Truly the party of NO

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 07:12
VIEWED: 1075
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Monday, February 8, 2010 3:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I got an RNC survey today... god knows how, since I'm a registered Dem. Had fun messing with the answers, but I noticed something curious ... It's always easy to tell what the "preferred" answer is, of course. The questions are framed like "Do you support XXX although it will ruin the country?" ALL of the RNC's preferred answers were "NO". Which is kinda strange, because most surveys are framed so that the desired answer is "YES".

Since the survey plays to their base, do the Rethugs see their base as being automatically negative? Angry? Unconstructive? Without goals of any sort?


Monday, February 8, 2010 4:48 PM



What took ya so long ?



Monday, February 8, 2010 5:17 PM


America loves a winner!

pssst - those aren't so much 'surveys' as they are fund raising letters.

Don't for a centon think that the Dimorats don't play that game as well. More than likely, they came up w/ it in the first place.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Monday, February 8, 2010 5:21 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

And you don't think any survey you get from any political party, PAC or special interest group (generally accompanied by a request for a contribution) does the same thing?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 8, 2010 7:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, to add to the story, just after I finished the RNC "survey" I opened a DNC survey. The questions were a whole lot less "leading", framed more on the order of "what are your priorities?" and included a space for "other".

Been push-polled many times. It takes a couple of questions for me to figure out the particular bent, and if I don't happen to agree with that bent I have a fun time messing with their results. And if I get a postage-paid envelope from a particularly unfavored group, I ALWAYS make sure to send it back!


Monday, February 8, 2010 7:19 PM


the RNC is not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. but as government is concerned, 'no' is a GOOD THING, IMO. they ought to be doing a lot less! i wish congress only convened 3 or so months out of the year, as they did in the 19th century. then, i could go back to my own life... rather then constantly worrying which of my liberties theyre conspiring to rob from me


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 6:57 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ditto what everyone said about the surveys, I think any thinking person hss known that for a long time (which of course leaves out the peeps who don't use their brains, only their eyes and ears and watch Faux News exclusively!). And of COURSE they're the party of anger and negativity, it's what's gotten them this far--well, that and fear, which from the sentence you described, is in there too no doubt. Stirring up the angry populace is a great way to gain power, and it works fantastically on all the racists out there pissed a Black man is Prez and dying for any excuse to disqualify him/justify their hate.

NEVER forget that, in the South particularly, and subconsciously for some, Obama being an "other" is a strong incentive to hate him. The day we stop recognizing or start denying that is the day we weaken ourselves further.

As to the Repubs and their party of no being any better, , best joke I've heard yet today. Someone needs their eyes opened!

Nice to hear the Dem survey was at least a BIT less obvious...or is that more dangerous? I'm not smart enough to figure...

I got a "survey" from PETA the other day--you could see the smoke coming out of my ears. No doubt some organization I donated to, but I have a REAL hard on when it comes to PETA! My solution to such things (when postage-paid envelope is included) is to fill the envelope with everything they sent me, sometimes plus a bit of sand for extra weight, and send it back with a scrawled "DO NOT SEND ME THIS SHIT!" Never hear from them again.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 4:20 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Ditto what everyone said about the surveys, I think any thinking person hss known that for a long time (which of course leaves out the peeps who don't use their brains, only their eyes and ears and watch Faux News exclusively!). And of COURSE they're the party of anger and negativity, it's what's gotten them this far--well, that and fear

hold on... and youre implying the Democrats werent the party of anger and negativity, just a few years ago.. when Bush and the Republicans were in charge? pull up some photos of the 2004 DNC, and tell me you dont see any Nazi swastikas and Bush effigys, and cries of fascism! and you probably think the tea parties were bad.. take a look back! so whats the point? the incumbent party is always hated, the people subconsciously know that both parties are just two different drivers of the same car. the only difference being the Republicans atleast list fiscal conservativitism and the constitution in their platform(whether they stay faithful to the message is another story). conversely the Dems make no bones anymore about being statists


Stirring up the angry populace is a great way to gain power, and it works fantastically on all the racists out there pissed a Black man is Prez and dying for any excuse to disqualify him/justify their hate.

thats right, we elected a black man, so 'The Man' could shut him down! how sinister

do you honostly believe that? theres a good slogan for youre position, its called 'hate whitey!' the white mans responsible for all the evil in the world! its liberalism 101

surely you accept that there are objective disagreements, fundementally, between Obama and his dissidents?

hows this.. i wish Obama was a libertarian! i mean with his oratory abilities and 'charm,' hed be the greatest president in recent memory! but thats just it, hes not, hes a died-in-the-wool statist, a collectivist; he doesnt believe in the original intent of the constititution. its not a matter of giving him a chance or 'liking' him, many people fundementally disagree with him. whats wrong with that?


NEVER forget that, in the South particularly, and subconsciously for some, Obama being an "other" is a strong incentive to hate him. The day we stop recognizing or start denying that is the day we weaken ourselves further.

i dont believe that. maybe youre projecting your own beliefs on other people? liberaly minded people inherently divide society into classes and subsets- ethnicity, sex, economic class; its part of their worldview. the congressional black caucus, the congressional hispanic caucas, the feminist movement, the gay rights movement; lower class, upper class. people arent viewed equal under God, as a matter of law, they are counter-productively segregated into classes for political benefit. to me, this may be more an issue of projection then actual racism. i dont see Obama as black, i just see him as a nother globalist/corporatist shill of the NWO


As to the Repubs and their party of no being any better, best joke I've heard yet today. Someone needs their eyes opened!

we'll see, the irony is the Repubs are irrelevant! they dont have the votes to affect change anyways! the Dems have been in control for 3 years now, as far as im concerned this is their mess now, they took responsibility long ago! no more blaming Bush and the republicans for any failures going forth


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 4:26 PM


Like woman, I am a mystery.


Originally posted by antimason:
pull up some photos of the 2004 DNC, and tell me you dont see any Nazi swastikas and Bush effigys, and cries of fascism!

Well, to be fair, they were a bit closer to the mark than the people trying to brand Obama with it.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 4:41 PM



posted by Cuda77-
Well, to be fair, they were a bit closer to the mark than the people trying to brand Obama with it.

well.. why? because of the war? Obamas expanding it, more troops in Afghanistan, more threats against Iran, and more strikes in Pakistan.

because of the Patriot act? Obama and the Dems renewed it, they too want the surveilance powers.

because of the economy? its a lot worse now then it was 5 years ago, short of oil prices...

so i dont know, im not seeing a whole lot of difference. and when the majority party(the Dems), pass huge legislation, on the order of the 1 trillion dollar stimulus, the monstrous federal budget, the Cap and trade bill(in the house), and the healthcare bills, almost entirely along party-lines.. that seems a bit fascist to me.

but ultimately, the Banks control the agenda, not Obama or Bush. thats why we were threatened with martial law to pass the 800 billion bank bailout... so that we could take a trillion dollar loan out, with interest, in order to give it right back to the same banks that caused the mess. we're played for fools no matter whos supposed to be 'representing' us


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Geez, Anti, good job jumping on my case and misunderstanding (deliberately or otherwise) what I said!!

Where did you see I EVER implied the Dems weren't as nasty as the Repubs are now? You didn't, because I never said so. Your prejudices show through all of your reply, don't try to foist them off on me, please!

thats right, we elected a black man, so 'The Man' could shut him down! how sinister
I don't even know what that means, but I'm sure it's a snark, given the rest of your post.

As to racism, hell yeah it still exists--anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool! Of COURSE I know there are "objective disagreements, fundementally, between Obama and his dissidents"--the discussion, if you hadn't noticed, was about SURVEYS sent out under the guise of being legit which are actually propagandized contribution ploys. I never said otherwise, nor do I think otherwise. I SAID clearly that the only people this works for are those who don't use their brains, and racism and frustration/anger (even subconscious) are a great way to tap into those people.

Statist, statist, statist--I saw that used SO much on the other board I was on that I got sick of it. Visceral titles mean nothing. Of course there's nothing wrong in disagreeing with him, but to have a blanket mindset of what any Prez IS, and then close one's mind completely and go on to stop the government cold on every little thing just 'cuz you hate him is stupid, in my opinion, and I"m entitled to it, thank you. It took several years for Dumbya to close my mind against him, tho' I feared him from the beginning, I gave him a while to see what he would/wouldn't do, at least. And the Dems didn't shut down the entire Congress.

Don't you dare use that old tactic of saying I'm transferring my own beliefs; that's an old and tired attack; as for the rest of what you said about liberals, it's just too stupid and too pigeonholing to address. All I'll say is your assumptions are fallacious and reveal nothing more than close-minded bullpucky.






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