Big Government: Why do you fear it? (or... not)

UPDATED: Monday, April 5, 2010 12:50
VIEWED: 3097
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Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:54 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
So CTS, basically the government is like The One Ring: Great power, possibly even meant for good, but inevitably corrupted by the power behind the throne, which in this case is our corporatocracy.

Did I catch the essence?

I'd agree w/ that analogy. Nicely put.

Summer Glau can simply walk into Mordor

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:58 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Paraphrasing Milton Friedman, "If government exists, someone will buy it."

The bigger the government, the more the laws will reflect corporate interests rather than those of the people.

I'm not sure if the evidence exists that support this, rather the opposite - that without some regulation corporate interests become paramount.


If the people clamor for regulation, the corporation-bought govt will issue regulation that reigns in smaller competitors, allows loopholes for themselves, and institute new groundwork for immunity from accountability (such as the idea of a corporation being a "person"). The people accept it because they feel some regulation is better than none at all.

If governments are in the pay of corporations, yes that might happen. One of the problems of governments - big or small - is the disproportionate influence of those who wield influence with money through funding campaigns etc and then expecting the politician to do their bidding when it comes to voting.


If people sink in financial distress in a recession, the corporation-bought govt will bailout the very industries that caused the recession, with a few crumbs falling for the people. The people accept it because some crumbs are better than none at all.

Regulated countries (such as Australia) are currently riding the GFC with more ease than non regulated ones because of government intervention. It's not a few crumbs but a thriving economy with fewer job losses.


If people cry for health care, the corporation-bought govt will force people to give 10% of their income to the very corporations that caused the unaffordability of health care, with promises of being enslaved to such corporations for the foreseeable future. The people accept it because it is at least a more comfortable slavery than they have right now.

Yeah, that sucks. But that's YOUR system, not the fault of public health, per se.


My fear of big government stems from my cynicism that those with legislative power will act on the interests of the people rather than in their own self-interest, and have the intelligence to identify and distinguish between the two.

Again, maybe it's YOUR system that sucks, rather than government per se.

Do corporations act in the best interest of the population? They do not. That do what's best for their profit and loss margin. Self interest rules the world. There will be some individuals in coprorations who behave in a more civic minded way, just as there will be those in government. At least those elected can be turfed by their electorate if they go too far wrong.


1. I lose a big chunk of the money I make. Most of that chunk goes towards funding things I don't agree with and sometimes, even morally abhor. MY money is going to Israel to oppress fellow human beings. MY money is going to a war that I feel is reprehensible and a betrayal of our soldiers' sacrifice. I am forced, by big govt, to pay for these and other objectionable projects. The only way I see out of this is not to redirect big govt spending (which will be an endless fight amongst ourselves), but to agree with fellow citizens to not have big govt spending at all.

Good point. I'd object to the amount of money that my government spends on the military too if I lived in the US. But here's a thing, you live in a democracy. You can run or support someone to run on a reduce military spending ticket and if enough people support it, you might actually bring about some change.


2. My right to read scientific and medical literature and think for myself is being eroded. I'm losing the right to dissent from popularly accepted propaganda and choose different ways to solve problems than the ones endorsed by government. Laws on schooling and vaccination, for example, increasingly restrict my choices on how to raise my children. Laws on medicine restrict my choices on home births and alternative medicine. If I should have a child with cancer, I am very likely going to be forced to use chemotherapy, even if I interpret chemotherapy literature differently than those who make money off of it. We don't have any CO2 restriction laws yet, but that is coming down the pike. I am losing my rights to dissent.

I don't believe anyone is restricting your right to read anything, unless there is some book burning going on in the US that I haven't heard about.


I would like to send my unvaccinated child to a private school, but I can't. I would like to have a wider choice of homebirth midwives, but there is only one or two in my state because they are being sued or prosecuted so much. So see, big govt limits my life in a very tangible way.

I'm not sure what happens in the US, but here in Australia where we have relatively big government, you can opt out of getting your child vaccinated, you can send them to a private school or educate them at home. Hell, you can pay for private medical treatment as well.

I agree that as an adult you should have the right to choose any medical treatment you want, no matter how ridiculous it is, but I do have issue with people being able to practice their voodoo on seriously ill children, who should receive the benefits of scientifically proven treatments despite the insanity of their parents.

I do agree with you about home births.


(As an aside, I don't really understand people who distrust corporations with the very fiber of their beings, yet trust the medical/hospital/insurance health care conglomerate with every breath they take. Somehow, the health care industry is exempt from the greed and corruption of other industries. Very curious.)

I don't trust anyone with power, corporations or government. I want limits on the power of both. I don't understand people who go on about government power and how they want to limit it and yet hold their hands up in horror anytime anyone suggests limits to corporate power.


It might be ok with most others to erode the right to dissent now. But one day, you'll find yourself facing a propaganda restricting your choices from which you'll dissent, but it'll be too late to claim your right to disagree with the govt.

I'll always fight for the right to dissent, to free speech, to limits on powers for both government and corporations. I support systems that contain checks and balances against abuse of power, for transparency of funding of political parties, limited terms of government, to the scrutiny of the police and military, and an effective judicial system. These are the things that protect from tyranny and do so in much of the world.

There are some down sides to big government besides tyranny. The worst that happens in most of the world is the mind numbing tediousness of bureaucracy, which IS a problem when governments get too large.


Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:54 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
America was founded by those seeking to escape the tyranny of oppressive government, and the larger the government the more oppressive it can be, no longer For the People and By the People.
The thoughts and creeds quoted by AURaptor are among those key to the reasons our Country was created.
Ask the same question of the victims of the Holocaust....oh, sorry, you can't - they are yet another example of the Silent Majority. Big Government in America became the next wave of Gun Owner Registration - the only previous example was Nazi Germany, 1937.
Rather than us bleed, many wiser mortals choose to learn from the mistakes of others, meaning learn your history. History is repleat with examples of governemtns which got too big. I'd rather just keep America, instead of letting it get too big and die.

One book which helps expose many of the freedoms we have already given up (before Obamahealthcare creating the first national ID system) is Dark Rivers of the Heart, by Dean R. Koontz.

Can you show me specific examples of your claim of Gun Owner Registration here in America in which the big bad federal government required all gun owners to register all their guns?

And for all your talk of not letting America get too big, and not letting government get too big, where were you from 2000 to 2008, when the government was undergoing massive expansion, both in size and in scope?

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:40 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
So CTS, basically the government is like The One Ring: Great power, possibly even meant for good, but inevitably corrupted by the power behind the throne, which in this case is our corporatocracy.

Did I catch the essence?

Oh yes - and much like the One Ring, it gives power according to the nature and intentions of the one possessing it, which is why no one had all that much of an issue with it being in the hands of a Hobbit, since they were prettymuch the middle earth version of Anarchists, and the the thing an Anarchist who finds themselves shoved into a position of power wants to do the most...

Is get RID of it, and quick, before it complicates their life!

That's the problem with "power corrupts" stories - they don't take into account that there are indeed folk who do not want it, would rather not have it, and are not disposed to intentionally abuse it, another example would be Kamichu!

For a fact, them that wants it, are the folks who should by all means never have it.



Sunday, March 28, 2010 6:57 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

I'm not sure what happens in the US, but here in Australia where we have relatively big government, you can opt out of getting your child vaccinated, you can send them to a private school or educate them at home. Hell, you can pay for private medical treatment as well.

OY! Can I immigrate there?

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010 7:04 PM


Allow me to point out the downside of that bright idea Chris.

Look under Real Life: Australia.

I swear the place makes me think the Marquis De Sade had a hand in its creation.



Sunday, March 28, 2010 7:16 PM


No Skippy then...

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010 8:04 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

I'm not sure what happens in the US, but here in Australia where we have relatively big government, you can opt out of getting your child vaccinated, you can send them to a private school or educate them at home. Hell, you can pay for private medical treatment as well.

OY! Can I immigrate there?

Come on down Chris, it's not as bad as frem's forum might be making out - sorry couldn't find what you referring to frem, but get the gist - there is a lot of poisonous, people eating wildlife around, but hey, I'd be worried about bears and rattlesnakes in the US too.

If you do come Chris, better bring your own water supply and bushfire fighting gear. Anti venom we've got (and shark repellent too).

As for politics, our politicians all aim to bore us to death


Sunday, March 28, 2010 11:04 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
So CTS, basically the government is like The One Ring: Great power, possibly even meant for good, but inevitably corrupted by the power behind the throne, which in this case is our corporatocracy.

Did I catch the essence?

I couldn't have said it better myself. (In fact, I wish I had said it first.)

And also, what Frem said. The One Ring Government is a political paradox.


Monday, March 29, 2010 6:35 AM


The Auzzie idea of closing a bar is to drink all the beer then pull the nails out of the wallboards with their teeth. You guys are extreme. Americans are in awe.


Monday, March 29, 2010 11:00 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
The Auzzie idea of closing a bar is to drink all the beer then pull the nails out of the wallboards with their teeth. You guys are extreme. Americans are in awe.

Yeah? I must have missed that one.

When I think of extreme, I think of some Yank ordering a coffee armed with his bazooka, just in case, you know.


Monday, March 29, 2010 11:13 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by Bytemite:
The Auzzie idea of closing a bar is to drink all the beer then pull the nails out of the wallboards with their teeth. You guys are extreme. Americans are in awe.

Yeah? I must have missed that one.

When I think of extreme, I think of some Yank ordering a coffee armed with his bazooka, just in case, you know.


best retort of the week


Monday, March 29, 2010 11:14 AM


Bazookas are too hard to conceal... a good 1911 will do.


But, lately, we are just saying fuck it, and carrying openly. Let the wusses shake while having their lattes.

ETA: Changed the terminology for those who fear their neighbors, believe that everyone is evil and will eventually strike out, while also denying others the rights people have fought and died for in order to preserve freedom, to something less inflamatory.


Monday, March 29, 2010 11:34 AM


LMFAO, good salvo, Magons.

Get OFF my side, Wulf - it's asshats like you and their goddamn attitude which set reasonable folk AGAINST the right to bear arms, by presenting those who exercise it as a bunch of ignorant and intolerant gits...

And for your information, you ignorant little shit, those "fags" have done more in the cause of protecting the second amendment than you EVER will.

Why is it every time I hear you shoot off your mouth, the firing pin of your tongue seems to be snapping on the empty chamber between your ears ?

Educate yourself boy, if you can't be bothered to READ a few books, than eat the goddamn things and hope for learning by osmosis!



Monday, March 29, 2010 11:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wasn't there some quote we're all familiar with about "Your mouth is moving. This is never a good thing", or something along those lines?

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, March 29, 2010 1:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

LMFAO, good salvo, Magons.

Get OFF my side, Wulf - it's asshats like you and their goddamn attitude which set reasonable folk AGAINST the right to bear arms, by presenting those who exercise it as a bunch of ignorant and intolerant gits...

And for your information, you ignorant little shit, those "fags" have done more in the cause of protecting the second amendment than you EVER will.

Why is it every time I hear you shoot off your mouth, the firing pin of your tongue seems to be snapping on the empty chamber between your ears ?

Educate yourself boy, if you can't be bothered to READ a few books, than eat the goddamn things and hope for learning by osmosis!



"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, March 29, 2010 5:11 PM


i wouldnt say i 'fear' government, per se- i just have a healthy awareness of my 'natural rights' as a sovereign being on this earth. its my belief that whether you believe your Creator is God, youre own mother, or Ghia, you are a sovereign entity on this planet- no one(but your Creator)has authority over you. now obviously we live in collectivist societies that presume the child is property of the state. but in my utopic view, in the Garden, prior to the fall, we existed in equilibrium with the Creation. but since we ate of the knowledge, rejecting Gods law, weve begun this experiment in Mans law. if Man were 'sinless' and infallable, we would be governed internally by Gods commandments and we would not need 'government'. however, since we are imperfect beings, we make certain concessions to provide collective authority to enforce this 'contract'. consequently, sinful man becomes Creator of Law. obviously this is like history 101, but slavery and oppression are present from day one of civilized human history, its been a constant part of the human condition. in this view, the antithesis of my ideal sovereign liberty would be a collectist society. just giving you my opinion, but personally believe this worship of Mans law culminates in a system called ' the beast' of Revelations, in which


" He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is **man’s** number. His number is 666. "

granted this is a religious prophecy, but it fits the narrative


Monday, March 29, 2010 5:24 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
There seems to be an automatic assumption... and it really IS an assumption... that "big government" is BAAAAAAD. (Not that the assumption is wrong, but it IS an assumption.)

People FEAR big government deeply. So I want to ask you all: What is it about government (big OR small) that you fear and hate with such a passion?

Is it fear of loss of "freedom"? What freedoms do you think you will lose?

Could you please be specific?

I've had this conversation with several people already - SargeX, Frem, and a few others. Now would be a good time to hear from BDN, Kaneman, Wulf, Rappy, Geezer and others.

Feel free... the floor is yours.

I think Signy, first you need to define what exactly you want government to do?

Some countrys in the past defined that as to provide services that would not be available otherwise...

Public Broadcasting, Public Telephone Systems, etc

but past defining the role of government, once you establish the WHAT of government operations, you need you ensure that they have what they need to accomplish the job, but not excessively more than they need.

Government Departments should be rated in a

Service vs Cost

is the service provided worth the money spent on it.

If that is in line... great carry on

If not action is required... either to increase service or lower cost

The biggest problem is people tend to be empire builders, and that needs to hit a bit of resistance at some point or you have 10 city workers doing the job of 4, or 4 departments of folk tripping over each other trying to accomplish the same task incurring way too much cost.


Monday, March 29, 2010 11:03 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Educate yourself boy, if you can't be bothered to READ a few books, than eat the goddamn things and hope for learning by osmosis!


First time I actually laughed this morning, and lots of people have tried to be funny at me today


If you play a Microsoft CD backwards you can hear demonic voices. The scary part is that if you play it forwards it installs Windows.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:56 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...its my belief that whether you believe your Creator is God, youre own mother, or Ghia...

My creator is an Italian design studio? That would make me AWESOME!

Sorry, but that one just made me smile.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


obviously this is like history 101...

... if you took History 101 in Biblevania, and it were utterly devoid of any of those pesky things like "facts".


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But, lately, we are just saying fuck it, and carrying openly. Let the fags shake while having their lattes.
Oh, so you believe in terrorizing innocent civilians to impose your ideology? Since you can't win in an arena of free speech, you decide to impose your ideas with threat of violence?

You're a terrorist and a fucking fascist, only you're too goddamn stupid to see it. And quite frankly, I hope someone shoots your face off, you fucking dickwad terrorist.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:19 AM


Yeah yeah... I really need to choose my words more carefully.. jeeze... I was playing and joking right along with whomever said we all walk around carrying bazookas...

However, I do tend to go over the top with terminology.... Im going to correct my post.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:52 PM


You're still an idiot, if you weren't you'd be concerned that folk fear you instead of being comforted by your presence, likely due to your own behavior and accompanying attitude, and the fact that you're sitting there makin enemies instead of makin friends...

My last answer to someone mentioning that me packing heat made them uncomfortable was thus..
"Yeah, well, the fact that we don't live in a sane and safe society makes *me* uncomfortable, and we're working on that, but in the meantime folks are gonna see to their own protection in many ways, no sense denyin there's valid reasons for it.

Still, I've no intention to impose my values on you, can you not grant me the same respect ?"

It's not JUST an exercise of your rights, it's also an opportunity to show that folk who carry are rational, reasonable, decent folk - and in that respect, Wulfie child...



Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:47 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

My creator is an Italian design studio? That would make me AWESOME!

excuse me, Gaia. how dare i mis-spell my greek mythology

... if you took History 101 in Biblevania, and it were utterly devoid of any of those pesky things like "facts".

i know.. all these 'myths' that permeate ancient civilizations. i think we have a pretty good idea what they MEANT to say. they must have been too embarrassed to paint hyroglyphs of our ascension to 'man'.. to have once been walking on our fists and swinging from trees. i dont blame them.. id much rather invent an origin from the 'heavens', then believe we crawled out of a swamp, thought about it long and hard.. and decided we wanted a metropolis! man that musta been quite the realization


Friday, April 2, 2010 7:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, I have some time now, I hope you don't mind a resurrection:


I am wary of social engineering. What entity can accomplish this more effectively than big government?
The church? Corporations? Privately-held media? Hell, BDN, I feel that those entities hold vaster powers of persuasion and control than the government. Look at corporations: They have you believing that people who buy and sell phantom investments "deserve" to make more money than the entire population of people who bust their ass day in and day out, and that is somehow fair because they've co-opted the term "free"-market. So if you're really against the redistribution of money, why aren't you against the robber class?

I believe in the healthcare thread, Mal stated that she was okay with certain lost liberties because of the trade-offs. Why the need for the trade-offs? Can this stuff not be accomplished privately or through smaller entities (the states)?
Well, we already tried it privately and through the states, and it just didn't work. Why flog an idea that's been tried for 60 years? But I know what you mean. You should be able to opt out... but that means being left to die in the streets if you get run over by a truck, and not rushed off to the hospital trauma center. So- no whining!

I was trying to draw a corollary between what was envisioned in the constitution as the role of the federal government to the present day role of the federal government. If so much has changed in slightly more than 200 years, what will change in the next 200 years? Every little bit of power we give the federal government adds up in the long run. Why is it so hard to envision some future government being even more obtrusive into our lives than present day. It may start off sounding like a good idea, but it is contingent upon us to see farther ahead than present day. I'm not against children receiving medical attention (nice scare tactic used by some here). I can just envision the scope of the healthcare bill changing over time. "Encourage" people to get healthcare today can lead to "Encourage" people to live a healthy lifestyle tomorrow.
True. But if you read further down in the thread, you'll see a discussion where a lot MORE has changed in 200 years than just the government. For example, we're no longer a society of (mostly) small farmers and small businesses. We're an urbanized, highly technological, tightly integrated society which contains within it world-dominating corporations. The FF specifically said about the Constitution This all works as long as there is free land for people to move to. Jefferson, the most prescient, said: "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." He also said If the American People ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the bankers and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies. We are completely saddled and bridled, and the bank is so firmly mounted on us that we must go where they ill guide. The dominion which the banking institutions have obtained over the minds of our citizens...must be broken, or it will break us. How do you think he would view our country today?

Plus, the bigger the government, the more time and money wasting bureaucracy that comes with it.
There is a MUCH bigger "waste" of money in corporations. Taking healthcare as an example, in all cases where healthcare has been taken out of the hands of corporations and put into the hands of government, better healthcare is delivered for fewer dollars. Why do you think the insurances were so afraid of the public option? It's because they KNEW they would be out-competed by the government!

The problem you're afraid of, I think, is economic entanglement: If everyone is putting into and drawing from the same pot then everyone is responsible to everyone else. Maybe the way to solve that issue is an opt-out provision: for example, by putting less into the pot you can get lesser benefits: catastrophic coverage only, for instance.

Does that work for you?


Simple. In my case I feel I was born free.
Free from what? When you're born, you're dependent on your parents and society, They have the power of life and death over you, and they tell you what to do and not to do. So I fail to see how people are "born free".

Governmental rules can only chip away at that freedom. Centralized Gov. kills freedom with Soooo many regulations and do nots that it gets crazy. Humans need rules. I am not for anarchy. I just feel local and state laws are better, because they are easier to fix when it is a bad idea. It seems to me that the further away from the home that the law or regulation comes from the more oppressive it becomes(because of the body and location it comes from) I can't change Washington, but I sure as hell can change school a board decision etc..(well, it was easier before the federal department of education)..
Really, who wants to be controled? That is what government is there to do. Do you believe for one moment our society would collapse with a small federal gov. and stronger States?

Okay, what you're doing is equating freedom with "lack of overt rules". But even WITHOUT rules, people have power over you: You're bombarded every day with messages from corporations and churches. If you have a job and you don't ask "how high?" when they say "JUMP!", you'll be out of a job. If you don't concede to the banks rules when asking for a loan, you'll be out of your business or your house. Your focus on written rules (laws) I think is too narrow, as there are many forms of power that people have over you, and a lot of that power is there to crush you.

I also think the most important power our federal gov. was given was to protect our civil liberties not take them. I believe the founders had it right and we are letting it get away.
Well, I agree. But "civil liberties" doesn't mean the freedom to do anything and everything you want without regard to the rights and freedoms of others.

And the bottom line is the Federal Government has gotten so large that we can not afford it as a nation. Without a doubt, it is putting a burden on our children that we will be ashamed of when we are older. Not only will they have to pay for all our entitlements they will still have to pay for thiers, because these programs never get repealed. Lets not even talk about unfunded mandates to the states..Really, talk about insane...
There are many large governments with even larger entitlements which do not run in the red. I think the problem with OUR particular government is not entitlements but military spending. That is the biggest difference between us and every other nation in the world, seeing as we spend more on our military than all of the other nations combined.

The bottom line is freedom. Government is anti-liberty by defenition. Governments create more government. When do you think the congress will ever go to work and say "things are fine. we are going to keep the same budget, same laws, etc..this year its all okay, lets sit right here for awhile". Never. Thier jobs depend on them making thousands and thousands of pages of new laws and regs. every year. A great fear early in this republic was that one day the people would realize they could vote themselves entitlements on the dime of another. I think whenever a big government passes an entitlement, what they are doing is stealing from one man to give to another,
... I think the same of banks and profits, only its stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

wether it's the feds paying student loan interest, subsidizing farmers, or health insurance.. it is paid for by taking one mans money and giving it to another...that is just plain wrong.look at his last line..something like.."Encourage health insurance today...encourage healthy lifestyle tomorrow". I can see it now; "smokers are killing the nations health insurance budget"...Next step...abuse the small unsympathetic smoking minority in the guise of protecting the majority.... ban smoking. When it should be.. protect the minority from the majority. Always remember, that in some area of our lives we are all minorities. Gov. has always used that against us. Split us by our differences for control.
And right now its not the govs business to worry about who smokes, or drinks, eats eggs, fatty foods, etc....but when they are writing the bills beware. And the goal of social engineering will always change depending on who is in power. If washington don't have the control over an industry, education system, domestic program, it wouldn't matter who is in control to me here in ct. It wouldn't matter that a bunch of liberals from california have power in washington, Or a bunch of texas conservatives. I would know that my way of life in CT. stays what it is... CT life. If I want to live like they want to in San Fran. I 'd move to San fran..... We are a huge nation..huge. What might be wanted in one state may not be wanted in gives us choice. And we should celebrate that not destroy it.

Uniformity versus choice. I agree that the government passes too many laws. I personally would like to see very single regulation passed with an automatic 25-year sunset provision. That means the legislators would be too busy reviewing past laws to write new ones, and all laws would come up for automatic review!

Are you mental? He meant the producer over the oaf..but you know that. He was a man of extreme understanding of you use the words "those who are willing to work" to mean.. worker and not the person who does the most the OWNER....Have you ever owned a business? the owners job is the hardest.....
Kaneman, you must be a small business owner. And I agree that small business owners have a tough, tough job. But IMHO Jefferson would have included YOU as a worker, but not bank owners, speculators, stock traders, and corporate heads because THEY make their money MERELY by owning, not by working.

To sum up... you think there are too many rules. I agree. OTOH, people have power over you by more than rules... they can force you into financially frightening situations and persuade you that its "fair". I would say open your focus.



i wouldnt say i 'fear' government, per se- i just have a healthy awareness of my 'natural rights' as a sovereign being on this earth. its my belief that whether you believe your Creator is God, youre own mother, or Ghia, you are a sovereign entity on this planet- no one(but your Creator)has authority over you. now obviously we live in collectivist societies that presume the child is property of the state. but in my utopic view, in the Garden, prior to the fall, we existed in equilibrium with the Creation. but since we ate of the knowledge, rejecting Gods law, weve begun this experiment in Mans law. if Man were 'sinless' and infallable, we would be governed internally by Gods commandments and we would not need 'government'. however, since we are imperfect beings, we make certain concessions to provide collective authority to enforce this 'contract'. consequently, sinful man becomes Creator of Law. obviously this is like history 101, but slavery and oppression are present from day one of civilized human history, its been a constant part of the human condition. in this view, the antithesis of my ideal sovereign liberty would be a collectist society. just giving you my opinion, but personally believe this worship of Mans law culminates in a system called ' the beast' of Revelations...
Hmmm... well, I can't argue about this one, seeing as you refer to an ideal human condition which can best be described IMHO as "completely imaginary". Yeah, if we were all ideal people we wouldn't need governance of our interactions. But we're not, so... ?


America was founded by those seeking to escape the tyranny of oppressive government, and the larger the government the more oppressive it can be, no longer For the People and By the People. The thoughts and creeds quoted by AUraptor are among those key to the reasons our Country was created. Rather than us bleed, many wiser mortals choose to learn from the mistakes of others, meaning learn your history. History is repleat with examples of governemtns which got too big. I'd rather just keep America, instead of letting it get too big and die. One book which helps expose many of the freedoms we have already given up (before Obamahealthcare creating the first national ID system) is Dark Rivers of the Heart, by Dean R. Koontz.

You've used words like tyranny and oppression and "too big" but you haven't really explained what any of those mean. And, I've read Dean Koontz and I don't see what a writer of supernatural thrillers might possibly say about the role of government. So please explain what you mean, and give us a gloss of what Koontz has to say RE:government because I really don't feel like reading any more of his books. (Two were enough!)

AURAPTOR: You're a day-trader, what I gather. To you, "acquiring" money is the same as "earning" it, (BTW- how does that make you different from a pirate? They "acquire" stuff too!) and all of your concerns are wrapped around the idea of keeping your acquisitions legal. So taxation is a primary concern of yours, as well as any change in laws which would make some of your activities less legal.

To the Gov't, hell yeah. It's not their money. We EARN money, it's not 'distributed' to us by our dear and fluffy Gov't.
Actually it is. If there were no laws recognizing stock ownership, you wouldn't have a niche to sit in.

Money, land, anything we acquire in life represents a portion of our LIVES. It comes down to a simple question. Who owns you ? Do you own your life, or does it belong to the State ?
Basically, you have your money and you want to keep it, so you argue for the primacy of "the golden rule"... those with the gold make the rules. In other threads, I've seen you express NO compunction over government trampling the Constitution, so in your view the role of government is not to protect civil rights but simply to protect your wealth.

Enough for today!


Friday, April 2, 2010 9:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

since bumping seems to be the latest: BUMP!

For rational discussion


Friday, April 2, 2010 9:52 AM


Like woman, I am a mystery.


For great justice.


Friday, April 2, 2010 9:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Paraphrasing Milton Friedman, "If government exists, someone will buy it." The bigger the government, the more the laws will reflect corporate interests rather than those of the people. If the people clamor for regulation, the corporation-bought govt will issue regulation that reigns in smaller competitors, allows loopholes for themselves, and institute new groundwork for immunity from accountability (such as the idea of a corporation being a "person"). The people accept it because they feel some regulation is better than none at all.

If people sink in financial distress in a recession, the corporation-bought govt will bailout the very industries that caused the recession, with a few crumbs falling for the people. The people accept it because some crumbs are better than none at all.

If people cry for health care, the corporation-bought govt will force people to give 10% of their income to the very corporations that caused the unaffordability of health care, with promises of being enslaved to such corporations for the foreseeable future. The people accept it because it is at least a more comfortable slavery than they have right now.

My fear of big government stems from my cynicism that those with legislative power will act on the interests of the people rather than in their own self-interest, and have the intelligence to identify and distinguish between the two.

The freedoms I lose are not theoretical. I feel the loss tangibly everyday.

1. I lose a big chunk of the money I make. Most of that chunk goes towards funding things I don't agree with and sometimes, even morally abhor. MY money is going to Israel to oppress fellow human beings. MY money is going to a war that I feel is reprehensible and a betrayal of our soldiers' sacrifice. I am forced, by big govt, to pay for these and other objectionable projects. The only way I see out of this is not to redirect big govt spending (which will be an endless fight amongst ourselves), but to agree with fellow citizens to not have big govt spending at all.

2. My right to read scientific and medical literature and think for myself is being eroded. I'm losing the right to dissent from popularly accepted propaganda and choose different ways to solve problems than the ones endorsed by government. Laws on schooling and vaccination, for example, increasingly restrict my choices on how to raise my children. Laws on medicine restrict my choices on home births and alternative medicine. If I should have a child with cancer, I am very likely going to be forced to use chemotherapy, even if I interpret chemotherapy literature differently than those who make money off of it. We don't have any CO2 restriction laws yet, but that is coming down the pike. I am losing my rights to dissent.

I would like to send my unvaccinated child to a private school, but I can't. I would like to have a wider choice of homebirth midwives, but there is only one or two in my state because they are being sued or prosecuted so much. So see, big govt limits my life in a very tangible way.

(As an aside, I don't really understand people who distrust corporations with the very fiber of their beings, yet trust the medical/hospital/insurance health care conglomerate with every breath they take. Somehow, the health care industry is exempt from the greed and corruption of other industries. Very curious.)

It might be ok with most others to erode the right to dissent now. But one day, you'll find yourself facing a propaganda restricting your choices from which you'll dissent, but it'll be too late to claim your right to disagree with the govt.

I guess the question is... if corporations are the basis of all rot, why not get rid of them instead?


Sunday, April 4, 2010 5:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I recently read an article about a research done on local problem-solving. There are thousands of examples of people who've gotten together to mutually resolve problems normally handled by "government". These would typically be "the problem of the commons": where fair use of commonly accessible resources (clean air, upland pastures, streams etc.) must be negotiated. What this woman found out is that as long as the parties can communicate, the issues can be solved without resorting to laws.


But as much as I like small government idea, there are some LARGE problems that can only be taken care of by big government: climate issues, fishing rights in the open ocean, etc... where the kind of face-to-face communication that works among Swiss herders just isn't possible because of the number of parties involved.

The other thing is that local/ state governments are NOT necessarily more democratic or more amenable to being changed. Look at slavery, for example, or the problem of small-town sheriffs.

The only advantages I see to smaller/ local/ state government is that if there is a problem with the government, it keeps it local. For example, slavery may have been a state problem, but a national government can impose extra-national slavery (imperialism) on the entire world.

I think we DO need "big government", at least for some things. For me, the issue becomes.... how do we solve problems at the local level whenever possible, AND, how do we keep government at ANY level close to the heart of the people?

Any thoughts?


Sunday, April 4, 2010 10:11 AM


I still like the explosive collars idea.



Monday, April 5, 2010 12:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Last bump for the peeps who don't visit on weekends.

Any comments?






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