Going Rogue

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 17:26
VIEWED: 14338
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009 5:35 AM


Thread just broke 200. Congratulations!

Weren't you supposed to be working though? >_> Oh well, it's the week of Thanksgiving. Who actually gets anything done the week of Thanksgiving or Christmas?


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 5:39 AM



Besides, in my book I already won that one - ByteMite said the pic I posted was going on her fridge, which I take as a high compliment indeed, especially coming from one so uneasily impressed!

The family also got a kick out of that, by the way.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 5:46 AM



Byte, by "those" I meant people who get into truly nasty snarking posts which go back and forth for a while before (hopefully) getting back to the original topic. Thanx for the snark, by the way...assuming is usually not a good idea.

I never called you or anyone else a "crazy conspiracy theorist" nor did I mean that. Merely that I'm not well versed enough to discuss or debate theories on who's really behind what or other theories people hold; not that they're "crazy" for having the theories, just that I don't know enough to discuss them.

You really feel that strongly against me that this was necessary? I'm sad to hear that. It's an example of what I was referring to, and is a pretty strong rebuttal to a simple comment not meant to offend anyone. Sorry you felt otherwise.

Misunderstanding, then. First ambiguous statement coupled with later statement about conspiracy theorists seemed to suggest the subject of the ambiguity. Conspiracy theorists don't usually think they're conspiracy theorists, BTW, that's usually taken as an accusation of being paranoid and/or delusional, which in the context of this conversation...

Felt like it was an attack, and my hackles went up. Also, I was in a mood yesterday. That was less so much snark, and more just plain anger.

Anyway, sorry about that. I'm usually pretty calm, but I share Frem and Wulf's ability to snarl and bite sometimes.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:19 AM


Ah, so the mask comes off at last.

Lookie here Riverlove, Jaynestown, Participant, OPPYH and however many other sockpuppet imaginary friends you have to pretend your not a lone wacko no one gives a shit about because your a ball of festering hate and rage angry that the world doesn't work the way YOU want it to and throwing petty tantrums like a two year old...

When I speak of a political career and character assassination, that is exactly how I mean it, although I must admit Palin isn't much of a choice for character assassination cause the target in question is so gawdawful damned SMALL...

But politically ?
Hell yes I'd want to ruin her political career, and it's got nothin to do with her personally other than the fact that she can NOT be trusted with a position like that, something proven out by her own actions with a lesser one.

Personally, I ain't got all that much against the woman - she's free to believe what she wants, say what she wants, so long as her and her ilk leave me alone - you MIGHT recall I stood up and flamed folk who made snarky comments about letting Piper walk around with one of her uber expensive handbags, cause what right does anyone got to bitch about what she does with her life and family, her bag, her kid and if it makes the kid happy good for her...

But when she wants to climb into a political office and shove HER "values" (which, like most of the GOP, she only pretends to have in public, and does not practice herself whatsoever) down MY throat using the machinery of Government as her weapon of delivery ?

Fuck yes, imma do all in my power to tank her career, and given the horrendous social and human carnage left in the wake of every GOP administration since that monster Lincoln, do you really think I much *care* if folks responsible for so much death get lynched ?

I've already stated this, I would not encourage that, but nor would I prevent it, I am completely neutral on that matter, and personally believe that removing them from political power is quite sufficient to neutralize such wackjobs and limit the harm they can do.

And before you get the idea that there's one ounce of partisanship to that, remember that the only reason I want the GOP smashed to pieces first (and afterwords, the Dems) is because they are both the party that causes slightly more damage, and they are ripe for the picking - bar fight rules, you get one down, you put the boot in and MAKE SURE before you move on, because failing to do so after Nixon cost us, and failing to do so after Bush is gonna cost us, and frankly every time we try to "negotiate" or reach out to them all we get for it is a bitten hand and a poisonous torrent of bile and hatred much like you've expressed at me for daring to not see the world the way YOU want me to.

And by your own behavior, as evidenced here beyond any doubt, if you COULD force me to, or slay me for refusing, you WOULD - which makes you in essence not one dimes different from the fucking Taliban, or any other branch of ideological psychos who oughta be kept far, far AWAY from the reins of power in order to deprive them of the means to cause atrocities, inquisitions and holocausts - because that is the inevitable result of letting such zealots as yourself have any control over other human beings.

Nice try with your sock puppet "pretending" to leave RWED and hiding under a rock, hoping for short memories and a forgiveness we'd be idiots to offer - it sure seems a theme with you types, doesn't it ?

Cue temper tantrum response in 3.. 2.. 1..

"This is vengeance...
So I am to ferry you to hell."


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:56 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kwicko:

By the way, are you one of the "fans" in this video?

"Why don't you like Czars?"
"I'm an American."
The standard answer for when you don't like something but don't know why is "I'm an American." So the name of our country is now synonymous with "I don't know."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:58 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Thread just broke 200. Congratulations!

Weren't you supposed to be working though? >_> Oh well, it's the week of Thanksgiving. Who actually gets anything done the week of Thanksgiving or Christmas?

Oh, I *am* working. Right now, I'm stuck at my desk, waiting for some replies on international shipping quotes, and covering the phone, since I'm the only one here this week. Coulda taken the vacation time, but made a deal to work for time and a half to catch up on some stuff.

As Warren Zevon said, "I'll sleep when I'm dead."


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:18 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Ah, so the mask comes off at last.

Lookie here Riverlove, Jaynestown, Participant, OPPYH and however many other sockpuppet imaginary friends you have to pretend your not a lone wacko no one gives a shit about because your a ball of festering hate and rage angry that the world doesn't work the way YOU want it to and throwing petty tantrums like a two year old...

When I speak of a political career and character assassination, that is exactly how I mean it, although I must admit Palin isn't much of a choice for character assassination cause the target in question is so gawdawful damned SMALL...

But politically ?
Hell yes I'd want to ruin her political career, and it's got nothin to do with her personally other than the fact that she can NOT be trusted with a position like that, something proven out by her own actions with a lesser one.

Personally, I ain't got all that much against the woman - she's free to believe what she wants, say what she wants, so long as her and her ilk leave me alone - you MIGHT recall I stood up and flamed folk who made snarky comments about letting Piper walk around with one of her uber expensive handbags, cause what right does anyone got to bitch about what she does with her life and family, her bag, her kid and if it makes the kid happy good for her...

But when she wants to climb into a political office and shove HER "values" (which, like most of the GOP, she only pretends to have in public, and does not practice herself whatsoever) down MY throat using the machinery of Government as her weapon of delivery ?

Fuck yes, imma do all in my power to tank her career, and given the horrendous social and human carnage left in the wake of every GOP administration since that monster Lincoln, do you really think I much *care* if folks responsible for so much death get lynched ?

I've already stated this, I would not encourage that, but nor would I prevent it, I am completely neutral on that matter, and personally believe that removing them from political power is quite sufficient to neutralize such wackjobs and limit the harm they can do.

And before you get the idea that there's one ounce of partisanship to that, remember that the only reason I want the GOP smashed to pieces first (and afterwords, the Dems) is because they are both the party that causes slightly more damage, and they are ripe for the picking - bar fight rules, you get one down, you put the boot in and MAKE SURE before you move on, because failing to do so after Nixon cost us, and failing to do so after Bush is gonna cost us, and frankly every time we try to "negotiate" or reach out to them all we get for it is a bitten hand and a poisonous torrent of bile and hatred much like you've expressed at me for daring to not see the world the way YOU want me to.

And by your own behavior, as evidenced here beyond any doubt, if you COULD force me to, or slay me for refusing, you WOULD - which makes you in essence not one dimes different from the fucking Taliban, or any other branch of ideological psychos who oughta be kept far, far AWAY from the reins of power in order to deprive them of the means to cause atrocities, inquisitions and holocausts - because that is the inevitable result of letting such zealots as yourself have any control over other human beings.

Nice try with your sock puppet "pretending" to leave RWED and hiding under a rock, hoping for short memories and a forgiveness we'd be idiots to offer - it sure seems a theme with you types, doesn't it ?

Very glad to see you've posted this. It should remove any possible doubt by anyone here that you are hopelessly insane. Your talent for writing maniacal mini-manifestos rivals that of your fellow kindred spirits Ted Kaczinski & Bin Laden.

I repeat what I posted this morning; that you are just a punk-ass pussy with a big stupid mouth. You posted that you want to kill Sarah Palin, yet you don't have the balls to go out and do it. Your whole "angry-man act" is just a very sad freak show, not even up to PN's low standards.

You say you don't like politicians shoving their beliefs down your throat, but I don't see you railing against the Leftists who are actually doing just that to all of us. It seems like your rage at the machine has an ideological compass. So add hypocrite to the other labels I gave you.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:35 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

By the way, are you one of the "fans" in this video?

"Why don't you like Czars?"
"I'm an American."
The standard answer for when you don't like something but don't know why is "I'm an American." So the name of our country is now synonymous with "I don't know."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


"I'm an American" is actually a valid answer to that question.

Tsar or czar[1] (Bulgarian цар, Russian: ru-tsar.ogg царь (help·info), Ukrainian: цар, in Serbian: цар, in scientific transliteration respectively car' and car), occasionally spelled csar or Tzar in English, is a Slavic term with Bulgarian origins used to designate certain monarchs.

The United States was founded during a revolution to overthrow a monarch's control over one of his territories. In that historical context, it's natural for Americans not to want Kings, Queens, Tzars or Czars in control of any aspect of their government. It carries a negative connotation.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:42 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Riverlove:
Your whole "angry-man act" is just a very sad freak show, not even up to PN's low standards.


You say you don't like politicians shoving their beliefs down your throat, but I don't see you railing against the Leftists who are actually doing just that to all of us. It seems like your rage at the machine has an ideological compass. So add hypocrite to the other labels I gave you.


I'm afraid that you seem to be wrong on these two points.

First, Frem is infinitely better and preferable to Piratenews. If you can't see that, then let me know where I can donate money to get you some new spectacles.

As for not railing against the left... I think I've noted Frem railing against almost everybody. I'm not sure how you got the idea that he cares much for one party or the other? His only efforts have been to keep either of them from getting too much power, and to prevent dangerous people from ascending to high positions.

As for his frequent suggestions of violence... He doesn't act on them because he knows it would be pointless. I do wonder sometimes (sorry Frem) what decisions I would have to make if Frem got the power to make all the changes he wanted. I might have to take up the mantle of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Overall, though, I think he's a net positive force in the universe.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:52 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

By the way, are you one of the "fans" in this video?

"Why don't you like Czars?"
"I'm an American."
The standard answer for when you don't like something but don't know why is "I'm an American." So the name of our country is now synonymous with "I don't know."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -]


"I'm an American" is actually a valid answer to that question.

Tsar or czar[1] (Bulgarian цар, Russian: ru-tsar.ogg царь (help·info), Ukrainian: цар, in Serbian: цар, in scientific transliteration respectively car' and car), occasionally spelled csar or Tzar in English, is a Slavic term with Bulgarian origins used to designate certain monarchs.

The United States was founded during a revolution to overthrow a monarch's control over one of his territories. In that historical context, it's natural for Americans not to want Kings, Queens, Tzars or Czars in control of any aspect of their government. It carries a negative connotation.

Anthony? Where's AnthonyT??

It's a frightened, sad, desperate, simple, knee jerk reaction. They aren't really Russians, you know that right? Trick question, I know you do, but I don't think those Americans who are suddenly scared of it do. It's a term.

And it's been around for a long time:

"The earliest known common use of the term for U.S. government officials was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945), during which twelve positions were so described. "

So why the outrage now?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:01 AM


I doubt you'd have to worry, Anthony - remember, the very BASIS of Anarchy, such as I believe in it, is not forcing those kinda changes upon people unwilling to accept them, and this is why I do not get along with other anarchists, because they get very angry when I point out the hypocrisy of forcibly removing structures people do not dislike enough to remove themselves.

It's against my nature to do such things, unless directly and specifically hired and asked to do so, and as you well know I have fairly recent experience with just how distasteful THAT can be - I would probably utterly refuse even if asked, this time around.

However, I consider preventing a potential civil war (which as I mentioned would cause a minimum of 25 million casualties) worth bending rules a bit, and thus anything likely to cause it, I *will* work against.



Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:02 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
Your whole "angry-man act" is just a very sad freak show, not even up to PN's low standards.


You say you don't like politicians shoving their beliefs down your throat, but I don't see you railing against the Leftists who are actually doing just that to all of us. It seems like your rage at the machine has an ideological compass. So add hypocrite to the other labels I gave you.


I'm afraid that you seem to be wrong on these two points.

First, Frem is infinitely better and preferable to Piratenews. If you can't see that, then let me know where I can donate money to get you some new spectacles.

As for not railing against the left... I think I've noted Frem railing against almost everybody. I'm not sure how you got the idea that he cares much for one party or the other? His only efforts have been to keep either of them from getting too much power, and to prevent dangerous people from ascending to high positions.

As for his frequent suggestions of violence... He doesn't act on them because he knows it would be pointless. I do wonder sometimes (sorry Frem) what decisions I would have to make if Frem got the power to make all the changes he wanted. I might have to take up the mantle of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Overall, though, I think he's a net positive force in the universe.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

Nice job Anthony. I wish you could chime in to defend as well when others here attack me or any other Conservative. But you don't. You want to be liked here, I understand. So you sit back and let the Kwiko's spew whatever venom they like, whatever insults they like, whatever lies they like, whatever twisted manifestations they like, and you are just swell with it all. Congrats on defending the indefensible for your pal Frem.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


that I'd gladly vote for anyone here over anyone that actually runs for office.. And yeah, Wulf, I mean that. We're all one tribe here, a tribe that has some internal disputes, but we all know that we're not just tools of TPTB. We might disagree on who we peg as threats, or what plans we might use to take down the alliance, but we're all on the same side here.
Not me; I don't use love of a TV series/movie to choose who I'd vote for, nor consider myself a member of a "tribe". "Family" is more like it to me; I want to talk to others who understand my love of everything Firefly, but I'm not at all into the kind of violence and anarchism (not ANARCHIST, but blatant anarchism) and (NOBODY specific) conspiracies I read here. I find it interesting, I like and respect and in some cases admire the person, but it doesn't rule my political viewpoint any more than MSNBC, Fixed News or any of the MSM does. I think for myself.

However, I do agree with you 100% on

Palin quit because like a moron, she had no exit strategy - she bet all her chips on the win and burned a lot of bridges, left a lot of people hanging, or hanging out to dry, not just for political reasons but also personal ones, often out of sheer petty vindictiveness.

"Frosty" doesn't even begin to describe the manner in which she was received upon her return, not only did she embarrass and humiliate her own former constituents, she also exposed a lot of their own abuses and misconduct without even intending to.

And then, unwilling or unable to face the music, like any of these holier than thou types prevalent within the GOP, went and hid under a rock, hoping for short memories and a forgiveness

I think that's a far likelier explanation than the GOP being in charge, given what we've seen of her personality--okay, so it's her public one, but you can't be that blatantly everything she is by someone telling you to, in my opinion.

I don't think it occurred to her that she NEEDED an exit strategy. I think the woman does exactly what she wants, by hook or by crook, and is quite content with it; in other words, doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks of her actions, but DOES go after her detractors with a single-mindedness I find pathetic.

As to stomping on her rock, I’m surprised you took it seriously, River. We all express ourselves here, but that doesn’t mean, to me, that we’d like to carry out what we express. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think Frem was being metaphorical, and her idea of “ear to ear” of the GOP means the PARTY, I believe, not the people in it. I certainly say things here that I wouldn’t actually carry out, and I think some here say violent things that they’d find themselves unwilling to do in the real-life situation (except maybe Wulf…).

DT, Jon Stewart may be failing at going after Palin, but the rest of the late-night guys are having a BALL. I heard some real goodies, and SNL’s 2012/Palin video had me in stitches. Especially after I heard the far right thought it was a COMPLIMENT, that the apocalypse was actually on us, and Palin’s election saved us from it.

To anyone suggesting that showing up Fixed News would open eyes, that and the video you posted should show eloquently why it wouldn’t and why they see what they want to! As to the cracks about ugly liberal women, the ones in there speak eloquently to the fact that’s not true, hee, hee, hee! Sorry, but when I heard the idiocy coming out of their mouths: they couldn’t speak to any of her “policies” or the issues or what she knows or doesn’t know—or ANYTHING having to do with her as a serious candidate--and saw her as someone who stood for the “real America”, “freedom”, “decreased taxes”, “environment” (!?!?!), etc. Even those who did couldn’t SPEAK to the issues… And Obama’s “Marxism, Leninism, Socialism”…they’re full of absurdities and complete lack of education on the issues and Palin’s stance on them (it seemed to me).

As far as that goes, Pizmo nailed them:

The standard answer for when you don't like something but don't know why is "I'm an American." So the name of our country is now synonymous with "I don't know."

Byte, I’m glad we got that cleared up. If I’m snarking someone, I’ll happily say so, believe me! And I don’t feel conspiracy theorists are necessarily paranoid or delusional, there HAVE been conspiracies and I have no doubt still are in this country. I’m not well versed on some of the possibilities voiced here, and in some cases I just don’t agree, but that doesn’t mean I think theories about conspiracies are necessarily wrong.

The name-calling and vituperative nature of what I see in this thread is exactly that to which I was referring, and to me indicates that a lot of people here have values I can’t condone and why I don’t consider myself part of a “tribe”…I don’t think they reflect ANYTHING to do with the concepts Firefly represented, or Joss. I think we talk pretty big, but may not know what we’re talking about sometimes, and from people of opposite sides being so convinced they’re right, or the “good guy” and so willing to vilify the other opinion, whatever it might be, I often don’t take what I read here very seriously.

Politics and religion: the two most contentious subjects known to man. I see RWED as a place where people with strong political leanings, whatever they may be, like to talk about what they believe and all too often happily personally berate and denigrate those holding beliefs in any way different from their own. It’s not unexpected, but I’m sad sometimes to notice that pretty much ONLY politics interests people here. That alone speaks volumes.

I may be vilified myself for not feeling like I’m part of a tribe, but so be it; I believe there are many, many people who got from Firefly considerably different feelings than what I see here, they just don’t come on forums and/or don’t come to RWED. I enjoy discussions and a good debate; that’s why I come here.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:15 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I may be vilified myself for not feeling like I’m part of a tribe, but so be it; I believe there are many, many people who got from Firefly considerably different feelings than what I see here, they just don’t come on forums and/or don’t come to RWED. I enjoy discussions and a good debate; that’s why I come here.

Oh please, I think I'm gonna puke with that self-rightous crap Niki. You dish out the insults to Conservatives as good as any of them. You do not have one bone of fairness in you. I see how nice you can be to people who you agree with, but for anyone who does not agree, you simply dismiss them as being idiots and stupid, calling them mis-informed or naive in your attempt to demean and mock their positions, just like you do with Sarah Palin. The RWED has never in my experience had anything to do with Firefly. Shame on it if it did. Most here hate religion, hate Christianity. I guess they cheered when Shepherd Book bought the farm. After all Christianity is responsible for all the suffering int he world, right? Your beloved Obama is expanding the Govt. to new heights of personal intrusion, and due to ideology alone, you are just fine with that. Let's see a post from you one day that isn't as I've described.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:54 AM


Yeeeah... Not familiar with this fight.

I have to say that I agree with a lot of the conspiracies Frem points out, except for his saying that he thinks the leaders of the Republican party are slightly worse than democrats, well, no they're not, as I think we can plainly see with the Obama administration so far and the earlier Clinton administration. American soldiers still dying over in Afghanistan, are they? Maybe the administration should be DOING something about that? Or even better, We The People?

I don't agree with Frem's assessment of Republican identifying citizens and the way he talks about them, treats them, and even boasts about manipulating them, though. And even though I've been directed to read some threads with some very inflammatory comments thrown around, if we really are the "ideal Anarchist community" Frem likes to say we are, then I don't think we should be chasing out viewpoints, which I think I've seen in the past.

Get angry, get fierce, that's the way this should work, because then the real thinking and beliefs and the figuring out solutions come out. Under pressure. At the end, I hope we'll all be able to metaphorically go out and share some beers together, though I recognize with how different people can be and think that isn't always possible. But those differences and the friction and anger should always be allowed for.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Oh please, I think I'm gonna puke with that self-rightous crap Niki.

Look at little Goblin Jr. Gonna cry now?

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:23 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

By the way, are you one of the "fans" in this video?

"Why don't you like Czars?"
"I'm an American."
The standard answer for when you don't like something but don't know why is "I'm an American." So the name of our country is now synonymous with "I don't know."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


"I'm an American" is actually a valid answer to that question.

Tsar or czar[1] (Bulgarian цар, Russian: ru-tsar.ogg царь (help·info), Ukrainian: цар, in Serbian: цар, in scientific transliteration respectively car' and car), occasionally spelled csar or Tzar in English, is a Slavic term with Bulgarian origins used to designate certain monarchs.

The United States was founded during a revolution to overthrow a monarch's control over one of his territories. In that historical context, it's natural for Americans not to want Kings, Queens, Tzars or Czars in control of any aspect of their government. It carries a negative connotation.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

Any idea when and where it came into usage in American government? And where it gained widespread acceptance in American government? ;)


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:30 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Scroll up dude, easy to miss with all of the Snarksgiving Cheer :)

"Nicholas Biddle emerged as the first U.S. czar in 1832. "Czar Nicholas", as he was known, directed the second bank of the United States.

"The earliest known common use of the term for U.S. government officials was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945), during which twelve positions were so described. "

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

There's a vast difference between

dismiss them as being idiots and stupid, calling them mis-informed or naive in your attempt to demean and mock their positions
and the kind of adjectives/nouns I see from others, and as you yourself wrote, I may demean and mock their POSITIONS, but I rarely, except with PN, go to personal attacks of the vicious kind I see here regularly.

I don't consider myself "self-righteous", I recognize that I get heated too, and I'm given to mocking and energetically denying the validity of another's point. But I'm not guilty of

Looks like the usual bunch of retards for sure! lazy-ass-live-at-home liberals...assholes...liberal twits...

Directed at me:

FactCheck my nuts
Interestingly, looking back this thread was a great debate until JS started in what that crap. It went back to being a debate, with some personal exchanges, but little of the name calling I dislike. This has been a comparatively civil thread, which is nice, but if you're saying I attack people in the same manner as I see from others, you're dead wrong.

I've got nothing against personal exchanges, but the extremes to which they devolve disgust me, and it's my right to say so, yes?

The RWED has never in my experience had anything to do with Firefly. Shame on it if it did. Most here hate religion, hate Christianity. I guess they cheered when Shepherd Book bought the farm.
That's a helluvan assumption. I find that interesting, given other comments I've read in RWED relating back to Firefly. Maybe others will respond; calling us a tribe was something I took to mean at least in part our love of it and what it represented.

due to ideology alone, you are just fine with that
I've expressed my dislike of what Obama's done several times, about numerous things, not just the debt. Ergo you must be reading me with a bias, to have missed that.

Actually, given the petulance of your post, I suppose I should just write it off as personal dislike and ignore it. Since that it had little or nothing to do with the original satement you quoted, I assume you were going after me for something other than what I wrote.

I WROTE that I didn't consider myself part of a tribe; that I believed many others got different feelings about Firefly, they just don't come here so don't express themselves; and explained that I DO come here because I enjoy debate. What has any of that to do with anything in your response? You needn't answer; for me the explanation that your post was about dislike in a larger context is pretty obvious. So be it.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 10:44 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Riverlove:
Nice job Anthony. I wish you could chime in to defend as well when others here attack me or any other Conservative. But you don't. You want to be liked here, I understand. So you sit back and let the Kwiko's spew whatever venom they like, whatever insults they like, whatever lies they like, whatever twisted manifestations they like, and you are just swell with it all. Congrats on defending the indefensible for your pal Frem.

Hello River,

I defend any person or position I agree with. Even when it is unpopular.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 10:49 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


So you sit back and let the Kwiko's spew whatever venom they like, whatever insults they like, whatever lies they like, whatever twisted manifestations they like, and you are just swell with it all.

Refresh our memory, RL. Where exactly did Anthony - or anybody else - stop you from expressing whatever venom and bile you like? When and where were you stopped from hurling YOUR insults?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 10:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Getting away from the snarking and back to Palin, I posted this in another thread (which wasn't about Palin), so will repost it here where it belongs. To those so enamored of her and convinced she's a feasible candidate for 2012 and that her poll numbers rival that of Obama's:


Sixty-six percent of Americans do not want to see Sarah Palin run for President in 2012 and 62 percent don't believe she has the ability to be effective in the office, according to a CBS News poll conducted Nov. 13-15.

Republicans don't want to see her run by 48 percent to 44 percent, independents pan the idea by 62 percent to 26 percent and you can guess what Democrats say.

The results are a little different for Republicans on the question of whether she has the ability to be an effective president with 43 percent saying "yes" and 39 percent saying "no." Independents say "no" by 58 percent to 29 percent.

Thirty-eight percent see Palin unfavorably compared to 37 percent who have a positive view of her with 37 percent saying they "have not heard enough," which is kind of a remarkable figure given her place in the spotlight since John McCain chose her as running-mate last year. An ABC News/Washington Post poll released earlier on Monday found 52 percent seeing her unfavorably and 43 percent regarding her favorably.

Republicans see her favorably by a 52 percent to 16 percent margin with 32 percent saying they haven't heard enough to express an opinion. Democrats view her unfavorably by 57 percent to 4 percent with 37 percent in the no opinion camp, and independents see her unfavorably by 36 percent to 21 percent with 40 percent expressing no opinion.
Palin: new chapter, same challenges
If Sarah Palin's book tour is an opening salvo in a run for the presidency in 2012, she faces a steep uphill climb: a majority of Americans in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll say they would "definitely not vote for her."

Most - 60 percent - in the new poll say the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve as president, and her favorability rating remains stuck well below what it was when she first emerged on the national scene at last year's Republican convention.

But she continues to have strident supporters, particularly among the Republican base, lifting her political influence. Overall, 52 percent of those polled say they see Palin in unfavorable terms, but among Republicans, her positive rating soars to 76 percent. Nearly two-thirds of all white evangelical Protestants hold favorable views of her.

If the goal is the White House, public opinion is now tilted against the idea: asked if they would consider voting for Palin in 2012, 53 percent say they would not. Just 9 percent say they would definitely vote for her; another 37 percent say they would consider it. The 53 percent who say they would definitely not vote for Palin now is nearly twice the percentage who said so of her 2008 running mate John McCain in the spring of 2006 (28 percent). Back then, 42 percent said they would definitely not support Hillary Clinton for the presidency.

Women tend to be more critical of Palin than are men, with female Democrats and independents more apt than their male counterparts to view her unfavorably, see her as not qualified for the presidency and say they would not support her candidacy.

These are current; I had to hunt, because her older numbers are totally disasterous.

As to Obama's numbers, it's necessary to take into account a couple of things. First, the country's having bad times; that's always reflected by the President's numbers. Nonetheless, in an 11/24 Rassmussen, Obama's numbers (approve/disapprove) were 45/54http://
. Second, most Presidents' approval numbers drop after the honeymoon period, that's not bad. Third, Palin is in the spotlight continuously and giving interviews almost daily; and her book just came out, highlighting her even more.

Yet despite all that, one poll puts him as of 11/19 at 55% approval to 39% disapproval , another at 49%/44%

His job approval numbers, throughout November, in average of polls is 50%/43%, with even Fixed News putting him at 46%/46%

Polling Report has him more positive than negative (again, Fixed News 46/46) all through November, from numerous poll sources.

Numbers go up and down daily, and polls are fickle, but 60% and 62% "unelectable" pretty much speaks for itself. It's easier for someone NOT in public office to be viewed more favorably, as they're not responsible for anything.

Public figures have “favorable” ratings; they also have “approval” ratings. Since Sarah Palin doesn’t have a job outside of her book tour, her “favorable” rating is all she has. Not only is it lower than Barack Obama’s favorable rating, it’s lower than a credible national candidate can really stand — Republicans argued that Hillary Rodham Clinton might be unelectable as a presidential candidate when her “unfavorable” rating was a good 10 points lower than Palin’s.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:20 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Riverlove:

Oh please, I think I'm gonna puke with that self-rightous crap Niki. You dish out the insults to Conservatives as good as any of them. You do not have one bone of fairness in you. I see how nice you can be to people who you agree with, but for anyone who does not agree, you simply dismiss them as being idiots and stupid, calling them mis-informed or naive in your attempt to demean and mock their positions, just like you do with Sarah Palin. The RWED has never in my experience had anything to do with Firefly. Shame on it if it did. Most here hate religion, hate Christianity. I guess they cheered when Shepherd Book bought the farm. After all Christianity is responsible for all the suffering int he world, right? Your beloved Obama is expanding the Govt. to new heights of personal intrusion, and due to ideology alone, you are just fine with that. Let's see a post from you one day that isn't as I've described.

Speaking of fairness, weren't you also the one who wrote this:


Very glad to see you've posted this. It should remove any possible doubt by anyone here that you are hopelessly insane. Your talent for writing maniacal mini-manifestos rivals that of your fellow kindred spirits Ted Kaczinski & Bin Laden.

I repeat what I posted this morning; that you are just a punk-ass pussy with a big stupid mouth. You posted that you want to kill Sarah Palin, yet you don't have the balls to go out and do it. Your whole "angry-man act" is just a very sad freak show, not even up to PN's low standards.

You say you don't like politicians shoving their beliefs down your throat, but I don't see you railing against the Leftists who are actually doing just that to all of us. It seems like your rage at the machine has an ideological compass. So add hypocrite to the other labels I gave you.

Now, color me crazy, but I seem to remember you just going absolutely apeshit, losing your mind (what little you have of a mind, I mean) when someone on this board some time ago referred to you, after one of your patented whacked-out rants, as a "drunken, death-loving cunt". So, since you're so willing to call out others as "punk-ass pussies", I have to ask, what was it you objected to in that earlier assessment of you? Was it the drunken part? Or was it the death-loving part? 'Cause we KNOW you can't be offended by being called a cunt, else there's no way you'd be flinging around the pussy-bomb in your own invective, is there?

Hey, fair's fair, right?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:42 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, Mike, you DO just love to go after people, don't you? An awful lot of the snarking I see gets started by you and carries on through enough posts that my finger gets ALMOST as tired scrolling down to some "meat" a it does when passing one of PN's posts. Almost.

I can't help wondering just how much nastiness there would be in threads if you quit giving in to your desire to fire up the more vulnerable among us? Do you? It's so damned easy, and is so damned unnnecessary, that at times I just wanna...

Just thinkin'...[/snark]

(Although I must admit, reading the quote, I got off awfully easy, didn't I? There's not a single truly foul word in there! Thank gawd for small favors)


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:45 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Anthony? Where's AnthonyT??

It's a frightened, sad, desperate, simple, knee jerk reaction. They aren't really Russians, you know that right? Trick question, I know you do, but I don't think those Americans who are suddenly scared of it do. It's a term.

And it's been around for a long time:

"The earliest known common use of the term for U.S. government officials was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945), during which twelve positions were so described. "

So why the outrage now?"



I only recently (in the past few years) became aware of Czars (in this context), and I immediately disliked the name. I'm not opposed to people being in charge of things, but the name simply has a negative connotation. I wouldn't prefer Lord of Cars or King of Energy, either. It's true that 'Czar' is just a term. But if you're going to choose a term, choose a good one, says I.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:46 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Oh, Mike, you DO just love to go after people, don't you? An awful lot of the snarking I see gets started by you and carries on through enough posts that my finger gets ALMOST as tired scrolling down to some "meat" a it does when passing one of PN's posts.

Guilty as charged.

I *do* enjoy pointing out the ever-increasing hypocrisy of those on the right. It's really getting to be far too easy, though.

Yes, the c-word DOES cross a line. What I'm wondering though, is where is RL's phony indignation when SHE essentially calls Frem the same thing that she was do incensed by, when it was said to her?

The funny thing is, she went on a weeks-long campaign to have the offending party banned, yet would howl about her "free speech" rights being curtailed if anyone even so much as WHISPERED that maybe she should either dial it back a bit, or not get quite so incensed about the "venom" that others "spew" here.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:48 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

(Although I must admit, reading the quote, I got off awfully easy, didn't I? There's not a single truly foul word in there! Thank gawd for small favors)

Hello Niki,

Mike's posts are sometimes hard to read for me because of the snark, superior tone, and insults he tends to sprinkle them with. Occasionally, getting at whatever point he's trying to make and absorbing whatever illumination he may have to share is difficult. My Ego often makes me want to recoil from something he's written, despite any validity there may be to it. I often wish he'd get his point across with something other than extra coarse sandpaper.

I will give him this- he is hardly the most crass and vile contributer here.

And of course I have to admit, I have been known to make the occasional inappropriate insulting statement when riled up.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:55 PM



This thread is about Sarah Palin, not about personal attacks against River. Kindly keep that talk where it belongs, in troll country.

No offense man, but do you read the lines that Haken posted above every reply box that loads on this page?

This one reads "While we have an open policy concerning messages, please be civil when responding to others."

Your actions are not dictated by the actions of others.

Just Chill.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 1:46 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So, getting back to Palin,


Originally posted by Niki2:
Getting away from the snarking and back to Palin, I posted this in another thread (which wasn't about Palin), so will repost it here where it belongs. To those so enamored of her and convinced she's a feasible candidate for 2012 and that her poll numbers rival that of Obama's:


Sixty-six percent of Americans do not want to see Sarah Palin run for President in 2012 and 62 percent don't believe she has the ability to be effective in the office, according to a CBS News poll conducted Nov. 13-15.

Republicans don't want to see her run by 48 percent to 44 percent, independents pan the idea by 62 percent to 26 percent and you can guess what Democrats say.

The results are a little different for Republicans on the question of whether she has the ability to be an effective president with 43 percent saying "yes" and 39 percent saying "no." Independents say "no" by 58 percent to 29 percent.

Thirty-eight percent see Palin unfavorably compared to 37 percent who have a positive view of her with 37 percent saying they "have not heard enough," which is kind of a remarkable figure given her place in the spotlight since John McCain chose her as running-mate last year. An ABC News/Washington Post poll released earlier on Monday found 52 percent seeing her unfavorably and 43 percent regarding her favorably.

Republicans see her favorably by a 52 percent to 16 percent margin with 32 percent saying they haven't heard enough to express an opinion. Democrats view her unfavorably by 57 percent to 4 percent with 37 percent in the no opinion camp, and independents see her unfavorably by 36 percent to 21 percent with 40 percent expressing no opinion.
Palin: new chapter, same challenges
If Sarah Palin's book tour is an opening salvo in a run for the presidency in 2012, she faces a steep uphill climb: a majority of Americans in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll say they would "definitely not vote for her."

Most - 60 percent - in the new poll say the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve as president, and her favorability rating remains stuck well below what it was when she first emerged on the national scene at last year's Republican convention.

But she continues to have strident supporters, particularly among the Republican base, lifting her political influence. Overall, 52 percent of those polled say they see Palin in unfavorable terms, but among Republicans, her positive rating soars to 76 percent. Nearly two-thirds of all white evangelical Protestants hold favorable views of her.

If the goal is the White House, public opinion is now tilted against the idea: asked if they would consider voting for Palin in 2012, 53 percent say they would not. Just 9 percent say they would definitely vote for her; another 37 percent say they would consider it. The 53 percent who say they would definitely not vote for Palin now is nearly twice the percentage who said so of her 2008 running mate John McCain in the spring of 2006 (28 percent). Back then, 42 percent said they would definitely not support Hillary Clinton for the presidency.

Women tend to be more critical of Palin than are men, with female Democrats and independents more apt than their male counterparts to view her unfavorably, see her as not qualified for the presidency and say they would not support her candidacy.

These are current; I had to hunt, because her older numbers are totally disasterous.

As to Obama's numbers, it's necessary to take into account a couple of things. First, the country's having bad times; that's always reflected by the President's numbers. Nonetheless, in an 11/24 Rassmussen, Obama's numbers (approve/disapprove) were 45/54http://
. Second, most Presidents' approval numbers drop after the honeymoon period, that's not bad. Third, Palin is in the spotlight continuously and giving interviews almost daily; and her book just came out, highlighting her even more.

Yet despite all that, one poll puts him as of 11/19 at 55% approval to 39% disapproval , another at 49%/44%

His job approval numbers, throughout November, in average of polls is 50%/43%, with even Fixed News putting him at 46%/46%

Polling Report has him more positive than negative (again, Fixed News 46/46) all through November, from numerous poll sources.

Numbers go up and down daily, and polls are fickle, but 60% and 62% "unelectable" pretty much speaks for itself. It's easier for someone NOT in public office to be viewed more favorably, as they're not responsible for anything.

Public figures have “favorable” ratings; they also have “approval” ratings. Since Sarah Palin doesn’t have a job outside of her book tour, her “favorable” rating is all she has. Not only is it lower than Barack Obama’s favorable rating, it’s lower than a credible national candidate can really stand — Republicans argued that Hillary Rodham Clinton might be unelectable as a presidential candidate when her “unfavorable” rating was a good 10 points lower than Palin’s.

Thanks for that, Niki. That was a LOT of research, it looks like.

And it confirms what I've been hearing and seeing: Palin is an absolutely polarizing candidate. Some people LOVE her, but at least as many HATE her. The best you could hope for is that those who now hate her could at least be made indifferent to her, but that's not happening. And you're NEVER going to get those people to love her or support her. If anything, the best you can hope for is that they don't vote at all, because right now, they'll be turning out - in droves - to vote AGAINST her, if nothing else.

What was eye-opening for me were the numbers on the independents. For all the hoopla we've been hearing in the wake of the '09 elections about independents going strongly to the right, these poll numbers are devastating for Ms. Palin. Independents being against her in such large numbers is never going to bode well for her. Much of Obama's win has been credited to the independents veering sharply away from Bush and his legacy. I don't think it's going to help Sarah to be seen as Bush Lite.

And I'll *try* to keep a civil tongue and keep the snark to a minimum. No promises, though. ;)


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:24 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Sorry to veer off again, but I learned a bit more about Czars. From wikipedia:


"Certain of Roosevelt's Cabinet secretaries were called "czars", despite having been duly confirmed by the Senate, at the point that their powers were increased by statute.[5]

Since then, a number of ad hoc temporary as well as permanent United States Executive Branch positions have been established that have been referred to in this manner. The trend began again in earnest[1] when President Richard Nixon created two offices whose heads became known as "czars" in the popular press: drug czar in 1971,[10] and especially energy czar in December 1973[11] referring to William E. Simon's appointment as the head of the Federal Energy Administration.[12] Nixon told his cabinet that Simon would have "absolute authority" in his designated areas, and compared the intended result to Albert Speer's role as the person in unquestioned charge of armaments for the Third Reich.[13] Simon found both the informal title "czar" and the Speer comparison unsettling.[13]"

Here we see how Czars were used in the past, and how actual appointed Czars found their own title unsettling.

Now we will see how people did criticize the term even back then:


"The appointment of "czars" serving the executive branch has been a source of controversy through the years. As early as 1942, an editorial cartoon depicted "Czar of prices" Leon Henderson, "czar of production" Donald Nelson, and "czar of ships" Emory S. Land sharing a throne."

A political cartoon of this type appears to validate my exact complaint about Czars. The title carries an unpleasant and uncomfortable connotation.

By all means, create administrative positions as needed to handle special problems of interest to the administration. I just don't like Czar. It's a matter of taste.

You might as well appoint the Despot of Transportation and the Dictator of the Environment.

On the other hand, if the point is not to defend the title of Czar, but to say that a title is not that important- you're right. The government is on a fast track to the cliff's edge. There certainly czar more important things to worry about.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:26 PM


1. I don't trust the research
2. Opinions can change
3. Palin is going to be one of the only people that TPTB will *let* wun, or possibly win.
4. There's no point in making her win unless we own her first, or at least have her on our side, secretly.
5. Anyone with 15%-20% of the vote can win. Just ask Woodrow Wilson, or William Jefferson Clinton.

If I had a large enough organization and *wanted* to make Palin win, I'm convinced I could do it. I don't have any reason to do it unless I can make her a front for something or someone on the lines of Ron Paul.

I think 2008 proved two things:

a) There was far more support for a Ron Paul platform than there was for either major party.
b) TPTB would never let such an assault on their power duopoly proceed.

This means that

c) the only way that you would ever do it is through sleight of hand.

So, for me the logic remains:

7. Can Palin be elected President? Absolutely. It wouldn't be that hard, actually.

8. Would TPTB allow Palin to be elected president? Probably. They find her unthreatening and easily controllable/

9. Could we become the stealth group, a special interest, that controls Palin? Possibly. This is very very difficult, far more so than any of the others, but it is conceivable, within the realm of things that *could* at least in theory be done.

10. Could we become the special interest that controls a second Obama administration? No, of course not.

11. Could a third party candidate ever be elected? No, not even if they got 50% of the vote. The vote tallies can be easily altered, and vote trends are updated every hour in the party HQ, so they would move to block any trend. Legally, they can block anyone without a majority from office, or anyone without an electoral majority, or anyone at all for a number of reasons, and all they have to do is make any of those situations "plausible".

12. One of the situations that we dealt with in Reform was that the structure of American politics is that you vote for a party, not a candidate. This means that technically, it is impossible for a third party to win.

A typical third party candidate will get on the ballot in states on different tickets. If Dobbs runs in 2012, he'll be NY independent, OH libertarian, FL constitution, etc. And then in the almost inconceivable event that he wins, (d) he doesn't want to win, and e) the system is rigged against the third party and f) they'll just alter the vote tallies) the FEC would argue that these tickets were not the same, but represented 3 or more different tickets.

This has happened before in US politics. It was the deciding defeat for someone, but I don't remember which election.

I think that a good alternative would be necessary for leverage. A large base could represent the swing between two primary contenders for the 2012 opposition, who would have to be a republican. I suggest the most likely contender would be Mike Huckabee. I actually don't care which is the candidate. I think that with the right strategy, a dead cat could be elected president, provided that it was born in the US, to US born parents, had lived here for 14 years, and that it had been born prior to 1978.

The constitution does not specify that the candidate be either human or alive.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:02 PM


All hail President Kitty! Best President Ever!

But the parties will complain about him or her disrespecting the whitehouse whenever kitty gets a hairball. Is there no end to the mudslinging? (Rowr!)

The only problem is, we might be playing into the hands of the sinister feline world domination interests.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:03 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The constitution does not specify that the candidate be either human or alive.

Ah, so THAT explains Ronald Reagan!



Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:51 PM


If the cat is dead, it doesn't get hairballs.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Anthony, yeah, I was just gettin' on his case, that's all.

And HEY, DT, you climb down Mike's throat for going after about some climbing for River going down mine? Not that I care that much, but damn, fair's fair, and River's rather unpleasant post was what incited Mike, and was directed specifically at me. Mike may snark, but it appears to me that River gets downright vicious. Just sayin'.

As to reading the lines Haken wrote: You have simply GOT to be kidding! Tell that to our other, much uglier, posters, and see how much attention THEY pay.

Not to defend Mike at ALL, just looking for some equality. Relativity? Whatever...

You don't trust the research...are you referring to the polls I put up? I made a sincere effort to find the most recent ones, and gave enough of them so I THOUGHT nobody would feel I only cited one slanted one. What don't you trust?

Yes, polls can be influenced by the questions asked, but I think the way the questions were worded is on the websites. What exactly is it that you don't trust?

Absolutely, positively opinions can change, I think I mentioned that--from day to day even. Of course there is no way of predicting Palin's popularity by 2012, but I don't think it's really going to go UP among mainstream Americans; she shoots herself in the foot far too easily and often.

It SEEMS to me that you are kind of enamored of your theory and willing to set aside what's really out there because of offense, but your plan is awfully complex, and I disagree on several points.

I don't think Palin is electable for many, many reasons. Yes, there's an "uprising" by conservatives right now, but I'm not sure it will last all the way to 2012.

I think you give TPTB, whoever they are, too much power, and I don't think the American people are as maleable and stupid as your plan indicates. I could be wrong, of course--after all, we did get Dumbya...twice! So that's just my opinion.

By the way, Jon Stewart had a ball with "Going Rogue" last night (well, probably the night before, we get it at 7:00 the following evening). He sent one of his guys to a New York bookstore. They had bought eight copies of Going Rogue; didn't expect to sell any by the end of the day. Yes, she's very, very popular with a certain segment of the population, but I don't think ANY ticket with her at the head of it is electable.

May I respectfully ask for a cite on a Ron Paul platform having been far more support than either party? I'm dubious about that.

As to czars and the title, I view it as something the right chose to pick up on as yet another of their tactics to run down Obama. Never liked the term, but never considered it particularly important; and where were the complaints when Bush appointed them? As far as I can remember, nobody gave a damn. To me it's just a broo-ha-ha created as so many others have been.

I heard a pundit say that it's a simple way of referring to people, rather than trying to use their actual long-winded title. Yes, I'd like another term, but it doesn't bother me all that much.

Frem: Classic, I love it. I always wondered...


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:42 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Sorry to veer off again, but I learned a bit more about Czars. From wikipedia:


"Certain of Roosevelt's Cabinet secretaries were called "czars", despite having been duly confirmed by the Senate, at the point that their powers were increased by statute.[5]

Since then, a number of ad hoc temporary as well as permanent United States Executive Branch positions have been established that have been referred to in this manner. The trend began again in earnest[1] when President Richard Nixon created two offices whose heads became known as "czars" in the popular press: drug czar in 1971,[10] and especially energy czar in December 1973[11] referring to William E. Simon's appointment as the head of the Federal Energy Administration.[12] Nixon told his cabinet that Simon would have "absolute authority" in his designated areas, and compared the intended result to Albert Speer's role as the person in unquestioned charge of armaments for the Third Reich.[13] Simon found both the informal title "czar" and the Speer comparison unsettling.[13]"

Here we see how Czars were used in the past, and how actual appointed Czars found their own title unsettling.

Now we will see how people did criticize the term even back then:


"The appointment of "czars" serving the executive branch has been a source of controversy through the years. As early as 1942, an editorial cartoon depicted "Czar of prices" Leon Henderson, "czar of production" Donald Nelson, and "czar of ships" Emory S. Land sharing a throne."

A political cartoon of this type appears to validate my exact complaint about Czars. The title carries an unpleasant and uncomfortable connotation.

By all means, create administrative positions as needed to handle special problems of interest to the administration. I just don't like Czar. It's a matter of taste.

You might as well appoint the Despot of Transportation and the Dictator of the Environment.

On the other hand, if the point is not to defend the title of Czar, but to say that a title is not that important- you're right. The government is on a fast track to the cliff's edge. There certainly czar more important things to worry about.

You tzar right, an Albert Speer comparison can taint a word muchly.

We sort of agree Anthony, but as Niki mentions it's not about the connotations or the ring of it, more the "why now?" aspect. It's obvious why, the right is looking for any way to dig at O.

Now that you mention it, I'm not a fan of "Secretary." "Secretary of the Interior??" - tell me that doesn't need an update!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:27 AM


Hell, don't look at me, I still call Alice my "Girl Friday" and the last time I flew commercial, unintentionally reduced a flight attendant(?) to giggles by calling her "Stewardess"...

WHY people think the way I talk is so funny is beyond me though, even one of my nieces semi-disposable boyfriends had a laugh on that, as I was whuppin his ass at NFS:Most Wanted.
"Are those BRAKE LIGHTS I see, you pansy ?"
WTF about that caused him to drop the controls laughing, I just don't get.

I must admit though, I kinda like the sound of that one.. Despot of Transportation - that'd go pretty far to explaining the sadistic horror that is the Pennsylvania Turnpike.



Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Those who shout the loudest and get the most media coverage can sound like the majority. Re: Palin's Book:


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 9:35 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"We sort of agree Anthony, but as Niki mentions it's not about the connotations or the ring of it, more the "why now?" aspect. It's obvious why, the right is looking for any way to dig at O."


I think we are indeed mostly in agreement. But I do think there's a certain amnesiac quality to whichever political party is in power. Czars were made fun of during the Bush administration. They were made fun of by the Democrats.

So both the Republicans and Democrats are hypocritical in their actions.

The Republicans are making fun of Czars now, where once they embraced them.

The Democrats are defending Czars now, where once they made fun of them.

And it will go round and round and round, not just on Czars, but on everything. Whatever the other guy does is wrong, and whatever your guy does is right.

For my own part, I'm not particularly thrilled with any of them.


P.S. Manager of the Interior would be a nice promotion for the Secretary.

"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 9:58 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Another old article about Czars blasting the Bush administration with verbiage very similar to the blasting of Obama's Czars.

It's like they just change the names and a few details in their rants when they pass them from party to party.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:01 AM



I found Stewarts attempted send-up of Palin underwhelming. I chalked it down as a win for our side. He had nothing. He could have nailed her. He didn't. She actually came across for limited govt. and with a decent understanding of the role of govt. and where jobs really came from.

Stewart meanwhile comes across sounding like he wants soviet socialism: govt job creation without purpose. I think that clip could run as a Palin ad. I have to say I was quietly pleased to watch it. And that's not partisan. I've enjoyed the whole Palin thing from the beginning, because the concept is so absurd. President Palin could do far more than any outside anti-govt. group could hope to.

I again humbly suggest supporting her ;)

(conditionally that she would support us, at least unintentionally)


Some years ago I said that I would vote for a Boris Yeltsin if we had one. It takes a special type of leader to collapse an empire I think Sarah has what it takes. Washington DC has virtually nothing to offer the rest of the country. I would far more enjoy watching it go down spectacularly. I guess this is my Mike/Frem side that I don't often admit to, but I really would enjoy watching the US govt. implode, and I think that voting poorly would probably do it.

The *last* thing I want is competence in DC.

I have posted here a couple of times: Wait, we've all identified the US govt. as a robotic killing machine, and some folk here want to go out the gears rather than gunk up the works?


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Once again, I have no idea to what your reply relates. It was an example of how little interest there is for Palin's book in New York, and my remark was that the media is covering the lines to get her book in the places she has chosen to do book signings (specially chosen for the number of people who adore her), and one could get the view from those that she is vastly popular.

If you watched the clip (and said you enjoyed doing so, so I assume you did), where did you get all that about Stewart "not nailing her" and her "coming across"? I'm confused.

Stewart didn't SAY anything except to introduce the video. I thought it made a good point about the totality of America's "interest" in Going Rogue...which is what this thread is about, yes?


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:38 AM


Oh, there's more to it. He rants about her, and then shows clips of her. Maybe it was the next night, I don't remember. It was the weakest send up I had seen...

... And then *he* walked in ...

Oh, Olbermann, you are the mythical deity that the right wished for. You save the day. You are the veritable Glenn Beck of the left. No, the Rush Limbaugh. No, wait, Limbaugh is loud fat obnoxious and perpetually wrong on facts, the left of that would be Michael Moore. Nah I guess he's the Hannity of the left. Still, we're glad you're here Keith. You drown out the rational voice of the left and make your side sound like a flock of loons. For that, we cannot thank you enough.

Oh come on... I know this left right thing is a petty sham, but it's a guilty pleasure to watch someone like Olbermann. I imagine that the left gets the same pleasure from watching Beck or Hannity discredit the other side.

The video was cute. I think that Sarapocalypse should run *that* as a campaign ad. ;)


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:26 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:


Another old article about Czars blasting the Bush administration with verbiage very similar to the blasting of Obama's Czars.

It's like they just change the names and a few details in their rants when they pass them from party to party.

Good stuff Anthony, but I do see a difference. The over all attempt to discredit is the same, but I find the recent one much more insidious. The article you cite has the tone of Czars being yet another example of Bush's ineffectiveness as a president, that when there's a problem he can't solve, he appoints a czar. A czar for this and a czar for that, on and on.

Recent use of the word is more of O. being from another country, a Russian, a Communist, whatever - our president is not one of US.

Splitting hairs maybe, but one seems in jest, while the other seems to vilify. I have been aware of some on the Right attempting to make Obama into a lesser man, at the very least a subAmerican in attempts to lower the threshold of respect for the office. That is very dangerous for all of us because once that is broken it's easier and easier to keep breaking it no matter who is in office.

Unless of course you don't want a POTUS - cue Wulfie!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:41 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Splitting hairs maybe, but one seems in jest, while the other seems to vilify. I have been aware of the rights attempt to make Obama into a lesser human, at the very least a subAmerican in attempts to lower the threshold for respect for the office."


I hear what you are saying, but I distinctly remember the "Bush is a Monkey" posters. And the "Bush holds his phone upside down" posters. And the "Bush can't tell the binoculars have the cover on them" posters. And etc. ad nauseum.

The "Not born in the USA" is a new one, I'll grant. But the rest of it is old hat, stale and worn and conveniently forgotten the minute it's used by the opposition. Then you hear the, "I am aghast! What villainy! Why didn't we get this kind of rediculousness when X was in office?!"

You did. It was just funnier back then, because you didn't like the guy.

Incidentally, I agree that the office of the President has lost a great deal of respect. I also believe that the people most responsible for that have been the people holding the office. Republican and Democrat.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:25 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Splitting hairs maybe, but one seems in jest, while the other seems to vilify. I have been aware of the rights attempt to make Obama into a lesser human, at the very least a subAmerican in attempts to lower the threshold for respect for the office."


I hear what you are saying, but I distinctly remember the "Bush is a Monkey" posters. And the "Bush holds his phone upside down" posters. And the "Bush can't tell the binoculars have the cover on them" posters. And etc. ad nauseum.

The "Not born in the USA" is a new one, I'll grant. But the rest of it is old hat, stale and worn and conveniently forgotten the minute it's used by the opposition. Then you hear the, "I am aghast! What villainy! Why didn't we get this kind of rediculousness when X was in office?!"

You did. It was just funnier back then, because you didn't like the guy.

Incidentally, I agree that the office of the President has lost a great deal of respect. I also believe that the people most responsible for that have been the people holding the office. Republican and Democrat.

You shifted things there a bit but no matter. If we broaden the conversation beyond the controversial "czar" term then absolutely I agree, both sides, big picture, have made a meal of tearing down the sitting prez.

I'm afraid I will disagree somewhat on why that is, at least lately. I'm not there yet with Obama = Bush.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:43 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Whether we are concerned with Czars specifically, or we are concerned with cruel propaganda, or we are concerned with defaming the president, it's all very much the same. However you narrow or broaden the focus, I feel that the result is identical.

I don't believe that Obama equals Bush. But he has seen fit to retain, expand, or forgive many of Bush's most hated policies and those who carried them out. Or, at least policies that I hated. Your mileage may vary.

You know, I saw something else today. If I could take you on an imaginary journey...

In 2008, an Obama-Pocalypse video was posted on Rush Limbaugh's website. It derided a potential Obama presidency, suggesting that if he becomes president, then the world would come to a catastrophic end. It was high-larity, and was distributed amongst Right wing bloggers and became a frequent link submission by Right Wing message board contributers who wanted to deride Obama. Obama supporters found this distasteful, and spoke out against such rediculousness. Some Obama supporters suggested that the Right Wingers must be scared of Obama if they were resorting to his kind of nonsense.

Or you could switch Right for Left, SNL for Rush, Palin for Obama, and 2009 for 2008.

...and then it feels different somehow. Even though it's not.

"But Palin really IS an idiot who would ruin the country," some may cry.

Pot, Kettle, and any other kitchen aid of blackened metal.
Now pardon me while I sling some stones at the neighbor from within my glass house...

I DID laugh at the Palin video, after all. That woman seems thick as a brick to me... Though I suspect if we were both stuck on a desert island, she'd out-survive me.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 4:23 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
It's like they just change the names and a few details in their rants when they pass them from party to party.

Actually they do, more or less.

One of the benefits of having such a keen memory for details is seeing whole blocks of exact-match text in these rants, as if they were written with a word processor, which they often are.

Hell there's at least one automated one running on Java that allows you to just punch in name and issues, which has been used a couple times for astroturfing.



Wednesday, November 25, 2009 5:26 PM



I used to have this ability before I was a guinea pig. I could recite professors own words back to them verbatim, down to entire lectures.

Jon Stewart has done some nice ones of words side by side of Bush/Obama speeches. Of course, he uses Tivo, but back to memory.

That's an ability I'd like to get back

Here's a neat trick that I used to be able to do, see if you can do it:

Take a pack of cards, shuffle it.
Flip through the deck, looking briefly at each card as you go.
Then, unshuffled, flip the deck over, now go through the deck and call what each card is before you turn it over.

It's a card trick I used to do, and people would try to trip me up, figured I had marked the back of the cards or something, so change decks on me whatever. The secret, of course, is there is no trick ;)

BTW, that ability also made me an awesome bridge player. It feels like cheating when you know where all the cards are






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