No grocery stores or car dealers in Detroit

UPDATED: Thursday, June 18, 2009 13:54
VIEWED: 2758
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


DETROIT -- They call this the Motor City, but you have to leave town to buy a Chrysler or a Jeep.

No national grocery chain operates a store here. A lack of outlets that sell fresh produce and meat has led the United Food and Commercial Workers union and a community group to think about building a grocery store of its own.

Last week, Lochmoor Chrysler Jeep on Detroit's East Side stopped selling Chrysler products, one of the 789 franchises Chrysler Group LLC is dropping from its retail network. It was Detroit's last Chrysler Jeep store.

The city's 22.8% unemployment rate is among the highest in the U.S.; 30% of residents are on food stamps.

Obama: Change you can believe in!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 10:54 PM


Yep, and Canadian Governor Granholm's solution is to make the rest of Michigan the same as Detroit. But MI and Detroit were hoping for a repreive when Obamination was considering her for the SCOUS nomination.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:57 AM


Don't shovel that shit again - how short do you think our memories are, Rappy ?

Last time you brought out this stinkin load I drowned your poor pathetic ass in all the sabotage and roadblocking your precious fucking rethuglicans did in order to deliberately cause the very troubles they're whining about like two year olds cause they're not in charge, waa waaa whaaa...

You know, like Englers complete and total sabotage of the economy on his way out, up to and including the financial destruction of most of the cab industry by handing a no-bid contract with exclusive airport rights and a massive front payment to the slimiest cab company in town with a list of violations so long they could only get drivers by hiring rejects from out of state...

Or like the phony "budget crisis" and near shutdown caused by republicans who she TRUSTED to do their goddamn jobs (one of the few things *I* hold against her) instead submitted a FAKE budget that showed a massive shortfall while pushing for every "emergency" tax increase they could get, and blaming the whole lot on her "mismanagement" only to be later caught out when it was found that the budget they floated was pure fiction and we were running a goddamn surplus at the time, which THEY were looting like motherfuckers for pork and graft!

So don't even try to hand me that partisan shill bullshit when I live here and actually KNOW these people, most especially and all too well the very scum of the goddamn earth you happen to be giving a free pass, who are intent on burning this state, my HOME, damn you - to fucking ashes if they can't get their way and politically possess it.

Other than you rectocranial inversions the rethuglicans depend on unthinking support despite their abuses, the people of this state thank their lucky goddamn stars for that lady since she's at LEAST smart enough to somehow keep us running despite all the sand your fuckin buddies are dumping in the gears 24-7-365 with your dumb ignorant asses cheerleading all the way, just like you stupid shits did when we entered the middle east quicksand.

I give you credit for guts if not brains though, cause yanno, I don't SEE any of them fuckin W stickers anywhere, and most of the original Bushites are oh-no-I-never-supported-him, oh, wait, YOU tried that shit too, didn't ya Rap ?

Well, nevermind then.

Hear that quiet little scraping noise as all those W stickers kinda disappear and those most fucking responsible for this shit wanna dodge the bullet ?

Well lemme tell you something about michigan and just how LONG we can hold a goddamn grudge - we, and the UAW, didn't want that fucking fermi plant in the first place, and soon after they jacked it in anyways they damn near had a meltdown which woulda wiped detroit - and when that asshole mccain came up here to bang the drum for nuclear power down the street from the place, he STILL got the fucking frostiest reception this side of MLK showing up at a Klan rally...

Do you REALLY think we're gonna just let that shit go, pretend we do not know and remember who the cheerleaders who helped rah-rah our country off a cliff ARE ?

You really think that if things really turn ugly those people won't be dancing with danny deever ?

Maybe you better just crawl back under that rock, Rappy... and hope no one kicks it over.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:12 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Yep, and Canadian Governor Granholm's solution is to make the rest of Michigan the same as Detroit. But MI and Detroit were hoping for a repreive when Obamination was considering her for the SCOUS nomination.

I hear ya JSF. The Democrats have driven home owners out of Michigan with property tax increases that no one can pay. Houses for sale everywhere, long before the recent GM crisis. Too bad. Outside of the Detroit blight, Michigan is real pretty.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:48 AM


To pay for the bill Republicans ran up and stiffed us with.

How come they get a pass for that shit ?
Not that the Dems deserve much of one neither, but without Jennys dogged tenacity this state would be completely stone broke bankrupt - something the rethugs are STILL trying all day every day to do, and throw the blame on the dems.

And there's stupid morons, buying the same shovel loads of shit, from the same folk who sold em all those other lies....

Remember also that the last candidate they tossed up against Jenny was that slimerag Devos, a man so crooked, so slimy, so HATED that he got booed out of the pissant locality he was in charge of while trying to campaign there, who's wife is the sister of that fucking nutburger Erik Prince (aka Mr Blackwater) and who seemed awful damned intent on crushing the seperation of church and state, managed to offend anyone not straight-white-christian, and then offended most of THEM by supporting outsourcing and pissing off the AFL-CIO and UAW in one sweep.

Oh yeah, the kinda "competence" to think that fucker was Governor material, realllll smart thinkin there, wasn't it ?

Look, I don't like the damn dimocrats neither, but so long as the rethugs are actively trying to DESTROY my home states economy in retaliation for not being in charge of it - do you really think imma give in to that kind of goddamn extortion and threat ?

Do I look STUPID enough to start payin Danegeld ?
Fuck that.

Now, you wanna solution that doesn't involve getting bent over the sawhorse without the benefit of a reach-around, let's talk third party, cause damned if imma support whoever the dimocrats wanna replace Jenny with, and double damned if imma hand over the keys to folks who've been formenting sabotage and destruction ever since we sent that scumbag Engler packin.

For the record, I never supported the dimocrats, still don't - I supported Jenny, personally, and still do, but that's a different thing, and I have very good reasons outside of politics to do so.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, June 18, 2009 5:01 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

As a citizen of Canada, and thus a subject of the British Empire (just like Hussein Obama Soetoro), of course "Obama" wants Governor Granholm for SCOTUS.

Traitors must hang together, or they hang separately.

"We must stop Obama or America will cease to exist."
-Ambassador Alan Keyes PhD


Thursday, June 18, 2009 5:13 AM


If this thread is about no grocery stores or dealerships in Detroit, why is that a Republican problem?

Detroit is the poster child for a Democratic city machine.

Why no grocery stores? Crime.

Crime. Look at Rite Aid. Nice drug stores, Walgreen, CVS, etc. What areas lead those stores in shrinkage, armed robbery, assaults, break ins, drug theft (or fraud), etc? Detroit, New Orleans, Washington DC, Cleveland, etc, but Detroit is at the TOP of the list.

Take 2004, after Katrina and the looting and all that Detroit still topped New Orleans for Rite Aid's store losses (until you figure in property destruction). Solution? Close the stores. Which is what they did and are in the process of doing.

Whatever the differences Republicans and Democrats have on the State level, the local problems are different stories. City machine politics, overwhelmingly Democrat in Ohio's cities are a huge problem. Drugs, crime, high taxes, housing, schools, etc.

If these people want change, vote Republican. Until they do, the Democrats will give them nothing, because they don't have to, and Republicans will give them nothing, because it does no good (they're going to vote Democratic anyway).

African Americans wont get real change until they show themselves willing to vote their interests rather then just their race.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 5:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Demorats and Republicons are both organized crime rackets, working together to destroy USA for the jewish NWO banksters. That's why so many Republicans and Democrats are fleeing their parties.

Crime in grocery stores that sell beer and drugs is solved by paying extortionists, er, off-duty cops in-uniform with patrol cars, for protection rackets, er, private security contracts. That's how they do it in darkest Knoxville TN. Some say the cops do some of the robberies, due to intimate knowledge of the security systems (Hole In The Wall Gang).


"Obama is a radical Communist, and that's becoming clear. That's what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it's true. He's going to destroy this country, and we're either going to stop him, or the United States of America is going to cease to exist. The man is an abomination. He is someone who has actually advocated infanticide, that when babies are the target of abortion, if they happen to escape the abortionists' intention, and are born alive, he actually supported the idea that those babies should be set aside to die. That's a man with such a seared conscience I can't even understand why anybody in their right mind would consider him worthy of political support. That is a violation of conscience that is inconceivable. And even some of the most hardline pro-abortion people in America rejected that abomination, and he did not. Is he president of the United States? According to the Constitution, in order to be eligible for president you must be a natural-born citizen. He has refused to provide proof that he is a natural-born citizen. And his Kenyan relatives say he was born in Nirobi at a time when his mother was too young to transmit US citizenship. So I'm not even sure he's president of the United States. No, it's not a laughing matter. Neither are many of our military people now, who are going to court to ask the question, 'Do we have to obey a man who is not qualified under the Constitution?' We are in the middle of the greatest crisis this nation has ever seen. And if we don't stop laughing about it and deal with it, we are going to find ourselves in the midst of chaos, confusion and Civil War. It's time we started acting like grownups. The person you call 'President Obama' -- and I quite frankly refuse to call him that -- at the moment he is kind of somebody who is an alleged usurper -- who is alleged to be someone who is occupying that office without constitutional warrant to do so. And he's rushing forward with ideas like destroying our borders, and an amnesty bill that will actually have the American taxpayer footing the bill for illegals to come to this country to live, to get housing and to get everything they want. He's also somebody who announced the program to essentially destroy the validity of existing mortgages, and to encourage everybody in the country to stop paying their mortgage, because the government is going to pay it instead. This is insanity. It's as if we have put insane children and adolescents in charge of our government. Have people gone mad in this country? We are claiming that a bankrupt government can save a bankrupt banking system. Explain to me how that happens? Because I think that's impossible. And the fact that we have just elected an individual who may or may not be qualified, and he presents silly ideas like this and says 'Let's move forward now.' And we're all acting like the laws of economics have been repealed, and we can actually afford to foot the bill with money nobody's got. This is insane. It's got to lead to the collapse of our economy, and it's going to."
-Ambassador Alan Keyes PhD, candidate for president for America's Independent Party, November 2008 (Keye's father was a US Army sergeant in the Vietnam War, Keye's wife is a citizen of India, and his daughter is a lesbian)


Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:28 AM


Mr. Keyes is the reason we have Obama in the first place. His quasi-intellectual style during the Senate campaign only re-enforced the belief of Illinois voters that he indeed was the bloviating douchebag they always thought he was. Jeeesh, by his account I should be dead by now.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:30 AM


I dunno...comparing Keyes to Obama is like comparing apples and oranges.They both have their share of baggage;but I'd take Keyes over the current occupant of Pennsylvainia Ave in a heartbeat.I think Ryan really screwed th epooch on th eway out of the (Illonois) door-pretty much set the stage for a full-on Crook County takeover.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:44 PM



Why no grocery stores? Crime.

Allow me to point out that when right-to-carry was finally left to work up in Flint, that crime dropped to the point where cops had to come up with lame excuses like busting folks for baggy pants in order to have some makework to justify their fucking budget.

Not to mention the Detroit PD is so criminal that they themselves are a substantial percentage of that crime problem, helped along by the rethugs happily subsidizing outsourcing leaving no goddamn jobs around here.

And there's the dimocrats wanting to criminalise self defense and make it all that much worse by providing a disarmed herd of pre-neutered victims ?

Pish, a pox on both their houses, and on the police as well, just one more fucking mafia in the game, is all they are.

Having been bitterly and brutally screwed by both parties, Detroit is ripe for third party intervention, but no one seems willing to bring their game to the table cause it would require more than lip service to fix THAT mess.



Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:54 PM


"A pox on both of their houses"???From you rlips to God's ears;no argument from me on that.
Keep your eyes on both of them-when they start bcomming indistinguishable,bad things happen.I have a hate on for any who try to pick my pocket,criminalize my rights or write off my beliefs ;regardless of whethe rthey have an "R" or a "D" next to their name on the "news" channels.
Hell,If I had to choose between Bill O'Reilly ,Chris Matthews or Oberman for someone who pi$$es me off more;I'd be hard pressed
Give me a Keyes,a (late great,and dealy missed) David Brudnoy;a Walter Williams -I'll take someone who lets you know exactly where they stand vs. someone who is "all things to all people' and in the end ;equally dishonest to all.






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