This Conservative Is Sick Of Limbaugh

UPDATED: Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:21
VIEWED: 1546
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Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:26 AM


He goes on and on about Obama, and all he does is sound & look like a fat idiot himself, and he paints all conservative/traditional people into a corner of insanity right along with him. 3 days...3 DAYS!....3 f'ing DAYS!! That's all he is obsessed with now about Obama's reaction to undie-bomber. Yesterday he adds in the Haiti disaster element and says for that, Obama was on duty. So what Rush? So fucking what? If he hadn't come out fast for support for Haiti you'd be blasting him for that....You gonna compare a failed plane bomb attempt to what is going on in Haiti now with maybe 100,000+ dead?? Are you trying to show the whole world what a fucking jerkoff you really are? ...there's more....a civil trial, instead of a waterboard session in Gitmo, and Rush is livid and foaming....Why does he want to go down this road??? Did he ever hear of British citizen shoe-bomber Reed? Did he ever hear of Bush's deer-in-the-headlights moment after 9/11? Did he ever hear of a zillion screw-ups Bush & Cheney & Rummy the Dummy made? And he gets paid for this rubbish? Who are these 20 million people that listen to this jerk for hours every day? I just don't get it. For the record, I want all libs to at least consider that a person can be conservative/traditionalist without being a hypocrite ultra-partisan bloviating baboon.

ps. Thanks Rush for your little press conference in Hawaii over the Holidays. Next time I'm vacationing in Hawaii, gorging myself on cracked crab, lobster, and Dom Perignon I'll know that if I get chest pains and have $100 million in the bank that I am sure to get the finest healthcare in the world.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jongsstraw, FWIW you've done more to rehab conservative standing than anyone else on this board.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:46 AM


Yeah. It helps if you don't listen to him. You wouldn't be missing much, him and other the Fox/radio talk show heads don't often break news, they just interpret it. If they're ever right about anything, you could probably come up with it on your own based on the facts and your common sense.

I like to look at multiple sources for stories I'm interested in, to compare and see where and why bias is introduced into the story. And I think about the why. Often that's more interesting than the story.

Also, I'm not convinced Limbaugh (and Glen Beck and others) are ultra-conservative. I think they try to act like it, but mostly they seem to follow Republican party line, which is neoconservative.

Then if they go too far, or if they need to keep up their independent image, they'll have a broadcast day here or there about "leave your guns home for town hall" or "we shouldn't go forcing our ideas on other people" So they can say that they said it. Meanwhile, in reality they supported the Iraq war, even long after it was shown there were no WMDs. And in general, their message isn't about actual solutions. They say it is, they say they know the truth and how to solve it, but really what their shows are about is "what have the liberals done today, this proves they're dangerous and ruining our country."

And people eat this up, because it gives them something to be angry at and be scared of. The people on the left do it too, like most of the opinion and pundit show on MSNBC, though generally liberal news is less popular and more of the organization comes through pamphlets and the internet than radio shows or talk shows.

It's just finger pointing no matter who's doing it, not fixing the problem.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:09 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Jongsstraw, FWIW you've done more to rehab conservative standing than anyone else on this board.

FWIW Signy, thanks. I get so mad sometimes because I cannot stand the dishonesty of his whole gig. It embarrasses me to no end, as it shoud embarrass any fair-minded individual.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I was more than a little bit disgusted with Limbaugh's claim that Obama was using the Haitian earthquake disaster to curry favor with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black people." Seems RUSH is the only one who has forgotten that these are PEOPLE first and foremost, and that no matter what color they might be, they're in desperate need of aid.

And I'm sure he utterly misses the irony and hypocrisy of his own attempts to gain ratings by accusing Obama of trying to gain approval in this mess.

For your part in denouncing these tactics, Jongs, thank you.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Aw,c'mon. Does anyone here actually think Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc, actually BELIEVE most of the stuff they spout??? They're earning their paychecks, pure and some cases might even be brighter than they appear, who knows? 'Cuz they'll never TELL anyone what their actual views are--in fact I think Limbaugh once said it; that he's an entertainer, he makes things over-dramatic because that's his JOB.

They all disgust me, too...I wouldn't care if they ranted and raved to the heavens, if it weren't for the fact that their audience buys what they spout, hook, line and sinker, and never get beyond that. That's the only thing that bothers me.

As to the "three days" thing, it's just something he glomed onto to further his cause. Initially his argument was countered that it took Bush SIX days to come out about the shoe bomber...Obama responding quickly to Haiti gave him new fodder, that's all.

Did anyone hear Pat Robertson's response? Doesn't make even as much sense as Limbaugh, et al., but he can be dismissed because he's a doddering, stupid (and I DO mean stupid, as opposed to ignorant), senile old fool. He said that the slave uprising in Haiti was because they "made a pact with the devil", and ever since have suffered continually, so this is just another indictaion of such pact.

It made me sad that, when Maddow showed the clip and then followed it by talking to the Haitian ambassador, he felt the first thing he had to say was that the slave revolt also made possible the Louisianna purchase and the independence of the Dominican Republic. On some level (even tho' she immediately countered that we make fun of Robertson because his comments are so disgusting), the poor guy felt he had to defend himself, and that's sadder than the crap Robertson came out with; we dismiss Robertson for what he is, but this guy had enough question that we might that he felt a defense was necessary.

Time for Robertson to go met his Maker and get straightened out; curse him!


Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:56 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I was more than a little bit disgusted with Limbaugh's claim that Obama was using the Haitian earthquake disaster to curry favor with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black people." Seems RUSH is the only one who has forgotten that these are PEOPLE first and foremost, and that no matter what color they might be, they're in desperate need of aid.

And I'm sure he utterly misses the irony and hypocrisy of his own attempts to gain ratings by accusing Obama of trying to gain approval in this mess.

For your part in denouncing these tactics, Jongs, thank you.

Yeah, I forgot about the "skin-color" part. That just makes him even more demented and ridiculous. You can politicize a poor response to a natural disaster after 5 days in your own country as Bush was, but for Limburger to go off on Obama about Haiti after 2 days is as low as it gets, as low as I've ever seen it in my life. And it's no big deal that I'm sick of Limbaugh and some others on the Right. Fact is, they're NOT on the "Right"; they're spewing garbage and hatred for their own self interests. They get their listeners all lathered up, then they get into their limosines and head home to their gated mansions. I have nothing in common with them. They're "pretend" patriots, nothing more.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ah, I found the video I was referencing...senile old man:

I love how he says "true story"; I guess he was there when this "pact" was made, eh? Talked to the devil himself, did he? (Which side was he on, I wonder...)


Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:46 AM



Fact is, they're NOT on the "Right"; they're spewing garbage and hatred for their own self interests. They get their listeners all lathered up, then they get into their limosines and head home to their gated mansions. I have nothing in common with them. They're "pretend" patriots, nothing more.



Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:47 AM


Considering just how badly we've crapped on Haiti since the 1800's, with resultant misery, I was a little surprised they would even accept our assistance, given the horrible price our involvement with their country has already extracted from their people, culture, and standard of living.

Seriously, look it up - compared to us, the earthquake was comparatively kind to em.

Not that anyone much cares, either here or in the international community, hasn't for a long time...

If Obama wants to buy some cred with me, here's the place to do it, do something OTHER than fuck these people over for once.



Thursday, January 14, 2010 10:03 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Yeah. It helps if you don't listen to him.

That's worked for me. I sometimes watch Glen Beck for a few seconds if I hit his show flipping channels, but just in hopes of a good laugh. The others I wouldn't even know how to find.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 14, 2010 10:17 AM


You're lucky, Geezer. The only traffic report available when I get off work is Family Values Radio.

It's funny sometimes, sometimes even I have to concede Glen Beck has a point, but I doubt he's sincere about anything he has to say, and most of it is wallbanger type garbage.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:04 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Considering just how badly we've crapped on Haiti since the 1800's, with resultant misery, I was a little surprised they would even accept our assistance, given the horrible price our involvement with their country has already extracted from their people, culture, and standard of living.

While we have screwed them well over the years, when a cement block is lying on someone, they tend to be less choosy about who lifts it off.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:43 PM


There are some nasty lunatic commentators on American TV these days. WTF is that about?


Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:52 PM


Hate sells.


Thursday, January 14, 2010 4:11 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
There are some nasty lunatic commentators on American TV these days. WTF is that about?

Seems to me that ther are plenty of people, all across the political spectrum, who find it too difficult to do the work required to form their own opinions. So they find a pundit, editorialist, website, talking head, etc., who sort of aligns with their worldview on some issues, and just use that as their default.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:01 PM


Independent Haiti

'...On January 1, 1804, Haiti proclaimed its independence. Through this action, it became the second independent state in the Western Hemisphere and the first free black republic in the world. Haiti's uniqueness attracted much attention and symbolized the aspirations of enslaved and exploited peoples around the globe. Nonetheless, Haitians made no overt effort to inspire, to support, or to aid slave rebellions similar to their own because they feared that the great powers would take renewed action against them. For the sake of national survival, nonintervention became a Haitian credo...'


Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:06 PM


Gisele Bundchen gives more to Haitian relief than either India or China :


Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:22 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
While we have screwed them well over the years, when a cement block is lying on someone, they tend to be less choosy about who lifts it off.

Oh yes, but where I was going with it, is that what we do AFTER that, is what really matters.

I don't mean dumping money on the problem or screwing with their culture, cause historically ain't neither of those worked worth a damn (look at Africa..) but instead of trying to *cough* "elevate" them stick a hand out to help em pull themselves up, we can at least do that.

And while I find the idea distasteful, offering them citizenship in exchange for military service isn't as awful as it sounds on the face of it, cause a man with nothin to lose is a damned dangerous opponent on the battlefield, and we're hurting for boots on the ground as it is (while being overly well supplied with chair polishing brass..) and full citizenship to them and their immediate family seems a fair price in exchange for risking their necks on our behalf, given the disparity between the standards of living.

But really, even if we just stopped pissing on them for a bit, matters would improve substantially, just like much of south africa, were the rest of the world to take their thumb off, they'd find a lot of very determined, very inventive people with a keen survival instinct who could become a potential asset to the world community if we don't blow their infrastructure to hell every time they get their shit together just cause they disgree with or dislike us, often enough with damned good reason - any direct assistance after the initial disaster relief should come through the UN and be in the form of education, I think, cause that's always been a major problem in Haiti.

Admittedly my viewpoint is a little skewed cause I am still bitter about our outright kidnapping of Aristide and installing yet ANOTHER one of Papa Doc's flunkies back in 2004.
Were it not for one of the troops kidnapping him having a crisis of conscience and smuggling him a cell phone, his ass would be dead, without a doubt.

This is one of the few situations where I would grit my teeth and not rebuke making amends and restitution, cause for damned sure we owe em at least that much.



Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:22 PM


'...Now more than ever, the motto of the Haitian republic, “L’Union Fait la Force” (Strength Through Union) seems a grim joke. For two centuries since independence Haiti has been split on every side. Mulatto against black; the military against democracy; African animism against Christianity...'


Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:41 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
There are some nasty lunatic commentators on American TV these days. WTF is that about?

Seems to me that ther are plenty of people, all across the political spectrum, who find it too difficult to do the work required to form their own opinions. So they find a pundit, editorialist, website, talking head, etc., who sort of aligns with their worldview on some issues, and just use that as their default.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

As much as I'd like to say 'all things being equal" they clearly are not. American commentary has definitely shifted to the looney of right in recent years.


Friday, January 15, 2010 3:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
There are some nasty lunatic commentators on American TV these days. WTF is that about?

Seems to me that ther are plenty of people, all across the political spectrum, who find it too difficult to do the work required to form their own opinions. So they find a pundit, editorialist, website, talking head, etc., who sort of aligns with their worldview on some issues, and just use that as their default.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

As much as I'd like to say 'all things being equal" they clearly are not. American commentary has definitely shifted to the looney of right in recent years.

Edited to correct the fact that I wrongly addressed my reply to ByteMyte, instead of to MagonsDaughter. My profuse apologies.

Magons, while there's plenty of "looney right" at the moment, it seems there always has been, from Father Coughlin during Kennedy's time, to the John Birchers just after that, through today.

It might be more accurate to say "American commentary has definitely shifted to the looney in recent years," because as a die-hard hippie liberal, even *I* can see the shift toward the "looney left" at places like MSNBC in recent years.

While I enjoy that particular shift a bit, in all fairness, it IS a bit of a looney echo chamber at times. Matthews shouting over his "guests" on Hardball, Ed Schultz pushing his own version of liberalism, Olbermann bringing a near-constant stream of testiness and snarkasm... It seems Rachel Maddow is the voice of reason in their nightly lineup. And THAT should tell you something, when a "hardcore lefty" like Maddow is their most MODERATE voice! :)

So yes, there's a certain shift toward the looney end of the spectrum, but it's on both sides. Or all three, if you count the Tea-baggers.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 15, 2010 4:21 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
As much as I'd like to say 'all things being equal" they clearly are not. American commentary has definitely shifted to the looney of right in recent years.

Seems to me that the 'right loonies' tend to be fewer and have larger national audiences, and are based mostly on radio and TV, even if they do have some web presence. There are more 'left looney' commentators with smaller - local or regional - followings on-line and in print media.

What's funny is when folks think this is something new and surprising. It's as old as the country. While groups of distinguished gentlemen were writing the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, less distinguished scribblers were publishing broadsheet diatribes against not only the policies of the opposing sides, but also personal attacks on representatives of those sides, such as Hamilton and Jefferson. I'm sure that Rush would have felt right at home with them.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 15, 2010 4:58 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
I was more than a little bit disgusted with Limbaugh's claim that Obama was using the Haitian earthquake disaster to curry favor with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black people." Seems RUSH is the only one who has forgotten that these are PEOPLE first and foremost, and that no matter what color they might be, they're in desperate need of aid.

And I'm sure he utterly misses the irony and hypocrisy of his own attempts to gain ratings by accusing Obama of trying to gain approval in this mess.

For your part in denouncing these tactics, Jongs, thank you.

Yeah, I forgot about the "skin-color" part. That just makes him even more demented and ridiculous. You can politicize a poor response to a natural disaster after 5 days in your own country as Bush was, but for Limburger to go off on Obama about Haiti after 2 days is as low as it gets, as low as I've ever seen it in my life. And it's no big deal that I'm sick of Limbaugh and some others on the Right. Fact is, they're NOT on the "Right"; they're spewing garbage and hatred for their own self interests. They get their listeners all lathered up, then they get into their limosines and head home to their gated mansions. I have nothing in common with them. They're "pretend" patriots, nothing more.

Thx for this, just for ditching any party view and looking at the source face value. I catch him every now and then on my lunch hour and it's like holding my breath - how long can I go? What an embarrassment he is.

TV/media seems ripe for honesty and truth, no "news playlists" for each political affiliation. Maybe since "new" also sells on TV someone will come up with a new channel? I thought Current had a chance but I've lost track of it. I'm desperate for a news outlet that doesn't editorialize (as much as that can happen). CNN in small doses seems like the best for now.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, January 15, 2010 5:19 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
I'm desperate for a news outlet that doesn't editorialize (as much as that can happen). CNN in small doses seems like the best for now.

Try CNN Headline News.

Your right, media is ripe for change. With one exception newspapers, networks, etc, are seeing their ratings drop like rocks. One network is seeing its ratings skyrocket. Perhaps ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and all of the country's major newpapers, and new magazines should consider trying what seems to be working for the one network people are choosing to watch.

Even if you don't like their least hire the hot women in short skirts to read your news...I mean clearly FOX's presentation is part of their success. They have nice graphics too.

My one real media complaint is the new crawler. They started after 9/11 and need to least don't leave them on 24 hours/day. If for no other reason then they cause that burn-in problem with plasma TVs.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Friday, January 15, 2010 5:24 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
I was more than a little bit disgusted with Limbaugh's claim that Obama was using the Haitian earthquake disaster to curry favor with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black people." Seems RUSH is the only one who has forgotten that these are PEOPLE first and foremost, and that no matter what color they might be, they're in desperate need of aid.

And I'm sure he utterly misses the irony and hypocrisy of his own attempts to gain ratings by accusing Obama of trying to gain approval in this mess.

For your part in denouncing these tactics, Jongs, thank you.

Yeah, I forgot about the "skin-color" part. That just makes him even more demented and ridiculous. You can politicize a poor response to a natural disaster after 5 days in your own country as Bush was, but for Limburger to go off on Obama about Haiti after 2 days is as low as it gets, as low as I've ever seen it in my life. And it's no big deal that I'm sick of Limbaugh and some others on the Right. Fact is, they're NOT on the "Right"; they're spewing garbage and hatred for their own self interests. They get their listeners all lathered up, then they get into their limosines and head home to their gated mansions. I have nothing in common with them. They're "pretend" patriots, nothing more.

Thx for this, just for ditching any party view and looking at the source face value. I catch him every now and then on my lunch hour and it's like holding my breath - how long can I go? What an embarrassment he is.

TV/media seems ripe for honesty and truth, no "news playlists" for each political affiliation. Maybe since "new" also sells on TV someone will come up with a new channel? I thought Current had a chance but I've lost track of it. I'm desperate for a news outlet that doesn't editorialize (as much as that can happen). CNN in small doses seems like the best for now.

Even the mighty Bill O'Reilly called out Limbaugh and Robertson last night for their ridiculous statements about Haiti.


Friday, January 15, 2010 7:21 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thank you, JS, that was good to hear. Robertson is just SO over the line, but mostly I ignore him, being as how he's senile and demented and all....but Limbaugh...he does it to earn his living, I pay him no attention. Nice to see Bill Orally called him out, tho'. I'd actually like to have seen that.

Chris Matthews makes my head ache..."Hardball" seems to mean "I get to talk as loud as I want and interrupt you and keep on talking as long as I want"'s an ego show, no more, no less. He's getting as senile as King. I won't WATCH the Schulz me he's the closest thing MSNBC has to a Fox pundit. Dunno why they gave him a show--can't remember what it was, but the things that was on before was fine with me. I like Campbell Brown, and a lot of the people over at CNN, actually...they really seem to get down and dirty, like Amanpour and the guy who does GPS.

I don't watch news on other stations unless it's either local, or, as happens all too often, they're playing the same story over and over again with each new show. Then I head up-channel to Sci Fi, Nat Geo, and them guys. Like Haiti--just how much can you squeeze out of the disaster; horrible as it is, I'm sure there are at least one or two other things going on in the world...maybe?

But Faux News? Never! I like my science fiction to be entertaining, thank you.

Yes, there have always been loonies throughout is the way of man. Betcha there were loonies back in caveman time, who thought fire was an offense to the gods or something!


Friday, January 15, 2010 8:02 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

By the way, Limbaugh's latest diatribe was exhorting people to NOT give to the International Red Cross, for fear that their names would then be turned over to the Obama Administration, and they'd be hit up for campaign donations.

I have issues with the Red Cross, but they are their, on the ground, trying to help. Yes, too much of their money goes to administrative costs, but they ARE dispersing aid, and that really does count right now.

In my darker moments, there are times when I'd love to see Limbaugh shot straight through his fucking head with a sniper round. I'm not proud of those moments, and I try my best to keep them in check, but this is one of those times. The man just seems to actively take GLEE in the misery and death of others. I know he hates poor people, and I know he hates blacks; I guess I just never realized 'til now HOW MUCH he hates them, and it's compounded when they're both poor AND black.

I'm atheist, but at times I hope that there is indeed a god, and that he's the god of the old testament, and is vengeful beyond all imagining. And if there were such a thing as biblical justice, Rush would meet him today. He would not be missed, and the world would indeed be a better place.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 15, 2010 8:37 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:
There are more 'left looney' commentators .....

And you support this how?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, January 15, 2010 8:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, I'd like to see support for that statement, too.

And yes, Mike, I'm with you. Buddhist that I try to be, sometimes it's tough...and not just Limbaugh, but Hannity and his insanity and Beck the Dreck...and O'Reilly. But Limbaugh's the very worst, and the rest of them I hear have Haitian relief urgings on their websites, while Limbaugh's website front page is about buying gold!....Uh...


Friday, January 15, 2010 10:01 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Storymark:
And you support this how?

By observing that folks generally quote only the few nationally recognisable 'right loonies' (Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc.) on this forum and other places, but when they quote 'left looney' commentators it's a larger number of different ones, who generally aren't on national media and are often more like bloggers. I can't think, right off hand, of a 'left looney' with a national forum.

Of course, the folks who quote 'looney' pundits of either stripe to support their views will be saying, "But I don't quote loonies".

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 15, 2010 10:25 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Interesting about the Red Cross, totally agree - I'm afraid that what I've read about charity groups has mostly been negative, but like you say, they are there.

I think you should consider editing your post for *clarity* on Rushbo though ya know, cooler heads etc.

Q: Do paper jet planes leave paper trails?

One of my favorite Dave Edmunds songs is "I Hear You Knockin'" Great song...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, January 15, 2010 10:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


By observing that folks generally quote only the few nationally recognisable 'right loonies' (Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc.) on this forum and other places, but when they quote 'left looney' commentators it's a larger number of different ones, who generally aren't on national media and are often more like bloggers. I can't think, right off hand, of a 'left looney' with a national forum.
Could it be that right loonies select their messiahs on the basis of which one has the biggest following? (Typical authoritarian behavior.)


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, the Ed Show comes pretty close to being a looney, in my book.

And, don't you think it might be that the right loonies are easily available BECAUSE they are on TV/radio, while the left loonies have to be sought out, since it appears from what you say that most of them are on the internet. So that doesn't take into account how many RIGHT loonies there are on the internet which would be added to the ones on TV/radio, yes? Maybe that's not clear. You cited:

Most right-leaning whackos cited are national figures;
Different left-leaning whacks cited are on the internet;
Ergo, there are as many left-leaning whackos as there are right-leaning.

That seems a false equation. Add in lesser-known, right-leaning whackos on the internet, and what does it prove?

Sig may be right, too, that right-leaning wackos are more often followers of national figures...which, as she said, is an authoritarian trait. That would also give credence to the long-standing joke that it's harder to get lefties to follow one person than it is righties, that getting lefties to agree is like "herding cats".

All in all, I don't think it's an accurate argument. Radio has always been the land of whackos, mostly right-wing, and TV just follows suit. The fact that they have Clusterfox as their "own private network" makes it easier for folks to quote them. They're probably equally distributed on the internet. Just guessing.

To me an interesting thought would be, can anyone cite a known leftie wacko? I mean real wacko, on a par with Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly--who, it must be added, may not be what they seem to be, given they do it for a living.


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

To me, I don't think Faux News' pundits can be called "Conservative" at all...I would liken them more to the trash magazines you see at checkout stands. I don't think it's really fair to put them in the same category as Conservatives OR Republicans, tho' lately the Republican party seems to be gloming onto them and trying to LOOK like the same thing...? Just as they are trying to pre-empt the Tea Party groups...


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:09 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Interesting about the Red Cross, totally agree - I'm afraid that what I've read about charity groups has mostly been negative, but like you say, they are there.

I think you should consider editing your post for *clarity* on Rushbo though ya know, cooler heads etc.

Q: Do paper jet planes leave paper trails?

One of my favorite Dave Edmunds songs is "I Hear You Knockin'" Great song...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -

Piz, I typed that out of anger - a boiling, seething anger at Limbaugh that burns with the white heat of a thousand exploding suns. I'll not edit it, but I *did* say that it's what I feel in my darker moments. In the animal part of me, I want him ripped apart on live TV. My human part says that that would be wrong (since it would only get him higher ratings!). ;)

I'm not advocating violence against him. Unlike Michael Savage, I haven't said that I'd pay for the bullets if someone would put one or seven right through that giant, bulbous, Charlie Brown-shaped balloon head of his. But I sure as shit wouldn't shed a tear if the man stroked out on the air this afternoon.

If that makes me a monster, then Grrrrr. Arrrggh.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:18 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SignyM:

By observing that folks generally quote only the few nationally recognisable 'right loonies' (Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc.) on this forum and other places, but when they quote 'left looney' commentators it's a larger number of different ones, who generally aren't on national media and are often more like bloggers. I can't think, right off hand, of a 'left looney' with a national forum.
Could it be that right loonies select their messiahs on the basis of which one has the biggest following? (Typical authoritarian behavior.)

Good point.


Friday, January 15, 2010 12:10 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
And, don't you think it might be that the right loonies are easily available BECAUSE they are on TV/radio, while the left loonies have to be sought out, since it appears from what you say that most of them are on the internet.

I'd suspect that the right looney pundits are on bigger media because they can draw the audience to make it worthwhile. Call it an authoritarian trait, or a greater unanimity of worldview, but the folk looking for right looney can agree on a few sources to watch. As you note, those on the left, looney or not, tend to go in a lot of directions, and so there's just not the demand for big national programs. Remember how well Air America Radio didn't work. The folks looking for a left looney seem to me to hone in on whichever particular pundit out there on the web most closely mirrors their unique vision, thus fragmenting the market.


So that doesn't take into account how many RIGHT loonies there are on the internet which would be added to the ones on TV/radio, yes?

The internet right loonies I've seen seem mostly to be reposting from the biggies. Not much original thought.


To me an interesting thought would be, can anyone cite a known leftie wacko? I mean real wacko, on a par with Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly--who, it must be added, may not be what they seem to be, given they do it for a living.

Interestingly, most of the folks that come to mind are, or were, comedians. Al Franken, Janeane Garafolo, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, etc.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 15, 2010 12:17 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Geezer and all, I'll give ya my version of a lefty-looney whacko: Keith Olbermann.

I watch the guy, pretty regularly, but I don't for a minute think that he's objective. He's as crazy-biased as Rush, just the other direction.

He was the first national commentator-slash-newsreader I ever heard flat out accuse Bush of lying us into war in Iraq, and I applauded him for having the gall to say it out loud, on the air. But he's definitely a bit whacko about his liberalism.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 15, 2010 12:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jon Stewart and Colbert are COMEDIANS, not political pundits, so that doesn't count.

I enjoy Olbermann, but don't take him seriously; nonetheless, I wouldn't put him in the same category as Limbaugh, et al.! He doesn't bald-facedly lie, fake videos, and he's not as "out there" as they are in the charges they make at ALL to me. Crazy biased, yes, but not looney to the degree of anyone of Fox Noise!


Friday, January 15, 2010 12:30 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Jon Stewart and Colbert are COMEDIANS, not political pundits, so that doesn't count.

I enjoy Olbermann, but don't take him seriously; nonetheless, I wouldn't put him in the same category as Limbaugh, et al.! He doesn't bald-facedly lie, fake videos, and he's not as "out there" as they are in the charges they make at ALL to me. Crazy biased, yes, but not looney to the degree of anyone of Fox Noise!

Oh, I think Jon Stewart, at least, is FAR more than just a comedian. As TV critic David Bianculli has pointed out, Stewart is probably the most astute cultural critic working in TV today.

And I'm not sure he meant that completely as a compliment to Jon Stewart; I think there was at least a little bit of a "Shame on you, TV" mixed in with that critique!

But in general, comedians ARE great barometers of the cultural zeitgeist at any given moment. Anyone remember Lenny Bruce? How 'bout Bill Hicks?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 15, 2010 1:11 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Interesting about the Red Cross, totally agree - I'm afraid that what I've read about charity groups has mostly been negative, but like you say, they are there.

I think you should consider editing your post for *clarity* on Rushbo though ya know, cooler heads etc.

Q: Do paper jet planes leave paper trails?

One of my favorite Dave Edmunds songs is "I Hear You Knockin'" Great song...

Piz, I typed that out of anger - a boiling, seething anger at Limbaugh that burns with the white heat of a thousand exploding suns. I'll not edit it, but I *did* say that it's what I feel in my darker moments. In the animal part of me, I want him ripped apart on live TV. My human part says that that would be wrong (since it would only get him higher ratings!). ;)

I'm not advocating violence against him. Unlike Michael Savage, I haven't said that I'd pay for the bullets if someone would put one or seven right through that giant, bulbous, Charlie Brown-shaped balloon head of his. But I sure as shit wouldn't shed a tear if the man stroked out on the air this afternoon.

If that makes me a monster, then Grrrrr. Arrrggh.

Hey, I wasn't disagreeing or criticizing, just lookin' out for ya, hence my references to paper trails and people knocking on doors... like do you want to say that in print? I run just a bit paranoid.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, January 15, 2010 1:15 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I would liken them more to the trash magazines you see at checkout stands.

The word you are looking for, Miss...

Is Pulp.

Good, cheap liners for the bottom of birdcages and cat litter boxes, and sized appropriately, but for reading material, not so much.

As far as hatin on Limberger goes, were I to have any say in it, I should like to see him on the receiving end of everything he advocates having done to folk he doesn't like - I must admit watching him squirm after getting busted for Oxy was indeed satisfying, but would have been more so had he been subject to asset forfeiture, bankrupted and blacklisted from employment with the Felony Conviction mark of doom.

S'funny though, you can tell a lot about a person from what they do wish on others, both in their own darker moments, and as a matter of policy, everyone has a little of the beast within, sure - but it's what you do as a matter of course that shows who you are.

Of course, I ain't exactly sure my perspective on it is all that laudable either, as I do favor tolerance and respect, but in my dark moments when I feel someone should be eliminated, it's in fact extremely dispassionate, no lecture, no torture, just clean and quick, without ANY emotional loading whatever...

And that kinda scares me, it does.



Friday, January 15, 2010 1:51 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
There are some nasty lunatic commentators on American TV these days. WTF is that about?

Seems to me that ther are plenty of people, all across the political spectrum, who find it too difficult to do the work required to form their own opinions. So they find a pundit, editorialist, website, talking head, etc., who sort of aligns with their worldview on some issues, and just use that as their default.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

As much as I'd like to say 'all things being equal" they clearly are not. American commentary has definitely shifted to the looney of right in recent years.

Edited to correct the fact that I wrongly addressed my reply to ByteMyte, instead of to MagonsDaughter. My profuse apologies.

Magons, while there's plenty of "looney right" at the moment, it seems there always has been, from Father Coughlin during Kennedy's time, to the John Birchers just after that, through today.

It might be more accurate to say "American commentary has definitely shifted to the looney in recent years," because as a die-hard hippie liberal, even *I* can see the shift toward the "looney left" at places like MSNBC in recent years.

While I enjoy that particular shift a bit, in all fairness, it IS a bit of a looney echo chamber at times. Matthews shouting over his "guests" on Hardball, Ed Schultz pushing his own version of liberalism, Olbermann bringing a near-constant stream of testiness and snarkasm... It seems Rachel Maddow is the voice of reason in their nightly lineup. And THAT should tell you something, when a "hardcore lefty" like Maddow is their most MODERATE voice! :)

So yes, there's a certain shift toward the looney end of the spectrum, but it's on both sides. Or all three, if you count the Tea-baggers.

My view of course is from outside of the States, where it appears, rightly or wrongly, that there has been a dramatic shift to the right in the States in the past 15 or so years. American policies in general seem right winged to me. Obama would probably be a member of our right of centre party here. So what is considered looney left by you guys(especially if you include commedians such as Colbert et al) is probably mainstream in much of the world and your right winged commentators are astonishing (and not in a good way) in their views.

I'd agree with the posters who have said that generally politics has become more polemic - but we had to counter the christian far right as being a major politcial voice, then it would be the same here as well.


Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:44 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jon Stewart and Colbert are COMEDIANS, not political pundits, so that doesn't count.

I enjoy Olbermann, but don't take him seriously; nonetheless, I wouldn't put him in the same category as Limbaugh, et al.! He doesn't bald-facedly lie, fake videos, and he's not as "out there" as they are in the charges they make at ALL to me. Crazy biased, yes, but not looney to the degree of anyone of Fox Noise!


Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:01 PM


It seems to me that the US has moved so far right, that those who support policies which would be viewed as pretty basic in the rest of the western world ie some form of universal health care, are branded as far left.


Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:44 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
It seems to me that the US has moved so far right, that those who support policies which would be viewed as pretty basic in the rest of the western world ie some form of universal health care, are branded as far left.

lol that is quite true, I view myself as a centralist...

And the US is way over that way

Either you Are with the terrorists, or ... you Are with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Saturday, January 16, 2010 3:09 PM


What took you so long?
It's shtick, pure and simple, and he makes a fortune from it.
He's come a long way from California.

Michael Savage is another one. I can still remember him honing his act on KGO radio years ago, burying an apparent basic sweetness under a pile of manure until it was marketable on a grand scale.

How can these people justify the damage they must know they are causing?



Saturday, January 16, 2010 3:22 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
It seems to me that the US has moved so far right, that those who support policies which would be viewed as pretty basic in the rest of the western world ie some form of universal health care, are branded as far left.

They're just the loudest ones.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:21 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, yes, Frem...right on, "pulp"--BUT pulp is FICTION, Faux News pretends it's FACT. Big difference! The tabloids know they're fiction, but like Faux News, also want to be taken as fact, yes?

And, by the way, everything you said about Limbaugh. In spades. It's hard to keep the beast down for me, too, where he's concerned, and that's a real battle, being as how I follow the buddhist path!

Mike, what you said about comedians and Stewart is certainly true, and always has been. A la Smothers Brothers, TW3, etc. And I think it's a compliment; holding society up for ridicule is the best way to attack it, you know. But I wouldn't call them "leftist looneys"; I would say they see the world the way it is and choose what they want to poke fun at.

Magons, I agree with what you said, and yes, Obama is center-rightish; at least his actions have been, if not his words. And I've often thought what you said:

So what is considered looney left by you guys(especially if you include commedians such as Colbert et al) is probably mainstream in much of the world and your right winged commentators are astonishing (and not in a good way) in their views.
It's also what I hear from my friends in other countries, too.


How can these people justify the damage they must know they are causing?
Try "because they get rich off it and don't care beyond that". These guys sleep at night because they HAVE no consciences, in fact they may well consider politics a joke to be utilized, pure and simple. I can't KNOW that, just guessing it might well be true in more than one case.






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