did the Iraq War stop the Underwear Bomber??

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 14:23
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010 1:58 PM


i think it's a legitimate question- it occured to me the other day. since it did not, does that not highlight a major flaw in our foreign policy (including that which the Obama administration is pursuing)?

the underwear bombers own father called him in, yet they still couldnt protect us. what was the purpose of Homeland security then? they must have been on christmas vacation

so then Iraq was essentially an experiment in nation building.. having attacked them, (realistically)unprovoked. Was the operating theory at the time that a democratic, 'liberated' middle east would be pro-western, and thus less inclined to terrorist activities?

if so, where do we stop? the 'war on terror' implies a battle against criminal tactics OF terrorism- not neccessarily motives. in that instance, have we not taken on the responsibility of policing the world?

all this effort and blood and treasury expended, and it was private citizens, acting in self defense, that stopped the underwear bomber. it makes you wonder if Franklin was right when he said 'sacrificing liberty for security gives you neither(paraphrased). he's right as far as i can tell, it's been nearly 7 years since the Iraq invasion, and we are no more secure then we were before 9/11.

is it time to reconsider our policies yet?

now we've committed to chasing the Taliban out of Afghanistan, so that al-qaeda doesnt build a jungle gym and monkey bars for recruitment. is it relevant, at all, that the training by these 'terrorists', often- as was the case on 9/11- happens domestically? is it relevant that our very presence as an occupier is motivating them?

are you someone who believes it is primarily religious extremism, or a hatred for judeo-christianity that encourages this 'terrorism'? if so, is a standing military the best way to address this, or is their another way of affecting change in these peoples hearts?

if not, here's an idea: a surge! not just any surge, the surge to end all surges.. a MEGASURGE! institute a draft, 50 million strong, execute a full scale invasion and purging of the middle east!

is that illogical? it sounds like the logical progression of thought on the 'war on terror'

otherwise, we should accept that there is some risk of being a free person, in a free country

is anyone else concerned that since we're in a state of perpetual war(as the 'war on terror' demands), we can likely never expect to repeal the Patriot act, or regain any other civil liberties lost?

its hard not to imagine a scenerio where, if(when) we're attacked again, we can expect to lose more freedoms, accept more intrusion into our lives and privacy, and probably further engage and escalate our presence in the Middle east.

is this a potentially vicious cycle occurring, or am i off base?


Tuesday, March 9, 2010 2:23 PM


"The peace effort seems to me is not a primary issue on the agenda", she told Al Jazeera on Tuesday.

However, in a as far as the Palestinian situation was going to be discussed, Ashrawi said: "The real issue is whether the US is willing to take serious steps, whether it is going to curb Israeli behaviour or continue to give Israel a pat on the back instead of a slap on the wrist."

If Israels conduct toward the Palestinians and others are crimes as many say they are...

Then the US is an accessory to those crimes.

This situation is one of the big rallying points against the US, and while Israel thumbs its nose at US requests for moderation and UN condemnations... the US consistently hands them their wallet and bends over for them.

" we can expect to lose more freedoms, accept more intrusion into our lives and privacy "

As US foreign policy seems to support and fund the denial of the very same freedoms to millions of others... and continuously sparks conflicts across the world... that is an ironic side effect of this ( these ) wars

A mass draft and attack would tank your economy and ensure the US coming apart in the domestic anarchy caused that much sooner.

Changing the Foreign policy of the US is the only way out, otherwise... this will drag on, bleeding money and blood until the US collapses under its own weight.






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