Racism ??? Naww ... whatever gave you THAT idea ?

UPDATED: Saturday, October 24, 2009 14:40
VIEWED: 3057
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:12 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

... threats against President Obama are up 400 percent from the number of threats levied against former President George W. Bush, while the size of the agency's (Secret Service) staff has only increased by 5.3 percent.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that the U.S. has seen a 35 percent rise in hate groups in recent years, and few doubt that the discontent stirred up over the election of an African-American president is fueling the rise in threats. But, could the influx of modern technology also be to blame?

I'm gonna' take a stab at this: probably not. It's not like all of the sudden, in the day between GWBush and Obama, the internet suddenly got 400% more important as a factor.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:21 AM


Whinge, pule, moan....

Zombie: "Gahhhh, racism is everywhere......"


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:24 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

@Anthony - and how much is fed by hate speech? How many of these people only find the courage to voice their anger when someone tells them it's ok to hate?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:26 AM


Zombie: "Gahhh... hatespeech, hate crimes.... braaaaaiinnnnsss....need BRAIIINNSSS!"


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:27 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by rue:

... threats against President Obama are up 400 percent from the number of threats levied against former President George W. Bush, while the size of the agency's (Secret Service) staff has only increased by 5.3 percent.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that the U.S. has seen a 35 percent rise in hate groups in recent years, and few doubt that the discontent stirred up over the election of an African-American president is fueling the rise in threats. But, could the influx of modern technology also be to blame?

I'm gonna' take a stab at this: probably not. It's not like all of the sudden, in the day between GWBush and Obama, the internet suddenly got 400% more important as a factor.

5.3 percent INCREASE in security?? F*cking Obama! More taxes for sure!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:32 AM


Somnambulistic public: "Gahhhh.... racism is everywhere....2300% increase in racism... brains... need more funds to protect head zombie.... slurp slurp slurp....."

Hehehe. Its October folks, I could do this all month.



Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:46 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Hehehe. Its October folks, I could do this all month."

And each time you would look even more stupid. So go ahead ... keep at it. In fact, why limit yourself to the rest of one month ? Why not finish out the next decade digging yourself ever deeper ? Make us happy.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:49 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Whinge, pule, moan....

Zombie: "Gahhhh, racism is everywhere......"

Yes Wulfie, we know you are a racist douchebag. No need for the reminders.

What a loathesome POS you are.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:50 AM



Rue, you and I go at it every other day.

You won't back down, and neither will I.

Lol You better be careful, someone might think you have some sort of sexual thing going for me.


.......brains......racism is everywhere......slurp slurp slurp......


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:52 AM


Awww Story... *sniff... youve hurt my whittle feelings....

Feel better?


I've finally come to a realization.

You can only reach so many.

The rest have dug in so deep they won't ever change, or ever be open to new ideas.

And thats ok.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:58 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Racism ? That's on old idea.

IF --- and that's a mighty big two letter word - you EVER come up with something new we'd all be shocked.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:01 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So, does anyone have any REAL alternate ideas as to why threats to the POTUS would go up 400% going from white to black ?


That's OK, Wulf, you can keep on blabbing even if you can't contribute. It just adds to the amusement.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:02 AM


lol whatever


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:04 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh c'mon Wulfie ... don't bail NOW !


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:07 AM


What, Rue? trying to explain to you that the cry of "racism" is the last vestige of the stupid, lame,lazy, and desperate would be lost on you.

Go pander your message to the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, the Klan, and the rest. Im sure they would agree that racism is everywhere.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:12 AM


"So, does anyone have any REAL alternate ideas as to why threats to the POTUS would go up 400% going from white to black ?"

Well, since you asked so nicely.

Its not cause hes black, Im sure it would have happened if Kerry got elected.

The fact is, people are sick of this bullshit.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:23 AM



And of course your credibility on that particular issue is stellar. Unquestionable even.

You are unbelievably deluded.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:28 AM


"Please just try to follow through on one of your fantasies, so you can get shot already."

Wow, Story.


Actually, I appreciate this remark.

If mine enemies are wishing for my death, then I know Im headed in the right direction.

Besides Story, from your quote, saying something like..."You can be meet me at such-and-such a place to settle this" would be foolish right?

So whatever, Story.

Edited: I see you removed your comment Story. Thats why I always try and cut-and-paste the quotes of you un-honorable assclowns.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:28 AM


While somewhat dubious of the SPLC, given they do have biases - although not sufficient to consider them useless as an information source, sure, I can see some of that - but honestly I think 99% of it is just mouthin off, and a 5.3% increase is entirely sufficient.

We don't have a sane society, but even for most folks that hate him, the IDEA of capping the POTUS fills em with horror, it's just so Un-American, yanno.

But yeah, there's always a couple nuts in the bridge mix, is what the Secret Service is for, and they're pretty decent at it.

So I really do think this is much ado about nothing being pumped up by the SPLC, who have a little habit of crying wolf on their opposite political numbers (the MIAC report?) and suchlike.

Funny note to this, I know a guy from Georgia who is one of the most unapologetic, racist, misgynist, intolerant shitheads I've ever known in my life - one of the nasty folk I put up with only cause he's someones relative...

And one of the funniest moments of my life was the telephone conversation where he was RANTING AND RAVING about having to support a you-know-what for the Democratic Nomination (he's a radical dixiecrat of the Zell Miller stripe) because he hated Hillary so very bad...

And his head hanging shame when he admitted to me he voted for that (insert several racial epithets here) cause he couldn't stomach McCain and though "that chick" was straight up wacko.

Yes, I know a Klansman who voted for Obama - ain't that some shit ?

The real height of hilarity is the way he grinds his teeth (and I can HEAR this, over the phone!) when he has to admit to Obama doing something right, it's soooo hard not to laugh.

But anyhows, unless Obama screws it up worse than Shrub, which is damn near impossible, eventually all this ranting and raving will fade away just like those W bumper stickers did - in the quiet dead of night, accompanied by much denial.

And yanno - good riddance to it.

I might not care much for Obama, but his presidency will go pretty far towards driving THAT well deserved stake into one of our national stupidities/insanities.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:39 AM



Its not cause hes black, Im sure it would have happened if Kerry got elected.


Not for you, Wulf - or even not mostly for you, but yeah, for a lotta folk stuck in the damn dark ages, it *IS* cause he's black, which is stupid on the face of it, since there's better things to bitch about, sure.

But there's some pretty stupid people in this country, that's a fact, and haven't we elected a few in our time ?

Thing is, you can't take em seriously - cause if you do, then they start takin THEMSELVES seriously, and that leads to all manner of trouble.

Shouldn't feed the frenzy in either direction by contributing to it, just offer a patronizing look and go on your merry.

And no, wouldn't have happened with Kerry cause to be honest, no one CARED enough about him to hate him - hell, even the people supporting him didn't like him too much - he was the political equivalent of duct tape, something you use to patch a problem till you can get a real fix to it.

At least with Obama, people CARE - most of em badly and in all the wrong directions (as you yourself admitted) but at least it's a START to getting them involved.

IF we can keep em from rippin each others throats out while learning to do it - and not feedin it is a good start to that.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wulf, you said two very true things...

"Needs brains"

(Yes, you do.)


"The fact is, people are sick of this bullshit."

(Indeed, we are sick of your bullshit.)

Just goes to prove the old broken clock theory. Now you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your next shot at being correct!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:32 PM



Nice. Way to wait until you thought I was gone to make a remark.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:45 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"Please just try to follow through on one of your fantasies, so you can get shot already."

Wow, Story.


Actually, I appreciate this remark.

If mine enemies are wishing for my death, then I know Im headed in the right direction.

Besides Story, from your quote, saying something like..."You can be meet me at such-and-such a place to settle this" would be foolish right?

So whatever, Story.

Edited: I see you removed your comment Story. Thats why I always try and cut-and-paste the quotes of you un-honorable assclowns.

I removed it because I felt I had crossed a line. The last thing I want is to be someone like you. To me, refusing to stoop to the level of someone like you is the honorable thing. I endeavor to be better than my opponents, even if that doesn't require much effort when facing off with one such as you.

As for my quote... well, it doesn't surprise me if you are ignorant to a quote from a well-known author. 'Course, he wrote about blacks and mocked racists, so it stands to reason you'd avoid his work.

But the fact that you do want to settle this physically does cement my view of you as a cro-magnon. You should go back to communicating with grunts, as you did at the start of the thread - you work better in your native tongue.

And it's not so much that I'm wishing for your death, as it's clear you, between your racist tendencies and advocating violence when you don't get your way, are a detriment to the human race as a whole, and I'm looking at the greater good. But don't make the mistake of thinking you are important enough for me to actually give a shit about what happens to you.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:56 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

Rue, you and I go at it every other day.

You won't back down, and neither will I.

Lol You better be careful, someone might think you have some sort of sexual thing going for me.


.......brains......racism is everywhere......slurp slurp slurp......

Or, ya know, it might be that you have a bit of a sexual thing for Rue. Just sayin', that knife cuts both ways.


Let the wild rumpus start!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:58 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Somnambulistic public: "Gahhhh.... racism is everywhere....2300% increase in racism... brains... need more funds to protect head zombie.... slurp slurp slurp....."

Hehehe. Its October folks, I could do this all month.


How would that be any different from your usual schtick?


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:02 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Just goes to prove the old broken clock theory. Now you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your next shot at being correct!

OH, B U R N.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

If mine enemies are wishing for my death, then I know Im headed in the right direction.

Edited: I see you removed your comment Story. Thats why I always try and cut-and-paste the quotes of you un-honorable assclowns.

First off, I hear ya on the quote thing. Even so, it doesn't stop those you quote from claiming that YOU made up whatever it is you're quoting them on. Ask Out2Lunch about that - he has lots of experience at it.

Second, by your own words then, you'd have to admit that Obama is definitely headed in the right direction, yes? After all, if your enemies are wishing for your death, and death threats against him are up more than 400% over death threats to Bush, then logically he is doing things incredibly well.

On that, we agree.


Let the wild rumpus start!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Just goes to prove the old broken clock theory. Now you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your next shot at being correct!

OH, B U R N.

The laughing Chrisisall

You mean,


Let the wild rumpus start!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Eh, I'm just funning with ya, Wulf. Sorry about that.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2:46 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


To those of you who think that the figures were made up by libruls:
NNPA) - President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service ... according to Ronald Kessler, author of ''In the President's Secret Service.''

And WHO is this Ronald Kessler ?
Ronald Borek Kessler is an American journalist and author. He is chief Washington, D.C. correspondent of the conservative news and commentary blog


These are the apparent facts, and they can't be whisked away. Barak Obama is receiving an unprecedented number of death threats - 30 PER DAY ! - and it points to racsim.

Wulf - got brains ?


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 4:38 PM


I have a few thoughts about this. One thing: I think the racism isn't just the desire to remove a man of unacceptable race from the Presidency by any means necessary, though clearly that is there, but it also has to do with black people being considered second class citizens by white racists--so, the level of respect such people normally hold for the office and the honor of the man holding it, is greatly reduced when he's a black man. They don't care as much about this current President as they would a white one, so they let rip, as it were, with how they really feel--you know, who cares if he hears us, he's just a black man (this is where Limbaugh's at, f'rinstance). Similarly, there may be a knee-jerk urge to scare Obama back "in his place."

Also, it's understood that a child tends to yell at the parent he trusts and only praises the parent he fears. We've just had 8 years of only praising "dad" or being branded a traitor, and now here's "mom," as it were, coming into the room promising kindness and extra helpings if we're good, and some folks have chosen to stand with their arms folded yelling, "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!" These are the folks who will, I think, eventually get over it and move on. But the racist stuff, that's gonna be a generational shift at best.

And just a note on racism: it's not an "ism" like "socialism" or "libertarianism." Those ism's are generally considered to be conscious choices, based on consciously chosen ethics. Racism, on the other hand, implies no such conscious control or even awareness of its influence on our actions. So a man denying vociferously that he is racist, isn't getting any traction because whether or not he's racist is a matter of psychology, not politics (I, o' course, see politics as first psychological and only THEN a matter of choice and persuasion, but I'm weird like that).


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:34 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


And just a note on racism: it's not an "ism" like "socialism" or "libertarianism." Those ism's are generally considered to be conscious choices, based on consciously chosen ethics. Racism, on the other hand, implies no such conscious control or even awareness of its influence on our actions. So a man denying vociferously that he is racist, isn't getting any traction because whether or not he's racist is a matter of psychology, not politics (I, o' course, see politics as first psychological and only THEN a matter of choice and persuasion, but I'm weird like that).

But that's not to say that you can't CHOOSE not to give in to it. I was raised around racists, have racists in my family, but at some point I made a conscious choice to ask - first myself, then others - "Why do you say that? Why do you THINK that? Why would you believe that?"

And once you've gotten into that and started asking and answering those questions, the rest just seems to fall away, so easy as to be natural.


Let the wild rumpus start!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:49 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


And each time you would look even more stupid. So go ahead ... keep at it.
That about sums it up. I go away, and when I come back I see the same bullshit from Wulf, snarky little posts about nothing. You must want an awful lot of attention, Wulf, and not be able to get it in real life.

Frem with all his "educate him, don't snark" doesn't get a lot of traction from me, when I see the stuff you post. Too bad you don't have anything of substance to offer. Pity.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:02 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Somnambulistic public: "Gahhhh.... racism is everywhere....2300% increase in racism... brains... need more funds to protect head zombie.... slurp slurp slurp....."

Hehehe. Its October folks, I could do this all month.


Somehow, the looney lefty libs have completely forgotten how Clinton topped off the record books with assasination attempts and vitriole attacks, must be those racists are against adopted kids or white people, or redneck AGs. Then Bush dispelled the problem, angry Americans dropped precipitously, and now those who hated Clinton are back in force. Yup, looney lefties are jumping to irrational conclusions that all the reasonable and rational people are suddenly racist. Duh.

And hey, if rational and reasonable people (aka conservatives) are supposed to be racist just because some troll is in the White House, why do they keep supporting folk like Clarence Thomas, JC Watts, Condolezza Rice? Are you guys really so dim you cannot see the illogic inherent in your looney claims?
I'm having difficulty thinking of people in terms of their racial basis, but I'm thinking Michelle Malkin would also not get support from racists. And maybe Colin Powell.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:10 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Here's the kind of stuff coming from your "rational and reasonable people", JSF:

By the way, the guy who sent around that last image in an e-mail? Yeah, he's back in the hunt, helping the GOP organize their resistance to health care for Americans.


Florida neurosurgeon David McKalip is back in the thick of the fight to stop health-care reform -- just over two months after pledging to withdraw from the public debate on the issue in the wake of a furor set off when TPMmuckraker published a racist email he sent showing President Obama as a witch doctor.

Over the weekend, McKalip emailed a fellow activist, reporting that he had been at a conservative medical association meeting, with leaders of the anti-reform movement, including GOP congressmen Tom Price and Paul Broun, anti-reform writer and activist Betsy McCaughey, and Tea Party coordinator Amy Kremer. Conservative doctors and their allies have been organizing in recent days in response to the White House's event this morning featuring pro-reform doctors.

Seems "rational and reasonable", right? Remember, JSF, THESE are the people with whom you're aligning yourself. These are YOUR heroes, the ones you look up to as "real" conservatives.


Somehow, the looney lefty libs have completely forgotten how Clinton topped off the record books with assasination attempts and vitriole attacks, must be those racists are against adopted kids or white people, or redneck AGs. Then Bush dispelled the problem...

I'm sorry - can you translate that to English? You seem to be using some language and logic known only to yourself and PirateCat. I usually refer to his posts as Genuine American Frontier Gibberish; looks like you suffer from the same affliction.


Let the wild rumpus start!


Thursday, October 22, 2009 3:13 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Here's the kind of stuff coming from your "rational and reasonable people. Seems "rational and reasonable", right? Remember, JSF, THESE are the people with whom you're aligning yourself. These are YOUR heroes, the ones you look up to as "real" conservatives.

Somehow, the looney lefty libs have completely forgotten how Clinton topped off the record books with assasination attempts and vitriole attacks, must be those racists are against adopted kids or white people, or redneck AGs. Then Bush dispelled the problem...

In this Nixon-bunker mentality White House EVERYONE who disagrees with Obama's disasterous policies is now called a racist. These vile Chicago thugs surrounding Obama called Bill Clinton a racist during the campaign. They called Geraldine Ferraro a racist during the campaign. They will call ANYBODY a racist when they have to. And don't ever forgot what the Dems & Liberals had to say originally about Colin Powell & Condi Rice. As the FIRST African-Americans to hold those high offices, they were simply dismissed & demeaned as Uncle Toms by Liberals. Its' reached a point where it means NOTHING anymore, perhaps even a badge of honor to be called a racist by those who promised to heal the nation, those who promised to unite everyone. They also promised openness in Govt! I guess the first step would be to actually have the Legislators read the bills they pass, or even open up these closed door sessions, or put the shit on the web. Nope...none of that with this Prez. No, instead these bullies have enemies, and they have a LIST! They strongarmed Chrysler, they strongarmed BOA, they are using Legislative retalitation against insurance companies for having THE NERVE to have an opposing view on Healthcare. It's typical of Chicago-style strong-arm politics. They've launched an investigation aimed at Humana. They are attacking Fox News. They are attacking the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because they, as a business-development organization, see the Dem's Cap & Tax and HC as catastrophic to our economy. They say even more jobs will be lost, and even more debt will be piled on top of the $ 1.4 trillion that Obama has racked up so far in his campaign to bankrupt America & destroy the value of the U.S.Dollar. They are encouraging and warning the Obama-thrill-down-their-leg media drones not to pick up on Fox stories. Never has an administration been so pathetically petty, so thin-skinned, and so utterly mis-guided as these clowns. Fox News is making fools of them every day....taunting them, calling them out for all their radicals running around the White House these days. It's only a matter of time before even the Obama-crazed media turns on him too, as even the NY Times is starting to jab a bit at Obama's waffling on Afghanistan. And that piece of shit idiot-propagandist Gibbs had his hands full with a WH reporter the other day from ABC who persisted in getting an answer as to their Fox attacks. He never got one.

On the Acorn thing...The House voted to cut off Acorn funding. ( Democrats, by the way)
The Senate voted to cut off Acorn funding.(Democrats, by the way)
The U.S. Census Bureau has cut off all ties with Acorn.
The Attorney General of Louisiana has a major criminal investigation into Acorn.
11 states have election fraud investigations against Acorn in progress.
Acorn has had millions of US tax dollars stolen from it over the years by top Acorn officials.
The Acorn offices videotaped by the 2 corruption-busters dealt not only with setting up illegal and fraudulent housing for a prostitution house, but also with smuggling in under-age girls, as young as 13 from Latin America.

Acorn is over, done, kaput. For you to try to defend them in any way is just another example of your willingness to defend anything that a Liberal group does, no matter how vile and heinous. You should be a bit concerned too that as these investigations move forward, Obama himself may be drawn into them. He was their attorney and served as their trainer and advisor. Also the NY Times knew all this before the election, as an inside whistle-blower gave them the whole sordid story last year. They made a decision to kill the story because it would hurt Obama in the the election. Some "paper of record". All the news that THEY SEE FIT to print is more like it.

And Niki2, or Rue/Signy, or whoever you are...why don't you take your head out of your ass and see what's going on with this Administration? Then you might not be so damn smug and condescending to FFF posters here. I think you DO know about all these just can't deal with it, so you dismiss, demean, marginalize everything & everyone you don't like. Wake up, 'cause America surely is.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 3:24 AM


You know whats funny?

I have CNN, and a few other so-called "mainstream media" sites up and running on a constant basis.

Here are 2 stories that popped up on screen, and then were quickly dumped to the back.

Remember the 'house of horrors" story in West Virginia?

CNN dumped this story from its front page PDQ yesterday.... but I found this one which reads,

"Gun-loving John Brek, 55, of Linden, N.J., was taken into custody after his co-workers reported a conversation they had at an airport coffee cart to authorities.."

"Brek is a Republican and a member of the National Rifle Association, his father told the Newark Star-Ledger."

So, accordingly, being a Republican, gun owner, and bitching about the President is a crime?

Now. I may not be the best person to voice this opinion, as some of my previous rants have skirted the edge of racism... but I do see stuff like this all the time....

Where headlines are flashed, then pulled down and rewritten, in order to make a "spot memory" that will last well beyond any recants. (Any psychologists here? I think I have the terminology wrong.)

Its a propaganda technique when communicating with the populace, and/or large groups of people.

(Btw, its one of the reasons I am so hard on folks here who rewrite their stuff AFTER they already post it. Also, why I would never do that.)


Thursday, October 22, 2009 3:30 AM


Then there is this:

Apparently there is a group of cops, military, firemen ect who have decided that they will NOT act on any un-Constitutional orders. Do we hear about them?


THIS is the *important* headline.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 3:57 AM


Bump, cause I see folks are discussing media manipulation in other posts.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 4:06 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by pizmobeach:
[B]@Anthony - and how much is fed by hate speech? How many of these people only find the courage to voice their anger when someone tells them it's ok to hate?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


It doesn't matter. I don't care how many bajillions of people hear someone tell them it's okay to do something stupid, and then follow. The cost of banning free speech is too high.

And the much easier means of countering hate speech seems to be completely lost on those who despise it. It seems so lazy to me that every time there is a problem, the first reaction is, "There oughta be a law."

No, there usually oughtn't to be.

You want to counter hate speech? Then make some love speech. You want to counter noise? Make some music.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, October 22, 2009 4:15 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
In this Nixon-bunker mentality White House EVERYONE who disagrees with Obama's disasterous policies is now called a racist. These vile Chicago thugs surrounding Obama called Bill Clinton a racist during the campaign. They called Geraldine Ferraro a racist during the campaign. They will call ANYBODY a racist when they have to. And don't ever forgot what the Dems & Liberals had to say originally about Colin Powell & Condi Rice. As the FIRST African-Americans to hold those high offices, they were simply dismissed & demeaned as Uncle Toms by Liberals. Its' reached a point where it means NOTHING anymore, perhaps even a badge of honor to be called a racist by those who promised to heal the nation, those who promised to unite everyone. They also promised openness in Govt! I guess the first step would be to actually have the Legislators read the bills they pass, or even open up these closed door sessions, or put the shit on the web. Nope...none of that with this Prez. No, instead these bullies have enemies, and they have a LIST! They strongarmed Chrysler, they strongarmed BOA, they are using Legislative retalitation against insurance companies for having THE NERVE to have an opposing view on Healthcare. It's typical of Chicago-style strong-arm politics. They've launched an investigation aimed at Humana. They are attacking Fox News. They are attacking the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because they, as a business-development organization, see the Dem's Cap & Tax and HC as catastrophic to our economy. They say even more jobs will be lost, and even more debt will be piled on top of the $ 1.4 trillion that Obama has racked up so far in his campaign to bankrupt America & destroy the value of the U.S.Dollar. They are encouraging and warning the Obama-thrill-down-their-leg media drones not to pick up on Fox stories. Never has an administration been so pathetically petty, so thin-skinned, and so utterly mis-guided as these clowns. Fox News is making fools of them every day....taunting them, calling them out for all their radicals running around the White House these days. It's only a matter of time before even the Obama-crazed media turns on him too, as even the NY Times is starting to jab a bit at Obama's waffling on Afghanistan. And that piece of shit idiot-propagandist Gibbs had his hands full with a WH reporter the other day from ABC who persisted in getting an answer as to their Fox attacks. He never got one.

On the Acorn thing...The House voted to cut off Acorn funding. ( Democrats, by the way)
The Senate voted to cut off Acorn funding.(Democrats, by the way)
The U.S. Census Bureau has cut off all ties with Acorn.
The Attorney General of Louisiana has a major criminal investigation into Acorn.
11 states have election fraud investigations against Acorn in progress.
Acorn has had millions of US tax dollars stolen from it over the years by top Acorn officials.
The Acorn offices videotaped by the 2 corruption-busters dealt not only with setting up illegal and fraudulent housing for a prostitution house, but also with smuggling in under-age girls, as young as 13 from Latin America.

Acorn is over, done, kaput. For you to try to defend them in any way is just another example of your willingness to defend anything that a Liberal group does, no matter how vile and heinous. You should be a bit concerned too that as these investigations move forward, Obama himself may be drawn into them. He was their attorney and served as their trainer and advisor. Also the NY Times knew all this before the election, as an inside whistle-blower gave them the whole sordid story last year. They made a decision to kill the story because it would hurt Obama in the the election. Some "paper of record". All the news that THEY SEE FIT to print is more like it.

And Niki2, or Rue/Signy, or whoever you are...why don't you take your head out of your ass and see what's going on with this Administration? Then you might not be so damn smug and condescending to FFF posters here. I think you DO know about all these just can't deal with it, so you dismiss, demean, marginalize everything & everyone you don't like. Wake up, 'cause America surely is.

You've apparently done your Hannity/Beck homework assigment quite well. I had to pop an Extra-Strength Tylenol after reading thru it. Truth is you really don't know most of that to be true, but I'm sure it made you feel better to write it, right? All I can say is dude, chill! America isn't going to die, and Obama isn't going to eat your children. Relax, and enjoy all the heavenly glory.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 4:31 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
You've apparently done your Hannity/Beck homework assigment quite well. I had to pop an Extra-Strength Tylenol after reading thru it. Truth is you really don't know most of that to be true, but I'm sure it made you feel better to write it, right? All I can say is dude, chill! America isn't going to die, and Obama isn't going to eat your children. Relax, and enjoy all the heavenly glory.

For the record I watch many news and commentary shows on many different networks, and I have never watched Glenn Beck's show because I'm not home from work yet. But you do make an interesting argument, and one, due to your relative politeness to me, that I will take under advisement. I will go out and smell the flowers and walk and ponder as soon as I can.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 5:40 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Wulf -

The woman who recanted her story - are you saying that b/c she recanted her story (and BTW, as the article points out, the convictions were not based on her testimony, since she never did testify) - that hate crimes NEVER happen ? That racism is gone completely and forever ? That ONE instance means ALL are exactly the same ? Is THAT the point you think you're making ?

As for your second link, you CLAIM that the man was ONLY complaining about the president - but then, they kept the nature of his comments out of the news. So, HOW do you know he wasn't making actual threats ? Can you please point out the FACT which lets you say that ? Just for the rcord, so you can show us you're not making shit up.

"Hate is part of our culture," said Jack Levin of the Brudnick Center on Violence at Northeastern University.

"It transcends generations, it's widely shared, and it's learned from an early age," Levin said. "Even otherwise decent, honorable people can be pulled into it."

Jack McDevitt of Northeastern University's Institute on Race and Justice said, "We all carry around biases with us, and it's not the extraordinary monster that decides to act on it. Generally speaking, it's someone more like us and our children than a member of the [Ku Klux] Klan."


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:17 AM


"The woman who recanted her story - are you saying that b/c she recanted her story (and BTW, as the article points out, the convictions were not based on her testimony, since she never did testify) - that hate crimes NEVER happen ? That racism is gone completely and forever ? That ONE instance means ALL are exactly the same ? Is THAT the point you think you're making ?"

Absolutely not. However, I do believe the media sensationalizes stories, in order to push home THEIR belief that racism is EVERYWHERE. All the time, 24/7. Racism sells. Ask Al Sharpton.

Racists are to liberals, what terrorists are to conservatives, and what anti-semites are to Jewish people.

Do these people exist? I have no doubt. Are they as prevalent as the news would have you believe? That I doubt.

"As for your second link, you CLAIM that the man was ONLY complaining about the president - but then, they kept the nature of his comments out of the news. So, HOW do you know he wasn't making actual threats ? Can you please point out the FACT which lets you say that ? Just for the rcord, so you can show us you're not making shit up."

My point, and I think I was very clear on this was... I believe this man was arrested because he was a Republican, who was proud of his gun collection, and said something disparaging about Obama.

Now, if they would publish what he supposedly said, I could make a better assessment.

But again, its sensationalism/manipulation. Hot on the heels of the 400% stuff, you get THIS story. Doesn't it seem kind of staged?


Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:48 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Re: Oathkeepers


I am copying my comments about the Oathkeepers here. This is the comment I made in response to the questionable article:

The Oathkeepers precede the Obama administration, and have nothing to do with Obama. It is simply a reaffirmation of those in the service to decline illegal orders. This became an especially poignant reaffirmation in the wake of illegal torture activities, and one can imagine other missteps that the government might incline its soldiers to take. Not the Oathkeepers. It's not political. It's humanism at work. I believe President Obama would approve.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But again, its sensationalism/ manipulation. Hot on the heels of the 400% stuff, you get THIS story. Doesn't it seem kind of staged?


Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:07 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Do these people exist? I have no doubt. Are they as prevalent as the news would have you believe? That I doubt."

And you think that because ... ??? Because of ONE story ? Because you WANT to ? WHY exactly do you think that ?

OTOH I CAN point to VERY credible studies that have been reproduced many, many times that show that 80% of white people are biased against blacks (as well as 50% of black people). Though I suspect that, as usual, you will blow past FACTS. After all, 80% --- that's nothing. Right ?

"I believe this man was arrested because he was a Republican, who was proud of his gun collection, and said something disparaging about Obama."

Yes, you believe, with absolutely NOTHING to base your belief on --- except your own wishful thinking. So, why should we accept your post? Care to offer a reason ?


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:08 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:
[B]@Anthony - and how much is fed by hate speech? How many of these people only find the courage to voice their anger when someone tells them it's ok to hate?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


It doesn't matter. I don't care how many bajillions of people hear someone tell them it's okay to do something stupid, and then follow. The cost of banning free speech is too high.

And the much easier means of countering hate speech seems to be completely lost on those who despise it. It seems so lazy to me that every time there is a problem, the first reaction is, "There oughta be a law."

No, there usually oughtn't to be.

You want to counter hate speech? Then make some love speech. You want to counter noise? Make some music.

Those are beautiful sentiments Anthony, certainly nothing anybody would find fault with. I agree - there needn't be a law every time there is a problem. Is it effective? Music and love speech have a way of stirring the beast in negative ways - when some people sense weakness they only act even more aggressively, try and take further advantage. You can see it even on this board.
Ironically, it seems lazy to me to have such an absolutist approach to free speech - that ALL speech should be protected - as if we're incapable of distinguishing what's borderline and what clearly should not be tolerated in a so-called civil society.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:11 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"The cost of banning free speech is too high."

Well, free speech gave the world the Nazis, the Serbs, Rwanda. So, on the other side of the equation, what is the cost of totally free speech ?


There are limits, after all. Don't believe it ? Try yelling FIRE ! in a crowded theatre. Try claiming something defamatory (and untrue) about someone, or a product. Try telling your neighbor you are going to kill him, in front of witnesses.

Given that there are limits and always will be, the question is, where do you set them ?


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And Niki2, or Rue/Signy, or whoever you are...why don't you take your head out of your ass and see what's going on with this Administration? Then you might not be so damn smug and condescending to FFF posters here.
So, speaking of smug and condescending... not sure you have a right to complain about that, Jongsie.

You assume that we don't see what's going on with the Obama administration. Are you committing the common conservative error, believing that Obama is our messiah or something? Because FWIW, "libruls" tend not to be idol-worshippers.

And clearly, either you haven't been reading our posts or your have conveniently forgotten what we've said. So refresh your memory and go the the Obama Pro and Con thread. I think you'll see that many of the "libruls" here have a fair list of "cons" attached to Obama. And some of those "cons" attach to civil liberties... for example, not pushing to repeal the so-called Patriot Act, or proposing indefinite preventive detention. It would be nice if you would direct your disagreement to a point that was actually reflective of what we are saying, instead of to some point off in space that has nothing to do with Dems, libruls, progressives or whatever.

AFA whether or not the anti-Obama feeling is caused by racism, clearly racism is a part of it- as Kwicko's pix show. The only points we should be discussing are "How much?" and "So what?". I think some of the anti-Obama rhetoric is also being precipiated by Republican right-wing. That part of the party is SO anti-Dem and so flagrantly delusional that it wouldn't matter WHO was in office or WHAT they were doing... the right-wingers would be screeching their heads off about anything and everything, whether it makes sense or not (like Obama's birth certificate and religion) or whether Bush had done it ten times worse. If Hillary had been elected, I'm certain we would be seeing a number of anti-women T-shirts, and we would be discussing the role of sexism. In reality, it's due to a group of people who will stop at nothing to tear down a Democratic President.

In total, the reason why there were so few threats against GWB is simply because the left wing is reasonable and respects the Presidency more than the right wing, who are delusional and hate-filled and prone to violence.






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