I might have found my destination, but I'll have to come up with food and lodging to do it, dammit. It's a GREAT opportunity; it's planting marsh at the..."/>


Re: Gulf volunteer...a conundrum

UPDATED: Saturday, August 14, 2010 05:29
PAGE 1 of 1

Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:08 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I might have found my destination, but I'll have to come up with food and lodging to do it, dammit.

It's a GREAT opportunity; it's planting marsh at the Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana through the Coalition to Restore Louisiana Coast-- http://www.crcl.org/coalitionprograms/bigbranchrestoration.html.

It's two weeks, which is perfect (IBRRC seems to be set up for three weeks), and hot damn, restoring the marshlands; I couldn't ask for more! Not only that, but it's right on the Coast...IBRRC has moved their facility inland about 40 miles in case of hurricanes. I haven't heard from them lately anyway...I e-mailed a couple of days ago but so far no response. They had told me they were sending people in August, so I dunno. I also e-mailed Karen at Wildcare and she said they're sending their people down via IBRRC too, so I'd have to go through them.

Given it's on the Coast, virtually ON Lake Ponchitrane, and actually restoring wetlands, I'd rather do that than work with IBRRC--in all likelihood I'd be washing floors or cleaning cages with IBRRC, since I'm not "officially" trained in oiled-bird cleaning.

But the only motel nearby is $30 a night, which means it's a real dump. I could take a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor (to avoid bugs) and use the lunch provided by CRLC as my main meal of the day, but that's still nearly $400, plus airfare (I found one about $20 cheaper than we thought). Since I will have no transportation and don't know about bus service, it has to be close by.

It seems more logical to send the money than go at that price, so I'm torn. I wouldn't contribute the money unless I got permission from each person who donated, and I WANT TO GO, so it depends at this point on how much Jim's willing to kick in. The next cheapest is almost as close and has free internet, but it’s twice the price (!)...

OR if I can find someone at whose place I can crash... The woman I'm in touch with at CRLC has been helping me personally, and in my reply I subtly said "If only I could find someone who'd let me crash on their floor..." We'll see if anything comes of that.

I'm torn. THIS would be even better than IBRRC; I could get nice and dirty and feel like I was doing something directly to restore the Gulf wetlands, and get to know real residents from there. But I'll have to see. Will talk to Jim tonight. We had a garage sale last weekend and raised $114, so there's that. Plus, I was grousing to Jim that I haven't had dope for so long because I can't afford the "official okey-dokey" tax just to be entitled to BUY it ($150 per year!). He gave me a check for $250 and said "buy yourself some dope". I won't; I'll just go back to buying it from the person I've bought it off for decades, so I told him I'd use that for the gulf instead.

So, with the $338 you guys kicked in, that puts me at...wow, $700!!! Hey, with that I think I could DO IT!

Sorry to ramble, I've been on line all morning checking flights, hotels, etc., my back is killing me and I’m getting depressed. But if I put everything together, I MIGHT be able to do it. Except...

Do you think I'm stupid and selfish? I mean, I could send that $700 to some organization and they'd probably get more out of it than me flying down there for two weeks to stick plugs of marsh grass in the ground, but I SO want to go...

Am I being stupid? Yes...sigh...I know the predictable responses will come, but ignore them please; what do you think?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:15 PM


America loves a winner!

Chin up.


Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:18 PM


You want to go help, it'll make you feel better about things, you'll meet locals like you said, and some of us around here have a vested interest in having an actual contact down there to see how it's going.

Not selfish. Even if your infirmities act against you, it's still one more person than would be down there otherwise.


Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:23 PM


Personally I think you should take that $700 and hit the "Big Easy".

Those arn't boobs, they're lies! - Stewie Griffin


Thursday, August 12, 2010 2:03 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Assuming 8 hours per day for 14 days = 112 hours

$700/112 = $6.25 per hour

However, Fireflyfans only invested $338.

$338/112 = ~$3.02 per hour

I don't think I can get a better investment/benefit ratio for charity dollars than that.

I suggest you proceed with plans to rehabilitate the marshes.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Thursday, August 12, 2010 3:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yup, I'm with Anthony and Byte. If you WANT to send the money, by all means, feel free - but I think you really want to go, and I think you'll be much happier and more fulfilled if you do.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Thursday, August 12, 2010 5:33 PM


Niki, what about camping? I'm surprised that this organisation hasn't supported something in terms of some cheaper accommodation. There are bound to be camp grounds in the vicinity, some might even have group cabins or the like. Even if they don't, would you be prepared to pitch a tent?


Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:01 PM



We're all behind you, and really Anthony said what I was gonna say.

All the big things in this world are really made out of small ones, so every small thing counts.

If you think otherwise, see what happens when ya split an atom!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, August 12, 2010 11:31 PM


Niki....Still up to your old tricks. My hat is off to ya. One of the best cons I have ever seen, and that is saying a lot. What are the first three letters in conundrum? You are an old white haired ex-hippie thief. There is nothing better than other peoples money. It is no wonder that you are a liberal.....On a lighter note.....How do you sleep at night? Get a fucking job. If it means so much to you to wash birds. Why don't you go pick up cans to get the money. See, you'd be cleaning two places and would be able to have some kind of dignity. But that point is moot, you are never going to the Gulf, never returning anyone's money, and will most likely continue Barry's policy of never letting a disaster go to waste. By the time you get to the gulf the oil will most likely have broken down naturally already.....I love you.


Friday, August 13, 2010 4:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanx, guys, you make me feel much better.

CAMPING! That never occurred to me! I've only camped in the West, mostly CA state parks, so I'll have to look into it today. Only problem is it means not leaving anythng behind each day, like camera, computer, etc.--of course I wouldn't be leaving the camera anyway...and maybe they have the equivalent of our "bear lockers"? "Aligator lockers" maybe?

I'll get right on it...THANX!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 4:44 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, I forgot your question. This is more of a local thing; they have stuff all the time down there, one-day events where locals get together and do this kind of stuff. I don't know how many, if ANY, out-of-staters will be there besides me. That's why they don't provide accommodations. IBRRC travels worldwide; its people are trained and go wherever they're needed. I am going to their orientation at the end of this month and going to start volunteering there weekly, but it'd be next year before I was trained into actual oiled-bird cleanup. They're a very professional organization. This is more grass roots.

I actually am going to ask Kelly if there's any way to inform others who may be coming from a distance and don't have accommodations if they'd like to share, I hadn't thought of THAT either.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 5:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oo, ooo, ooo, Magons, you are a GENIUS! CABINS! It took only three tries, and I found a campground IN SLIDELL, with cabins even! Tho' the cabins are expensive ($110-135/night), they have a WEEKLY RATE of $175!!!! Hell, at their monthly rate of $450 I could stay a month! It's got a canal running around the hookups (less than 10 tent sites, all the rest RV) which lets out into Lake Ponchitrain! It's further away than any of the hotels I looked at, but SO much cheaper!

http://www.neworleanseastkampground.com/ -- there are only two cabins, so here's hoping I can get in. Given the event isn't until September 26-October 8, maybe I'll be far enough in advance...cross fingers for me!

I checked out all the others in the area which offer cabins, but they're all further away and real expensive (like $135 a night!). Some really kewl stuff, but if THIS works out, I'll be a "happy camper".

If I pitched a tent, I'd be worried about the safety of my "stuff"...tho' if THIS doesn't work out, I'm gonna look into it.

I'd actually rather do this than a hotel/motel, even if I could find someone to split the cost with...the only problem is transportation to the site. I'll have to check all that out, maybe Kelly can give me some information. We'll see...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 5:28 AM


You could use a lockbox, mind - pick one up locally if needs be, VI will provide.

ETA: Also suggested, any of those hand-crank light/radio combos, Everready makes a halfway decent one, and so too do a lot of other companies, but price and features vary considerably.

That one looked damn handy, what with the cellphone adaptor, since while out in the boonies having a dependable recharge isn't assured.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, August 13, 2010 6:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, bummer! They e-mailed me right back; the $175 is for CAMPING, the cabins go for $110 a night (hahahaha). So I'm back to Star Motel, which is real close but it's not listed ANYWHERE except on the Google map, so I'm pretty sure it's a real dump...at $30 a night...

I'd rather "camp" at a dump than haul sleeping bag, tent, etc., plus that place is real close. They also suggested a Motel 6 in Slidell, which I'm checking into, for $35 a night. It's reviews stink, and it's in Slidell proper, so I'd have to find bus service, so I don't see any difference between that and the Star.

I've written Kelly asking if there's any way to find out anyone who's coming from out of town who might want to share lodging expenses. Will see what she responds with.

Oh, I forgot to add: DON'T SEND ME ANY MORE MONEY!! One of you already has, and please, I don't want any more money from anyone. I'll work this out, you've covered the flight and then some, okay?

This IS getting promising, tho'...even if I have to stay at a dump, this is exactly what I'd like to be doing. IBRRC having moved 40 miles inland pretty much kills that--this is right across a bridge from New Orleans and right on Lake Ponchitrane. It's too perfect to pass up. We'll see...SOMEHOW I'm gonna make this one work!!

I want to thank you all for your support, for bothering to read my blather and for reassuring me about going rather than sending the money. It means a LOT to me. I spent all yesterday looking for hotels/motels, all morning this morning look for cabins...sigh...but it's worth it!

RivKaneZitKirkJSAnti, I don't know what you wrote, because I knew what was coming and only read the first line. I hope you enjoy writing your shit, because I'm not reading it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 6:59 AM



Well, to be fair... Nicki DID actually return my moolah.. (even tho it was becasue she had a temper tantrum...)

So Im still going to give her the benefit of the doubt.


Friday, August 13, 2010 7:59 AM


Well hmmph.

Umm, you DO realize you are effectively being engaged by a collective that operates on the very foundation that information is power, with a whole bloody crew who'd be *more than happy* to do informational legwork to back your play at the slightest hint of a need ?

Not to mention the folk here at FFF.net - who likely also have contacts and resources to ask, see if maybe somebody knows somebody who knows something useful.

No matter where you go, everyone's connected.
-Lain Iwakura

And there you go with the I-can-do-it-myself thing, well, sure, but why have to, when you have so much support folks would actually get pleasure out of offering cause it allows them to get involved, which they wanna be or they'd never have sponsored this to begin with, ehe ?

Yeesh, some days I wonder if the only difference between minions and cats is opposable thumbs....


That said, good luck, and let us know if you need info/intel, for cryin out loud, willya ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, August 13, 2010 9:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I'll tell you this: if anyone knows how to get a BUS SCHEDULE for around Slidell, LA, that would be fantastic.

I looked into renting a bike to get around, but nothing less than $20 a day. Looked into renting a car big enough to sleep in (or carry camping gear), but that and a campsite still more expensive. HAVE to find bus schedule and routes, turns out New Orleans airport is 42 miles from Slidell, dammit.

Frustrating. As I said, Frem, I know I don't need to bust ass as it's not until late September, but I figure the earlier I reserve room/flight, the better, yes? I do have to quit for now, tho', after yesterday looking for a hotel and all this crap today, my back is a mess.

And I haven't even gotten to read any of the damned posts! I'm sure that will please some, that I'm not going to be responding today, but it's a bummer for ME! Ah well, onwards.

Wulf, I don't think it was a 'temper tantrum'. You got on me about going down and doing it on my own, and did the "you don't have to wait for someone to tell you, you have the power" thing which usually doesn't bother me, but in this case it bugged me. If you're not on board with what I'm doing, I don't want your money.

As it is, this isn't the most efficient way to spend you guys' money, but since I've gotten nothing but support in doing it this way, I'm selfish enough to DO IT. Even then, only because I'm in touch with an organization doing something I KNOW will be valid...without that, I wouldn't go. I've got a timeline, a place and a personal contact, that makes it feasible. Without it I'd just be wandering around on the beach looking for droplets of oil...bah!

Which is merely by way of explaining why I was offended and returned your money.

Okay, I'm going to shut up now and stop gumming up the threads, and go rest my back!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 9:56 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Well, bummer! They e-mailed me right back; the $175 is for CAMPING, the cabins go for $110 a night (hahahaha). So I'm back to Star Motel, which is real close but it's not listed ANYWHERE except on the Google map, so I'm pretty sure it's a real dump...at $30 a night...

I'd rather "camp" at a dump than haul sleeping bag, tent, etc., plus that place is real close. They also suggested a Motel 6 in Slidell, which I'm checking into, for $35 a night. It's reviews stink, and it's in Slidell proper, so I'd have to find bus service, so I don't see any difference between that and the Star.

I've written Kelly asking if there's any way to find out anyone who's coming from out of town who might want to share lodging expenses. Will see what she responds with.

Oh, I forgot to add: DON'T SEND ME ANY MORE MONEY!! One of you already has, and please, I don't want any more money from anyone. I'll work this out, you've covered the flight and then some, okay?

This IS getting promising, tho'...even if I have to stay at a dump, this is exactly what I'd like to be doing. IBRRC having moved 40 miles inland pretty much kills that--this is right across a bridge from New Orleans and right on Lake Ponchitrane. It's too perfect to pass up. We'll see...SOMEHOW I'm gonna make this one work!!

I want to thank you all for your support, for bothering to read my blather and for reassuring me about going rather than sending the money. It means a LOT to me. I spent all yesterday looking for hotels/motels, all morning this morning look for cabins...sigh...but it's worth it!

RivKaneZitKirkJSAnti, I don't know what you wrote, because I knew what was coming and only read the first line. I hope you enjoy writing your shit, because I'm not reading it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Not on any map....figures. You made the whole thing up.....I love you.

This all pretty elaborate.


Friday, August 13, 2010 10:21 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

My conundrum is that with all of the millions of BP blood money floating around why aren't these places able to pay you? I find it strange - irresponsible and unprofessional actually - if your agency has't tried to get BP funding. And if they have then why make volunteers sleep on the floor?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com


Friday, August 13, 2010 12:51 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important



Niki has expressed a refusal to take BP money for the work she's doing. I'd not be surprised if others shared a similar reluctance.

When people pay someone money, they're buying something. Each and every one of us who donated wanted to buy something for our investment. The thing we are each buying is probably varied and somewhat unique to the individual.

I don't know if BP has or will give that organization money. If they do, I don't know how much they'll give.

But before someone takes money from BP, they have to ask themselves... What are they buying? And is it something you want to sell?

I'm not prepared to judge the sense of responsibility or professionalism of people I don't know anything about.

There may be good reasons for not getting paid off.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Friday, August 13, 2010 2:39 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

It's not about BP paying and some of us not wanting to be paid by them. Although I'm pretty sure there are those of us out there who don't want to take money from BP. For one thing, we don't know how much BP will give out, so if WE get paid, maybe some fisherman or businessman will lose out.

BP is paying specific people; out-of-work fishermen, people they've hired to clean the beaches, people with "vessels of opportunity", etc. Those folks need that money!

If you hadn't noticed, BP has "tightened" their scrutinizing of out-of-work fishermen, insisting on receipts and stuff like that before they'll okay payment.

Given the beaches "look" much better, I posted about the BP Rep. saying it was time to "scale back" beach cleanup--ostensibly because it didn't do any good four tourism to have people walking around in hazmat suits.

Given the oil is largely "disappeared", I don't imagine they're paying a lot of people with boats either. That's just my guess.

Even if all this weren't so, this is an existing individual project being sponsored by a bunch of different organizations, and it's independent of the gulf spill. BP won't donate anything; the above will be their excuse and the "future effects" it might suffer don't count, you know that!

Dunno if this project would be being done now or later if there wasn't any push, but from what Kelly tells me, it is to increase the acreage of marshlands partly in the hopes that it will help the rest recover, and partly to replace the bulwark the now-dead marshes from the spill.

So this in particular isn't Deepwater-Horizon stuff, it's one of many ongoing attempts to replace habitat/ecology that's been destroyed. The grasses and lunch are no doubt being paid for by the various organizations, but it's an all-volunteer effort.

One of the shocking things I learned about down there was how MUCH of the marshes, etc., are lost on an almost daily basis there. They're ruining the Gulf and mouth of the Mississippi, and every development they do reduces the amount of marshlands that protect the entire area from hurricanes. TPTB don't appear to have cared much about that.

I don't get it, personally. Out here, if you're going to develop open land, you are required to find somewhere nearby on the Bay and refurbish the marsh (we've lost a lot of our bay marshes), and maintain it (not that marshlands take any maintenance!). I don't know why/if that's not the case down there; it certainly SHOULD be!

Right in the area where I'll be working, human ways of protecting the area are being done at the expense of natural ways:

Engineered solutions–concrete sea walls, bulkheads, riprap–have been used to prevent Louisiana’s largest lake from devouring any more of its valuable shoreline. Has the cure been worse than the disease? This in-depth look at an important national lake examines the technical, ecological, economic, social, and political issues involved in lakeshore erosion control.
Hey, I even found a reference to Slidell:

As the 20th century wore on, more and more development took place along Lake Pontchartrain’s shorelines, and with it came the destruction of many biologically fertile marshlands, especially on the southern shoreline. In the early 1970s, Slidell, on the northeastern shore, expanded rapidly with housing developments, but at the expense of more precious wetlands. Natural shorelines and beaches quickly disappeared and were replaced by bulkheads.

There's this:

The state has lost 340 square miles in the last four years ...

The area west of New Orleans, across the Mississippi River, is “the fastest-disappearing land mass on earth,” said St. Pe, the marine biologist ...

Wetlands rank with rain forests and coral reefs in ecological importance, environmentalists say. They harbor plants and wildlife and function as natural sponges to buffer coastlines against water erosion and floods. Katrina would have been less devastating if wetlands hadn’t disappeared ...

One of the more notorious canals, Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal, known locally as “Mr. Go,” unleashed salt water onto 27,000 acres of wetlands, eventually killing them ...

The erosion is caused largely by decades of building canals, levees and dams to control flooding, ease navigation and facilitate oil and gas exploration. Such projects choke off the flow of Mississippi River sediment that sustains the wetlands ...

“The sheer size of the problem is overwhelming,” while largely unrecognized outside the Gulf region, said Democratic consultant James Carville, a native Louisianan who moved to New Orleans from Washington 14 months ago ...

“It can be a national security issue; it can be economic; it can be environmental,” Carville said as he drove through the area recently. “But the first thing to make it relevant is people have to be aware it’s happening.”


A lot more of us are aware NOW--this was in September '09. Supposedly it would cost between $100-$150 billion to restore the coastline, and tho' (here you go righties)

Congress authorized $7 billion for 17 Louisiana projects in 2007. Just $100 million of the money has been released, according to Graves of the governor’s office. Louisiana has set aside $500 million since Katrina for coastal work, he said.

“There’s no significant restoration program at all right now,” Houck said.

Some critics fault both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations ... "we are part of the United States and we are literally sinking ... tremendously disappointed” in Obama’s administration and “expected them to be more aggressive in addressing the problem

Same cite.

Just FYI:

(That's where I'll be working.)

Here's info about the project itself:

The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana invites you to participate in a 2-week long marsh restoration project in the open mud flats located on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain within the USFWS Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Over 70,000 marsh plants will be planted to help restore and enhance the wetlands and we are looking for over 400 volunteers to help accomplish this project.

We will plant over 5,000 plugs of smooth and marshhay cordgrass per day to help stabilize and vegetate the bare marsh platforms that were created by the CWPPRA Goose Point/Point Platte Marsh Creation Project. This project dredged sediments from Lake Pontchartrain to create over 550 acres of marsh platform. The vegetation will help to stabilize the soils, create wildlife habitat, encourage species diversity and provide a seed source for natural regeneration.

This project is being completed through a partnership with NOAA’s Community Based Restoration Program, Restore America’s Estuaries, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, For the Bayou, The Lang Foundation, The Coastal Society and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Where: Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana
Volunteers will meet at the Refuge Headquarters located at
61389 Highway 434 Lacombe, LA 70445

When: September 27th through October 8th, 2010 (except Sunday)
8:00 am until all the plants are planted (approximately 3:00pm)

Note: This project requires outdoor physical activity and volunteers should expect to get dirty. Volunteers must be 15 years of age or older. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Volunteers can sign up for one day or multiple days. All planting equipment (gloves, shovels, dibbles, etc.) will be provided. Lunch and drinks will also be provided to all volunteers. All volunteers must be registered online or call the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana at (888)-LACOAST. Additional information, including directions to the project site, will be provided to registered volunteers via email prior to the event. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide housing or travel to volunteers.

Oh, I found this on CRCL's website, too:

In recent years, dire predictions of catastrophic consequences have fueled Louisiana's efforts to restore our failing coast. Comprising nearly 1/3 of our state's land area and home to 2/3 of Louisiana's residents, Louisiana's coastal zone has been battered by hurricanes and shaped to meet the demands of modern development. Since 1900, Louisiana has lost more than 1 million acres of wetlands and barrier shoreline as a result of natural processes and human activity.

Louisiana's coastal wetlands stand on the verge of collapse. In the past 50 years, more than 1500 square miles of coastal Louisiana have been lost. Without immediate and decisive action, Louisiana stands to lose an additional 1000 square miles of land, an area the size of Rhode Island, by the year 2050. This land is not only an important habitat for fish and wildlife, it provides and indispensable storm buffer for communities, transportation routes and energy infrastructure.

Coastal Louisiana has lost an average of 34 square miles of land, primarily marsh, per year for the last 50 years. From 1932 to 2000, Coastal Louisiana lost 1900 square miles of land, roughly an area the size of Delaware. If nothing more is done to stop this land loss, Louisiana could potentially lose approximately 700 additional square miles of land, or an area about equal to the size of the greater Washington D.C. – Baltimore area, in the next 50 years.

Storm Protection:
Wetlands and barrier islands form a natural buffer zone that absorbs storm surges and blunts the force of high winds. Scientists estimate that approximately 2.7 miles of wetlands is capable of absorbing one foot of storm surge. As the barrier islands and wetlands erode, south Louisiana communities will be exposed to the direct brunt of storms and hurricanes.

If wetlands and barrier islands continue to erode as projected, more than 2 million people living in south Louisiana could be subjected to more frequent and severe flooding. The frequency of flooding along Louisiana's coastal zone has already caused some insurance companies to discontinue coverage and cease issuing policies. If we do not change our present course and rebuild this buffer zone, severe flooding will endanger all long-term investments in south Louisiana.

The abundance of our fisheries is directly attributed to the millions of acres of coastal marsh used as a nursery by young fish and shellfish.

Additionally, Louisiana's 3 million acres of coastal wetlands provide habitat for over 5 million migratory waterfowl annually and also serve as a home to many endangered or threatened species.

Wetlands serve as natural filters of sewage and other pollutants introduced through drainage basins and the larger watershed region. As our wetlands and estuarine marshes collapse, saltwater intrusion can escalate salinity levels and disturb the delicate balance between fresh and salt water that support the bountiful fisheries of Louisiana.

The economic benefits of wildlife related harvests and watching total approximately $1.2 billion, including estimated retail sales and state taxes, and create an estimated 16,500 jobs for Louisiana citizens.

In 2002, Louisiana commercial landings exceeded 1 billion pounds with a dockside value of $343 million- that accounts for approximately 30% of the total catch by weight in the lower 48 States.

Annual expenditures related to non-commercial fishing in Louisiana can amount to between $703 million and $1.2 billion.

Wetlands and barrier islands protect billions of dollars worth of oil and gas infrastructure from wave and storm damage. This disappearing land is a key part of the nation's energy system. Nearly 25% of all the oil and gas consumed in America and 80% of the nation's offshore oil and gas travels through Louisiana's wetlands.

As wetlands and barrier islands erode, our oil and gas infrastructure will become exposed to open water and increasingly susceptible to storm damage. At a time when our nation is attempting to move toward a self-sufficient energy policy, the rich resources of Louisiana will become increasingly more important to the future of the United States.

At the foot of the Mississippi’s 19,000-mile river system lie the six deep-water ports of southern Louisiana. These outlets to the world handle more than 450 million tons of cargo annually — much of it in exports from industry and agriculture throughout the nation. Continued wetlands loss will ultimately expose several of these ports to open water, rendering them vulnerable to severe damage from hurricanes and tropical storms. Losing these ports would paralyze not only Louisiana but also the rest of the nation.

Louisiana ranks first in the nation in total shipping tonnage, handling approximately 20% of the nation's waterborne commerce through its deep-draft ports of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, South Louisiana, Plaquemines Parish and St. Bernard. The ports between Baton Rouge and New Orleans are the largest by tonnage carried in the world and serve the entire eastern part of the country.

Louisiana's barrier islands and wetland shorelines protect navigation channels, anchorages and ports from winds, waves, storms and hurricanes. Without the protection of our rapidly eroding coastal wetlands and barrier islands, 155 miles of waterways will be exposed to open water in 50 years and billions of taxpayer dollars will have to be spent on increased dredging and maintenance costs.


This is what we'll be planting:

I can't find a map I can copy of the area, but if you go to http://maps.yahoo.com/index.php?ard=1&q1=Slidell%2C%20LA%2070458#mvt=m
, you can see it on the map, along with Lancomb. The Marsh is actually in Lacombe, but that's teeeny little town apparently and the only lodging I could find was in Slidell.

I'm rambling, but I figure those of you involved in this might like to know more about what, where and why you're contribution will be...nobody has to read it anyway.

This is "it". This is definitely what I've been looking for...I've got enough to stay at one of those two cheap places and I can squeeze out a bit for food. If I can get someone to go in with me, we can get something better that has a fridge, and a lot of the other places have internet access...either way, I'll survive. But this is the one I've been waiting for...now all I have to do is WAIT another month and a half (shees!). But at least I've finally got a destination and a project...wheee!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 2:56 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Whew--spent so long on that I forgot your question, Pizmo. They're not MAKING me sleep on the floor, they just can't provide accommodations, so we're on our own. This is a nonprofit coalition which exists on donations and money from the government. IF I could find some nice person around there who would LET me sleep on their floor, I'd be ecstatic. Aside from the savings in money (which I could spend on, y'know, FOOD!), I'd be right in with a resident family, which would be FANTASTIC.

One of the nice things about this is that, instead of going with an international organization (IBRRC) made up of people mostly from CA ('cuz IBRRC is headquartered up here and down South), is that I'll be working side by side with RESIDENTS...which is so kewl!

It also says they break off at 3:00 or so. That leaves me (assuming I can still walk!) the rest of the afternoon to go into New Orleans, check out the nearby beaches, take pictures of Big Branch, Lacombe and Slidell for you guys (and of course for VI's records !). That's neat, 'cuz Wildcare had interviews with a couple of their volunteers who went with IBRRC and just got back, and they said they worked 7am-7pm, so there'd have been no time (or energy!), and with IBRRC having moved 40 miles inland, I could never have gotten down to the Gulf proper.

Like I said, I know I'm rambling, and I miss getting into other threads. But in a way you guys are all "coming with me" on this adventure, and sharing it with you is neat. I figure I'll toss out whatever I think you might find interesting about it to make it more personal for you. I may not be able to post or e-mail while I'm there (know nothing about available "internet cafes in Slidell, obviously, and I don't know if Choey's laptop needs internet access or not--I'm not too bright when it comes to the WORKINGS of computers...I'll have to ask). Given I get off around 3, I'll have lots of TIME to post, upload pix, etc., if I'm able.

At the very least, Choey has put me on her cell plan and given me her old phone, so I'll be talking to her/Jim every day probably. I'll have her take notes and come here and update you guys if I can't do it myself, and once my camera's full and I get the chance, I can find an internet cafe in Slidell or do it when I go into New Orleans. I figure I'm down there, my back will be bad enough not to let me do any other work than this, given what the work IS (!), so I might as well see New Orleans at least once if I can hobble in there.

I'm stoked!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 13, 2010 8:55 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hey Niki,

An adventurous friend of mine recommended youth hostels as a possible alternative. He apparently used to stay in them while experiencing the U.S. in his pre/post college days.


I don't know if there's one in the area you need, but they tend to be cheap.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Saturday, August 14, 2010 2:51 AM


Very elaborate....


Saturday, August 14, 2010 5:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

MMm, handn't thought of THAT either, Anthony! You guys are a mine of useful information. We ALMOST stayed in one in Interlaken when we went to Europe, but it was full of students and noisier than hell...luckily we met this lady who rents out a couple of apartments she's got and were able to do that...REAL cheap! We ended up going back several times and becoming friends with her, it was a real stroke of luck. Much better than staying in the pensions we did elsewhere.

But yeah, even that would do, I'll check it out. I'm pretty sure the only hostels available would be in New Orleans itself, which is a bus ride from where I'd be working. But it's definitely worth checking out, thanx!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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