Another Batshit Birther Thread,,,

UPDATED: Friday, September 11, 2009 15:50
VIEWED: 2270
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009 5:05 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Shocker! Judge orders trial on Obama birth certificate issue

Court document swears Obama Kenyan birth certificate legit

All the judge has to do is order Obama to take his shoes off and check his footprint... and produce his original birth certificate for the first time.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 6:53 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

You know that one's already been debunked as well, right?

By the way, the date listed, 8/7/61? You know that's pretty much a uniquely American way of doing that, right? By that dating convention in any of the British Protectorates, that document would have been signed and dated on July 8, 1961, not August 7th. How'd they get the footprint on a document a month before Obama's birth?

Keep on tryin', though. Make it your life's work!


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 7:42 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Israeli Mossad may be running interference to protect President Rham Emanuel, er, Hussein Obama.

Dont change the fact that nobody has seen Barry Soetoro's birth certificate, passport records or school records in the foreign exchange student dorm.

Soldiers are very upset they have to show their birth certificates when a commander in chief dont.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:30 AM


There are enough legitimate issues to disagree with Obama on, but these relentless charges about his birth and citizen status are counter-productive to the good of the country, and are a huge embarrassment to all rational people in this country.

Just like those who continue after 8 years to accuse our own Govt. & Bush of orchestrating the 911 attacks, these are deluded individuals whose meritless conspiratorial rantings accomplish nothing other than to continue to pour salt into wounds not yet healed.

And speaking of wounds, did you see the speech last night? If the Republicans were going to boo and hiss and catcall, why the fuck even show up to the stupid thing in the first place? I found it extemely embarrassing not only for Republicans, but for all Americans. Bush never got booed and hissed and demeaned at a joint Congressional speech. The Republican Party, devoid of any intelligent leadership or future vision, has truly sunk to new lows over this entire Healthcare issue.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Dont change the fact that nobody has seen Barry Soetoro's birth certificate, passport records or school records in the foreign exchange student dorm.

"Nobody"? Ever? Or just nobody you want to listen to?

I find it convenient that everyone who DOES say they've seen it, inspected it, verified it - automatically becomes part of the vast conspiracy, in your mind.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:44 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
If the Republicans were going to boo and hiss and catcall, why the fuck even show up to the stupid thing in the first place? I found it extemely embarrassing not only for Republicans, but for all Americans. Bush never got booed and hissed and demeaned at a joint Congressional speech. The Republican Party, devoid of any intelligent leadership or future vision, has truly sunk to new lows over this entire Healthcare issue.

It's getting even worse. At a New Jersey "town hall", angry protesters arguing against healthcare at a meeting held by a Congressman who just happens to be a Democrat, a wheelchair-bound woman suffering from incurable autoimmune diseases was loudly booed and shouted down for asking if she's going to be forced to lose her home in order to pay for her prescription medications.

More here:

I wonder how many of the hecklers consider themselves "christians". Maybe Jesus will forgive them.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:16 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
All the judge has to do is order Obama to take his shoes off and check his footprint... and produce his original birth certificate for the first time.

Sure looks like his footprint to me...its foot shaped...and black. Gotta be him.

Although its missing his extra toe...


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


If the Republicans were going to boo and hiss and catcall, why the fuck even show up to the stupid thing in the first place? I found it extemely embarrassing not only for Republicans, but for all Americans. Bush never got booed and hissed and demeaned at a joint Congressional speech. The Republican Party, devoid of any intelligent leadership or future vision, has truly sunk to new lows over this entire Healthcare issue.
In a word: huzzah.

I find it convenient that everyone who DOES say they've seen it, inspected it, verified it - automatically becomes part of the vast conspiracy, in your mind.
In THEIR minds. I don't know why rational people even keep this going, it only feeds their sick little perfidiousness. Debate is impossible; why give them the attention?

Yeah, I saw the woman in the wheelchair. Made me cringe. I don't think being "Christian" even comes into it; these people are ruled by blind fury and encouraged by the current "freedom of speech". There is a complete disconnect with the fact that Dumbya would have had hecklers jailed and "disappeared" if they made too much fuss...they just don't get it. They've been whipped up into such a frenzy, and aided by peer pressure, that they're completely ignorant of the bounds of human decency.

Also saw the woman with two kids and a job that wouldn't pay for health insurance who was told to "grow up" and buy some, AND the woman dealing with her husband's severe illness who'd been cut off from insurance that provided help who was told to "look to our neighbors" for help.

It's insane, purely and simply, and it continues.

Hero, thanks for the giggle. This latest one is so obvious as to be amusing, if the continuation of the idiocy wasn't so reprehensible. It's all based on fear of the "other" and fear of change; they'll never admit the truth, no matter WHAT, if they can cling to the belief that he's not "really" President.

How about the wing-nut Congresswoman (Senator?--gawd I hope not, we KNOW Congress is wing-nut filled, but hopefully not the much!) who said publicly she isn't a birther, then whispered to another birther that she agrees with her? Sickos, all of them; except those pushing the stupidity for their own agenda. THEY'RE not stupid, just canny and effeciently manipulative.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts

I hope nobody minds my using color for my posts...I'm not just enjoying it, I'm finding it very useful in locating where I left off in long posts!


Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:29 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Although, as far as I can see, you CAN'T match Obama's (or anyone else's) footprint to the one on that "birther certificate" because it's a low-quality photocopy! Go back and READ the piece on WorldNet Daily, where even "internet dentist" Orly Taitz affirms in court documents that her document is a photocopy. You can't make out a damned thing on that footprint, because it's just a big smudge.

And that document? For all its rarity and value, its "owner" (read, "forger") had it listed for sale on eBay before he decided to come forward and let Taitz represent him.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:32 AM


You know the whole "birther" movement is based on the Constitution right?

You can't be President unless you were born in this country.

It's a rule that the founders were very correct on.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You know the whole "birther" movement is based on the Constitution right? You can't be President unless you were born in this country. It's a rule that the founders were very correct on.
The whole "birther" movement is based on the fact that people refuse to accept that:
1) Obama has a birth certificate from the State of Hawaii which has attested to its authenticity, and
2) TWO Hawaiian newspapers carried the birth announcements, based on information submitted to them by the hospital of Obama's birth, not by the parents (Paid for birth announcements were in another section of he newspaper.)

The ONLY thing keeping the birther issue alive is that about 20% of the USA is 99% crazy. They belong with the flat-earthers and those who believe the earth was made 6000 years ago. It's all about being an idiot who can't accept distasteful FACTS.

You know the whole "birther" movement is based on the Constitution right?
Yep, the part of the Constitution which says that even stark-raving lunatics have freedom of speech.
Now, IMHO (and the Constituion's) they're free to be complete morons, but... why should I listen to them, again?


Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:32 AM


Because, if they are right, then Obama should not be allowed to be President. Because if they are right, then our country does not have a President.

Im not saying that they are... but IF they are, then we are in a world of trouble.

So, its on Obama to damn well prove he is a citizen. He's basically ignored it, which is fine if he is sure that he is. But if he isn't... hoo-boy.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Because, if they are right
But they're not. There is specific and incontrovertible evidence that Obama WAS born in Hawaii.

Now, I suppose you CAN create all kinds of convoluted conspiracy theories to explain away Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate- which BTW would require the insertion of a forgery (When??? How???) into Hawaiian vital records and an active and continuing collusion by Hawaiian state officials, but...

How do you explain away the birth annoucements, which were made at the time as a result of automatic transmission of information from vital records to two newspapers? Did someone "know" 48 years ahead of time that Obama was going to be President???

You can introduce "doubt" about ANTHING, if you work at it hard enough! You can introduce evidence that the earth is flat, or that George Bush cutting taxes did not create a deficit, or that this whole world is just one giant dream! But somewhere along the line you're GOING to have to make a judgement call on whether the evidence pointing in one direction or another is "good enough", and that falls on YOU to be an intelligent obserever, not for someone else to club you over the head with the truth, while you resist and cavil all the way

Of all the things to doubt in this world, I find it strange that you pick THIS particular thing to get stuck on, and that says more about you than it does about the evidence.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:59 AM


O"f all the things to doubt in this world, I find it strange that you pick THIS particular thing to get stuck on, and that says more about you than it does about the evidence."

Oh, fuck off. I never said that I believed it, just that IF it WERE true, then this is IMPORTANT.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:05 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kwicko:
More here:

Saddest video ever. It's one thing to be misinformed but just flat out stupid is hard to fight.
I have another reason to hate Palin.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Oh, fuck off. I never said that I believed it, just that IF it WERE true, then this is IMPORTANT.
Yes, IF it were true THEN it would be important. But it's not true, so it's not important. So why do you keep circling back to this make-believe issue? Why not just drop it for the piece of go se that it is, and move on to something meaningful?

YOU are responsible for what you think, Wulf. YOU are responsible for the doubts that continue to occupy your mind, and for the topics you focus on. I'm just trying to give you a head's up that that further entertainment of this line of thinking is not being pressed on you by "the evidence" or by "them" but by your own need to ... do whatever it is you think you're doing. Don't be a flat-earther, isall.

Don't expect any more responses from me on the topic.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:12 AM



Hey, if it has been proved so be it...


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Wulf, you can't be Prez if you're not born in the US. Thank gawd, 'cuz it precludes our Govenator from running!!

Because, if they are right

Here I was starting to respect you, but this gou se (as mentioned) takes away all credibility on the issue on your part. It's stupid; it was started by conspiracy theorists (who may have been encouraged by the right, tho' I don't think of them as THAT smart); it's been bought by fearful people who can't accept him; it's being carried on by people who can't let go of their wish to believe him not Prez. Are you one of those? If so, which group do you belong to?

As mentioned, it would be important if there was some basis to it; THERE IS NONE, so as said, it's not important. Only weird. And sad.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts

I hope nobody minds my using color for my posts...I'm not just enjoying it, I'm finding it very useful in locating where I left off in long posts!


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:29 AM


Christ Almighty!!!!!!

Its important to remember that you can only be President of this country if you were born here!!!!!!!!!

What is so wrong with that? Hell, I don't know if what the people say is true or not.

If Obama is an actual citizen, so be it!!!!! Then he has every right to be Prez. My point was...

IF HE ISN"T THEN HE CAN"T BE. Anymore than Arnold Schwarzenegger can be.

Jeeze. God, its like beating people over the heads to remind them about the Constitution.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:35 AM


hmmmm.. now let's see - if texas had seceded before W became president - why then he wasn't president either....

i am so starting that rumor (that texas has seceded and renamed themselves Big Fat Dumb Ass Country of Big Fat Dumb Asses)

self preservation edit: ok, before all my beloved Browncoat brothers and sisters from the Lone Star take me off their Christmas card list..... i'll admit that I am also a big fat dumb ass - but just because i live in texas...


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:55 AM


Hey, no one has proven yet that Michelle Obama isn't a demon from the lower depths of heel!!!

I mean... I'm not saying she's IS one or not. I'm just saying that maybe it should be looked into.....

Why don't you people see how important this is?!?!?!?!

Birthers are retards, plain and simple.

Or being led around by retards, which is worse.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:54 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You're stuck between gears, Wulf, your engine is revving but you're getting nowhere. From "Word to the wise, my Republican friends. If, about Ann Coulter questioning the sexual orientation of Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, you respond by saying, "Speaking the truth to power always gets leftists upset", your best bet would most likely not be to use "Clear Thinking" as your handle in a progressive blog's comment section. Just a tip, you morons."

Omigawd, are Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton GAY??? Ann Coulter says they are...

(let's start that rumor. It has PRECISELY the same amount of creduilty, should get precisely the same amount of coverage, debate, interest, etc.)

Don't YOU get it? He's American. It's BEEN proven, birthers just wouldn't accept ANY proof. God could come down from Heaven and testify to the truth of it; they'd say he was a fraud, or find some other reason to go on "believing".

It would be important if he weren't American, but he IS, so it's NOT IMPORTANT. Any more than rumors about the sexual orientation of the above; any more than conspiracy theories about 9/11, JFK's assassination, or any other of the cock-and-bull theories ascribed to by people who are one sandwich short of a picnic!

(By the way, I found that first quote by googling "Idiot Republicans". I could find tons more, try it yourself. No doubt the birthers are there...)

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts

I hope nobody minds my using color for my posts...I'm not just enjoying it, I'm finding it very useful in locating where I left off in long posts!


Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:01 PM


Ladies and Gents, cut Wulf some slack. He said "if" so many times it was exceedingly obvious that he didn't necessarily believe the accusations. He was just playing devil's advocate and who here can say they don't do that on occasion? Especially Kwicko!

I'm here for ya, Wulf.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:06 PM


Thanks, Rip.



Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:12 PM



Originally posted by RIPWash:
Ladies and Gents, cut Wulf some slack. He said "if" so many times it was exceedingly obvious that he didn't necessarily believe the accusations. He was just playing devil's advocate and who here can say they don't do that on occasion? Especially Kwicko!

I'm here for ya, Wulf.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"

And what IF Michelle really is a demon?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:17 PM


Just like Chris Rock is tired of "niggers".....

Im fucking tired of white liberals.




I say this, of course, with tongue in check humor...


Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And what IF Michelle really is a demon?
That's what I tried to say, but I took about 200X more words to say it.

Im fucking tired of white liberals
Well, Wulf, I'm tired of batshit-crazy right-wingers and their apologists, so I guess we're even.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:27 PM


"Well, Wulf, I'm tired of batshit-crazy right-wingers and their apologists, so I guess we're even."

Guess what, Sig...

So am I.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Guess what, Sig... So am I.
Then why are you still hanging around this batshit-crazy right-winger topic?


It must be my winning personality!!!!





Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:31 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

And I'm tired of both...and of partisan bickering, so THERE!

Seriously, Wulf, I get that you're playing devil's advocate, tho' it sounded like you were saying it was an important topic to discuss, which it isn't to me. Nonetheless, why not find more interesting, and truly important, topics to discuss? There are soooo many...!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Hey, if it has been proved so be it...

Thing is, Wulf, it HAS been proved, according to the State of Hawaii, the State Department, and every relevant bureaucracy. All have agreed that Obama IS a United States citizen, "natural-born" here in the United States, according to all the information provided when he announced his candidacy.

The complaints aren't that Obama hasn't shown his documents at all; it's that he hasn't shown them TO THESE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM HE HASN'T SHOWN THEM. There's a difference. It's the difference between saying *I'VE* never been to the Moon, and saying that because *I'VE* never been, no one has.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:27 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by deadlockvictim:
hmmmm.. now let's see - if texas had seceded before W became president - why then he wasn't president either....

i am so starting that rumor (that texas has seceded and renamed themselves Big Fat Dumb Ass Country of Big Fat Dumb Asses)

self preservation edit: ok, before all my beloved Browncoat brothers and sisters from the Lone Star take me off their Christmas card list..... i'll admit that I am also a big fat dumb ass - but just because i live in texas...

Actually, DLV, Shrub wasn't born here. Please don't curse us even further by starting THAT particular rumor! He was born in New Haven, Connecticut. So, as "Hero" loves to point out, Dubya is a "Yankee".

I'd love to start a rumor that Sarah Palin isn't eligible because Alaska - according to her husband, the secessionist Todd Palin - wasn't properly brought into the Union, and so isn't really one of the United States.

Sadly, though, that rumor falls flat, too, because Sarah was actually born in Idaho, and the fervent wishes of right-wing batshit militia types notwithstanding, Idaho IS one of these United States.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 3:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by RIPWash:
Ladies and Gents, cut Wulf some slack. He said "if" so many times it was exceedingly obvious that he didn't necessarily believe the accusations. He was just playing devil's advocate and who here can say they don't do that on occasion? Especially Kwicko!

I'm here for ya, Wulf.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"

Nothing wrong with playing devil's advocate, but you're doing it on a subject that isn't worthy of an advocate. It's like trying to defend Ronald Reagan's presidency even though he was an alien from outer space. Sure, you can go ahead and TRY to make a case for why that would STILL make him the best President ever, but your case falls flat because of those pesky "facts" that were always getting in ol' Ronnie's way.

You're arguing a position that has absolutely no basis in reality, and pretending that it does. IF Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S., it would be an issue (you do know that John McCain wasn't born IN the United States, right?). IF George W. Bush was really born in Canada, did we then NOT invade Iraq, since he was never President?

Hey, let's play devil's advocate on something else: How would your feelings about the Iraq War change if you knew that Saddam Hussein detonated a nuclear warhead above New York City on September 12, 2001? I'm not saying it happened, only what IF it did? Wouldn't that be important?


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:58 PM


Nice catch on the date, but Mombassa wasn't designated as Kenya at the time either. It was in Tanzania. That, and the fact that no one has ever shown that Obama's mother was ever in Kenya, only that his father was in Hawaii. Hawaii had been a state for two years. All of this is irrelevant. The current accepted definition is that "natural born" means born to american parents.

Technically "american soil" was redefined one year after mccain was born to include US occupied territories, making Obama and Schwarzenegger born on US soil but not McCain. Not that it's a relevant legal point.


Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Nice catch on the date, but Mombassa wasn't designated as Kenya at the time either. It was in Tanzania. That, and the fact that no one has ever shown that Obama's mother was ever in Kenya, only that his father was in Hawaii.

Actually, I thought Mombassa was in Zaire at the time. That part still hasn't changed since the LAST birther certificate a month or so ago, which is why I didn't mention it; I figured those who've been following this joke would have already known that part. And they're keeping the hospital the same, but all the names have changed. Well, except for the parents, presumably. :)

It's really funny, if it weren't so pathetic; it's like we're watching Orly Taitz take an online course in forgery to help bolster her online degrees in law, real estate brokerage, and dentistry. And she's a SLLLLOOOOOWWWWWW learner. We'll see if she gets the date right on the next Birther Certificate. Meanwhile, I'm thinking of marketing my own Do-It-Yourself Birther Certificate Kit™. "Hey, kiddies, you can help President Obama by making him an authentic-looking birth certificate, since his detractors can't accept as genuine his REAL birth certificate!"

One question, though. At what point does a "cry wolf" clause kick in within the court system? Actually, another question, for PirateNews: Why would you give any credence to (a) this "lawyer" (and I use that term loosely), or (b) this judge and this court? According to you, they're all corrupt as hell, and in cahoots with the NWO and "the Jooze". So why are you so willing to suspend your disbelief NOW? Seems rather, ermmmm... convenient, doesn't it? Seems almost like something a government shill or an "operative" would do...


Hawaii had been a state for two years. All of this is irrelevant. The current accepted definition is that "natural born" means born to american parents.

I thought the accepted definition of a natural-born American citizen as defined in the Constitution was someone born on American soil, and that the definition of what American soil is had been modified.

For example: a child born to American parents on foreign soil is an American citizen by birth, but might NOT be eligible to serve as President, by dint of not being born on AMERICAN soil. But if that child were born on an American military installation overseas, he or she WOULD be eligible, because they were technically born on American soil.

Now, there's really not much about the parents being American citizens, because at some point (1789, for instance), there WERE no such things. Before there was an America, there could be no American citizens. As such, the child of illegal immigrants who is born here in the U.S. is technically eligible to serve as the President of the United States of America (POTUS), while a child born to American parents in a French hospital in Quebec might NOT be eligible


Technically "american soil" was redefined one year after mccain was born to include US occupied territories, making Obama and Schwarzenegger born on US soil but not McCain. Not that it's a relevant legal point.

I don't think Schwarzeneggar was born on U.S. soil. He's Austrian, I believe, but moved here and IS an American citizen. But because he wasn't born "in America" or on American soil, he's not eligible. Oddly, it was the Republicans who first floated the idea that we should change the Constitution so that "Ahnolt" could run for President. That was when they still liked him. And it would have made the entire Obama thing moot. So while they didn't care THEN, when it was their guy, now they DO care, despite there being nothing of concern to care about on this issue.

John McCain was indeed born in Panama, in the Canal Zone, in 1936. In 1937 a law was passed that designated the Canal Zone "American soil" for purposes of citizenship. D'oh - missed it by ONE YEAR. Hey, birthers - ya think maybe they passed that law hoping McCain would one day be able to slip in under the radar as a "real" American?


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Friday, September 11, 2009 7:44 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hey, hey, hey, now yer gettin' NASTY:

Dubya is a "Yankee".
I resent that! He's Texas mentality (the bad kind, not yours--I know there are a few of you semi-rational people hiding down there , even know a few. He was governor, he's a good old boy, and he's a dumb-fuck...sounds Texan to ME! What is it they say? "Too small for a country, too big for an insane asylum"? I know, spoken from a Crazy Californian, it's ironic. Did you know we have a sign on the border saying "Now leaving California. Resume normal behavior"?


It's like trying to defend Ronald Reagan's presidency even though he was an alien from outer space.
Hee, hee, hee, I love it. As one who knew what was going on whith him while he was still our governor ad couldn't believe he was taken seriously--and even WON--I agree. I've never understood why he became the right's "little tin god"...especially toward the end, when Robin Williams nailed it in a standup routine: "Holding Reagan responsible for how the country is run is like holding Ronald McDonald responsible for your hamburger!" That got a BIG laugh from Californians!

Oh, DT:

Schwarzenegger born on US soil
please do NOT give the man ideas!!!! Gawd forbid!!!


my own Do-It-Yourself Birther Certificate Kit™.
Sorry, already been done. Someone else got the same idea from the same stupidity. And I have no fear, Orly will get it closer to right the more the fallacies are pointed out to her...can't wait to see her next one!

But because he wasn't born "in America" or on American soil, he's not eligible
O thank guys have no idea how horrendous THAT would be! So is he naturalized, then? Embarrassing, if so... We do get 'em, don't we? Although Cint Eastwood did a wonderful job with Carmel, gotta give him that one... But Sonny Bono, "Sulu"...we does love our famous names.

Did I ever tell you I got kissed by "Bones"? Neat guy, RIP.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Friday, September 11, 2009 8:55 AM


Oh, sad, distracted people. I weep for the future. They've totally snowed you with so much talk of WHERE, that you never even realized the fraudulent WHEN!

August 7th, 1974, people, that's his real birth date, which means that as of Nov. 4th, 2008 he was ONLY THIRTY-FOUR YEARS OLD!

Fraud! Usurper!

Of course at first, I didn't want to believe it, but the evidence is clear! (I'd show you the real birth certificate, but it's currently at The Creation Museum for verification before widespread release.)

You mock, I hear you; you doubt me. You look him in the face and say there's no way that cat's thirty-four. But he is, friends, and the premature aging you see upon his ravaged visage is simply the prolonged effects of crack cocaine, though that's a revelation for another slow news day...

So don't be distracted by the losers who peddle their "where's", when "when" is the real winner.


TAGS: If if IF might Might may be maybe



Yeah, we're mostly just giving each other significant glances and laughing incessantly.


Friday, September 11, 2009 11:12 AM



Actually, I thought Mombassa was in Zaire at the time
a statement like this needs a sarcasm emoticon.
Arnie was born in US-occupied Austria, he's as American as John McCain if place of birth is the important part.
I still see no one suggesting that Obama's mom every went to Kenya, just that Obama was somehow born there.
It's all moot until the supreme court rules a clarification, which they're not going to do because no one really wants the law anyway.

The birther movement *was* started to block John McCain, and not Obama, who they didn't even consider a possibility. They wanted some other republican, I don't recall who, to run against an assumed Hillary. When things didn't work out for them, they switched to attacking Obama.


Friday, September 11, 2009 3:50 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Actually, I thought Mombassa was in Zaire at the time...

Actually, Dream, it doesn't need a sarcasm emoticon - it needs a head-up-my-ass emoticon. Mombassa was part of ZANZIBAR (wow, that's a tough one to type!) until 1963, NOT Zaire.

Apologies all around.


"It was already blue when we got here!"






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