Planet X and Global Warming could there be a connection ?

UPDATED: Monday, November 9, 2009 08:38
VIEWED: 16755
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:31 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!
archaeological find in Botswana shows that our ancestors in Africa engaged in ritual practice 70,000 years ago


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:00 PM



The difference between you and I, is that I only attack people who attack me first.

No I said you were intelligent. Saying someone is intelligent is a compliment.

The difference between you and I is that you often don't believe you are intelligent and I always believe I am intelligent. If anyone is silly you automatically think they are being silly in order to show you that you are unintelligent. You don't like people saying things more intelligent than you because you have to question your intelligence. I don't care if anyone is silly or smarter than me. You think your intelligence is the only quality you have. I don't think intelligence is the only quality I have. Intelligence is not the only quality you have. One quality I have noticed you have is wit. You could find other qualities if you looked.

What were some of the predictions from Stichen about the world? (For those people like me that don't know much about Stichen's work)


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:14 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

For anyone who's interested, I've read several articles about the discovery. It seems the ancient people worshipped a stone python. That was so long ago (70,000 years) that it's hard to believe an oral tradition survived, but I do wonder if that was part of the snake in the garden of Eden myth. (The garden being the pre-language stage of humanity.)

BTW the first evidence I know of for modern humans are fossilized footprints dating 100,000 years ago. So there is very recent evidence of modern humans followed shortly by evidence of myth and religion.

But none of this fits in with the Sumerian timetable which goes back a mere 7,000 years.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:46 PM


PJ love your stuff. Even if its a fairy tale just great entertainment. I believe in Art Bell and God. Lets see I know Chaco canyon in northwest New Mexico has little space midgets drawn on it 1k years or so ago by injuns. Nirbiru hmmmm could be not sure but makes sense. This is why I stock up on root beer and chili dog sauce. I just think global Warming is from farting or just natural time occurances. Citizen had it sexual organs removed and thats why it has so much venom on its posts. Say anything you want. I like this type of topic. I always figured space midgets took apes and pigs and made the Irish race. Who really knows. Sitchin I enjoy but he is about selling his books. He always has been about making a buck. Scientologist have a take with the book Battlefield Earth. Keep up the interesting posts. Nobody really knows our past.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:01 PM


This has been really entertaining...

There is a "planet" beyond pluto. The unofficial name was "Xena" it had one moon, unofficial name of "Gabrielle"... caused all manner of bru-ha-ha in astronomical circles.

They decided to create a new category of Dwarf Planets (not really planets, but still quite big and imperfectly orbiting the sun) Pluto was bumped into this category with the re-named planet (cant remember what they called it, should of stuck with Xena IMO).

Description sounds like a comet *not* a planet and the sources are disreputable. Funny debate though...

I will think of a signature later. It will be so stunningly brilliant your entire life will pale into insignificance when compared to the few words that will be written here.


Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:03 AM



Xena does not conform in any way to the description given for Nibiru


Friday, May 25, 2007 7:22 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
and don't have a religion, I think your the one thats religious, maybe thats why your so quick to dismiss what Stitchen is saying although if you haven't read any of his books, I honestly don't see where you can have formed such an opinion.

I'm the one who wants hard scientific evidence for something, and you are the one that takes Stitchen's word backed up by Stitchen's word that he has evidence, and I'm the one who's taking the religious view? You reject science for Stitchen pop-psuedo-science, just because you also reject 'mainstream' religions doesn't mean that yours is any less of a faith based stance.

Why are you so quick to reject mainstream science for Stitchen's say so? Sounds like the young Earth Creationist rejecting the 4 billion year old rocks, because the Bible scholar says the Earth was only created 6000 years ago.

Oh, and coincidently, I've read enough of Stitchen's work to know he bases his assumptions on leaps of faith worthy of works like the Bible.

Its not as if Stitchen is just throwing stuff out there and saying believe what I say, there is evidence that supports what he and the sumerians have said, thetr are scientist that also agree, have you even read any of stitchen's books!! last time we we discussed this you had not
Have I read one of his books all the way through? No, I don't wish to authorise such drivel, nor do I wish too waste my money. I have read much of his work, indeed easily enough to make the assertions I do. Have you read anything from a credible source? Have you read anything that disagrees with Stitchen at all, let alone with the level of 'open mindedness' (i.e. blind faith) that you expect me to show Stitchen?

I rather expect not. Even IF we are to accept Stitchen's translation as correct, and we accept that his interpretation is also correct, (which I, and it would seem just about everyone who can read Cuneiform do not) then there's the basic fact that as far as these concepts have been outlined to me they are physically impossible. Even if he is 100% correct with his interpretations, that doesn't not therefore mean the Summerians were, or that this was anything more than a children's bed time story, or religious dogma.

Think about it, two thousand years from now some Martian Archaeologist comes to Earth to study 19th/20th Century Western Earth culture, and digs up a copy of 'Alice in Wonderland'. She returns to Mars, and proclaims it as proof that a little girl living in Victorian England travelled to the Fourth Dimension, and met a mad hatter. Sheds a new light on your rigid observance that Stitchen has a credible claim to the existence of Planet X, even in lieu of any real evidence of it's existence, at least to me.

Who are these scientist that agree with Stitchen? Mrs Stitchen perhaps? Professor Tiddles, AKA Stitchens Tabby? Anything to back up this assertion, at all?

I don't believe you've even read his books, no I'm not ignorning others interpretation, its just that Stichen is the one that makes the most sense.
I don't believe you've read anything besides Stitchen on this matter, not even basic astrophysics, let alone alternate interpretations. Of course Stitchen's interpretation makes the most sense if you're only exposure to other interpretations was on a Stitchen friendly website that tells you it's 'all lies', and/or cherry picks the weakest examples.

Here's another interpretation even accepting what Stitchen has to say is 100% correct: It's just a religious fable. How on Earth (or Planet X-Y or Z for that matter) does "there's a planet with an advanced race of super beings floating around space, that our telescopes just happen to be unable to see" make more sense than that?

Just like you cannot ignore the facts ,the same stories in the Bible are predated by more detailed stories of the same events in sumerian text. yet just because the Annunakki are there many other sholars want to say that they are myths...its a contridiction.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say? That beings that Stitchen says are Annunakki appear in more than one story, therefore that proves they exist? You really need to re-examine you're basis for evidence if that is the case.

Point one, many Middle Eastern Regional religions (which includes the Abrahamic such as Christianity) have roots in the Sumerian religion, and in tales of folk law that probably pre-date both. Does the fact that the Old Testament mirror the Torah stand as scientific evidence of the Jewish Religion? You make protestations that you 'are not in anyway religious' then use the Bible to prove what you (Stitchen) are saying is right? Come on.

Point two, there's many books about space ships, lots about Star Trek, so does that prove that Captain Kirk, The Starship Enterprise, and the Federation really exist? Because personally I'm not going to start searching for Mr Spocks Ears with the Hubble Telescope, maybe you would?

Stitchen doesn't ignore whats right before him because its to dangerous or does not fit with his world view, he lays it out there.
A statement made by everyone from the crazy end of days babbler, to the theistic scholar. Meaningless, his desire to 'lay whatever he sees in front of him does not mean he is correct.

Stitchen can't be dismissed and he won't be, their is lots of informtion detailed very detailed information that comes from the sumarians, if you want to ignore it you can do so , but I'm not going too.
One of Mazaen's Bunnies is having tea with a Cheshire Cat right in front of you, right now. If you want to ignore the evidence of invisible tea drinking Cats and Bunnies you can do so, but I'm not going to.


Friday, May 25, 2007 7:39 AM



Originally posted by mazaen:
No I said you were intelligent. Saying someone is intelligent is a compliment.

There's such a thing as a gilded insult, and given the context of your post, and the wording of that statement, gilded insult is a strong possibility. It's made even more likely given our previous conversations. I believe I mentioned infinte deniability .

The difference between you and I is that you often don't believe you are intelligent and I always believe I am intelligent. If anyone is silly you automatically think they are being silly in order to show you that you are unintelligent. You don't like people saying things more intelligent than you because you have to question your intelligence. I don't care if anyone is silly or smarter than me. You think your intelligence is the only quality you have. I don't think intelligence is the only quality I have. Intelligence is not the only quality you have. One quality I have noticed you have is wit. You could find other qualities if you looked.
You got this from a few typed words on a message board? What else do you have to tell me? Shall I tell you about my mother? Should I lay on the couch or sit in the chair? Oh the decisions! Will I look suitably intelligent lying down? Oh my.

Tell me, doctor, does my bum look big in this?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, June 4, 2007 7:21 PM


I'm not quick to dismiss mainstream science, which is why I asked if you read the books because in fact what Stitchen says is actually supported by science, thats why I asked if you had read the books which you have not,you are the one who continually dismiss what Stichen has to say and you don't even know what he's saying

As for wanting hardcore proof, I think thats great, but there is alot of proof that supports what the sumerians and Stitchen is saying...


Monday, June 4, 2007 7:38 PM



Originally posted by mazaen:

The difference between you and I, is that I only attack people who attack me first.

No I said you were intelligent. Saying someone is intelligent is a compliment.

The difference between you and I is that you often don't believe you are intelligent and I always believe I am intelligent. If anyone is silly you automatically think they are being silly in order to show you that you are unintelligent. You don't like people saying things more intelligent than you because you have to question your intelligence. I don't care if anyone is silly or smarter than me. You think your intelligence is the only quality you have. I don't think intelligence is the only quality I have. Intelligence is not the only quality you have. One quality I have noticed you have is wit. You could find other qualities if you looked.

What were some of the predictions from Stichen about the world? (For those people like me that don't know much about Stichen's work)

Well Stitchen doesn't really make any predictions, but based on what the sumerians say, when this planet Nibiru comes around supposedly every 3,600 years, when it comes back into our solar system its gravatational pull wreaks all kinds of havoc on the planets, floods , earthquakes, huge storms, even pole shifts, the degrees of damage is varying, the great flood that happened was last caused by the gravatational pull, made the ice caps in the anartic slide, and this incident caused the great flood.

But there are other things that Stitchen talks about espeically in his second to last book book the Cosmic Code that has to do with our duel, D.N.A and how we will be able to realize our annunakki legacy through this cosmic code. Its all very fascinating, I'd advise anyone who has an interest but have not read the books to log on to the website


Monday, June 4, 2007 8:04 PM



Posted by RUE
"You can see anything, if you use the right filters ..." Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - 15:14

For anyone who's interested, I've read several articles about the discovery. It seems the ancient people worshipped a stone python. That was so long ago (70,000 years) that it's hard to believe an oral tradition survived, but I do wonder if that was part of the snake in the garden of Eden myth. (The garden being the pre-language stage of humanity.)

BTW the first evidence I know of for modern humans are fossilized footprints dating 100,000 years ago. So there is very recent evidence of modern humans followed shortly by evidence of myth and religion.

But none of this fits in with the Sumerian timetable which goes back a mere 7,000 years.]...

you're thinking of the sumerian civilization that started about 6,000 years ago. but thats only the sumerian civilation, The annunakki themselves had been here long long before that and so had people just not the the civilzation. The the whole reasons for the annunakki creating homosapiaens, was for the purpose of working the mines, the sumerians talk about this, actually the 1rst homosapiens could not breed the Annunakki made them this way on purpose, but then homo sapiens were gentically altered to breed, obviously because they needed a bigger work force. so yes 100,00 70,000 years ago there were people. But the full blown sumerian culture and civilzations rose up about 6,000 years ago, along with reading, writting, science, argriculture, etc... all things given to them by the annunakki!!

Also the snake, is the symbol of the Anunakki named Ea, who is credited by the sumerians as having help to create homosapiens and also as one of the first Annunnakki to splash down to earth and make settlements, he was a scientist/ engineer of sorts. His symbol the snake is also a symbol of the brotherhood of the snake which was an order of sorts that was established by Ea and other annunakki to help mankind and deseminate knowlege, because of the jump in evolution mankind was capable of doing things without true undestanding, that understanding or knowing could only come about through learning but it had to be done in stages. Enki/Ea's brother Enlil opposed this, actually there were two fractions of Annunakki, thats a long and complicated story, but even though Enki was the 1rst born of Anu, the leader on Nibiru, he wasn't the heir Enlil was because Enki's mother was not a half sister... anywho , Enlil viewed homosapiens as a sort of abomination, creating worker race out of Anunakki d.n.a and the simular homnids was obscene something that should not have been.Which is understandable if you think about it tampering with nature to that degree, Enlil obviously perceived by jumping into the evolving process, was not only morally wrong, but they would be responssible for the consequeces of such actions. And lets just say he was beyond pissed when humans were allowed to procreate. anyway Enlil was given the command and power to rule on earth and Enki/Ea was given the title Lord Of Earth, but it was only a name he was given the abzu, what we call Egypt and other parts of Africa to rule over, but it was Enil who had the power. The two sides continually clashed, espeically over homo sapiens, given them any kind of knowlege was a no go for Enlil. actually what we think of as the priesthood and religion , started out of Enki's brotherhood of the snake or the desemination of knowlege the sciences etc. This brother hood was corrupted. but again its a very long and complicated story, The orginal source of this concept came, by way of the homosapiens who 1rst tended and catered to needs and care of the Annunakki in every manner conceviable, In the bible when it says that the tree of knowlege would be barred by essence that was true, as is evidence by where we stand today, but again I'm summing all this up in a way where it makes very little sense

Actually the story of in sumerian of giving homosapiens the ablity to procrate, is more the story of Adapta. The Adam which means mankind/ humankind, not a person

The brotherhood of the snake, And Enki and Enlil, and all that happened after the Adam=mankind was created, and the Annunakki who wanted to pass on certain knowelge to mankind and the opposing and warring this caused between the two fractions of annunakki is the story of the snake and the forbidden fruit a symbol for knowlege, but there is so, so , so , so ,so much more to it then I could ever sum up in my post!

Also Ptah, who was also Ea/ Enki in the Egyptian pantheon also has the snake as his symbol which makes sense because they are actually the same, its all very fascinating and complicated...


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 4:13 AM



Let's just say (hypothetically) that PlanetX exists. What are we going to do about it? There is no humanly posible way of altering the orbit of such a supposedly large object, so why, pray tell, are you bothering us about this (again)?

If Planet X is going to destroy the world (or whatever it supposedly does; I'm not exactly clear on that point), why bother worrying about it? You can't stop it. We can't stop it. And you are NOT going to convince anyone, just like none of us have any chance of convincing you that Stitchen is a fraud and/or a fool.

So just drop it. Live your life in fear of imaginary planets if you want. I choose not to.

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 7:20 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
As for wanting hardcore proof, I think thats great, but there is alot of proof that supports what the sumerians and Stitchen is saying...

Such as, and I swear if you refrence the bible or what stitchen says the Sumerians say as proof of what Stitchen says the Sumerians say I'm going to feed a kitten to my Snake, and post the pictures.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 8:33 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I was afraid you'd post this. I didn't want to get into scientific stuff b/c you'd rather pretend it doesn't matter.

BUT - if there was a planet that came close to earth every few thousand years, don't you think the current orbits would show that disturbance ? There is simply no trace of an unaccounted-for factor either in artifacts like Stonehenge or in modern orbital calculations. Do you really think every culture around the globe has been hiding this over several thousand years? Or do you think a big planet comes by every few thousand years, wreaks havoc, and someone fixes up the orbits afterwards so no one notices?

How do you get past this major fact in order to keep to your beliefs? I'm curious, let me know.

ALSO - the other thing that is scientifically faulty is the presumption that human DNA is different from common chimps, bonobos and gorillas. In order to be able to breed with aliens human DNA would have to be very different. (Unless you're assuming that somehow aliens evolved human-like DNA.) Having sequenced human DNA (the human genome project) nothing unusual has been found. And the more chimp and human DNA is studied and compared, the more and more commonalities are found. People exist on a genetic spectrum and are not unique on the planet.

So if you can explain to me how human DNA shows alien features I'd appreciate it.

FINALLY - I think most people like a touch of the mysterious in their lives. It's a let-down to look around and say - This is all there is. Across the globe you'll find every culture creates some form of myth, in part to give a larger meaning to the everyday. However it's psychologically dangerous to deny reality on your way to myth.

So the third question I have for you is whether you are uncomfortable denying basic reality in order to maintain your beliefs.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 8:48 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

The the whole reasons for the annunakki creating homosapiaens, was for the purpose of working the mines...

Okay, there's one major logical flaw in that theory: If we were designed to work in "the mines", why aren't we built for working in mines? If the Annunakki wanted beings to do hard labor, first off, there would be no need to give them sentience (actually, it would be quite counter-productive to do so), and we wouldn't be the feeble creatues that we are. Physically, humanity is weak, slow, and has rather pathetic senses compared to most animals out there. In fact, the only reason we've survived as a species is our intelligence.

So why don't we have the monstrous strength and endurance that would be necesary for constant hard labor? If I was going to create a beast of burden, it would be stupid, but trainable in basic tasks, and have incredible strength and endurance.

Also, if the Annunakki are advanced enough to bio-engineer entire species, why would they bother with creating biological servants in the first place? Machines programmed with simple instructions are hundreds of times faster and more efficient that any living creature.

No, the evidence, and logic just don't support anything Stitchen says...

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 1:30 PM


Thanks for your info.

Planet X seems like an interesting myth/ history.

Past religions have also effected the day to day life in the world now. Some of the days of the week for instance are named after past gods. Sunday is named after the Sun god. The sabbath was moved from Saturday to Sunday so that it was on the Sun god day. The sabbath being on the Sun god day made the sun-god worshippers happy.

Can you post a picture of the pet snake (without the kitten)? Is he a good pet? People post pictures of their dogs and cats and snakes make really good pets too.

One time I had an encounter with a snake. I was helping someone saw down a 5m high gumtree sapling. When I was half way though I happened to look at the top of the tree and a green tree snake was looking about with his head in the sky. He was so cute. After I saw him I didn't chop the tree down. We'll that would be mean because he wouldn't have a home then and he would be doing bungy jumping.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007 10:40 PM



Originally posted by rue:

I was afraid you'd post this. I didn't want to get into scientific stuff b/c you'd rather pretend it doesn't matter.

BUT - if there was a planet that came close to earth every few thousand years, don't you think the current orbits would show that disturbance ? There is simply no trace of an unaccounted-for factor either in artifacts like Stonehenge or in modern orbital calculations. Do you really think every culture around the globe has been hiding this over several thousand years? Or do you think a big planet comes by every few thousand years, wreaks havoc, and someone fixes up the orbits afterwards so no one notices?

How do you get past this major fact in order to keep to your beliefs? I'm curious, let me know.

ALSO - the other thing that is scientifically faulty is the presumption that human DNA is different from common chimps, bonobos and gorillas. In order to be able to breed with aliens human DNA would have to be very different. (Unless you're assuming that somehow aliens evolved human-like DNA.) Having sequenced human DNA (the human genome project) nothing unusual has been found. And the more chimp and human DNA is studied and compared, the more and more commonalities are found. People exist on a genetic spectrum and are not unique on the planet.

So if you can explain to me how human DNA shows alien features I'd appreciate it.

FINALLY - I think most people like a touch of the mysterious in their lives. It's a let-down to look around and say - This is all there is. Across the globe you'll find every culture creates some form of myth, in part to give a larger meaning to the everyday. However it's psychologically dangerous to deny reality on your way to myth.

So the third question I have for you is whether you are uncomfortable denying basic reality in order to maintain your beliefs.

The current orbits do show some disturbance, Scientist have said that there has to be some other planet out there , they can tell this by some effect thats happening on planets like Neptune.I'll look up this information and post it later.


There are scientific observations of a large Kuiper Belt object that has been perturbing the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. A search ensued from about the 1840's to discover an object that could explain this gravitational phenomenon (Planet X). Pluto was dicovered in 1930, but it was concluded that it's gravitational influence was too weak to explain the anomoly. In the 1980s, this search was lead by NASA and some papers have been published and others have been witheld. There are also some scientific and astronomic suggestions that the Earth has a dark twin (Nemesis), a brown dwarf or failed star, whose movement might account for the long period comets that swirl into Earth from the Oort Cloud. If the dark star exists, as a companion to our Sun, then it could be conceivable that a planet may orbit in a ellipse around both of them.

It hasn't gone unnoticed, there have been documented stories throughout history about pole shifts and changes, I'll also post that stuff later

I said simular hominds, the annunakki were already very simular we look like them and the reason they were able gentically engineer us with their dna is because we were already simular, if we had evolved on our own time table we would probably evetually looked simular to them anyway.

you can ignore things like the missing link, look I know it seems like I'm throwing stuff out there but their is alot of science behind this stuff!!


Wednesday, June 6, 2007 11:10 PM



Originally posted by Reaverman:

Let's just say (hypothetically) that PlanetX exists. What are we going to do about it? There is no humanly posible way of altering the orbit of such a supposedly large object, so why, pray tell, are you bothering us about this (again)?

If Planet X is going to destroy the world (or whatever it supposedly does; I'm not exactly clear on that point), why bother worrying about it? You can't stop it. We can't stop it. And you are NOT going to convince anyone, just like none of us have any chance of convincing you that Stitchen is a fraud and/or a fool.

So just drop it. Live your life in fear of imaginary planets if you want. I choose not to.

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth

Planet X isn't going to destroy the world. Its orbit is just as natural as our orbit. And its not like this hasn't happened many times before in earth's history.

The havoc that Planet x/ Nibiru's gravitational pull has is varying. There have been stories passed down that claim the sun sets in a diffrent place then what it did before, due in part to pole shifts etc.

but don't think of Planet X as destroying the world far from it as is evidenced that we are still around.

It has nothing to with doing anything about it. you don't have to believe it, but if its true it doesn't matter wether you believe it or not.

If what the sumarians say and stitchen say is true and I belive that it is for the most part, then finally we will have some real answers, thats pretty exciting.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 12:12 AM


Introduction to Current Planet X Theory

The current theory that our solar system has a 10th planet is primarily based on two fundamental points:

1- There is the historical data, brought to light primarily by Zacharia Sitchin, who using historical texts, artifacts, drawings and cylinder seals, propounded the theory that a planet called Nibiru is the 10th planet of the solar system, with an elliptical orbit that only brings it home every 3600 years.

2 - There are scientific observations of a large Kuiper Belt object that has been perturbing the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. A search ensued from about the 1840's to discover an object that could explain this gravitational phenomenon (Planet X). Pluto was dicovered in 1930, but it was concluded that it's gravitational influence was too weak to explain the anomoly. In the 1980s, this search was lead by NASA and some papers have been published and others have been witheld. There are also some scientific and astronomic suggestions that the Earth has a dark twin (Nemesis), a brown dwarf or failed star, whose movement might account for the long period comets that swirl into Earth from the Oort Cloud. If the dark star exists, as a companion to our Sun, then it could be conceivable that a planet may orbit in a ellipse around both of them.

The Sitchin Theory, Nibiru and the Annunaki

The idea that Earth has been visited by aliens at some point in the distant past is not a new one. Erik Von Daniken first touted the theory in his book, The Chariots of the Gods, back in the 1950's. Many people's first introduction to this concept has been via Von Daniken's ideas. While he was widely read, the problem always was that his interpretation of ancient texts and artifacts has always lacked a certain key. Zacharias Sitchin in 1976 provided that key!

Zecharia Sitchin started his research by questioning Biblical tales while still at school in his native Israel. He notes that parts of Genesis (6:4) reads "There were giants in the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
Sitchin went much further examining the old Hebrew texts. He realised that the Hebrew word "Nefilim" was indeeed the name for the giants talked of in the Bible and the "men of renown" were really men of the "shem". More importantly Nefilim in its original Sumerian interpretation literally means "those who came down to earth from heaven".

Sitchin goes on to claim that the Earth was visited by aliens as far back as 450,000 years ago. These aliens came from another unknown planet of the solar system that the ancients called called Nibiru. He claims that these aliens were seeking to save their atmosphere from serious degradation and for this they needed extremely finely powdered gold. This gold dust was then pumped into the atmosphere in an effort to resolve the problems associated with heat retention when their planet was in the aphelion region of its long looping orbit around the sun. Gold was, of course, relatively plentiful on Earth and is even used today by NASA because of its unique properties.

Sitchin applied his understanding of ancient Biblical stories to studies of ancient (even older) writing from Sumeria and Mesapotamia, reaching the general conclusion that the Nefilim (Gods and Sons of God) used advanced genetic engineering to create humans from a combination of Nefilim genes and those of a compatible pre-human evolved species. The result was basically us, initially created to mine gold for the Nefilim but later with the capacity to understand commands, speak and procreate!

Author Lloyd Pye confirms and expands on Zecharia Sitchin's interpretations. A short video clip of Lloyd Pye on the channel 13 news can be viewed here:

Zecharia Sitchin studied many ancient civilizations and concluded that the Gods worshipped by all of them were really ancient space travellers with a superb knowledge of advanced technology and a desire for gold! When viewed this way, much of the world's history, as told in the Bible and other manuscripts, falls into place. Suddenly we can understand why there were gold mines 8-12,000 years old in South and Central America. Sitchin makes the claim that humankind was developed to mine this gold to satisfy their needs.

Sitchin postulated the theory that Nibiru, Planet X, took an eliptical orbit around the Sun (and perhaps a dead star further out). His hypotheses are mapped out as a time and distance ephemeris orbital modeal at this site:

Many catastrophic events in the earth's past can be explained by the 3600 year cycle of Nibiru. Depending on its distance from the earth at the time of passage, many Biblical disasters such as the Great Flood and the sinking of Atlantis can now be better understood. These events cyclically occure as a result of the immense gravitational pull this planet imposes on the earth and the other planets within the solar system.

Sitchin based many of his observations of Nibiru and its behaviour on historical texts, the Bible and other such material. He especially focused on the Sumerian artifacts that described the Annunaki (the Nefilim/Gods) and their planet, which

Introduction to what Stitchen is wriiting about for those who are curious

The Biblical verses dealing with the fashioning of The Adam are condensed renderings of much more detailed Sumerian and Akkadian texts, found etched on clay tablets, in which the role of the Elohim in Genesis is performed by the Anunnaki "Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came." Inscribed in Cuneiform, the worlds first written language, these Sumerian tablets and cylinder seals have been available since the 1800's and are currently dispersed among many museums worldwide.

In his Earth Chronicles series, Zacharia Sitchin, an expert in ancient Semitic and Hebrew languages, offers the premise that mythology is the repository of ancient memory, the Bible is a historic and scientific document, and ancient civilizations were the product of knowledge given to the people by the Anunnaki. In Sitchin's words, "The Anunnaki came to Earth some 450,000 years ago from the planet Nibiru, a member of our own solar system whose great orbit brings it to our part of the heavens once every 3,600 years. They came here in need of gold, with which to protect their dwindling atmosphere. Exhausted and in need of help in mining the gold, their chief scientist Enki suggested that they use their genetic knowledge to create the needed Primitive Workers.... to upgrade genetically the existing hominids, who were already on Earth through Evolution, by adding some of the genes of the more advanced Anunnaki."

As outrageous as this sounds, Sitchin's interpretations do something that few religions are able to do... bridge the gap between creation myths and modern evolutionary theories. Having mapped the human genome and conducted genetic engineering ourselves, it is now plausible to consider that another race had fashioned us in a similar manner. This interpretation not only clarifies the origin of creation stories in many subsequent religions, but also solves the problem of the "missing link" which still plagues Darwinists to this day

The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki laboratory where the first humans were said to have been literally produced in central Africa. Indeed, Mitochondria DNA places the first homo-sapiens sapiens in the same time frame and location; in east central Africa just above their gold mines.

In a lecture at New York University in 1993, Sitchin further outlined his theory about human origins and our link with the Anunnaki by saying, “Ancient history and legend around the world, as well as the Bible, attest to the fact that there were once giants in the earth; men of awesome dimensions, bulk and height. In Genesis 6:1-4 we read, "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, that they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown".

The Book of Enoch, an ancient text discovered in Ethiopia in 1773 (and because of references to it in ancient Hebrew writings considered to be among the oldest manuscripts in existence) speaks about 200 angels who came down to earth to mate with the "daughters of man". Led by a high angel named Azazyel, the angels produced giant men. During this strange occupation, Enoch writes that humans were taught to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, mirrors, jewelry, paints and dyes, make cosmetics, and use valuable stones. The people also learned sorcery, use of roots and plants for medicine, astronomy, astrology and other "signs", and the importance of the motion of the celestial bodies.

I posted this here here is a look at what has been said in the past

Quotes From the Bible:
"From a far away land they came, from the end-point of Heaven do the Lord and his weapons of wrath come to destroy the whole Earth. Therefore will I agitate the Heaven and Earth shall be shaken out of its place. When the Lord of Hosts shall be crossing, the day of his burning wrath." Isaiah 13:1

"...For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day the Noah entered the ark."
"And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." St. Matthew 24: 38-39

Pliny's Natural History, reads:
"A terrible comet was seen by the people of Ethiopia and Egypt, to which Typhon, the king of that period, gave his name; it had a fiery appearance and was twisted like a coil, and it was very grim to behold; it was not really a star so much as what it might be called a ball of fire." A time no more distant perhaps than 3,500 years ago.

Caius Julius Solinus wrote of the Egyptians:
'The inhabitants of this country say that they have it from their ancestors that the sun now sets where it formerly rose,'

Quote from Pomponius Mela, a Latin author of the first century:
"The Egyptians pride themselves on being the most ancient people in the world. In their authentic annals ... one may read that since they have been in existence, the course of the stars has changed direction four times, and that the sun has set twice in that part of the sky where it rises today."

Immanuel Velikovsky [Worlds in Collision, p.136]
"The fact I hope to establish is that from the fifteenth century to the eighth century before the present era the astronomical year was equal to 360 days; neither before the fifteenth century, nor after the eighth century was the year of this length."

In Tractate Sanhedrin of the Talmud it is said:
'Seven days before the deluge, the Holy One changed the primeval order and the sun rose in the west and set in the east.

The Aztecs Indians Related:
'There had been no sun in existence for many years ..[The Chiefs] began to peer through the gloom in all directions for the expected sight, and to make bets as to what part of heaven [the sun] should first appear ... but when the sun rose, they were all proved wrong, for not one of them had fixed upon the east.'

Quote by Edgar Cayce:
"If there is the greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee then the southern coast of California and the areas between the Salt lake and the southern portions of Nevada may expect within the three months following same, an inundation by the earthquakes." - Edgar Cayce.

Quote from a Hopi Elder:
"Nature and the spirit of our ancestors are giving you loud warnings. Today you see increasing floods, more damaging hurricanes, hail storms, climate changes and earthquakes as our prophecies said would come. Why do animals act like they know about the earth's problems and most humans act like they know nothing? If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great purification will come to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed." -Thomas Banyacya, HOPI Nation address to United Nations, December 10th, 1992

Immanuel Velikovsky [Worlds in Collision, p.126]
In the Ancient Syrian city Ugarit (Ras Shamra) was found a poem dedicated to the planet-goddess Anat, who 'massacred the population of the Levant,' and who 'exchanged the two dawns and the positions of the stars.'


Thursday, June 7, 2007 8:09 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

The current orbits do show some disturbance, Scientist have said that there has to be some other planet out there , they can tell this by some effect thats happening on planets like Neptune.I'll look up this information and post it later.

"Scientists" have said so? By scientists, do you mean scientists or Stitchen's lackeys?


It hasn't gone unnoticed, there have been documented stories throughout history about pole shifts and changes, I'll also post that stuff later

There have not been documented stories (at least ones not faked) of pole shifts. Pole shifts happen roughly every twenty-five thousand years (the only records of them are shown by the geological record, and the last one happened before humans learned to record things. Plus, even if they could have written about these things, how would they know that there was even such a thing as magnetic poles, much less how to tell if they changed?), and they are caused not by rogue planets, but by the natural cycles that occur within the Earth's mantle and core.


I said simular hominds, the annunakki were already very simular we look like them and the reason they were able gentically engineer us with their dna is because we were already simular, if we had evolved on our own time table we would probably evetually looked simular to them anyway.

You don't seem to understand that the odds of two species from different worlds, out of all the planets in the entire universe (much less in one system) evolving to be even remotely genetically similar are beyond astronomical. It is as close to impossible without actually being impossible as imaginable.


you can ignore things like the missing link, look I know it seems like I'm throwing stuff out there but their is alot of science behind this stuff!!

Really... Where have they been hiding this "science"?

PJ, having an open mind can be a great thing, but having TOO open of a mind just makes all your brains fall out...

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth


Thursday, June 7, 2007 8:43 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
2 - There are scientific observations of a large Kuiper Belt object that has been perturbing the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. A search ensued from about the 1840's to discover an object that could explain this gravitational phenomenon (Planet X). Pluto was dicovered in 1930, but it was concluded that it's gravitational influence was too weak to explain the anomoly.

Then after Pluto was discovered, the Voyager flyby provided more accurate readings of the orbits which eliminated the anomaly, and real scientists stopped looking for the tenth planet since there was no reason to suspect that there was one.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:55 PM


I mean scientist Stitchen doesn't have lackeys


Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:55 PM



Originally posted by Reaverman:

Originally posted by piratejenny:

The current orbits do show some disturbance, Scientist have said that there has to be some other planet out there , they can tell this by some effect thats happening on planets like Neptune.I'll look up this information and post it later.

"Scientists" have said so? By scientists, do you mean scientists or Stitchen's lackeys?


It hasn't gone unnoticed, there have been documented stories throughout history about pole shifts and changes, I'll also post that stuff later

There have not been documented stories (at least ones not faked) of pole shifts. Pole shifts happen roughly every twenty-five thousand years (the only records of them are shown by the geological record, and the last one happened before humans learned to record things. Plus, even if they could have written about these things, how would they know that there was even such a thing as magnetic poles, much less how to tell if they changed?), and they are caused not by rogue planets, but by the natural cycles that occur within the Earth's mantle and core.


I said simular hominds, the annunakki were already very simular we look like them and the reason they were able gentically engineer us with their dna is because we were already simular, if we had evolved on our own time table we would probably evetually looked simular to them anyway.

You don't seem to understand that the odds of two species from different worlds, out of all the planets in the entire universe (much less in one system) evolving to be even remotely genetically similar are beyond astronomical. It is as close to impossible without actually being impossible as imaginable.


you can ignore things like the missing link, look I know it seems like I'm throwing stuff out there but their is alot of science behind this stuff!!

Really... Where have they been hiding this "science"?

PJ, having an open mind can be a great thing, but having TOO open of a mind just makes all your brains fall out...

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth

There are alot of things that human beings don't know, its only been in the last 100 + years that we've made some huge technological strides.

The sumerians by way of the annunakki had all kinds of technology, some of which there are remanents left to this day.

maybe you should stop presuming to think that we know so much when in reality we know very little.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 6:38 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Am I wrong in presuming you've learned all your science from Stitchen?

Do you realize he's not a reliable source for scientific facts? For example, you seem to think that the earth reversing its polarity has something to do with its orbit (it doesn't). You also don't seem to realize that once you perturb the earth's orbit it stays perturbed (but the earth's orbit is completely unperturbed).

Do you have any interest in scientific facts?


Thursday, June 7, 2007 8:31 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

I mean scientist Stitchen doesn't have lackeys

Please name some of these scientisits so we can follow up on the lead.


Friday, June 8, 2007 2:27 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
There are alot of things that human beings don't know, its only been in the last 100 + years that we've made some huge technological strides.

That's true. But in the last "100 +" years, one of the things we've learned to do is to tell if there really is this mysterious Planet X. And there isn't. At least, there isn't a Planet X outside the whimsical musings of Stitchen's True Believers.


The sumerians by way of the annunakki had all kinds of technology, some of which there are remanents left to this day.

Really? Where is all that technology? Where is the five thousand year old Sumerian microwave oven? Where are the Sumerian railroad networks? Where are the Sumerian Oldsmobiles?

Unless you can come up with an achaeological source (one NOT connected to Stitchen) that can confirm these things, don't say them.


maybe you should stop presuming to think that we know so much when in reality we know very little.

Maybe you should stop presuming to think that the Scientific community knows so little, when in fact they know so much more than you. Trust me; there's a reason real scientists shun Stitchen and his fanatics.

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth


Saturday, November 7, 2009 7:02 AM


The Sumerian's, by their own records stone tablets and seals, knew about 10 planets. Look at the tablet where Enlil gives the plow to mankind on the upper left you see a model of our solar system. Furthermore they knew their proportion/size & orbits in relation to what IS now. What else is remarkable? The Sumerians name the planets that we only started rediscovering 6 centuries ago. Just how did they know what color the planets were that they couldn't see with the naked eye with their technology of the time? They must have had technology that we do not have even today. All the evidence in various ruins point to 'those who from heaven came' to help the beats/neanderthals at the time.


Saturday, November 7, 2009 7:18 AM


And scientists dismiss the obvious facts because they will be laughed at and discredited.It wasn't too long ago that Galileo was put under house arrest for claming that the Earth orbits the sun. The Sumerians knew long before he did because they were taught by the Anunnaki. They say as much don't they? Do you know that the Sumerians were educated by the Anunnaki because they did not have the technology to make the electrochemical Baghdad Battery dating from at least 2000 years ago. It was rediscovered not discovered in 1800 by Alessandro Volta.


Sunday, November 8, 2009 12:38 PM



Originally posted by Bastra:
The Sumerian's, by their own records stone tablets and seals, knew about 10 planets. Look at the tablet where Enlil gives the plow to mankind on the upper left you see a model of our solar system. Furthermore they knew their proportion/size & orbits in relation to what IS now. What else is remarkable? The Sumerians name the planets that we only started rediscovering 6 centuries ago. Just how did they know what color the planets were that they couldn't see with the naked eye with their technology of the time? They must have had technology that we do not have even today. All the evidence in various ruins point to 'those who from heaven came' to help the beats/neanderthals at the time.

It's been more than two years and you want to pick this up again? Okay then, I'm game. I'll re-iterate what I said in 2007: Where is all this fantastical technology that they supposedly posessed?

Advanced tech doesn't just vanish. There would have been mounds of evidence left over. Yet, all we have of the Sumerians comes from stone ruins and histories recorded on stone tablets. If they were so advanced, you'd think they would come up with a better method of recording and communicating information.


Originally posted by Bastra:
And scientists dismiss the obvious facts because they will be laughed at and discredited. It wasn't too long ago that Galileo was put under house arrest for claming that the Earth orbits the sun.

Just a nitpick here: Galileo was imprisoned, not because of his theories, which the church was open to, but for trying to pressure the Pope into publicly endorsing those theories immediately. The church wanted to get independent confirmation first, lest their "infallible" Pontiff endorse a falsehood, making him look, well, fallible.

As for scientists rejecting the Planet X "theory" out of fear, well, I call bullshit. Scientists, and I mean real, qualified scientists, not BS pseudoscientists like Stitchen, operate on the basis of solid, tangible evidence. Stitchen's "theory" has none.

Oh there's plenty of evidence of the "well, if you squint, you can see it" variety in favor of the Planet X myth, but it's all circumstantial, at best, and it all has multiple possible interpretations.


The Sumerians knew long before he did because they were taught by the Anunnaki. They say as much don't they?

So, because they say so, it must be true? Because the say it's true, there's no possible way they could have, I don't know, made it up? That's some pretty tortured logic there, believing ancient stone writing becuase it says so, and disbelieving scientists, whose entire job is sussing out fact from fiction because, well the ancient Sumerians told you so. You do realize how ridiculous you sound, right?


Do you know that the Sumerians were educated by the Anunnaki because they did not have the technology to make the electrochemical Baghdad Battery dating from at least 2000 years ago. It was rediscovered not discovered in 1800 by Alessandro Volta.

Umm, yes, they obviously did have the technology to create it. Pottery and the shaping of copper aren't exactly rocket science. You know what they used the battery for, according to the evidence? They used it as a charger for ritual electromagnets used as a parlor trick by ancient priests to show off how, with the power of "the gods", they could move things without touching them.

They never even imagined the potential applications, becuase they didn't have the prerequisites for the prerequisites of the most distant ancestor of electrical machinery. And if they were so much more advanced than us, then why is the "Baghdad Battery" so utterly pathetic in output compared to a modern AA battery, yet several dozen times the size?

The ancient battery was a fluke of technology. Like the ancient steam engine that the Greeks never quite figured out how to make useful, it's a curiosity that someone figured out on accident millenia before it could have any practical application.

"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"



Sunday, November 8, 2009 1:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...lest their "infallible" Pontiff endorse a falsehood, making him look, well, fallible.

I thought the whole "popes-dying" thing made 'em look at least a LITTLE bit fallible...


Sunday, November 8, 2009 5:04 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I thought the whole "popes-dying" thing made 'em look at least a LITTLE bit fallible...

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Plus theres the fact that different Popes keep changing the rules of their predecessors, which, to me would indicate that either God is severely schizophrenic, or that they really are just a bunch of old dudes with a bad case of Unwarranted Self-Importance. Catholics always seem to find nifty ways of ignoring those inconsistencies though.

"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"



Monday, November 9, 2009 8:38 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Seems to me that if there were a "phantom planet" orbiting our sun, and it was big enough to have as profound an effect on our planet as global warming is poised to have, it seems like we MIGHT have found said planet. I mean, we can detect planets orbiting distant stars, and those planets don't even have to be gas giants anymore - we're finding smaller, rocky Earth-like" planets now, around OTHER stars. I'm guessing we'd have found another such planet orbiting our very own local star.

Especially with all that Anunnaki science to help us, and all their great maps and stuff. ;)


Let the wild rumpus start!






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