You singled yourself out.

Since when have you stood up for anyone, regardless of political affiliation?

And there's no way Rap was ever or has ever been unfairly treated. Trying to portray that as the case disproves your statements of objectivity.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 1:15 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Also Jongsstraw, I seriously don't give a fuck what you think, or feel about anything. Just because I'm not goose-stepping to yours and Auraptor's right-wing ways I'm automatically labeled a liberal? I am no liberal. Also I don't know you therefore you are nothing more than words on a screen too me.

You need to start thinking for yourself instead of french-kissing the crack of Auraptor's ass. Just saying...


River, yer a Nazi, a fucking Nazi who would KILL PEOPLE because of what they believe and say. You have taken this board to a new low, and I didn't think that possible.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 1:49 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

What the hell?

Not sure how that ended up in here...



Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:34 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by Geezer:
An example would be nice.

Well, the above is an example of you being a hypocrite, how about that .

Okay, so in Citizen-speak, disagreeing with you is lying. I understand.

But it's true. I do consider you one of "the most vicious and nasty people, people who attack people personally first for no reason." here on RWED.

A nice example from this thread.

"You favour no one? I hope you didn't say that with a straight face. Especially since the rest of your posts proves otherwise.

I wonder if you realise that while you splutter on with your self aggrandising self-important fake and nonsense victim act, you prove your accusations are only true of yourself, in intent if not in ability.

I'm guessing not, clearly you're just upset that you've not managed to silence this indefinite group "you people", so instead are trying to prescribe your actions to others. I'm sorry your hatred of freedom of speech isn't getting much traction around here, no wait, no I'm not."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 4:52 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Most certainly if I knew I could get away with it, and if I knew I would never get caught. I would put an end to people like Auraptor, and Rush Limbaugh, and all people like them. In my eyes they are not human. They are animals to be put down, and if you compare me to Hitler regarding this point of view, then I guess in many ways you are correct because it IS extreme, but I think There SHOULD be a final Solution for all those idiots who seek to divide this country.

At least she's honest! Seriously, I hope you never decide to take up your 'Angel of death' role. The world needs more angels of death even less than it needs people like Rush Limbaugh.

Heads should roll


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:18 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
River was over the top and over the line, and stands alone with her point of view, in my opinion. But I'll stand by her right to say what she said.


Her "right" to wish for Rush Limbaugh & others to be dragged out of their house and shot dead? That's a right? Sounds like a total abdication of the right of free speech, and sounds like a Nazi solution to silence those you opppose. Tell me what you would have written in response to me or Auraptor or anyone saying that Olbermann, Madow, or Garafalo be whipped and shot dead. Wait a sec, I would likely wanna stick pins (dipped in acid) in their eyes first before shooting them dead. And that's my "right" I suppose? You're just swell with that? Well, at least you showed some courage with your statement, and I respect you for it. No one else seems to have a scintilla of human decency here.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
River was over the top and over the line, and stands alone with her point of view, in my opinion. But I'll stand by her right to say what she said.


Her "right" to wish for Rush Limbaugh & others to be dragged out of their house and shot dead? That's a right? Sounds like a total abdication of the right of free speech, and sounds like a Nazi solution to silence those you opppose. Tell me what you would have written in response to me or Auraptor or anyone saying that Olbermann, Madow, or Garafalo be whipped and shot dead. Wait a sec, I would likely wanna stick pins (dipped in acid) in their eyes first before shooting them dead. And that's my "right" I suppose? You're just swell with that? Well, at least you showed some courage with your statement, and I respect you for it. No one else seems to have a scintilla of human decency here.

Many here and elsewhere HAVE called for just such treatment of not only Olbermann (WhoZit, I'm looking at YOU!), but of ALL those they deem "liberal". Am I "okay" with them saying these things? Not really. Am I okay with them having the RIGHT to say these things? Ab-so-freakin'-loot-lee! See, SAYING these things is NOT the exact same thing as DOING these things. I'm okay with someone saying "I wish we could gouge out the eyes of all pedophiles." I'm less than okay with them actually going around and DOING that to 17-year-olds who "sexted" provocative pictures to each other.

I *AM* just swell with you saying you *want* (operative words: "want" and "wish", not "WILL") to stick pins in the eyes of liberal talkers, and then shoot them in the head. I'm not quite swell with you actually putting those words into action.

You DO see the difference, yes?

And seriously, I have to lecture YOU, a "conservative", about free speech and the evils of the state stepping in based only on what you THINK or WISH? Really?

Oh, and by the way, I *DO* remember a certain poster around here actually posting that he wanted someone to "walk Biden into the propellor of a Cessna", or that he'd like to see someone drive Ted Kennedy off a bridge in Chappaquiddick.

So there's always that...


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"You're a idiot." -AuRaptor, RWED, May 27, 2009.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks Mike. Been called Gestapo, a traitor who should be shot, a terrorist symp, and all manner of unpleasant things. Then when they get is back they whine and stamp their tiny feet like spoiled babaies. One thing the rightwing doesn't seem to get: Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

But I still go back to- If you don't like what somebody posts IGNORE IT. Social isolation- works almost every time. Certainly better than tit for tat.

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6:42 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Her "right" to wish for Rush Limbaugh & others to be dragged out of their house and shot dead? That's a right?

I take River with a grain of salt- she frequently posts EXTREME reactions, but what the heck, she usually targets peeps I don't agree with, so who am I to try an reel her in?

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6:45 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
You singled yourself out.

Since when have you stood up for anyone, regardless of political affiliation?

And there's no way Rap was ever or has ever been unfairly treated. Trying to portray that as the case disproves your statements of objectivity.

Disproves nothing!!!

I'm speaking fact, and logic. You are speaking with emotion, and bias. Well maybe your glad that Rappy is gone but you, and your little wolf pack are going to starve without prey. Have fun.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6:56 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:

Okay, so in Citizen-speak, disagreeing with you is lying. I understand.

But it's true. I do consider you one of "the most vicious and nasty people, people who attack people personally first for no reason." here on RWED.

Ok, so in Geezer-Speak, disagreeing with you, is being nasty and vicious.

What I actually consider lying, is saying things that aren't true. For instance how you twist where I said you were lying in to a statement about something else, then dismiss that. A strawman, a lie, and it's true, you're compulsive at it. At least I'd say the term fits when damn near every post you make has a lie of some sort buried in it, either aimed at a person or their argument.

"You favour no one? I hope you didn't say that with a straight face. Especially since the rest of your posts proves otherwise.

I wonder if you realise that while you splutter on with your self aggrandising self-important fake and nonsense victim act, you prove your accusations are only true of yourself, in intent if not in ability.

I'm guessing not, clearly you're just upset that you've not managed to silence this indefinite group "you people", so instead are trying to prescribe your actions to others. I'm sorry your hatred of freedom of speech isn't getting much traction around here, no wait, no I'm not."

If you think that post is even in the same league as most of the vitriol posted here (some even by you) you are either a liar, insane, or you never actually read the RWED. Since that last one is obviously discounted by your being here, it must be one of the other two. Considering that is less scathing than what OPPYH was spewing at "you people", I take it that your estimation of who's worse is little more than "who doesn't hold similar opinions to Geezer". No surprise there of course.

Yes Geezer, not only do you spend most of your time trolling, but you also are one of the least truthful and trustworthy people to grace this, or really any forum I've ever seen. I've never seen you once engage in anything approaching debate, preferring to lie and insult. You consider what you like of me, but I act to you the way you act to me, so all your seeing is your own reflection. You stand accused by your own admission.

You're a liar, and one of the nastiest and most vicious posters here, you admit it even if you can't stand to sign your name to it.

QED indeed.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6:58 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
you, and your little wolf pack are going to starve without prey. Have fun.

We can always prey upon each other.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6:58 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Her "right" to wish for Rush Limbaugh & others to be dragged out of their house and shot dead? That's a right?

I take River with a grain of salt- she frequently posts EXTREME reactions, but what the heck, she usually targets peeps I don't agree with, so who am I to try an reel her in?

Hey, I'm 23 skidoo with that dude! Now we can all just post who we'd like to see killed because we disagree with their opinions. Seems like a perfectly mature thing to do. How 'bout YOU list all those you'd like to see dead by the end of the week for starters.....could be anybody you don't like due to their statements and/or actions, public personalities or just RWER's. To make it even more salacious, fun, and sanguine also tell us HOW you'd like to see them killed. I think this could be a new dept. in FFF. Haken could call it Death Wish Corner or somesuch.

One more little thing.....Y'all saying that Waterboarding and abusing Terrorists is BAD, but wanting to kill radio show hosts, authors, and bloggers is OK. I getsit.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:03 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Most certainly if I knew I could get away with it, and if I knew I would never get caught. I would put an end to people like Auraptor, and Rush Limbaugh, and all people like them. In my eyes they are not human.

River, this is not the way of the Shaolin, which I follow. Strive to be humble as the dust. Be one with your fellow peeps. Would you not be better off directing your energies towards the enlightenment of these wayward souls, rather than explosive rants hungering for their immediate demise?

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:04 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Disproves nothing!!!

I'm speaking fact, and logic. You are speaking with emotion, and bias. Well maybe your glad that Rappy is gone but you, and your little wolf pack are going to starve without prey. Have fun.

Clearly you don't know what the words fact and logic mean, if you believe that to be even remotely true.

The above post proves everything I've been saying, declaring yourself logical and me emotional, really proves nothing. Though the way you describe me and my "Wolf Pack" certainly proves there's no logic, no objectivity and all bias in your words. The fact the best you have is to declare yourself the winner, and to declare everyone else bad people (funny how you are the only one resorting to the tactics you claim of others though ) rather proves everything I've said, and disproves everything you've claimed.

I'd just like to point out, I've made no statements about how glad or not I am at Raps leaving. I merely pointed out that far from being innocent (as you claim), he's the biggest instigator. That far from being treated unfairly, he was treated AS HE TREATED OTHERS. The fact that you demand AURaptor is treated better than he ever even considered treating anyone else, that you try to portray him as a poor victim when it's a matter of fact that he's near always the first to go there, and goes there the deepest, disproves your self image of objectivity and logic. The fact you have a deep seated need to portray all those you consider "libruls" here as a wolf pack picking on the poor defenceless victim that is Rap, shows your charges of emotional bias are true only of yourself.

Indeed the fact you have to believe I'm happy to see him leave in order to affix your world view that allows you to close ranks and defend the worst offenders as long as they call themselves conservative, with no evidence to back that assertion, proves and disproves a great many things.

The truth is I'm indifferent, especially since I know this is little more than a shallow attempt to get his own way and sympathy, to portray himself, the victimiser, as the victim. I know he'll be back once he feels his little protest has won him some favour. The fact you have to lump me in as part of some wolf pack, proves only your own bias and not mine.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:06 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Now we can all just post who we'd like to see killed because we disagree with their opinions.

Calm yourself, Doctor.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:25 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Now we can all just post who we'd like to see killed because we disagree with their opinions.

Calm yourself, Doctor.

The laughing Chrisisall

Yes Sir!
I hear and obey the will of Chrisdru.
Want you to know that I do appreciate your post and the Kwikster's post on this.

Funny, 'cause when I think of the public personalities I despise the most because of the outspoken opinions, I know in my heart that if I ever met them, I'd just smile and say very happy to meet you, even Jeanine Garafalo.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:27 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
even Jeanine Garafalo.

Hey- I like her, she was a voice in Titan AE!!

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm speaking fact, and logic. You are speaking with emotion, and bias. Well maybe your glad that Rappy is gone but you, and your little wolf pack are going to starve without prey. Have fun.
You are NOT speaking fact and logic, you're speaking emotion. Where were YOU when rappy was wanting me killed? Look, I'm not saying that the response he got was rational, reasoned dicussion, but... your double standard is just a tad too blatant to ignore. On top of that, you just did what you're bitching at everyone else for.

If you REALLY want this board to be something other than a pit of vitriol, why don't you hold EVERYBODY to the same standard... starting with yourself?

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:44 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
even Jeanine Garafalo.

Hey- I like her, she was a voice in Titan AE!!

The laughing Chrisisall

Well sure, what's not to like. Her new tatoos, body piercings, and half-blonde dye job really do wonders for her. So what if she branded 60 million Americans as racists and rednecks because they didn't vote Obama. Just words, no biggie.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:52 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Just words, no biggie.

That's exactly what many on this thread have been saying in order to defend Rap.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:54 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
So what if she branded 60 million Americans as racists and rednecks because they didn't vote Obama.

You're being too hard on the girl.
Wait- she got piercings?
Hmmm, maybe you aren't....

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:57 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
I'm speaking fact, and logic. You are speaking with emotion, and bias. Well maybe your glad that Rappy is gone but you, and your little wolf pack are going to starve without prey. Have fun.

You had that comin.



Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:58 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

That's exactly what many on this thread have been saying in order to defend Rap.

Good point.
Now tell me you were kidding about me pulling 'Rap's strings!

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:11 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
You are NOT speaking fact and logic, you're speaking emotion. Where were YOU when rappy was wanting me killed? Look, I'm not saying that the response he got was rational, reasoned dicussion, but... your double standard is just a tad too blatant to ignore. On top of that, you just did what you're bitching at everyone else for.

If you REALLY want this board to be something other than a pit of vitriol, why don't you hold EVERYBODY to the same standard... starting with yourself?

I'm just stating that by losing Rappy, RWED isn't going to be as remotely interesting. Nothing more. Fact.

I'm doing my best to try to get him to return to the RWED. Logic.

Is this untrue? is it a double standard?

The answer to both would be no.

You and citizen are sort of creepy. Twisting my words may be fun for you two, but it is sort of creepy.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You and citizen are sort of creepy. Twisting my words may be fun for you two, but it is sort of creepy.
You can run with YOUR wolf-pack, then. Hope you starve.

Select to view spoiler:

There.... does it sound different coming at you rather than from you? THAT'S what I was talking about. A lot of times, its not what you say but how you say it.

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:39 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
I'm just stating that by losing Rappy, RWED isn't going to be as remotely interesting. Nothing more. Fact.

Since Rap rarely lends anything to any discussion beyond personal attacks, this 'fact' you cite sure shows what you considers interesting. What indeed you want to see here.

All you want is non-stop insults and silencing of opinions you disagree with. FACT.

Originally posted by OPPYH:
Is this untrue? is it a double standard?

The answer to both would be no.

Are you defending AURaptor and portraying him as a victim, while everyone else as an evil wolf pack?

Are you making emotional claims that have no basis in reality in order to back up your nonsense victim act?

Are those things a double standard and a sign of your blinding bias?

The answer to all those things is yes.

Originally posted by OPPYH:
You and citizen are sort of creepy. Twisting my words may be fun for you two, but it is sort of creepy.

Thank you for proving everything I've said about you correct. You really are a blind closed minded biased hater of freedom of speech. No wonder you want Rap back, he was the person that did most to destroy discussion here, and discussion here is clearly the last thing you want.

It's funny that the only person all your crying applies to, is you. Twist your words? No one is twisting your words, they're just pointing out the inconvenient truth of them, that you don't want to see.

Trying to silence all dissent, while attacking people and palming off your behaviour onto others may be fun for you, but it is sort of immoral.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:42 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
So what if she branded 60 million Americans as racists and rednecks because they didn't vote Obama.

You're being too hard on the girl.
Wait- she got piercings?
Hmmm, maybe you aren't....

hey...Hey...HEY! You 2 happen to be talking about the woman who has no idea whatsoever that I exist! A little respect...


Still...what would The Bowler do?


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Her "right" to wish for Rush Limbaugh & others to be dragged out of their house and shot dead? That's a right?

I take River with a grain of salt- she frequently posts EXTREME reactions, but what the heck, she usually targets peeps I don't agree with, so who am I to try an reel her in?

Hey, I'm 23 skidoo with that dude! Now we can all just post who we'd like to see killed because we disagree with their opinions. Seems like a perfectly mature thing to do. How 'bout YOU list all those you'd like to see dead by the end of the week for starters.....could be anybody you don't like due to their statements and/or actions, public personalities or just RWER's. To make it even more salacious, fun, and sanguine also tell us HOW you'd like to see them killed. I think this could be a new dept. in FFF. Haken could call it Death Wish Corner or somesuch.

One more little thing.....Y'all saying that Waterboarding and abusing Terrorists is BAD, but wanting to kill radio show hosts, authors, and bloggers is OK. I getsit.

One little thing: As was pointed out quite succinctly some time ago, WANTING or WISHING someone dead is not a crime. TORTURING someone (sometimes torturing them TO DEATH, mind you) IS a crime.

As for your first proposal, I'd say, "Let's don't." I'd post up my own little list, but it would have the Stazi - er, I mean the Secret Service - knocking on my door in about thirteen seconds, and shutting down this site about three minutes after that.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"You're a idiot." -AuRaptor, RWED, May 27, 2009.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 9:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'd post up my own little list, but it would have the Stazi - er, I mean the Secret Service - knocking on my door in about thirteen seconds, and shutting down this site about three minutes after that.
heh heh heh With ya on THAT one!

Sadly, RWED has become nothing more than Troll Country 2. Which kinda sucks, because I had hoped to engage in some mature, lively and civil discussions over real world matters.
So, back to the original post.... Of all peeps, rappy should be the last to complain since he failed three of four or his own description ("mature, lively and civil discussion") I'll give him "lively", but that's about it.

BTW- OPPYH- You might not have noticed, but my tagline? It's rappy wishing someone was dead.... Why aren't you hopping up and down about THAT?

I think... I HOPE... I've made my point. You want civil, rational discussion? Try it yourself. You want someone to be welcome here? Then I suggest you hold THEM to a higher standard, and stop complaining that everyone else is doing the exact same thing as the so-called victim... and you.

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 10:00 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

I'm doing my best to try to get him to return to the RWED.

[It's all about me mentality]
I did it- I chased him away with my Mal wasn't tortured thread. If I just hadn't cornered him on the issue- if I just wasn't running down his failing circular logic argument that it's not torture if you want info from the subject...*sniff*
I blame myself.
[/It's all about me mentality]

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 11:30 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by OPPYH:

I'm doing my best to try to get him to return to the RWED.

[It's all about me mentality]
I did it- I chased him away with my Mal wasn't tortured thread. If I just hadn't cornered him on the issue- if I just wasn't running down his failing circular logic argument that it's not torture if you want info from the subject...*sniff*
I blame myself.
[/It's all about me mentality]

And on that bid-ness about torture being a matter of intent - ask any drunk off the street, who's been in recovery a month or more, and he/she will tell you that the world at large does not give a prevericating shyster's ass in hell about intentions. This notion first started to gain traction with me after attending multiple failure-to-appear hearings. "But Your Honor, I fully intended to show up for that court date!" "I'm sure you did, Mr. nWear...enjoy your stay."


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 11:41 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
[It's all about me mentality]
I did it- I chased him away with my Mal wasn't tortured thread. If I just hadn't cornered him on the issue- if I just wasn't running down his failing circular logic argument that it's not torture if you want info from the subject...*sniff*
I blame myself.
[/It's all about me mentality]

Yeah, bully. AURaptor hasn't said an unkind word to ANYONE EVER. You just hate him because you're a big evil meanie!

AURaptor is a special little angel, who gave so much to this forum, and was never nasty to anyone, and because of that you attacked him for no reason and made him cry, it makes me very sad to think such a special innocent wonderful flower could have been so badly hurt by you you monster!

I'm going off to cry about the injustice of the world now!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:37 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Also Jongsstraw, I seriously don't give a fuck what you think, or feel about anything. Just because I'm not goose-stepping to yours and Auraptor's right-wing ways I'm automatically labeled a liberal? I am no liberal. Also I don't know you therefore you are nothing more than words on a screen too me.

You need to start thinking for yourself instead of french-kissing the crack of Auraptor's ass. Just saying...


River, yer a Nazi, a fucking Nazi who would KILL PEOPLE because of what they believe and say. You have taken this board to a new low, and I didn't think that possible.

If you can't stand the heights bitch then don't climb the fucking mountain. You are dismissed now. I am through with you.



Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:50 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
River was over the top and over the line, and stands alone with her point of view, in my opinion. But I'll stand by her right to say what she said.


Her "right" to wish for Rush Limbaugh & others to be dragged out of their house and shot dead? That's a right? Sounds like a total abdication of the right of free speech, and sounds like a Nazi solution to silence those you opppose. Tell me what you would have written in response to me or Auraptor or anyone saying that Olbermann, Madow, or Garafalo be whipped and shot dead. Wait a sec, I would likely wanna stick pins (dipped in acid) in their eyes first before shooting them dead. And that's my "right" I suppose? You're just swell with that? Well, at least you showed some courage with your statement, and I respect you for it. No one else seems to have a scintilla of human decency here.

You seem woefully unaware of the human condition. How can you read human history and carry on like you are living in lala land? Wake the fuck up. Its a sad state, but in this harsh world sometimes some people should get a bullet in the head in order to head off the havoc that they, and their misguided words will cause to untold millions.

Freedom of speech? Yes, but freedom of speech that could cause a collapse of a government, or isolate a segment population? Freedom of speech that justifies racism? Freedom of speech that causes the many groups in this country strife? Freedom of speech that allows people like Rush Limbaugh to incite, and instigate, and mix lies with truths to cause problems for the people of this country? Hell no! Any bastard that does this should be put up against a wall.

Jongsstraw, you go right ahead and continue to live it up in your Barbie dreamland because somewhere along the line you forgot that freedom of speech also means to be responsible for what you preach. People like Rush or Auraptor misuse their freedom of speech. I say do the world a favor and put a bullet in their heads and be done with it.



Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:47 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Are you defending AURaptor and portraying him as a victim, while everyone else as an evil wolf pack?

One stood against many

Are you making emotional claims that have no basis in reality in order to back up your nonsense victim act?
No. For a healthy debate you need an antagonist. This is what Rappy was to the political aspect of RWED. Without this things become mundane, and one sided. But you probably don't even know what I'm talking about do you? No...probably not.


Are those things a double standard and a sign of your blinding bias?

Did I not state in an earlier post I would have cried foul on any member leaving the RWED that had valuable input into the forum?
Why do you continue to hound me? This bully mentality is getting a little stale. And for the record, you couldn't go toe to toe with me in a debate if your life depended on it. If you continue to twist my words, and outright lie about things I have said I will embarrass you.

Have a nice day.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6:17 PM



No. For a healthy debate you need an antagonist.
No. For a healthy debate you need a debate. Someone who listens and thinks. Someone who understands your POV and can teach you something a little bit about your own. Rappy did none of that. Honestly, neither are you.

I get that YOU think rappy represented a POV. Maybe even a POV you agree with. But there is more to representing a POV than saying the same friggin' thing over and over again, refusing to engage in facts. THAT'S not representing a POV, that's plugging your ears and saying La la la I can't hear you!

Toss me a statement that you agree with. Something conservative. Something you don't think I agree with. I'll do a better job defending it than rappy.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 9:41 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
One stood against many

Attack lots of people, then having to fight on all sides makes you a good guy?

One stood against many in a fight the one started. Congratulations, your logic says Nazi Germany was the victim in the Second World War. By the way, before you start bawling because you're flimsy argument just collapsed, so I must have "twisted your words", all I've done is used your logic in a different circumstance to show how bad it is. If your logic can't work there, it doesn't work for Rap either.

The fact you can only defend your paper thin logic arguments by claiming people are twisting your words rather proves that you haven't the mental facility to beat anyone in a debate...

No. For a healthy debate you need an antagonist. This is what Rappy was to the political aspect of RWED. Without this things become mundane, and one sided.

No you don't. For a healthy debate the last thing you need is someone who just wants to shout down and antagonise and insult. The fact you think otherwise rather proves what I've been saying, not that you know what I'm talking about I'm sure.

Did I not state in an earlier post I would have cried foul on any member leaving the RWED that had valuable input into the forum?

Yeah, and I thought you were full of shit and stated so. You can say what you like (and you keep doing so) but it doesn't make it true. Though judging by your woeful conduct here, it's clear you're another one that can't tell the difference between your opinions and facts.

Did I not state in an earlier post that you only think someone has a valuable input for the forum if they're a conservative? So why do you continue to try and portray it as otherwise?

Did I not state in an earlier post that all the things your were crying about were done by your defenceless victim? Did I not point out that Rap was treated only as he treated others? Then why do you continue to demand that AURaptor has to be treated with more respect than anyone else on this forum. Why do you want there to be a two tier system, where Rap and your wolf pack get to treat people like shit, and they have to prostrate themselves at your feet and ask for forgiveness?

You don't defend anyone you defend any conservative regardless of whether they started the fight, whether their in the wrong or not. You wouldn't defend me, would wouldn't defend anyone who doesn't agree with you, and you damn well know it, even your own words belie that.

This bully mentality is getting a little stale.

Yes it is, so why are YOU insisting that Rap has to get away with it, and no one can treat him as he treats them? All this is is sour grapes that your side hasn't managed to bully everyone you disagree with into silence yet.

And for the record, you've been hounding me as much as anything, your personal attacks made against me have been at least as bad as any made against you. Don't worry, I'm not surprised that you have one rule for you and your wolf pack, and one rule for anyone else. I guess you find attacking and victimising people much more fun when they don't fight back right? Yeah, most bullies like you do.

And for the record, you couldn't go toe to toe with me in a debate if your life depended on it. If you continue to twist my words, and outright lie about things I have said I will embarrass you.

For the record, for all your pathetic bluster, you couldn't win a debate with a dead donkey. You clearly don't even know what a debate is. You think a debate is saying something a again and again and again and never listening, while insulting anyone who says different. You clearly think a debate is the lies and insults spat by your hero Rap. The only person twisting your words is you. The only person outright lying is you. The only person who can't back up his crazy bullshit, is you. I've already pointed to a bunch of times you've done exactly that, and the best you can do is leave them be, and hope no one noticed.

Where did I say I was happy that Rap is leaving, as you falsely claim? Nowhere, lie one for you. You've flatly stated that Rap was treated unfairly and that his treatment was uncalled for, I rightly point out that he was treated exactly as he treated others, and you ignore it time and time again, and restate that we bullied the poor wittle victim Rappy. That's also a lie. You've lied continually to push your bullshit agenda of silencing all non-conservatives.

I can point to specific instances where you flat out lied, you can't do the same. The best you can do is say "he lied" and hope you "win" by default. Pretty pathetic, but since you hold Rap as a hero and that was one of his favourite tactics when his flaccid arguments collapsed, hardly surprising.

You're the only one lying and twisting words, and damn right you've already embarrassed yourself. There's a nice picture of you Frem post earlier if you need to confirm.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 6:51 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
I can point to specific instances where you flat out lied, you can't do the same. The best you can do is say "he lied" and hope you "win" by default. Pretty pathetic, but since you hold Rap as a hero and that was one of his favourite tactics when his flaccid arguments collapsed, hardly surprising.

I'd like you to show me where I lied...I'm waiting.
I Think Rappy should stick around. Where are you getting all this "I'm lying" BS? How is my opinion about one person leaving the RWED a pack of lies? Creepy.
You are a delusional hate monger, and your posts
are more pathetic each time you reply to me. It turns out I don't even need to embarrass you. You do a waaayyy better job embarrassing yourself then I could ever do.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So OPPYH... I'm waiting for the challenge to see if I can defend a conservative viewpoint better than rappy, w/o resorting to the name-calling and sheer out-and-out denial that rappy engaged in. Make it juicy. I'm looking forward to it!

But: start a new thread. Call is "black is white" or "Opposite day" or something, 'cause this one's getting waaaay too long!

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:01 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
The only person who can't back up his crazy bullshit, is you. I've already pointed to a bunch of times you've done exactly that, and the best you can do is leave them be, and hope no one noticed.

Once more, what do I need to "back up"? My opinion?
Your not using your brain too well. Think before you post. You'll feel better in the long run.

You have pointed out absolutely nothing about my posts. You just read them, and go off on a tangent about your feelings for Rappy. I have stated my opinion. Live with it. Oh, and stop responding to my posts also. There is nothing more for you to argue.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:14 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
I'd like you to show me where I lied...I'm waiting.

I already have, it's basically your standard level of pathetic you've been showing through out that means you have to ignore I already have.

Originally posted by OPPYH:
I Think Rappy should stick around. Where are you getting all this "I'm lying" BS? How is my opinion about one person leaving the RWED a pack of lies?

Where did you lie. There's two right here. You're trying to imply that I want rap to leave, since I've clearly stated my position there, that makes you a liar.

How was I saying you not wanting him to leave is a lie? I was clear with what I said you were lying about, for you to try to portray it as something else, that's a lie.

Where am I getting this stuff about you lying from? Your own words, I keep quoting you and pointing out how you're lying, and all you can do is ignore and lie about what I said. Thanks for proving me right.

On the other hand, you've accused me of lying, and have no quote and no explanation of where these lies are. Clearly even your bullshit statements about me lying, are another one of your lies.

Originally posted by OPPYH:

You certainly are, you also can't take responsibility for your own actions.

Originally posted by OPPYH:
You are a delusional hate monger, and your posts
are more pathetic each time you reply to me. It turns out I don't even need to embarrass you.

So says the poster who's been attacking everyone who isn't a conservative. So says the poster who's spent most of this thread crying about the vicious unfair and unkind treatments of the poor innocent victim AURaptor.

As with all your pathetic attempts at personal attacks, this one is only true of yourself. You say it of me, but prove it of you.

Really while you're spending all this time trying to convince yourself that your behaviour is mine, it just makes you look like a crazy person. The most vicious personal insults have been made by you. The lies have only come from you, which I've proved, but undoubtedly you will say I haven't and repeat, like the creepy crazy delusional hate mongering liar you are, that it isn't true.

At the end of the day all I said was Rap was treated the way he treated others, while you ignored that and demanded he had to be treated better than he treated other people. Then delusionally claimed that wasn't a double standard. If you had half a brain in your soulless empty shell, you'd have realised how much of an embarrassment you really are.

Pathetic, it's no joke. All you can do is prescribe you behaviour to me, cry about how AURaptor deserves better treatment than he dishes out, and get apoplectic that you don't get to victimise people with your standard non-stop bullying. Your posts are nothing but a pathetic attempt at self aggrandisement, self apologetics, and demonisation of people you disagree with. You try to claim all these things about me, and prove them of yourself, while thinking you've "won" something. You really are rather pitiable.

I get it, you are one big walking ball of angry monkey transference, right down to transferring the way you've made yourself look to me.

Each one of your sad self aggrandising tirades is more illiterate and delusional than the last, but tell me now, do you feel the need to loudly and erroneously sing your false praises in every post because no one else will ever think you're worth complementing?


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Once more, what do I need to "back up"? My opinion?
That IS the nature of a debate, yanno! Backing up ones opinion!

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:25 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Once more, what do I need to "back up"? My opinion?

You mean I have to tell you AGAIN? Are you that stupid you need it outlined every five seconds?

Oh silly me, of course you are that stupid.

How about you back up some of those FACTS you claimed you were talking about earlier for starters? Or are you now saying you didn't have any facts and it was all insubstantial opinion?

Originally posted by OPPYH:
Your not using your brain too well.

I'm using my brain fine, which is why you don't understand my posts, given that you don't really have one. I'd ask you to think before you post, but as we both know, that's actually beyond your abilities .

Originally posted by OPPYH:
You have pointed out absolutely nothing about my posts. You just read them, and go off on a tangent about your feelings for Rappy. I have stated my opinion. Live with it.

I've pointed out plenty about your posts, and all you've done is ignore or lie about anything you disagree with, and try and force people to be silent. You went off about how Rap's a conservative so he has more rights than everyone else, how he has to be treated better than he treats others, and then start lying and insulting other people when they don't share your biased emotional beliefs.

I stated my opinion, but YOU couldn't live with it. Clearly your opinion is that you get to have your say, and everyone else gets to shut up and deal with it. Clearly you're a frustrated dictator, what OPPYH says is fact, if you disagree you better keep your fucking mouth shut, or OPPYH will get angry.

Originally posted by OPPYH:
Oh, and stop responding to my posts also. There is nothing more for you to argue.

And here we have it, you proving that you hate freedom of speech. You want me silenced because I say things you don't like. You're worse than what you claim of me, because you claim I hounded Rap off the site (even though I didn't) and attempt to set yourself up as morally superior, while demanding people who say stuff you disagree with shut up.

I'd ask how you plan on forcing me to be silent? Problem is, Stalin, that you have no power here, you can't use force to silence dissent, no matter how much you clearly want too.

You really are a scary nasty delusional hate monger you are. I suppose transferring your behaviour to others is the only way you can live with yourself, I have to say, I'm not surprised.

I've not said anyone should be silenced, you have. Thanks for coming out to prove you hate freedom of speech.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


It turns out I don't even need to embarrass you. You do a waaayyy better job embarrassing yourself then I could ever do.

Well *I* feel ripped off...

I was waiting with baited breath for you to "embarrass" Citizen. I was really looking forward to your best effort, and now it would appear that you are cutting and running.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"You're a idiot." -AuRaptor, RWED, May 27, 2009.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:49 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
It turns out I don't even need to embarrass you. You do a waaayyy better job embarrassing yourself then I could ever do.

All I'm seeing is Citizen's impatience with illogic.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 8:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

OPPHY- Do you have the impression that a 'debate' involves people yelling past each other at the tops of their lungs, and that whoever yells the loudest and has the best zingers 'wins'?

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 8:30 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
All I'm seeing is Citizen's impatience with illogic.

1. I wanted Rappy to return to the RWED.

2. I stated what I thought about the matter.

I didn't lie, steal, cheat, misinform anyone.
I'm not illogical. Not even close.

If you think Citizens posts are accurate then that would make you irrational.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009 8:34 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Once more, what do I need to "back up"? My opinion?
That IS the nature of a debate, yanno! Backing up ones opinion!

Yeah, and I did that at the very beginning of my posts. Although Citizen would like me to be redundant. I choose not to hammer the same points over, and over.






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