Fucking PAY OR DIE insurances!

UPDATED: Thursday, December 2, 2010 06:29
VIEWED: 1101
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Monday, November 29, 2010 8:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just got off the phone with a guy whose nephew ... a musical prodigy and all-around nice kid.... got in a serious accident in Mexico yesterday while on a surfing vacation. The parents want him in the States. The hospital in Tijuana refuses to release him until the parents pay for the treatment (severe brain damage, leg lost below the knee) and his parent's medical insurance refuses to pay bc the kid was in a foreign country.

God DAMN them to hell! *crying*


Monday, November 29, 2010 8:06 AM


I'm so sorry, Sig. That is unconscionable.

--Can't Take (my gorram) Sky


Monday, November 29, 2010 9:57 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jesus, Sig, my heart goes out to them...bad enough if it were just a "regular" injury, but they must be going nuts with that severe an injury...I dunno if Mexican hospitals are up to dealing with those kinds of things on an effective level.

...and they say there are no "death panels" in existence already...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, November 29, 2010 10:06 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Just got off the phone with a guy whose nephew ... a musical prodigy and all-around nice kid.... got in a serious accident in Mexico yesterday while on a surfing vacation. The parents want him in the States. The hospital in Tijuana refuses to release him until the parents pay for the treatment (severe brain damage, leg lost below the knee) and his parent's medical insurance refuses to pay bc the kid was in a foreign country.

God DAMN them to hell! *crying*

Well, he may be a musical prodigy, but he is an idiot and the brain damage my help him. Why go to Mexico with all that is going on there? Isn't the American Health system shit! Imagine if a Mexican got in a bad accident here. I bet we wouldn't give that wet-back any healthcare either

I hope his parents shell out a whole boat load of cash and that fucking idiot goes back to Mexico and gets kidnapped by a drug gang and his parents shell out even more cash. Karma bitch Karma.

ROFLMAO......Well, it's true.........

Just one girls opinion........


Monday, November 29, 2010 11:07 AM


Eff that, call the State Dept, immediately - this is their baliwick, make them do their jobs for once.

Here, try the listed phone numbers here, soon as you can.

Since this IS an emergency, call this one immediately.

And retain this list in case you need it.

Lemme know if you need anything else or other contacts, but that SHOULD do to resolve the situation, most likely.



Monday, November 29, 2010 11:25 AM


Frem is right, this is a violation of international law. The Mexican hospital might want it's money, but it does not want an incident, and neither does its govt.


Monday, November 29, 2010 12:03 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Seems a case of kidnapping and ransom to me. One of those rare cases where the might of the US Government might come down on your side.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Monday, November 29, 2010 12:15 PM


The local consulate is usually the easiest way to reach the state dept. Sometimes they're helpful, sometimes not.


Monday, November 29, 2010 1:56 PM


Bump for Siggy, cause this is must-have kind of info.



Monday, November 29, 2010 2:14 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

My sis the proud Marxist professor just spent Thanksgiving in Mexico...WHICH IS AN AMERICAN HOLIDAY ABOUT BEING A PROUD AMERICAN. The US State Dept issued a WARNING to US citizens to travel in convoys and stay out of all cities. The Mex govt issued a warning to disarmed Mex citizens to RUN FOR THEIR LIVES.

Yes, 50-million illegal aliens get free medical and free pensions in USA.

Death to the Libtards! Export em all the CommieNazi Mehico.

Sorry if that includes your unpatriotic friend. Call the Red CRoss.


Monday, November 29, 2010 2:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks Frem. I passed the info along.


Monday, November 29, 2010 2:54 PM


Our system sucks!!!!!!!!


Monday, November 29, 2010 3:00 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Just got off the phone with a guy whose nephew ... a musical prodigy and all-around nice kid.... got in a serious accident in Mexico yesterday while on a surfing vacation. The parents want him in the States. The hospital in Tijuana refuses to release him until the parents pay for the treatment (severe brain damage, leg lost below the knee) and his parent's medical insurance refuses to pay bc the kid was in a foreign country.

God DAMN them to hell! *crying*

Well, he may be a musical prodigy, but he is an idiot and the brain damage my help him. Why go to Mexico with all that is going on there? Isn't the American Health system shit! Imagine if a Mexican got in a bad accident here. I bet we wouldn't give that wet-back any healthcare either

I hope his parents shell out a whole boat load of cash and that fucking idiot goes back to Mexico and gets kidnapped by a drug gang and his parents shell out even more cash. Karma bitch Karma.

ROFLMAO......Well, it's true.........

Just one girls opinion........



Monday, November 29, 2010 3:39 PM


You know, it takes a lot to truly disgust someone who's seen as much horror as I have, and damn me if you didn't manage it in this thread - people talk about how it's "only the internet" but what if your bullshit and malice drowned out important information or drove off Siggy before she could gather it and pass it on to her friend ?

What if an actual person came to harm, or even death, in part due to your petty, purile nastiness, would you care, or would you mock even that and have a little celebration about it ?

You wonder why you disgust me, you wonder why I consider you subhuman, and think this would would be better off without you, you need look no further than your own actions here - I've no need to dehumanize you, you have done so unto yourselves, and at least one of you *does* know better, and has no excuse whatever.

The same lack of empathy that leads malicious punks to drop cinderblocks from overpasses onto peoples cars for "fun" is displayed here in all it's unholy glory for the evil that it truly is, the inhumanity of people who have in my eyes voluntarily surrendered any claim to being human.

And that, folks - is *why* I consider such beings neither human nor people, and with no more regard than someone elses dogshit on my lawn, to be disposed of with no more fanfare or emotion than that.

Because to me, that's all they are.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, November 29, 2010 4:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Kaneman is a master at seeking,... and finding... irrelevant status. I no longer pay attention to anything it posts.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:07 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

You know, it takes a lot to truly disgust someone who's seen as much horror as I have, and damn me if you didn't manage it in this thread - people talk about how it's "only the internet" but what if your bullshit and malice drowned out important information or drove off Siggy before she could gather it and pass it on to her friend ?

What if an actual person came to harm, or even death, in part due to your petty, purile nastiness, would you care, or would you mock even that and have a little celebration about it ?

You wonder why you disgust me, you wonder why I consider you subhuman, and think this would would be better off without you, you need look no further than your own actions here - I've no need to dehumanize you, you have done so unto yourselves, and at least one of you *does* know better, and has no excuse whatever.

The same lack of empathy that leads malicious punks to drop cinderblocks from overpasses onto peoples cars for "fun" is displayed here in all it's unholy glory for the evil that it truly is, the inhumanity of people who have in my eyes voluntarily surrendered any claim to being human.

And that, folks - is *why* I consider such beings neither human nor people, and with no more regard than someone elses dogshit on my lawn, to be disposed of with no more fanfare or emotion than that.

Because to me, that's all they are.


I do not serve the Blind God.

Shut your mouth.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 12:06 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Excellently said, Frem, thank you. I don't bother anymore, I just ignore them or mock them, but in a case such as this, I feel the same.

Don't you love "shut your mouth"? Who are the ones screaming around here about "freedom of speech"? I keep forgetting...

Well, I got hit with one this morning. It bears NO resemblance to the severity of what this thread is about, I'm just sitting here seething and need to vent, and saw this title, which is how I feel.

My podiatrist recommended a set of "orthotic" inserts for my shoes; we're both incredibly frustrated that my achilles tendon still hasn't heeled (it's been a year and a half since it showed up, over a year since I consulted him). He said he had to call the insurance company to make sure they covered it.

His office called me back and said they did, so I got them. Flimsy little things they are, but hey, I'll try anything. Currently my life is down to an ice pack for 15 minutes, wait 15 minutes, do ice massage for 5 minutes, wait 15 minutes and start again. I gave up on the "alternate warm water and ice" footbaths; it didn't seem to be doing any more good than the icing and was messy and a lot of work. I wear the fucking "boot" any time I leave the house, the metal "splint" religiously at night, and the bloody thing still hasn't healed.

I can't hike, I can't walk my dogs (thank gawd for dog parks), I can't even bicycle with them currently because I got pulled over for a "fix-it ticket" on our bike rack, which supposedly obscured the license plate (and which we see on a dozen other cars every time we go anywhere). Jim got a new bike rack but hasn't put it on yet. So here I sit, icing, icing, icing.

So I get a call this morning. The podiatrist's office wants $350 for the fucking orthotic insoles!!!!! I said "what the hell???" Apparently they are actually $850 (!!!), but they took a "discount" of $250 and the insurance company says what they didn't pay, the remaining $350, is my "co-pay"!!

It's insane; I could have gotten Dr. Scholl's insoles for $50 or so, and these things are the flimsiest pieces of shit you've ever seen. I can't return them because they're "custom made" of course. I spent a half hour being so mad it made me cry, called Jim to see if we could fight it, and he said no, of course not, when it comes to insurance companies and doctors, you're screwed.

I'm pissed they were so expensive, but it's not that. It's that I was never given a chance to say "no"; it never occurred to me in my wildest imagination they'd cost anything like THAT! If I'd known, hell, I would have said "no" even if the insurance company paid the whole thing; I wouldn't even have wanted THEM to pay such an exhorbidant price for INSOLES, for gawd's sake.

Bookkeeper said I got a notice from the insurance company telling me. Didn't, but that doesn't surprise me; we have problems with our mail, have had for 35 years since we bought the house. But I said they could have told me when they first suggested them what they cost...she said "we don't tell the patients because we don't know how much the insurance company will pay". WHAT BULLSHIT! Insurance company or no, I should have the right to know the cost and the option of saying no!

So we have no choice but to pay them their blackmail. But by gawd, they'll get $10 a month from me, and I ain't payin' no fucking interest! I'd like to throw the goddamned things back in their faces, but once I calmed down (somewhat), I figured I might as well get use out of them since I'm paying so much. They'd obviously wear out over time, I'd have to replace them eventually!?!


Sorry to threadjack, I've just got smoke coming out my ears and it's just another reason this country is FUCKED because of our healthcare.

Is there any news on the situation? I hope they get it resolved, I can't imagine how it must feel to be in their shoes. I'm just furious on have it actually impacting someone I love in that situation, I can't conceive of how I'd feel. Probably spontaneously explode...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 6:09 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Two things I wanted to comment on.


"we're both incredibly frustrated that my achilles tendon still hasn't heeled"

I deeply lament your pain and suffering, and wish there was something I could do or suggest to alleviate it. That having been said, this quote actually gave me my first giggle of the day.


It seems the biggest violations described in this thread have the insurance companies as the minority villains, while other people are the real bad ones.

In one case, we have a Hospital kidnapping and ransoming a patient.

In another case, we have a $1.25 piece of foam being sold for the better part of a thousand dollars.

The title of this thread is somewhat misleading about the content.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 6:40 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
...and his parent's medical insurance refuses to pay bc the kid was in a foreign country.

God DAMN them to hell! *crying*

Sorry to hear about your friend's nephew.

Many health insurance companies have limited or no coverage internationally. Blue Cross, for example, has lists of doctors and hospitals outside the U.S. with whom they have agreements, but for those not listed, you have to pay and file a claim. Others probably have no international coverage at all.

The State Department suggests you check with your insurance carrier before going out of the country.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 8:11 AM


I am all too familiar with that game Niki.

See, I use a wheelchair a lot of the time these days, and "Officially", they "cost" somewhere in the neighborhood of $700.00 USD.

Thing is, they DON'T - both the insurance carrier, and the equipment provider use such inflated prices to FORCE you to get the coverage, and to run out that coverage and get into YOUR wallet all the quicker - in just the ways you got blindsided by, this is one reason I demand to know itemized costs and total bill up front before I agree to any damn thing.

You know what that wheelchair *really* costs ?
$139.99USD and I got it on sale for $109.99USD

While I would never presume to cast doubt on the medical profess... bah, fuck - I can't even SAY that with a straight face, grrr...

You might be well advised to find yourself a naturalist, ripper doc, or mad scientist type - I could give a shit about qualifications, cause if I *had* played nicey-nicey and not gotten involved with the dark side, I wouldn't BE here to be cussin about it.

And fuck the ice, try a warm leopardsbane wrap, oh damn, lemme look up WTF the modern name is for that.... ah, here.
Grind the roots fine and boil in water, then steep a wrap in the water and apply it - might help more than you think.

I never understood the ice thing, while it might help stem off the inflamation slightly, it also will cause the tendon and surrounding muscles to contract and stiffen, making the problem worse, but of course, I am not a "trained medical professional"... so my opinion is worthless, right ?
*cue sneer of derision*

Anyhows, I feel ya - but a little sideways thinking might help in both of the situations expressed here.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 1:13 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

You know, it takes a lot to truly disgust someone who's seen as much horror as I have, and damn me if you didn't manage it in this thread - people talk about how it's "only the internet" but what if your bullshit and malice drowned out important information or drove off Siggy before she could gather it and pass it on to her friend ?

What if an actual person came to harm, or even death, in part due to your petty, purile nastiness, would you care, or would you mock even that and have a little celebration about it ?

You wonder why you disgust me, you wonder why I consider you subhuman, and think this would would be better off without you, you need look no further than your own actions here - I've no need to dehumanize you, you have done so unto yourselves, and at least one of you *does* know better, and has no excuse whatever.

The same lack of empathy that leads malicious punks to drop cinderblocks from overpasses onto peoples cars for "fun" is displayed here in all it's unholy glory for the evil that it truly is, the inhumanity of people who have in my eyes voluntarily surrendered any claim to being human.

And that, folks - is *why* I consider such beings neither human nor people, and with no more regard than someone elses dogshit on my lawn, to be disposed of with no more fanfare or emotion than that.

Because to me, that's all they are.


I do not serve the Blind God.

Shut your mouth.


Thursday, December 2, 2010 6:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanx for the support guys. Wasn’t here yesterday because the old bod decided to crap out on me. Getting over that cold, then night before last I got knocked off my feet. I haven’t “hurled” in decades, but man, I did then!!! Doc saw me late yesterday, said it’s a gastro bug that’s rampaging through Marin currently. Shees, I can’t win for losing! Spent yesterday on the couch (given I sleep outdoors, unless I really want to “go back to bed” for the day, the “dog couch” is my only horizontal option!). Better today, and hoping nothing else is waiting down the pike for me...for a while at least!

Ice has actually helped enormously, surprisingly. Took it down from a big lump to hardly noticeable...still hurts tho’, and I need it GONE completely before I can chance using it seriously...or even normally! But I’m going to try HIM too...depending on the cost. No doubt the insurance company won’t cover that AT ALL. I researched Achilles tendonitis once I started getting really frustrated with the doc, and they all say “ice, ice, ice” website said nothing else WORKS in the end (‘cept surgery), which I’m now beginning to believe. Another sells a fancy home ultrasound (which I wish I could afford), and two “booties”, one ice, one heat. I am supposed to be doing the “alternating baths” of warm water and ice water, for just the reason you mentioned, Frem. That’s part of why only 15 minutes; so the tendon has time to stretch in between icing, and that’s why the alternating “baths”...every doc/pt who recommends it is strong about “START with the warm, END with the ice). Kinda “rock and a hard place” I think, benefit of ice v. tendon contraction. One reason the physical therapy I went through (three times!) had us do exercises combined with icing. Unfortunately, the exercises made it WORSE in the end...sigh... Doc gave me a referral to another podiatrist, so I’m gonna start all over with him. Here’s hoping. It’s “my” time of year (Winter), and will be the THIRD Winter/Spring I’ll miss on the Mountain, it looks like.

The one I’ve been seeing DID give me the name of a guy in the East Bay who apparently does some kind of holistic shot...NOT steroids; they don’t work for Achilles tendonitis (tho’ they do for most other tendonitis) and are apt to cause tendon TEAR, dammit. The Fish and Wildlife guy who drove me to the airport in the Gulf and I got to talking about horses, which have frequent tendon problems, and he suggested finding one of the horse remedies. Spent a whole day on the internet-—turns out the two things most used for this which are derived from horse remedies are real questionable for humans, so I’m not trying ‘em.

Anthony, I can’t speak for the other situation, but mine was a threadjack as much as anything else. And I DO blame the insurance company, to a degree. They’re supposed to cover 80%, and they’re actually only covering 53%...feeling better today so gonna call them and find out what the hell that’s about. Nonetheless, it’s me personally who would have said “no” if I’d known the cost, purely because the cost was exorbitant. Other people might feel differently, then be shocked to find out the insurance company had paid such a small share.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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