How to fake DNA evidence

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 05:49
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Of course the jews in Israel figured that out "first".


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:01 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, saw that one. I just find it hard to believe many criminals will find it useful; about the only way it would be useful is if you want to frame someone for a crime, plan it out and carry out the crime then put the DNA around. Not something you'd see happening every day...

Is Of course the jews in Israel figured that out "first". your signature, or are you referring to fake DNA? And if you ARE, I don't need an answer, respectfully, that's a bit off the charts for me.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:40 PM


Actually, DNA sequencing and possible fraud therein in Israel is a real issue, internal to Israel, but it's completely unrelated to this sort of thing.

The whole process was banned in Japan because they saw where it was leading, but in both Israel and Scotland it's become a real problem:

People sequence genes, or pay to have others sequence genes much more commonly, and then use that as the basis for some ancestral claim. It's pretty easy to fake the results, and so it comes down to money, but that's not really the point:

The whole process has shifted social structures away from meritocracy towards aristocracy. If a scottsman is a member of clan McLeod, then it's entirely possible that his ancestors were members of some other clan, or not even scots at all, but made a change of allegiance for whatever reason, and were welcomed into clan McLeod, and now that can be challenged among their descendants. Worse yet, the traces use, mtDNA and y-DNA are far from conclusive, as they trace only straight matrilineal or straight patrilineal.

In Israel, the issue is which tribe of Israel are you descended from. What no one wants to hear in Israel is that almost all jews are the descendents of converts, as judaism has only recently redefined itself as a race, and for a thousand years it was an evangelical religion like christianity (some of my own ancestors converted to judaism and their descendents were fried in auschwitz for doing so.) But the other thing that no one wants to know is that the descendents of the twelve tribes are going to be palestinians, and muslims.

Human history is not repleat with mass migrations, and the diaspora did not happen as recorded. The original jewish diaspora was similar to the pilgrim migrations: Things in israel has become oppressively fundamentalist, and so a lot of jews left, and these became the evangelical branch of the religion, and the reason there are so many jews today. Many jews might be somewhat disheartened to find out that a large number of them are ethnic Iranians.

Those that stayed behind would be the bulk of the population, and were absorbed into rome, and then converted to Islam which Byzantium lost the territory to Arabia whenever that was, 7th, 8th c?

I know this is really off topic, but I just wanted to counter PN's comment about jews here. There has been a lot of genetic research into israel, and a lot of it is based on this sort of thinking.

Re: The story: I'm inclined to be suspicious of the Times. The establishment *hates* DNA evidence because it interferes with their ability to convict "convenient" suspect for crimes, even if they are innocent. The NYT has been a long time mouthpiece of the establishment, and so may have ulterior motives.

We recently watch the media tout ethanol as green, not greed, spout twenty years of terror about internet serial killers who fail to materialize in any kind of numbers relative to any population at all, and quite recently blame the bee plague on cell phones in a very similar manner, by proving that it was theoretically possible. The reality is that everyone knows where the bee plague came from, and no one wants to admit it, and at the same time, the establishment hates cell phones which are hard to tap, and wanted rid of them, just like it wants rid of net neutrality

sorry about the rant.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:33 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:

Is Of course the jews in Israel figured that out "first". your signature, or are you referring to fake DNA? And if you ARE, I don't need an answer, respectfully, that's a bit off the charts for me.

NY Times wrote that jews in Israel made this discovery first. I didn't say it, Jew York Times did.

FBI and state crime labs have been caught framing 100s of innocent people with fake lab tests. This new invention gives more plausible deniability for crooked police labs to testilie at trial.

So the #1 enemy of USA brags it can frame anyone for any crime, just like it framed Arabs for 9/11 (with Mossad agents arrested on 9/11 dressed as Arabs celebrating the attack and driving trucks with explosive residue painted in murals of airliners hitting WTC), and tried to frame Arabs for Israel's confessed bombing of USS Liberty.

Never mind that all dictionaries defined Semite as ARABS NOT JEWS, and the worst anti-semites are jews.

This story reminds me of Marantech, the Israeli pharma corp that patented the cure for HIV AIDS, but now hides that invention of IV Tetrasilver Tetroxide. Guess thats how Magic Johnson and other VIPs survive the genocide program.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The problem with creating fake DNA profiles is that you NEED a DNA profile to begin with in order to know what to match.

At issue, of course, are the DNA databanks which store the profiles of people who were arrested (not convicted- arrested). This is required in 15 states.






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