Dr Jeffrey McDonald wins an appeal

UPDATED: Friday, August 21, 2009 18:05
VIEWED: 7876
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Monday, July 13, 2009 8:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Gary Cole frames Capt Jeff McDonald MD

Update In The Jeffrey MacDonald Green Beret Murder Case

Frame any whistleblower who gets in the way. Gotta keep those Pentagon/CIA kingpins makin money for the White House.

Afghan heroin production is up 10,000% since the Bush/Obama invasion.

Fatal Frameup


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:53 AM


I was kid when that all happened. I lived a couple counties away. He is a real piece of work. And yet in the mid 70s some woman married him. What's with women falling for these monsters. There were no hippies that murdered his wife and kids. He just killed his wife then the kids so they couldn't testify against him. The MPs blew the crime scene.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:13 PM



Originally posted by PirateCat:
I was kid when that all happened. I lived a couple counties away. He is a real piece of work. And yet in the mid 70s some woman married him. What's with women falling for these monsters. There were no hippies that murdered his wife and kids. He just killed his wife then the kids so they couldn't testify against him. The MPs blew the crime scene.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

Are you delusional?

Very glad to hear MacDonald finally might get a small slice of justice. With all these "innocence projects" all over, a shame he is still locked away.

McGinniss, on the other hand, should be removed from the population. As well as Brian Murtaugh and the "dirty prosecutor" James Blackburn and his father-in-law trial Judge Franklin Dupree.


Friday, July 17, 2009 4:23 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Yeah PirateCat proves the power of local brainwashing by the media mafia, which always sells the police version of events, and never the defendant's. A daily example is the local police blotter on TV and newspapers, listing names of people arrested for DUI, without warning the sheeple that 0.00% BAC is the "failure" score. If TV and newspapers actually named 100% of the names of people arrested by police every day in their towns and cities for all criminal misdemeanors (traffic tickets), the govt would be immediately overthrown by armed Revolution. So those arrests must be kept secret. For example, in my town of 160,000 residents, police arrest over 200,000 criminals every year...

I used to think McDonald was guilty too after Gary Cole's movie, until I started reading the defense case, which a jury was never allowed to know. Once you get suspects confessing to police about perping a murder, and police testifying under oath about that confession, it's time to release the innocent party. I had a local TN judge tell me outside of court, "Judges can never dismiss charges against innocent persons, for risk of lawsuit for false arrest," then he ate lunch with the governor. I've seen that proven in almost every criminal case I've seen, where trial judges ignore the laws, rules and facts then brainwash a jury with lies in order to convict (to their financial profit).

For example, a man was convicted of pedophile rape, when all he did was videotape fully clothed adults at a public swimming pool at the apartment complex where he lived. I watched the 3-hour trial in person and saw the same evidence as the jury, who were dumb as rocks. Judge refused a motion to dismiss for prosecutor's failure to meet the essential elements of the crime: (1) sex and (2) nudity. He had no prior sex convictions and was a disabled veteran.

My wife got caught up in military corruption overseas, with her commanders trying to put her in prison on false charges, to coverup their crimes, and just for fun. I knew that was a real possibility, so we went on the offensive, copied 1,000 pages of "secret" files, and mailed them to US Congress via civilian mail, and preferred over a dozen felony charges against them. They were all fired, and Secretary of War Dick Cheney was forced to personally offer her a job working for him at the Pentagon.

Turned out it was Cheney running the crime spree during Iran Contra, to arm Iran and Iraq using stolen NATO stockpiles, which my wife was in charge of. So she turned down the bribe/job and retired, which probably saved her life, after what's been written about Cheney, who is still admittedly running death squads all over the world. We did get death threats on our telephone during the inspector general and CIA self-investigations.

I've come across several murder cases in Knoxville TN perped by "confidential informants" employed by police, with immunity from arrest. These crooks even killed a cop and confessed on video with immediate arrest and recovery of the murder gun in their possession, and all charges were dropped. My 2 cars were stolen by police in retaliation against my newspaper article about that police-approved cop killing, 6 hours after the editor warned me to take my name off the byline.

So me own experiences lead me to listen to Capt McDonald's defense team and their eyewitnesses. That's why the Powers That Be want to kill the internet ASAP.


Friday, July 17, 2009 1:05 PM


JSF, Well you and PN are the only two I know that believe he is innocent.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Sunday, July 19, 2009 9:30 PM



Originally posted by PirateCat:
JSF, Well you and PN are the only two I know that believe he is innocent.

So, like, you are incapable of, like, reading the evidence, and, like, stuffs like that?

Besides, you have not qualified your statement by explaining that you live in a vewwy vewwy small world, or you know vewwy few people, or you do not talk to people about the Injustice System, or you immediately classify people you know of as possessing basic reasoning skills as being not in your world?

I suppose you also think Lee Oswald was the lone assasin of JFK? The Earth is flat? The Sun revolves around the Earth? The Universe revolves around the earth?


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:16 PM


His motion to the 4th Circuit was denied; he has now filed an appeal to the Court of Appeals. It is pending.

So I'm wondering - what appeal did he win?

I've read a lot of the documentation on this case (there's a website that has lots of original documentation posted) - I think he is guilty and where he belongs.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:40 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Sotomayor convicted an innocent man , but was overturned on appeal. He spent 16 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.


My name is Jeffrey Deskovic. At age 17, I was wrongfully convicted of murder and rape, a conviction that was based upon a coerced, false confession, the fabrication of evidence, prosecutorial misconduct and fraud by a medical examiner. I was cleared 16 years later -- almost three years ago -- when DNA evidence proved my innocence, while also identifying the real perpetrator, who subsequently confessed to the crime. Since my release, I have made it my life's mission to battle against wrongful convictions and fight for legislation that would minimize the chances of what happened to me happening to someone else. It is this fight that compels me to speak out about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

Before I was exonerated, I sought out every legal avenue I could to win my freedom. I defended my innocence before the New York Appellate Division, raising such proof as the fact that the physical evidence found did not match me and arguing that the police violated my rights by coercing a false confession from me at the age of 16. The court ruled against me 5 to 0, concluding that there was nothing wrong with my interrogation and stating that there was "overwhelming evidence of guilt," despite the fact that there was no evidence beyond my forced confession. In truth, the DNA and the hairs found on the victim's body were evidence of my innocence.

When my lawyer was denied a chance to reargue the case on the grounds that the court's decision ran counter to the law and to the facts, we moved to the Court Of Appeals, the highest court in New York. I filed a Writ Of Habeas Corpus, in which I argued that my conviction was a violation of the U.S. Constitution. The year was 1997. The year before, Congress had passed Bill Clinton's Anti-Terrorism-Effective-Death-Penalty Act (often called AEDPA in legalese), which mandated that from then on, all state prisoners would have only one year to appeal to a federal court after being denied an appeal by their state's highest court. As a result, there was some confusion in the federal courts regarding the filing procedure; it was not clear how this new law would apply to cases already in the system. Different jurisdictions were answering the question in different ways; my lawyer called the court clerk and asked whether it was enough that my petition be post-marked on the due date, or if it had to physically be filed and in the building on the due date. The court clerk told my attorney that it was enough that it be postmarked. That information turned out to be false. Consequently, my petition arrived four days too late.

Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro seized on the late petition, arguing that the court should dismiss my case without even considering my innocence claim. The court sided agreed. I then appealed my case to the 2nd Circuit. It was there that I first met Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Judge Sotomayor condemned me to serve a life sentence for a murder and rape that I did not commit....

Sotomayor (Mex Sephardic jew?) will be on Hussein Obama's US Supreme Court as a member of La Raza (The Race), which requires mass murder of all white males in USA to overthrow USA for 6 states' annexation into Mexico.


Sotomayor says Capt McDonald had no right to self defense to save his family in his own home.


Sotomayor Would Not Concede a Right to Self-Defense

When Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) asked Wednesday whether citizens have a right to self-defense, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor told the Senate Judiciary Committee, “I don’t know.”

Coburn had asked, “As a citizen of this country, do you believe innately in my ability to have self-defense of myself – personal self-defense? Do I have a right to personal self-defense?”

In reply, Sotomayor said that, “I’m trying to think if I remember a case where the Supreme Court has addressed that particular question. Is there a constitutional right to self-defense? And I can’t think of one. I could be wrong, but I can’t think of one.” She then went on to explain that self-defense rights are usually defined by state law.”

Unsatisfied, Coburn continued, “But do you have an opinion, of whether or not in this country I personally, as an individual citizen, have a right to self-defense?”

Sotomayor responded, “I – as I said, I don’t know.”

Later in the exchange, Coburn said, “I wasn’t asking about the legal question. I’m asking your personal opinion.”

“But that is an abstract question with no particular meaning to me,” Sotomayor relied.

William van Alstyne, a professor at the William and Mary School of Law, said that Sotomayor was technically justified in her answer. “It’s actually a more subtle and elusive question than most people would even reasonably understand,” he said.

Van Alstyne told that the issue has not come directly before the Supreme Court, and states do indeed have different laws regarding when a person has a right to use deadly force (some say there is a “duty to retreat” if retreat is a safe alternative to deadly force, others say there is not).

However, van Alstyne also said that the court has made rulings that indicate a basic right to defend one’s life.

“Interestingly enough,” van Alstyne said, “I think you may find it, as I would, in the court’s abortion cases.”

He asserted that, “even under Roe v. Wade and all of the other decisions, once the fetus has hit the seventh or, at latest, eighth month, it is deemed quote ‘viable.’”

Continuing this line of reasoning, he stated that, “the woman may, nevertheless, get a physician’s willing help to off the fetus – the viable offspring – if it’s necessary to do so either to save her own life or merely to keep her physical health unimpaired.”

“The Roe court,” van Alstyne claimed, “and the current court, in the majority opinion has taken the position that your right to ‘protect your own life’ as a woman gives you an entitlement to kill the viable human being that you carry.”

“That’s an approximate decision,” he concluded, “that’s at least relevant in the discussion you and I are holding.”

As for his own personal opinion, van Alstyne said that, “for the most part, in my own view, the dicta of the court, the history of the treatment of self-preservation, and of constitutional reasoning and text, inevitably lead to the sensible conclusion that indeed there is a fundamental right to save your life by killing another if those are the alternatives confronting one.”

Van Alstyne also expressed the idea that the right to self-defense is so basic as to be implied by the very nature of the Constitution itself.

“If you go back to the philosophic grounds of the Constitution, a social compact, the theory is that we yield power to others, namely a democratic majority, because it’s necessary so that we don’t live according to a law of the jungle – but if government is unable to protect us from the threat of others to kill, why then we never gave to government the power to deprive us of our natural right of human self defense.”

“So,” van Alstyne concluded, “it is always implicit in the social compact that indeed, if it’s necessary to save our lives those of our family, why then we revert to that natural right, and it is protected by the Constitution.”

But US Supreme Court says it's lawful to murder all your children, just so long as you call it abortion.

US Supreme Court performing annual child sacrifice to Molech at Bohemian Grove

Sotomayor resigns from Hispanic Belezian Grove secret society human sacrifice cult thanks to FFF


Friday, August 21, 2009 2:07 PM


why do people allways think some one is guilty
of something. look at what has happened. when
stoeckley said she killed macdonalds family. and
blackburn told her i will fry your ass. and what
about the hair that was found under the nail of
the child. it diden't match Doctor Macdonald.
and the hair on the leg of his wife. it diden't
match the Doctor. do you think blackburn is telling the truth. what a bout the us marshall
he said blackburn told stoeckley he would fry her
ass if she took the stand. and she was a hippie.
what about the candle wax found at the crime.
it diden't match any other candles found in the
home. and what about the evidencxe found on the
murder welpon. and to be honest do you think this
doctor got so mad because his daughter pissed in
the bed he went and killed his family. the man has seen blood crap cuts and piss. and has been
in prison for 30 years and nothing ever happened.
please. you need to read the evidence. and stop
judgeing people.



Friday, August 21, 2009 2:14 PM


have you really looked at the evidence. the hair
evidence. and the candles. the evidence on the
murder welpon. none of that matched. who do you
belive the us marshall are the prosacutor. how
about the fbi that lied under oath a bout the
wig hair. i look at it this way. if a case cant
be proved with out lieing let the man go.



Friday, August 21, 2009 2:19 PM


there is a couple of things i do know.
1 James earl ray died in prison for killing
martin luther king. and even the king family
will tell you that diden't happen.

and then poor Doctor Macdonald. after looking
at the evidence and the lies that was told at
his trial. they should just turn him loose. and
put the judge and prosacution in jail.



Friday, August 21, 2009 6:05 PM


I see your owl and raise you a cardinal






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