New 'game' lets players massacre civilians

UPDATED: Monday, November 2, 2009 05:12
VIEWED: 2099
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Friday, October 30, 2009 9:48 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Psyop training US troops and recruits in false-flag terrorism, and US gangs in real terrorism.

Just in time for Satanmass.


The game allows players to pose as terrorists -- and play in first-person view -- engaging in violence against non-combat actors.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Pakis Say Blackwater Xe Exploded Peshawar False-Flag Bomb Blast


Friday, October 30, 2009 11:27 PM


Um, so what ?

Hell, the original SOCOM for PS2 was very popular in multiplayer, and so was its sequel, both of which allowed you to play the "Terrorist" side if you wanted to - which I found actually more fun and challenging since the game is so laughably biased in favor of the SEALS that all the brainless, drooling hoo-rah rocketjocks naturally gravitated there, right in keeping with their sociopathic bully natures...

Which made it just that much MORE satisfying when me and my AK-47 handed them their ass, tremendously so when done IN SPITE of them gamesharking auto aim back on, IN SPITE of exploits like walljumping, or knee-slide reloads... by folks like me who actually had a damn clue of things like tactics beyond a solo rush charge, who actually used what little teamwork you could get out of a pack of online glory hounds - I once mopped up SEVEN of them in a single round after some idiot on my team wiped himself and everyone but me out with an ill considered grenade.

User ID: Ken N Fodder - just in case any of you ate some of my lead and wanna whine about it.

Games are a useful blow-vent for anti social impulses which can be satisfied in that fashion instead of taken out on your fellow man, and ponder that while doing so, they're NOT taking it out on their fellow man, yes ?

Hell, going on a complete rampage in downtown San Andreas is like, my bad-day therapy, dude - and really, how many of you HAVEN'T had fantasies of taking a minigun or rocket launcher to that asshole next to you at a red light with his bass cranked up so far it's rattling the fillings in YOUR teeth, ehe ?

When *I* say paint the town red, I mean something tremendously unpleasant by that...

But in the end, just a game - anyone who's reality is already cracked enough to be influenced by such a thing already had some damn serious problems layin unaddressed in the first place.

Oh, and John, speakin of unaddressed problems, since you mentioned Blackwater, lil tidbit you might not have otherwise known about ole Erik, prince asshat himself...

The fucker is hardcore traditionalist Opus Dei.
Which leads to some interesting questions about Joe Schmitz and Cofer Black, especially concerning Schmitz being an admitted member of the SMOM (aka Knights of Malta), does it not ?

And gives a pretty solid explaination to why the bastards seem to desire formenting a new crusade, or rather can't seem to let go of the old ones...

NONE of that is speculation, neither - all solidly proven and in many cases public information, just a matter of putting it all together.

Anyhows, digging through that is more likely to be useful than bagging on video games, dude.



Saturday, October 31, 2009 2:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Hell, have you never played any of the Grand Theft Auto games? Not only do you get paid to carjack people and sell their cars to a fence, you can find lots of places from which to snipe passersby with your sniper rifle, safe out of the reach of police until they send their helicopters - which you shoot down with your rocket launcher!

Also, you can kill various people on the street - civilians - and take their cash. Hookers, too.


Let the wild rumpus start!


Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:56 AM


There is a group at work that are always excited when word comes out about a new version of Grand Theft Auto. It has been around for years, along with other games along similar lines.

I am into air combat games. They are violent. You just don't see actual people. You see planes bursting into flames as they foolishly sweep in front of you and you squeeze off a burst and see tracers rip through it. Then as it passes out of view you see a bright orange explosion with chunks of debris flying in every direction. There might not be blood, but you know someone was inside that plane and they are toast. But you have no time to be distracted because there are still other enemy planes to focus on. You learn to drown out the screams, over your radio, as your fellow pilots are blown out of the sky.


Saturday, October 31, 2009 9:54 AM


Well, being that I have real life friends on the Rockstar design team, I kinda have to buy the GTA games as a gesture of support for them, even though I will be the first to admit that GTA IV didn't even reach the bar San Andreas raised - whoever thought adding dating sim elements to GTA was a good idea should be keelhauled, and I hate being annoyed by a cell phone in real life bad enough to have been completely turned off GTA IV by the time I figured out how to shut the cursed thing off.



Saturday, October 31, 2009 12:12 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Hell, the original SOCOM for PS2 was very popular in multiplayer, and so was its sequel, both of which allowed you to play the "Terrorist" side if you wanted to - which I found actually more fun and challenging since the game is so laughably biased in favor of the SEALS that all the brainless, drooling hoo-rah rocketjocks naturally gravitated there, right in keeping with their sociopathic bully natures...

That must be what Cheney trained his SEALS on, to attack the US Navy dressed as Iranians.


But in the end, just a game - anyone who's reality is already cracked enough to be influenced by such a thing already had some damn serious problems layin unaddressed in the first place.

THAT'S who the recruiters are targeting with this "game" -- 1%ers. Like the Last Starfighter, FOR REAL. The Police State cannot survive without a reason to kill. The current Civil War is rapidly approaching check, or checkmate.

Military recruiters are closing down their shopping mall arcades, since the Greatest Depression has given them all the cannon fodder they need. But they're probably still on the lookout for false-flaggers. I HOPE they don't already have more than they need.

Was the terrorist in BRAZIL (Terri Gilliam's version of 1984) working for Big Brother? Which is why he was never caught. Even Monte Python knows its a scam.

Funny how Jesse Ventura turned down the US Senate on a silver platter, to smoke dope and surf in Mexico. Seems he's scared to death of living and working in USA. New Conspiracy TV show with Alex Jones notwithstanding.


Saturday, October 31, 2009 8:15 PM


The first videogame I got where you could massacre civilians was in 1983


Saturday, October 31, 2009 8:52 PM


Dude Call of Duty 6 is going to suck big time. The only people that will play it are 14 year old losers. They managed to screw of the single player which was the only part that any serious war gamer liked about COD4 in the first place.

And I wish psyops trained us in anything. They are terrible, the only good thing they do is give out radios which Spec Ops use to listen in on the Taliban since they use our radios to communicate. Civil Affairs is where its at bro. Villagers wont tell you crap if you give em a pamphlet and tell them the Taliban are bad, but fix their well and they will drive tied up Taliban moles straight to your FOB, no joke!

I'm a nomadic diplomat of violence. A man temporary suspended in a state of insanity; riding a ship of crazy into the burning sunset of geopolitical failure. I walk tall until I'm trying to bury myself 3 inches deeper into the dirt because someone's gotten it into their heads that they want to put a Kalashnikov bullet in my face. I'm an American Soldier.


Sunday, November 1, 2009 11:35 AM


Yes, Coela, PsyOps is pretty pathetic, as is a lot of our operational and signal security - tis only parity of incompetence and our technological edge that gives us superiority on those fronts.

You're right about how fixing stuff, especially if we broke it in the first place, does improve relations with the locals and make them less likely to support guerillas - generally this isn't handled as well as could be, command being mostly clueless, but soldiers have been doin such things since at least vietnam - Blackhorse used to do stuff like that in nam, even brought medics and medical supplies to local villages, when they could.

It was the Kosovo deployment that showed us the best path though, the sharing of food and hospitality is a universal gesture in any culture, and especially effective when dealing with islamic and muslim cultures - as I mentioned to Mikey elsewhere, chili with cornbread or pastry and coffee are good cross-culture choices which are similar enough to their own cusine and will generally go far towards soothing local ire.

Of course, the quickest and most effective method we found to cross culture relations betterment was actually oversized chocolate chip cookies - breaking one in half and offering is a more 'personal' gesture that sidesteps the trust issue since you're obviously going to eat the other half yourself - and some of our guys got pretty good mileage out of that even with some really pissed off Albainians, who as a direct result of those personal engagements eventually showed us to several arms caches.

Just some thoughts for you as a soldier, since some day your ass might depend on the good will of a villages local headman - such personal contact relations are often the difference between getting a heads-up, and driving unawares into an IED, so it's something to think about.



Sunday, November 1, 2009 5:37 PM


My ass already has been and is depending on the goodwill of the locals to keep me and my team alive. Spec Ops have been using a much more effective model of local relations since the beginning here in A-Stan (cept for that MARSOC fiasco). I know Pashto and I can't tell you how many times locals have saved my crappy bacon. I'm gonna miss these lovely folks when I finish my deployment in July. Better than most Americans by far, they have nothing and a goat and they will give you the goat at the drop of a hat as long as you don't act like an American Imperialist tool.

I'm a nomadic diplomat of violence. A man temporary suspended in a state of insanity; riding a ship of crazy into the burning sunset of geopolitical failure. I walk tall until I'm trying to bury myself 3 inches deeper into the dirt because someone's gotten it into their heads that they want to put a Kalashnikov bullet in my face. I'm the new face of American progress moonlighting as the new face of American digression. I'm an American Soldier.


Monday, November 2, 2009 5:04 AM


Coela - you've no idea how heartening to hear that from a modern grunt truly is to me, too damn many of em are hoo-rah rocketjocks full of hateful arrogance who seem to think they're on a modern crusade, and it's *damned* frustrating to wind up eating local hostility left in their wake when they're finally rotated somewhere else.

Of course, we had em in my day too but you don't get so much of that in second line support units.

I was 76X, specializing in runs where convoy or airdrop was suicidal or would reveal a units position, old school cold-war eastern bloc was the gig we trained for, and while a deuce full of rations isn't a small thing when you're standing next to it - in a combat theatre it's a needle in a haystack, especially if it's got a shielded ignition and no radio (this was back when Kolchuga was a considered a serious threat) - but that raised the problem of needing someone capable of longterm ops without needing their little hand held 24-7 by command.

And being that said independent thought gets trained out of em (half of spec-ops training is tryin to put it back, lol!) and it would be a total waste to drop a job like that on SpecFors, they had to find someone otherwise unsuitable for military service who had a mind and will of their own, and was content to operate alone with no escort to minimize risk and loss, you get the idea.

Mind you, they proposed this particular assignment to me whilst I was in the brig for insubordination (I took *issue* with a Sgt sexually harrassing a female E-2, hard.) so it was very much a waste-not, want-not effort on behalf of my CO, who pretty much *had* to do something before I really did choke one of his subordinates to death - I was fool enough not to ask WHY they were fronting such a big bonus to be assigned to that unit...

But yanno, I took pride in making damn sure every troop I was responsible had decent food, and enough of it, since any meal might be their last, and the whole KBR issue grinds my gears so terribly hard for that very reason, there's just no excuse for it.

And yes, Pashtuns are pretty cool folk if you manage to get along with em, we have a very large community of them up here in Dearborn, MI - who've recently been pissed off over some local stupidity, but we're workin on settling that up.

Anyhows, try not to get your ass shot off, eh ?
I might not be too keen on command and it's reasons, but that's nothin YOU have control over, been there, done that, still got a couple of the BDUs.



Monday, November 2, 2009 5:12 AM


Oh yes, also, speaking of Video Games...

Can't find the thread, but PN had mentioned Shattered Union previously, a game which is pretty interesting if you're willing to overlook the storyline issues...

Well, apparently they're gonna put it to the big screen.

Jerry Bruckheimer & J. Michael Straczynski behind it, can't say that impresses me a lot, but at LEAST they didn't send in Uwe Boll *shudder*.

Hell, they film it close enough I'd frickin volunteer to be an extra, some spare redshirt cannon fodder - especially if I get to sit in a mockup of an FCS Grant and bellow orders, meh heh heh.
All hail the mighty Great Plains Federation!







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