New Sockpuppet List

UPDATED: Thursday, August 12, 2010 05:08
VIEWED: 11902
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010 4:37 PM


I'm not a sockpuppet, though I find the suspicion flattering. I do, however, have several sockpuppet accounts. Anyone who ever read and commented my vile fanfic is in fact a sockpuppet.

The smell of blood drew me to RWED.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 4:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mal4prez:
1. Niki definitely ≠ FMF.

Definitely not. They are both unique and awesome in their own different ways. At least fourteen ways, according to experts. :)


2. HUH? FMF "wants to bomb Moslims"? How did I miss that virtual crack pipe going around?

Pretty sure FMF doesn't want to bomb anyone. I think I'd have heard. Everything goes somewhere; I go everywhere.


3. Who's Andrew?

The former poster formerly known as "LynchAJ", aka Andrew Lynch. He was Rappy before Rappy was Rappy.


4. I'm flattered that no one's guessed a sockpuppet for me. Am I so reproducible, or do you assume that I'm too mature for that kind of childish prank?

You're not reproducible either, M4P. But, like FMF and Niki, you are unique and at least 14 kinds of awesome.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 4:57 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
I'm not a sockpuppet, though I find the suspicion flattering. I do, however, have several sockpuppet accounts. Anyone who ever read and commented my vile fanfic is in fact a sockpuppet.

The smell of blood drew me to RWED.

What - are you joking at yourself that all your readers and commenters are sock puppets? That's certainly been true of some fanficcers I've seen... but I wouldn't think it of you!

Or do you post your fics as a sockpuppet? I kinda wish I'd done that. This wasn't a problem when I first started posting, but now with my new job I have to worry about protecting my identity. Some parts of my fics could get me called into the boss's office. Could even be a somewhat serious blow to my career. I occasionally think about taking out the naughty-ish parts of my fics. They aren't that bad, I wasn't out to write porn or anything, but still... a teacher writing about sex online can scare parents and get the teacher fired. Certainly the respect and proper attention span of the kids would be lost forever.

That said, I do appreciate folks here not trying too hard to figure out who I am. It wouldn't be impossible to find me through google, I'm sure, and I'll even tell my name to the friendlier folks I PM with. But please be kind and keep it private.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:15 PM



I am definitely not anyone else. It would be too exhausting.

Plus, as an open book I am pretty sure I have laid everything out there. Would be difficult to try to be 2 me's.

As for the bombing thing - I know right? WTF?

andalsotoo I can spell -sortof

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Yes We Did!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:27 PM


The left sucks up to each other like nobody's business, in a way that the right definitely does not. I'm not sure whether this is a strength or a weakness, just an observation.

I guess it's this trait about the right that leads to sock puppet accusations: if someone on the right does not attack their fellow members on the right, it looks odd.

By that logic it would seem that JSF and Rap were joined at the hip if they weren't actually the same person. Ditto for rivers.

Still, this might just make it more difficult for people to see sock puppets on the left: Acting like they were one mind locked in unithought is actually par for the course, so not automatically a sign that anything untowards has happened.


Specifically, I don't recall what that was a reference to, but FMF and myself had a fight over this topic some time back, over whether or not it was right for the US to go to war over human rights issues in another country.

Make no mistake, the left loves the bomb. That's why they built it in the first place.

It might not be as straightforward as it looks, but it works out that way, logically.

1. First they stoke up the hate, towards some ethnic group or social/economic/religious organization. (ie. muslims)

2. Then they introduce the need for change. Human rights, etc, typical white man's burden stuff *(yes, this is the sort of thing that made me call bush a leftie all those years ago) <-- that and his out of control social programs.

3. Then they make arguments against the loss of american lives, sounding all sympathetic, they push for "more ordninance" (see clinton/obama, big on the more bombs) <-- and yes, bush 1&2 pretty big on bombs, same reason.

You have to check this sort of logic every step of the way. It's like the logic that "we have to have a draft because it would be more FAIR" coming from the left. No, it wouldn't. The rich would still get out of it. Here's what would really happen: Our wars would be several times the size of what they are NOW.

So, it starts with fighting the very first assertion that some group is inferior morally depraved or doing something horribly wrong that would necessitate us going in to change it.

You might notice me doing this with place that I think the admin. is jonesing to go to war with, like Iran or Syria. Actually, I think Iran is doing a little better than we are at the moment, as a society, and if they wanted to come over and show us how to do a thing or two, like, i don't know, clean up an oil spill, well, that might not be a bad idea.

But watch the logic, step by step, and make sure it doesn't progress to nationalistic hatred, or faux-caring, and a sense of duty, that it is our responsibility, and our right, to act, to save them from themselves, and that we would be noble in doing so, because of our more advanced sense of humanity, as the new social wunderkind.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:31 PM


I can't tell when I'm joking or earnest; I cannot tell when I'm lying, or tell when I'm telling the truth.

I'm not a sock puppet; I'm a gestalt. The Mincingbeast account is jointly owned and operated by the jews. One posts loathsome M/I fanfic, the others vent their anger at the goy in RWED.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:39 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Specifically, I don't recall what that was a reference to, but FMF and myself had a fight over this topic some time back, over whether or not it was right for the US to go to war over human rights issues in another country.

Specifically find where I said that we should bomb Muslims for human rights issues or stop talking out your ass.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Yes We Did!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:41 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

ahhh the old days

We were so young, so innocent...
So sockpuppet-clueless!
I aimed to be AU & Andrew to extremes that made even THEM weep.

The laughing Chrisisall

actually, now that I think about it I am pretty sure I am you.....and Kwicko......and PDCharles.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Yes We Did!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:22 AM



Specifically find where I said that we should bomb Muslims for human rights issues or stop talking out your ass.

Don't know if anyone ever noticed that posters on the left have all the class of Kaneman. Just sayin'


Ya didn't read my post. I didn't say you did, and I don't remember the incident now, but there's a pretty typical model to the left war rhetoric, and I kinda just spelled it out. Don't feel bad, just about all of y'all have done it at some point or other.

I don't know whether people who argue that the Islamic world needs to be reformed for wymyn's rights are *aware* that they are being genocidal, or if they're mindless dupes, but I suspect it's somewhere in between: They're okay with killing some of the subjects if they can make them do what they want them to do.

I was recently at the beach and saw a fair number of muslim girls in various assorted states of overdress on very hot days not getting in the water. It occurred to me how miserable they must be, or uncomfortable. They seemed happy enough, but I could tell they would much rather have been in the water. But then, this is America.

It's a religious issue, but when I ask myself is Islam any dumber than Christianity or Judaism, I'm forced to conclude it isn't. I don't think it's any dumber that secular society, which has its own moronic moral hangups. How many millions of people have died because we protected the human rights of the first 25,000 people with AIDS? All of whom are now dead. I recall the WHO estimating 25K worldwide cases and Buckley saying "lets just sacrifice their freedom for saving about 2 million lives by 2000."

My point is that when people come on with thick rhetoric like Niki's repeated posts about the evils of Iran, including the dredging up of a story from 2007 to post about a woman who killed her husband, then I have to ask whether such posters have figured out where the endpoint of the logic they are posting is...

and I have to think that at some level they do. Repeatedly defaming Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq or the people therein is tantamount to making a case for war against that population.

If America makes war, that means bombs. If we make war with Iran, that probably means WWIII. I suspect some people are okay with that.

If you don't want people to have that impression, stop giving that impression. That's not a personal comment because I don't remember the thread, but a comment in general.

If you live as most of us do, in a state that has an official policy of racism towards muslims (and apparently mexicans) then it does also strike me that it is far more racist and offensive for someone to post something anti-muslim than it is for Pirate News or Wulfie to post their rants, since we as a nation are not about to go kill or oppress jews and blacks.

John, we have killed a great deal more than 2.6 million muslims in recent years, you're forgetting Africa.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:30 AM


I did read your post. "As long as were making baseless accusations, it's occurred to me that niki might be futuremrsfillion, as she disappeared, and there's a certain similarity, unfortunately, that idea is killed by FMF thinking that bombing Muslims for womens rights was a good idea, and Niki being a secret Muslim."

I want to know at what point I told you that "bombing muslims for womens rights was a good idea"

If you THINK thats what I think then I must have said it yes? If so produce it, otherwise stop telling people what you think is going on in my head.

Not all "liberals" think a like and I would venture to say that none of them think they way you continue to say they do.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Yes We Did!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Geez, this old thing dredged up again? Sigh...

Greetings FMF. At the risk of appearing like some of our sickpuppet friends and talking to "myself". Let's thing that can be checked is that I almost invariably come here early in the morning--well, early for ME--like between 8-9am. If that's any help.

I'd like to get to know you, given we're supposed to be sickpuppets. I'd like to know who I'm supposed to be like. Would be interesting. Mike says you were in the Gino Clusterfuck with me...yes? I miss Gino; I wish he hadn’t taken such a violent dislike to Americans and left...sigh...

DT's on a rant...boy is he on a rant...against "the left" today...or maybe moreso than usual. In fact I would say on a partisan jihand* this morning. I wouldn’t pay him much mind. Does his assumption we’re one and the same mean he sees you as one of the Dread Libruls too?

By the way, I LOVE “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi”—that may be part of where DT gets the similarity, I’m (almost rabidly) anti-organized religion.

Uh, Mal4, I don’t know why you haven’t been “given” a sickpuppet, but from MY side of the room, I do think you’re too mature for such idiocy. It seems to be mostly the Nasties who need sickpuppets, people who want to mouth off as evilly as they can and not feel held accountable, it seems to me, and agree with themselves. Thank you for your vote of confidence, anyway; I appreciate it. I’ve never indulged in sickpuppets...why bother? Anything I’ve got to say, I’m happy to have anyone know I said it. And yeah, I pretty much lay my life out here, which doesn’t bother me either, so unless you’re closed about your life, it’d be pretty hard to keep two different “lives” straight.

Ahhh, I just got to where you said you’re an open book. It’s kind of flattering, in a way, given we both are; since some of the sickpuppets here have tripped themselves up, the idea that we could both be “open books” (about our lives?) and do it without ever tripping up. I know I couldn’t, but apparently DT at least thinks we’re that sharp.

And thank you Mike, but tho’ FMF may be 14 different ways of awesome, I don’t think I ever got about 8 or so. Tho’ I agree with you about Mal4; she’s my hero.

Then I get to DT. You’re really on it today, aren’t you DT? My, my. As to your observation, it might well be accounted for by the fact that a) the “left” carry around less hatred, and b) we have less interest in getting attention and more in having friendly debates/discussions. I know you won’t think so, you’d rather blame us for...I dunno...everything?

“one mind locked in unithought”, eh? As usual, your RWA mentality is blind to the fact that we’ve disagreed a LOT on issues, whereas the Nasties being almost unilaterally on the right, have more interest in trolling and spewing personal insults than actually discussing anything, so they DEFINITELY appear as one mind. But that’s okay, I recognize you’re on a tear, so go ahead. But your “logic” made me giggle. We love the bomb, eh? That’s cute.

1. “First they stoke up the hate, towards some ethnic group or social/economic/religious organization”—oh, wait, which side’s been doing that, pretty much universally, for the past two years or so? You forgot “or anyone on the other side politically”.

2. “Then they introduce the need for change”—aside from every politician ever to run for office hollering “change!”, isn’t it, again, Dumbya et al. who called for change in Iraq and took us to war partly to do so? And doesn’t each party want to “change” the direction of the country from the other party when they were in power?

3. “Then they make arguments against the loss of american lives, sounding all sympathetic, they push for "more ordninance"”—uh, I think that’s the left’s argument for getting OUT of Iraq and Afghanistan; it’s the “right” who’ve been wanting to stay, to up the ante, etc...or haven’t you been listening?

Given none of your points are “logic”, I’d say what we have to check is the mentality on the right:

1. They stoke the hatred of and demonize anything not like them, politically, racially, religiously, culturally, etc. Got plenty of evidence of that.

2. Aside from every politician ever hollering “change”, I would say rather than that, the right always cries for a “return to our values”—meaning their values—and fear that whatever they hate is “out to get us”, instilling just as much fear as possible into the populace: what we don’t understand, we fear; what we fear, we hate. They’ve grokked that excellently and it’s worked great for them so far. They use that to increase their power within the government and over the people (remember Patriot Act? Wiretapping? Waterboarding? Homeland Security?).

3. They raise “patriotism” to the enth degree, claiming the other guy is foreign, un-American, or whatever along those lines to quell any dissent, and empathize the “differenceness” of whatever target they’re pointing people’s fears toward. Tossing around buzz words like “Nazi”, “fascist”, “socialist”, “Marxist”, be they pertinent to anything or not, works great too.

So by that logic, the right wants to bomb AMERICA...or rather their version of the bomb: use all methods to gain power.

“it starts with fighting the very first assertion that some group is inferior morally depraved or doing something horribly wrong”—you mean like homosexuals? Blacks being genetically lower IQ? All illegal immigrants drug runners? People who have abortions “murderers”? Yeah, you’re right, they DO love that tactic.

But watch the visceral ramping up of hatred, step by step, and make sure it doesn't progress to nationalistic hatred, or faux moral superiority, and a sense of duty, that it is our responsibility, and our right, to act, to save America from them, and that we would be noble in doing so, because of our more advanced sense of patriotism, as the existing social wunderkind.
That would be more like it, if one wanted to describe the right.

Don't know if anyone ever noticed that posters on the left have all the class of Kaneman. Just sayin'
Oh, gawd, that is hysterical. “Class”. Let’s see: RiverLove, Whozit, Kaneman, Raptor, Wulf (I’m sure I forgot many)...yeah, they’re real classy! Obscenity and personal insults are always classy (well, depending on what you mean by ”class”).

“is Islam any dumber than Christianity or Judaism, I'm forced to conclude it isn't”. In that, at least, I agree with you. “many millions of people have died because we protected the human rights of the first 25,000 people with AIDS?” Ahhh, so ignoring the human rights of 25,000 is okay with you...and I’m sure you hadn’t noticed, but, y’know, Africa? I realize that the people of Africa aren’t important in your scheme of things, but:

1959: The first known case of HIV in a human occurs in a person who died in the Congo, later confirmed as having HIV infection from his preserved blood samples.

In New York City, "Ardouin A.", a 49-year-old American shipping clerk dies of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, a disease closely associated with AIDS. The case was written up in two medical journals at the time, and Hennigar has been quoted in numerous publications saying that he believes Ardouin probably had AIDS

1966: Genetic studies of the virus indicate that, in or about 1966, HIV first arrived in the Americas, infecting a single person in Haiti. At this time, many Haitians were working in Congo, providing the opportunity for infection.

1976: Norwegian sailor Arvid Noe dies; it is later determined that he contracted HIV/AIDS in Africa during the early 1960s.

1977: Danish physician Grethe Rask dies of AIDS contracted in Africa

1978: A Portuguese man known as Senhor Jose dies; he will later be confirmed as the first known infection of HIV-2. He was believed to have been exposed to the disease in Guinea-Bissau in 1966.

So by your reasoning, we should have bombed the Congo, Africa, Norway, Denmark and Guinea-Bissau to keep it from spreading here, yes?

Damn, I didn’t realize I’d been defending Iraq or “Repeatedly defaming Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq or the people therein”. I must have missed that. I thought all this time I’d been defaming the GOVERNMENTS of those places, and our involvement in them, rather than the people therein. I was somehow certain I was on the side of the people in Afghanistan in particular. Yup, I’ve missed a lot.

But FMF, “none of them think they way you continue to say they do”—that can’t be right. DT is ALWAYS right, you should have learned that by now. Try debating him on any point...I mean any point...and wait for him to give an inch anywhere, facts notwithstanding.

Okay, I’m caught up. Yeah, so I'm pissed. On to a thread of more substance...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of __________________, code name ‘Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:15 AM


Hey Nix,

What happened to getting off my case?

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:23 AM


"Let’s see: RiverLove, Whozit, Kaneman, Raptor, Wulf (I’m sure I forgot many)...yeah, they’re real classy! Obscenity and personal insults are always classy (well, depending on what you mean by ”class”)."

WTF is that?

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:25 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Hey Nix,

What happened to getting off my case?

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


It may be possible that when you rudely address a woman about the maintenance of her sexual hygiene, she may remember the insult longer than you'd like.

To this day, I am dismayed by the remarks you made. It was that, specifically, which inspired me to turn a deaf ear for a time. I do not mind differing points of view, but that sort of nonsense adds nothing.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:30 AM



I've already apologized for my flippant remark.

Sometimes my baser (hood?) nature gets the best of me, and I shoot off my mouth quicker than I should.

Its unfortunate that its still a reaction in me, to attack hard, fast and ugly, whenever I feel threatened, mocked or otherwise disrespected.

I've worked very hard at being able to treat each situation appropriatly, and to not go overboard.

Its a process however, as much of these things are.

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:22 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The left sucks up to each other like nobody's business, in a way that the right definitely does not. I'm not sure whether this is a strength or a weakness, just an observation.

I guess it's this trait about the right that leads to sock puppet accusations: if someone on the right does not attack their fellow members on the right, it looks odd.

By that logic it would seem that JSF and Rap were joined at the hip if they weren't actually the same person. Ditto for rivers.

Still, this might just make it more difficult for people to see sock puppets on the left: Acting like they were one mind locked in unithought is actually par for the course, so not automatically a sign that anything untowards has happened.


Specifically, I don't recall what that was a reference to, but FMF and myself had a fight over this topic some time back, over whether or not it was right for the US to go to war over human rights issues in another country.

Make no mistake, the left loves the bomb. That's why they built it in the first place.

It might not be as straightforward as it looks, but it works out that way, logically.

1. First they stoke up the hate, towards some ethnic group or social/economic/religious organization. (ie. muslims)

2. Then they introduce the need for change. Human rights, etc, typical white man's burden stuff *(yes, this is the sort of thing that made me call bush a leftie all those years ago) <-- that and his out of control social programs.

3. Then they make arguments against the loss of american lives, sounding all sympathetic, they push for "more ordninance" (see clinton/obama, big on the more bombs) <-- and yes, bush 1&2 pretty big on bombs, same reason.

You have to check this sort of logic every step of the way. It's like the logic that "we have to have a draft because it would be more FAIR" coming from the left. No, it wouldn't. The rich would still get out of it. Here's what would really happen: Our wars would be several times the size of what they are NOW.

So, it starts with fighting the very first assertion that some group is inferior morally depraved or doing something horribly wrong that would necessitate us going in to change it.

You might notice me doing this with place that I think the admin. is jonesing to go to war with, like Iran or Syria. Actually, I think Iran is doing a little better than we are at the moment, as a society, and if they wanted to come over and show us how to do a thing or two, like, i don't know, clean up an oil spill, well, that might not be a bad idea.

But watch the logic, step by step, and make sure it doesn't progress to nationalistic hatred, or faux-caring, and a sense of duty, that it is our responsibility, and our right, to act, to save them from themselves, and that we would be noble in doing so, because of our more advanced sense of humanity, as the new social wunderkind.

By your logic and rhetoric, there are pretty much no Republican presidents at all. Reagan? Out. (see Grenada, most of Central America, Lebanon, Libya, etc.) Nixon? Gone (Vietnam escalation, Cambodia, Laos, etc.) Lincoln? Adios, amigo!

Even that stalwart conservative icon, Goldwater, (who thankfully was never allowed anywhere near the presidency) was a warmonger.

To try to lay it all at the feet of the left is disingenuous and downright stupidly dishonest, and shows a very real Republican partisan streak about 3000 miles wide in your own flawed logic.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:24 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Don't know if anyone ever noticed that posters on the left have all the class of Kaneman. Just sayin'

Don't know if anyone ever noticed that posters on the right are no classier. Just sayin'.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:31 AM



Who am I the sockpuppet of?

Who is MY sockpuppet?

Does anyone here really think I need a sockpuppet?

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:43 AM


I am of the opinion that if you need a sockpuppet.. well..

I'll just say you should be able and willing to stand by what you write.

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:52 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Don't know if anyone ever noticed that posters on the left have all the class of Kaneman. Just sayin'

Wow. You just blindly make up some baseless rhetoric and blame FMF of wanting to bomb a country, just because you figure it makes sense to some dark unexplored corner of your brain, and you think you're in a place to judge a person's "class"?

If there's anyone with multiple personalities on the site, it's got to be you DT. Strange, strange things come out of your keyboard from time to time. Like saying Niki talks of the "evil of Iran" -- this after she's taken the time to create more than one picture-filled thread with her memories of the country and her love of the people.

You're officially whack, DT.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:05 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Specifically, I don't recall what that was a reference to, but FMF and myself had a fight over this topic some time back, over whether or not it was right for the US to go to war over human rights issues in another country.

If you're going to make an accusation like that, take the time to find the thread and post a link. Until you do, I will firmly believe that you're full of shit. Not only because I know something about FMF, but I know how you say things like:


Make no mistake, the left loves the bomb. That's why they built it in the first place.


1. First they stoke up the hate, towards some ethnic group or social/economic/religious organization. (ie. muslims)

etc... Um - dude - all the pretty logic in the world won't help when you base it on absolute falsehoods like this, BS fed to you by Bill Orally. Yep, that's the same Bill-o who called the son of 9-11 victim un-American because the kid didn't want to bomb Afghanistan. And you think the *left* is the side vilifying Muslims? Have you even paying attention to this site?

DT, if you can believe the BS you just spewed, you clearly have something of an overabundance of doo-doo in your cranium. I don't have time to clean it out over the next few days, and, honestly, by the time I get back online I probably won't care anymore. But I trust my fellow "classy" folks on the left to make what progress they can with you.

I think your heart is in the right place, but you need to improve your basic sources of information. The left vilifies the Muslims. Huge WHATEVER whatever to that!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, Wulf, I listed you last, and hesitated before doing so, and consider you only on the fringe of the Nasties, but you're pretty nasty and classless sometimes. Maybe I haven't been paying attention lately and you've mellowed; I'll try to pay more attention. If I've missed you being more classy than them recently, my apologies.

It wasn't for past behavior, and I actually don't remember anything about hygiene (except today from RivKaneZit); I TRY to address each post as if it were individual--as far as RivKaneZit, that's pretty impossible since they are consistent in their responses to me, but, no, Wulf, I don't consider you the same as them.

And yes, I understand about our "less-than-better" nature; as you well know, I've given in to mine more than once!

For the record; I for one don't consider you a sickpuppet in any way. Your style is pretty unique and you refrain from some of the ugliest stuff here. Also, you sometimes make a valid point, or even just a POINT, which RivKaneZit and his ilk virtually NEVER do!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of __________________, code name ‘Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, July 22, 2010 12:56 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

Who am I the sockpuppet of?

Who is MY sockpuppet?

Does anyone here really think I need a sockpuppet?

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."

Wulfie, you seem intent on convincing us you have a sockpuppet. I've never really thought that you did, or that you wanted or needed one. You seem to be genuinely you, for better or worse.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, August 2, 2010 6:26 AM


Reposted from another thread, after looking into old posts and seeing how many people have been hurt by he madness of River6213/kaneman/shadowfly/tag/Kingelbert/jameron/QUESTIONABLEQUESTIONALITY and possibly seryn/jossisagod/citizen and other SPs who pass off as "nice"...


Originally posted by kaneman:
You can stop the charades.......Well, it's true.........

Hey - speaking of charades, here's some interesting RWED history:

Said the now-departed Causal in 2006:

"WAY back in the day (months and months ago) it was River6213 that was acting insane and generally making life less-than-wholly-pleasant. We tried working with "her" but "she" kept it up and eventually "she" got shouted down and then ignored, and ultimately just disappeared. Not long after that, Shadowfly shows up and makes "his" now-infamous appearance in the "Names and Faces" series of threads. He gets shouted down and disappears. Then Kaneman shows up (right in the middle of the third iteration of the "Names and Faces" thread) and picks up right where Shadowfly left off. Now, the interesting thing about all this is that this is one-and-the-same person (River=Shadow=Kane), who has claimed to have up to 17 accounts on this site. As each successive "troll" persona is rejected, a new one just takes its place, hydra-style."

To which KANEMAN, not River6213, replied:

"It's 19 sissy boy!"

A few days earlier in another thread, River6213 had posted:

"My point to all of this is that there are so many multiple accounts on this board that you never know who you are really talking to. I myself have 19 accounts here on this board and 7 of them you guys really like. The only ones you hate are River6213 and Shadowfly. Those accounts I made volatile characters on purpose to suit my needs. I've been here all the time and most of you have treated me well. Sick, sick, sick."

And she used the signature:

"They call me the lonely, angry one. Ranting on this board is the only way I can feel powerful."

All kinds of fun stuff in the archives. River6213/Shadowfly/Kaneman and 16 others... (Maybe - I don't believe she's capable of truthiness. But I do believe she's got more, some of whom play nice and are even likeable.)

But I think we all who's behind the Kaneman particular mask. Not a teenaged boy. A lonely, drunk old woman who needs to feel powerful.

Check out the old threads. It's all there.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, August 2, 2010 7:35 AM


Entirely too much time invested in researching Kane, which wouldve been better spent flaming him and or reading Simon/Jayne slash.


Monday, August 2, 2010 7:41 AM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
Entirely too much time invested in researching Kane, which wouldve been better spent flaming him and or reading Simon/Jayne slash.

Um yeah, because all those thousands of posts of flames in RWED have been so productive over the years....

And I prefer Mal/Jayne.

(I'm sooooo kidding about that second part. What's good is slash without Wash? )

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, August 2, 2010 7:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I agree with both mincing AND Mal4; entirely too much time spent on the unimportant, and the posts by same are a pain in the ass.

It is what it is and we are at the mercy of however many sickpuppets she/he has here...unless we ignore them.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, August 2, 2010 7:52 AM


Kane flames, yet Kane bores. Kane's millions of feeble, angry posts aren't productive, or counterproductive. They're merely dumb.

Your fanfic on the other hand, amuses.

Also, I prefer Wash/multiple reavers, and Badger/Simon. For serious.


Monday, August 2, 2010 1:39 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
I agree with both mincing AND Mal4; entirely too much time spent on the unimportant, and the posts by same are a pain in the ass.

But sometimes kind of an amusing way to pass some time...


It is what it is and we are at the mercy of however many sickpuppets she/he has here...unless we ignore them.

But that only works if everybody actually IGNORES them. And that doesn't include posting replies like "I'm ignoring you now..."

Wanna ignore 'em. Do it. Completely.

Who's in?

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, August 2, 2010 2:17 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
But that only works if everybody actually IGNORES them. And that doesn't include posting replies like "I'm ignoring you now..."

If you look at those threads from 2006, people were saying the same thing: La-la-la I'm ignoring you Kaneman et al NOW GO AWAY! And yet, the Kanester crowd of puppets is still here, posting the exact same crap. That's what got to me today. I can't even imagine how many genuine fans of Firefly, interesting and entertaining people, have been scared away from this site by this troll and her issues.

Four+ years she's been doing this. Enough.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, August 2, 2010 4:45 PM


The Kwicko troll posts ten times more than Kaneman and you all just look the other way because he trolls your side of the bridge. If you people were really serious about stopping trolls you'd worry about Kwicko as much as you do Kaneman. The reason you don't is because you love seeing it happen to one side of the argument but hate when it happens to you. I understand your sympathy for Kwicko's mental illness but you are only enabling him, the sooner he comes to terms with his latent homosexuality the better off we'll all be. It's completely pointless to try and have any discussion around here as long as 50% of all the posts here are snarks by the Kwicko troll. Kaneman's sense of humor might not be for all tastes, but I personally find him amusing.


Monday, August 2, 2010 4:59 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Imagine my surprise...

KirkyKane, are you really going to talk to anyone about "latent homosexuality" with THAT avatar? Really? Dude, you've been doing deep knee-bends over a road cone just trying to warm up for your big fantasy date.

Add up my posts and compare them to yours, in all your various little "disguises", and see who's really the troll. (Hint: You're at least the top SEVEN trolls here).

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, August 2, 2010 5:05 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

But that only works if everybody actually IGNORES them. And that doesn't include posting replies like "I'm ignoring you now..."

There nothing wrong with saying "I'm ignoring you now" if you really mean it.
By the way Kwicko, I'm ignoring you now, I hope others will do the same.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 1:52 AM


Kwicko - Interesting that Kaneman's theme for "dealing" with you is to call you gay, and here goes Kirkrules saying the same stuff, in the same disjointed way. Add KR to the list, I say.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 2:00 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mal4prez:
Kwicko - Interesting that Kaneman's theme for "dealing" with you is to call you gay, and here goes Kirkrules saying the same stuff, in the same disjointed way. Add KR to the list, I say.

Oh, I did, quite a while ago.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 2:22 AM


So, the idiot delusional Libtards are all gonna try and band together to ignore Conservative posters. Great! Hey, fucking great! You've all convinced yourselves, in a stunning example of MSNBC hive mentality, that we who do not agree with your childish and naive Liberalism can only be one person; there couldn't possibly more than ONE who thinks outside your fucking box, right? But you lame-ass jerks couldn't ignore us if you tried. Kwicko is an immature sadistic troll who would have no life if not for doing what he does here. And how could Niki-bitch get through one day without posting trollish topics that seek to demean and insult Conservatives.

I think it's absolutely hysterical that you sad sacks of shit spend your time researching old posts! What truly pathetic creatures you are. I piss on all of you.

p.s. I'm actually thrilled and honored that my name gets associated with folks here like Kirkules, Kaneman, Whozit, and others who defy the Liberal condescension and Olbermannesque dogma that you pukes sling and regurgitate every day. Don't know what I have to do to be linked to AuRaptor, but that would be an honor too. He's so smart, and he's so good at putting you smarmy rats in your deserved places.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 2:47 AM


Hey Libtards, see the news lately?

The White House Press Corps just voted to give FOX NEWS a FRONT ROW SEAT at the daily briefings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fox News in the Front Row, despite this White House's BEST efforts to marginalize and then attack Fox News. That absurd and pathetic effort led by former WH Communications Director Anita Dunn (fired), David "the unkempt slob" Axelrod, Rahm "dead-fish" Emmanuel, and Campaigner In Chief Obama himself. Chalk up another defeat for Obama and his failed band of thugs, liars, and communists.

Hey Niki!!!...FOX NEWS IN THE FRONT ROW!!??? Ya love it or what??????~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh that's right, you're ignoring me! Ha Ha Ha!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 3:41 AM


I love the post above me....Go fox. And Kwicko is the biggest troll on this board. Nice research Mal4, you need a fucking life. The hilarious part of it all is you are so wrong, but what else should I expect from a fucking shit-eating libtard mind. Now go do your research you fucking idiot.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 4:02 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
I love the post above me....Go fox. And Kwicko is the biggest troll on this board. Nice research Mal4, you need a fucking life. The hilarious part of it all is you are so wrong, but what else should I expect from a fucking shit-eating libtard mind. Now go do your research you fucking idiot.

You're right Kman, it's too good a story to leave it here. I'm gonna start a thread with it. I'm sure it'll make their future Archives scouring more enjoyable.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 7:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Amusing, ain't he/she? Gotta pull up those wonderful sickpuppet alter egos to applaud one another...

The fact that the ACTUAL people here have valid debates about just about everything, while all they do is come in and hurl epithets like "you only go after those who disagree with you" is funnier than hell, since what they do isn't "disagreeing" with anyone, it's just trolling for the sake of trolling. Has she/he ever made any actual points? If so, I've missed 'em.

I guess I'll have to expand her/his name to encompass more of them. The hive mind is just ENTIRELY too obvious, and the admission of how many accounts he/she has (!) pretty much answers the question.

They're just one and the same, and give themselves away often enough to be nothing but pathetic and sickening.

Yes, Mike, ignoring would be nice, but you're the last one to suggest that, given you are the one consistent person who virtually NEVER ignores them! I note they can only point to you as their opposite number, and for good reason. I'd ADORE it if you'd ignore them, I'm tired of threads that devolve into you v. one of them, but I doubt you can manage.

So, RivKaneKirkZit, I know we'll never get rid of you, but I do wish more of the sane people here would ignore you (unless, by some weird happenstance, you should JOIN the discussion and make any kind of valid point). I doubt it will happen. What gets me most of all, tho', is the sane people here who actually respond to you as if you HAVE made some kind of point, only to get responses which are insulting and irrelevant. Also the sane people who get pulled into your game, which I do too often and will try not to do.

I say skip their idiotic nastiness and find the next REAL post to reply to. Would that it were so...

Now watch the replies, wonder how many alternate "ids" he/she'll come up with to lay into me. Any bets?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 7:08 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Yes, Mike, ignoring would be nice, but you're the last one to suggest that, given you are the one consistent person who virtually NEVER ignores them! I note they can only point to you as their opposite number, and for good reason. I'd ADORE it if you'd ignore them, I'm tired of threads that devolve into you v. one of them, but I doubt you can manage.

You obviously don't get "subtlety"...

I said that ignoring would be a great idea IF everyone would do it. You say I can't do it - and you say that IN A RESPONSE THAT IS ALL ABOUT RivKirKaneyZit.

Clearly, you're not very good at this whole "ignoring" concept either.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 8:12 AM


Troll Kwicko & Idiot Niki blaming each other for their inability to coordinate their big plan of ignoring me ---- PRICELESS !!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 9:03 AM


Im annoyed at being left out AGAIN as being either a sockpuppet, or being the puppeteer of another sockpuppet.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 9:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Damn, Wulf, you really want it, don't you? So create a sickpuppet if you want. For all I know you are one, but I don't view you that way and YOUR mindset is fantasy, not so much anymore idiotic epithets. I call 'em what I do because they're all the same hive have different problems, problems nonetheless, but your personna is different enough that I CHOOSE not to think of you as one of its sickpuppets.

Mike: point taken. I'm trying.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 9:22 AM


Awww, but come on! I want to play.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 10:45 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
Troll Kwicko & Idiot Niki blaming each other for their inability to coordinate their big plan of ignoring me ---- PRICELESS !!!

And me, however seeing we are the same person...why would it matter? But RL we have out lasted so many Kwickos and NIKI-bitches that we are FFF.NET gods...and we will continue to abuse these libtards forever...Sure we will get the occasional wulf or others that take our stance, but think of how many we have chased out of here...US 345 Them 0...
And Haken does not give a shit..he is a are you RL. we all hate big government and whores.....


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 12:45 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Im annoyed at being left out AGAIN as being either a sockpuppet, or being the puppeteer of another sockpuppet.

I can't believe that no one here has yet figured out that I am actually your sockpuppet Wulfenstar. I've even started posting more videos to give them a hint. I wholeheartedly agree with your decision to retire me and bring me back as a liberal female. I'll be like the anti-Anthony, I'll start out a flaming liberal and over time become more conservative as your brilliant posts show me the error of my ways. I really liked being a conservative, but I'm willing to go undercover for the team. I can't wait to get started. Niki, Kwicko and me will be best girlfriends.

Sockpuppet Kirkules signing out.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 2:41 PM


Rock on my niggers!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 4:33 PM


Who is kwicko's sockpuppet? I vote niki2


Wednesday, August 4, 2010 2:00 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
Troll Kwicko & Idiot Niki blaming each other for their inability to coordinate their big plan of ignoring me ---- PRICELESS !!!

And me, however seeing we are the same person...why would it matter? But RL we have out lasted so many Kwickos and NIKI-bitches that we are FFF.NET gods...and we will continue to abuse these libtards forever...Sure we will get the occasional wulf or others that take our stance, but think of how many we have chased out of here...US 345 Them 0...
And Haken does not give a shit..he is a are you RL. we all hate big government and whores.....

I really don't think that I have chased anybody out, and I never sought to do that ever anyhow. The Libtards declared war on all of us Conservatives a long time ago. As to their obvious obsession with me and you and Whozit and others as sockpuppets....well I think it's a fucking riot! It just shows how completely desperate they are to deflect away from Obama and the Dems' dismal record of absolute failure. It also shows the core problem for all Liberals...they just cannot fathom a world where everyone doesn't think like them. It's the Obama mentality at play; if you don't like my ideas, it's because you simply don't understand my ideas. That's the crux of the matter. America will be telling Obama what they think of his Democrat Congress co-conspirators soon enough. This little social experiment that idiot Independents foisted on us with the no-experience charmer Obama is in it's death spiral. Independents have woken up, they're back on the side of sanity, our side. There's a lot to feel good about now looking to the future, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as the Dems and Libs melt down and go further beserk as events unfold! And laugh loudly as every single illegal and corrupt piece of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid circus of woe crumbles apart and gets dismantled by the voters and the courts.






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