Obama arrests 21 gun executives at Vegas trade show

UPDATED: Saturday, January 23, 2010 08:51
VIEWED: 1083
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Saturday, January 23, 2010 6:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Obama Justice Department Decapitates Gun Industry: FBI Arrest 21 Gun Industry Executives in Las Vegas to Attend Gun Show

What’s being touted as the largest single investigation and prosecution against individuals in the history of the Justice Department’s enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act occurred Monday in Las Vegas.

Since the election of Obama the main question for gun owners has been, “when will Obama come after the guns”?

The individuals arrested are executives and employees of military and law enforcement products companies that were in Las Vegas to attend the 2010 Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show (Shot show) and are charged with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

The indictments allege that the defendants engaged in a scheme to pay bribes to the minister of defense for a country in Africa but the alleged sales agent was in reality an undercover FBI agent.

The defendants allegedly agreed to pay a 20 percent commission to a sales agent who the defendants believed represented the minister of defense of an African country in order to win a portion of a $15 million sale to outfit the country’s presidential guard.

The Las Vegas Sun is reporting the names of those arrested and the location of their companies as being;

Daniel Alvirez and Lee Allen Tolleson, Bull Shoals, Ark., Helmie Ashiblie, Woodbridge, Va., Andrew Bigelow, Sarasota, Fla., R. Patrick Caldwell and Stephen Gerard Giordanella, Sunrise, Fla., Yochanan Cohen, San Francisco, Haim Geri, North Miami Beach, Fla., Amaro Goncalves, Springfield, Mass., John Gregory Godsey and Mark Frederick Morales, Decatur, Ga., Saul Mishkin, Aventura, Fla., John and Jeana Mushriqui, Upper Darby, Pa., David Painter and Lee Wares, United Kingdom, Pankesh Patel, United Kingdom, Ofer Paz, Israel, Israel Weisler and Michael Sachs, Stearns, Ky., and John Benson Wier III, St. Petersburg, Fla.

One name on the list, Amaro Goncalves is reported to be a vice-president of sales for Smith & Wesson (SWHC)
According to reports the arrest did not take place at the SHOT show but the FBI did use the show as an oportunity to bring all of the people together in one place for arrest.

Needless to say with the recent incident involving the BATFE and the Texas Gun Show, this action by the Justice Department and the FBI is causing concern and confusion for patroits and gun owners nation wide.

David Codrea of the Gun Rights Examiner is asking “why the mass arrests here and now”?

One of the main comments from bloggers is “what’s wrong with paying a commission.”

Since the election of Obama the main question for gun owners as been, “when will Obama come after the guns”?

It looks like that question has been answered!


FBI Flyer Worries Gun Store Owners


ROGERS, Ark. -- A flyer appearing to be from the FBI has been turning up at local gun and ammo shops, instructing employees there how to identify suspected terrorists, but some store owners say its regulations might affect more than just enemies of the state.

It instructs store owners to look out for certain customer characteristics, like insisting on paying with cash only, or purchasing large quantities of ammunition or other gun accessories.

Store owners are also supposed to look for people with missing hand or fingers, chemical burns, or stains on their clothing.

But this disturbs Jim Snow, owner of Rebel Arms and Sporting Goods in Nob Hill.

“Generally this thing is my customer base, generally the customer base of all your gun shops,” he said.

Snow said the form's definition of a terrorist is debatable.

“That's generally what a gun owner is. He's buying a bipod for his rifle, he's buying handgun ammunition, and he wants a container to keep it safe in,” Snow said.

Snow said he isn't comfortable using the form’s criteria to profile people in his shop, especially when many are longtime customers.

“They're wanting kids to turn their parents in, they're wanting parents to turn his kids in,” Snow said.

Ron Garratt from G.I. Guns and Ammo in Rogers doesn't see the point of the flyer.

“I think that's probably little bit of overkill,” Garratt said.

Garratt said all potential gun buyers are subject to background checks by the F.B.I. already.

“That form gives up their basic information, name address, date of birth, description and so forth,” Garratt said.

The FBI has the right to deny a sale if the background check doesn't add up.

Even with regulations, gun store owners 40/29 talked with said they'll always be careful about who they sell to They also said they do sometimes have problems with customers trying to make "straw sales": people trying to buy a firearm for someone else who cannot legally own one.


Saturday, January 23, 2010 8:51 AM


This is an intentional PR move intended to cast slight on people who own or sell guns, they actually held back on busting some of those folk in order to do this - and there are some questions of entrapment and whether some of the charges actually hold water or not.

Firearms law is so grossly overcomplicated, and yet so vague, it's almost a literal impossibility to be in full compliance at any particular time, and even if you are they have a habit of changing the law out from under you without the courtesy of even informing you about it.
(See Also: Cavalry Arms Raid)

While the current set of dimocrats in office hasn't been stupid enough(1) to directly shit on the second amendment, they're certainly encouraged a lot of intimidation and harrassment, and this is just more of the same.

IMHO if they wanted to arrest someone, they shoulda busted the Magpull reps for their "criminal" pricing of the new and much awaited ACR - hell, even Hitler shit a brick!

Seriously, the gunbunnies woulda CHEERED for that one, meh heh heh.

Really though, this is just more of the same bullshit and demonization that's always aimed at the gunbunnies, just a little more publicly as a setup for a PR coup, is all.


(1) Other than via the proposed Small Arms Treaty, thanks to Bidens attempt to end run the Constitution by invoking Treaty rules which make signed Treaties equal in power to the Constitution itself.