Caught on Video: Cops ordered to shoot looters during Katrina

UPDATED: Thursday, August 26, 2010 19:52
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010 5:29 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Official police video: Cops love shooting sheeple in martial law

5,000 black looters shot dead by cops, troops and Blackwater during Katrina:

BTW Hillary Clinton ordered cops and soldiers to massacre 80 Christians at church in Waco TX, and genocided 500,000 kids in Iraq.

NO deputies were ordered to shoot FEMA cops for FEMA cutting radio antennas of NO cops.


Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:31 AM


I saw a documentary about this last night. They called in the national guard to restore order. The national guard didn't check facts for any scene they were called to, just assumed looters and opened fire. Shot a guy, stuffed him in the backseat of a car and left him to die, handcuffed his brother to take away, set the OTHER CAR ON FIRE.

Cover ups cover ups. There was no shooting at the mall, there was never a police substation on the second floor. You can still see stains from the removed police decal on the window.

The lady who called them in, some fat cat government official, talked about how they had to crack down and "set an example," like she was talking about the damn weather, like no one died because of her and others.

Even before then and before the national guard their police force was corrupt, competing with the drug dealers, even a few bankrobberies. Every officer had a second gun in a briefcase in their car in case they needed to plant evidence on someone, they called it a "ham sandwich."


Thursday, August 26, 2010 7:52 PM


Also known as a "drop gun" or "throwdown piece" - many cops carry them, even today, often in an ankle holster where, if questioned about it's presence they can hold up the pretense that it's a backup weapon.

The term in question is a reference to how the grand jury process has become such a loaded, rubber stamp process that any prosecutor could get one to indict a ham sandwich.

What I found most offensive during that debacle was FEMA deliberately blocking shipments of food, water, and medical supplies, interefering with or shutting down rescue operations, and jamming or sabotaging radio communication attempts - armed guards had to be posted on the radio equipment by several parishes, in particular Jefferson, where the sheriff had more trouble defending his parish against FEMA than dealing with the aftermath.

And of course, the confiscation of arms from folks defending their homes in clear defiance of constitutional right, made all the worse by the facts that...
A: They were NOT arresting and disarming looters, leaving said homesteaders at the mercy of such.
B: They had a "List" of who had what, probably based on FFL and 4473's

THAT, I found damn scary - it was almost like they were using the situation as a test bed for REX84/Garden Plot concepts, and it showed in undeniable terms that despite all lip service to the contrary, US Military units *will* obey such illegal orders without so much as a question, not ONE of the 82nd grounded arms and refused to assist.

And then there was Blackwater - which, I don't have sufficient proof to press it, but they're monsters, people, never you doubt it...

Anyways, this also had a lot to do with why there wasn't more push for a federal response to the gulf spill, since FEMA has proven to be utterly untrustworthy, less than useless, and potentially more dangerous than any natural disaster could be.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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