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Thank you, Barney Frank!
Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:43 AM
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:55 AM
Keep the Shiny side up
Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:16 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:39 AM
John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:53 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:04 AM
Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...
Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:09 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:11 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:21 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:26 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:43 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: So now the entirely false rumor going around is that healthcare reform would allow the Feds to access your bank account. Shit, man. What does it say when the ONLY ammunition the right-wing can come up with is complete and total fabrication??? And don't you think that after the first couple go-arounds about "death panels" and "Nazi medicine" that right-wingers would become at least a little wary of their right-wing bliars? Apparently not! Their gullibility know no bounds!
Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:28 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:09 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Bytemite: I think someone should put a WHOLE LOT of security and protection onto a computer that contains nothing but pictures of cute puppies, rabbits, and kittens.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:11 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:24 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:33 AM
Quote:And don't you think that after the first couple go-arounds about "death panels" and "Nazi medicine" that right-wingers would become at least a little wary of their right-wing bliars? Apparently not! Their gullibility know no bounds!
Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:45 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:47 PM
Quote: And I'll bet you money that Frem has already done just that. If he ever pops up with a "real" e-mail address or contact info, I guarantee it will lead nowhere but to a box full of kittens, digitally speaking. That's brilliant, really. It's also why I tend to pepper my e-mails and phone conversations with words like "bomb" and "explode" and "jihad" and the like. It's not like I think anyone's REALLY going to do anything or pay particular attention to me, but if they really want to, who am I to argue? And while they're at it - and claiming not to be - why not just go ahead and make sure that if they want to waste time and money looking at me and mine, I make sure that they waste a LOT of time and money digging up what, in the end, will amount to nothing at all. And as Frem says, I say that in the full hope that they'll see it and read it, because even me being so brazen about it, they won't believe me. Listen - you can almost hear the gears grinding as the machine chokes on its innards and gasps to a crawl...
Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:48 PM
Quote:Posted by Niki2: ...some are ignorant people who mistrust the government whatever it does, etc.
Quote:Originally posted by Bytemite: Well, I probably deserve that today, need a good kick in the backside. I still maintain that government isn't trustworthy, and if something ends all screwed up by this health plan bill, isn't going to do much for my non-existent faith in them. I maintain that if the public at large hadn't trusted Bush and had been wary of government back when he was in office, we might not have gone along with Iraq. I mean, I sure didn't and I didn't support the war from the very point Colin Powell went to speak to the UN on.
Quote:Originally posted by Niki2: America is having a lot of trouble accepting change, especially the big change of a Black man in the White House. That's behind it for a lot of them; some are just dumb/ignorant Repubs who are incapable of thinking for themselves, some are ignorant people who mistrust the government whatever it does, etc.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:59 PM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:00 PM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:19 PM
Quote:And I'll bet you money that Frem has already done just that. If he ever pops up with a "real" e-mail address or contact info, I guarantee it will lead nowhere but to a box full of kittens, digitally speaking.
Quote:And as Frem says, I say that in the full hope that they'll see it and read it, because even me being so brazen about it, they won't believe me.
Quote:Listen - you can almost hear the gears grinding as the machine chokes on its innards and gasps to a crawl...
Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Bytemite: So, if I've got this straight, Hitler had some regiments of Nazi soldiers who were, in fact, Jewish, and this means that not only were all Nazi's pro-Jewish, but that the Nazis ARE Jewish. And that anyone who is a Jew is therefore a Nazi. Is this what you're trying to say?
Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:59 PM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:27 PM
Quote:Posted by RIPWash: Much like if someone like me were to say that a lot of liberals are brain-dead, pot-smoking hippie socialists. Obviously, that is not the case and I don't advocate that myself. So what I'm saying is please don't make such broad generalizations.
Quote: Or at least admit that there are also dumb, ignorant Dems who can't think for themselves either.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:29 PM
Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:31 PM
Quote:Originally posted by mal4prez: Mike - threads like this are the reason I can never stop lurking here. I'd have missed this little gem otherwise. Lord bless Barney Frank! (Not something I ever expected to say...) This is how the Dems should have been responding to this nonsense all along. ----------------------------------------------- hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left
Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:43 PM
Quote:Posted by Fremdfirma: And I am merciless cause one of my conversational "weapons" when I want someone to go the hell AWAY is to either start discussing two stroke engines, or rambling on about the behavior of my ex's cats - which for anyone forced to listen to, it just downright cruel, innit ? (Hondas, Mikey, yesss ?)
Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:07 PM
I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!
Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:41 PM
Quote:Originally posted by rue: I thought there would be more threads about Robert Novak. I read a number of posts elsewhere that said - good riddance to bad rubbish. And a few that said - why would you be happy someone is dead ? There is a point to this: sometimes it's good to speak the plain truth - no matter how uncomfortable of unfriendly it may seem. Why SHOULDN'T Barney Frank call out the liars ? I say HELL YES ! Go for it, man ! *************************************************************** Silence is consent.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:15 PM
Quote:SPOOKI The woman Frank was chastising is a dumb/ignorant lib not a conservative.
Quote: Dream: Not at all, thing is you misunderstood where I was going with that. There ISN'T some great grand conspiracy, any more than a bunch of crabs walking in lockstep is a hivemind. But because they respond identically to the same stimulus, it can look that way - yet in truth it's not one big plot but a whole bunch of smaller ones all run by people who think much the same compounded by petty turf issues, office politics, ass covering and general human jackassery, which is why it is both so exploitable and so terribly inefficient.
Quote: I was just simplifying the viewpoint for the sake of making the explaination concise and comprehendable, you can only layer so much meaning into the same phrases before folk start lookin at you like you've grown an extra head - which I think is a major contributor to your own communication problems.
Quote: There's also my disinclination to really discuss something so far out of my knowledge bases that I cannot even usefully comment without sounding like a moron.
Quote: I just read what the jews say. Jewish historians on History Channel say all the top Nazis were jewish, and Hitler Shicklegruber was a Rothschild, heir to half the world's bankster wealth That's why Adolf turned his home village in Austraia into an artillery practice range to destroy his birth records and cemetary. Only the Separdic Semitic jews were terminated. Hitler and the 150,000 Nazis were non-Semitic Khazar AshkeNazi white European jews.
Friday, August 21, 2009 1:34 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009 1:47 AM
Quote: You can continue to be a liberal, but if you ask me, you're more of a libertarian.
Friday, August 21, 2009 2:05 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Bytemite: Kwicko: The "war on terror" thing is actually why I had issues when we went into Afghanistan. Though I don't often say that, because people tend to get REALLY REALLY MAD when you say going into Afghanistan wasn't necessary. >_>
Quote: I knew something was up when we did declared war on terror, not the Taliban, and turns out we never really had an exit plan. Plus, sneaking suspicion that Osama bin Laden is dead.
Quote: I painted a picture when I was in high school, a faded Osama bin Laden in front of the word "Terrorism" in big bold red letters, and called it "Endless War on a Faceless Ideal." I'm pretty sure no one in my class got it. :/
Quote: Once again, 1984, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451. Really, really should be required reading for any high school student, because they plainly show how war can be used to both distract and motivate the public, as well as economic stimulus. But then, we're not interested in making smart high school students with the ability to think critically.
Friday, August 21, 2009 2:47 AM
Quote:Originally posted by dreamtrove: Quote:SPOOKI The woman Frank was chastising is a dumb/ignorant lib not a conservative. Not that I care, but it does make the story more interesting, so: source?
Friday, August 21, 2009 2:55 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Kwicko: Quote:Posted by RIPWash: Much like if someone like me were to say that a lot of liberals are brain-dead, pot-smoking hippie socialists. Obviously, that is not the case and I don't advocate that myself. So what I'm saying is please don't make such broad generalizations. Ripper, I love you, man. But I can assure you I'm not brain-dead. Quote: Or at least admit that there are also dumb, ignorant Dems who can't think for themselves either. Ummmm... I take it you HAVE heard of Nancy Pelosi, yes? Harry Reid? Name ring a bell? Niki, since you're newish 'round these parts, you should probably know that I pretty much despise Nancy and Harry, and consider them the root of what's WRONG with the Democratic party as a whole. That said, I *am* a pretty dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. And while RIPWash and I are about 180º apart politically, we generally get along quite well in spite of our differences. Watch him, because he's disarming as hell, and quite respectful 99% of the time. Mike
Friday, August 21, 2009 3:06 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Niki2:
Friday, August 21, 2009 3:45 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009 4:15 AM
Quote: You KNOW socialized health care is bad, when they are going to DETROIT to get treatment....
Friday, August 21, 2009 4:27 AM
Quote:Here is the latest report of obesity and diabetes: Hmm...9 out 10 of the highest obesity states are red states. 8 out of 10 least obesity states are blue states. One could make the leap that majority of obese people are conservatives.
Friday, August 21, 2009 4:46 AM
Quote: Some people who dislike Obama's policies aren't racists . In fact most are not racists .
Friday, August 21, 2009 4:57 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009 4:58 AM
Quote:Originally posted by rue: Wulf I KNOW you don't read my posts, you only go by what you assume. But, do you even read ---- AT ALL ? Your OWN article: ""I go to the hospital in Windsor and two hours later, I'm done having angioplasty in Detroit," he said. His $38,000 bill was covered by the Ontario health ministry." To me, that sure looks like a system that is making sure everyone gets the care they need. *************************************************************** Silence is consent.
Friday, August 21, 2009 5:21 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009 5:51 AM
Quote:Not all who mistrust the government are ignorant, Niki. I don't trust the government, but I trust for-profit healthcare even less. They've already proven that they're completely willing to throw people to the wolves completely in the interests of upping their profits. Why would I ever believe they'll STOP doing that or do it for less profit? So while I don't trust the government, I have a bit more trust that they're not going to sell me off to the best bidder.
Quote:You shouldn't be kicked in the ass for that. You should embrace it. I knew Bush was lying the second he said we were going to wage war on "terror", because you can't declare war on an emotion. If he had said we were going to bomb the living fuck out of Afghanistan, or the Taliban, or just Al Qaeda, in direct retaliation for 9/11, I'd have said, "Go get 'em!" In fact, I did say that. But he decided he wanted to kill the idea of terrorism, and I think rather than kill the idea, he propagated it and made it more popular. Bush became the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda has ever had, and then Iraq only added to that.
Friday, August 21, 2009 5:54 AM
Quote:Originally posted by RIPWash: Well, I don't know for certain how reputable this site is, but this seems to indicate that this woman was a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche - a supposed communist who has tried to associate himself as a Democrat.
Friday, August 21, 2009 7:26 AM
Quote:First he was supposed to divide the Dem vote, then we was supposed to pave the way for Hillary, then he was supposed to lose to McCain/Palin, then he was supposed to...
Friday, August 21, 2009 7:28 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Wulfenstar: You KNOW socialized health care is bad, when they are going to DETROIT to get treatment....