Shameful Customers Mar Air Travel

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 09:29
VIEWED: 1127
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Monday, November 22, 2010 5:23 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Asked whether they had tips for us travelers as we head into the holiday season, the flight crew's eyes lit up.

"Stay home," a pilot quipped from the cockpit.

"Just check the damn bags," said a tired flight attendant, as she wrapped up a 10-hour work day."


This news piece assures us that air travel isn't that bad, really, and that we travelers are a big part of the problem. Oh, and having someone nudge your privates isn't that bad, either. If you just follow the rules and do what you're told, things will go smoothly for you.

I implore us all to stay home this Holiday season, and relieve these fine folk of the burden of our carry-on luggage. Let's keep them from having to touch our bodies until they meet crotch resistance. Our many foibles and oddities should be kept far from the airport, so that things will run much more smoothly for them.

Perhaps if we strenuously avoid air travel, the situation will improve. I'm sure these fine folk will be very grateful if we forego the pleasure... And the payment.

As airlines and airports slash service and convenience, I feel it's important to express that they are not doing us any favors. If they don't want us there, then we'll stay home. And soon, so will they.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Monday, November 22, 2010 5:53 AM


Oh they're ALREADY screaming and whining and throwing a tantrum about us "misbehaving" and/or depriving them of their fun by staying home, complete with media-propaganda blitz, like six stories in my inbox just since I woke up...

And my response to their fucking whining ?

Of course, you KNOW a boycott won't do shit, right - cause like GM they'll just run whining to the Gov for a bailout, which means they get our money anyway, so the goal here is complete and total scorn, mockery and humilation to where they can't even GET the political support for a bailout, rather than a boycott - and I know just the jerk to call for that one...

Paging Mikey!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, November 22, 2010 6:06 AM


Here is an alternative: general aviation.


Flyshare’s mission is simple. It’s to provide a forum for pilots and passengers to connect in order to share flights. The opportunity to carry passengers on their flights benefits the pilots by allowing them to share the cost of the trip and the passenger benefits by being able to travel without being restricted by commercial flight schedules and flight patterns. Often, travelers can save money flying with Flyshare instead of flying commercially. In addition to the cost savings, general aviation flights are much more convenient. Pilots can frequently deliver you much closer to your destination than a commercial flight can.

Plane-pool for a chartered flight.

--Can't Take (my gorram) Sky


Monday, November 22, 2010 9:17 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Y'know, the whole "boycott the scanner" thing is great, and it's a start - but people don't seem to be figuring out that you can just BOYCOTT THE ENTIRE AIRLINE INDUSTRY.

99% of the general population doesn't NEED to fly. There ARE alternatives, and for some reason terrorists have only ever targeted air travel, or so the TSA would have you believe.

I'll drive, thanks, or take the train. Or a slow boat. And I'll arrive more relaxed and less hassled than the airline passengers will. And if it's a trip of less than about 500 miles, I'll likely arrive BEFORE they do, too. ;)

Here's my advice to the airline industry: Fuck Yourself. Vigorously. Because you're all done fucking us.

This Space For Rent!


Monday, November 22, 2010 10:03 AM


We have so many TSA threads, I don't know which one to put this on. But here is Penn (Of Penn and Teller) rebelling.


Last Thursday I was flying to LA on the Midnight flight. I went through security my usual sour stuff. I beeped, of course, and was shuttled to the "toss-em" line. A security guy came over. I assumed the position. I had a button up shirt on that was untucked. He reached around while he was behind me and grabbed around my front pocket. I guess he was going for my flashlight, but the area could have loosely been called "crotch." I said, "You have to ask me before you touch me or it's assault."

He said, "Once you cross that line, I can do whatever I want."

I said that wasn't true. I say that I have the option of saying no and not flying. He said, "Are you going to let me search you, or do I just throw you out?"

I said, "Finish up, and then call the police please."

When he was finished with my shoes, he said, "Okay, you can go."

I said, "I'd like to see your supervisor and I'd like LVPD to come here as well. I was assaulted by you."

He said, "You're free to go, there's no problem."

I said, "I have a problem, please send someone over."

Read more at the link.

--Can't Take (my gorram) Sky


Monday, November 22, 2010 10:25 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I gotta play devil's advocate here. The pilots and others have protested TSA just as vociferously as the rest of us, I try to keep that in mind. Plus the fact that they didn't make the rules, and had to go through these indignities MANY times a day, it would seem to me.

Second, it's not the airlines who are saying this, it's the weary pilots and stewardesses--the latter having to put up with what I discovered is a HUGE amount of very large "carry-on" luggage, try to find room for it, deal with querellous customers, and who are looking forward to the holiday season like a root canal, it would seem to me.

My trip to the Gulf was the first time I've flown in more than a decade. I was shocked by all the stuff travelers hauled on board with them; I know it's because of the check-bag fee, but my gawd, those poor flight attendants went through hell trying to squeeze it all in, hefting heavy stuff up and down; they have my sympathy.

My argument is with TSA and the airlines on these matters, not with the flight attendants and pilots. Just sayin'.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, November 22, 2010 11:32 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I agree Niki - no one's worked customer service? No one has had to deal with the entitled, spoiled public? Count yourself lucky. 10 hour shifts with them? People who are pissed at you for giving them peanuts again when it's not your call? "Would it kill you to just wait until we're stopped before you stampede the exit? I know, it may sound silly but it's in an Insurance policy, we have to say it. You think I want to make my job harder?" Is simple shitjob empathy too much to ask?

And talk about making anyone not like yourself "the other." So the TSA agents are suddenly pedophiles and perverts, or were they just waiting, biding their time praying that their job would change so they could "caress the genitalia" of strangers? I really think you guys are more afraid of your own gov trying to help you (poorly), than you are of the people who are actively trying and praying to get the opportunity to give their lives to kill you. Does that sound right to you?

And so far I've only seen one response as to how we would check for another underwear bomber without these procedures, and that was "do what Israel does" without any knowledge of what that is exactly. And do what precisely until then?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, November 22, 2010 11:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Pizmo, we discussed this in another thread, sorry you missed it. The thing about Israeli security; I couldn't find the original, but this is the same article, reposted:

The argument is that it's not viable in the states, given the volume of air traffic, but I'm not sure about that...if they put the money they're ow putting into technology into the Israeli form of technology and hiring people to do the job...I dunno.

All I know is it's WRONG the way it's being done here right now.

24 million people to fly this Thanksgiving Holiday. Think about that!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, November 22, 2010 12:06 PM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
And so far I've only seen one response as to how we would check for another underwear bomber without these procedures, and that was "do what Israel does" without any knowledge of what that is exactly. And do what precisely until then?

Do what we used to do with metal detectors until we implement behavioral profiling. If our govt wants to learn what BP entails, they can consult Israeli experts. They are our allies after all--I don't think they would mind giving us a little help. And do it as soon as possible.

If another underwear bomber slips through in the meantime, the crew and passengers will catch him/her just like they caught the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber. They have a better track record than TSA anyway.

--Can't Take (my gorram) Sky


Monday, November 22, 2010 12:06 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Omigawd, get a look at THIS one (apologies if anyone already posted it:

Here's the TSA horror story that will leave you heartbroken and outraged: The flight attendant (and cancer survivor) who was forced to remove her prosthetic breast. Yes, really. (via WBTV)
Her name is Cathy Bossy, a 32-year industry veteran, and in a remarkable interview with WBTV she recalls a screening episode that played out some three months back. (Pat-Downs 101: Find out what's in store for you)

Working as a flight attendant, Bossy tells WBTV that she was subjected in North Carolina to one of the first rounds of inspections via full body-scanners; a procedure that concerned this breast cancer survivor from the start, due to the radiation involved.

But it was when she was selected for a more thorough pat-down that she says an uncomfortable situation crossed the line.

Bossy told WBTV that her screener zeroed in quickly on her right breast – a prosthetic breast she was fitted with after cancer surgery - and demanded to know why the breast felt unusual. When informed that it was a prosthesis, the inspector allegedly instructed Bossy to both show, and then remove, the artificial extension.

Bossy says she was so mortified by the scenario that she forgot to write down the name of the North Carolina screener, but the TSA tells WBTV that it is now investigating this claim. That said, the TSA rules make it clear: Agents are absolutely allowed to ask about, touch and demand to see any prosthetic part of the body.

Sadly, NewsFeed is betting that this will not be the final horror story to take to the web.

I'm speechless!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, November 22, 2010 12:37 PM


Ok, point one: Divide and Conquer - now that the powers that be are willing to exempt the Pilots and Crew, their hope is that this particular factions rebellion against this shit dies out, it's a sop to them to get them to shut up and thus quit supporting the publics ire.

My advice is not to let that pass unchallenged, strike while the iron is hot, while those Pilots and Crew still have fresh, bitter memories of how useless, offensive and humiliating this bullshit is, and act on their natural empathy for the passengers (their customers) who have to put up with it - the powers that be are waiting for us to blink here, and I recommend you do not do so.

Point two: Flyshare.

Countdown to "Oh noes, OMG, terrorists will use this to get around security!!!111" and either an outright ban or crippling restrictions.

Mind you, I've been using my own variation on that for quite a while, being an Ultralite pilot and a damn crazy one, so not just general av, but also mail pushers, cargo and the air show guys, there's a small airport "barroom network" one can use if you're willin to shell out a chunk for the fuel and maybe help load/unload.

Fun part of that is some of the stuff you get to fly on - DC3 is always cool, but sometimes "fun" is a relative term, trust me, you do NOT wanna take a really loooong flight in a P51T Trainer after chugging down a super big gulp, yerk... which wasn't NEARLY as nuts as sitting front seat of a WWI barnstormer in a windy blizzard to where we were having to tack against the wind cause the snow and wind were pushin us down to stall speed most of the time.

Oh, and soaking WET ultralites don't fly too well, my first soggy-brick landing (and boy howdy is THAT a generous term for what happened!) resulted directly in upgrading the wing mounts, cause after that the ones I had were no longer servicable.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, November 22, 2010 3:32 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Governor Jesse Ventura announced his permanent boycott of airliners in USA until TSA is DEAD.

With a metal hip he didn't enjoy strange men grabbing his crotch 10 times every week. Go figure.


Passenger Chooses Strip-Down Over Pat-Down (Arrested)

Through a statement released by his attorney Sunday night, Wolanyk said "TSA needs to see that I'm not carrying any weapons, explosives, or other prohibited substances, I refuse to have images of my naked body viewed by perfect strangers, and having been felt up for the first time by TSA the week prior (I travel frequently) I was not willing to be molested again."

Wolanyk's attorney said that TSA requested his client put his clothes on so he could be patted down properly but his client refused to put his clothes back on. He never refused a pat down, according to his attorney.

Wolanyk was arrested for refusing to complete the security process. A woman, identified by Harbor police as Danielle Kelli Hayman,39, of San Diego was detained for recording the incident on a phone.

TSA Cuts Off Nipple Ring with Pliers:

Gov Rick Perry: Take TSA patters and put them on border security detail, feel crotches of illegal aliens and dope dealers to make them rather stay home


Monday, November 22, 2010 4:52 PM


Does anyone else wonder if there's an evil plan behind all this? I saw a suggestion that the "enhanced pat down" was put in place just to make people more amenable to the scanners. Which I don't really believe, and even if that were true it's a stupid plan. People might have given into the nude photographing scanners without much more than a few moans and groans of protest. The insanity of the groping has pretty much doomed the scanners. I hear the NY state legislators are talking of banning the scanner things from JFK and Laguardia. (Please please do it before I travel in January!)

But all of this invasive searching seems too stupid to be real. Did the TSA really think this would go over fine? Are they that stupid, or are they trying to manipulate us into accepting something else they have in mind?

Color me paranoid. After the past ten years, I think we all have good reason to be.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 23, 2010 8:34 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Must be my secret connection to TPTB , but Madame Geezer and I cruised right through the metal detectors at Washington National yesterday with no line and no delay - no full-body scan and no pat-down. Our only travel problem was that we landed at Sea-Tac as it started to snow and traffic pretty much stopped about the time we got the rental car. Good thing our hotel was just a couple of blocks from the car place. Looks like our first full day here will be spent in the room, as the local govts don't seem to be as ready to deal with three inces of snow as in Metro D.C.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, November 23, 2010 8:40 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Glad to hear about an uneventful trip, Geezer. May all your travels be safe and non-invasive.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Geezer, from what I've HEARD,in most places if you make it through the metal detector without setting it off, you're not made to do the scanner; if you reject the scanner, you get a pat-down.

It varies at every airport; many of them don't have anything but metal detectors. It's airports where they worry about terrorists most that have all these things, like SFO when I went through, Houston, Denver (both connection points), New Orleans, etc. That's what I've heard, anyway.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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