Git offa mah lawn ya Feds!

UPDATED: Monday, May 17, 2010 15:47
VIEWED: 1572
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Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:41 AM


Angry, oh so very angry... I just got back and the steam is still rolling out my ears, grrrrrrr!!!!!

Oh, yeah, guess who's comin to dinner up here Saturday (Obama) - and I really wish to bloody HELL he wouldn't.

Public response is kinda iffy, at least he ain't Bush, and at least he's gonna visit his core constituency, young idealistic people - but somehow I doubt he's gonna expect the hardball questions they plan to throw at him.

MY annoyance rests entirely with the fucking jackboots, who of course are already shitlisted by the west-side locals for various reasons, not the least of which is the fumbling pack of lies and entrapment that is the swifly collapsing Hutaree case, and nobody has forgotten them damn feds entrapping and murdering one of our local Imams neither - so there's a high degree of tension from folk who think the SS stormtroopers and federale jackboots may use this as an excuse to start some shit, even though Bama's been pretty careful so far never to get his own hands dirty with this kinda business.

Told the local gunbunnies they ought to go over there and thank him for NOT pissing on their second amendment rights, since he's been really cool about that one and the First, even if he hasn't reversed the former administrations disrespect for the Fourth.

But the real concern at the moment is a bit of friction between my people and the SS stormtroopers - who flat out asked me why I was helping them since I obviously hated them so much, and what my "game" was...

To which I told em I did not wanna see the locals suffer for their combination of incompetence and intolerance and I would prefer to see them smoothly in, done, and OUT of here if I have to see them at all, cause I am already VERY FUCKING ANNOYED with their horde of infiltration assholes with their cop shoes, half of em so obvious they oughta have potting soil on their pants cuffs, and most of whom are the primary source of all these so-called plots anyway, so... you send infiltrators into MY GODDAMN NEIGHBORHOOD with intentions to plant bullshit evidence, or come up with phony schemes, to give you some halfass excuse to lock folks up over the weekend (and conveniently drop any charges later, after ruining their life and putting them in financial distress with legal bills..) for what they MIGHT do - you provoke MY ire - and they should respect that I came right to them, in person, in their face, and tried to educate them instead of doin something else, like humiliating them in front of their boss, who prolly wouldn't take it real well, sure as shit Biden wouldn't.

Assholes, fucking assholes, the whole bloody lot of em, and the WORST moment of it was when one of the local trekkies, unaware of who the tremendously uptight bunch I was talkin with was, called out a greeting in Klingon, and good gawd, you'd think someone said Seig-Heil at an ADL meeting!

"What was that, Arabic ?!" *twitch-twitch*
"That was Klingon - Sujatlh 'e' yImev TodSaH! Hab SoSlI' Quch!"
(So shut up you smooth-foreheaded berks)
"If you say so..." followed by disbelieving glares.

I had to get away from em, cause folks, I was GOING to dunk one of those overuptight shits in the campus fountain if I lost my cool and seeing these, these, Kilra'hra Utak storming around CAUSING trouble despite their purpose being ostensibly to prevent it... it offends me personally and professionally to where I just can't take it, Justin is gonna have to send someone else, unless he wants to find them hangin from a cherry tree by their fuckin ties.

Not helpin matters that Ann Arbor, as a town is as laid back as a hippie commune, and the feds are like jocks wound up on meth at the very edge of roid rage - not that much will come of it from their point of view, but this is MY FUCKING TURF, and any of em so much as set a foot east of US23 will be answering to *me*, and I don't CARE who they are - you do NOT start that plant-provoke-arrest bullshit in my own goddamn neighborhood...



S'cuse me while I pour some mead and chocolate on my temper here....


Thursday, April 29, 2010 4:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...I am already VERY FUCKING ANNOYED with their horde of infiltration assholes with their cop shoes, half of em so obvious they oughta have potting soil on their pants cuffs...


That is fuckin HILARIOUS. What a perfect description for those fuckin "plants" they try to put everywhere!

And yeah, I've had my own run-ins with 'em, too. I know some people affiliated with Monkey Wrench Books here in Austin. That's the place that was allegedly part of a plot to throw Molotov Cocktails at the RNC's 2004 convention. So I worked with a few of those folks in another venue, and about the time all this stuff was hitting the fan, there were some new faces hanging around at my work, always wanting to talk about weapons and tactics, laying out how easily I could convert one of my AK's to full auto, going on and on about how we should organize some kind of DNS cyber attack on this entity or that, always with the grandiose plans. I told the guy - who was of course wearing those goddamned shoes that are so fucking obvious they might as well just sell them at the cop shop as "COP" brand, complete with a big silver badge on the side instead of a Nike swoosh - anyhow, I told him I wasn't interested in ANY full auto weaponry, because (1) it's a fucking stupid waste of ammo and nothing more than a useless show of machismo bullshit that's worthless for putting lead on a target, and (2) it's also a GREAT advertisement and calling card if you EVER try to actually shoot it in full-auto mode, because it tells everyone in the county "Hey! I'm a felon! Come get me!", and I told him that *IF* I ever decided to do something really and truly devious, I wouldn't even tell my wife, much less talk about it with strangers or post it on the internet, or write about it in my journal or in a blog, because the way I was treated and raised, I don't trust ANYBODY with some stuff, much less some big-talking would-be rabble-rousing anarchist wanna-be I just barely met.

And lo and behold, he quit hanging around after that, and the arrests and controversies started pretty quickly after. There was always *something* I didn't get about that guy, something off, a bit hinky, and when I looked down and saw the shoes it all just clicked, and everything he did just seemed to confirm his status.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:42 AM


Well, what's settin me off, Mikey - is that they're borrowing a page from the Bush playbook, just prior to coming to town, they send in a buncha plants to hit the protest groups, and not only do they make "suggestions", they also plant shit on them, or even near them, without their knowledge - and then use a combination of that and made-up he-said-she-said bullshit stories to get them locked up for the period in which the political principal is on site, knowing that the charges will be reduced or tossed depending on how much influence the victims have.

It's become an SOP with this kind of thing, only, they've made the mistake of crossing sabres with *ME*, in the dark, while I have home field advantage, in my very fucking lair - dude, that's like pulling the tail of Smaug.

Firstoff, there's my annoyance that they don't care about the damage they cause, the lives they destroy this way, or the additional burden of those useless cases on an already overextended legal system, nor the waste of taxpayer dollars - but it's the human cost that really grinds me, as I lost one of our rescuees to this kind of game a couple years ago, when he was raped and strangled to death in slam while waiting for a bond hearing.

Then there's my ire about what happens when agents of the powers that be or their bloody plants catch any activist alone - which is why my primary assignment with Gus's group is to keep that from happening, hell if you use a portapotty you better have a buddy or three leaning up against it all the while - and the former incident caused a certain retaliatory aspect all of it's own since it's now unwise for any of their people to get caught alone either, they might fall down and have an accident, no matter what *I* have to say about it, and the gang-war aspect of that makes me really wonder if there's anything at all left under the candy-coated shell of bullshit we call perceived legitimacy, cause as of late the primary source of trouble and violence in this entire region has been damn near exclusively jackasses with badges - to the point where folks like me and Jackrabbit are not just the ONLY defense these neighborhoods have against lawlessness because the so-called-protectors only care about their own advancement or enrichment - but we ALSO wind up having to defend them from the predation OF those so-called-protectors, which is just one more gang to us, only with better equipment and legal/political support - not that it matters to the poor black kid getting a little "stick time" whether it's a buncha gangbangers in black and silver, or badges and blue - is not the end result all but the same ?

So here's me, on the edge of a devastated city, robbed and ruined by the corporate and political oligarchs to where it looks like beirut after they bombed it, with roving packs of badge wearing gangs preying on it like something out of one of them post apocalyptic movies, where neighborhood watch and militia defenders get accused of being terrorists, a veritable hellhole of political and economic corruption with one party uninterested in repairing it, and the other pouring gasoline on the fire cause they ain't in charge of it, with the feds who are supposed to be making the gangs in blue behave, instead aiding and abetting their predation, as folks struggle to survive in the ruins and escape notice since everything's a crime, reduced to trying to raise crops in the middle of a wrecked city without bringing the wrath of yet another goddamn pack of gov-goons down on them, without drawing the eye of the USDA and their Monsanto masters, ghosts of children turned feral staring back at me out of their eyes...

And where, here, is the american dream ?
That pie-in-the-sky those robbing us blind keep offering ?

And then they have the mother. Fucking. NERVE! - to come up here and start trashing the one place we've managed to keep most of the corruption from setting into, the ONE bright spot of humanity and education we've preserved in part due to folks like me living in the buffer zone and stalling the spread.

Just so some politician as responsible as any of the rest of em can come here and spechify, fuck that, hell no, kiss my ass.

I may be just a pale shadow of what I once was, like an old tomcat grown fat, blind and lazy, but these claws of mine are still as sharp as they ever were, and the first notice any of those dicks had that I was even there was my index finger slamming dead center into their boss's chest from eighteen inches away as I verbally tore a long strip off them for their disastrous combination of intolerance and incompetence, while pointing out that maybe instead of trying to lock up every damn body, perhaps a better defense is not making everyone on the goddamn planet your enemy.

They don't seem to have a fucking clue that all this place needs to go kaboom is one spark in the wrong place, and cursed if I want them to be the ones that do it, we got ENOUGH problems with being on the edge of a low grade civil war here as it is - seriously, people, be thankful for what you HAVE.

The stupid bastards came here, in my lair, and pulled my tail - that my teeth would find their ankle soon after was inevitable as day following dawn.

Now if only they'll get their bullshit and pageantry over and done and get the fuck OUT of here without causing a complete and total disaster, I might be mollified... a little...

Till then, imma be watchin them as hard as they're watchin us, and maybe they'll let off fuckin with everyone else just a little while that goes on, one can hope, anyways.

So yah, I as angry as you can imagine, and imma stay that way till I see their asses off my turf.



Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:54 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem, I don't know how many cameras you've got, but you need more. You want video running 24/7 while these yahoos are around, because if they DO try some of that bullshit, you need to have them on film doing it, just for your own safety.

You need cameras in your car, on your person, around your home and place of business, anywhere you might be where some schmucks are likely to try to set you up, because you sound like just their kind of target.

Be careful, and stay safe!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, April 29, 2010 4:22 PM


On one hand, confidence would be how they could get him, but on the other, I really am having trouble believing anyone could set Frem up. Even if he misses something, I don't see his people letting it by.

Still, Kwicko's right, be extra careful.


Thursday, April 29, 2010 5:37 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

If I know Frem, any efforts to "get" him will result in more of the feddies being the ones who are "gotten", as I've no doubt there will be a surfeit of evidence gathered by Frem and his crew against those poor bastards.

Meanwhile, I'll wish him good luck.


Thursday, April 29, 2010 7:03 PM


Pfftth, y'all teach fish to swim, too ?

Seriously, their comm security is better than most, but it ain't *that* damn good, and come to find out they were under "do not provoke" orders and specifically watching for me when I loped up on em like that - got chewed for it too, meh heh heh, and why is it that everyone who's face I get up in describes me as larger than I really am ?

Calling the camera install guy on his cell and informing him that two of em were misaligned, and one malfunctioning, and then advising him of gaps in his coverage was prolly a bit over the top, however.

They're not intimidated by me, so much as they do not wanna get caught out looking unprofessional or incompetent, and they're neither, not like the locals anyhows, they just made the mistake of stepping on my tail - something which got cleared up a bit by a supervisor asking me to call and discuss on the assumption I'd hear him and do so, a bit of respect however grudgingly given.

We've had "issues" back and forth ever since Bernie S and Kevin Mitnick, and my friend hijacking a discarded presidential AOL account and impersonating Clinton didn't amuse em much neither - but they do know I got some strongly held beliefs about respecting the office of the POTUS no matter what particular shitheel is sitting in the chair at the moment, which is why I would actively assist them despite hating their guts.

So we got a kinda halfass truce at the moment, I'll backstop them, and no pre-emptive roundups or abetting the local federale bullshit, so far we only had one incident and that was more hazing than anything else - some undercover cop got hisself deluged in potting soil poured from a second story window by a fraternity while he was trying to plant evidence of molotovs by the back porch, and oh what a shame... no harm, no foul.

I don't trust em, mind you, I called for the balloon, which should be here in plenty of time even though it has to be packed up and driven from philly where we left it after the G20 mess, but all in all we have the same goals, get him in, let him stage his little show, and get him out with a minimum of fuss or muss.

And no matter what we think of each other, keepin it professional is the best way to do that.



Friday, April 30, 2010 2:07 AM


Freakin choppers - wonderful little backlog of shite for the locals to deal with, since there wasn't that much media coverage and folks weren't payin attention, there was a huge pileup on the phone systems at about 3:30-5:00pm with folk asking more or less "WTF?!" of police, news, etc..

Seems they did an early flyover with roundabouts half a dozen choppers, low enough to knock plaster from peoples ceilings, and a couple folk thought we were bein invaded or Rex-84 was finally a reality.

Generally an unwise and unprofessional move to scare the local militias right after threatening to round them up whether they're actually guilty of anything or not - and it would have been nice to let local ATC fucking know about it far enough in advance for them to reroute traffic, not that there was enough goin on, but still...

Nice birds though, I know the people who built em, they made sure those things were way over spec given what their assignment was gonna be, and the marines in charge of maintaining them take it right damn seriously - so no worries on that end, prolly they were just making sure of their approaches and alternates, just in case.

Folks are already scalping the sold-out tickets, much to my amusement and the ire of the university, but hey, you WANTED a spectacle - I think they're more concerned about possible attendance by folk who haven't practically had a microscope jammed up their ass by the feds than they are about any actual misdemeanor crime though, but seriously, it's the prez - and he's a damn inspiring speaker even if he is fulla shit like the rest of em, at least he makes it *sound* good, neh ?

It is kind of amusing to watch the dual flow, of people who wanna see the spectacle, versus people who want away from the chaos.

We did have a fun little encounter with a smaller militia branch who's a little more centrist than most of em, who loudly and passionately expressed the notion that anyone fuckin with the prez would be answerin to them cause that shit ain't right.

Andy-the-bullshitter was a bit taken aback by that, since he had come to deliver a lecture and some threats, and I don't think he was exactly expecting THAT response, heh heh heh.
He WAS, however, for once bright enough to keep his fucking trap shut.

That particular group is mostly re-enactors, and they're smart enough to appreciate that Obama has kept his grubby fingers off the Second Amendment better than any of our past four presidents, and it ain't like Andy had to dampen his fruit of the looms about it cause they don't plan to go nowhere till the shows over so they can't be accused of anything.

This was of course, expressed in typical rambling combination of troll, redneck and yooper, which required a little translation for the boys in the suits, who had by virtue of deodorant, aftershave or cologne, managed to attract every fucking mosquito for miles around - I did mention michigan mosquitos are some big mofos, didn't I ?

That was prolly what provoked him to suggest I leave my air force on the ground, till I pointed out the balloon was gonna be carryin relays for THEM to use, asshole, as if two ultralites I am too old to fly and a damn balloon are an "Air Force", meh.

He's mostly pissed off that the SS jackboots and their feds have cut him and his feds out of the loop, and then stuck him with a "local activist" as a coordinator instead - shoulda seen his face when he realized who it was, and what the implications for HIS career advancement were at that moment... dickhead.

I guess it didn't help matters that I greeted him by asking if he'd murdered any more Imams lately.

I know the *real* story is that he's supposed to be keeping an eye on me rather than vice versa, but seriously, they coulda drop shot that poor bastard straight to hell and not come up with a worse torment than this - he will be cowering in his office, having assigned some other poor schmuck to do this, by noon at the latest, you just watch - I dunno what the SS goons told em, but his flunkies are now scared of me, it makes me wonder what they think they know, cause it's almost certain to be bullshit, but if I knew what it was I could play to it better, heh heh.

And I gotta go find some compatible repeaters around here - as I mentioned to them, when it comes to comm security, don't come to the party if you don't expect to dance, and no matter how secure YOUR network is, when you connect it to someone elses, you inherit all their flaws and problems... so there's a challenge here, since the Geekfarm is gonna be testing themselves up against my hardware, and I intend to be takin that bottle of scotch from them, oh indeedy.

Speakin of, it's Camerone day, so don't be forgettin to toast to the Legion at dinner, k ?



Saturday, May 1, 2010 6:11 AM


Yanno, the man does talk a good game - I don't believe him, mind you, but he's a pretty good speaker with excellent delivery.

I'll see if I can get a transcript for you shortly, it was interesting - hmm, oh, wait, here...
They're carrying it via livestream.

He TALKS a good game, but his will and ability to back it up disappoints me - but still, he didn't do too badly.



Saturday, May 1, 2010 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
so there's a challenge here, since the Geekfarm is gonna be testing themselves up against my hardware, and I intend to be takin that bottle of scotch from them, oh indeedy.

*hefts the bottle and grins*

When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force. When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything.
- The Book of The Cataclysm.


Saturday, May 1, 2010 3:19 PM


Methinks you'll be ok, dude. :)

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." --- Dr. Wayne Dyer


Sunday, May 2, 2010 4:40 AM


Rather surprisingly, they kept their end of the deal.

No roundups, no arrests, no bullshit.

Andy is of course pissed off at me, but the realization that he can expect no support for his excesses from his superiors ought to level the playing field around here rather handily - locking horns with a local activist who's in the good graces of the powers that be being something of a bad idea, don't you know...

Don't have any confirmation, but as far as I am aware of there were ZERO arrests made, despite the local authorities being an uptight lot, so we're calling this one a win.

The Geekfarm about shit a brick when I informed them the encryption they were trying to crack wasn't an encryption at all, but rather a collection of risque stories rendered into hexadecimal with a randomised code panel, and the actual coordination comm was over open channels - that's the problem with clever people, they tend to expect clever tricks, yet in the end they got schooled by psychology rather than technical skill.



Monday, May 3, 2010 5:38 AM


Haha. Smut fic. Sounds like you kept them busy, huh? And no misfortunes or casualties on any side. Yeah, you deserve that taste of scotch I'm thinking.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010 3:20 AM


Here, this, THIS is the shit we put up with from these fuckheads, day in, and day out...

Officers Accused of Crossing the Line

Ok, this isn't a rare event, this isn't an "isolated incident", no matter how they wanna float that myth - this is EVERY DAY, around here.

And right now they're pissing and moaning about some cop getting capped in Detroit, as if their job was actually dangerous, when most of the time they shove all the risk onto citizens who didn't sign up for it, complete with a buncha whinging about what a saint the fucker was - please.

He wanted to be mister action hero and charged into a situation where gunplay was ALREADY GOIN ON, blindly and without waiting for backup, and it got his ass killed and some of his buddies shot besides - a hero he is NOT.

Tactically: you surround the damn building and wait em out - if they have hostages, that's WHY there's a SWAT team, not for terrorising geeky little college berks who have the nerve to protest, but for dealing with a situation where you *must* use force of that nature, which is rare.
(Although I have no problem with the fact that they shot the creeper in the back as he fled, he was still armed and dangerous, provably so since he damn near won a gun battle against half a dozen cops - this particular dude is a bad mofo)

So pardon me if I have trouble feeling any fucking sympathy, folks.

There's also a bunch of crap over some cop catching a bullet while off duty over in Canton, that one is about typical, folks heard a domestic kinda dispute, followed by a shot, and now some berk is gonna fry for it without any of the kinda questions which'd be pressed if this was two civvies...
You know, like WTF was he doin there off duty at 1am ?
How and why did they know each other ?
What prompted things to come to gunplay ?
Questions like that, but nope, cause he's one of the lords in blue he's automatically assumed to have been in the right, and this act of lese majeste is gonna be punished as severely as they can manage, sure - hell I am surprised they didn't just execute him on the spot and drop a throwdown piece like they usually do.

Although I do kinda feel sorry for Evans, stuck with the dawning realization that the problem isn't the community, it's the folks he's in charge of - he's really upset about that since he is very limited in his ability to discipline and fire them, and feels very frustrated and upset right now that he's been handed a job no one is going to allow him to DO.


PS. If it's Everet, and I am pretty sure it is, that nasty bastard is fekkin *dangerous*, he *needs* to be locked up, and for me to be sayin that oughta tell you something - worse is that this accomplices will likely retaliate, so we're not done with a body count just yet, sadly.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010 5:23 AM


"Evans." New police chief?

To apply a movie analogy, Commissioner Gordon with only a corrupt force to work with?


Tuesday, May 4, 2010 11:01 AM


Something like that.

Warren Evans is the former Wayne County police chief, you see - and we've been honored adversaries for a long, long time.

You kinda hafta understand the history here.
(And a bit of history it is...)

See, he not only cleaned up the Wayne county cops, so much as such an inherently corrupt, and corruptable profession can be, you gotta remember that not all that long ago, someone trying to report an online predator ring and their trading was very likely to wind up locked up themselves, cause of a combination of folks not wanting to believe such awfulness exists, the feds not wanting to touch the hot potato (this was after the Landslide busts, when they forcibly retired Marcus Lawson and took responsibility away from US Custsoms and handed it to the FBI - at the time the ONLY folk I had in my corner were the freakin mounties) and it caused a chilling effect which make folks reluctant to do so, keeping the numbers down and the problem out of the FBI' hair so they didn't have to DO anything, you see ?

Plus most police departments were clueless, our legal system wasn't up to the task and the freaks had a strong technological edge.

Jennifer Granholm, at the time the State Attorney General, at the behest of that bastard Engler (one of the few good things the man ever did) went after AOL for deliberately pandering, something that they were known for, and called on the carpet for, in 1991, 1993, and 1995, the latter in a full Congressional hearing with testimony from Barry Crimmins, but Congress didn't act cause they were completely clueless as to why this was a problem, had no idea what the internet was, etc etc.

Well, the Supreme Court went and decided the protection act, I think it was COPA at the time, meant exactly the OPPOSITE of what it clearly said - Rehnquist was the only one who couldn't be bought off, and fired off the most strongly worded dissent I've ever seen from a Supreme Court Judge, and they then filed a full-on injuction AGAINST the state of michigan enforcing that law in their own state...

You have to remember, no one ELSE back then was knowledgeable enough, and willing to call AOL on a set of accounting sleight of hand tricks that would later be used by Tycho, Enron, and many others, and they were buying up everything in sight based on phony, inflated stock, they were like the freakin borg, buying companies with that "stock" and then liquidating them to pay the bills, like a Ponzi scheme - the original assholes behind this sold the company out to Time Warner and headed for the hills while T-W took the bath of a lifetime.. they GOT AWAY WITH IT, you see, which was what encouraged others later, but AOL *set* that standard in the first place.

So, you had this super-mega-giant company with massive financial and political influence, deliberately creating a safe haven for predators, and no one on the planet willing, able, or technically competent to go after the bastards... right up till George Burdinsky got kidnapped, and when the facts of that case came to light - some predators running short on new "product" to upload had grabbed him, it went to the FBI, which refused to investigate, then some of the families involved went to relatives at the USDOJ, which then threatened the FBI, and they launched the original innocent images team as a PR move, and deliberately bungled it to have done and get back to their attempt to recreate the SORM-II system (aka Carnivore) cause they never really do prefer to do the job they're supposed to...

9000 perps, 12 investigations, 9 arrests, 3 convictions - on misdemeanors.
A soft-shoe shoveljob, and the community goes berserk.

Enter some poor, technically competent kid (me) dying of neglect and stonewalling just after a near-fatal vehicle accident, and a community willing to do anything they could to keep his ass alive, if he'll only DO SOMETHING.

Which is where VI got into that end of the issue.

Fast forward - 1997 and an article titled "Complicity".
An article which highlighted the one weakness of the predators - that the "gateway" sites, which ran the paywalls, collecting money for access to the content, were not only accomplices, THEY were the weak link in the chain, not only cause busting them would cut off the money, but because they were paid by credit card, which meant that if you DID bust them, you also had courtroom quality evidence of EVERY PREDATOR THEY EVER SERVED, absolute proof, making the court cases an open-and-shut deal not requiring further investigation.

And it proved a way to shut down whole networks overnight, preventing the crime rather than chasing the criminal, knock out the gateways, and the whole bloody thing comes down in pieces, see ?

And then Marcus Lawson of US Customs goes and does it - busts Landslide, Inc.
Tom Reedy gets 1400 years, consecutive, his network collapses, finally there's a way to fight these bastards.
(And Marcus gets a forced retirement and the US Customs folk are relieved of any responsibility for this crime... grrr)

The gateway services, all of whom had their hand in the pie, the sites, the freaks, they go fucking berserk - and since they cannot target an active law enforcement offical, ALL of them go after the loudmouthed punk who's wilding their weaknesses and secrets across the whole internet, I kid you not, they were offering money for my head, the site operator that posted the article tried to sell me out only to realize all the info I gave her was fake.

Not that it matters, but they weren't going to find me anyways, cause I was buddies with someone in the management of a nationwide motel chain, and operating out of rooms not on the service list cause they were undergoing renovation, logging in through the motels switchboard and phone network.

Right about that time, Jenny - aka State Attorney General Jennifer Granholm, still pissed about having been smacked down for trying to call AOL to heel, came to the same realization based on the same information, and being a State Attorney General rather than a powerless rogue who was damn near a fugitive at the time... proceeded to KICK THEIR ASS, about as hard as anyone has ever kicked it, she crushed them to flinders like a bulldozer to a barn, and in six weeks had KO'd the ring I had been fighting for almost a decade.

I love the lady, and helped her into the Governors office, for reasons which have not a damn thing to do with politics, mind you.

Her efforts to put a boot up the ass of the predator rings, in coordination with the Wayne County PD doing a lot of the grunt work, gave them the skills and technical/legal knowledge to fight this fight themselves, and Warren Evans realized that if the feds would not act, they could hunt the bastards on a local level, and run them outta dodge till they had nowhere left to run.

Thus was born the Wayne County Internet Crimes Task Force - which as at the time, and still is IMHO, the premier internet crimes asskickers on the planet, and during that period a certain relationship was forged, despite us being on opposite sides of the law, and when the law wasn't good enough, me willing to take it *way* farther, sometimes to extremes that I look back at in horror.

So yeah, I've known Evans a LONG time - he's a damn good old school type of cop, and I pity him being stuck on the DPD, he thought he could clean it up but it's a losing ballgame because both they and the feds supposed to be watching them are corrupt as hell, and the rot has spread to every corner of the city and dug in deep.

He tries, tries mightily, I gotta give him that, his first month he was doin ride-alongs, trying to get a feel for the officers he was now in charge of, and wound up chasing a suspect, who drew a firearm, and subsequently had his ass shot and got cuffed (reportedly) by Evans himself - to which he wound up with some pretty heavy street cred, AND got a lecture from yours truly about how someone that old shouldn't be right in the teeth of it where they might catch a round!

Yeah, imma hypocrite there, I know, I know...

But anyways, I have tremendous respect for Evans, and have known him for a very long time, but he's been handed the wheel of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg here - no good deed goes unpunished, don't you know.

Worse is that at least before we could kinda pretend we were on the same side, but right now we're on opposite sides of the field in command positions, so whatever friendly feelings we have towards each other are getting ground away by the stresses of that fact.

Whether he likes it or not, he is IN CHARGE of that department, he is RESPONSIBLE for that conduct, and if he is powerless to change it, he damn well needs to find a way, or find a new job, cause that excuse is wearing *thin* with me.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010 12:27 PM


Frem, you need to write a manuscript for a biography, and pass it on to Justin, and tell him to get it published when everyone who you still want to protect is gone.

It will be banned from libraries across the country, but a few people will get their hands on it, and read from it, and learn about subterfuge and being a decent human being. And in Detriot, there will be borough or a few where people have a moment of silence when your name comes up.

Hey. You know how the PD likes to put plants places for you to find? Well, what if you put plants in the PD to try to help steer them towards being less corrupt? Heck, or even offer Evans to train the next generation of officers or something?


Tuesday, May 4, 2010 12:40 PM


Tried that, didn't work, none of em even made it through the academy.

Kinda like in how army basic, despite the lip service towards unlawful orders they have all those little tests and conditioning to make *SURE* the troops will obey *any* order, no matter how repulsive or outrageous ?

Well, the police academies have some of that too, unless you "pass" those, which I've yet to find someone who can and retain enough decency, you don't wind up a cop - now, places with less thorough vetting processes, like some deputies and whatnot, maybe, but the job itself is horrific enough to damage peoples pysche, either they KNOW what they're doing is wrong and start to go bonkers from it, or they don't CARE and start turning evil.

It's kinda the nature of Authoritarianism.

So we're subverting them with Contract Security which is answerable to the community, via the community yanking them up by the purse strings, and neighborhood watch folks like Jackrabbit.

But because of that, we're a THREAT to them and their petty little empire, and while it hasn't gone nasty yet, there's always the chance some confrontation will turn ugly, someone will get stupid, and then....

I sincerely hope to PREVENT that, there has *GOT* to be another way, a third option, a way to break the cycles.

Just call me Crazy Eddie.



Thursday, May 6, 2010 3:53 PM


To quote myself... "Well... shit!"

As if we don't have ENOUGH trouble and antagonism! videos praise shooting of Detroit police officers, say Washtenaw County should be next

Think I was exaggerating ?
Not so, it really *IS* this bad around here.



Monday, May 10, 2010 5:48 PM


Shapin up to be a busy week around here, hopefully not for us, but damn...

Firstoff, the guy the cops got in custody is Gibson, not Everett - which means Everett got away, which explains much...

There's been quite a bit of gunfire to and from cops over the past couple days around here, not all of it making the news, and for damn sure not all of it making the official reports - worries me, that does, especially in light of some very public exhortations to violently engage the police from various members of the community, for the most part stone crooks, but not entirely limited to them.

All it's gonna take is one nervous cop capping a bystander and it'll be damn hard to forestall a riot, yanno ?

Funny how they complain that when they wind up blasting some thug, the family comes forth about what a nice person they were, and sure, that's usually bunk - but it's awful damned hypocritical that they do the same thing when some cop eats a round, as if Huffs disciplinary record doesn't tell a far different story, not to mention how during the same week some poor bastard is gonna fry for what seems to have been a self-defense shooting, only because it happened to be an off-duty cop he shot, and no one asking questions what the guy was doing off-duty at 1am in that neighborhood or what his business there was, it's not like they don't engage in protection racket behavior, which remains a possibility, but no one asks any questions, nope.

When you engage in what amounts to class warfare, one should take into account the numerical superiority of the folks you're stepping on, but why should I expect the idiots here to when the french didn't manage it till Robespierre decided to do something about it.

And now the fuckers are stepping on my turf too - as the Detroit City Council is debating letting off-duty cops moonlight as contract security, which is a recipe for disaster if I ever heard one given their well deserved scummy reputation.

Maybe if this place wasn't a freakin wasteland there wouldn't be such a need for security, maybe if the fekkin cops did *ANYTHING* but try to squeeze more and more money out of the community via downright rabid traffic "enforcement" and abusive forfeiture, the community wouldn't be so hostile.

Augustus is pretty livid himself over "the kids", his younger members, rounded up and busted for, bullshit aside, being young, poor and black - and I will leave it to you to determine just how ridiculous it is to make that a crime in Redford, given it's population demographics.. they rounded em up the night before May Day to try and forestall any protesting since they knew it was an anarchist holiday and that was likely - worse was they stuck em with a dive-takin public defender and ran em through without so much as askin if any of em had a lawyer, and then set bond at $25,000.00 USD... EACH.
Despite the actual (and bullshit) charge being a fucking misdemeanor.

Hell, even the NAACP noticed, they're way pissed - and if they do take it to trial, which they won't, but if they did, I guarantee you the jury pool would consist of every single white person in Redford... and NO ONE else, cause of the so-called-random jury selection software, an issue still not resolved, and some of them Redford honkies have not only noticed this, but have started to get pissed off about it, recieving notice after notice even though they're only obligated once a year.

What can you really call it but low grade warfare between the community and the police, it is what it is, polishing the turd solves nothing - and Evans whining about officer morale, FUCK officer morale, if they ceased their abusive behavior towards the community, the community would not be celebrating when one dies, how about that ?

And folks *wonder* why things are so messed up.

And yet relief comes from the strangest places - this end of the line, towards Ann Arbor, has eased up some restrictions allowing folks to keep chickens in their yard, not exactly a practice without some mess, but free eggs is a damn nice thing to have, I suppose, not to mention the occasional fryer.

I also hear someone is busy building some housing out on the west end here intended for allieviating homelessness, supposedly 150 units - just you watch, it'll wind up same way it always does, the developing company getting all manner of free work, grants and whatnot, and at the last minute getting "bought out" by it's own subsidary (shell-game), which'll then turn around and run the place as a for-profit apartment complex - and the county never learns a damn thing, cause this is what always happens.

At least Dingell freakin TRIES - Of course, no one trusts the feds to cough it up, but Dingell is trying to shake them down for some funding to repair the bridges on Stadium Blvd - they're *dangerous*, about to fall down all by themselves.
All the money in the world for war-war-war and the neo-crusades, while our infrastructure rots out from underneath us, did the big blackout teach us nothing ?

Choose LIFE, dammit.

Of course, my primary and immediate concern is some damn fools breakin into cars again, not around here, but up the street - and that's kids, always is, since it's not like you're gonna make any haul worth the trouble, not in THIS neighborhood, anyway.

We got some young folk in the complex at site three, a couple who work nights, and thanks to the asshole curfew we got around here, have to dodge the damn cops in order to get to work - for cryin out loud it makes no sense to try and punish them just for their age, when they're the responsible ones, since if they didn't have a solid rep and history they wouldn't have a lease there... but no, just cause they're young they're automatically scum ?
One of em asked me about it, saw me and was about to bolt, but then realized how bad that would look - I told him, private-fucking-property, and their damn curfew does not apply here, nor would I enforce it if it did, so they can kiss my ass - he seemed much relieved by that, since he works nights.

Of course, very rarely (place has a reputation now, so the locals leave it the hell alone) we do get the occasional night wanderer, but involving the local PD just makes for more noise, hassle and chaos with no positive gain since they have this goddamn attitude about doing anything that doesn't net them personal glory or their department more income, so mostly I just sneak up on em and give em a good fright... wouldn't do em no harm, but I don't have to *tell* them that.

S'funny - I had thought Wendy would have a problem gettin the people at site three to take her seriously, since she's all of 4'10" and puny, but I guess all it takes is the company uniform, although I do worry that if some punk on the local PD makes issue of the damn curfew with HER that could be trouble, not that it's likely since they're pretty unwelcome here unless specifically called, and aside from a mutual professional respect, they don't much care for us, neither.

That's my fault, mostly, political maneuvering and whatnot, and them knowing I am one of the prime movers behind their budget cuts, which does indeed look to them like ulterior motives - but if they did their damn job, I wouldn't have one, would I ?




Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:49 AM


This one's for you, Gus.

Imma post the link at the bottom this time, cause without the context this whole damn thing makes no sense, and being both mainstream papers around here are owned lock stock and barrel by the mighty white right, it's not like they're gonna be honest about it...

Ok, lemme explain to you how this shit works, up here.

Say you're a poor, black, high school student - as it is you got enough damn problems between the cartels and the gangs lookin for troops and damn insistent about it, not to mention trying to help put food on the table without getting caught at a damn crime, and you can't even work nights cause of that motherfucking curfew, an act of collective punishment against you for no other reason than your youth, with a side order of racist bullshit.

Gee, if we made a law that all blond people had to be off the streets in their homes at certain hours it wouldn't go over so well, would it now ?

Worst of it is that school is one of the most dangerous places to be, since you being considered subhuman due to age, it's illegal to pack some self-defense even when any friggin bonehead knows it's *obvious* you need some around here, and the school isn't likely to protect you, if anything the power trippin so-called security is more apt to dish out a little stick time on you in the stairwell if you aren't all yassa massa I be a good darkie...

Shit, why the hell you think the gangs and cartels circulate around the schools anyway, ain't JUST cause all their potential new recruits are in there, it's cause they KNOW them motherfuckers are unarmed, and therefore safe to hassle!
(See Also: Death at 3PM, Will re-post on request.)

Oh but it don't stop there, as if that all ain't bad enough, there's also the simple fact that ANY crime in your vicinity, you gonna get blamed for because you're...
A - Black
B - Poor
C - Young
D - Therefore no one gives a fuck ABOUT you.

Or rather gives one in any nice kinda way, what with everydamnbody lookin at you all the time as if you're a time bomb one mere second from hauling out a submachinegun and wasting everyone in sight like a live action version of grand theft auto - as if that shit weren't primarily a white thing, since the homies do that from the war wagons, not on foot like a stupid jackass.

Constitutional Rights ? Due process ? HA!, That shit's for real people, not your poor black ass, for YOU it's napleonic style, prove your ass DIDN'T do it, bitch!

So there's you, comin or goin, and someone talkin shit, and before you can even blink, WHAM, up against the wall, motherfucker! - cause you was there, ya know, and so you're guilty, been guilty ever since you had the nerve to pop outta momma, in the eyes of this country, most places.

And they don't even pretend, when you get downtown, they tell you how it's gonna be - pick some number you can't even count to for your bail, and then tell you plead that shit, or rot your ass in prison till the hardboys get tired of fuckin it and just slit your throat, and if you get lucky and that don't happen so what, it's not like we can't find you a jury stacked nice and full of racist honkys, uncle toms and some little old ladies we'll make SURE think you're the devil hisself crawled outta hell, so plead that shit, take your due (criminal record, making this crap easier and easier till you're a felon and even LESS of a person in the eyes of society and the law) and get the fuck outta here, boy!

And that's about how it goes... welcome to detroit, homie.

Course, it didn't go their way this time, they wound up a local advocate, who wound up the NAACP, whom I don't think much of for one really freakin obvious reason, and they called them on that shit - of course, the NAACP being a buncha damn pansies (*I* would have called Al Sharpton, had anyone asked MY opinion) went and soft-shoed it, and the Judge wouldn't let em withdraw the pleas even if they were under duress, and no mention of how the public defender took a big hard dive on purpose (and FUCK YOU, Worthy!) like they always do, oh no, can't rock the boat...

And the judge made my shitlist too, with THIS stack of bolus.

"We can't tolerate fighting among our young people," the judge said. "That's why I set the bond the way I did."

So just cause they're young - and you ASSUME guilt, cause there wasn't a fight dumbass, and half the kids in custody weren't even involved.
This was you being an old doddering prick who OUGHT to be shovelled into a hellhome, one of those string budget retirement communities, where you can suffer the horrors you completely deserve for stuffing your problems and your debt down the throats of the very kids who you're pissing on now.
And people wonder why I am so ubelieveably nasty to most of my "elders"...

Oh, and fuck the NAACP, they're as much pussies about human rights as the NRA is about the second amendment, and if they had a lick of sense they'd drop that racist bullshit, cause human rights are HUMAN rights, and either apply to everyone, or no one, but this pick and choose shit gotta go.

If they ain't willin to play hardball, they can get off my goddamn table.

The only one of em I even know, and that only kinda-sorta to talk to, asked me why I cared so damn much - I told him he better do somethin about that fatalistic streak before Gus smacks it right outta his head, and I cared because it was bullshit and stuck in my craw, and really that's all it fucking takes, with me.

Poor kid couldn't even comprehend the how an why of some short old cracker white boy being able to relate to him, till I pointed out that I was from southwest *baltimore*, kid - doin this 'n worse since you were sparkle in your daddys eyes, son.

THAT, he understood.

Gus gets back we gonna have a talk about how to unfuck the situation from here, and prolly have us some go-round over the NAACP vs Sharpton for effectiveness (he *hates* Sharpton).

And you know what, fuck racism too, of any damn stripe.
People are people, human beings, one and all, no matter what.


PS. You know I had to *explain* what racism even is to Wendy ?
Her immediate opinion of it's stupidity makes me think there's hope for us yet.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 12:32 PM


Oh great, now the damn cops go threatening Ron Scott and a couple other police reform activists, yeah, that's helpin the situation... NOT!

The emotional board meeting -- the commission's first since Huff was killed -- highlighted the increasing tension between some community members and the police.

Community activists said a war could be on the horizon.

"The young people in today's Detroit are a different dynamic," said Raphael B. Johnson, a convicted murderer-turned-community activist who last year lost a bid to serve on the Detroit City Council.

If things don't change, he added, "We're looking at another riot in this city."

Bit of a wiggy moment earlier, as some fellow was out in front of one of the TV stations firing in the air or something, and then from what I hear began to fling his clothes off...

And you think your town is strange.

Oh, and SOME-body with a nasty sense of humor slipped my name in at the last minute with the local election commmittee, and since when the HELL am I a friggin Democrat ?!

Gonna be interesting anyways as most of the incumbents seem to be running the hell away from here as fast as they can, and I can confirm not one single freakin Republican registered as a potential candidate for anything, at all, period.
Not a bloody one - shows how welcome they are around here, doesn't it now ?

I am certainly no Democrat, and I'll be makin em aware of that, although I am not sure whether to "drop out", or just leave that stand for the moment as an incitement and encouragement to the other candidates to bring their A-game and behave like something other than a pack of high school gossip club girls having a catfight.
(good LUCK, I don't hold out much hope for that)

And if they wanna keep callin me the ghost of Huey Long, fine, dandy, imma start pointing out that it's sure a damn sight better than the ghost of Joe McCarthy, an unquiet spirit that seems to be haunting all of america these days.

I do feel kinda bad about Evans, it's a sorrowful thing to wind up on the other side of the field from someone you respect so greatly, and have to plow them under, but when the choice comes down between "law and order" and "human rights", there's only one side i'm gonna take, which was at the root of it, the schism between me and the ex as well - that's kinda why I get so mad at people, they SAY they're for human rights, but they mean THEIR rights, and screw those of anyone they disagree with.

I don't hold with that, I never have, I'm never gonna, no matter what it costs.



Sunday, May 16, 2010 12:51 AM


Oh ho, so it DOES come out, finally - not a protection racket, but a rather more mundane offense...

Said cop was bangin the guys wife!
And then lied about it, on the stand, under oath - which'd get one of us peons thrown in slam lickety split, but of course since he's one of the lords in blue it's all a misunderstanding, yeah, right, sure.

Next he'll be arguing what the definition of "is" is.

THIS is the kinda shit we get from the boys in blue, day in, day out, every day, all day - and they WONDER why people are shooting at them ?



Sunday, May 16, 2010 8:17 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
while it hasn't gone nasty yet, there's always the chance some confrontation will turn ugly, someone will get stupid, and then....

Goddamn it!

Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick, you'd think they've have the fucking sense to just surround the damn building, where the hell is the suspect gonna GO ?

But no, gotta play stormtrooper...

Dammit Dammit Dammit!

Detroit girl, 7, fatally shot by officer during search

Mind you, this even violated their own pathetic policy, cause they're not supposed to use dynamic entry when children and elderly folk are present in the building anyways - the stupid bastards have gone rabid on us, enraged by the lack of fawning support for their every word and deed, and severely pissed that the community has begun to consider them armed invaders, so things are starting to get seriously ugly, and this kinda shit is *NOT* helping.

Evans needs to put a fuckin leash on them, and if he can't do it, then he should come clean about that publicly so that the voters can make a stink about it WITHOUT a goddamn riot, but nooo...




Monday, May 17, 2010 7:21 AM


I guess the apple didn't fall too far from the tree in the Huff family...

One of the relatives started pocketing the collection money, it seems.

Again, Huff's disciplinary record doesn't match that tripe about him being such a nice guy and decent fellow, so this bit doesn't surprise me at all.

ETA: And Sharpton *is* coming, and damn what Gus thinks about it.

Mitchell said civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton will be in Detroit Wednesday for a rally to protest the shooting.



Monday, May 17, 2010 11:56 AM


That'll be good. But let's hope for a vigil, because protests, yeah, that's like painting a target on yourself that says "nightstick and taser me!"

Assuming the protest crowd doesn't get riled up into a riot (possibly by plants).


Monday, May 17, 2010 3:43 PM


I'm just suspecting that there were a large number of these and the one on the first 48 only spilled because it s on camera.


Monday, May 17, 2010 3:46 PM


Well, Byte, normally with a protest it's folk tryin to avoid a major confrontation with police, but given their actions are almost wholly the source of the imeputous behind this, and the rage of the populace...

I keep seeing the awful possibility of a tear gas and nightstick response being met with a fullisade of gunfire - it'd be watts all over again, and the national guard and MI militia would both wind up in internal disputes before they could even respond effectively, since the guard is divided over being trained to suppress civil unrest, and the MI militia is split between racist right wing northerners, and southern folk who mostly are of african-american descent who are trying to protect their damn neighborhoods.

So it's a perfect storm potential here which I would very much like to put a lid on before it blows off cause once things get that hairy there really isn't no stoppin it till it burns itself out, and if... say, we lose a chunk of the power and/or water delivery infrastructure, things would get even uglier, much faster, cause all that shit is hangin by a thread already.



Monday, May 17, 2010 3:47 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I'm just suspecting that there were a large number of these and the one on the first 48 only spilled because it s on camera.

Well no shit, DT - welcome to Detroit!







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