Lame: Obama given Nobel "Peace" Prize

UPDATED: Monday, September 5, 2022 05:05
VIEWED: 19633
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Monday, October 12, 2009 9:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Too many Operatives, too little time.

Git it?


Chavez says Obama did "nothing" to deserve Nobel

"What has Obama done to deserve this prize? The jury put store on his hope for a nuclear arms-free world, forgetting his role in perpetuating his battalions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his decision to install new military bases in Colombia," Chavez wrote in a column.

"For the first time, we are witnessing an award with the nominee having done nothing to deserve it: rewarding someone for a wish that is very far from becoming reality."

Chavez said giving Obama the Nobel award was like giving a baseball pitcher a prize simply for saying he was going to win 50 games and strike out 500 batters.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Folks, PN is off his meds. You're reading the posts of a classic paranoid schizophrenic. His family lets him play with his "TV station" 'cause it keeps him busy. I predict that his posts will calm down for Thanksgiving/ Xmas and New Years, when SOMEONE will make him take his meds for the family get-togethers.

PN deserves your pity, not your anger.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 8:11 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

PN deserves your pity, not your anger.

I'm capable of both, plus a healthy dose of mocking scorn. Multi-tasking is fun.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:24 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:

Gawd, PN, you are the...

Time for your flu shot.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:37 PM


If we get shots, will you go away?

Would totally be worth it.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 8:21 PM



Originally posted by RIPWash:
I gotta say . . . I heard this right before getting out of the car to go into work. I was joking that the "shocking" winner would be Obama, but when I actually heard it? It made me ill. I mean, c'mon. The guy has done NOTHING to warrant this at this point in time. He made one globe-hopping trip to say "sorry" for America and they're calling THAT an "extraordinary effort"? Really? Or did they think it extraordinary that he flew to Copenhagen to promote Chicago for the site of the 2016 Olympics? Really?

Again . . . in the words of our beloved captain . . ., "Huh."


Keep in mind the Nobel committee made it's selection in February, 2 weeks after Obama's Inauguration. So most important is what he did in 2 weeks to be awarded the Nobel?
OOps, the requirement for the Nobel panel to award for is contributions of THE PREVIOUS YEAR!!! Obama was awarded for his contributions as a Senator for Illinois, and perhaps for defeating Hillary Clinton in the primaries.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 1:54 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

Originally posted by RIPWash:
I gotta say . . . I heard this right before getting out of the car to go into work. I was joking that the "shocking" winner would be Obama, but when I actually heard it? It made me ill. I mean, c'mon. The guy has done NOTHING to warrant this at this point in time. He made one globe-hopping trip to say "sorry" for America and they're calling THAT an "extraordinary effort"? Really? Or did they think it extraordinary that he flew to Copenhagen to promote Chicago for the site of the 2016 Olympics? Really?

Again . . . in the words of our beloved captain . . ., "Huh."


Keep in mind the Nobel committee made it's selection in February, 2 weeks after Obama's Inauguration. So most important is what he did in 2 weeks to be awarded the Nobel?
OOps, the requirement for the Nobel panel to award for is contributions of THE PREVIOUS YEAR!!! Obama was awarded for his contributions as a Senator for Illinois, and perhaps for defeating Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

Actually, to hear the people on the Nobel committee tell it, he wasn't awarded the prize for what he did after his inauguration, but rather for changing the entire tone of U.S. policy regarding the rest of the world. For some reason, they seem to think that matters or something...

By the way, history is replete with Nobel winners who didn't fully accomplish their stated goals by the time they were given the prize. Desmond Tutu comes to mind, even though apartheid didn't officially end until well after he won the Nobel for his fight against the government's policy of segregation and inequality.

Also, I seem to remember something about a Jewish journalist who won it in '35 or '36, for his efforts to alert the world about the dangers inherent in the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany. That guy didn't actually accomplish anything at all, though. Guess they should track down his family and take the prize back, if there are still any of his family alive, that is...


The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means;
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:36 AM


Also, Presidents of the United States are routinely nominated for the Prize. Bush was nomintated at least 3 times--I've lost the link but I think it was in 2002, 2004, and 2008.

And no, the award is for what Obama's done this year, not what he did in 12 days. But, whatever.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:05 AM



Also, Presidents of the United States are routinely nominated for the Prize. Bush was nomintated at least 3 times--I've lost the link but I think it was in 2002, 2004, and 2008.

Hokay, if Obama's win didn't do the job, that confirms it. This prize IS a sham.

I guess it should be expected... It is awarded arbitrarily, by an arbitrary panel. How exactly does someone go about deciding whose efforts for world peace are more worthwhile?

But that said, I also think these awards CAN still be acknowledgment, prestige, and attention for good causes, so I hope the RAWA ladies win next year.


Friday, November 20, 2015 11:25 PM


woowoo tinfoil head Rense and Celente called it?


Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:00 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
This guy has DONE NOTHING!

here we go girls


Young people reject Obama, while the youth of Europe move to the right and reject old LeftistLiberals

Seems like people want to have borders again

then you had the events of Paris

here are some reactions to recent events

Dear ISIS,

You aren't brave. You aren't noble. Your war is shit. Your tactics are cowardly. Your god is a c*nt. Your prophet is a c*nt. Every single one of you are c*nts. If you insist on blowing yourselves up, do it at home. Blow only yourself and your f*cking families up. It won't be much of a loss-- your wife probably hates her life and your little shits will probably grow up to be just like you. You will all be forgotten. No one will know your names-- and if they do, you will be remembered as the c*nts you are. You will not succeed in turning the entire planet into a 7th century shithole where the women have no rights and the men have nothing to live for. I hope our country denies your refugees. I hope we bomb you back to the mother****ing Stone Age. I hope there is a hell, just for you.

Free flow of people between EU countries, and the Euro, both look like mistakes to me.

What do you think?

Borders closed now?

Too late... since ISIS have entered already in form of Refugees already.

ISIS gave warning long time back about using Refugees to enter inside EU.
You are in a war against the US, France, Russia, The UK and maybe soon China. How the fuck do you think that you will win?

In other news Salon has used these terrorism attacks to go after Conservatives.

Here's a nice quiz for you guys: what do extreme left wing Salon writers and MoSteel have in common? If you're stuck, Google "horseshoe theory.
from now on, I'm no longer follow islam, enough is enough

My thoughts with french and my condolence to victims family

M. sadiq

Each country needs to ask themselves two questions: are we at war or are we not, and with who?

If we're at war with ISIS, then it's war.

It looks like there are some house searchings going on in Molenbeek (Brussels-Belgium) and there might be a link with the attacks in France.

And just like last year (Charlie Hebdo and Thalys IIRC) this same area in Brussels is involved in the jihadist attacks. (If I am honest, I had my suspicions).
The death toll is higher than this now as they keep finding bodies unfortunately. I wish the people of Paris well and hope they come back stronger from this.

As expected, these terrorists lived in Flanders, but no one knows where they are now.
There are about 800 Belgian muslim extremists and 700 of them are currently either death or still fighting in Syria or Iraq. (It is hard to find out if they are still alive)

The Flemish government is obviously doing everything wrong. Many of our taxes go to ''poor'' muslim extremists

Spare a thought or prayer for our French brothers and sisters.

The Left are losing ground fast, the perfect social model of Sweden is falling while Conservatism, Nationalism, Alt-media and the Right are back, LeftLiberalism is rudderless now

from the left we get moore speeches about opening borders and a religion of the left done!?
Is the only hope for the left sane people like Sam Harris and Tulsi Gabbard
Lefist mags and Sites like the Guardian and Salon blamed poverty, white people, not doing enough for blacklivesmatter, the blamed conservatives.....they blamed everyone BUT THE JIHADI TERRORISTS, The American Left is now beyond parody...I thought I was reading Weekly World News from the MIB movie, Betoota Advocate, Satire Comedy News Radio orthe Onion or but it was real!!....Leftists are blaming Conservatives for the Attack and not blaming the radical Muslim is wrong with them?

Obama and Erdogan: The Secret Muslim Brotherhood Alliance

Read more:

By Scott Adams

Barack Obama’s close friend and fellow Muslim Brotherhood supporter, Turkish President and NATO member Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to shoot down a Russian fighter jet that killed the Russian pilots marks the first time a NATO ally has shot down a Russian plane since the 1950s. It also represents the beginning of the end for President Barack Obama’s secret Muslim Brotherhood Middle East strategy and potentially sets in motion a new Cold War with Russia.

Adding to Obama’s problems is that his own former head of Central Command General Mike Flynn has begun to blow the whistle on the Obama Administration’s attempt to water down intelligence that played down the ISIS threat from Central Command.

The Press Conference with Socialist French President François Hollande and President Obama had merely doubled down on more of the same by bloviating more anti-Russian rhetoric to protect their NATO alliance allegiances, harped on climate change, failed to give time table estimates for the removal of al-Assad, set the stage for al-Assad war crimes in Vienna, and side-stepped any questions about Obama’s friend Turkish President Erdogan’s decision to blow a Russian fighter jet out of the sky.

Russian retaliation is now inevitable. How will NATO respond? Will they protect Turkey by invoking Article V? How bad can our foreign policy possibly be? I’ll tell you.

Muslim Brotherhood

It all started in Cairo, Egypt with the Arab Spring when President Obama gave his first major global speech in what is considered to be ground zero for the Muslim Brotherhood. The stage set, and ground work paved, Obama appointed more members of the Muslim Brotherhood to his Administration Cabinet than any other President before him with the goal to push the Muslim Brotherhood agenda throughout the Middle East. His biggest supporter and ally for this mission would be none other than Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.

Together Obama and Erdogan supported the removal of American forces and presence from Iraq, promoted the Arab Spring and the rise of Sunni’s Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Morsi to lead Egypt, and promoted the removal of Syrian Alawite Shia leader Bashar al-Assad by having the Muslim Brotherhood spearhead civil unrest and promote the anti al-Assad Syrian Sunni rebels.

Erdogan and Obama’s team of Muslim Brotherhood Cabinet members’ main goal was to remove al-Assad from power, and redefine the Syrian / Iraqi borders differently than the way they were designed post WWI and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).

It’s worth mentioning that both Erdogan and Obama refuse to acknowledge the Armenian genocide in Syria.

Removing American troops served multiple purposes including allowing Obama to redistribute American military assets like M16 rifles, heavy artillery and Humvees to the anti al-Assad Syrian Rebels. Removing American troops also distanced Obama from the Pentagon and Congress.


Of course, Obama and Erdogan needed a leader for their anti al-Assad Syrian force. Enter ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

In 2009, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was released from Camp Bucca, a U.S. military detention center in Southern Iraq. In 2010, al-Baghadadi became the leader of ISIS and setup headquarters in Raqqa, Syria.


Also, in 2010 Obama would support a mission to destabilize Libya and remove Muammar Gaddafi from power. In 2011, Gaddafi was murdered by the National Transitional Council forces. The Muslim Brotherhood’s political party in Libya made a bid to end the country’s ongoing standoff that entailed a constitutional amendment by which a transitional council would be set up to run the country’s affairs for a period of between three and five years, according to a statement by the Brotherhood’s Justice and Building Party.


In late 2010 and early 2011, Benghazi was the Libyan city where Hillary Clinton established a clandestine operation spearheaded by the State Department to manage third party foreign groups, the CIA and CIA contractors to facilitate the distribution of Libya’s arsenal to anti al-Assad Syrian Rebel Forces in Syria.

Benghazi September 11, 2012

On September 11, 2012, the attack on the Benghazi gun running operation marked the beginning of the biggest political scandal that stained the Obama Administration after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied about the attack being sparked by a senseless video, deleted countless emails and offered up false narratives that were perpetrated by the entire Obama Administration.

The attack marked the beginning of a series of missteps, lies and deception from Obama when he continued the video narrative about Benghazi, declared Yemen a success one month before its collapse, labeled ISIS a JayVee team, told the world in a press conference on August 28, 2014 that he didn’t yet have a plan to defeat ISIS, only to reiterate the same lack of strategy at the G7 Summit 10 months later in Austria by blaming the Pentagon for not producing an acceptable plan to degrade and defeat ISIS. Recently, he declared ISIS to be “contained”, less than 24 hours before the Paris attacks.


On July 3, 2013, after the Muslim Brotherhood broke every promise about bringing Egypt together, the Egyptian military staged a coup to depose Mohamed Morsi that also brought Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to power as el-Sisi became the new anti-Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt. There is no greater enemy to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt than Abdel Fattah el-Sisi which is why Obama and Erdogan despise el-Sisi.

Iran Deal

After Obama sealed the misguided Iran deal that was designed to remove all sanctions against Iran and release $150B back to Tehran, he unwittingly ignited the destruction of his own Middle East Strategy.


After the Russian reset button, and Obama’s feckless “red-line” in Syria, Vladimir Putin knew he could seize opportunities in Crimea and Ukraine with only the typical sanctions as penalty. Russia endured the Ukrainian sanctions, drop in oil prices, and loss of key trade partners in Libya and Syria. Russia responded by partnering with Iran and the $150B Iranian buying power to sell anti-ballistic missile systems and enriched Uranium to their biggest trade partner in the region. This is all thanks to Obama’s Iran Deal and Hillary’s Uranium One Deal.

Syrian Refugees

As a result of Obama’s Middle East strategy and the conflict in Syria, defenseless victims fled their borders for safety. They fled to Erdogan’s Turkey, Obama’s America, and Europe.


The attacks in Paris, along with the downing of a Russian commercial airliner changed everything and sparked a new alliance that put some NATO forces together with Russia to take out ISIS once and for all.

Call it dumb luck or just plain dumb foreign policy, but the Muslim Brotherhood, Erdogan, Obama alliance and Middle East strategy started to crumble when Putin, France and England decided they had enough refugees, and enough ISIS terror attacks in their cities and airways.

Removing ISIS supply lines, oil trucks, and attacking key ISIS assets with strategic air strikes have revealed that Obama never had any intention of taking down ISIS, and also showed that Obama’s focus was squarely on removing al-Assad from Syria. The air strikes were finally effective because they were not bound by Obama’s ridiculous “rules of engagement” that were enforced to insure the safety of anti al-Assad rebel forces.

Putin has no such concerns and has the goods on Obama as Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev publicly blamed Obama for acting “irresponsibly” by focusing on removing al-Assad while at the same time “empowering ISIS.”

Could the Erdogan downing of a Russian fighter jet be retaliation for Putin’s aggression and his plans to rip the lid off Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood strategy to take down al-Assad? Could it be payback for Putin’s decision to destroy Obama’s anti al-Assad ISIS forces? Could it be retaliation for Medvedev who recently blew the whistle on a thin-skinned Narcissistic Obama with a foreign policy which is “irresponsible” and the cause of the Syrian refugee crisis?

The fact is the Middle East is out of control thanks to Obama’s radical ideology and misguided foreign policy.

The lesson for Obama is that he should listen to the Pentagon, Congress and the American people before seeking counsel from the Muslim Brotherhood. He definitely should try to avoid getting involved with blowing Russian fighter jets out of the sky.

To quote Obama’s personal pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright: “The Chickens have come home to Roost”.

Read more:

more thoughts by online people


To sum up the article lays out the idea the ISIS leadership has reached the conclusion that the people of Western Europe have lost the will to die to defend their culture. This is very different then being willing to send others to another country to kill or even kill in defense of ones life. The idea seems to be to force a choice between risking death or physical harm in order to follow Western Cultural Norms in everyday life or living a peaceful life following those of islam. The article goes into more detail on how this will be accomplished.

Will the political left be able to adjust to this new strategy (if it is ISIS's game plan) or will a hard turn to the right. If so who will be the immediate winners/losers in a political sense?
My thoughts are Le Pen and Gert Wilders in Europe for starters. Trump will if we have any attacks here in the US and the GOP in a larger sense.
ISIS in Control of Hillarys Libya
Isis teenage 'poster girl' Samra Kesinovic 'beaten to death' as she tried to flee the group
States refusing to accept Syrian refugees
Is Muslim immigration a a threat to European security?

ONE MILLION refugees/migrants so far in 2015 in Germany

Here's a brand new video by AngryForeigner about the Islamisation of Sweden. Very interesting, sad and angrying. I agree with him on a lot but I don't see any real muslims as moderate. If you follow the Quran you believe that: Gays should be killed. Adulterers should be killed. If you leave islam you should be killed. If you mock islam you should be killed. etc etc etc. Nothing moderate about that.

Rense, the mother of all woowoo tinfoil heads


Monday, September 5, 2022 5:05 AM







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