Democrats just got a butt kicking!

UPDATED: Friday, January 22, 2010 07:10
VIEWED: 4889
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:26 PM


The Dems just lost a seat they've held for over 50 years in an uber-liberal super-Democrat voting state.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:55 PM




Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:06 PM


I tuned into that far-left disaster MSNBC. Rachel Maddow and Norah O'Donnell looked like they were about to cry.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's a well-deserved butt-kicking, for not standing with the backbone of America. Too bad peeps don't realize that Repubs are even worse Wall-Street/ big bizness suck-ups.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:41 PM


America loves a winner!

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:00 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Until the sheeple learn to always vote 3rd party, USA is doomed. When enough folks vote 3rd party, a coalition govt of 3rd parties can defeat both Demorats and Republicons.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:06 AM


Republicans would be bigger fools even than I give them credit for if they:

1. are overly boastful and gloating about this election....Coakley accepted her defeat gracefully, and Repubs must accept this win gracefully.
2. underestimate the depths of some Dem's resolve to persevere
3. underestimate Obama's charisma and influence
4. underestimate the ever-calculating political mind of Rahm Emmanuel
5. think that this wave of "popularism" will hold true and un-abated until November.
6. think that Reid & Pelosi won't do a "Thelma & Louise" and drive right off the political cliff just to get a Healthcare Bill passed for a desperate Obama.

My message to Repubs now is be humble and respectful! Don't be a bunch of obstructionists just for the sake of obstructionism. Help the country, if the Dems will allow you a seat at the table now. They squandered their filibuster-proof majority, couldn't move Healthcare along without huge Senate tax-payer money bribes for members of their own party, and capped it off with in-your-face sweetheart deals for the Unions that supported Obama. They made America even more angry at Washington politics than ever. So Republicans need to be mindful that Americans do pay attention to what's going on, they do care about jobs, less debt, and a strong national defense. The far-left agendas of Pelosi & Obama will just have to be tossed onto the scrap pile, and sanity and moderation must prevail.

Congrats to Scott Brown. He ran a great campaign, hammering home the message that he will be the 41st Republican in the Senate, and he will stop Govt. Healthcare and stop Govt. spending. That seems like a good start.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:21 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
... USA is doomed.

I think you got that wrong. I think you're already dead in mind and soul.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:45 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
2. underestimate the depths of some Dem's resolve to persevere

Apparently not so much in this instance. From the analysis I've seen the Democrats seemed to think that their taking the seat was such a forgone conclusion that they didn't do the campaign work needed to win, and the Republicans did.

I was listening to the Kojo Nnamdi show yesterday and they were talking about the same thing in regards to Pres. Obama's first-year performance. The guests suggested that, once he was elected, the folks who'd worked so hard to get him in office thought their job was done and he should take it from there. Without a unified national voice - letters, calls, rallies, protests - prodding the legislature to pass Obama's agenda on health care, Gitmo, etc. Congress went back to wheeling and dealing. The Republican faithful kept working for their agenda and letting their representatives know what they expected of them.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
2. underestimate the depths of some Dem's resolve to persevere

Apparently not so much in this instance. From the analysis I've seen the Democrats seemed to think that their taking the seat was such a forgone conclusion that they didn't do the campaign work needed to win, and the Republicans did.

I was listening to the Kojo Nnamdi show yesterday and they were talking about the same thing in regards to Pres. Obama's first-year performance. The guests suggested that, once he was elected, the folks who'd worked so hard to get him in office thought their job was done and he should take it from there. Without a unified national voice - letters, calls, rallies, protests - prodding the legislature to pass Obama's agenda on health care, Gitmo, etc. Congress went back to wheeling and dealing. The Republican faithful kept working for their agenda and letting their representatives know what they expected of them.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

In mid-December the polls had Coakley up by more than 20 points. That's a stunning 25% drop in a mere few weeks. She made some blunders, but Obama/Pelosi/Reid also hurt her badly. They failed to connect their shenanigans in DC to this election, and they did not see the dynamics of this until way too late. Arrogance is a tough barrier to penetrate. Only 12% of registered voters in Mass. are Republicans, so 40% who represent Independents & Democrats bolted to Brown in the final weeks.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 4:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jongsstraw- arrogance, yes. And the willingness to do "politics as usual" ... placate Wall Street with shitloads of money and placate the health insurances with backroom deals, serving John and Jane Doe up on a platter to the moneyed interests.

Poll after poll showed that the majority wanted real healthcare reform: Tax the rich, Medicare for all... something gorram SIMPLE and effective, not this multi-legged monstrosity. Baucus, Nelson etc were NOT representing their constituents. They did get tons of letters, but what are a few letter compared to twenty million dollars in your campaign coffers? The Dem party's mistake was not being bold enough, using this first, historic year to play footsie while people were losing jobs and dying for help.

The mistake that peeps make is thinking that the Repubs are any better. The big no-strings-attached Wall Street bailout was started under BUSH by Paulson, after all.

BTW- guys, nice to see you back. Too bad you're such gorram cowards that you bailed after the Novmeber elections. Typical authoritarian bullies.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:25 AM


Socialists have been going nutty over the anti-tax Tea Party Movement. Well as a libertarian, I'd like to inform them:

From Ed Driscoll


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:58 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
he will stop Govt. Healthcare

Good luck with that one, Senator Brown.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:14 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
he will stop Govt. Healthcare

Good luck with that one, Senator Brown.

The laughing Chrisisall

Well that's how he campaigned, and that's how he won. Sorry if you're miffed. Your post seems as if you're crediting me with those words, and as if I'm making some sort of prediction. As I wrote above I am not. I don't underestimate the Dems...ever. I'm also a hunter. I know that a wounded animal is much more dangerous than a healthy one. This may all change nothing. Like you said, good luck, and we'll see how it plays out.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:15 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Yeah, the democrats deserved what they got.

They could have very visibly stood for what people voted for - HOPE and CHANGE. Instead they stood with money and politics as usual.

The only problem is the idiots who think that a republican is any better.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:24 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Jongsstraw- arrogance, yes. And the willingness to do "politics as usual" ... placate Wall Street with shitloads of money and placate the health insurances with backroom deals, serving John and Jane Doe up on a platter to the moneyed interests.

Poll after poll showed that the majority wanted real healthcare reform: Tax the rich, Medicare for all... something gorram SIMPLE and effective, not this multi-legged monstrosity. Baucus, Nelson etc were NOT representing their constituents. They did get tons of letters, but what are a few letter compared to twenty million dollars in your campaign coffers? The Dem party's mistake was not being bold enough, using this first, historic year to play footsie while people were losing jobs and dying for help.

The mistake that peeps make is thinking that the Repubs are any better. The big no-strings-attached Wall Street bailout was started under BUSH by Paulson, after all.

BTW- guys, nice to see you back. Too bad you're such gorram cowards that you bailed after the Novmeber elections. Typical authoritarian bullies.

Signy, I've been here all along, never "bailing after the Nov. election". I guess you were just generalizing, or perhaps seeing Auraptor back in RWED triggered that statement. Also, the days of blaming Bush are over, are they not? Even on Election Day, Coakley was still trying that. Obama's had a year. I posted last week that I think he should be not judged based on only one year in office. This vote was not so much a referendum on him personally, but an angry slap-down to Pelosi-Reid's policies and actions. Yeah Bush & Paulson created TARP 1, but Obama and pals have just piled endless debt on top of that. Geithner will be testifying under oath soon about his dealings as NY Fed head and AIG bailout. That may prove interesting. And I agree with you. The bailouts of those financial institutions was a travesty, especially the selective inclusions and exclusions from the process.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:28 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Well that's how he campaigned, and that's how he won. Sorry if you're miffed.

Not miffed, and certainly not at you. I just *hope* Brown can do some good now. I didn't vote for him, but I won't hate on him either. If he can get rid of mandatory health insurance, good. I just don't see it in the cards.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Well that's how he campaigned, and that's how he won. Sorry if you're miffed.

Wait a minute - are you suggesting that we just blindly accept what a politician promises during a campaign?


The Democrats lost this seat because they deserved to. They took their voters for granted, and they didn't even try to woo them. Hell, Ted Kennedy's widow campaigned harder for Coakley that Coakley did for herself. It was assumed that the seat would ALWAYS be Democratic, just as it was ASSUMED that the New York 23rd Congressional District was going to always go to the Republican, right up until it didn't.

And honestly, for all the Democrats have done with their supposed "filibuster-proof" majority, do they actually DESERVE to keep it? I mean, if they can't do anything anyway, what's the point of electing them?

As for Obama and his approval numbers, his numbers at this point in his first term are almost the lowest ever recorded in modern memory. His approval one year into his first term hovers right at 50%. There's only ONE President since stats started being kept on this kind of thing who scored lower. He was some guy named "Reagan". I'm sure the Republicans would rush to confirm that things worked out horribly for him and his party after such an inauspicious start. ;)


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:52 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Wait a minute - are you suggesting that we just blindly accept what a politician promises during a campaign?

I think Jong was saying that's just how it worked out is all.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:54 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Well that's how he campaigned, and that's how he won. Sorry if you're miffed.

Wait a minute - are you suggesting that we just blindly accept what a politician promises during a campaign?


The Democrats lost this seat because they deserved to. They took their voters for granted, and they didn't even try to woo them. Hell, Ted Kennedy's widow campaigned harder for Coakley that Coakley did for herself. It was assumed that the seat would ALWAYS be Democratic, just as it was ASSUMED that the New York 23rd Congressional District was going to always go to the Republican, right up until it didn't.

And honestly, for all the Democrats have done with their supposed "filibuster-proof" majority, do they actually DESERVE to keep it? I mean, if they can't do anything anyway, what's the point of electing them?

As for Obama and his approval numbers, his numbers at this point in his first term are almost the lowest ever recorded in modern memory. His approval one year into his first term hovers right at 50%. There's only ONE President since stats started being kept on this kind of thing who scored lower. He was some guy named "Reagan". I'm sure the Republicans would rush to confirm that things worked out horribly for him and his party after such an inauspicious start. ;)

Kwick...the only "suggestions" I've posted here on this subject (above) are for Republicans to be humble and respectful, not to gloat, and not to interpret this thing too far over the top. I say cautious optimism, because Dems are still very much in power in DC. Truth is I live in Florida. I know nothing about Scott Brown. To me at this point, he's just a number.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:57 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Well that's how he campaigned, and that's how he won. Sorry if you're miffed.

Not miffed, and certainly not at you. I just *hope* Brown can do some good now. I didn't vote for him, but I won't hate on him either. If he can get rid of mandatory health insurance, good. I just don't see it in the cards.

The laughing Chrisisall

Thanks, I mis-understood your post.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:58 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I'd also note for the record the resounding LACK of outrage over his endorsement of rape and forcible sodomy when it came to his opponent, telling a constituent "We can do that" when it was suggested that "somebody should shove a curling iron up [Coakley's] butt!"

So far, I've noticed exactly ZERO of the people who were so outraged at Letterman (over his remarks about Palin's daughter) coming out to express their anger over this kind of behavior. Of course, they were also outraged at Obama's "lipstick on a pig" remarks. Apparently, to them putting lipstick on a pig is more offensive than putting a hot curling iron in a woman's rectum.

Their silence is deafening.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:10 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
The Dem party's mistake was not being bold enough, using this first, historic year to play footsie while people were losing jobs and dying for help.

There was criticism of Obama from the panelists on the Kojo show yesterday for throwing the health-care reform design job to the Congress, instead of presenting them with a well-defined and coordinated package. Maybe he saw what happened when Clinton tried that, and went another way.

It'll be interesting to see if the Democrats in Congress take the loss of the Mass. Senate seat as a wake-up call and try to get some sort of healthcare passed before Sen.-elect Brown takes his seat. I've heard of several strategies they might use to do this, including having the House accept the Senate version of the legislation without change, planning on amending it with later legislation to include House/Senate compromises.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No Jongsstraw, I wasn't referring to you. Rapo, Skywalken, and Wulf (You finally show your true colors.) were the point of my post.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:32 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I'd also note for the record the resounding LACK of outrage over his endorsement of rape and forcible sodomy when it came to his opponent, telling a constituent "We can do that" when it was suggested that "somebody should shove a curling iron up [Coakley's] butt!"

So far, I've noticed exactly ZERO of the people who were so outraged at Letterman (over his remarks about Palin's daughter) coming out to express their anger over this kind of behavior. Of course, they were also outraged at Obama's "lipstick on a pig" remarks. Apparently, to them putting lipstick on a pig is more offensive than putting a hot curling iron in a woman's rectum.

Their silence is deafening.

You are clearly talented at manipulating info into propaganda. You take a bizzare incident at a rally, and turn it into an "endorsement" of the vile words that someone shouted out, that Brown denied ever hearing. Keith Olbermann did the SAME thing last night. He did one of his patented "special comment" segments (complete with watery-eyed & disillusioned sadness), and told the story exactly as you have here today. The allegation of connection and endorsement is flatly absurd. I will say though, that once informed, Brown should have issued a broad apology on behalf of his campaign. But to imply anything else is a bit foolish. Where was Olbermann DURING the campaign? Where were any top Dems? Obama flew in on MLK Day (nice way to politicize the Dr.'s legacy) and Bill Clinton chose to go there in between Haiti planning. Pretty lame if you ask me, considering Obama's 5 trips to NJ to support Corzine, and his 3 trips to Va, both contests that Dems lost this Summer. Obama has no coattails that I can see. He couldn't even get 60 Dem senators to vote for his plan without having Reid dangle golden carrot sticks in front of them. There were some stories about Coakley as well that barely came as DA she reduced bail for a union-connected rapist on trial, only to have him re-offend while out and rape a 3-year old before his ultimate conviction and sentence of 2 life terms. So could I or anyone ever say in public "Coakley supports pedophile rapists" and be taken seriously? It was a nice try by Olbermann, and I do appreciate his unique talent. Whether it actually helps liberal causes or not is debateable.

In contrast, Paul Begalia, aka "The Dem Pit Bull That Never Retreats, Never Surrenders" was quite humble and contrite last night on CNN. He said Dems better learn some lessons from this. I'm no "expert" on Begalia, but what I think he really meant is Dems better double-down their efforts on all their agendas, or risk everything they've wanted to do.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:07 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
He said Dems better learn some lessons from this.

Positive spin: seems like a win for everyone - it puts both sides on notice, no gimmies and HEALTH CARE. I love that a Dem lost after what they did.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:12 AM


"No Jongsstraw, I wasn't referring to you. Rapo, Skywalken, and Wulf (You finally show your true colors.) were the point of my post."


Us Independents/BrownCoats just gave power to someone who can block a Socialistic/Unification/Alliance/Bullshit "HealthCare" plan.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:14 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
I love that a Dem lost after what they did.

Could you expand upon that a bit? I'm not completely sure of your "affiliation" but I kinda think you're generally a liberal-leaning independent.(apologies if that's wrong)....but I would be very interested in the "I love" & "what they did" parts. Thanks.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:21 AM


And we're still dancing around it ?

Fuck it, imma say it.

What folks find offensive, scary and disturbing is that small minded juvenille idiots throw their petty little reverse tantrum cause "their" party wins a seat, without a single thought or mention to whether the candidate in question is any better than the one they replaced, because their party "winning" means more to them than any actual benefit to the people of that district.

And that's WHY you fools are stuck with a badly broken system full of nimrods that shouldn't ever be granted the authority to write a fucking parking ticket, much less set policy.

Hell yes, the current chair polisher deserved an eviction, but if you replace em with someone every bit as bad or worse, what the hell have you accomplished ?

And the first couple posts, that WASN'T EVEN A FACTOR, not to the conversation, not to the folks trying to wind people up with their petty little victory parade, because somehow party lines are more important than any net benefit to the people - tell me that ain't a disaster in the making, tell me that ain't WHY we've not had a respectable candidate in so many offices for so long ?

This isn't a game of sports, this is our government, and has long lasting potential consequences which should be taken seriously, in a mature fashion - the thought should NOT be "Ha my side wins!" but rather "Is this a net benefit to the people of this district" - and don't shovel that shit about how "But my party is the better one", it's bullshit, you KNOW it's bullshit, so let's not go there.

Believe me, there's plenty of reprehensible folk in both parties, and this garbage is WHY they wind up still in power when they absolutely should NOT be - you wanna dump a Democrat out of office, shit, go after that bitch Pelosi, or Reed, or even Barney the buttbuddy, but damn, people, up your game, bring us something worth replacing them with, someone actually conservative instead of more neo-con wackjobs or would-be crusaders, someone like Ron Paul, who flawed or not, IS conservative and honestly, visibly gives a shit about their constituents.

But leave the partisan shit, it's a fuckin boat anchor around the ankles of anyone involved in it, and has no place in deciding who should set policy.



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:27 AM


Im just happy that there is going to be someone who sill stop "ObamaCare".

Politics aside... Im just happy that there is some sort of fight.

Hell, the libertarian candidate only got 1% of the vote. Had it been a fair fight, and not a 2 party system... (and we have to vote for the side that will stop the BS thats going on)... I think the Libertarian would have won.

We play the cards we are dealt. and in this case... we got a hand good enough to STOP the madness.

Its like building an earthen damn to stop the tide. Enough to give us a chance to recoup, regroup, and fight back.

PS... I think we are all tired of supporting the deadbeats.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:35 AM



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


PS... I think we are all tired of supporting the deadbeats.
I agree! So let's kick those multi-billion dollar Wall Streeters and health insurance CEOs out! Make 'em actually WORK for a living, instead of sucking mom & pop dry!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:36 AM



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:36 AM



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm done with ya, Wulf. You're too stupid to live, let alone have a political opinion.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:39 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Goddamned double posting...WHERE is the delete button??


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


It's a well-deserved butt-kicking, for not standing with the backbone of America. Too bad peeps don't realize that Repubs are even worse Wall-Street/ big bizness suck-ups.

Apparently not so much in this instance. From the analysis I've seen the Democrats seemed to think that their taking the seat was such a forgone conclusion that they didn't do the campaign work needed to win, and the Republicans did.

I was listening to the Kojo Nnamdi show yesterday and they were talking about the same thing in regards to Pres. Obama's first-year performance. The guests suggested that, once he was elected, the folks who'd worked so hard to get him in office thought their job was done and he should take it from there.


Poll after poll showed that the majority wanted real healthcare reform: Tax the rich, Medicare for all... something gorram SIMPLE and effective, not this multi-legged monstrosity. Baucus, Nelson etc were NOT representing their constituents. They did get tons of letters, but what are a few letter compared to twenty million dollars in your campaign coffers? The Dem party's mistake was not being bold enough, using this first, historic year to play footsie while people were losing jobs and dying for help.

The mistake that peeps make is thinking that the Repubs are any better. The big no-strings-attached Wall Street bailout was started under BUSH by Paulson, after all.


The Democrats lost this seat because they deserved to. They took their voters for granted, and they didn't even try to woo them. Hell, Ted Kennedy's widow campaigned harder for Coakley that Coakley did for herself. It was assumed that the seat would ALWAYS be Democratic, just as it was ASSUMED that the New York 23rd Congressional District was going to always go to the Republican, right up until it didn't.

And honestly, for all the Democrats have done with their supposed "filibuster-proof" majority, do they actually DESERVE to keep it? I mean, if they can't do anything anyway, what's the point of electing them?

Jongsstraw- arrogance, yes. And the willingness to do "politics as usual" ... placate Wall Street with shitloads of money and placate the health insurances with backroom deals, serving John and Jane Doe up on a platter to the moneyed interests.

Poll after poll showed that the majority wanted real healthcare reform: Tax the rich, Medicare for all... something gorram SIMPLE and effective, not this multi-legged monstrosity. Baucus, Nelson etc were NOT representing their constituents. They did get tons of letters, but what are a few letter compared to twenty million dollars in your campaign coffers? The Dem party's mistake was not being bold enough, using this first, historic year to play footsie while people were losing jobs and dying for help.

The mistake that peeps make is thinking that the Repubs are any better. The big no-strings-attached Wall Street bailout was started under BUSH by Paulson, after all.


The only problem is the idiots who think that a republican is any better.

There was criticism of Obama from the panelists on the Kojo show yesterday for throwing the health-care reform design job to the Congress, instead of presenting them with a well-defined and coordinated package. Maybe he saw what happened when Clinton tried that, and went another way.
Okay, as far as it goes, all those speak for me. It was a complete fuck-up; so was the healthcare reform. But anyone who thinks the Repubs would do better is sadly misguided.

Now, as to:

Well that's how he campaigned, and that's how he won.
That’s not “how he won”, in my opinion. He campaigned as the “outsider v insider”, while Coakley tried “Republican v Democrat”. Yes, that’s from MSNBC but I tend to agree. He also played down his extreme conservatism so as to look more moderate. He’s handsome, fairly personable, and seemed like a good alternative, especially given how Coakley’s ego/complacency screwed her up. It’s probably also partly that Mass. has it’s own good healthcare and the one proposed would be a step DOWN for them. I was nonetheless astonished—in that I have always thought the people of Mass pretty smart—that they could do this is, in that it is a sign of utter short-sighted stupidity and malleability, to me.

This vote was not so much a referendum on him personally, but an angry slap-down to Pelosi-Reid's policies and actions.
I don’t believe it was that entirely, but yes, in part. What astonished me was that supposedly intelligent people would vote an inadequate, unqualified, right-wing previous nude model and TV actor who would be making their laws, into office for FOUR YEARS (I believe it is?) in order to “send a message”. That’s utter short-sighted stupidity.

Yes, Mike’s noting of the rally remark takes that instance a bit far, in my opinion. But there are other things, such as his questioning Obama having been born out of wedlock, then lying when asked about it.

Does anyone actually KNOW Brown?

He’s not a moderate, he’s right wing, and strongly so. He was criticized by the Sun Chronicle editorial page for "his extreme positions on choice, gender, and other social questions". Brown opposes a proposed multi-billion dollar tax on banks and prescribing bank executive compensation. Brown, discussing the proposal through a spokesperson, said that "he is opposed to higher taxes, especially in the midst of a severe recession". Brown stated that he continues to support religious hospitals in refusing to provide emergency contraception, causing the woman to go to another hospital. an amendment he sponsored in 2005, which, according to The Boston Globe, "would have allowed a doctor, nurse or hospital to deny rape victims an emergency contraceptive if it 'conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief.'" Yes, later Brown had later supported the overall bill that required emergency rooms to provide the contraceptives to rape victims.

After Martha M. Coakley stated in their campaign debate that she opposes sending more troops because terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda "are gone" from the country, a statement supported by General McChrystal himself, Brown, along with a group of veterans, attacked her statement. Brown advocates that suspected terrorists be tried in military tribunals and not civilian courts.

Earlier in his career, he favored an amendment to the state constitution barring same-sex marriage and allowing the provision for civil unions. During a State Senate debate in 2001, Brown referred to the decision of his lesbian Democratic opponent, Cheryl Jacques, to have children as "not normal". He also described her parenting role as "alleged family responsibilities". Brown later apologized for the remarks. He favors creating parental consent laws for minors who seek an abortion.

Brown voted for a regional cap-and-trade system, and he later commented that he regretted the vote He opposes putting up a wind farm on Nantucket Sound, remarking, "It's like putting turbines on Boston Common".

All that from Wikipedia.

There's no doubt that Brown, who favors low taxes, less regulation, strong defense, and who is also pro-choice and pro-gun rights, fits the profile of his GOP colleagues in Massachusetts politics. He's a Scott Brown Republican, and also a Republican Republican.

Brown's been a fixture in Massachusetts conservative politics since the early 1990s.... Brown likes "slinky girls" and he wasn't shy about taking his clothes off. "I'm not ashamed of my body," Brown told Cosmo. "I work hard enough to keep it in shape. When you go to the beach, you automatically seek out the best bodies, female and male. Why should it be different in a magazine?" "The fact is, when Scott was 22 years old, he was footloose and carefree." That may be so, but how would he be treated if he were a woman?
That’s from an article about his posing for Cosmo nude, and which questions the difference between how we view a male candidate versus a female candidate in that position:

Although a nude centerfold might not kill a female politician's career, it would most certainly prompt questions about her character. Was she unacceptably promiscuous? Did she have a wild, compromising youth? While we scoff at the exploits of young men─they're allowed to be "footloose and carefree"─women are rarely afforded that luxury. For Brown, who just turned 50, it's a case of "boys will be boys." We can giggle at Brown's treasure trail and not think twice about how the sight of it affects his political career. But when Sarah Palin's head was Photoshopped on the body of a gun-totin', bikini-clad babe, it served as evidence for many of her unsuitability for office. Even when the photo was proved to be fake, it continued to haunt her. Palin's sexuality was at once titillating and threatening─for as many fans as she gained for being attractive, there were as many who used it in building the case against her. If Barbara Boxer had posed nude in her youth and declared her love for "buff boys," I predict her voters would be collectively horrified, and she'd probably never shake the crass jokes that would follow. As a culture, we simply don't like our female representatives to be publicly sexual. But it probably won't matter much to the rest of his career. It's just one of the advantages of being a dude.
I concur.

I believe that any Democrat who voted for Brown will regret doing so in time.

It'll be interesting to see if the Democrats in Congress take the loss of the Mass. Senate seat as a wake-up call and try to get some sort of healthcare passed before Sen.-elect Brown takes his seat. I've heard of several strategies they might use to do this, including having the House accept the Senate version of the legislation without change, planning on amending it with later legislation to include House/Senate compromises.
Personally, I think the healthcare bill is dead—I hope to hell it is, not that the House accepts the Senate bill. That’s the most popular prediction of what they’ll do; it was bad enough before, the Senate bill is a mandated gimme.

Yes, I hope the Dems wake up, but it’s more than that. I contend that they’d have gotten a LOT of good things done, including healthcare reform, but for four facts: the Republican’s stubborn determination to be the “party of no” and stop our country’s governing bodies from moving forward in any meaningful way; the new idea of “requiring” the super majority of 60 votes to get ANYTHING done; the Democrat’s “big tent” including DINOs; and Obama’s inability (lack of willingness?) to explain to the American people complex legislation, resulting in them being more vulnerable to buzz words and propaganda.

In my opinion, Congress will be pretty much ground to a halt by losing their 60-seat majority, unreal "majority" as it was.

Turns out a LOT got posted while I was putting this together, so aside from Wulf's idiocy, I want to say Frem: Your last post got it.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:41 AM


Aww, Sigy... you all butthurt over losing?

Poor thing.

Stupid thing, actually. Because this is not about parties... its about people. Its about the very heart of what America (and Americans) stand for.

You. Are. Not. It.

So fuck off back to your hole.

Real people, real folks, are taking back control.

You are just a sad mistake.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:46 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Its like building an earthen damn to stop the tide.

You really should go out and try that sometime. What usually happens in that case is, you drown in the mud.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:53 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"He’s handsome, fairly personable ..."

So THAT's the republican strategy ! Run ex-beauty-queens and ex-nude-male-models and win the eye-candy vote.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:56 AM


"You really should go out and try that sometime. What usually happens in that case is, you drown in the mud."

Yeah, if your whole plan is to sit there and wait.

But if your plan is to just stop the tide long enough to regroup and attack? Well, it buys you the time you need.

Keep in mind, this movement is not about supporting Republicans over Democrats... or Democrats over Republicans.

Its about buying us the time to build. To build a true OTHER option.

Hell, Frem had it right. Stymie everything, gum up the whole works, then come out guns blazing.

Americans are tired of 2 party options. Tired of Right and left.

We want people who care about this country, who knows what it means to be a citizen, and who will do everything they can FOR the freedoms, people, and land we cherish.

Fuck Democrats/Liberals.

Fuck Republicans/UltraCons.

We want and WILL HAVE true representation.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:59 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Aww, Sigy... you all butthurt over losing?

Poor thing.

Stupid thing, actually. Because this is not about parties... its about people. Its about the very heart of what America (and Americans) stand for.

You. Are. Not. It.

So fuck off back to your hole.

Real people, real folks, are taking back control.

You are just a sad mistake.

You are like a two-year old. I find you a huge embarrassment, not only to Conservatives (which you certainly are not)but all posters in general. Republicans win a Senate seat, and all you can do is rub salt, heckle, gloat, and shout na na na na nah? That is some fucked-up juvenile shit if I ever saw any. In the minds of many of the liberal posters here you represent what they perceive as Conservatism, and that is a loud crying shame. Grow up and be a human being first. Then an American second. Then whatever brand of demented ideology you believe in third. That simple advice may be what you need to fend off your advancing dementia.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:01 AM


Also, keep this in mind... be glad that its people voting....

The other option is "The ballot or the bullet" as made famous by Malcolm X.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:01 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I'm done with ya, Wulf. You're too stupid to live, let alone have a political opinion.

Oh he's welcome to his life, and his opinion...

Doesn't necessarily mean we have to give a fuck about either one.



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:02 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


"Estimates placed voter turnout between 40% and 55% of registered voters, a stunningly high total for a special election."

Do you think the vote represented the will of ALL the people ? Or only the disgruntled with time to spare in their workday ? (Hmmm, I wonder if I'll get an actual, civil thought in reply, or some version of a potty-mouthed tantrum ...)


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What the right-wing doesn't realize is that American is sharply polarized over healthcare... the defeat of the Senate healthcare bill doesn't mean that most people don't want socialized medicine: poll after poll shows that the majority want something that works for them, NOT for the insurance companies. A smaller portion is adamantly opposed to ANY form of governemt healthcare. Senate Dems thought they could play footsie, play it safe, and stick to the middle on this issue. Didn't anyne ever tell them the only things in the middle of the road are a yellow line and dead armadillos?

Wulf, your ignorance is appalling.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:03 AM


Well, sorry all to hell Jong.

But when I see cracks in the foundation of the oligarchy and the bullshit that has been built up..

Forgive me if I can't help myself and shout "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:05 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
You are like a two-year old. I find you a huge embarrassment, not only to Conservatives (which you certainly are not)but all posters in general. Republicans win a Senate seat, and all you can do is rub salt, heckle, gloat, and shout na na na na nah? That is some fucked-up juvenile shit if I ever saw any. In the minds of many of the liberal posters here you represent what they perceive as Conservatism, and that is a loud crying shame. Grow up and be a human being first. Then an American second. Then whatever brand of demented ideology you believe in third. That simple advice may be what you need to fend off your advancing dementia.


Last thing we need is morons like that dumping sand in the gears when both the Right and the Left have started allying in stuff that universally benefits everyone decent, like Move-Your-Money and backlash against the rabid and irresponsible consumerism being used to prop up a badly screwed economy.



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:05 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Aww, Sigy... you all butthurt over losing?

Poor thing.

Stupid thing, actually. Because this is not about parties... its about people. Its about the very heart of what America (and Americans) stand for.

You. Are. Not. It.

So fuck off back to your hole.

Real people, real folks, are taking back control.

You are just a sad mistake.

You mean like all those "real people" who took control when they elected Obama, Reid, and Pelosi? THOSE "real people"? Yeah, they're still in charge. Turns out that a 59-seat majority is still a majority. I understand why you don't get that; math clearly isn't your strong suit. Weren't you just arguing that the guy who got less than 1% of the vote "would have won"? Yeah, he would have, if the other 99% of voters hadn't shown up.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:08 AM


"Oh he's welcome to his life, and his opinion...

Doesn't necessarily mean we have to give a fuck about either one."

Well Frem, and I know you meant that as a slight...

But, AMEN.

You are actually right.

Do I have the power to push my beliefs on you? No? Even if I did, which I couldnt because of the Constitution, what would it matter?

The problem is, these folks HAVE gained that power... both RIGHT and Left...

and that is something I will not stand for.






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