Who Wants to Marry a Stripper Ho Bangin Her Mobster Ex-Hubby in Prison AND her 'ex' fiance?

UPDATED: Friday, August 28, 2009 08:55
VIEWED: 10423
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Friday, August 21, 2009 1:03 AM


I have to say, MSM really has a knack for this sort of thing. This time, Viacom, via VH1.
Also, Playboy has a pretty high attrition rate.


Friday, August 21, 2009 2:00 AM


I think that sometimes WANT doesn't have a lot to do with it, heh heh heh, ask Saffron about that one.



Friday, August 21, 2009 7:41 AM


Yeah, it was a play on the show, this was a VH1 incarnation of who wants to marry a millionaire, and this psycho was one they touted as "desirable." Apparently, either before or after strangling his wife, he pulled all her teeth, cut off her fingers, etc.

This makes the 4th, 5th, 6th? playboy playmate to be killed by a first class psycho.

First, Marylin, there's a lot of stangeness to that story. I don't buy the suicide angle. I'm not sure what happened, but I have a logistical problem with someone being physically able to take that many sleeping pills while conscious, unless all at once, and she wasn't showing signs of being suicidal. The media seems to have retroactively created the idea that she was.

The Manson Family, true, wasn't aiming for Sharon Tate, she just happened to be renting the house of the target. They did know who she was though. There's some dispute about which member actually killed her.

Dorothy Stratton's husband was obsessed with playboy, and really pressed to have his wife as a centerfold, when he succeeded, Hef told her that her husband was a psycho and she should leave him. He asked her to come back for her stuff, raped and killed her.

The next was someone my brother knew, raped and killed by a psycho who had no idea who she was. The killer claimed he thought she was a prostitute, something they often do, and the media always accepts at face value. (the sex and violence.) I saw a trial of this nature once, and the judge really threw the book at the killer for the claim, he held up pictures of the victims and asked "so why is this one a prostitute? She was 14 years old, on her way home from school. Is that where you find prostitutes." Eventually the psycho just broke down and admitted that he just selected his victims based on how they were dressed, and that he thought "prostitutes" would not be missed, and so he wouldn't get caught.

Then Anna Nicole was done in by psycho lawyer Howard K Stern who did it for the money. He may not think of himself as a serial killer, but this was the third person to die from the same toxic drug cocktail in their drink, and the only connecting factor is his immediate proximity to the victim. Funny the media seems hesitant to pick up on that fact.

Jasmine Fiore wasn't a playmate of the month I think, but both people involved were public figures. The psycho fled to Canada, and hasn't been found.


Friday, August 21, 2009 8:08 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


First, Marylin, there's a lot of stangeness to that story. I don't buy the suicide angle. I'm not sure what happened, but I have a logistical problem with someone being physically able to take that many sleeping pills while conscious, unless all at once, and she wasn't showing signs of being suicidal. The media seems to have retroactively created the idea that she was.

Look for Bobcat Goldthwait's take on it. Freakin' hi-larious.

He maintains that once Clinton came out and said, "I did not have sex with that woman...", that Jack and Bobby Kennedy were in hell, looking up, saying, "Dammit, you mean we didn't have to MURDER Marilyn?"

He also says the third gunman on the grassy knoll was either Arthur Miller or Joe DiMaggio... "Fuck MY wife, will ya!" (aims rifle).

So damned wrong of him to say it that way, but he ain't far off.



Friday, August 21, 2009 8:52 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The ho married him knowing he was an "unmarried" contestant on Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire. So they kept the marriage secret, as required to keep his TV contract.

They knew each other about 2 weeks, or was it 2 days?


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:36 PM


When someone is found in a suitcase hacked up in pieces, I think you are criticizing the wrong party.


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:40 PM


Sorry, but boobs aside....

The bitch looks wrong.

Crazy as hell actually.


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:53 PM


Well, Wulf, you don't have to worry about it, because she is now been thrown in the garbage mutilated and cut in to several pieces. I'm sure her family appreciates your sympathy.


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:56 PM


I REALLY need to start reading the links before I comment...



Friday, August 21, 2009 1:29 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
I REALLY need to start reading the links before I comment...


Hell, I'd be happy if you'd just read your own links before you posted them!



Friday, August 21, 2009 6:10 PM



Look on the bright side, it's practice for real life.

When I was a little kid, some guy was droning on about his life story, I wasn't listening, and so I made some comment to the effect of "bored now." The story he was telling was about how his son was garrotted in a hotel by a serial killer. Taught me a lesson I'll never forget. Feel lucky you didn't say it in person, and yeah, read links, and posts.


Friday, August 21, 2009 11:05 PM


I have just looked into this story.

This guy was placed on probation back in 2007 for assualting his girlfriend, not Jasmine, in Canada.

So he had a criminal record when he was a contestant on a VH1 reality show called "Megan Wants to Marry a Millionaire".

I guess VH1 does not do background checks on their contestants.

Ryan was not choosen by Megan and decided to go Vegas and that's where he met Jasmine. They were married two days later. Jasmine got the marriage annulled, but they got back together.

She was last seen with Ryan at a poker game in San Diego the night before her body was discovered stuffed in a suitcase. Jasmine was strangled and her fingers were cut off and teeth pulled out. Ryan reported her missing and then disappeared himself.

Ryan was considered a Person of Interest by the authorities, but now that has been changed to Potential Suspect. The authorities believe he is trying to return to Canada, where he is a citizen.

Update: Ryan has been arrested in Toronto after disembarking an Air Canada flight.

For all you women out there who want to be one of these reality show contestants, I suggest you inquire about the background of the men these networks are pairing you with.

VH1 has stopped airing the show and removed related website.


Saturday, August 22, 2009 2:28 AM

WHOZIT has the truely sick details, and I mean "SICK" details.


Saturday, August 22, 2009 3:10 AM


This is terrible. When a person's body is abused as much as Jasmine's it usually means a personal attack. This Ryan certainly did not help his case by taking off like that.

The Canadians were notified of him and if he had crossed the border at a checkpoint they would have grabed him up right there. It looks like he crossed the border illegally. Even though he is a Canadian citizen, he still needs to pass through a proper checkpoint. So the Canadian authorities can hold him on charges of illegal entree until the state of California files for extradition. I'm sure Canada will give California no problem with that.
He already had a criminal record of assaulting a past girl friend before he became a contestant on that "Megan Wants to Marry a Millionaire". Apparently VH1, who ran the show, only checked to see if the male contestants were millionaires and did not bother to check if they had any criminal records or mental stability.


Saturday, August 22, 2009 3:50 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...only checked to see if the male contestants were millionaires and did not bother to check if they had any criminal records or mental stability.

Silly - that's because everybody knows the rich can't commit crimes! Crime is for poor people!



Saturday, August 22, 2009 4:21 AM


It is so strange. I discovered this article on the reality show and this terrible reality jumped out at me. I thought this must be some sick joke. I continued to surf the internet and learned more and more details of this horrific murder.


Saturday, August 22, 2009 6:08 AM


My thoughts exactly:

1. VH1 doesn't do a background check. They took someone who was already a psychopath and made him into a celebrity. Impressive.

2. Ryan destroyed his case from day one. He reported his wife missing, and then fled town. He reported it because it would look suspicious if he hadn't, unless, of course, he was not in town at the time. He could have scrammed in a legit way without reporting her missing, or he could have played the part and waited it out, but it's damned peculiar to flee the scene, the country, illegally...

3. Disfiguring the victim is hollywood for serial killer, but it's police profile for spouse. The idea is the victim can't be identified. If you're a serial killer, it makes no difference if the victim is identified.

4. Oog.

Some other things: Poker player. Now I know that a lot of you have probably played this game online or offline, or watched it on TV, but if you have then you will understand this even more: Does everyone fully get the level of psychosis of the millionaire pokerplayer? Sure, it can be done, and I'm not saying people with rainman talents are psychos, but that it takes at least 5 years of doing *absolutely* *nothing* *else* to get rich at this game. That's like some WoW players I might mention.

But here's what I don't get. I read the marriage was annulled, but that removes the motive, if it's not a community property case.

Oh, right he's fucking batshit psycho, he doesn't need a motive.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 4:54 PM


Well I orginally posted they caught this guy in Toronto, but that appears to be incorrect. Now I hear he was found dead by Canadian authorities.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:35 PM


They should ban all the idiot marriage reality shows

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:02 PM


As I explored this murder case I saw segments of this Megen show and it was just a woman looking for a rich man and what I must assume are men with low selfesteem. You can't get much lower.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:31 PM


I concur

Sequence of events:
He plays poker, deals in real estate.
He goes on show, becomes a celebrity
He meets the girl, they get married
She contacts her mother-guardian, tells her she's met the most amazing guy
The marriage is annulled, but they stay together. He says this is due to his contract. He is due to appear on VH1's "I love money." Viacom makes no noise about having a two time wife-beater, but then, they kept murders on as sex symbols on MTV for years, and still do.
She contacts some authority says she's being abused. He is charged with a misdemeanor "battery constituting domestic violence", and has a prior conviction for domestic battery of an earlier wife/fiance, but trial is postponed. They have frequent fights, he's very jealous that she keeps in touch with her ex-boyfriend, she tells her mother.
They head back to Vegas, from maybe California
He kills her, mutilates the body, removing all identifiable parts, disposes of remains in a suitcase in a dumpster
He calls police, tells them she's missing.
Police are suspicious at the time of the phone call, but it's already too late.
He called his mother and father
Dad flew up from Honduras on a private jet, mom suggested he come home to canada.
By the time Dad arrives, it looks like he's already gone, probably by car to washington.
Police find the body, and identify it by the serial number on a breast implant.
He takes a speedboat, and is chased by coast guard.
He loses them, hops on a helicopter, flies to canada, then travels by foot.
He checks into a motel. Hangs himself
Mounties catch up with him a few hours after death

Sounds like this guy comes from a really wealthy background. His family has a boat a plane and a helicopter at their disposal.

Had a lot of escape plans, but no after plan.

This is a pretty believable scenario. Of course, it's always possible that the guy who boarded a plane was him. A fingerprint expert was called in and identified the man on the plane as not the perp. But on the other hand, if you do have an escape plan, this is the sort of thing you can set up.

Howard K Stern is still free after the triple murder to get Anna Nicole's money. Currently he has a court order preventing him from being in the same country IIRC as the family, so that's probably an international case, hard to prosecute, they may eventually catch up with him.

It's completely believable that the guy would try to escape by plane, or that he would commit suicide when cornered. What I don't get is why check into a motel. That's an extremely obvious thing not to do. You can flee through canada on foot for months without serious worries. If you have help from someone, they can drop you off from the helicopter. Much easier of course to disappear in honduras. He probably cut his time limit short by making the disappearance call. He might have figured if he didn't it would look strange when they found the body, and would instantly link it to him. Turns out, mutilation is a strong indication that someone close to the victim did it.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:54 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Oh, so this douchebag hanged himself? Cool. Saves the cost of a trial, right?

Why, oh why couldn't he have just done that part of it a week ago?



Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:20 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Oh, so this douchebag hanged himself? Cool. Saves the cost of a trial, right?

Why, oh why couldn't he have just done that part of it a week ago?


If he did it,

just saying... a trial ( should anyway ) provide closure, as well as highlighting the facts of what happened.

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:29 PM


Here's some forensic clue. She was badly bruised and beaten, as she had been before, as had his previous lover/wife. Then she was strangled. Then mutilated, to remove any identifiable trait, by someone who was afraid she would be identified. Then, before the body was discovered, he panicked in the absolute extreme in every sense of the word.

If your wife was missing, you wouldn't flee the country. You might try to find her. If you didn't have a connection to the victim, you would have no fear of her being identified.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:38 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Here's some forensic clue. She was badly bruised and beaten, as she had been before, as had his previous lover/wife. Then she was strangled. Then mutilated, to remove any identifiable trait, by someone who was afraid she would be identified. Then, before the body was discovered, he panicked in the absolute extreme in every sense of the word.

If your wife was missing, you wouldn't flee the country. You might try to find her. If you didn't have a connection to the victim, you would have no fear of her being identified.

Probably true, but still just a theory

could be alot more info out there, never to be brought to light now too.

as I understand it the DA is now going to close the case... without a judgement one way or the other now

hell, it could be revealed that this guy had some assistance in dumping the body, or anything under the sun...

but now it is on the dead guy alone

and if I had killed my wife, the body wouldn't be found

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:41 PM


I would edit to delete that last line. Posting things like that on a public forum are evidence against you in any crime you are charged with. You just demonstrated a tremendously unconvincing amount of stealth.

That said, no, the case is not closed, from what I read. They are looking into assistance he may have had.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 8:07 PM


but there are not seeking an alternate killer...

or preparing a case to go to trial against this guy.

I was just thinking, your theory of familiar rage would also apply to the ex-boyfriend she was talking to would'nt it.

I wonder if he had an alibi

as for getting out of dodge, as a non American, who has read about the US justice system, I might get out of dodge myself... guilty or not

if I had plans for my wife like that, I wouldn't be talking like this...

mind you her plans to poison me would likely kick in first...

lol, we are fans of shows like Dexter, and CSI and often both talk about the " smarter " crime, or the mistake made.

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:00 PM



Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
mind you her plans to poison me would likely kick in first...

OOT: LOL. Very womanly. Im just saying women tend to prefer killing using poison among other means.

The guy was just found dead. Suicide apparently. American TV shows really know how to pick the dramatic ones.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:04 PM



You've been here for 650 years. I've been hear for over 1/2 of them, I don't know if we've really talked. I think we have, but it was a long time ago. I guess you're up there on the first few accounts list. Sorry, just thinking, and half asleep.

On this case,

1. The guy did it, it's statistically obvious. if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, the rest of the research is a waste of time, no one thing pegs him, but a lot of things are point over 99%, and together, they're a lock. Such an investigation would be a waste of everyone's time.

2. People who are in a relationship with other people have a lot more vested interest. It's easy to move on. If you're not OJ. But OJ had a history of spousal abuse cases. Having such a history is very very rare among the general public, and very very high among murderers. It's like whether or not someone drinks and drives as an indicators of DWI.

3. No one thinks you're going to kill your wife, but if you were to ever be charged with a crime, people would find stuff like that. This is a guy who thinks about how to get away with a crime.

4. The only escape for this guy is if he was really the guy on the plane, and he had that escape set up, and the motel story is a ringer.

The thing is, he didn't split when they found the body, apparently he split after reporting his wife missing. That's unusual.

When cornered, he killed himself. that's unsual, but typical for the guilty.

He mutilated the body to make it unrecognizable, that's very unusual.

The body was badly beaten, then strangled. Someone with an uncontrollable temper beat up a girl, and then killed her. Those sorts of people aren't too common. But we have one here.

This isn't Monk, there's no alternate scenario, there's only one suspect, and his actions are all confessions, as is the evidence.

The truth is, most people who commit murders are morons. In fact, almost exclusively. That has something to do with the fact that a person with a brain comes up with a different solution to the problem. Serial killers have an avg. IQ of 80 or something, and cops are almost never able to catch them because cops are dumber than that. Even Bonnie and Clyde were less than brilliant. Ted Kaczynski maybe Timother McVeigh, but regular run of the mill murders: committed by morons. I thought for a while there he might be a card shark, but no, he inherited, he was probably hemorrhaging money to the tables.

Sorry, I'm way too tired. Must sleep.


Monday, August 24, 2009 4:38 AM


Serial killers are commonly portrayed in the media as being highly intelligent (e.g., column by Dr. Joyce Brothers in on 8-14-2007). This portrayal is perhaps due to the media focusing on serial killers such as Ted Bundy and mythical serial killers such as Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs).

► We were able to obtain IQ information on 96 serial killers

► When taken as a whole, serial killers appear to be of normal IQ
● Median = 102, Mean = 103
● Low was 57 (Simon Pirela)
● High was 165 (Theodore Kaczynski)
- A second IQ testing put him at 155

► As expected, IQ varied by the type of serial killer
● Raped victim
Yes: Mean IQ = 99.42 (N = 48)
No: Mean IQ = 112.46 (N = 35)

● Personal method of killing (e.g., strangle, stab)
Yes: Mean IQ = 101.8 (N=62)
No: Mean IQ = 111.9 (N=22)

● Organized versus disorganized
Organized: Mean IQ = 123.2
Disorganized: Mean IQ = 93.5
Mixed: Mean IQ = 107.6

► IQ data are complex as extreme scores are more likely to be publicized
and there is certainly motivation to score low (especially below 70)

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, August 24, 2009 7:08 AM


First off, let me remove a datapoint:
Kaczynski is not a serial killer, he's a terrorist. The differences are numberous, such as a terrorist is usually not on site, uses technology, not force, but most importantly: A terrorist has a political agenda. Terrorism: To attempt to foster an atmosphere of terror to achieve a political agenda

Note that Cheney and co definitely apply under the above definition which I got from websters and posted here. Funny how they changed it after people started pointing out that it could apply to Bush and Blair.

Anyway, Kaczynski was a brilliant student, and one of our nazi nutjobs decided that he would be an ideal candidate for a sleeper assassin, and conducted a series of experiments on them. He came to believe that society was evil because of particular people in power, in various walks of life, whom he targeted.

A serial killer usually targets victims for thrills, selected shortly before killing, and has no motive other than the killing, and perhaps the rape, before or after the killing.

A spree killer is someone who snapped under an undo amount of pressure, and was unfortunately armed to the teeth.

A psychopath is not necessarily any of these, but someone who has plotted their future to an obsessive level. Our killer is a psycho. He's abnormally tense, stressed and spends far too much time planning. He plans everything in his life, and he's figured out a work around for every loophole that he can find.

Strangulation, the method of choice here, was chosen years ago, before he had anyone to kill. He knew it would leave no murder weapon, and minimize the evidence while being a very efficient means of killing someone. He was prepared to kill someone, at a moments notice, for years. Including himself.

The scene: Wife comes home, possibly from a meeting with another guy. He is suspicious. He's a fucking psycho, so he's always suspicious. He has already worked out in his mind what is happening before she even comes home: She has gone to fuck some guy. He ruminates on this. He doesn't come up with a good way to confront her about it, it's not something he's trained himself for. He never spent time really training to deal with people, except in the most manipulative manner. He has no casual contact, he studies his skills from a book, and knows how to get people to do what he wants. But since he has no communications skills or social experience, he has no idea what to do when things don't go the way he planned.

His wife, he believes, is cheating on him, and he cares, because he's psychotic. It's another thing he didn't count on: Emotional attachment. A normal person coming to this conclusion would not care. This is not a long term relationship, if you think she's unfaithful, ditch, find someone else. But he's probably spent a lot of time creating or entrapping a relationship, and he has a lot invested in it. So he confronts her.

She doesn't tell him what he expects to hear. She says nothing happened, and he doesn't believe her. He resorts to what he knows: violence. He figures eventually she will tell him what he wants to hear. Either she does or she doesn't, she cheated or didn't, it's not relevant, he is boiled over with anger and also in a crushing spot: He has a prior conviction for battery and is up for trial for battery again. The damage he's just inflicted is enough to send him to the doghouse. He makes a spot decision to kill her. It's not an emotional decision, it's a calculated one, but he's not thinking straight. He has no long term plan at the time. He strangles her, quick, effective. No evidence by the body.

So, he mutilates the body to preclude any possible recognition. He then does what any psychopath would do, rather than hide the body, he disposes of it in a manner that he thinks a psycho would do. He doesn't think of himself as a psycho. He has a vision that this is someone else. He then needs to plan a resolution. He decides if his wife is found and he hasn't reported her missing, it will look suspicious. So he calls the police, reports her missing. The police are very suspicious. He hangs up, he gets paranoid. Okay, he already is paranoid, but he's a psycho and he ruminates over things. He decides that the police have already pegged him as a suspect in his wife's disappearance, and when they find the body they will come for him. He didn't hide the body, so there's not a lot of time.

He panics, he calls mom, he calls dad. He has his escape plan set up, because he plans. Dad offers to fly up, he accepts, but he's not there when his father arrives. Sitting around his apt. he is becoming more convinced that he has run out of time. He enacts his escape plan. It goes off almost without a hitch, and he finds himself in canada. He tracks the news on his own story.

Police have found the body and identified it by the serial number on the breast implants. No one would have guessed that. He didn't think of it, but neither did any of us. So they've pegged him as the perp, and he's surrounded by a manhunt. He has very little time. He can't face off the mounties, and he can't face prison, he panics, makes a spot decision to kill himself. He hangs himself, because he's always prepared to do that to someone, to kill, without evidence or a murder weapon, quick, effective, it's what he knows.

The last line says it all. Case closed. Sorry.


Monday, August 24, 2009 9:35 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Interesting to know more of this guy's background. What kind of criminal activity he made money on and what drugs he was addicted to?


Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:

► When taken as a whole, serial killers appear to be of normal IQ
● Median = 102, Mean = 103
● Low was 57 (Simon Pirela)
● High was 165 (Theodore Kaczynski)
- A second IQ testing put him at 155

The Unibomber was enrolled in CIA's MKULTRA slave program.

Mass murderer Cho's sister was employed by CIA in Iraq. Virgina Tech included a huge underground CIA base.

Charlie Manson was raised in an electrified cage at China Lake Naval Air Station, but was never convicted of actual murder and hung out with the Beach Boys. Dollhouse -- FOR REAL.

Video "games" and TV shows designed by the Pentagon teach kids to massacres humans and animals for "entertainment".

Skools are paid by Uncle Scam to force kids as young as 3 to be addicted to prescription psychiatric meds with side effects of hallucinations, homicide and suicide.

Serial killers offer the very best "justification" of a million-man Police State tax, not counting 5-million private security guards and 50-million armed citizens that do the real job of police. Trigger-pullers and serial killers are recruited and employed as valued cops and soldiers by Big Brother.

Medical doctor assassins have genocided 100-million Americans since 1973, via medmal and aborticide. Killing your own babies and cannibalizing their corpses for cosmetics and flu shots is socially acceptable behavior. Some abortion docs eat their patients fetuses for lunch, which is acceptable behavior for cannibals in Communist China.

So who has the motive to manufactuer killers?


Monday, August 24, 2009 10:38 AM


If that is all, he would likely get off

statistics, guesses and circumstantial evidence

I'm guessing the police have more, but then again OJ got off for similar reasons...

not saying your wrong, just saying its a long way from being fact


Monday, August 24, 2009 11:00 AM


John, good points all, but in this case, I doubt it. Sure, there were probably drugs, but I've known people like this, which is what made the profile so easy to construct.

His main problem is internal. His cheat the system mentality led him down a path of manipulate rather than cooperate with the rest of the human race. His inability to control his short term behavior may have been steroid induced but, but it can also develop naturally from repression of the mating instinct. It leads to an overdose of tryptamines in the system which can overload the synapses and shut down the normal perspective based pathways. If you survive the teenage suicide compulsion of the radical depression induced by failure to mate, you usually do it by some defense mechanism.

Sorry, no magic required for this one. Sure, it's always possible, but it doesn't *have* to be so.

Interesting about Cho tho. I knew that it wasn't normal because he registered 97% hits on shots fired IIRC, and some were executions, but he was shooting into classrooms. That's an unreal accuracy, not something you will ever see coming from your typical college student. Or your typical military sniper. He was definitely a dedicated killing machine.


Not a chance. I know a lot of lawyers. This guy was a goner. Sure, if they have no evidence, then he doesn't get pegged for murder 1, so what. The law operated by the spirit of the law, not the letter. The only reasons that OJ didn't get nailed for killing his wife were:

1. He was able to get the a community of people to worship him as a hero, and they were ready to riot if he was convicted. A lot of them, at the time, thought he was innocent, and not all of them were black, and a lot of black people were not in this group, but the LAPD was very aware that they were going to have a riot on their hands

2. The police *had* tampered with evidence, and there was a stronger will to *not* reward that behavior, even though most of the jury and the judge were convinced of his guilt.

Reality is, this guy was totally sunk. It's was obvious, and there was no escape. By the time they caught him he was entering the country illegally, evading arrest, false testimony to police, probably skipping out on a trial, lots of little stuff, which would give them plenty of time to dig around for more. They could easily convict him on the spousal abuse, and at least attempted murder, possibly manslaughter, on account that she died, even if they could not peg him as the strangler.

It's not a mechanical system. This is an error that a lot of people make. It's an intuitive one. People know intuitively that he's guilty, so there are always a ton of technicalities that they can get you on.

Check John's above example. Charles Manson is serving life in prison. He didn't kill Sharon Tate and co. He killed people sure, but he was never charged with those deaths, people he raped and killed in prison in KY.


Monday, August 24, 2009 11:39 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
John, good points all, but in this case, I doubt it. Sure, there were probably drugs, but I've known people like this, which is what made the profile so easy to construct.

His main problem is internal. His cheat the system mentality led him down a path of manipulate rather than cooperate with the rest of the human race. His inability to control his short term behavior may have been steroid induced but, but it can also develop naturally from repression of the mating instinct. It leads to an overdose of tryptamines in the system which can overload the synapses and shut down the normal perspective based pathways. If you survive the teenage suicide compulsion of the radical depression induced by failure to mate, you usually do it by some defense mechanism.

Sorry, no magic required for this one. Sure, it's always possible, but it doesn't *have* to be so.

Interesting about Cho tho. I knew that it wasn't normal because he registered 97% hits on shots fired IIRC, and some were executions, but he was shooting into classrooms. That's an unreal accuracy, not something you will ever see coming from your typical college student. Or your typical military sniper. He was definitely a dedicated killing machine.


Not a chance. I know a lot of lawyers. This guy was a goner. Sure, if they have no evidence, then he doesn't get pegged for murder 1, so what. The law operated by the spirit of the law, not the letter. The only reasons that OJ didn't get nailed for killing his wife were:

1. He was able to get the a community of people to worship him as a hero, and they were ready to riot if he was convicted. A lot of them, at the time, thought he was innocent, and not all of them were black, and a lot of black people were not in this group, but the LAPD was very aware that they were going to have a riot on their hands

2. The police *had* tampered with evidence, and there was a stronger will to *not* reward that behavior, even though most of the jury and the judge were convinced of his guilt.

Reality is, this guy was totally sunk. It's was obvious, and there was no escape. By the time they caught him he was entering the country illegally, evading arrest, false testimony to police, probably skipping out on a trial, lots of little stuff, which would give them plenty of time to dig around for more. They could easily convict him on the spousal abuse, and at least attempted murder, possibly manslaughter, on account that she died, even if they could not peg him as the strangler.

It's not a mechanical system. This is an error that a lot of people make. It's an intuitive one. People know intuitively that he's guilty, so there are always a ton of technicalities that they can get you on.

Check John's above example. Charles Manson is serving life in prison. He didn't kill Sharon Tate and co. He killed people sure, but he was never charged with those deaths, people he raped and killed in prison in KY.

Only takes one on the jury not to agree, and I do not.

At least not on what has been discussed here, and on the few news sites I read. More than enough to suspect him, to push an investigation further... but not convict him.

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, August 24, 2009 11:57 AM


Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, just don't base your life on the idea that this is how the law will play.

peace out


Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:28 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Dial 1-800-HOOKERS

UPDATE TODAY: Turns out the ho was screwing her ex-husband the night of her murder, after she got him out of prison for cocaine trafficking... Now Michael Cardosi is back in jail, but he's not a suspect?

Fiore met with ex-husband days before death

Jasmine Fiore was a Vegas stripper Ryan Jenkins met 2 days before he married her, but that's NEVER mentioned on TeeVee...

BTW "swimsuit model" is TV code for hooker.

So who's the psychopath now?


Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:50 PM


Maybe so, but just because she's dating two psychos jsut says she was a poor judge of character which we already knew. This case is sewed up. The psychology of the abuser is solid, and the identical MO, I wrote the profile above myself, based only on very limited information, because I do know something about psychology.

True, ex and drug dealer are suspicious and could do this, but the primary suspect the night of the murder did the following:
1. made a cover call to the police
2. stole the victims car
3. evaded arrest
4. illegally crossed a border
5. committed suicide.

He would not have done any of these if he hadn't committed the crime.

So, okay, she knows more than one psycho.

The truth is that most people would leave someone who beat them up. She didn't, she was a weak judge of character and lacked survival instincts. Most people could have told that from her plastic surgery

Most people leave a wife who is cheating on them. He was a psycho, got jealous, and then killed her. It's quite possible that Jenkins killed Fiore in the process of beating her up. It's probably more what he did afterwords that makes him a lock solid psychopath.


Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:12 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Maybe so, but just because she's dating two psychos jsut says she was a poor judge of character which we already knew. This case is sewed up. The psychology of the abuser is solid, and the identical MO, I wrote the profile above myself, based only on very limited information, because I do know something about psychology.

True, ex and drug dealer are suspicious and could do this, but the primary suspect the night of the murder did the following:
1. made a cover call to the police
2. stole the victims car
3. evaded arrest
4. illegally crossed a border
5. committed suicide.

He would not have done any of these if he hadn't committed the crime.

So, okay, she knows more than one psycho.

The truth is that most people would leave someone who beat them up. She didn't, she was a weak judge of character and lacked survival instincts. Most people could have told that from her plastic surgery

Most people leave a wife who is cheating on them. He was a psycho, got jealous, and then killed her. It's quite possible that Jenkins killed Fiore in the process of beating her up. It's probably more what he did afterwords that makes him a lock solid psychopath.

now we have two psychos and an alternate theory

and two jurors are saying " prove your case "

no witnesses

no confession

no physical evidence

Thanks for the additional info John ( juror #2 )

" He would not have done any of these if he hadn't committed the crime. "

I think it would be reasonable to want to distance myself from American cops, what do you think John ?

suicide is not an admission of guilt, the guy obviously had problems, and was under considerable stress

stole the victims car ? , if they were married wouldn't it also be his car?

called the police... well that might have been a mistake, but not proof

all there is here is guesswork, and maybe a psychological profile, and as useful as they are you cannot convict someone with only a profile
( juror #2 ? )


Friday, August 28, 2009 7:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

"Fiance" Robert Hasman took Jasmine Fiore on vacation to Mexico AFTER she married Ryan Jenkins, 1 month before her murder. Hasman is not her convicted felon ex-husband who she was also banging the week she was murdered. Was Ryan Jenkins murdered too? David Carradine's family swear he was murdered by hanging in a hotel room...

"Yes Girl" Jasmine Fiore is "feeling a little naughty right now":

Playboy photos of stripper/prostitute Jasmine Fiore:

What does his sister, father and ex-girlfriend have to say about their helping him "flee" to Canada? Was he trying to escape a murderer? Everybody knows strippers and prostitutes accociate with mobsters and gangbangers (no pun intented). WHERE IS HER PIMP? Everybody knows pimps are extremely violent, as seen on Boondocks.

This case is a good example how the media can spin a court case in one direction, without doing any investigation at all. Every criminal defendant gets this treatment, even by local media, that only reports suspicions and allegations written on unproven inadmissible police reports.

"Rockers wonder why they've been married four times. Dude, YOU MARRIED A STRIPPER!"
-Vincent Damon Furnier (aka Alice Cooper), VH1, Married to a Rock Star


Friday, August 28, 2009 8:55 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Ryan's family says he never "ran from the cops", since he told the cops exactly where he was, and was planning a meeting with his lawyer and police. So easy for a hitman to track him down...






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