Hard questions for NCMEC.

UPDATED: Friday, January 29, 2010 07:46
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:53 PM


And it's about damned time, too.

LONG past time Protect got around to asking these questions, and I have some hard questions of my own, but not just yet, I think.

No, imma let em get in good and deep trying to explain themselves out of various financial and legal anomalies and then drop the hammer.

But that the hammer is comin, never you doubt it.



Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:57 PM


Well I hope you drop that hammer good and hard when you get ready to drop it. This definitely does not pass the smell test.

"NCMEC is not subject to the freedom of information act" Wha??? Why not? These people are hiding something. Gives me the creeps.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:13 PM


Ok, so the foia would not work for this organization because they are not a government agency. However, "It would be hard to argue at this point that NCMEC is not a re-branded government agency operating outside the bounds of normal government accountability."

This is seriously disturbing to me on many levels. Deep, dark thoughts....

Thanks for posting this Frem!


Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Seems the more people call for transparency in government, the further down the hole these scum retreat, always hiding behind "secrets", "national security", and "private business" claims.

You know, we COULD roll healthcare reform into a national security and/or military readiness issue if we really wanted to. After all, a sick nation is one that's in no shape to fight off an attack...


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:37 AM


Well, I won't go into the details of some of the questions I really mean to grind an axe about, but one that's bloody OBVIOUS, that I will toss out.

Do you know what involving civvie volunteers in an evidence chain does to your case ?

The FBI dumped this shit off on NCMEC some time after the US Treasury sent Marcus Lawson packing after actually doing his job in a division that was supposed to be a departmental siberia, you see.

Being as usual too busy fucking over their so-called protectees to actually do their job, the shoved the whole mess onto a pack of poorly trained civilian volunteers with no enforcement power who they prettymuch just ignore.

Not to mention the potential for internal corruption and planted stonewallers, which you get anywhere, sure - but it does make things more difficult.

And there's at least one good solid reason they do not want an expert examining their databases, and I *have* mentioned it before, but it's not the only one, by far.

The shocking truth is that while we could rescue thousands of children tomorrow, less than 2% of these known suspects are even being investigated due to lack of resources.

But it ain't JUST lack of resources, there's political concerns, exceptional clearance, and a whole lot of money (sometimes even funding) causing that lack of will, especially in North Carolina.

And when it comes to the damned FBI, instead of using the resources to bust these guys and rescue the victims - which IMHO should take precedence over even the bust, they spend that shit shouting for more surveillence which they then use to harrass protest and advocacy groups...

We GOT all the goddamn tools we need, had em in 1997 when I pointed it out in an editorial that pissed off so many of em I hadda use a mobile office in the ass end of Texas for a year and more for my own safety, cause that came out of the Landslide case which sent Tom Reedy to the stone hotel for 1400 YEARS, consecutive, and so all the other "billing systems" with their fingers in that dirty little pie were shitting bricks...

I also pointed out if they didn't get a lock on it then, soon the money would end up in politics, which it did at the hands of the FSC (bankrolled by Disney/Infoseek) getting Patrick Naughton off the hook ONE DAY before he was to be charged, by buying off enforcement of a law, having it shot down by a "friendly" judge, gee, thanks Disney, nice to know your reputation means more to you than your customers.

And a damn lot of it wound up funnelled through the Libertarian Party, which is why I do not support them, they've kept a lid on that mostly, but the whole Mary Ruwart fiasco shows that the money has been influential, it was them taking the money in the first place which set me off, cause it allows a certain undue level of influence, and blackmail besides cause they can always leak to the press what "such and such foundation" or "so and so memorial fund" really *IS* if they need a candidate out of the way, and it's not like they don't have THOUSANDS of those little false fronts to funnel political money now.

Which wouldn't have happened if anyone had given a fuck when it mattered, and the only one who ever REALLY took the advice in the 1997 article was MI Attorney General Jennifer Granholm, who actually having both the will and the authority, took down in six weeks the collective I had been fighting for six years, just by cutting off the MONEY.

Oh yes, I have a damned lot of hard questions for NCMEC, but the chances of anyone finding the balls to ask them, well...



Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:10 PM


Kindly contact me through the secretariat at and let's talk about how to get your hard questions answered.

Emmanuel Lazaridis


Friday, January 29, 2010 7:46 AM


I handle mostly the US end of things, Manny - for the EU you'd be better off talking to Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ, who has more of a handle on the same issues on that side of the water.

One of the main problems in the US is the lack of will to investigate the politically connected, which as I understand in regards to certain well-known rings involving a few EU officials, is also a problem on your end.

There's also the problem of flagging /null on victims who are known to be deceased so that they cannot be brought up even if fresh evidence arises, because this means the family of the victim can never achieve closure on the matter, and related cases become harder to connect.

Then there's the matter of routing chain of custody through civilian volunteers where it can be contaminated both by well-meaning crusader types and by folk bought off or working for some of the more organized rings of predators, a particular problem in western europe more so than here, currently.

And yes, I am seriously pissed off at the Portugese Authorities and related ball fumbling, but as I said, for matters on that side of the water you'd be better off talking to the lady.

You wanna talk about this side of the water, you can start by explaining why Abramoff got the kid gloves treatment, or why victims are charged and incarcerated instead of those who victimize them, something also better addressed with the Rebecca Project.

Take my word, deal with THESE people, they're the negotiators, the rational work-with-you types, which I do not happen to be.

I'm what happens when negotiation fails.







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