The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 04:06
VIEWED: 1752
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Thursday, December 9, 2010 8:56 AM


Just as with a heroin addict, it is not too hard to predict when and how he/she will hit rock bottom.


A soft landing for America 40 years from now? Don’t bet on it. The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more realistic assessment of domestic and global trends suggests that in 2025, just 15 years from now, it could all be over except for the shouting.

Despite the aura of omnipotence most empires project, a look at their history should remind us that they are fragile organisms. So delicate is their ecology of power that, when things start to go truly bad, empires regularly unravel with unholy speed: just a year for Portugal, two years for the Soviet Union, eight years for France, 11 years for the Ottomans, 17 years for Great Britain, and, in all likelihood, 22 years for the United States, counting from the crucial year 2003.

Future historians are likely to identify the Bush administration’s rash invasion of Iraq in that year as the start of America's downfall. However, instead of the bloodshed that marked the end of so many past empires, with cities burning and civilians slaughtered, this twenty-first century imperial collapse could come relatively quietly through the invisible tendrils of economic collapse or cyberwarfare.

But have no doubt: when Washington's global dominion finally ends, there will be painful daily reminders of what such a loss of power means for Americans in every walk of life. As a half-dozen European nations have discovered, imperial decline tends to have a remarkably demoralizing impact on a society, regularly bringing at least a generation of economic privation. As the economy cools, political temperatures rise, often sparking serious domestic unrest.

Available economic, educational, and military data indicate that, when it comes to US global power, negative trends will aggregate rapidly by 2020 and are likely to reach a critical mass no later than 2030. The American Century, proclaimed so triumphantly at the start of World War II, will be tattered and fading by 2025, its eighth decade, and could be history by 2030.

Significantly, in 2008, the US National Intelligence Council admitted for the first time that America's global power was indeed on a declining trajectory. In one of its periodic futuristic reports, Global Trends 2025, the Council cited “the transfer of global wealth and economic power now under way, roughly from West to East" and "without precedent in modern history,” as the primary factor in the decline of the “United States' relative strength—even in the military realm.” Like many in Washington, however, the Council’s analysts anticipated a very long, very soft landing for American global preeminence, and harbored the hope that somehow the US would long “retain unique military capabilities… to project military power globally” for decades to come.

No such luck. Under current projections, the United States will find itself in second place behind China (already the world's second largest economy) in economic output around 2026, and behind India by 2050. Similarly, Chinese innovation is on a trajectory toward world leadership in applied science and military technology sometime between 2020 and 2030, just as America's current supply of brilliant scientists and engineers retires, without adequate replacement by an ill-educated younger generation.

By 2020, according to current plans, the Pentagon will throw a military Hail Mary pass for a dying empire. It will launch a lethal triple canopy of advanced aerospace robotics that represents Washington's last best hope of retaining global power despite its waning economic influence. By that year, however, China's global network of communications satellites, backed by the world's most powerful supercomputers, will also be fully operational, providing Beijing with an independent platform for the weaponization of space and a powerful communications system for missile- or cyber-strikes into every quadrant of the globe.

Read more at link.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Thursday, December 9, 2010 11:03 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Future historians are likely to identify the Bush administration’s rash invasion of Iraq in that year as the start of America's downfall. However, instead of the bloodshed that marked the end of so many past empires, with cities burning and civilians slaughtered, this twenty-first century imperial collapse could come relatively quietly through the invisible tendrils of economic collapse or cyberwarfare.
I tend to agree with that; however, I think it began a whole lot sooner than that. Maybe with the death of JFK, actually; we lost our innocence then, as everyone says, and began to be more cynical about our government. Sure, it took a lot longer for it to be obvious, and it wasn't until after the "hippie generation" that we began to lose things like innovative art, music, etc., but when the seed was actually planted, I think goes back long before Bush. I also agree with the fact that the "crash" will come sooner than 40 years. Don't most empires think their decline will come further in the future than it does? Denial not being just a river in Egypt and all of that.

Speaking of which

Significantly, in 2008, the US National Intelligence Council admitted for the first time that America's global power was indeed on a declining trajectory. In one of its periodic futuristic reports, Global Trends 2025, the Council cited “the transfer of global wealth and economic power now under way, roughly from West to East" and "without precedent in modern history,” as the primary factor in the decline of the “United States' relative strength—even in the military realm.” Like many in Washington, however, the Council’s analysts anticipated a very long, very soft landing for American global preeminence, and harbored the hope that somehow the US would long “retain unique military capabilities… to project military power globally” for decades to come.
Okay, where are our naysayers who continue to insist that America is the greatest and we're in no danger of decline?

I think I've been awfully lucky to live through what I think were our best times, even if they were the beginning of the end, and I'm not thrilled to see how fast the decline is happening...was hoping I'd be dead before it did. Whether we'll decline before this little blue globe passes the point of no return I don't know, but I'd like not to be here for either, thank you...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, December 9, 2010 2:11 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

It's almost funny, in a sad way... It turns out that really the only thing "We're Number One!" at, is at yelling "We're Number One!" We definitely are the best at that, and no one can deny it! ;)

As a nation-slash-empire, we're fast falling far behind in almost every key metric. We seem to have this idealistic, idyllic belief that we'll continue to be able to project military supremacy far into the future and far abroad, but neither is based in any fact-based reality. We're starting to seriously talk about cutting military spending, and there's a day coming - sooner rather than later - where we simply won't be able to put multiple carrier battle groups to see and support them. We already can't adequately fight wars on two fronts (look at how AfPak was ignored while we were preoccupied with Iraq, for instance), much less open up a third (Iran) or fourth (Korean Peninsula) and have any kind of effectiveness on any of those fronts.

This Space For Rent!


Thursday, December 9, 2010 2:20 PM


Read this article several days ago with great interest. As an American, I feel no shame in rooting for America. Devil take the rest of this worthless world. Yet, as an American, I am ashamed of America.

Delighted that rather than confront our "supposed" decline, we're tackling the really important issues. Like whether two swishy dudes can apply a meaningless adjective to themselves ("married"), or whether our president is in truth a socialist mooslim foreigner. For years we've imported 3rd world poverty, exported our industrial strength, and gone on one trivial crusade after another.


Thursday, December 9, 2010 2:20 PM


I still think there is time to save America. I simply don't believe Americans, as a whole, want to save America. At least, they don't want to save America badly enough to work together to implement the drastic changes necessary for salvation.

The Titanic is heading right be for iceberg. And people are bickering about the direction they should swerve, without actually doing any swerving.

For my part, I've already jumped ship because I have no confidence they will EVER swerve.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Thursday, December 9, 2010 2:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
Read this article several days ago with great interest. As an American, I feel no shame in rooting for America. Devil take the rest of this worthless world. Yet, as an American, I am ashamed of America.

Indeed. I *do* root for America, because I've seen the greatness we're capable of. But I'm also not blind to what we've become, either.

When I say that we're number one at shouting that we're number one, I'm not lying. There are actual studies that show this. We rank in the bottom 20% or so of industrialized nations on so many metrics - we suck at math and science, we suck at learning, we suck at DOING things.... yet when asked how we THINK we do at all these things, we're right at the top in thinking we're right at the top! We're not actually GOOD at anything anymore, but we're really good at THINKING we're good at everything! That's the American identity now.

And it seems most of us are really, REALLY good at denying things ever occur.


Delighted that rather than confront our "supposed" decline, we're tackling the really important issues. Like whether two swishy dudes can apply a meaningless adjective to themselves ("married"), or whether our president is in truth a socialist mooslim foreigner. For years we've imported 3rd world poverty, exported our industrial strength, and gone on one trivial crusade after another.

C'mon, man - the fate of the world really did hinge on whether or not you could legally burn a flag! Thank Christ we got that important issue worked out.

Oh. Fuck. We never did figure that one out, did we?

Well then, the fate of the universe truly hinges on whether or not it's legal for two dudes or two chicks to get married to each other. Seriously, nothing else even comes close in importance.

By the way, next to my guillotine-sharpening shop, I'm opening up a store selling violins. I'll be up on yonder hill playin' my fiddle and watching it all came apart...

This Space For Rent!


Thursday, December 9, 2010 6:02 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
The Titanic is heading right be for iceberg. And people are bickering about the direction they should swerve, without actually doing any swerving.

Actually a more appropriate analogy is that they're all arguing whether to speed up or slow down, while ignoring or shouting down anyone who even suggests swerving - remember, I been makin that analogy for what, six years now ?

And despite playing musical chairs up on Capitol Hill, ain't not a goddamn thing worth a note has really changed...

ETA: Ah, but are they senseless violins, Mikey ?
And might I interest you in a line of pitchforks and torches at wholesale rates, or perhaps a distributorship - it's all about the franchise, you know...

I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 10, 2010 1:39 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Actually a more appropriate analogy is that they're all arguing whether to speed up or slow down, while ignoring or shouting down anyone who even suggests swerving - remember, I been makin that analogy for what, six years now ?

Yes, more accurate. Thank you.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, December 10, 2010 2:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
ETA: Ah, but are they senseless violins, Mikey ?
And might I interest you in a line of pitchforks and torches at wholesale rates, or perhaps a distributorship - it's all about the franchise, you know...

I do not serve the Blind God.

Nah, they're more like Psycho Strings...

I'm thinkin' we may have to join forces and open up a Mayhem Mini-Mall. Pitchforks-N-Torches, Tar-N-Feathers, Just a Little Off the Top Guillotine Sharpening, and of course, a VillainSource outlet!

At the rate things are going, we'll be able to expand to every city in the country in the next couple years...

This Space For Rent!


Friday, December 10, 2010 5:11 AM


America is a pawn of the NWO, not an independent entity. We have devoted all of our energies towards being the hired gun of the NWO which started as soon as they took over our economy in 1913.

Immediately, we began slaughtering all independent nations in WWI and WWII, and after that, it became perpetual war. Once countries are under NWO control, they start slaughtering the populous and crushing the rights of the people.

We are a mercenary army, and the only hope for us is to encourage us to fail as quickly and as resoundingly as possible so that a new america with a new independent currency can be created. No resource or human management, nor any form of governance or law should be tolerated any more than our own deaths should be tolerated. Without liberty, there will be no life. Your masters plan to kill you all, if you do not see that, your a sheep for the slaughter, or a collaborating jackboot. If this sounds harsh, that's life. It took me a while before the crazies convinced me of this, now I just know that we have to keep on the message and keep straight the arguments, away from speculation,and towards specifics, until the people wake up and defend themselves.

Until then , we are just a frog on slow boil.

Also, I want people to wake up to this:

The ruling elite TOLD us that currency makes laws, and that those who make currency own it, not the rich, the banks. Why it doesn't sink in to so many when they frickin' told us straight out boggles the mind.

That in mind, everyone be on the lookout for others: the EURO consortium is the new FED, and the euro is imperialism. Figure that the member banks of the euro do not share equal issuing power, and that like the fed, some small group probably holds 90% of the issuing power.


Friday, December 10, 2010 8:31 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mincing, I have the same dichotomy. I love my country and root for her, but am ashamed of how she’s acted/is acting. As to the things that you mentioned were being focused on, of course that’s the case; betcha it has been for every empire. “Keep the populous focused somewhere else” is pretty common of dying empires or countries/governments in trouble. You expected us to be otherwise, politics having been politics the world over and throughout history?

CTTS: the same, in a way. Some can’t see the big picture, some are just focused on their own lives, some don’t WANT to see the big picture, and some are firmly cemented in “I’ve got mine, fuck you” and figure they won’t be around when the crash comes. Humans...

Mike, the ego of Americans is well known, but also, every empire in history, I would bet, doesn’t notice it’s decline and goes on saying “We’re number one” until it hits them in the face. I don’t think we’re unique in that. Maybe, ‘cuz we’re younger, somewhat sillier in it, but...


Actually a more appropriate analogy is that they're all arguing whether to speed up or slow down
...or going backwards, i.e., the Tea Party...

DT, I’ll agree to disagree. I believe differently.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, December 10, 2010 8:45 AM


Interesting article.

Also amusing, that Wulfie starts his "Declining Empire" and how wrong that notion isthread , with nary any actual evidence or thought, and the wingnuts were quick to jump in with the "We're number 1" stuff.

Post an article that seriously discusses the issue, useing facts.... and golly, they just don't seem to want to talk.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, December 10, 2010 9:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Wulfie starts his "Declining Empire" and how wrong that notion isthread , with nary any actual evidence or thought, and the wingnuts were quick to jump in with the "We're number 1" stuff.
This surprises you exactly...why?

Yes, I noticed the trend long ago, as did most of us. An actual valid point would be nice, but it doesn't seem they have ever felt the necessity of backing up their points.

Basically, they're hopeful of the Fox News method: Say something often enough, people will believe it. Which surprises any of us exactly...why?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, December 10, 2010 9:13 AM


I said "amusing" as it most certainly is not "surprising".

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, December 10, 2010 10:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ooops, sorry; I guess it was that you mentioned it at all to which I was responding.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, December 10, 2010 12:24 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
Read this article several days ago with great interest. As an American, I feel no shame in rooting for America. Devil take the rest of this worthless world. Yet, as an American, I am ashamed of America.

As part of the rest of the worthless world, gee thanks for your support.

Maybe the world will be okay if America is not supreme but one of a number of players. Power in the hands of the few is not a good thing, IMO, and since the fall of the Soviet Union, the US has had too much solitary clout in the world arena, politically, militarily and economically. In a way, that alone probably accounts for why the extremists turn their attention to the US.

A world arena that was a bit more level, had more players on an equal footing, I think that sounds quite livable.


Friday, December 10, 2010 1:26 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
At the rate things are going, we'll be able to expand to every city in the country in the next couple years...

Well no shit, especially if our stores are the only place with power, working heat/ac and functional indoor plumbing.

Given what happens when a major city loses the infrastructure (as happened here in spots during the big blackout) if your store has those things, you WILL make bank, our local Meijers fired up the generators, shoved camping equipment, lights, batteries, and such out onto the floor in every spot they could fit it - not only did they make a mint that way, the people they made it off were HAPPY about it, cause they got the resources they needed, and a taste of stability, order and sanity in the bargain... not to mention having air conditioning helped, hot as it was.

By which time our seige equipment should be in stock and for just a little more we can offer an extended warranty, plus, if you act now - the package comes with a map and floorplans of the nearest gated community!
Which we're pulling security for, and will cut you to ribbons, then demand a performance bonus.

I'm tellin ya Mikey, this one is win-win in every possible direction.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 10, 2010 3:28 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

How much does the US spend maintaining its 'empire' (by which we mean wars, and overseas bases)? I think it might spend more on tax cuts :-/

It's not personal. It's just war.


Saturday, December 11, 2010 3:14 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kpo:
How much does the US spend maintaining its 'empire' (by which we mean wars, and overseas bases)? I think it might spend more on tax cuts :-/

It's not personal. It's just war.

Well, the latest proposed tax cuts for the rich are said to have a price tag of $900 billion over the next two years, which is less than we spend on defense.

What strikes me in all this ballyhoo and hullaballoo is that we have two sides arguing at cross purposes, and nobody seeing the obvious. One side says we have to increase taxes so that we can continue spending like drunken sailors; the other side says we have to cut spending so we can cut taxes. What both sides seem to be completely overlooking (and what the teabaggers allegedly supported and ran on) is that when you have over FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS of unsupported debt already, you really, really should be looking at cutting spending AND raising taxes.

Cutting deficits is a laudable goal and a fine idea. But cutting taxes by the exact same amount (even *IF* that were the proposal, which it isn't, not by a long shot) of any spending cuts gets you exactly nowhere in regards to the debt.

For some odd reason, people seem to think that the mountains of debt piled up by the Bush regime somehow just don't count - didn't count then, don't count now. The feeling seems to be that we just blow them off and don't even consider ever paying those debts.

Not sure how it works at y'all's houses, but in my place, when there's debt to pay down, I have to curb my spending habits AND put money specifically toward paying off that debt. Apparently my countrymen don't share such feelings of fiscal responsibility.

This Space For Rent!


Saturday, December 11, 2010 3:38 AM


I don't know how accurate this is, but Wikipedia has some figures.

It says $663.8 billion per year.

Here is how that budget compares to other countries.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Saturday, December 11, 2010 3:44 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Not sure how it works at y'all's houses, but in my place, when there's debt to pay down, I have to curb my spending habits AND put money specifically toward paying off that debt.

We've lived debt free for quite a while now. No mortgage, no car payments, no student loans, no nothing. But occasionally, if we have to borrow, we tighten our belts and pay it off within 3 months tops.

It is as if the entire country is living off credit cards and no one cares very much. We are even waging a war and killing people on credit. The country has gone insane. That's how I feel.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Saturday, December 11, 2010 2:49 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I don't know how accurate this is, but Wikipedia has some figures.

It says $663.8 billion per year.

Here is how that budget compares to other countries.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.

More depressing is the bedfellows who spend over 4% of their GDP on the military (North Korea just doesn't say, but I'd guess it was well up there)

135 Burundi 43,900,000 4.0%
25 Singapore 7,966,000,000 4.1%
68 Yemen 1,196,000,000 4.2%
1 USA 63,255,000,000 4.3%
54 Sudan 1,971,000,000c 4.4%c
43 Iraq 3,814,000,000 5.4%
19 UAE 13,052,000,000a 5.9%a
66 Jordan 1,392,000,000 5.9%
86 Chad 412,000,000 6.6%
17 Israel 14,309,000,000 7.0%
41 Oman 4,003,000,000 7.7%
8 Saudi Arabia 39,257,000,000 8.2%
78 Georgia 665,000,000 8.5%
94 Eritrea 327,000,000d 20.9%d


Saturday, December 11, 2010 5:16 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Well, the latest proposed tax cuts for the rich are said to have a price tag of $900 billion over the next two years, which is less than we spend on defense.

Hmm. But even non-imperial countries spend some money on defense. If the US was to slash its military budget in half, making its % of GDP comparable to ordinary countries, its saving would only be about $330 billion (according to CTS)? Which is less than the tax cuts of $450 billion per year, according to your figure :-/

I find it an interesting comparison anyway. Thanks for the figures guys.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Sunday, December 12, 2010 10:45 AM


These kinds of opinion pieces annoy me. There's just so much psychology involved--you know: the "why are they seeing America as a falling Empire?" is so much more relevant than their tired old argumentation.

Not to open the climate change debate anew (please, please, I beg of you, don't do it!) but I see a lot of psychology muddying the water there as well. A lot of proponents are dealing with deep guilt and remorse and globalizing that into "it's all our fault!!!" I don't mean to say that there is nothing legitimate about such a position, only that such a position tends to come bundled with a HUGE surplus of emotional baggage. The anti-GW folk a lot of the time seem to be fighting against that overwhelming sense of guilt--up with humans! Up with America!--rather than the putative "facts" of the matter.

So here, we get all this guilt and remorse informing arguments about AMERICA'S DOWNFALL!!! People want it, fear it, and secretly want it, feel they "deserve" it, want "TPTB" to SUFFERRRRRRRRR, etc. It renders the whole argument untrustworthy to me.

Couple things: Our global military ascendancy is completely maladaptive/useless/self-destructive. If America falls it will be in large part BECAUSE we attempt to maintain global military dominance.

Secondly: China. We got this sick little love/hate thing going with China. I can't help seeing all these projections that China is gonna rule the world as a sneaky endorsement of exactly the kind of hellish political system that we officially despise, but secretly envy. "Hitler made the trains run on time!" type o' deal. The reality is, of course: China is fucked. They will destroy themselves, either through civil war or the worst kind of 19th century style boom/bust dynamic that we're all too familiar with. They just have a billion or more people to throw at their problems, but their problems are enormous and just gonna get worse.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Sunday, December 12, 2010 12:37 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by canttakesky:
I don't know how accurate this is, but Wikipedia has some figures.

It says $663.8 billion per year.

Obviously it's not enough, we need more, because we've been spending that for 9 years and we still can't beat the Taliban. Maybe we're not really trying?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:20 PM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Obviously it's not enough, we need more, because we've been spending that for 9 years and we still can't beat the Taliban. Maybe we're not really trying?

Maybe it's because we've been spending it on buying children for Afghan cops to rape and not on fighting the Taliban?

Sorry, never gonna stop being bitter about that.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:24 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
The reality is, of course: China is fucked.

Yeah, I don't see China taking over either.

But America is going down. The only chance we have--and maybe I'm imagining things here--but the only chance we have is to stop our 2 wars immediately. As in bring our guys home NOW.

We SHOULD feel guilty about all the awful things our govt has done to the world.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Sunday, December 12, 2010 5:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Y'know, I don't see China as "taking over" - I see them as taking a pivotal role, and possibly as taking a lead on the world stage. I doubt the USA will cease to exist - we'll just be about where France and England are now: a good country to live in, but not the world's Number One Superpower.

I don't necessarily view that as a bad thing, either. Remember, just about every right-winger around these parts will still insist that the U.S. is the greatest place to live, the most perfect place on Earth, even when confronted with the facts that most industrialized nations are doing a whole lot better in almost any metric you'd care to measure. So it seems that a place can lag far behind other nations and still be a pretty nice place. We're living proof, right?

This Space For Rent!


Sunday, December 12, 2010 5:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Grrr... Double.

New browser, new browser issues.

RockMelt has promise, but is not perfect, I must say.

Still, it's an early beta, and I'm mostly loving it at the moment...


Monday, December 13, 2010 1:22 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Y'know, I don't see China as "taking over"

Sorry. I meant, "take over" as in become the world's dominant superpower. Take the place of the USA.

I'll probably get stoned for saying this, but I think things are going to get a lot, lot worse in the States. As in civil war all over again. Disappearances. Refugees to other countries. I have no basis for this prognosis. Just a feeling. Chalk me up as being crazy like PN, if you wish.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Monday, December 13, 2010 4:56 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Y'know, I don't see China as "taking over"

Sorry. I meant, "take over" as in become the world's dominant superpower. Take the place of the USA.

I'll probably get stoned for saying this, but I think things are going to get a lot, lot worse in the States. As in civil war all over again. Disappearances. Refugees to other countries. I have no basis for this prognosis. Just a feeling. Chalk me up as being crazy like PN, if you wish.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.

You're going to get stoned? That won't help!

As far as "taking over" you'd have to define that first. They have already passed us in terms of laying out a plan for embracing the high tech future and they're putting their money (our money?) where there mouth is by allocating a couple trillion dollars to see it through. They have identified 7 areas to fund, they have catchy names and sound cool and it may all end up meaning nothing, but they sound exactly like the things we should be getting excited about if we had money and leadership.

Will it happen? Can they make it happen or is it just them playing the international PR media game and sounding frighteningly modern? I know they'll try and I know they have the work force to pull it off. If they succeed I guess we can take some pride in the fact that we helped foot the bill.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, December 13, 2010 11:19 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I'll probably get stoned for saying this, but I think things are going to get a lot, lot worse in the States. As in civil war all over again. Disappearances. Refugees to other countries. I have no basis for this prognosis. Just a feeling. Chalk me up as being crazy like PN, if you wish.

Hate to tell ya this, but it's already that bad here, one of the things discussed (and that's putting it VERY politely) in a recent meeting between local contract security and the TSA was that they were supposed to hot-flag americans exiting the country with large sums or money and/or substantive valuables cause they might not be planning on coming back - remember what I said about the IRS never pulling it's claws out, yes ?

And apparently there's enough concern about it that they're actively watching for that kind of thing, to which I say again, uncut gemstones, a rock collection and a couple hammers and books, and viola - instead of a soon-to-be fugitive, you're now a geology buff and no one the wiser.

Also watching JP Morgan and a whole *LOT* of bizarre manipulation of the "Paper Silver" (most of which doesn't even EXIST in physical form) going round on COMEX - looks like they're trying to do an artificial price-pin and buy a shitload of it on the cheap before rolling it back over when they pull the pin on it.

Not that it matters, cause again, very little of that COMEX "silver" is anything more than just words on paper, a promise to pay which'll be the first thing to go if matters turn ugly, at which point they got the silver, and you got useless paper.

You think other financial derivitives are bad, you ain't seen shit when it comes to metals, precious and other - besides which COMEX/FOREX, are inherently rigged anyway, like playing Monopoly with a Banker who passes cash from the bank to his buddies under the table, the only thing what keeps em going is the dipshit suckers who believe all the bullshit and come in to get fleeced.

And if you don't think folk get "disappeared" here in America just yet - seriously, what the fuck do you think happens to them kids that get sent to Hellcamps ?

And just like they've applied "behavior modification" (i.e. Torture) to adults when they got away with it on children...

Just like they've applied "intensive screening" (i.e. Zero-Tolerance) to adults when they got away with it on children...

And the spying, and all the fucking rest, did one not ever for a moment CONSIDER where they got the goddamn idea for "Extraordinary Rendition" *FROM* in the first fucking place ?

Especially when they're even using some of the same goddamn Gulfstream aircraft ?

It *IS* that bad, we just don't wanna admit it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, December 13, 2010 11:26 AM



"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 13, 2010 11:57 AM


Storymark, I don't mean it in a "Oh noes, we're all dooooomed!" kinda way, as opposed to a admit the problem, reach down, grab a pair and fekkin do something about it kinda way.

If I can get a hold of Dingell (which ain't like to happen till January) my first suggestion would be introducing a set of basic human rights standards for police/federal/military/security personnel to adhere to, which is only a first step and I know will be mostly sneered at and/or ignored initially, but you GOT to acknowledge the goddamn problem, and THEN take that first step, don't you ?

Oh, and I am *not* kidding about those Gulfstreams, since I can even tell you the fucking tail numbers of about a quarter of em, right out of my own personal notes - they've also been used to move quite a bit of drugs, as well.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, December 13, 2010 2:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Originally posted by canttakesky:
I'll probably get stoned for saying this, but I think things are going to get a lot, lot worse in the States. As in civil war all over again. Disappearances. Refugees to other countries. I have no basis for this prognosis. Just a feeling. Chalk me up as being crazy like PN, if you wish.

Hate to tell ya this, but it's already that bad here, one of the things discussed (and that's putting it VERY politely) in a recent meeting between local contract security and the TSA was that they were supposed to hot-flag americans exiting the country with large sums or money and/or substantive valuables cause they might not be planning on coming back - remember what I said about the IRS never pulling it's claws out, yes ?

And apparently there's enough concern about it that they're actively watching for that kind of thing, to which I say again, uncut gemstones, a rock collection and a couple hammers and books, and viola - instead of a soon-to-be fugitive, you're now a geology buff and no one the wiser.

Also watching JP Morgan and a whole *LOT* of bizarre manipulation of the "Paper Silver" (most of which doesn't even EXIST in physical form) going round on COMEX - looks like they're trying to do an artificial price-pin and buy a shitload of it on the cheap before rolling it back over when they pull the pin on it.

Not that it matters, cause again, very little of that COMEX "silver" is anything more than just words on paper, a promise to pay which'll be the first thing to go if matters turn ugly, at which point they got the silver, and you got useless paper.

You think other financial derivitives are bad, you ain't seen shit when it comes to metals, precious and other - besides which COMEX/FOREX, are inherently rigged anyway, like playing Monopoly with a Banker who passes cash from the bank to his buddies under the table, the only thing what keeps em going is the dipshit suckers who believe all the bullshit and come in to get fleeced.

And if you don't think folk get "disappeared" here in America just yet - seriously, what the fuck do you think happens to them kids that get sent to Hellcamps ?

And just like they've applied "behavior modification" (i.e. Torture) to adults when they got away with it on children...

Just like they've applied "intensive screening" (i.e. Zero-Tolerance) to adults when they got away with it on children...

And the spying, and all the fucking rest, did one not ever for a moment CONSIDER where they got the goddamn idea for "Extraordinary Rendition" *FROM* in the first fucking place ?

Especially when they're even using some of the same goddamn Gulfstream aircraft ?

It *IS* that bad, we just don't wanna admit it.


I do not serve the Blind God.

Y'know, I saw ONE mention of it about a year back, on the Texas Monthly's website, about a bizjet that had gone down in Mexico that turned out to have a load of several hundred pounds of meth on board - and just happened to have the exact same tail number of one of the planes used for committing extraordinary renditions. One mention, then *POOF!* - down the memory hole it goes, never to be spoken of again.

But it does happen.

This Space For Rent!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010 4:06 AM


Cocaine, not Meth - 3.5 TONS of it, and that's uncut, so you can imagine how much that'd be once it was processed and hit the street.

Aircraft in question was N987SA, a Gulfstream II registered to Donna Blue Aircraft.
Surprisingly, Wikipedia actually has a couple of em listed.

N313P may have been the aircraft used to transport some of Larry Franklins victims to a party in Washington, as both the testimony of Alisha Owen, Paul Bonacci and others described the aircraft quite accurately and the flight maintanence/flight logs match the timeframe - but still proves very little since there's a damn bloody lot of 737's and it's a pretty standard-issue airframe.

There's also the flights to Romania, possibly involving a foreign hellcamp (black site) vaguely affiliated with Morava Academy(1) - the place in question was selling the kids and reporting them as escaped/runaway.
Apparently the same facilities and infrastructure is now being used for extraordinary rendition detention/interrogation - and this is what brought the matter to my attention, that they're using former hellcamp infrastructure, and some of the former inmates turned camp-goons are indeed involved with our merry little torturers, so it's not exactly hard to note the fuckin connection there is it now ?

(1) -
So, tell me exactly how that treatment differs substantially from what goes on during a rendition, with the exception of waterboarding - where the hell do you think these dickheads learned the process, especially if they're using the same infrastructure, in many cases the same freakin buildings ?

The other one worth a note is a Learjet 35, tail number N221SG - which isn't for the victims, but rather for the torture techs to travel in style, and if the initials "BKM" are still scratched into a particular spot, also had some involvement in delivering our goons to Nicaragua.

As for the rest "How bad it is" - well, here's a good rundown on Detroit.

For mine own, I am rather bitterly offended that they putting that luxury HQ for the damn police (The former MGM Grand Casino) on credit, while sucking the "public safety" budget so dry with their living large that paramedics and fire departments are critically short of personnel and equipment - especially when the police spend more time preying on the population with "revenue based enforcement" than any damn thing else, at least here in the Townships the police started makin an honest effort after we *succeeded* in holding them financially responsible for their conduct by cutting their budget every time they step out of line.

Since you have to call Gus, Jackrabbit or The Detroit 300 instead of 911 anyway, since if they DO show up they're more likely to hassle/arrest YOU than deal with your problem, why the hell should we pay them, especially as exhorbitantly as this ?
I want that budget partitioned so that the EMTs and Firefighters actually get enough to do the job, cause with it all bundled under "public safety", the cops loot it dry and our most critical services are having to make due with leftovers and near-junk equipment and this is unacceptable - otherwise simply increasing the budget will result in more largess for the boys in blue, and no positive affect.

I am however gratified by the reponse of the Detroit population - who rather than instantly descending into chaos and destruction, which government boot-lickers assure everyone will happen if big daddy gov isn't there to hold their hand - the average Detroiters response is to flip the bird to Bing and Worthy and go right on livin life, solving their own damn problems... cause you think about it, without the badge bearing goons to enforce their whims, they can write all the damn decrees they want, rant and rave and scream, and nobody is gonna listen to them cause for a fact they ain't in charge of NOTHING unless we allow them to be.

The only bitch most of em really got is why pay the taxes if you don't GET jack shit for it?
And I suspect come next April, the "authorities" aren't going to like the answer they get to that question.

Although I must admit, in a bit of a disclaimer: A lot of communities, even really poor ones, have gone to hiring contract or volunteer security in lieu of police "protection" which seems more like organized crime extortion, and as a result have seen both a drop in crime (which of COURSE the police claim credit for) and better community relations as the people in that community start to realize the need to work together when they have been all but abandoned by the state.

That's not to say they see *all* government as completely useless - I mean, we do pay for upkeep on the roads, salt and plow trucks, shit you NEED, and while not the most uncorrupt or efficient method (not that private corps would be any damn better!) it DOES work, so it's not a matter of them turning Anarchist, so much as learning to blow off Government which doesn't DO anything for them and question it's value.

Detroit: Order out of Chaos, Always.


I do not serve the Blind God.