Muslims still go batshit insane over Mohammed Cartoons ...the Regressive Left makes Excuses for Islamist Pedophiles and Jihadi Terrorists

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 14:12
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:25 PM


Terrorism-related charges were filed against two Chicago men today, accusing them of plotting against targets in Western Europe, including "facilities and employees" of a Danish newspaper that printed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that sparked riots in the Muslim world.

Charged are David Coleman Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48.

Headley was described as an American citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani. He was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit terrorist acts involving murder and maiming outside the U.S. and one count of conspiracy to provide material support to the conspiracy, according to a release from the U.S. attorney's office.

Rana, a native of Canada, was charged with one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign conspiracy involving Headley and three other individuals.

Both men remain in federal custody, officials said.

Federal officials said there was "no imminent danger in the Chicago area," and added that the charges are not related to recent terror plot arrests in Boston, New York, Colorado, Texas and central Illinois.

Headley is accused of identifying and conducting surveillance of potential targets for a terrorist attack during two trips to Denmark in January and July 2009, according to federal complaints against the two men.

Rana allegedly helped arrange Headley's travels overseas and conceal their purpose, and discussed potential targets for attack with Headley.

Rana was arrested at his North Side home the same day as the raid on his First World Management Services plant in Kinsman, a farming town northwest of Dwight.

Kinsman East of Lasalle Station Nuke Plant (Exelon) andsmack dab in the middle of 3 nuke plants LaSalle, Dresden, and Braidwood

Prosecutors said Headley, a U.S. citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006, identified and conducted surveillance of potential targets of a terrorist attack in Denmark on two separate trips to that country in January and June. They said Headley reported and attempted to report on his efforts to individuals with ties to terrorism overseas, including at least one with links to al-Qaida.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:53 AM


2 Chicago men plotted to blow up Danish paper that ran 'Mohammed' cartoon: cops


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:51 AM


It was a stupid cartoon in the first place, and should never have been published.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 4:35 AM


Agreed. They have the right to publish what they want, but it really was a stupid comic.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 5:37 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
It was a stupid cartoon in the first place, and should never have been published.

I think it was damn funny

Look I'm quiet liberal, I don't think anti-abortion laws should be forced on a woman, I don't think the US President should be shove the bible down out throats every speech, I don't give a damn you can buy a nude magazine in the store, I think these Israelis can be nuts and go too far with their wars and I think the Palestinians have a right to their own state but when it comes to defending a bunch of crazy assholes who are still kicking up a mess about some cartoon published 4 f-ing years ago! and then plan on blowing something up or hijacking another aircraft then My sympathy for the fk-ing islamic stops right there.

Any asshole who blows shit up over a funny cartoon should be Punished BEIJING STYLE
Any A-hole who kills innocent American citzens should be owned
CCP Style
-Arrest them, whoop their ass
-Shove Pork down their throats so they go to hell and don't get their 40 virgins
-Firing Squad
-Charge their relatives for the bullets

Mohammed and his silly face has been all over the Muslim world for centuries, nobody gives a damn you can buy the holy prophets posters in muslim market places.
Where is the anger when they flog the pictures?
Where is the outrage when a muslim does it?

These cartoons were printed and would have faded into insignificance
Then Bosnian, Egyptian and Algerian papers stated to reprint the cartoons again and again to manufacture outrage
Saudi, Iranian and Pakistan nut case leaders start withdrawing their diplomat from European countries and all of a sudden you get manufactured rage with muslims looting, buring, smashing embassies and killing each other on the streets
Mass hysteria from a bunch of religious lunatics

The Muslim rioters acting like a bunch of cavemen did far more damage to their own image than a bunch of funny cartoons ever could.
Do they not have a sense of humor?
Do they not understand irony?
Its not the West or the Jews or the Zionists who tarnish their society and scar their face its the idiots in their own society acting like extremists who are turning their culture to trash.
These Muslim rioters who went on an orgy of rioting and killing are complete idiots

Any 'liberal' who defends these radical islamics is an even bigger idiot

Wafa on the cartoons

Nine minutes of Wafa Sultan


Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:50 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Any A-hole who kills innocent American citzens should be owned
CCP Style
-Arrest them, whoop their ass
-Shove Pork down their throats so they go to hell and don't get their 40 virgins
-Firing Squad
-Charge their relatives for the bullets

I agree wholeheartedly, but I'm not sure what shoving pork down the throats of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the Joint Chiefs, and Blackwater will accomplish. You DO realize that they've killed innocent American citizens too, right?

You really do seem to have some issues with Islam, though. Tell me, would it be okay with you if I had the same issues with Christianity, and wanted all christian zealots rounded up and executed? Sound like a fair deal to you?


Let the wild rumpus start!


Sunday, November 22, 2009 4:11 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

You really do seem to have some issues with Islam, though. Tell me, would it be okay with you if I had the same issues with Christianity, and wanted all christian zealots rounded up and executed? Sound like a fair deal to you?

It depends on your definition of Zealot, if by definition you mean a Christain who goes around blowing people up. Then yes it sounds fair to have him put away and executed, after all the public must be protected and they are violating one of their own rules - Thou shalt not kill.

and don't put words in my mouth, I also have issues with extremist Hinuds, extremist aethists, extremist Christians and the Islamic bunch so don't call me a muslim basher, I bash them all not just the muslims
the actions of their muslim extremists give them far worse Press than I could ever write


Hundreds of Muslim villagers in Egypt's south threw stones at a police station on Saturday where a Christian was being held on suspicion of assault, and they later burned and looted Christian-owned shops, witnesses said.
Police fired tear gas and pursued the villagers through the streets of Farshout in Qena province and arrested 30 Muslims after the violence, security sources said.
The Christian man was being held on suspicion of indecently assaulting a Muslim female. The villagers claim she was aged 12, while security sources put her age between 18 and 30.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:30 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Jayneztown:

and don't put words in my mouth, I also have issues with extremist Hinuds, extremist aethists, extremist Christians and the Islamic bunch so don't call me a muslim basher, I bash them all not just the muslims
the actions of their muslim extremists give them far worse Press than I could ever write

You're an equal-opportunity basher, eh? I can't seem to recall any of your rants against christians or hindus, but you seem very active in bashing muslims.



Hundreds of Jewish villagers in Israel's south threw stones at a police station on Saturday where a Palestinian man was being held on suspicion of assault, and they later burned and looted Palestinian-owned shops and settlements, witnesses said.
Police fired tear gas and pursued the villagers through the streets of Gaza and arrested 30 Palestinians after the violence, security sources said.
The Palestinian man was being held on suspicion of indecently assaulting a Jewish female. The villagers claim she was aged 12, while security sources put her age between 18 and 30.

Tell me, does the above sound like something that would ever make the news?

All I've done was take YOUR "news" story and change the identities to Israeli and Palestinian. And this kind of thing happens every single day. Where are your rants against it?

I'm not "putting words in your mouth". Your mouth is doing that. I'm asking if you have a particular reason for having a clear anti-muslim bias.


It depends on your definition of Zealot, if by definition you mean a Christain who goes around blowing people up. Then yes it sounds fair to have him put away and executed, after all the public must be protected and they are violating one of their own rules - Thou shalt not kill.

So do you want these "zealots" - say, people who murder doctors while they're attending their church - just "put away and executed", or do you want them done "Beijing style", I believe was how you put it? And if you execute them, then aren't YOU violating one of those rules about not killing? Or do you not share that particular belief? Do you find killing to be okay and fine? And if so, then what's your problem with anyone blowing anyone else up?

Just trying to figure out that tangled mess that you call a mind.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, November 22, 2009 6:33 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:


Hundreds of Jewish villagers in Israel's south threw stones at a police station on Saturday where a Palestinian man was being held on suspicion of assault, and they later burned and looted Palestinian-owned shops and settlements, witnesses said.
Police fired tear gas and pursued the villagers through the streets of Gaza and arrested 30 Palestinians after the violence, security sources said.
The Palestinian man was being held on suspicion of indecently assaulting a Jewish female. The villagers claim she was aged 12, while security sources put her age between 18 and 30.

And this kind of thing happens every single day. Where are your rants against it?

I have no rants against this because this sort of thing ...

The Jews typically are better educated to stoop to this mass hysteria mob mentality....I'm not defending the Jewish state, they do have extremists of their own and every time they drop a 500lb laser guided bomb on a terrorist I'm sure lots of people are injured or even killed in horrific collateral damage. However droping a bomb on a terrorist is a lot different than a crazed mob burning, going on a murderous rampage and looting homes, shops, burning and looting embassies and business.

Jews can be assholes who run something almost like a police state but as for you allegagations of a crazed mob looting and burning.
They Do not behave this way and you Kwicko are lying and trolling!!
Or you are just posting more Anti-Semetic Jew Bashing crap like that nut PirateSnooze

Show me a news article with evidence the Jews behave like this every 24 hours, heck show me images and footage of the Jews behaving like this in the last 48 hours
Or even news of the Jews burning and looting out people in the last week -
7 days
if you find it, post it
because the Jews although they are a bunch of self righterous assholes they have a lot more common sense


Originally posted by Kwicko:

You're an equal-opportunity basher, eh? I can't seem to recall any of your rants against christians or hindus, but you seem very active in bashing muslims.

Yes I am an equal opportunity basher, I bash Hindus
I bashed Christians
You have tunnel vision

so why does it offend you that I bash Muslims
or are you Sunni or Shite Muslims or something? Did you get a muslim preggers, did your cousin get hitched to a Muslim? Im trying to understand your bias and your muslim victim mentality


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Just trying to figure out that tangled mess that you call a mind.

Is that what you islamic apologists do?
Tell blatant lies

Call people names and troll?
Are you muslim or something?

BTW This is not supposed to be another JEWS CONSPIRACY thread
The topic is about a bunch of muslims going on a crazy orgy of violence and murder over some funny cartoons

and Any Asshole

be they Hindu, Christian or Muslim Assholes, deserve the death penalty if they go on a murderous rampage over a bunch of funny cartoons


Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:07 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Thank you for completely proving my point. You went absolutely apoplectic, batshit insane when I took YOUR "news" story and simply changed the "bad guys" from Muslims to Jews, thereby proving that you have a deep-seated and ingrained hatred of Islam, more so than ANY other religion or belief.

And your response when I point this out? To claim that I'm a Muslim because I refuse to hate Muslims as much as you do, based on nothing but their religious beliefs. Then you wonder if I "got a muslim preggers":


so why does it offend you that I bash Muslims
or are you Sunni or Shite Muslims or something? Did you get a muslim preggers, did your cousin get hitched to a Muslim? Im trying to understand your bias and your muslim victim mentality

Is that what you islamic apologists do?
Tell blatant lies

Call people names and troll?
Are you muslim or something?

Is that what you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better? That I called you names? That I must be a Muslim, because surely no one else could possibly be so depraved as to not want people killed for believing in a god different than yours?

By the way, can you please point out for me exactly where you think I called you names? If you get a chance, and when you're not too busy calling me names, I mean.


I'm not defending the Jewish state, they do have extremists of their own and every time they drop a 500lb laser guided bomb on a terrorist I'm sure lots of people are injured or even killed in horrific collateral damage. However droping a bomb on a terrorist is a lot different than a crazed mob burning, going on a murderous rampage and looting homes, shops, burning and looting embassies and business.

You just defended the Jewish state, in your "explanation" of how you're not defending them. HOW is it different, exactly, if the crazed mob burning and going on a murderous rampage, bombing homes, mosques, and schools is actually the Israeli government itself? HOW is that different? HOW is it different when your own American government sells the Israelis white phosphorous artillery rounds to be used against a United Nations school in the Palestinian settlements? HOW is that not crazed religious terrorism?

By the way, rant all you want about your god, or mine. Knock yourself right out, but it's a waste of breath. I have no gods. I only believe in humanity's ability to overcome inhumanity, no matter what god it claims or whose flag it wraps itself in. Zealotry is zealotry, and your crusade against Muslim zealotry is different in no way from the Muslim zealots' campaign against Jewish zealotry or Christian zealotry.

Oh, wait - there is ONE key difference: They're actually willing to fight for their beliefs.

I think we've seen who the proven liar is in this thread. Tell us all how again how biased you aren't.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:53 AM


You make good example mikey, but one point I HAVE to address.

Show me a news article with evidence the Jews behave like this every 24 hours, heck show me images and footage of the Jews behaving like this in the last 48 hours

24 hours hell, try every 24 MINUTES.

Try reading a paper not owned by one of their "allies" - and even the ones that are, shit man, they just bombed the fuck out of Gaza AGAIN last night or yesterday, and border/checkpoint shootings happen on such a daily basis it's hardly even "news" any more.

Of course, since this dipwad zealot here wants to be spoonfed things that don't upset his preconcieved notions, he'd never know, and if he did stumble across it, he'd just jam his fingers in his ears and scream and rant....

Kinda like he's doin now.

Enablers like that aren't even human, they are just... obstacles, to anything human and humane on the planet, and should be treated accordingly.



Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Try reading a paper not owned by one of their "allies" - and even the ones that are, shit man, they just bombed the fuck out of Gaza AGAIN last night or yesterday, and border/checkpoint shootings happen on such a daily basis it's hardly even "news" any more.

Only the biased and insane racists pick sides or believe the Pallywood reports

Both sides have zero credibility, they both are to blame and neither side should be believed

FAKE PROPAGANDA Israel never cut staged Pallywood water supplies

Do they know these are fakes or are they fooled? Do they tell the cameramen working for them and using their equipment that filming such staged scenes is unethical and unacceptable? And if they do, why do cameramen who have worked for them for years – Talal worked for Enderlin for over a decade when he took these rushes – continue to film these scenes. And how often do our journalists run this staged footage as real news?

Here the evidence provided by the Al Dura affair suggests that, in some sense, journalists are “in” on the public secret. When representatives of France2 were confronted with the pervasive evidence of staging in Talal’s footage, they both responded the same way. “Oh, they always do that, it’s a cultural thing,” said Enderlin to me in Jerusalem. “Yes Monsieur, but, you know, it’s always like that,” said Didier Eppelbaum to Denis Jeambar, Daniel Leconte, and Luc Rosenzweig in Paris.

As an echo of this astonishing private complacency, Clément Weill-Raynal of France3 made a comment to a journalist that he meant as a criticism of Karsenty: “Karsenty is so shocked that fake images were used and edited in Gaza, but this happens all the time everywhere on television and no TV journalist in the field or a film editor would be shocked.”


Fiction: Israel has cut off electricity to Gaza.
Fact: In the past, Hamas officials have committed deceptions such as pulling dark curtains in mid-day while holding a meeting to make it look as though they were being forced to work by candlelight – a sham exposed by journalists who showed that it was actually daylight outside at the time.[18] The ruse was carried out with the complicity of some Arab satellite TV stations. More recent such deceptions have come to light as recently as November 2008, when Palestinian Authority officials said Hamas staged new blackouts to try to get sympathy from the international community and provoke civilian violence against the Palestinian Authority and Israel.[19] Further, terrorists in Gaza have fired rockets at – and hit - the power station in the Israeli city of Ashkelon that provides Gaza the majority of its electricity.[20] The terrorists also have fired on Israeli workers at a depot that provides fuel to Gaza and a suicide bomber destroyed lines providing electricity from Israel into Gaza. [

Well, just in case you missed out on that brilliant street theater

Welcome to Pallywood

Do not to believe what either side says


or is it time for a Pally-Wood rave party?


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

You make good example mikey, but one point I HAVE to address.

Mikey has nothing to stand on


Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:19 AM


And so you use your sockpuppet to post material I've already cut to pieces, simply cause I managed to piss you off ?


You've not only exposed your sockpuppet, but also ruined it's credibility, all in a single swoop, cause your temper got the better of you, goddamn you fools make it too easy.

AND you've just further validated the long held belief around here that most of the right-wing emptyhead echo chamber within RWED is just a very few asshats with a bunch of sock puppet imaginary friends cause no one with a brain will associate with em.

Bravo *golfclap* you've proven to be every bit the zealot, and the moron, you've been named as, you should feel so proud.

"Toldja that was comin..."


Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:27 AM


Damn you are one tin foil headed idiot


Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:39 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

"Participant"? You do realize that you and "Jayneztown" have the exact same punctuation and grammar skills, don't you? Or should I say, the exact same LACK of skills.

Your sockpuppetry is showing. Or maybe that's not his HAND that's up your ass, eh?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:44 AM


Manufactured Rage over Cartoons 4 Years on!!
Historian Richard Landes began investigating the case as a blood libel after seeing this incident as "One Jew allegedly kills a gentile child in cold blood, and all Jews everywhere are responsible. That's the beginning of the wave of anti-Semitism that literally has marked the 21st century, and we have not seen the end of it. This is where cyberspace can play a crucial role."7

Landes coined the phrase "Pallywood" to describe this and other "pernicious productions staged by Palestinians in front of (and often with cooperation from) Western camera crews, for the purpose of promoting anti-Israel propaganda by disguising it as news

This is the Muslim tolerance test. If a Muslim can tolerate watching this video without wanting to stone me to death afterwards, then they are not a fundamentalists.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:08 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"If a Muslim can tolerate watching this video without wanting to stone me to death afterwards, then they are not a fundamentalists."


Wanting to stone you to death is perfectly acceptable. Acting on those impulses would be crossing the line.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:39 AM


Accused plotter was American, but felt Pakistani


The trip from a strict Pakistani boarding school to a bohemian bar in Philadelphia has defined David Headley's life, according to those who know the man at the center of a global terrorism investigation.

Raised by his father in Pakistan as a devout Muslim, Headley arrived here at 17 to live with his mother, a former socialite who ran a bar called the Khyber Pass.

Today, Headley is an Islamic fundamentalist who once liked to get high. He has a traditional Pakistani wife, who lives with their children in Chicago, but also an American girlfriend, a makeup artist in New York, according to a relative and friends. Depending on the setting, he alternates between the name he adopted in the United States, David Headley, and the Urdu one he was given at birth, Daood Gilani. Even his eyes -- one brown, the other green -- hint at roots in two places.

Headley, an American citizen, is accused of being the lead operative in a loose-knit group of militants plotting revenge against a Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. A profile that has emerged since his arrest suggests Headley felt pulled between two cultures and ultimately gravitated toward an extremist Islamic one.

"Some of us are saying that 'Terrorism' is the weapon of the cowardly," Headley wrote in an e-mail to high school classmates last February. "I will say that you may call it barbaric or immoral or cruel, but never cowardly."

He added, "Courage is, by and large, exclusive to the Muslim Nation."

Headley's e-mail messages, including many that defend beheadings and suicide bombings as heroic, are among the evidence in the government's case against him and his accused co-conspirator, Tahawwur Hussain Rana, who was born in Pakistan, is a citizen of Canada and runs businesses in Chicago.

The men, who became close friends in a military academy outside Islamabad, were arrested last month in Chicago. They are charged with plotting an attack they labeled the Mickey Mouse Project against Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper whose cartoons had provoked outrage across the Muslim world.

Since then, the investigation has widened beyond Chicago and Copenhagen. The authorities have learned more, with cooperation from Headley, about the two men's network of contacts with known terrorist groups. American and Indian investigators are also looking into whether the two Chicago men, who traveled to Mumbai before the deadly assault there last November, may have been involved in the plot.

Headley, 49, and Rana, 48, stand out from poor extremists who strike targets close to their homelands. Their privileged backgrounds, extensive travel and bouts of culture shock make them more like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed architect of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Daood Sayed Gilani was born in Washington, where his parents worked at the Pakistani Embassy. Friends of the family said his father, Sayed Salim Gilani, a diplomat and an avid musicologist and poet, charmed his way into the heart of Serrill Headley, who left Philadelphia's Main Line to work as a secretary at the embassy. They moved to Pakistan, but the marriage quickly soured, friends said, as Gilani immersed himself in the traditions of his homeland and his bride refused to submit to them.

Rana, trained as a physician, immigrated to Canada in 1997 and became a citizen a few years later. Then he moved his wife and three children to Chicago, where he opened a travel agency that provided immigration services. In 2002, he started a Halal slaughterhouse that butchers goats, sheep and cows according to Islamic religious laws.

"He seemed very committed to his Islamic religion," said William Rodosky, who once managed Rana's slaughterhouse in Kinsman, Ill., about 65 miles southwest of Chicago. Rodosky echoed the views of several others who knew and did business with Rana when he said he was "shocked about the terrorism charges."

"As far as I knew he was very nice man, and a very good businessman," Rodosky said.

The other indicted conspirator, Headley, did not draw the same expressions of shock. Those who knew him paint a more troubled image.

"Most people have contradictions in their lives, but they learn to reconcile them," said William Headley, an uncle who owns a day care center in Nottingham, Pa. "But Daood could never do that. The left side does not speak to the right side. And that's the problem."

In 2006, Daood Gilani changed his name to David Headley, apparently to make border crossings between the United States and other countries easier, court documents say. About that time, his uncle said, he moved his family to Chicago because it had a large Muslim community.

There, the family lived in a small second-floor apartment. Headley claimed to work for Rana's immigration agency.

Earlier this year, Headley complained in an e-mail message about "NATO criminal vermin dropping 22,000 lbs bombs on unsuspecting, unarmed Afghan villagers" or "napalming southeast Asian farmers."

And in an e-mail message defending the beheading of a Polish engineer by the Taliban in Pakistan, he wrote, "The best way for a man to die is with the sword."


Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:16 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
Wanting to stone you to death is perfectly acceptable.

I concur, cause the dude is wrapped so tight it'd take a near lethal dose of quaaludes to do anything about it.

Dude seriously needs to chill out.

I wonder if he even realizes he's displaying the very same dangerous fanaticism he rails against, or that I am winding him up *on purpose* in an attempt to force his acknowledgement of this.



Tuesday, November 10, 2015 10:20 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

You really do seem to have some issues with Islam, though. Tell me, would it be okay with you if I had the same issues with Christianity, and wanted all christian zealots rounded up and executed? Sound like a fair deal to you?

It depends on your definition of Zealot, if by definition you mean a Christain who goes around blowing people up. Then yes it sounds fair to have him put away and executed, after all the public must be protected and they are violating one of their own rules - Thou shalt not kill.

and don't put words in my mouth, I also have issues with extremist Hinuds, extremist aethists, extremist Christians and the Islamic bunch so don't call me a muslim basher, I bash them all not just the muslims
the actions of their muslim extremists give them far worse Press than I could ever write


Hundreds of Muslim villagers in Egypt's south threw stones at a police station on Saturday where a Christian was being held on suspicion of assault, and they later burned and looted Christian-owned shops, witnesses said.
Police fired tear gas and pursued the villagers through the streets of Farshout in Qena province and arrested 30 Muslims after the violence, security sources said.
The Christian man was being held on suspicion of indecently assaulting a Muslim female. The villagers claim she was aged 12, while security sources put her age between 18 and 30.

You do have a passion to condemn Muslims don't you? I read you are against anyone who bombs innocent people, but it seems to be Muslims you wind up discussing as though .000001 of a population being bad means all are.

It's so bad with you we have to read about it in every link. Check out FREMDFIRMA in the post above this one. She says it all.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:18 PM


It is amazing to back read this thread and see how the old guard took JAYNEZTOWN and PARITISPANT to task. Exposing the same thing I notice with JAYNEZTOWN from his first post. His hatred of Muslims. Which by the way is posted exactly the same way as PARITISPANT posts in this thread and what we see in our current threads.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:00 PM


Posts of the ghosts...
Frem is a guy BTW...

Wonder how hes's doin.....


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:05 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Posts of the ghosts...
Frem is a guy BTW...

Wonder how hes's doin.....

I seem to remember he was not doing well in some old posts I saw. I'm with you, I hope Frem if doing well.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yes, you know Frem so well, and have such great concern, you thinks he's a she.

Are your minders trying to help you repair the damage you've done to your credibility here?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:55 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Yes, you know Frem so well, and have such great concern, you thinks he's a she.

Are your minders trying to help you repair the damage you've done to your credibility here?

because of a brain freeze you feel free to suggest that not only am I uncaring, but in fact the opposite. In case you hadn't noticed 1kiki. It's you everyone disagrees with and it's you who have lost all creditably here. Your lies have been challenged successfully from one thread to the other.

Now back to what this thread is about and enough of your trying to deflect from that.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Now back to what this thread is about ... which is ... I wish the subject line edit feature could be disabled ...

Which has nothing to do with Frem and your newly-found deep concern for 'her'. You want to be on topic? Maybe you should give it a try.

Meanwhile - Are your minders trying to help you repair the damage you've done to your credibility here? Are they trying to help you repair the way you've alienated people with your racism, propaganda, lying and sheer stupidity?

Because I've noticed your grammar and spelling are much improved in certain sections. And your deep concern for the poor is a 180 from your previous 'who gives a shit' (and that's a quote) position. And your hatred of blacks has morphed into accusations of 'racism' whenever anyone posits that countries need to be in control of their borders.

Yanno, you always were an echoing mouthpiece. Now you're a mere empty sockpuppet of your minders, with their hand - or whatever - up your ass.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 5:20 PM


It is amazing to back read this thread and see how the old guard took JAYNEZTOWN and PARITISPANT to task. Exposing the same thing I notice with JAYNEZTOWN from his first post. His hatred of Muslims. Which by the way is posted exactly the same way as PARITISPANT posts in this thread and what we see in our current threads.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The odd thing is, I thought the "subject line editing"* bug was really a feature! It was the funnest thing ever in this forum, and I wish it would come back!

*This bug was truly a feature. It would allow anyone who was editing a post to ALSO edit the subject line. So anyone could re-name a subject line anything they chose, and quite often the choices were just plain hilarious.

Eventually the bug which left the subject line open to EVERYONE for editing just left the subject line open to the original poster (IIRC) and THAT option, would also be useful, as it allowed the original poster or correct errors or expand the topic to cover more of the subject than before, as more info developed.

I really wish that was a feature because sometimes very narrow subjects wind up with a larger story. For example, most of the threads on Greek secession could now be linked to the Catalan vote for independence and the overthrow of the Portuguese govt by the anti-austerity left wing. It could be under the thread "Anti-austerity EU". If we wanted to include the Hungarian (and now Slovenian) defiant anti-immigrant stance, the thread could be titled "EU breakaways".

But, alas, not to be. The best we can do is make meta-threads, with lots of links.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021 9:06 PM




University clears don of being anti-Islam but then cancels his course anyway

Blasphemy in the classroom


Tuesday, October 26, 2021 2:12 PM


In England today, people including political leaders continue to be attacked and kileld by islamic terrorists. Amess, 69, was stabbed 17 times by a Somali Muslim while meeting with constituents and praying inisde a church in, in what Londonistan authorities consider a terrorist incident.

Germany Muslims attack commemoration of teacher who was beheaded for Muhammad cartoon

Hindu temples smashed, Afghan molesting, Bangladesh going crazy

Mayor jihad of Londonistan Sadiq Khan giving out £25,000 grants to Londoners to 'decolonise' their street names and make them more Antifa BLM Homosexual Sharia

Muslim convert charged after crossbow rampage, killing 5 in Norway

Gunmen Kill Dozens in Terrorist Attack in Crowded Nigeria Market






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