Getting scarier and scarier... TONYT- for you. Signy

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 04:11
VIEWED: 14006
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Monday, August 24, 2009 4:23 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Don't be silly. It's not about fashion. Or any one thing. It's about all of it. And what I want doesn't cost 20 trillion.
Just a few uniformly recognized and protected human rights.

At the end of the day, it's all government really needs to be.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, August 24, 2009 5:23 PM


Gonna have to be some other govt, cause this one is gonna owe 20T by the time anyone else gets ahold of it


Monday, August 24, 2009 5:28 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


We are indeed speaking of ideals. I'm not sure the present government is going to be salvageable. However, I trust they will be able to hide the problem with a little razzle dazzle for another decade or few. They'll be able to do that until the cracks are too big to cover up, and it all faw down go boom.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, August 24, 2009 6:23 PM


Nah, i think they'll tax the populous until every penny earned of what would have been disposable income goes to pay interest on the debt, and they'll vary the interest back and forth so as not to totally crush the economy they're taxing to death.

The best defense here is information, and everyone else has to know what they're up to because I have some suspicion that there are some major wars in the works, not for the US to fight directly, but to keep someone else from eclipsing us as an economic power, someone who isn't being taxed.


Monday, August 24, 2009 6:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There is only 1 situation where your only choice is to deal with a single entity for your needs: When that entity IS the government

that we should limit the powers we surrender to government, whoever they happen to be
There is a difference between government and corporations. That might be why they're given two different words. Trying to blur that by calling one by the other's name is intellectually dishonest.

So I'm gonna have to splash you with some cold, harsh reality.

I'm not sure the present economic system is going to be salvageable. However, I trust they will be able to hide the problem with a little razzle dazzle for another decade or few. They'll be able to do that until the cracks are too big to cover up, and it all faw down go boom.
Fixed that for ya.


Monday, August 24, 2009 7:06 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It is not I who brought up the comparison, Signy.

You presented corporations as a nearly omnipresent controlling force on the lives of the people who lived under its dominion, with complete monopoly and control of production and distribution of wealth. Able to enslave the populace with unreasonable demands and reward structures that leave resistance as a futile option.

In a world where this premise is true, the corporation is a government. Not by and for the people, but essentially a dictatorship.

Not my comparison, again. Direct the complaints about intellectual dishonesty elsewhere.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, August 24, 2009 7:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You presented corporations as a nearly omnipresent controlling force on the lives of the people who lived under its dominion, with complete monopoly and control of production and distribution of wealth. Able to enslave the populace with unreasonable demands and reward structures that leave resistance as a futile option. In a world where this premise is true, the corporation is a government. Not by and for the people, but essentially a dictatorship.
If the function of government is to ensure our civil liberties, as you claim, how does that fit into the purview of the corporation?
Under capitalism the goal of corporations is to make money.The feedbacks on corporations are market forces.

The goal of government is to... well, govern. The feedbacks on government is the vote.

People mix them up all the time. They say "freedom" and mean "capitalism". They say "socialism" and think tyranny". But they're not the same, eh? That's why you can have democratic socialism, or tyrannical capitalism (fascism). Try not to mix them up. It confuses your thinking.


Monday, August 24, 2009 7:28 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


The function of government should be to ensure civil liberties. But we all know that governments exist who do not have this as a goal.

Corporations exist in their current form as a byproduct of our current government's laws. Laws exist to support the corporation, right down to the creation of corporate 'personhood.'

I myself do not equate freedom with capitalism, but I do include in freedom the ability to freely enter into mutually equitable agreements without government intervention or interference.

The more I choose for myself, and the less the collective chooses on my behalf, the more free I consider myself to be.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The function of government should be to ensure civil liberties. But we all know that governments exist who do not have this as a goal.
Neutrally stated, the function of government is to govern. There is no statement attached as to what the government is (or should be) governing towards.

Corporations exist in their current form as a byproduct of our current government's laws. Laws exist to support the corporation, right down to the creation of corporate 'personhood.'
But according to many people... I think possibly even you... capitalism is a "natural" outgrowth of the human desire to be rewarded for work. However, capitalism inevitably devolves to monopolism. (I believe you disagree, but I can go through that argument again if you wish.)

There is one large unfilled function, which is: WHO performs the "work" which can not efficiently generate a profit, or which cannot be installed competitively? For example, roads. There is no way to efficiently generate a profit from roadbuilding. Because roads would be built by multiple entities (whether it is city/state/federal or competing businesses) the driver would be faced wtih a welter or toll booths... theoretically, one at the end of his/her own driveway! Another example: water distribution. It would be extremely expensive to have three, four or more distribution companies install competing pipelines.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:31 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
This gun thing has really got me bothered. First there was the guy at the Obama event last week carrying a handgun--now I see he's been tied to Arizona milita groups:

Gun toter at Obama rally tied to Arizona separatist groups

The man who brought a gun to President Barack Obama's town hall meeting on Tuesday is a former Arizona resident with ties to an extreme right-wing group that calls for "resistance...against unconstitutional or illegal behavior by government officials."

William Kostric, 36, formerly of Scottsdale, stood outside the New Hampshire meeting on healthcare with a gun holstered at his thigh and holding a sign proclaiming that "it is time to water the tree of liberty."

The quote, often referenced by militia members and those in separatist movements, refers to Thomas Jefferson's famous call for vigilance: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots."

Records show that Kostric is a "team member" of the Arizona chapter of We the People Foundation, which has a stated goal of "returning America to it's founding principles."

On its Web site, We the People's founder, Robert Schulz, says: "Our recent initiatives have focused largely on questioning the federal government's abuse of its Constitutional powers to incur debt, tax labor, create currency by fiat, conduct war and police the peace," We the People says on its Web site.

While the group maintains that it is not concerned with politics or personalities in office, Schulz is a proud supporter of the birther movement (those folks who believe that Obama wasn't really born in the United States and shouldn't be president) and We the People joined a lawsuit challenging Obama's presidency based on his citizenship.

Kostric could not be reached for comment Wednesday. But records show he recently moved from Scottsdale to New Hampshire.

Kostric's My Space page is replete with paeans to militia groups.Among his heroes, Kostric lists Randy Weaver, the anti-government separatist and end-time believer whose wife and son died during a shoot out with FBI agents at Ruby Ridge.

NOW, while having breakfast this morning, I hear about this one:

Man Carrying An Assault Rifle And Pistol Outside Obama Event

(Late update: CNN now reports that there were two men carrying assault rifles, reportedly AR-15s, outside President Obama's event in Phoenix.)

A man was seen carrying an assault rifle and a pistol outside the VFW Convention in Phoenix where President Obama spoke today, a local newspaper reports.

Local police said it's legal under Arizona law, but two officers kept close by him.

"If we need to intervene, we will intervene at that time," said Detective J. Oliver.

The man, who gave his name only as "Chris", was asked why he was armed. "Because I can do it," he said. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms."

Apparently the man giving the interview was also carrying a pistol

There's something wrong here, and it's discomfiting. A friend asked me why we didn't see this during Bush's term; of course the answer is easy. If anyone had tried, they'd have been whisked off to Gitmo or someplace and never heard from again. Just show's ta go 'ya, in my opinion, who the real "dictator" was around here recently (yes, I'm biased; bite me!

It bothers me, with the racism still evident in all that's happening with the birthers, the deathers, the town halls, etc., the fact that militias are on the rise, and all the anger and upheaval the state of the economy and nation has brought about...It worries me.

Together we are more than the sum of our parts

I don't see the problem with patriotism. I don't see a problem with the Government knowing that not every one of us is a lapdog either.

Is it unfortunate we didn't see this happening when Bush Jr. was president? It sure was.

I think that this is less about raceism than it is about Obama continuing the tradition of shitting on the Constitution after 8 years of the Bush Administrations abuses.

It doesn't help that Obama is putting us on the fast track to a seriously diminished standard of living...

Let's see.... so far, I'm subsidising home buying and keeping house prices artificially inflated by watching anyone buying a house today get an immediate $8,000.00 rebate on their purchase come tax time. I'm subsidizing Government Motors when anyone goes and trades in a clunker for a brand new car which keeps the prices of new veichles artificially inflated. I'm subsidizing your children's health care every time I buy a pack of cigarettes on every level of government by paying 3 times in taxes what the actual retail value is. I just found out today that soon I will be subsidizing your future purchases of home appliances when the program that is very similar to "Cash for Clunkers" for appliances begins and keeps places like Sears and Best Buy in business.

Meanwhile, I have no intention of buying a home, I'm perfectly comfortable in my '78 LTD (which wouldn't even qualify for the program since it's 6 years too old BTW...), I'm paying more for healthcare every year even though I never go to the doctor, I don't have any kids and have no plans to in the remote future, and since I live in an apartment I'm not going to be buying a washing machine anytime soon (and I doubt the management is in any hurry to upgrade any of the 20 year old appliances in my place too).

Why am I paying for all of your bullshit and then paying more in taxes at the end of the year because I'm not married and I don't have any children?

Inflation is coming. It's the only way for those in power to keep their positions come election time and still raise the shit out of taxes on all of us. There is no one person or even party that can truly be blamed the wave of inflation that will hit us in 2011.

They're nearly all guilty, and that's because the only way to keep their jobs when the economy is this bad is to plunge us further into a hopeless debt that we already can't, and never intend, to actually pay off.


Two sides of the same coin.

But at least they fed Madoff to the wolves, right?

Meanwhile all the other crooks and swindlers not only get off for the crimes against Americans they've committed, but most of them still have their jobs (which, btw, pays them more than all the employees I work with combined). That's because if our "leaders" dared go after them there would be a lot of ugly secrets spilled about 95% of the politicians and we'd have a deep clean, and long overdue enema in our political structure. And probably start fillng those prisons with REAL criminals instead of two-bit dope slingers in the process.

I stand by their actions, and truthfully I wish I had the balls to display their rights in the way they have and continue to do. There was no violence on either side. They just watched each other. An equal balance of power and respect.

I don't believe that these men truly wish harm against anyone and I surely don't believe it's a racisim thing and it makes you look like a bitch to bring that up. It's a cop out. It's an argument that automatically makes your opinion right in this PC world we live in.

Not everyone that owns a gun worships at the altar of Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.

Give me a break.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:46 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
... but there's a very reall threat and it's right on your doorstep and I'm not sure you even see that it's there.

Ok DT, I'm curious - what pray tell is it?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:17 AM




Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:29 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Preach it brother Wulf! Hate will bring us together! Closer at least so we get get a better shot off.

Think of the ratings boost this guy got preaching hate, it's like the sound of money these days. Although... I'm encouraged to hear Glenn Beck's ratings/viewership is down.

He says, "Not going to take it any more!" Take what?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:40 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
There is one large unfilled function, which is: WHO performs the "work" which can not efficiently generate a profit, or which cannot be installed competitively? For example, roads. There is no way to efficiently generate a profit from roadbuilding.

Heh.... I'd just ask Rod Blagovich what he thinks about doubling a toll road in Illinois that has been the same price since I remember ever being on the toll roads. You'll probably have to wait until he gets out of prison though. (Or at least you should.... I can't remember if the guy even saw prison time since he's just another in a long line of corrupt Illinois politicians you read about in the local papers.

Maybe I'd just ask the guy(s) that invented the toll road in the first place and sold it as a temporary necessary evil that would only be in place until the roads were complete, knowing full well these roads would need maintenance and the tolls would never be lifted (and inevitably raised, as they recently were).


Because roads would be built by multiple entities (whether it is city/state/federal or competing businesses) the driver would be faced wtih a welter or toll booths

Oh... My bad... there it is. Nice work Watson.


... theoretically, one at the end of his/her own driveway!

Oh... now you lost me. If I wasn't giving away 60% of my earnings every year in taxes I'd probably be paying for the services of my own driveway job. I work with a woman who lives just far enough out in the boonies that she doesn't even have a paved road by them. She and her husband actually buy their own gravel for the road by their house every few years and put it down themselves (presumably because of the chaos of the snow plows). So... I think it's fair that she and others by her went to the town hall and fought against an increase in their tax because they share the benefit of a nearby town for their water usage, even though the nearby town has actual roads.

Well water, although it's a bitch, isn't the same as basically buying your own road and maintaining it on your own in your small community.


Another example: water distribution. It would be extremely expensive to have three, four or more distribution companies install competing pipelines.

Good point. The only reason I'm not an anarchist is because I don't have faith in humans individually to create their mini-utopias with fully operational water reclaimation and waste disposal. Hell... we do a pretty shitty job of the disposal part as it is, even with a tight ship running the process.

Deep in my core I'm not even against a reasonable amount of law enforcement and lawyers and judges, since they are part of the foundation of a civilized society.

We don't always disagree, and I don't believe that Libertarians would disagree with 70% or more of what you do say, which is more than can be said for the mindless folk who tend to stick only to one side of the aisle or the other.

Unfortunately, it's those that are far to on one side or the other that are easily risen to make decisions for all of us, and for 4 or 8 years one side has it, and then for 4 or 8 years another side has it. And the pendulum constantly swings.... slicing away what little bit of freedom and sense of individuality any of us were fortunate enough to be entitled to, being born in what was once a frontier and symbol of freedom in the world and has since devolved into the withering failed experiment we collectively have allowed it to become.

Let's face it Sig.... no matter what "side" has power, nobody is going to do anything about the giant bullet wound in the lungs of America, which is the 11.5 Trillion dollar and growing (and likely VERY unexaggerated) financial debt that we live with and pass on to our children like the most twisted of family legacies.

"Here son! I bequeath onto you a life of hopeless financial debt, from which you can never get out from under, and to which you will be a slave to for life by paying more taxes on everything from water to female escorts every few years. You've already started at roughly 60% of your income evaporating, in reality, before you even cashed your check. Maybe before you die you'll not even be working for money anymore but be given an allowance by our government on what you can buy. And then they'd be able to heavily weigh the value of things you might have once enjoyed in a free world to dissuade you from purchasing or partaking in things that "They" don't approve of."

That's the legacy you want to leave your children?

Government is for the very basics...

I will gladly pay them to provide a reliable facilitation of necessities like national defence (and not in the way that the term has been interpreted for as long as I've been alive), water reclamation, waste disposal, a limited number of police force and lawyers and judges, and very likely many more services that are necessary to get us all as close to that Utopian lifestyle we'll never achieve.

A deficit though, is not only dangerous to every single one of us and our ability to live free, but it is TREASON against every single one of us. And it's been going on for far to long under the R/D watch. Rethugs are supposed to put the breaks on it, but Reagan and Bush Co both spent more than they made. We expect it from Demons and that probably explains why we've let him triple Bush Jr.'s worst deficit in the first 9 fiscal months of the year.

Let's figure out some real answers Signy.... Seriously. We in the RWED are some of the only real thinkers in the world and we don't ever come up with ANY solutions about anything.

It's sad, really...

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:46 AM



It was a joke...


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:58 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Although... I'm encouraged to hear Glenn Beck's ratings/viewership is down.

That all depends on where you're getting your information.

Ask Howard Stern....

It's not a secret that he knew he doubled his ratings by not only making his like-minded demographics love him, but by all the extreme haters that listened to him too.

In actuality, Beck's advertising revenue is down, however voluntarily that happens. He has one of the higest rated shows at his time slot and it's currently showing advertisements for local pizzarias and boner pills. How long do you think it takes corrupt CEOs who only pretend to have morals because they think that's what the public wants before they dive in and offer more money to advertise on a show that reaches so many households?

Seriously..... If the NFL started playing games in ladies undergarments, and were completely unrelenting no matter how fierce the perceived public opinion was at the time, there would be a backlash so fierce from the multinational corporations at first that the only guy buying spots at the Super Bowl would be that Girls Gone Wild dude.

When people finally accepted that the only way they'd be able to watch football in the future was if they had to watch Brett Farvre come out of retirement in the new Victoria's Secret line of lingeree, they'd probably just go back to watching it like they always did and do their best to pretend that it wasn't happening. Then Kraft and Johnson & Johnson and GE would be more than happy to put the boner pill commercials back on late night infomercials by throwing their hefty financial weight around again.

Love him or hate him, you're doing the guy's retirement plans a hell of a service. Who knows.... If he's not caught and exposed diddling one of those Girls Gone Wild chicks for 5k an hour he may die old and beloved like Walter Cronkite.


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 5:07 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

It was a joke...

I was laughing and crying...this guy is chasing the bandwagon and pumping his arms and legs as fast as he can.
But I thought you'd say, "SEE! Even Black Folk Get IT!"

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 5:56 AM


I'm just wondering, aside from the extreme points of his speech, what don't you agree with, really?

I think to deny his entire speech because of his extreme points of view is optimistic at best.

If you read comment sections on any blogs in the last 4 years you've heard just as many slanderous remarks about Bush, but a lot of the claims under the extreme and insulting behavior was very legitimate.

Do you not think that people will rise against if they are pushed too far?

Most of this video I watch and think it's a joke, but I think he may be legitimate. He seems like a man who is well read and likely knows about Williamson County, IL and how the union coal workers had a shoot out with scabs hired by the new owners of the mines and all that was left of them was 22 bodies in a heap with one hanging in the bushes above the pile.

White's... particularly straight white males in the last 30 or so years, have been emasculated, humiliated, and raised to feel guilty for what they were born with because they were white.

I'm not condoning violence by any means, but I am saying that this is a very real possibilty that could occur if more checks and balances of that Government which is otherwise ungoverned doesn't continue to suck at the teat of the Federal Reserve.

Organized Democratization of the world has sure come a long way since Robert Rodriguez's "300", but everyone makes mistakes along the way.

When's the last time anybody under thirty here has seen this type of stuff with their own eyes....?

I'll give you a little tip. Oftentimes, when we weren't printing money out of thin air like they've been doing our entire lives, there were much greater and bloodier struggles than anything our pussified generation has ever known.

Who's going to take care of me when I'm sick? Who's going to make sure I have a roof over my head? Who's going to take care of my children?

No wonder I live among a generation of creations with no class or a clue? All you dumb ones been phuckin while the smart ones been worrying too much about the future of freedom.

Welcome to the Human Race...

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 6:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


theoretically, one at the end of his/her own driveway!
Small explanation- IF you had a road (built by someone else) at the end of your driveway, you would (theoretically) have to pay for access.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 6:39 AM


I got it Signy....

I'm just saying that if people who first started giving 1% of their income to taxes when it was first passed, would they do so knowing all the things that money went to today? Would they have agreed to paying that one percent back then if they knew that unless you had a minimum wage or slightly better job that you'd be paying 25% of your income right off the top to the federal Government? Would they do that knowing they'd be taxed on everything they spent their money on too practically besides pot?

Knowing that they're even paying hidden tax on POT since it's getting so damn expensive today because of how much money is spent in taxpayer dollars stomping out something that every American could grow in their own yards for damn near free that could likely put Pfizer out of business by ruining the value of a few of their pills in very different areas of psychology or physiology?

Pot slows you down....

Pot allows you some time to focus on something...

There's no room for idle hands and individual thought sparking like a Tesla Coil...

Let's give coffee away for free at work, put a Starbucks at every corner of every street in the civilized world, and then let's make a mellow-out-feel-good drug like marajuana as big an offence to sell or possess as a dangerous stimulant like cocaine. Christ.... given the bang for the buck, you probably get a 2 for 1 deal on yayo and a 6 for 1 deal on crank for what pot costs today. Sadly, with new taxes implemented, it's getting close to the same ratio for beer....

Do any of you parents realize just how fucked up your kids could get on six bucks worth of heroin and a night of weak self esteem and bad choices?

The Government isn't going to prevent that from happening. Only YOU are. The Government will be there after the fact to lock the shell of your kid away in a cell, probably for the rest of it's life.

Be a friend to your kid and never stop trying. Show patience and love and let them know that you're there for them without resorting to spoiling them materialistically.

One day, they will understand where you were coming from on a lot of things and hopefully when that day comes they'll not be twisted in the mind by substances and bad choices.

It's up to YOU and NOT our government or schools to get involved with their lives again. I think a majority of parents in my generation were completely unable to relate to their kids in any meaningful way.

I'm not having any kids. But I know a lot of you do and a lot of you plan to.

Do the right thing.

They've got a tough enough world to be introduced into now anyways. It ain't all White Wedding and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and sadly, it may never be again.

Be their friend and mentor. Don't let celebrities be their idols.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:33 AM


That must be a new record for me....

Gone for a few months months, waltz on in and see a thread with 260 plus views and I kill it in 30 minutes.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:53 AM


I doubt my comment here will get noticed, but I see corporations as being about power and control as much as they are about making money.

Yeah, they have some interest in maintaining civil liberties... That of their CEOs and boardroom. They do that with corruption and bribery, so that our current government enables them, until the two are pretty much one and the damn same.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:11 AM


*Smirks at Jack*

Miss Bytemite ?

Not only is that assessment entirely correct, it's been going on a lot longer than most folk realise - for reference, "War is a Racket", by Smedley Butler, and follow up with "The Business Plot".

One might also ponder just how supportive of Fascism american corporations were until opposing it became all the rage, and how they still favor the Mussolini Model of economics.

And on a personal note, for reasons you would best understand, especially since you apparently write a bit yourself, allow me to reccommend Stephan Gagnes "Sailor Nothing" - you will understand why very quickly.







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