Veggie Burgers: Poisonous Hexane

UPDATED: Friday, April 16, 2010 11:19
VIEWED: 2178
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:19 PM


Don't eat any of those, actually think they mostly taste like garbage.

I do eat a wheat gluten based "chikin" that's probably loaded with MSG, though.

Ah, hell with it. I didn't become vegan for the healthy eating. Gonna die anyway, right?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:01 PM


Reminds me of the TV show , My Name Is Earl , where Earl tells his brother Randy not to eat a tray of cookies ,
because " they're poison ".

Later on , Earl sees Randy lifting one of the cookies toward his mouth , and exclaims ,
" Randy , I told you not to eat those cookies , they're poison ! "

So Randy pauses , and in all seriousness , asks Earl , " HOW poison ? "


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:18 PM


eek! byte is vegan!

veggie burgers really aren't that bad, but i'm not really fond of regular burgers, anyway.

as i understand it, there are two kinds of vegans. One variety eats lots of veggies and natural foods. The other variety eats nothing but petro-chemical garbage, which can also be vegan (my sis the vegan pretty much lives of off dr. pepper, vegan muffins, and candy). Both eventually die from want of vitamins and protein. ;)

giving up meat doesn't seem so hard: but giving up dairy? egads. there is no substitute. especially soy-juice, the ultimate non-substitute.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:22 PM


Morningstar here!

...more trash...

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:38 PM



my sis the vegan pretty much lives of off dr. pepper, vegan muffins, and candy.

That sounds about right. Throw in my chikin, some tofurky, some bread, tomatoes, and marinara sauce, and you've pretty much got it.

I hate salad. :P I'll only eat lettuce in sandwich form.

Actually, I build muscle all right, but it occurs to me that maybe my sciatic nerve pain is some kind of vitamin deficiency.

But, eh. Once again, I reiterate, who particularly cares?

I've heard that everyone is actually a little lactose intolerant. Something about cow milk protein not being digestible right. For this reason, we should all switch to human milk, straight from the source if you can manage it.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:38 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:

giving up meat doesn't seem so hard: but giving up dairy? egads. there is no substitute.

Without cheese & eggs, [enjoyable] life itself would be impossible.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:43 PM


Marinara heathens.

Although it's very good on tofu eggs and real eggs alike. Almost like a spanish omelette.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:51 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Marinara heathens.

Although it's very good on tofu eggs and real eggs alike. Almost like a spanish omelette.

Tomatoes, peas, carrots, cheese, eggs, bread, butter, tuna fish & mayonnaise keep me alive.
Preferably all in a mixer so I can drink 'em.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:51 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Marinara heathens.

Although it's very good on tofu eggs and real eggs alike. Almost like a spanish omelette.

ooh! spicy marinara with a poached egg in it is amazing. i think it's called an egg-in-purgatory, but i prefer to call it dissolute-egg-burning-in-hell.

wtf is a tofu egg? sounds scary.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:53 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I've heard that everyone is actually a little lactose intolerant. Something about cow milk protein not being digestible right. For this reason, we should all switch to human milk, straight from the source if you can manage it.

Yeah , but finding cooperative females makes this a difficult scheme...


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:56 PM


chris-is-all, your diet, or at least preferred method of eating, unnerves me. so allow me to share: i live off of muscle milk, multi-vitamins, protein bars and coffee. life fueled by tasteless food substitutes makes me empathize with the "protein" that is standard fare on serenity. i aspire to live off of the blood of the fallen.

a few years back, my male anoxeria led me to drink a gallon of milk, and eat a dozen eggs, every day. it was expensive, and vile on a variety of levels.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:00 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:

a few years back, my male anoxeria led me to drink a gallon of milk, and eat a dozen eggs, every day. it was expensive, and vile on a variety of levels.

Thanks for the questionable & illusory visual.

*goes to make a grilled cheese*

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:06 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Two eggs over easy on top of a couple cheese enchiladas with chipotle sauce will do for me!

All things in moderation, that's the key. And remember: Life is a terminal condition; no one here gets out alive. Enjoy every sandwich.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:26 PM


Wow. Thank's for that Byte. I used to eat the Garden Burgers all the time. Stopped eating them about 6 weeks ago. It's kinda interesting that once I stopped eating wheat I started 'hearing' what my body was trying to tell me. Don't know what the connection is but I was even able to just recently give up cheese and I never thought that would be possible. Things seem easier now. I feel wonderful.

Just cause I can see dancing vegetables in the air now doesn't mean I am hallucinating because of lack of vital nutrients does it?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:29 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Two eggs over easy on top of a couple cheese enchiladas with chipotle sauce will do for me!

Sounds good- VEEEEERY good!

All things in moderation, that's the key. And remember: Life is a terminal condition; no one here gets out alive. Enjoy every sandwich.

& every pizza!

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:30 PM



Yeah , but finding cooperative females makes this a difficult scheme...


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 4:28 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
as i understand it, there are two kinds of vegans. One variety eats lots of veggies and natural foods. The other variety eats nothing but petro-chemical garbage, which can also be vegan (my sis the vegan pretty much lives of off dr. pepper, vegan muffins, and candy). Both eventually die from want of vitamins and protein. ;)

Couple things: Americans eat way too much food--eat to get full, eat for comfort, eat out of boredom. When you switch to veganism, this problem is often magnified, because you're body simply needs far less food if you eat only veggies than if you're eating animal products, or animals themselves. You really don't need much food at all, by American standards, if you're vegan. And yet, psychologically you still feel the "need" to get full, comfort yourself and fill up the boredom. Veggies won't do that--your body will simply stop eating when its had enough lettuce or apples or carrots. It's hard to get compulsive about celery. That's where carbs come in--mmmmm, yummy carbs! Carbs end up doing all the neurotic heavy-lifting in an imbalanced vegan diet. And since carbs are sugar, the transition to sugar addiction happens pretty readily and BOOM! You have a terrible diet, but at least you can feel morally superior to the carnivores in your life!

Thanks for the info, Byte! I'm not a big eater of veggie burgers, but they have come in handy at picnics. As long as they don't start lacing Superfood with arsenic, I'm golden!


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 5:12 PM


I actually have the opposite problem. If I don't eat a lot of carbs, I drop a dangerous amount of weight. It happened when my cat died and nothing tasted good anymore. I have to eat carbs to keep up a healthy daily caloric intake. I'm still probably well below most people, but then I'm not hungry much.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 7:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hate to say it but... every vegan I know is whacko. They tend to be jumpy, emotional, irritable, agitated... I'm convinced they're missing important nutrients.

Peeps didn't evolve in a no-meat situation. Unlike cows, we can't make our own B12. Don't have long intestines, rumen, grinding teeth, or anything else that allows us to survive on lots and lots of fiber! And unlike carnivores (eg cats), we can't synthesize our own vitamin C. Best description I hear for our human condition is "obligate omnivore"... we're required to eat both meat AND plants.

I think we evolved eating clams, crabs, small fish, frogs, bird eggs, shoots, seaweed, and fruit. When we moved inland, we transferred our shell-bashing skills to a relatively empty niche: bone smashing for marrow.

Anyway, Byte, you might feel a lot better if you got enough B12, fish oil, zinc and iron. In other words, get some meat and fish into you. If you're worried about your impact on the planet, go with grass-fed beef and Alaskan fish. Grass-feeding is easier on the planet than farming (no plowing!) and Alaskan fisheries are managed sustainably.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8:19 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Hate to say it but... every vegan I know is whacko.

You know me. I've been vegan since 1991.

They tend to be jumpy, emotional, irritable, agitated...
All symptoms of B12 deficiency. "Vegan Nazism" is malnutrition. Ironic, isn't it? (You sure you want to imply you have a problem with "emotional?" )

I'm convinced they're missing important nutrients.
ANYONE living in an urban environment is malnourished if they're not taking supplements. Urban vegans are no exception. We have to be extra careful about our B vitamins. Not hard to do.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010 3:27 AM


Can't eat meat. Can't do it. Not any more. Too upsetting and it stopped tasting good. Started to make me feel sick. Complete diet change was necessary to prevent starvation.

I also note that current grazing practices and confinement of grazers is a cause of desertification. And fish are terribly over...fished.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010 5:16 AM


See, while I do try to minimalize ingestion of stuff I *know* is toxic, like HFCS, MSG, and so forth, the damn near impossibility of avoiding it completely, combined with the fact that logically I should already be dead gives me a certain incentive to eat whatever the hell I damn well please, especially since I'd rather go out happy than grind on miserably - what's the point of life if sustaining it requires you don't ENJOY any of it ?

Seriously, if my diet or tobacco use is what eventually kills me, imma laugh all the way to hell.

And yeah, every single vegan I know personally is a vegenazi, which has given me a really low opinion of em cause for the most part they've come across to me not only as semi-psychotic and all too willing to militantly push their ideas on others (or try to bait government into doing so for em!) but also sickly and prone to a host of ills prolly from the B deficiencies you mention.

One of the more religious folk I know, I suspect her fathers anemia and blindness are a direct result of that and she gets annoyed at me for not having an appropriate amount of sympathy - pffth, why should I, when she's goin blind and anemic herself and the cause is fairly damned obvious ?
(They're both blaming genetics, which I find dubious)

But I am not intolerant of someone elses dietary preferences, so long as the same respect I am willing to give is returned, and all too often, it's not!

I do think folk who eat meat should know how it's gotten and at least be somewhat willing to do those things required to get it - heaven knows I am, but I do find factory farming and related conditions quite distasteful and avoid certain foods/brands for moral reasons.

Still, I listen to my inner self, and other than a nonstop howling for pizza and donuts (we all have our flaws), usually those little twinges in a certain dietary direction are worth listening to.

Funny bit on that, my ex planted some strawberries, and when they were almost ripe I asked her when she planned to eat them - and she reacts with complete horror to the very idea, cause they were, yanno, in the ground and dirty, and they had bugs crawl on em and stuff!

To which I like, WTF, where you think those boxes of em at the store come from ?

"Oh but those are magic strawberries, conjured by the fairy queens!"


But no, this tale doesn't stop there... I was explaining last month just how OBNOXIOUS these ducks and geeze on the lake are, and the related tempation to clobber one and eat it just to shut it up - and while I begin to explain how you properly cook duck or goose so it tastes decent she starts wiggin out...

And I am like, exactly where the hell do you think those thanksgiving turkeys come from girl ?

"Why, the butterball fairy, of course!"


My ex is a little strange....



Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:33 AM


Shoulda put a warning in thread title. Gad.
I was eating my (vegetarian) breakfast. Or trying to.



Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:08 AM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:
Shoulda put a warning in thread title. Gad.
I was eating my (vegetarian) breakfast. Or trying to.


So floral bunnies really are made of flowers and suchlike veggie matter , then ?


Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:55 AM


Y'know, for every vegan nazi I've known, I've known two obnoxious all-up-in-my-bidness carnivores who want to save me from everything from brittle bones to infertility to turning gay because of my diet. I've suffered no such effects, ill or otherwise. I'm in the second best health of my life (best being when I was training 3 hours a night, 5 nights a week in Kung Fu school--was very much a vegan at the time).

And when folk tell me that "humans didn't evolve to eat a vegan diet" I can't help observing that we didn't "evolve" to drink milk as adults either, or to eat meat at every gorram meal, or even once a day. Human beings, as far as I know, are still here because of our extraordinary ability to adapt many different strategies for survival.

Just sayin'.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:56 PM


Ah, so you're a bunny then - I don't deride "bunnies", only reason I even use that term is so's I don't forget and wind up dissin them by accident, cause so long as someone respects my preferences I will try to return that respect, yanno ?

I am a little curious how ya manage it, but not really enough to try it myself, being far too much the hedonist to give up my cheezeburgers, which has been a meme for me since I was four and my mother told me some day I'd eat one too many and burn out on em - well, it ain't happened yet!

As for what we are, or adapt to, I always saw mankind as kind of an opportunistic omnivore - if it's edible and we could get our hands on it, we were gonna eat it!

Which, as you note, hasn't done us no favors in a technological era where you don't have to chase down your grub by hand no more.

Of course, the length I'll go to chase down a decent box of donuts, on the other hand...

Not to mention the fact that I *LIKE* donuts, curse it, stereotypical security trope or not, I like the bloody things, which as lead to a pretty funny running gag at site three - apparently the property manager got exasperated with one of the residents asking how to contact security if they didn't have a phone and eventually told them "Go outside with a donut on a string, then!" - so far no one's tried it just to see if it'd work.
(it prolly would, since any noise/movement that late at night we'll come check on, yanno ?)



Thursday, April 15, 2010 5:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BYTE: You may be suffering from zinc deficiency. I recall reading a case history of a man who said that everything tasted like shit to him, particularly meat. It got to the point where the only two things he could tolerate were oatmeal and apples. The taste disorder was caused by lack of zinc, and unfortunately for him the best source of zinc is exactly what he couldn't stomach... meat. He had to be treated with zinc supplements for several months b4 his sens of taste/ smell started to return to normal. Anyway, if you google zinc + taste + smell you'll find a lot of info.

While there are any number of treatments that your doctor may consider, you should be aware that one nutrient has definitely been linked to taste and smell disorders: zinc, an essential mineral, according to researcher Robert Henkin, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Taste and Smell Clinic of the Center for Molecular Nutrition and Sensory Disorders in Washington, D.C. Here's the latest thinking--and controversy--on this connection.

Zinc May Account for Good Taste

... Even a relatively mild zinc deficiency can cause problems, says leading zinc researcher Ananda Prasad, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit.

"Years ago in Iran, we found aberrations in taste in young boys who were zinc-deficient. Their growth and sexual maturity were retarded, and they ate clay," he explains. "More recently, we found that volunteers made mildly zinc-deficient also lost some of their taste acuity." (Eating clay is a strange deficiency symptom known as geophagia.)

The volunteers, all healthy young men, weren't being seriously deprived of zinc, Dr. Prasad says. They ate what might be considered a fairly typical vegetarian diet, getting about five milligrams of zinc a day, one-third of the Daily Value. And they ate soy as their main source of protein. "Soy and grains contain phytates, compounds that interfere with the absorption of a variety of nutrients, including zinc," Dr. Prasad explains. The volunteers' sense of taste diminished after six months on the diet. (They also developed problems adapting their eyes to darkness.) When these people were supplemented with 30 milligrams of zinc a day, their ability to taste returned in about two to three months.

Also, if you have a hard time keeping weight on... are you thirsty a lot? If so you may be diabetic.

HK: It's hard to say what early man ate, but if modern gatherer-hunters (Australian aborigines, kung! and Amazonian tribes) are any indication, the typical diet is high in protein - mostly grubs, insects, small animals and small fish- and low in carbs. According to paleontologists, isotopic ratios in early bones indicate more meat and less grain. Grain-eating didn't become common until the widespread adoption of agriculture about 12,000 years ago.

Since the most common micronutrient deficiencies worldwide are vitamin A, vitamin D, iodine, and omega-3s, that argues for shoreline evolution.

In any case, I'm allergic to wheat, so seitan is not an option for me, everyone I know who eats a lot of tofu either has thinning hair or small dicks (or both ), and beans make me hypoglycemic.


Thursday, April 15, 2010 6:47 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
...everyone I know who eats a lot of tofu either has thinning hair or small dicks (or both ), and beans make me hypoglycemic.

Hopefully, all the habitual tofu eaters you know are men...


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:36 PM



BYTE: You may be suffering from zinc deficiency. I recall reading a case history of a man who said that everything tasted like shit to him, particularly meat. It got to the point where the only two things he could tolerate were oatmeal and apples. The taste disorder was caused by lack of zinc, and unfortunately for him the best source of zinc is exactly what he couldn't stomach... meat. He had to be treated with zinc supplements for several months b4 his sens of taste/ smell started to return to normal. Anyway, if you google zinc + taste + smell you'll find a lot of info.

It was probably more of a bizarre psychosomatic response to grief, because I was still eating meat when everything started to taste like ash. My brain kept ambushing me with imaginations that I was eating the flesh of my pets. Even bread was like that, but I knew I was in serious trouble and just kinda choked down whatever carbs I could through the gag reflex.

Have I mentioned there are times that I hate my brain?


Also, if you have a hard time keeping weight on... are you thirsty a lot? If so you may be diabetic.

The opposite, actually. I live in an extremely dry climate, and I have a tendency to drink less than 32 ounces of fluids a day. Even when hiking in 90 to 100 degree weather. I don't really experience the effects of dehydration.


Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:59 PM


I've noticed my taste buds are really starting to come back alive now that I am on a vegan/raw food (about 80%) diet. Everything tastes so good to me.

Also, I am skinny as a rail, but I have actually been gaining a few pounds since starting this new diet.

As long as it's working for me and I am feeling better I don't much care what anyone else thinks of it. If I should find it stops working for me then I will try something else, but so far so good.

I am taking the B12 and eating other foods like nuts and so forth that contain protein.

I think everyone just needs to do whatever works for them.

Brains can be 'problematic' though. :)


Friday, April 16, 2010 3:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

HK, the habitual tofu eaters are mostly the Asians in my workplace. And I gotta say... mainland Chinese sure spend a LOT of money on rhinoceros horns, bear gall bladders, tiger penises and anything else they think will make their penises bigger!

But the main point of my post is that our evolutionary ancestors prolly evolved on the shoreline and ate a lot of small fish, clams, birds eggs etc. and then graduated to scavenging bone marrow. Yes, we're adaptable but not INFINITELY so. It would take millions of years of evolution for us to outgrow our need for omega-3 oils, vitamin D, vitamin A, iodine, and B12. And I'm kind of in the school of thought that says .... where one identified nutrient exists, there are prolly another 10-100 unidentified ones. So altho supplements help, natural whole food is better. I DO indeed take supplements, but I still try to get my vitamins and such mostly from food, so I eat lean meat and fish and lots of veggies and SOME fruits (and, also, junk food! )

FWIW, I never drank milk as an adult. Several years ago- around my 50th bday- I decided I should see what horrible shape my bones were in and asked for a bone density. As it turns out, my bones are off the chart in terms of density. So.... ?

Anyway HK, you seems to have found a balance that works for you, physically and emotionally. If it works, it works!

Just my $0.02.


Friday, April 16, 2010 11:19 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by FloralBunny:
Shoulda put a warning in thread title. Gad.
I was eating my (vegetarian) breakfast. Or trying to.


So floral bunnies really are made of flowers and suchlike veggie matter , then ?

Oh, yikes! Not a full-on vegger moi, no.
But I've had an illness which requires a low-to-no-fat diet, so I'm loading up on what my Dad always called "rabbit food" and having to minimize delicious dairy and eggs. I've been NRM for years as a matter of personal preference. Fish is on the "good" list, and the occasional un-fried bird. Oh, and low sodium, too. I would give a lot for a time-out from this buncha bleah -- there would be an orgy of sour cream, butter, egg yolks, pastry, a dedicated questioning of the buffet. Unlimited sugar. Mayonnaise. I'm drifting off here...dreaming of a plate of peanut butter sandwiches, sugar dusting the insides...guacamole and the most evil greasy salty chips...

getting through this message by consuming the maximum amount of therapeutic dark chocolate






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