Just Let This Thread Die, Already!

UPDATED: Saturday, March 6, 2010 10:23
VIEWED: 10288
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:36 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So have I.

BTW, did anyone else notice the extreme homosexual implications of the title ? Really, the only words in the title that don't have it are: 'can't', 'you' and 'a'. Seven out of 10 words. Hmmmm ....


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:08 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Careful, Rue - Next thing you know, Rappy will be demanding an apology from you for noticing his closeted homosexuality!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:52 PM


Y'all done kickin him yet ?

Cause some folks might actually like to productively discuss things around here and his very presence seems to make that a not-happenin kinda thing, which is likely the sole reason the prick came back, that whole if I can't have it smash it philosophy that psychopathic mindset is known for...

Me, I'm lookin forward to consigning his incoherent and irrelevant ass to the dustbin come 2.0, hell even PN occasionally has some kinda point in there when he rambles, if you can manage to find it.

This guy, not so much.



Thursday, February 11, 2010 4:55 AM


A whole thread devoted to beating on one person who posts..


Cus, you know, spending hours hounding someone, beating up on them, and berating them to the hills is what ADULTS do... right?

I mean, hey... 8 or 9 people ganging up on 1 is really a fair fight....


Thursday, February 11, 2010 5:50 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

I mean, hey... 8 or 9 people ganging up on 1 is really a fair fight....

But isn't that about par for the course? I mean, seriously, not one of them can stand toe to toe with anyone who brings logic, facts and reason to the table.

It is simply beyond them.

They just wilt on their own. Safety in numbers, and what not.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

RAPPY, you're KNOWN for ignoring facts, skipping logic, and dancing past reason.

When you famously said (for example) that the economy was on fire! ... oh, about 4 months before the crash... peeps kept trying to point out there were serious problems with the economy and you waltzed right around the facts and kept on with your delusion.

Another one of your infamous quotes was that Bush's tax cuts increased Federal revenues. Even a CHART of the Federal revenues couldn't dislodge you from that little fairy tale!

And then, there was the whole "The UN sanctioned the US invasion of Iraq", in which you kept citing a musty old UN resolution which had been superseded by Resolution 1440. Actual quotes of UN resolutions, and even Bush's and Blair's statements just couldn't get you to part company with THAT little fantasy either.

When it comes to "logics, facts, and reason" (BTW, aren't reason and logic synonymous?) you are NOT the first person to come to mind- except perhaps... wincingly... as someone who has none. Basically, you're a proud, self-avowed Limbaugh dittohead, who swallows his "facts" and "reason" straight from someone's bloated asshole, and who plugs his ears and goes "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" when the REAL facts don't swing your way. And proclaiming yourself victor in this arena... heh. It just makes us laugh, you poor deluded sod.

WULF: But, despite Rappy's crippled mental capacities... or perhaps because of them... we shouldn't be ganging up on him. Personally, I think I'm going back to the tactic that I use with trolls (which is what Rappy is IMHO)... I'm gonna ignore him. Except, of course, if he says something that makes me laugh my ass off. I just can't help myself when it comes to that!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


...not one of them can stand toe to toe with anyone who brings logic, facts and reason to the table.

What a, when someone posts enough to show what a complete asshole they are, eventually people get sick of them and don't take them seriously, and tend to catch them on every lie.

You can bet Rappy, just like you Wulf, arrived here welcomed; it's only when people show their true colors over and over and over again that the adults (and semi-adults) start wishing them ill.

As to the rest; Rappy's gotten as much attention off his little rant as I think anyone has any right to, so I'll move on to more interesting things now...


Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:07 AM


America loves a winner!

True colors ?

I stand up against the brain dead PC mindset and the indoctrinated dogma which expands the size and power of Gov't at the expense of trampling the rights of the individual. Wow, such horrific views, huh?

I've not lied, but I find it curious that folks who disagree w/ me keep trying to claim that have. It's a typical and sad tactic from the Left.... " Bush lied! ". No, he didn't. He may have been wrong, but there's no evidence he lied. But sadly, a few here have succumbed to that petty tactic and mindset.

Some here simply can't stand anyone having an opposing view point. When dealing w/ the SPECIFICS of the issues, many on here resort to name calling and character assassination. When that happens, I've responded in like manner. ( I blame debating w/ Young Earth Creationist types.... those zealots are on par w/ Left wing religious crack pots )

Does it advance the dialog? Nope. But I have little patience in placating those who have NO interest in honest, open and sincere discussion of the topics.

It's clear that I'm dealing w/ a few folks who are ignorant of a great many things, and that I've gotten annoyed because they don't know what SHOULD be such common knowledge. Again, a Homer moment, I confess.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Originally posted by AURaptor:
True colors ?

I stand up against the brain dead PC mindset and the indoctrinated dogma which expands the size and power of Gov't at the expense of trampling the rights of the individual. Wow, such horrific views, huh?

I've not lied, but I find it curious that folks who disagree w/ me keep trying to claim that have. It's a typical and sad tactic from the Left.... " Bush lied! ". No, he didn't. He may have been wrong, but there's no evidence he lied. But sadly, a few here have succumbed to that petty tactic and mindset.

Some here simply can't stand anyone having an opposing view point. When dealing w/ the SPECIFICS of the issues, many on here resort to name calling and character assassination. When that happens, I've responded in like manner. ( I blame debating w/ Young Earth Creationist types.... those zealots are on par w/ Left wing religious crack pots )

Does it advance the dialog? Nope. But I have little patience in placating those who have NO interest in honest, open and sincere discussion of the topics.

It's clear that I'm dealing w/ a few folks who are ignorant of a great many things, and that I've gotten annoyed because they don't know what SHOULD be such common knowledge. Again, a Homer moment, I confess.

Oh gawd, that is so hysterical. I've been here THAT long, Rappy, to read the shit you put up, and everything you said there is hysterically wrong.

I've seen and participated in many really great debates here, pro and con, and many backed up with fact, cites, links. That puts the lie to what you said; if it's what you truly believe, then you have my sympathy for your disillusion.

The idea that your beloved Dumbya didn't lie is especially hillarious. Check out for specifics on the MANY things Dumbya lied about, including WMD. He lied about anything that refuted his case for war, anything that made him look politically bad; hell, he even lied about something as innocuous as playing GOLF! In case you forgot, there's even a video proving he lied. Hell, there are so many articles and videos regarding Dumbya's lies they're too numerous to post here. There's tons of evidence of his lies and collusion to get what he wanted; your delusions are pathetic.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:11 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

I mean, hey... 8 or 9 people ganging up on 1 is really a fair fight...."

Ya' know, if Rappy didn't want to be the topic of a thread, maybe he shouldn't have started one about himself - and called every here an asshole.

Though, seeing as how you did the exact same thing and whined the exact same whine, perhaps that little bit of fact and logic escaped you ...


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:14 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


This should probably be a PM, but in general I try to keep those to a minimum - along the lines of 'anything I have to say can be said in front of anybody'. This is reference to one of your posts in another thread, but it belongs here.

While originally it was well intentioned, at this point I like to give Rap good advice for the very same reason I like to give it to Wulf. It delights me to drive him in the opposite direction, and over the mental cliff.

Rap has good reason to be defensive about his mental abilities. He has a very specific deficit which I will not mention here. B/c of this deficit, he goes with belief (in Rush) and feeling rather than (any) fact and (any) reasoning. His defensiveness is what drives him to insist that he was and is right when he is so very clearly wrong - for example, when he clearly stated that there were MASSIVE protests against invading Afghanistan and then went on to say he never posted such a thing. Anyway, his defensiveness makes him an easy person to manipulate to his detriment. And he is a person for whom I have no good wishes at this point. Therefore, the perfectly good advice.

It's that simple. And fun !


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:20 AM


America loves a winner!

rue - you're flat out deluded. I clearly have what I posted up in the thread for all to see. You intentionally distort my comments because it literally is the only argument you have left.

You speak of mental deficiencies of those who are quite simply beyond your ability to debate. A clear sign of projection on your part.

You sound too much like Badger, feigning superiority in an area which you clearly are deficient.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:24 AM


America loves a winner!


Been there, done that. Bush never lied per the reasons of invading Iraq. To maintain that he did is to lower yourself to the level of a Young Earth Creationist. ( There are lower forms of human , but I'll not go there )

I would hope that you're brighter than that.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Gawd, whoever said it is so right! I didn't notice it before, but this thread in particular shows just how amusing Rappy is, in that he's so full of himself and his belief in his intellect, he can't even post rationally on a subject.

If you're talking about some kind of mental disorder, Rue, I can really understand it. All too often those of us with mood disorders depend on our IQ to defend ourselves, ignoring the fact that our EQs completely refute us. It's a pretty common tactic, especially among those whose disorder is severe enough that they can't rationally hold their own in a discussion or counter an attack on their lack of rationality.

I agree, as well, that if you put up threads whining about your treatment and calling everyone assholes, you kinda beg for a trashing...

Also: hey Rappy, where's an actual, proveable, response to Bush's having lied? Just saying "no he didn't" doesn't hold any water, so let's hear some facts. Took me a while to hunt up verifiable proof, so at least I should get an answer, don't you think? Not that I expect one, I get that you can only post in generalities and all you can say is "neener, neener, I'm smarter than you are" even when proven totally wrong. But I dare you, nonetheless.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I stand up against the brain dead PC mindset and the indoctrinated dogma which expands the size and power of Gov't at the expense of trampling the rights of the individual. Wow, such horrific views, huh?
No, you don't. When George Bush was in power, you were ALL FOR giving The Man the power to do anything he wanted... anything at all. Nary a peep about the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, torture, warrantless wiretapping, Unitary Executive powers, invading othr nations on specious grounds, limiting Freedom of Information, bloated deficit spending, and a host of other actions which smeared shit all over the Constitution and shredded the budget. DESPITE the fact that Frem and others kept warning you over and over that the powers you grant TODAY to the President you like are the power granted tomorrow to the President you don't like. And here we are... today... in the place that you were warned about. And NOW you're changing your tune and trying to pretend like you're some great Libertarian, when all you were was Bush's toady and Rush's syncophant??? PuhLEEZ!

I've not lied, but I find it curious that folks who disagree w/ me keep trying to claim that have. It's a typical and sad tactic from the Left.... " Bush lied! ". No, he didn't. He may have been wrong, but there's no evidence he lied. But sadly, a few here have succumbed to that petty tactic and mindset.
Nobody here claimed that you "lied". I think I speak for most of us here when I say that we recognize that you're not a liar, you're a True Believer, and that you say what you THINK is true. Unfortunately, the people that you choose to believe DO lie.

Some here simply can't stand anyone having an opposing view point. When dealing w/ the SPECIFICS of the issues, many on here resort to name calling and character assassination. When that happens, I've responded in like manner.
No Rappy, what we can't stand are people who refuse to respond to discussion points. Without either refuting them, bringing verifiable contrary facts to the table, demonstrating your reasoning, or explaining your definitions, when discussions get too pointed you're FAMOUS for simply exclaiming "I WIN!" ... and bailing from the thread!

Does it advance the dialog? Nope. But I have little patience in placating those who have NO interest in honest, open and sincere discussion of the topics.
Rappy, when YOU choose to advance the discussion, I will too. But I expect facts and reason. If you're wrong, I expect you to admit it. Repeating your little delusional fantasies ad infinitum does not make them any truer or any more convincing.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:32 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I clearly have what I posted up in the thread for all to see."

Yes, you do. Too bad you didn't go back and read it.

So, I have some very good advice for you. It's a useful rule of thumb. When one person tells you something specific you don't agree with, you can pretty much blow it off. When two people independently tell you something specific you don't agree with, it might be wise to consider it. When three people independently tell you something specific you don't agree with, you had better go and figure out how you got it so wrong.

I'm not even going to mention what it means when a whole board independently tells you something specific you don't agree with ...


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


you're a True Believer, and that you say what you THINK is true. Unfortunately, the people that you choose to believe DO lie.
Bingo. Just what I meant about his delusions--in a way he's like Dumbya. Totally convinced his "cause" was right, he bought into any lie that he could make himself believe (and thus "honestly" tell the public).


what we can't stand are people who refuse to respond to discussion points. Without either refuting them, bringing verifiable contrary facts to the table, demonstrating your reasoning, or explaining your definitions
Bingo again. The responses seem to all be "you're idiots, I'm the only one right", but just as with the Dumbya lied thing, I can find nothing to back up most of what he claims. That's not debating, that's spouting.

You being honest when you say we have "NO interest in honest, open and sincere discussion of the topics"? Great; provide backup for your statements and let's see how it goes! Otherwise, your generalities mean nothing, nor do your statements of "fact".

Again, I dare you to actually join open and sincere discussions of the topics, not just hurl epithets. Maybe then we'll believe you--but don't just make flat statements as if they were proven facts, BACK UP what you claim.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:48 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
"I clearly have what I posted up in the thread for all to see."

Yes, you did. Too bad you didn't go back and read it.

Yeah, I did. I wrote it. I read it, and then re-read it. It's YOU who is the narrow minded clod who is fabricating the issue here. Were it not for your blind, irrational hatred and insecurities, you'd be able to see how plain and clear my comments were.
Which is why you never addressed the point, all you did was just keep repeating the same old lie that I had some how changed my post, or that there was any discrepancy in what I said at all. There was none.


So, I have some very good advice for you. It's a useful rule of thumb. When one person tells you something specific you don't agree with, you can pretty much blow it off. When two people independently tell you something specific you don't agree with, it might be wise to consider it. When three people independently tell you something specific you don't agree with, you had better go and figure out how you got it so wrong.

Only this rule of thumb gets tossed out the window when I'm dealing w/ a bunch of mindless myrmidons, acting like a clique of sugared up adolescents, who can't do anything but yammer in unison against that which they're too scared to face or too intellectually challenged to even try.


I'm not even going to mention what it means when a whole board independently tells you something specific you don't agree with .

I'd expect as much, coming from a high % of folks who post on DemocraticUnderground, or TheDailyKos. Doesn't make what I say any less right or true. In fact, it makes me MORE emboldened.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

At this point, as I have more important things to do, I'll just bail from this thread. Except for this...

I'd expect as much, coming from a high % of folks who post on DemocraticUnderground, or TheDailyKos.
Oh? So you know our posting habits, do ya? Got any proof, then?

*shakes head*

I guess I'll just add this to the long list of totally baseless RapFacts.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Yeah, I did. I wrote it. I read it, and then re-read it."

Oh, you mean THIS one ? The one you then posted you didn't post ?

"There were massive organized protest (sic) against the wars in Iraq ( mainly ) and Afghanistan when Bush was in office."


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:58 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Only this rule of thumb gets tossed out the window when I'm dealing w/ a bunch of mindless myrmidons, acting like a clique of sugared up adolescents, who can't do anything but yammer in unison against that which they're too scared to face or too intellectually challenged to even try.

Let's assume this is true for a moment.
Why do you suffer us then?

I'd expect as much, coming from a high % of folks who post on DemocraticUnderground, or TheDailyKos. Doesn't make what I say any less right or true. In fact, it makes me MORE emboldened.

Oh, okay, you answered my question here.
Have mercy, sir.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:12 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Only never once have you ever refuted anything I've said.

You seem to be under the false impression that just because you refuse to accept it - it isn't true.

There isn't a single poster on this forum that HASN'T refuted your sorry RapFacts at some point or another.

But I moved on from bothering to refute you long ago. It's not really worth the effort anyway, as most of your stuff is such utter bullshit, and you'll continue to insist that night is day.

And mocking you is more fun anyway.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:12 AM


America loves a winner!


Nobody here claimed that you "lied"
You're joking, right? I've been called a liar , countless times, by specific individuals. A ' true believer " ? Sure, as much as an atheist can be, I suppose. I strongly hold my views not because they are mine, but because I've taken the time to research them and or have personally witnessed these things myself.


No Rappy, what we can't stand are people who refuse to respond to discussion points. Without either refuting them, bringing verifiable contrary facts to the table, demonstrating your reasoning, or explaining your definitions, when discussions get too pointed you're FAMOUS for simply exclaiming "I WIN!" ... and bailing from the thread!

Not only do I respond to the discussion points, I try to explain how and why I have my views. Sadly, too many opponents here distort what I say, or ignore it out of hand, and bring up irrelevant issues, having nothing to DO w/ the discussion, or they simply circumnavigate all that, and go straight to the all too worn out name calling " Liar, Racist, homophobe, " . At that point, I feel little need to engage in civility any longer, and respond in like manner.


Rappy, when YOU choose to advance the discussion, I will too. But I expect facts and reason. If you're wrong, I expect you to admit it. Repeating your little delusional fantasies ad infinitum does not make them any truer or any more convincing.

Like how I "lie", or changed my tune w/ regards to " massive " and " plenty " , as if those are some how synonymous ? You mean delusional fantasies like that ? Certain folks here love to talk a big game, of how " open to discussion " they are, but facts prove out otherwise.


I started a simple thread w/ a very sincere show of respect for the dead. Hell yes I disagreed w/ a lot Jack Murtha did and said. I STRONGLY disagree. But unlike others, I chose to offer up sympathies and condolences to his family.

How did that go over w/ some here ? I was attacked, vilified and the thread was trashed. There were a couple of civil replies, and then punk and ingrate that he is, Kwickie had to drop a steamer in the middle of the room.....

So after the inane barrage of insults and attacks, call me a tad cynical. The claims of debate , purely on the merits of the facts, comes off as being meaningless and hollow.

But it's a nice thought, at least.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:15 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
"Yeah, I did. I wrote it. I read it, and then re-read it."

Oh, you mean THIS one ? The one you then posted you didn't post ?

"There were massive organized protest (sic) against the wars in Iraq ( mainly ) and Afghanistan when Bush was in office."


Never once claimed I didn't post it. I stated that I never posted what YOU claim, which was so far convoluted and distorted, I really can't tell wtf your issue was. Or is. Other than than to raise hell over something I never said.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:18 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Sadly, too many opponents here distort what I say ..."

Yes, sadly, by quoting you.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:29 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:


I started a simple thread w/ a very sincere show of respect for the dead.

Here's this: I don't like GW (try not to faint). Some day he will spring from this mortal coil (as indeed we all will), and on that day I will neither laugh nor cry, and I certainly won't post a thread regarding it in any way. I save that stuff for peeps I like, or whose work I respect, savvy?
Which leads me to conjure that the actual reason you posted what you did was to bait. You knew what you had previously said about the man, and you counted on SOMEONE* to remember it & bring it up. Right?

In the immortal words of Abe Lincoln One, "Why don't you wake up and smell what you shoveling?"

*Possibly the official angriest man on the internet?

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I strongly hold my views not because they are mine

Truer words were never spoken!

I only stepped in bc I really DID laugh my ass off over this one! But... Okay, now, REALLY this time... Outta here! Fer sure!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:39 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
"Sadly, too many opponents here distort what I say ..."

Yes, sadly, by MIS-quoting you.



Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:40 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

I only stepped in bc I really DID laugh my ass off over this one! But... Okay, now, REALLY this time... Outta here! Fer sure!

He'll be here all week!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:43 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by rue:
"Sadly, too many opponents here distort what I say ..."

Yes, sadly, by MIS-quoting you.


Be sure not to address my last post!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:44 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:

I strongly hold my views not because they are mine but because I've taken the time to research them and or have personally witnessed these things myself.

Truer words were never spoken!

Again, corrected for you. Seems some here have A.D.D. and can't read entire sentences before running off to cut/ paste.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:46 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by rue:
"Sadly, too many opponents here distort what I say ..."

Yes, sadly, by MIS-quoting you.


Be sure not to address my last post!

Trust me, I'd LOVE to comment on your LAST post.

Your very last post.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:54 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Trust me, I'd LOVE to comment on your LAST post.

Your very last post.

LOL! Okay- that was a good one.

But really, if you come here just to fight, that's cool. I love a good tussle myself.
If you're gonna ACT like you don't want that though, well, best of luck to ya.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:03 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Trust me, I'd LOVE to comment on your LAST post.

Your very last post.

LOL! Okay- that was a good one.

But really, if you come here just to fight, that's cool. I love a good tussle myself.
If you're gonna ACT like you don't want that though, well, best of luck to ya.

The laughing Chrisisall

What's the one in between fighting and trolling ?

Yeah, that's the one. I want that.

I'll not back down on my views, to be sure. If that's seen as being " here to fight " , then I don't know what to say about that.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:04 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Yes, sadly, by MIS-quoting you."

And here's the part where you post that you didn't post what you posted ! I bet you could chase your tail all year. And, for you, it would never get old.

Wouldn't it just be SO much simpler to admit that you actually did post that there were MASSIVE protests aginst the war in Afghanistan ? B/c claiming you didn't use the word MASSIVE and you're just being misquoted at this point looks really silly.

Oh wait, that's right. You enjoy your fly-open, toilet paper sticking out of your crotch moments !

Anyway, as fun as it's been, I too am outa' here.

You get to tell everyone AGAIN that you never posted what you clearly did post. And that a "copy" "paste' quote somehow doesn't get the words right. Have fun looking silly ! It's what you do best.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:09 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
"Yes, sadly, by MIS-quoting you."

And here's the part where you post that you didn't post what you posted ! I bet you could chase your tail all year. And, for you, it would never get old.

Wouldn't it just be SO much simpler to admit that you actually did post that there were MASSIVE protests aginst the war in Afghanistan ? B/c claiming you didn't use the word MASSIVE and you're just being misquoted at this point looks really silly.

OH, I did post that. Never claimed I didn't. You inexplicably tried to claim I some how changed my post, or changed my view ( still not sure wtf your issue is ) and instead came back and said ' plenty ', which was a totally different remark ( and issue ) all together.

Puppies chase their tail.

Puppies are cute and fun to play with.

You hate puppies ? Figures.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:10 AM


Either you Are with the terrorists, or ... you Are with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of JalapeƱo peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:58 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by rue:
"Sadly, too many opponents here distort what I say ..."

Yes, sadly, by MIS-quoting you.


Kinda telling that on so many occasions, the only retort you can make it to change to words of others.

And then, to constantly complain about people mis-quoting you.... your lack of self awareness is gargantuan.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:13 AM


America loves a winner!

There never was any valid issue on what I said in the first place on this matter, just a bunch of whining and bitching about things I never said.

Instead of simply repeating baseless, childish insults, over and over again, you could plainly state what ever the hell it is that you think was worth griping about in the first place.

What's the issue, specifically?

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:23 AM


711 times read... and 89


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:23 AM


711 times read... and 89


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:23 AM


711 times read... and 89


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

719, and with your triple-post... 92!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:32 AM


Well, since it's obvious this is gonna go on regardless of my opinion on it, at least till the 2.0 rollout, might as well, throw two pennies in.

For a fact, you're a liar, here's the thread in which I specifically argued the the issues of Gitmo, Constitutional Usurpation and fourth amendment violations, and your own responses, in your own words.

You think Mikey has a long memory ?
Ha, your outright sabotage of this forum of discussion with your juvenile behavior has annoyed me, and so, like the pesky little gnat you are, you get swatted at.

And since it's EVER so appropriate to the topic, imma borrow a quote from our oh-so-pleasant discussion about Pelosi..

it's embarassing to watch you throw a temper tantrum when the very tactics you and the rest of your mindless ilk approved, cheered and enabled wind up used against you despite being warned time and time again that this would be the exact result of such behavior and thus I feel not a whit sorry for you.

That said, Pelosi is one of them folks who damn well oughta be impeached, her and Conyers, both of whom utterly failed in their duty to their offices and their constituents, and even discounting various stupidities of economics, Barney has a damn lot to account for as regards corruption and perversion, so don't never for an eyeblink moment think I like the sumbitches folks like you ENSURED would gain power by supporting known incompetents out of sheer partisanship till the american public couldn't stomach it no more.

Mark my words, I *will* get to them, in good time.

But first and foremost, the danger you and your ilk present must be sufficiently and *permanently* eliminated, broken not just for a couple years till they can sleaze back in on the incompetence of our current crop of morons, but broken for all time and if at all possible, utterly destroyed.

And to be honest, I WANT you to see it coming, I want you to stare into the very face of your own armageddon and squirm, knowing full and well that you and those like you, were the very enablers of your own destruction.

In the end, handing folks like me everything we needed to demolish you and your stinking neo-feudal-fascist lords on a silver platter, just like I said.

And while the morons your own blind negligence lofted into power are busy choking you and yours down, imma build a noose for them too.

And for all your frantic flailing, all the blame lies only as close as the nearest mirror.

And here you are, staring into the face of your own armaggedon and squirming, crying foul as you circle the drain to your inevitable destination via conduct you and yours enabled in the first place, and yet, and yet, you have the fucking nerve to come here and whine and whinge about how none of it's your fault ?



Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You guys are still giving this idiot attention? Wow...

Note he's never refuted my proving he was wrong about Bush lying, or even addressed the matter. Much more fun to hurl epithets and fight. You DO know he loves it, right? Just sayin'...


Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:55 AM


America loves a winner!


You call me a liar, and then fail to present ANY evidence to support that claim. Typical. Oh, but I've never been called a liar here , right ?

I see the link, and in no way does it show anywhere that I " LIED ".

It shows where I disagreed w/ your, but ( and I hope you're sitting down ) , it's not a lie or even wrong to disagree with you. I could just as easily say YOU lie, and play your childish game too. But I won't.

And so it goes. Small minded little fucks who can't do anything but antagonize and ridicule, make up shit about folks lying, simply because htey offer up a different view point.

Very few here are who I'd ever consider to be Browncoats. More like miserable little anarchist, upset at mommy and daddy didn't love them, or loved them too much, like it matters.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:06 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

More like miserable little anarchist, upset at mommy and daddy didn't love them, or loved them too much, like it matters.

It has been fed.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:12 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:18 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Good dancer!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:24 PM


Im the 100th post! YAY! I WIN!!! Ok can we give it a rest now?






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