Dashcam video of trooper choking ambulance crew

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 16:21
VIEWED: 1041
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Monday, June 15, 2009 11:13 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Cop's video shows cop driving like a nut to non-emergency situation, and ambulance crew doing nothing wrong

At last report the EMT was facing indictment by grand jury, but the cop was not.


Why Won't OHP Release Dashcam Video?

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is refusing to release a copy of their dashcam video of the incident between a state trooper and paramedic saying it isn't their practice to do so, and that the video isn't covered by the Oklahoma Open Records Act.

Tulsa Attorney Doug Dodd is an expert on media law including the Open Records Act.

"It says that everything is open to inspection under the Open Records Act, unless it is specifically exempted. Except when it comes to law enforcement records," said Tulsa attorney Doug Dodd.

Instead in Oklahoma, there are seven different categories that law enforcement must make available to the public. They are mostly things like arrest and booking reports and details about arrest warrants.

But, it doesn't include anything about dashcam video which Dodd says probably wasn't even thought of when the measure was passed.

"I can almost guarantee you that the legislature and the governor back in 1985, did not envision dash board cams," said attorney Doug Dodd.

Dodd says the video could be obtained through litigation by some of the parties involved in the incident. Also, an elected official could ask for an attorney general's opinion in the case.

EMT Wants Accountability From OHP

White says even when flattened against his ambulance, he was worried about the patient in the back. It was a woman suffering from possible heat exhaustion whom he and his partner were taking to a hospital.

"The word that comes to mind is absolute torture for a mother to be strapped to a gurney with an IV, an EKG and oxygen cannot move and she is hearing her family members scream outside that had to be torture. She did not deserve that," said White.

Nor does he feel he or his partner, Paul Franks, deserved the treatment they received from Trooper Martin.

"Never in my lifetime have I seen that kind of focused rage before," said Maurice White. "If a trooper behaves that way with a fellow professional and a professional who is transporting a patient with chest pain how does that trooper handle other situations?"

White also wants to see OHP's dashcam video. It is the video the patrol has refused to release after first saying it showed the paramedics starting the scuffle.

"The dashcam video will show his state of rage when he exited his vehicle to speak to my driver. It will show his total disregard for the patient when he was informed we were transporting a patient and when it was asked if we could take this up at the hospital, it will show his total disregard. And, it will show a trooper at that moment who was totally out of control," said White.

White's lawyer, Richard O'Carroll, told The News On 6 that he will get the dashcam video, but it will take a lawsuit to do so which means there could be a civil lawsuit in the future.


Monday, June 15, 2009 9:29 PM


I have questions, could not see the video. read elsewhere.
Is this vehicle owned or operated or hired by the Indian Nation? If so, does this mean it is a federal vehicle? Indian property is federal jurisdiction. A military convoy is not supposed to be stopped by police vehicles - the federal vehicles have right-of-way. An old test asked if a cop car, Fire truck, ambulance (each with lights and sirens) and a Postal jeep pull up to a 4way Stop at the same moment, which vehicle goes first? Legally, the Postal jeep goes first, the rest must yield right-of-way to the federal vehicle.

I question whether the Indian hired or owned ambulance should have yielded at all to the idiot bumbling raging cop. That boy needs a drug test for andro. Roid rage.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:15 AM


*Sigh* One more example of a cop who's too full of himself. He pulled this ambulance over for one reason: he was mad about a gesture rendered him from the driver.

His transcripted words are: "I'm gonna give you a ticket for failure to yield, and when I go on by you saying 'what's going on' you don't need to be givin me no hand gestures now" Then shouting as a bully: "I ain't gonna put up with that s**t! Do you understand me?"

What professionalism.

What exactly was the failure to yield all about? Was this ambulence the same vehicle seen at 0:37 in the dash cam vid? If it is, did it not yield to the cop who was running with lights and siren? In front of it is a slow pulling-over motorist who the EMT driver has to dodge before he can yield to the cop. You see the EMT passing that car at 0:29..and you see his own brake lights coming on at 0:35. Looks like he yielded to me.

So it's about a hand gesture.

Something like this happened to me 4 years ago. I was riding in Nashville with 2 friends. We were going to Dragoncon. My buddy was driving in the far left lane of a multi-lane between 60-65 mph. Limit is 55. A hole opened up in front of us and my buddy moved forward before seeing that the reason the hole opened was because a motorcycle cop was riding in the 2nd left land at exactly 55. We passed the guy before realizing the error. So we waited. No trouble ensued. At 55 we drove in the left lane for a while. About the time we had forgotten about the incident suddenly lights come on and we're guided to the right of the freeway. I remember his Q to my friend. "You make it a habit to pass cops where you're from boy?" We were polite...said nothing obtuse. He ran the licence..nothing came up. Handing the licence back 20 minutes later he made a parting comment to us about "remembering who's in charge" and we left.

The whole thing was about the cops ego. He knew he was at exactly 55. He liked knowing he could cork up a freeway. When we passed him inadvertly he wanted us to know without a doubt he was boss even tho no harm was caused. The thing I could never understand about it was that he followed us for several miles before turning on the lights. The time we drove through Nashville with him behind us was far longer than he needed to run our plate. I really think the guy just decided randomly to F with us.

The cop in this video is the same.

My reconstruction of what happened:
1. Cop was on a run to the gas station.
2. Cop startles the EMT on the open road by approaching so rapidly the EMT was late in seeing it.
3. EMT yields to the cop.
4. Cop arrives at the gas station. He does nothing there. I cannot explain why
5. EMT catches up to the cop. Driver flips off the cop. Cop sees it.
6. Cop, now enraged, pulls the EMT over. He's going to show this driver who's boss because as he says "He ain't gonna put up with that s**t"
7. Cop on the fly cites the driver for failure to yield, something the EMT did not do.
8. Situation esclates as the cop foolishly didn't count upon the urgency of an ambulence with a patient going to a hospital.

*Edit* I found the cops lawyer's statement online. The cop passed the EMT then got on the radio and sarcastically said "Don't you guys watch in your rear view mirror?" So when the EMT passes the cop he flips him off. The whole thing was a power struggle between the EMT driver's ego and the cop's ego. In the end the person who suffered was the EMT chief who just wanted to see his patient to the hospital in a manner as quick as possible.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:00 AM


And the pigs wonder why we shoot them?


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4:21 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

As millions more people get arrested by traffic cops, the tide is turning towards armed Revolution. Which is apparently what the NWO wants. Divide and conquer. These videos serve the same purpose as Abu Ghraib photos and P2OG, to intentionally manufacture an enemy of "insurgants", to justify continued occupation under martial law (looting of the sheeple).

I don't think the EMT flipped the cop. Seems the cop is halucinating. Perhaps roid rage?

He's most likely on anti-depressants from PTSD in Iraq, with side effects of homicide, such as killing their families.


"This is a man that has been in law enforcement for 15 years. He just got back from Iraq — got back in April of this year after a year tour of duty for the U.S. Navy," said attorney Mark James, who came to the defense of his client Trooper Daniel Martin, at a press conference Monday afternoon.

Since the ambulance was not running its lights or siren, James said that Martin had every right to pull over the Creek Nation EMS ambulance on May 24.

"An Oklahoma highway patrolman, under all circumstances, has the right to make a traffic stop. He has a right to make a traffic stop on an ambulance that is not running code, because it is nothing more than any other vehicle," he said.

The investigation into the traffic stop concluded last week and no charges were brought against Martin or White, but Martin is looking at the possibility of a lawsuit from White's attorney.

White was not arrested for resisting arrest or failure to yield to the trooper's vehicle because if White were taken off duty Okfuskee County would have been left without a paramedic.

"Whether it's right or wrong, that is what a district court of Okfuskee County is for, let those people decide whether or not this was a lawful arrest," James said.

Martin has been on administrative leave since June 1, James said, and he requested the leave to stay at home and be with his children after his family received numerous threats.,2933,526495,00.html

PTSD is caused by sodomy in the Navy. PTSD is common by troops shooting any Iraqi car and familiy driving at random on busy city streets -- just for fun.

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right? That extra moment of sadism - that's the thing that says it's okay, buddy, you're not up to spec, you're going down!"
-Joss Whedon, Firefly DVD, censored Episode 1 "Serenity"






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