Isreal attacks Turkish aid convoy.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:38 PM


Has the Israeli state gone too far this time?


Monday, May 31, 2010 2:03 AM


America loves a winner!


More than 10 people have been killed after Israeli commandos stormed a convoy of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army says

Yeah, that could have been handled a bit better.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, May 31, 2010 2:47 AM


Shit, when don't they ?

I mean, call a spade a spade, it's genocide that is their intent, and has been from the very start - only problem is that most of the folk who will call it that have either been driven half mad by rage to where they're so rabid as to not be credible, or have intolerance issues of their own and thus their reasons are suspect.

But as usual, the world turns it's head and pretends not to see, and this incident, like so many more, often worse, every single day, will just be ignored as everyone dances around on tip-toe to avoid offending the easily offendable crybaby that is Israel, even when they spill the blood of innocents by the gallon.
(not that this absolves anyone else, but it damn sure doesn't absolve THEM either!)

And I find that the most offensive - they got no kinda "right" to commit terrorism against other folk, no more than those other folk got any "right" to do it to no one else, but we pretend otherwise, and funnel our money and military resources to support it, making us even bigger hypocrites than they are.

Anyhow, the rest of the world is gonna ignore this, sorry to say - especially the americans, who are busy cheering the war machine while celebrating the slaughter of its unwitting pawns for the corporate empire, with this nice sponsored celebration all wrapped up in nationalism to hide the hurt, the horror and the blood while the knife drives deeper into the publics back.

That said, even their own citizens are starting to shake off the indoctrination over there, and on this day, somewhere in Israel, there's a Gadsden flying proudly above a group of people who mean those words not to all the boogeymen their government holds up to frighten them into compliance, but rather to that government itself.

And a couple pence of the dollars that bought that gadsden and brought it to them, are mine.

The fastest way to cut monsters out of power is to stop taking their orders.



Monday, May 31, 2010 3:05 AM


America loves a winner!

The only ones calling for genocide here are the Islamic nut cases.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:04 AM


What is the legal situation, exactly, since this took place in international waters?

Can ships, no matter their supposed destination, be attacked in international waters? I find it hard to believe that anything the flotilla could have done with small arms and knives/axes would have endangered Israeli soldiers if they hadn't chosen to be lowered onto those ships from helicopters. But I may be missing something about the legalities of the situation.

Anyone have better insight?


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:09 AM


America loves a winner!

And that's the rub for me here. These weren't pirate ships, or drug smugglers, so I'm not sure what RIGHT anyone had to board them.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:26 AM


Would the correct response have been to wait until they try to enter Israeli waters and then contact them, threaten them and eventually, if necessary, shoot at them from afar?

That would seem more logical to me, anyway. I mean, it was a "civilian" ship and all, but once you're in a country's territory that's a different matter, right?


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:43 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Technically, aren't the Israelis the pirates in this instance?


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:49 AM


They're pretty low on my list at the moment. I don't buy that Palestinians are terrorists or that Israelis are warmongers, but a regime change in Israel might not be a bad idea. Leadership have been pretty bad since some right winger shot Rabin, which was sort of obvious was what had happened but they didn't admit for years, and now they do, 'cause you know, they'd much rather think it was some Palestinian.

But netanyahu, who was always a nuttin' yahoo, has revealed his true colors, which are very similar to Clinton's, even if not as bad, do show the same basic thought process:starve 'em out.

Skip the political hedging and just call these guys capitalist stylists, or stalinists even. The iPad doesn't like the word Stalinist.

Oh and Israel is currently a moron, which is to say the govt, because we wouldn't want to be known internationally for the policies of our govt. But turkey is currently the military force at protects Israel from an ass whooping by virtue of having a million man army, and it has become politically untenable for them to continue doing so, so I expect someone else will get involved. Maybe we will start drafting American soldiers and sending them over to Israel.

ETA: Rap, I think Frem's point was that withholding food represents a policy of genocide. It's like Clinton's policy in Iraq, or domestic policies in Sudan, Ethiopia and Zimbabe: cut off the food supply to starve out the people. It's not only inhuman, it's damn cowardly. But it's what Stalin did, and what a large number of socialist states he set up have done. (an excellent reason to not have any socialism: not long before they set up national food distribution and then come up with some reason why we need it.)

But the right thinks because socialist ideology is leftist that it's immune to becoming a socialist state, but really, that's one of the things I hated about Bush. Netanyahu Is clearly headed even further down this past, helping to identify the right with socialist tactics formerly of the left.

It's also not helping Israel. In fact, it's moronic for Israel. There's just no possibility that the flotilla is a military vessel. If the turks wanted to attack Israel, they'd just invade. It would be a very short conflict. Six days maybe.


Monday, May 31, 2010 5:18 AM


This just in: Netanyahu cancels meeting with Obama

The purpose all along? I don't know what the agenda of avoiding meeting with the president might be,but he seems he'll bent on it.


Monday, May 31, 2010 7:56 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


What a senseless attack. Indeed, piratical in its execution.

I'm catching up on this from CNN:

"A senior Israeli military official, speaking on condition of anonymity in an independent account cleared by military censors, said Israeli troops were planning to deal with peace activists on a Gaza-bound flotilla, "not to fight.""

This particular quote made me grind my teeth. It's akin to saying, "They were supposed to be defenseless victims of our aggression! How DARE they respond to violence with violence?"

I see that this victimized convoy called itself a 'Freedom Flotilla.' I suppose the Israelis are maintaining their quota of 'attacks on Liberty-themed ships in International waters.'


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Monday, May 31, 2010 8:44 AM


Yes Anthony, sit back and let the whining commence. I can hear it now, Bill Kristol will go on CNN and complain that Israel has a right to defend itself, a d Joe Lieberman will make an amendment condemning food.


Monday, May 31, 2010 8:54 AM


If the Turkish ship had been torpedoed and sunk by a North Korean sub, the world would be silent as usual.


Monday, May 31, 2010 7:00 PM


Why hello there. As an obligatory Zionist Jew Conspirator, please allow me to attempt to manipulate and misinform you. Brevity is the thing, but brevity fails me.

This incident dramatizes the tragedy of collective punishment. A government and a people are not one in the same. Hamas is a vile organization, but when a Palestinian kid goes without water, Hamas does not feel thirst. The blockade sucks, but I happen to thing that Hamas sucks more. Hamas is an enemy of peace, opposes compromise, and advocates genocide. The aid wasn't being offered to Hamas, but it was offered in a provocative way.

Because Israel enforces a blockade (along with Egypt), it assumes humanitarian responsibilities under international law. Israel provides channels for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza. The flotilla acted outside these channels. Considering the quality of life in Gaza, these channels must be woefully insufficient. Hence, the flotilla.

The damned thing about a blockade, is that you can't let anyone through it, because then it is no loner a blockade. Blockades, like around Gaza, are subject to conditions like notice and impartiality in application. When a blockade is duly established even a neutral metchant vessel may be sunk if it attempts to breach the blockade, or if it refuses an order to stop. There is no international law guaranteeing free passage of humanitarian assistance.

It seems that the Israelis gave the flotilla an opportunity to turn back, and ordered them to stop and threatened to board them repeatedly. This was not a game of chicken, but they absolutely should have turned back. The Israelis shot and killed activists. If the Israeli were responding with proportional force, that's one thing. If they boarded guns blazing, that is something else entirely. Considering that the activists were armed with sticks and so forth, this is an ugly situation. The blockade is a disaster anyway I look at it. But this incident says to me that the blockade sucks, the activists pushed the envelope, and the Israelis are bastards, too. Nothing more.


Monday, May 31, 2010 7:52 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"There is no international law guaranteeing free passage of humanitarian assistance."


If these ships were boarded in international waters, as has been suggested, then this statement may not be correct. I think international law guarantees free passage of whatever in international waters.

I am waiting for more information on the details of the assault so that I know just how bad this is.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Monday, May 31, 2010 8:56 PM


Look, I can see blockin weapons - although I do have issues with the idea of one sovereign government doin that to another outside of a war, mind you.

I can see inspecting ships in ones own waters for contraband, although that brings up other questions about who's waters parts of that are.

But blocking food, water and medical supplies, on purpose, to "punish" an entire nation for the conduct of individuals, and as policy ?

Call it what it is, Genocide.



Monday, May 31, 2010 11:14 PM


America loves a winner!

Egypt also is engaged in this blockade of Gaza. We must be ready to assume it has all the racist, genocidal motives which Israel is being accused.

** ANYONE ** who thinks the Fed Gov't has done " all it possibly can " in response the Gulf Coast oil disaster, or who thinks Obama isn't lying to us all - I have no use for you. You deserve all the animosity and any vulgar "tone" directed your way. ( Anthony , that includes you, buddy. Sorry )


Monday, May 31, 2010 11:38 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
When a blockade is duly established even a neutral metchant vessel may be sunk if it attempts to breach the blockade, or if it refuses an order to stop. There is no international law guaranteeing free passage of humanitarian assistance

Beast, thank you for your contribution from the perspective of evil conspirators.

I do, however, think that the blockade itself is not the issue here, but rather the fact that the Israelis boarded this ship in international waters. If this had taken place in Israeli territory, I'm sure the reaction would be different, over all.

Does Israel really have the right to block an attempt to breach the blockade that far outside its own territory? Do they have the right to board a ship in international waters? Shouldn't they have waited until the flotilla actually entered their watery turf?


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 2:51 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Egypt also is engaged in this blockade of Gaza. We must be ready to assume it has all the racist, genocidal motives which Israel is being accused.

Ain't no assumption about it, deliberately blocking food, water, and medical supplies is exactly that no matter WHO does it, everyone involved is an accomplice and those supporting it financially and politically are aiding and abetting.

Look, I know Hamas are dicks, and most of their leaders are winding up their people with Israel as the boogeyman *JUST* like the Israeli leaders are winding up their people with Palestine as their boogeyman, that's always been the nature of these things, even back when it was a "gentlemans game" and sniping officers was considered a violation of the rules of war, yadda yadda.

Cutting through the indoctrination and getting the poor souls being wound up as cannon fodder to see that is the only way that game is ever gonna get solved, but that can't happen when no one is gonna listen to us cause of our unquestioning support of one side even when they're clearly in the wrong - for all the talk, the floodgates of money never close an inch, and everyone knows it.

If you'd for just bloody once cut through your own prejudices and realize OUR leaders are winding YOU up the very same way, you'd realize that the only way to stop the slaughter, the only way to ever stem the tide of blood, is to show them all how they're being used, by Hamas, by Likud, and by the international community as well.

All that said...

What Israel has done here, is turn an entire sovereign nation into a concentration camp, and now they mean to starve those people ?

What's next, the showers ?

Just like an abused child often repeats the cycle when they grow up and have children, as a nation and a people, Israel has grown up and in their paranoia and fear, become the very same type of oppressors they once suffered under the heel of, and it shames me as an american that our country supports it when they ought to know better.

Trying to block weapons shipments, I can see the logic of it - I don't agree, mind you, because Israel is non stop taking their land, and doesn't want them defending themselves, and gee that sounds familiar too, does it not ?

But blocking humanitarian and relief supplies is completely inhuman and unacceptable by any moral standard worth the name - inspecting for contraband, that can be worked out, although better done by a neutral (or close as possible to such) party than anyone involved directly, poltically or financially, but still, at least the pretense is logical - but no one, NO ONE, has the moral right to decide an entire country should starve when people are willing to send supplies to prevent it, not Israel, not us, not the UN...


And if that's how this is gonna play, if that blockade is gonna be the camp fence, and those cat D-9s are gonna be diggin mass graves for the malnourished dead...

I know some cubans familar with blockade runnin, and damn good at it, who'd be more than happy to stick a pin or two in an ally of the USA, and I am pretty sure that nutter Chavez would be right behind them - are those the folk who you'd prefer the Palestinians seeing as their heros, dude ?

Someone should man up and say "This is wrong!" - and that shoulda been us, and here we are, supporting it...

Ain't about being being *politically* right or wrong, this is about being HUMANE, and if we support this madness, we got no claim to that assumption.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010 2:58 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
If these ships were boarded in international waters, as has been suggested, then this statement may not be correct. I think international law guarantees free passage of whatever in international waters.

It depends. I'm not sure Isreal is signed onto an agreement of this nature. Many countries have not.

I remind you that we blockaded Cuba during the missile crisis, we also blockaded Iraq 1991-2003. In the process we interdicted ships thought to be carrying weapons or illegal oil. That is similar to what Isreal is doing.

The video is clear that Isreali soldiers were attacked after they boarded the ship and they opened fire only after suffering a number of injuries and the threat of additional injury, death, or capture. While this alone does not demonstrate right or demonstrates reckless disregard by the folks attacking the armed soldiers. It does not take an international law expert to tell you that if your trying to beat to death a guy with a gun...he might shoot you. So on an individual basis I think you can't blame the soldiers who neither overreacted or got out of control.

The question is, should the Isrealis have been there in the first place?

If this attack happened in Isreali waters then Isreal has the right to board and inspect any vessel they choose. If during their inspection their soldiers were attacked then they have the right to defend themselves.

If this attack happened in international waters, then I'm not sure how it works. My understanding is that Isreal broadcast its intent to anyone who'd listen. These ships chose to run the blockade setting up a confrontation with a military force. In essence Isreal reacted to their attempt to run the blockade, they responded with force and Isreali soldiers defended themselves.

If the blockade was legal, then the ships are in the wrong for putting themselves in position to be intercepted and then resisting when boarded. If the blockade was illegal, then Isreal is in the wrong regardless of how the interception turned out.

I am waiting for more information on the details of the assault so that I know just how bad this is.

No need for that. Isreal is always guilty. Just like American police. Details and facts have no place in this discussion. I'm shocked you even suggested it.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I find those statements amazing." Niki2, 2010.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 4:12 AM


AR: Israel has some odd ideas about what constitutes IT'S waters, compared to what the rest of the world considers its waters.

There have been other incidents when Israel fired on clearly identifiable ships, ships they even had located, mapped, and marked as U.S. ships. Of course, they say it was an accident, but if it was, it was a pretty big fuck-up involving insane miscommunication and extreme incompetence.

Thinking back, I wonder if Israel's many fuck-ups are less the result of active malice, and more the result of hoo-rah complacency with America's shiny toys. Maybe it's like they're saying, "yay, we have the most technologically advanced military forces in our region, we don't have to think anymore."


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 4:21 AM


mincingbeast: I note that Hezbollah and Hamas are two different organizations. You may or may not have them confused; most media outlets can't get them straight either.

If you meant Hamas, then I retract my statement. I don't actually know THAT much about them, apart from they're a political party that was elected in Palestine. Perhaps they advocate violence against Israel or something, but they themselves don't seem to have the firepower, what violence against Israel there is that happens seems to be independent Palestinian whacko terrorists or Hezbollah.

I don't imagine Hamas would launch a full-scale attack against Israel anymore than I imagine Iran would, despite the respective rhetoric of their leaders.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 4:33 AM



If this attack happened in Isreali waters then Isreal has the right to board and inspect any vessel they choose. If during their inspection their soldiers were attacked then they have the right to defend themselves.

Sound to me based on the international consensus that this WASN'T Israel's waters, though like I said, Israel has funny ideas about that.


The video is clear that Isreali soldiers were attacked after they boarded the ship and they opened fire only after suffering a number of injuries and the threat of additional injury, death, or capture. While this alone does not demonstrate right or demonstrates reckless disregard by the folks attacking the armed soldiers. It does not take an international law expert to tell you that if your trying to beat to death a guy with a gun...he might shoot you. So on an individual basis I think you can't blame the soldiers who neither overreacted or got out of control.

Hmm, I didn't know that they were armed. I suppose it still goes back to the international waters question. Like you said, if it's in Israel's waters, they do have a right to inspect the boats (though if they're boarding guns out from the get go, I'm wondering if that's not slightly more hostile than the usual understanding of an inspection).

But if it's in international waters, then I'm pretty sure people on a ship being involuntarily boarded have a right to defend themselves against the boarders.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 6:37 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Activist aid ships head to Gaza AGAIN as Israeli warships gather

A neutron nuke detonated on Tel Aviv will cure this problem. And a roundup of jews in USA for reeducation camps, a ban on the pagan jew religions, arrest and decaptiation of all jew banksters.

Channel 4 Dispatches: The Children Of Gaza (2010)


US taxdollars at work in Israel

CSPAN caller: "I, for one, am sick and tired of all these Jews coming on C-span and other stations and pushing us to go to war against our Muslim friends. They're willing to spend the last drop of American blood and treasure to get their way in the world. They have way too much power in this country. People like Wolfowitz and Feith and the other neo-cons that jewed us into Iraq; and now we're going to spend the next 60 years rehabilitating our soldiers. I'm sick and tired of it."
CIA agent Michael Scheuer: I think that American foreign policy, of course, is eventually up to the American people. One of the big things that we've not been able to discuss in this country for the last 30 years is our policy towards the Israelis. Whether we want to be involved in fighting Israel's wars in the future is something that Americans should be able to talk about. They may vote yes. They may want to see their kids killed in Iraq or Yemen or somewhere else to protect Israel. But the question is, we need to talk about it. Ultimately Israel as a country is of no particular worth to the United states...strategically - they have no resources we need, their manpower is minimal, their association with us is a negative for the United states. Now that's a fact. What you want to do about that fact is entirely different, but for anyone to stand up in the United states and say that our support for Israel doesn't hurt us in the world - our our support for Hosni Mubarak's dictatorship doesn't hurt us, is to just defy reality."
-CSPAN, 5 Jan 2010

Hamas Was Founded by Israeli Mossad

The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews - by Rabbi Od Yosef Hai Yeshiva, 9 Nov 2009

British court indicts Israeli minister for warcrimes in Gaza

Israeli Law of Return only allows citizenship for jews

It's a felony to preach Christianity in Israel.

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel Where Christianity Is a Felony

Mohel Rabbi Yosef David Weisburg sucking penis during circumcism bris ritual, Jerusalem Post Magazine, Nov. 5, 1976, page 14

"A circumcision ritual practiced by some Orthodox Jews has alarmed city health officials, who say it may have led to three cases of herpes - one of them fatal - in infants. But after months of meetings with Orthodox leaders, city officials have been unable to persuade them to abandon the practice. The practice is known as oral suction, or in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh: after removing the foreskin of the penis, the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the wound to clean it."
-Andy Newman, New York Times, "City Questions Circumcision Ritual After Baby Dies," August 26, 2005

“A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.”
-Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, creator of Kabbalah

"How could they [the rabbis], contrary to the opinion of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the marriage of the young proselyte?"
-Sanhedrin 60b, Footnote 5, jewish Babylonian Talmud

“All agree that the connection of a boy aged nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less than eight years is not."
-Sanhedrin 69b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"Because a boy under 9 is sexually immature, he can't throw guilt on the active offender, morally or legally."
-Sanhedrin 55a, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"The intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as a sexual act."
-Kethuboth 11b, Footnote 1, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"A male aged nine years and a day who cohabits with his deceased brother's wife acquires her (as wife)."
-Sanhedrin 55b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his."
-Sanhedrin 55b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by cohabitation."
-Yeb. 57b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her she becomes his.
-Sanhedrin 69a, 69b, Yeb. 60b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest, for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was priest, the footnote says) surely was with them."
-Yebamoth 60b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"But all women children, that have not known man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks of one who is fit for cohabitation."
-Yebamoth 60b, Footnote, jewish Babylonian Talmud

“As soon as she was of age one hour and did not protest she cannot protest any more.”
-Kethuboth 11a, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when a girl is less than this 6, it is as if one puts a finger into the eye 7?"
-Kethuboth 11b, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"less than three years old"
-Kethuboth 11b, Footnote 6, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"Virginity comes back to the little girl under three years."
-Kethuboth 11b, Footnote 7, jewish Babylonian Talmud

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."
-Jesus Christ, Matthew 23:27, 28, Christian Bible (murdered by jewish rabbis, now boiling in excrement in Hell according to jewish Bablylonian Talmud)

“Just the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are no humans, but cattle.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a (goyim = human cattle)

“The Non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Midrasch Talpioth 225

“The Non-Jews have to be avoided, even more than sick pigs.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Orach Chaiim 57, 6a

“Sexual intercourse with Non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Kethuboth 3b

“The birth-rate of the Non-Jews has to be suppressed massively.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Zohar II, 4b

“Everywhere they (the Jews) come, they will be the princes of the lords.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 104a

“I (Jahveh) make you (the Jewry) the ancestor of the peoples, I make you the selected one amongst the peoples, I make you the king over the peoples, I make you the loved one amongst the peoples, I make you the best one amongst the peoples, I make you the trusted one amongst the peoples.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Schabbat 105a

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Zohar I, 168a

“Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Babha Kama 113a

“The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody (every Jew) who seizes it, has acquired it.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b

“When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Erubin 43b

"Judaism is one of the oldest living esoteric traditions in the world. Virtually every form of Western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic and occult teachings—magic, angelology, alchemy, numerology, astral projection, astrology, amulets, altered states of consciousness, alternate healing and rituals of power—all have roots in the Jewish occult."
—Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis, Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism (2007)

"They are our public enemies. They do not stop blaspheming our Lord Christ, calling the Virgin Mary a whore, Christ, a bastard, and us changelings or 'meal calves'. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do it. They do it often, especially those who pose as physcians—though sometimes they help—for the devil helps to finish it in the end. They can also practice medicine as in French Switzerland. They administer poison to someone from which he could die in an hour, a month, a year, ten or twenty years. They are able to practice this art."
-Pastor Martin Luthor PhD, founder of the Protestant religion, first Christian to allow marriage for preachers, author of the first translation of the Bible besides Latin, sentenced to death by the Catholic King Pope, poisoned by kosher food, sermon in Eisleben, Germany, 1546

"The Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, reported that it was the Jews who stirred up the Romans and incited such fierce animosity of nations against the Christian Church. Historians record that Emperor Nero, after marrying a Jewess, converted to Judaism and swiftly became a persecutor of Christians. Darkly inspired by his newfound Jewish faith, the mad Nero fed many to the lions at the Colosseum, sawed others in half, and sentenced many others to be crucified. According to encyclopedias, the ravages of the Catholic Inquisition in Spain, in which thousands of innocents were slain and tortured, suffering the most cruel of fates, being branded, painfully wracked by ghoulish devices and instruments, and finally burned at the stake, were overseen by a Jewish convert to the papacy—Spaniard Tomás de Torquemada (1420-1498). The Jewish-born Torquemada must have been filled with glee at the opportunity to so fiendishly torment true Christian believers."
-Professor Texe Marrs PhD, Captain USAF Intelligence, author and publisher of millions of books

"Fuck Obama! White Power! Fuck the niggers! Obama, who even knows if he was born in the United States? We haven't seen his birth certificate yet. I'm a jew, I'm Israel. Obama, I'm gonna teabag your ass and put it on youtube, faggot."
-White jews in Israel, June 2009

Obama's boss jew Soros: 'I am God!'

"'We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,' Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events 'swung American public opinion in our favor.'"
-Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel, 16 April 2008

"The Israeli Defense Force is a 500-pound gorilla in Israel. Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission. Fratricide a concern especially in air space management. MOSSAD: Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
-Jedi Knights, SAMS US Army School of Advanced Military Studies, Washington Times, 10 September 2001

"In Sept of last year, Adam Gadahn [Perlman], the son of Jewish parents, the son of Jewish grandparents [on the board of directors of Jewish ADL] in California, who himself converted to Islam, went on to become Osama Bin Laden's spokesman."
-Rep Jane Harman, CSPAN, November 6, 2007

Obama's White House chief of staff is an Israeli citizen and Israeli soldier who cannot get a security clearance, yet has access to US Top Secrets.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do. Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing by the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don't want Barack talking like that because that's anti-Israel."
-Rev Jeremiah Wright

Semite: A member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including ARABS.
—Merriam Webster Dictionary;

"A 'Semite' is any person living in that area, including Arabs and Christians. It's time we start talking about 'The Other AntiSemitism'. A Semite is not a Jew living in America or Europe."
—Ralph Nader (Arab from Lebannon), C-SPAN, 2003

Israeli attack on USS Liberty to blame innocent Arab patsies


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 6:46 AM


America loves a winner!

Being ignored is why Egypt has a blockade on Gaza too.

Being ignored is why the U.N. called a special meeting over this incident, but nothing on the N.Korea sinking of a S. Korean ship, where many more lives were lost.

There's a distortion going on here, alright.

** ANYONE ** who thinks the Fed Gov't has done " all it possibly can " in response the Gulf Coast oil disaster, or who thinks Obama isn't lying to us all - I have no use for you. You deserve all the animosity and any vulgar "tone" directed your way. ( Anthony , that includes you, buddy. Sorry )


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:18 AM


Byte, I typed Hamas and meant Hamas. That the Palestinians elected Hamas does not speak highly of democratic elections, or the Palestinians (for that matter, Netanyahu's election). I may be a joo, and idiot, but I can at least keep my genocidal groups straight.

Take everything I say with a grain of Kosher salt. I am not an expert on international, but fail to see how the exact location of the flotilla matters so long as it was attempting to run the blockade.

I candidly admit that I do not know the full scope of the blockade, but I have heard complaints that it prevents gaza fishermen from doing their job. That makes the blockade the trouble. Would people really be less offended if this went down a mile from shore?

Anyway, I appreciate those who have resisted hysterical moral preening and faux macho posturing on this issue. I know how hard it is to resist chest thumping when joos are involved.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

But if it's in international waters, then I'm pretty sure people on a ship being involuntarily boarded have a right to defend themselves against the boarders.

I assume you're kidding. A ship with a manifest intent to breach an established blockade, that is warned repeatedly, and knee deep in the attempt, is entitled to use violence as part of the attempt by virtue of international waters?


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:35 AM


They can only blockade if it's in THEIR waters (Or the UN approves? I think?), which, as of right now, is in question.

If they're in international waters, I think it's less so much violating Israel law by trying to break the blockade, and more a violation of international law with an unlawful boarding.

If they're in Israel waters, then the situation is as you describe... Though the Israelis still oughta be more careful about shooting people on a boat if the international community is likely to take the side of the people on the boat. I think we both agree: it could have been handled better.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:45 AM


I do grant the point that it's ridiculous that who is in the right here should be based on something as arbitrary as location.

Personally, my feeling is that the Israelis just wanted to defend their country from gun smuggling, which is understandable (if that's true), and the flotilla just wanted to bring food and medicine to Palestinians. So, if I look at it as both groups had good intentions, then this is just a sad mistake.

I also note that I would really, really appreciate it if Israel stopped MAKING sad mistakes. It'd be good for Israel's image, too, because some people think they're actually doing it on purpose.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 2:37 PM


Rappy, that one I give you - I did not expect this to draw any significant attention from the media or the rest of the world but it has, surprisingly.

Here's for hoping the eyes of the world on them encourage a little bit better behavior on behalf of all involved.

As for Korea, well, there's questions about it, and that's really another topic.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010 2:53 PM


The aid is already flowing. This was gonna happen because the activists aren't peaceful. Clubs and knives against the commandos. Israel lets those boats in here comes more weapons. Just remember the rancher in Arizona complained and complained about those poor humble mexicans now he is dead. There ya go. piratecat


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:17 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Israeli ships opened fire on the Turkish ships 30 minutes before the Israeli commandos boarded the ships. All the Turks had were steel pipes for self defense.

Turkey is a member of NATO.

When Israeli attacked Turkish ships in international waters, Israeli attacked NATO.

NATO has 1,000s of nukes, Israel has 400 nukes.

Israeli sub sank the South Korean warship in a false flag attack to blame N Korea, just like it sank USS Liberty to blame Egypt.

Do the math for WW3, as the jew banksters run all the way to their private central counterfeit banks.

Death to all Israelis! Nuke em till they glow!!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
Byte, I typed Hamas and meant Hamas. That the Palestinians elected Hamas does not speak highly of democratic elections, or the Palestinians (for that matter, Netanyahu's election). I may be a joo, and idiot, but I can at least keep my genocidal groups straight.

Take everything I say with a grain of Kosher salt. I am not an expert on international, but fail to see how the exact location of the flotilla matters so long as it was attempting to run the blockade.

I candidly admit that I do not know the full scope of the blockade, but I have heard complaints that it prevents gaza fishermen from doing their job. That makes the blockade the trouble. Would people really be less offended if this went down a mile from shore?

Anyway, I appreciate those who have resisted hysterical moral preening and faux macho posturing on this issue. I know how hard it is to resist chest thumping when joos are involved.

Location, location, location. It makes all the difference in the world. If I head south from Key West, that doesn't show a clear intent that I'm headed to Cuba. I might be, I might not be. You don't know their INTENT if they're still dozens or hundreds of miles away.

As to how they boarded the ships and why they were "attacked"... Well, if someone knocks on my door, I can say, "No, thank you"; if they drop onto my roof, I have to assume I'm under attack, and that they aren't there to try to sell me on The Watchtower. Capisce? Someone drops onto my boat from a helo in open water, I'm thinking it's pirates, and I'm gonna defend myself with whatever I have.

Silly me, but I thought there was some group of people who were cheered as "heroes" for trying something similar aboard a certain Flight 93 on September 11th. When under attack, do you NOT have the right to defend yourself with all possible methods and weapons? I thought self-defense was supposed to be one of those "inalienable rights" we supposed all men were born with.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:
I do grant the point that it's ridiculous that who is in the right here should be based on something as arbitrary as location.

Personally, my feeling is that the Israelis just wanted to defend their country from gun smuggling, which is understandable (if that's true), and the flotilla just wanted to bring food and medicine to Palestinians. So, if I look at it as both groups had good intentions, then this is just a sad mistake.

I also note that I would really, really appreciate it if Israel stopped MAKING sad mistakes. It'd be good for Israel's image, too, because some people think they're actually doing it on purpose.

Yup. If a kid bites someone in class, it's an incident and a sad mistake. If he does it a few more times, he starts gettin' a reputation as a biter, ya know? (I borrowed that from "Justified"; it kinda stuck with me)


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:46 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I think we need to hire someone to follow PN around and just keep saying in his ear, "Psssst! You're not helping!"


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:51 PM


LOL@"Psssst! You're not helping!"


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 6:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Racheal Corrie headed to Gaza

Email From AID Ship 'Rachel Corrie' Enroute To Gaza

Rachel Corrie, an American girl murdered by Israeli jew army

PS: Gaza is NOT part of Israel, so Israel has no right to pirate ships off its coast.

Death to all Israelis! Arrest for all jews!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 6:39 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Location, location, location. It makes all the difference in the world. If I head south from Key West, that doesn't show a clear intent that I'm headed to Cuba. I might be, I might not be. You don't know their INTENT if they're still dozens or hundreds of miles away.

As to how they boarded the ships and why they were "attacked"... Well, if someone knocks on my door, I can say, "No, thank you"; if they drop onto my roof, I have to assume I'm under attack, and that they aren't there to try to sell me on The Watchtower. Capisce? Someone drops onto my boat from a helo in open water, I'm thinking it's pirates, and I'm gonna defend myself with whatever I have.

Silly me, but I thought there was some group of people who were cheered as "heroes" for trying something similar aboard a certain Flight 93 on September 11th. When under attack, do you NOT have the right to defend yourself with all possible methods and weapons? I thought self-defense was supposed to be one of those "inalienable rights" we supposed all men were born with.

I have not read the minds of any of the activists, but am certain that they intended to brech the blockade. Short of telepathy, I'll settle for circumstantial evidence. The flotilla organizers knew the blockade would prevent them from reaching Gaza, and deliberately organized in spite of it. Their course was set on the blockade, and they ignored orders to turn around. This better represents intent than an argument over miles.

I do hope nobody drops on your roof, but if they did, I don't begrudge your surprise. It would be unlike like having IDF commandos board your ship after warning you to turn around. The parties weren't exactly strangers at this point--each side knew what the other was doing. The activists wanted to deliver goods; the Israelis wanted to stop them.

I'm not prepared to say that clubbing IDF soldiers under the circumstances was reasonable, anymore than I'm prepared to say that the blockade is reasonable.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 7:45 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


If one is to draw a line in the sand, one should wait for me to cross it before taking offense.

Never mind that the blockade itself disturbs me.

One also wonders why they weren't equipped less-than-lethal if they knew they were tackling civvies with sticks and stones trying to deliver aid.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 8:54 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Pirate,

It's not a NATO convoy unless NATO orders it to assemble. As far as I know, NATO did not send the convoy in question. Though... perhaps they should have.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 10:13 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:

I'm not prepared to say that clubbing IDF soldiers under the circumstances was reasonable, anymore than I'm prepared to say that the blockade is reasonable.

I have since watched some of the video recordings of the event and found the clubbings the activists engaged it quite brutal. Of course, it is difficult to judge how heavy the clubs they used were from the distance the video was shot, but they hit people who were down in ways that didn't look like self-defense. The resulting brawl had to necessarily lead to deaths the moment actual guns were introduced.

They definitely attacked the soldiers, but it remains to acertain whether the act of boarding itself (and any preliminary shots aimed at the flotilla) did constitute the initiation of an attack in itself, making the activists' hefty response legally justified, or if not.

I still find it wrong that the Israeli troops boarded the flotilla where they did. The location makes a huge difference to me. And lowering the soldiers onto the ship in this way, into the club-weilding hands of the defending activists was incompetent to say the least, irresponsible and senseless with regards to the danger the soldiers were placed in, pretty much taking for granted the fact that the situation WOULD escalate.

The blame for escalation can not be laid at just one party's feet here.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12:42 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I do grant the point that it's ridiculous that who is in the right here should be based on something as arbitrary as location.

Personally, my feeling is that the Israelis just wanted to defend their country from gun smuggling, which is understandable (if that's true), and the flotilla just wanted to bring food and medicine to Palestinians. So, if I look at it as both groups had good intentions, then this is just a sad mistake.

I also note that I would really, really appreciate it if Israel stopped MAKING sad mistakes. It'd be good for Israel's image, too, because some people think they're actually doing it on purpose.

I would agree with this post except for one thing...There was a group of Palestinian activists on the one ship where the violence took place. And Israel believed their intentions were bad. I believe they were given a chance to have the cargo inspected and then delivered.

Also, blockades are perfectly legal between combatant nations and intercepting the ships that are known to be heading to break the blockade can happen in international waters. These ships had no problem letting everyone know their intention to break the blockade. However, I'm sure Israel could have stopped the flotilla without boarding them if it wanted to....nets on propellers etc...


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12:50 AM



Originally posted by CatPirate:
The aid is already flowing. This was gonna happen because the activists aren't peaceful. Clubs and knives against the commandos. Israel lets those boats in here comes more weapons. Just remember the rancher in Arizona complained and complained about those poor humble mexicans now he is dead. There ya go. piratecat

You have a point Catpirate. Israel sends in more humanitarian aid, then those ships carried, every week. And, the activists were not peaceful.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 1:16 AM


Phoenix rose

The IDF video is a disconnected string of segments from the attack, edited by the Israelis to create the impression you just posted without ever actually saying it because, of course, they knew better.

The clubbing did not lead to the killings, the killings happened first. The commandos would have kill more of them if they had not halted the attackers by attacking them with clubs. It was a fairly ept counter attack for people who were seriously outgunned. Sure, i'm sure it was brutal, on the other hand, the victims in this case were busy murdering aid workers.

Israel has really screwed itself., it's Muslim neighbors, esp, turkey, are really ticked off, and will not protect it. I suspect racism, hubris, they seem to think that they are an even match for a billion muslims, which is absurd. Supporting this raid is not supporting Israel, IMHO.I support intelligent moves in defense of Israel, this OTOH, is idiocy.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 4:31 AM


I think you meant me and not PhoenexRose.

And I hadn't realized the chronology of the killing vs. clubbing. If this is the case then... the Israeli attack is entirely reprehensible.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 6:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm late, and someone might already have mentioned this, but it seems to me it's not as cut-and-dried as it's made to appear. Loth as I am to speak up for the Israelis, as everyone know I blame them AT LEAST as much as the Palestinians, but check this out:

Accounts of what happened conflicted. Israeli officials said the commandos acted in self defense after being attacked with clubs and knives, while activists charged that the commandos fired on sleeping civilian passengers.

I read this in more than one place. Apparently all the ships but one stopped and let themselves be boarded and inspected. On this one, the minute the Israeli soldiers boarded, they were attacked, according to these reports.

Now, I'm not sure we'll know the whole truth of the incident ever, but it does make me question. Why would only ONE ship be submitted to Israeli attack out of nowhere? Is it possible that one ship WAS carrying something they knew they shouldn't be? Why is (as far as I can tell) nobody here mentioning this?

I'd welcome a thorough investigation, tho' I fear the bias on both sides (and their backers in the UN, US and around the world) will make one impossible.

Just sayin'...

Operative Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor much for "together"...this, instead, weakens us...


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 6:15 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I'm late, and someone might already have mentioned this, but it seems to me it's not as cut-and-dried as it's made to appear. Loth as I am to speak up for the Israelis, as everyone know I blame them AT LEAST as much as the Palestinians, but check this out:

Accounts of what happened conflicted. Israeli officials said the commandos acted in self defense after being attacked with clubs and knives, while activists charged that the commandos fired on sleeping civilian passengers.

I read this in more than one place. Apparently all the ships but one stopped and let themselves be boarded and inspected. On this one, the minute the Israeli soldiers boarded, they were attacked, according to these reports.

Now, I'm not sure we'll know the whole truth of the incident ever, but it does make me question. Why would only ONE ship be submitted to Israeli attack out of nowhere? Is it possible that one ship WAS carrying something they knew they shouldn't be? Why is (as far as I can tell) nobody here mentioning this?

I'd welcome a thorough investigation, tho' I fear the bias on both sides (and their backers in the UN, US and around the world) will make one impossible.

Just sayin'...

Operative Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor much for "together"...this, instead, weakens us...

For the first time I have to agree with you. Happy to see you seeing through media lies and asking questions.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 6:17 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Phoenix rose

The IDF video is a disconnected string of segments from the attack, edited by the Israelis to create the impression you just posted without ever actually saying it because, of course, they knew better.

The clubbing did not lead to the killings, the killings happened first. The commandos would have kill more of them if they had not halted the attackers by attacking them with clubs. It was a fairly ept counter attack for people who were seriously outgunned. Sure, i'm sure it was brutal, on the other hand, the victims in this case were busy murdering aid workers.

Source, or suspicion? I'm curious if this is one of those things you "just know."


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 6:26 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Niki,

I agree that we will never know what happened. Nobody with access to the unfiltered evidence is unbiased.

I think if the Israelis had found contraband of an intriguing sort on that boat, it would have been mentioned in the same breath as, "We acted in self defense" as in "We acted in self defense, and then we found rockets aboard, explaining why they were so hostile."

Everyone should realize that when someone blatantly moves to run a blockade, they are provoking. They are essentially daring the blockaders to do something. I am positive that the blockade runners in this case were hoping that Israel would do something to make them look bad.

In the tension of the boarding, anyone could have been the first to commit violence. And once it starts, it bursts like an uncontrolled conflagration.

All of this? All of this was known before one helicopter ever left its pad. So we ask ourselves, "What Would We Do, knowing all this?"

It's easy to arm-chair quarterback, but I have my list.

1) Do it in territorial waters, after a technical breach had been made that could not be denied.

2) Do it with coast guard vessels, and not He-Man air drops from helicopters.

3) Equip all persons involved with less-lethal alternatives since you are essentially dealing with civilians in a 'riot' type situation.

4) Have ways to stop the ships if they are non-compliant that does not involve killing people.

5) Document the event from start to finish so that if trouble does develop, a continuous film of the operation will show the good conduct of the blockaders.

I think if the U.S. had conducted this operation, we would want our government to have done these things against an aid convoy (if we were to do anything at all.)


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 8:43 AM







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