Canadian Jewish Congress founded Canadian Nazi Party

UPDATED: Monday, June 15, 2009 14:15
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Monday, June 15, 2009 11:27 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Jewish lawyer on Jewish website says Jewish Congress ran the Nazi Party as a PR psyop to justify a police state:


Which brings us to the present day -- and back to Rabbi Bulka and the section 13 censorship law. Canada's largest customer of section 13 is Richard Warman, who has been the complainant in all but two cases heard by the tribunal this decade. The CJC was so impressed that they gave Warman an award.

But, in a stunning human rights tribunal ruling last month, Warman himself was rebuked for posting anti-Semitic comments on Stormfront, a neo-Nazi website, including a message calling Jews "scum." Warman has stated that he was attempting to gather information on real Nazis, but the tribunal called his actions "disappointing and disturbing," and ruled that he risked encouraging more hateful messages himself.


Monday, June 15, 2009 12:09 PM


I met Ezra Levant once...

The word slimeball comes to mind.

Spending ten minutes in a room with him give you the need to shower if you know what I mean.

I think the hate speech laws should be revamped....

at present they are too harsh and too lenient at the same time. Trying to false flag a hate group for political gain should run you jail time, and in this case I would consider deportation.

We don't need that kind of bullshit

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, June 15, 2009 2:15 PM



While I don't consider many of the papers that covered this great bastions of journalism, it annoys me that the mainstream media went out of their way to not cover it.

PN might be a loon, but it's a fact that the zionista types have a long history of false flag stuff that goes way back to Lavon and the Irgun.

I knew damn well they were doin that at Stormfront, cause not only have I been keeping an eye on that crowd, ever since Obamas election I've been using them for my own purposes since they're so damned easy to wind up and exploit due to their short attention span and extremely binary yes/no black/white so-called thought process...

All I gotta do is slip in the right keywords and selected rhetorical bits in the right order and they'll hop on command without even knowing it, just like how you wire automated assemblies on a factory line, really - I even have software that pre-writes most of the necessary post/editorial, and all I have to do is fill in the blanks.

Which is ironic since Stormfront itself was initially a creation of the powers that be, and without the endless financial and logistical support provided by plants and ringers, that whole movement woulda collapsed years ago - and Stormfront really amounts to the social engineering variation of a botnet, and one handled so ham-handedly that it was all too easy to steal right out from under them.

Like I keep sayin, in the end, the powers that be are gonna hand me all I need to crush em, and with the folks originally running the scam now mired in the political equivalent of a circular firing squad and having lost control of most of their levers, they handed me and mine a complete political strike force with all the bells and whistles all pre-constructed for naught more than the effort of a little psychological exploitation.

And best of all, they're completely deniable and totally disposable.

Let that be a lesson to ya, folks - when you hand over the keys of your life so damned easily to others, it's almost a given that whoever winds up behind the wheel isn't gonna give a shit about you or your pathetic cause.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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