Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011 10:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Giffords was not shot by "Satanic Gay Commie Jew Democrat", that is simply your typical TOTALLY STUPID way to insert your "agenda" into threads. I wish to hell you'd stop that; barring that, I wish you'd stop changing OTHER people's threads to reflect your own insane beliefs (if you even BELIEVE the ridiculous titles you put up, most of which are lies).

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 10:51 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Cops arrested Jared Lee Loughner for traffic stop on day of Ariz. shooting, provoked shooter into killing rage

Do you even read your own shit? He wasn't arrested, moron. Nor did any traffic stop provoke him into anything.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 10:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Loughner ran a red light but was let off with a warning at 7:30 a.m. Saturday
Yup. But then, facts have never bothered PN, so it’s not surprising.

And far more likely to have inflamed him, if he even needed a reason, was the fact that

Also that morning, Loughner, 22, ran into the desert from his angry father, who was chasing his son after seeing him remove a black bag from the trunk of a family car
But that doesn’t fit his agenda, either, so...

To blame politics, the police, his father OR society for sparking this man's violence is stupid; we don't know what, if anything, set him off, it's obvious from the note he left that he was INTENDING to do something before he did, and there's no understanding that kind of violence no matter what. Which won't stop politicians, PN or others from blaming whoever they want.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, January 13, 2011 2:57 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by piratenews:

Cops arrested Jared Lee Loughner for traffic stop on day of Ariz. shooting, provoked shooter into killing rage

Do you even read your own shit? He wasn't arrested, moron. Nor did any traffic stop provoke him into anything.

ALL traffic stops are arrests, with or without a ticket or booking in jail. Just ask any cop, or read a cop textbook or appellate court opinion. A "detention" is an "arrest".

What do you think will happen if you DON'T stop for the cop? The cops WILL KILL YOU. (Unless you have a very fast vehicle, a good getaway route, and a place to hide out, and plans to move away from the jurisdiction.)

That's why lawyers agree, always ask a cop during a traffic stop, "Am I under arrest, am I free to go?" The cop will ALWAYS say, "No you are not free to go."

All state legislatures write statutes defining traffic stops as crimes subject to JAIL, except for a few states like Florida, who will still KILL YOU if you don't stop for the cop to give you a "civil" traffic ticket.

Everybody hates cops, especially during 100-million annual traffic stops in Amerika, to enforce the 6th Plank of the Communist Manifesto.

Read about the Battle of Athens Tennessee, the 24-hour gunfight between 500 veterans and 300 cops over speeding tickets, with the citizens using full-auto machine guns and dynomite.


Monday, January 17, 2011 1:59 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Loughner didn't murder that 9-year-old little girl...doctors did:

It's impossible to harvest organs from dead people.

Only living people can be killed for hot steaming fresh organs...

FBI recruited and gave bomb to Christmas Tree Bomber to trick Portland Oregon to rejoin FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (just like Jared Loughner...?)


Mossad Operative Nikovich12 wrote:

Giffords was not shot by "Satanic Gay Commie Jew Democrat", that is simply your typical TOTALLY STUPID way to insert your "agenda" into threads. I wish to hell you'd stop that; barring that, I wish you'd stop changing OTHER people's threads to reflect your own insane beliefs (if you even BELIEVE the ridiculous titles you put up, most of which are lies).



"Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That’s all. I’m a proud gay. I had favorite books: The Communist Manifesto."
-Jared Lee Loughner (or his sockpuppet)

"The federal government does nothing to secure our border."
-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ -- "former" Republican)

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
-Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


By Rev. Ted Pike
17 Jan 11

It is now more than a week since Jared Loughner’s fusillade of gunfire shattered the political landscape. Today, there is still no evidence Loughner was significantly influenced by “uncivil” right-wing rhetoric. He is reportedly an angry, pot-smoking, mentally ill, Jewish Satanist acting out his own violent fantasies. Yet national response revolves around “uncivil” discourse from the right! This misuse of the tragedy was jumpstarted not only by rash accusations by Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik but by the Anti-Defamation League [of Luciferian Masonic B'Nai B'Rith] and Southern Poverty Law Center [run by homosexual pedophile incestuous jew Morris 'Dees' Seligman], two of the most powerful Christian-accusing Jewish supremacist groups. You would never learn their role from most commentary on all mainstream media; but within a day of the shooting, ADL and SPLC had already scripted the national conversation, teaching us false lessons they wanted us to learn.

That Sunday night, ADL's media alert asserted that religious right/Tea Party “incivility” should be a top suspect for influencing the violence. (See, ADL/SPLC: 'Incivility' of Right Probably Prompted AZ Shooting) Even earlier, Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok, on MSNBC, claimed there is much evidence that Loughner was influenced by the radical/conservative right.

Potok said there is a thread running through Loughner’s thoughts making it “pretty clear” he saw the government as the enemy. Books owned by Loughner, Potok alleges, carried a theme of anti-government sentiment. The madman admires Ayn Rand, high priestess of libertarian conservatives. He wants a return to gold and silver currency and wants government controls on grammar, an idea Potok claims “exists on the radical right." Loughner advocated for “conscience dreaming,” which Potok alleges is “almost certainly conscious dreaming,” which he says is a popular idea espoused by British controversialist David Icke. Loughner wanted to burn the flag, a desire Potok falsely alleges is shared by many on the radical right. He also believes our government is treasonous, as does the radical right, and that the government is involved in mind control. Like Sheriff Dupnik, Potok thinks the “white-hot” vitriol of the right makes it “not entirely surprising that Loughner acted out violently.” He wanted to harm politicians; he resembled Joe Stack whose anti-IRS rage caused him to fly into an Austin IRS building. Potok likens Loughner’s gunfire to the bricks thrown through the windows of Democrat offices, including Gabrielle Giffords' (presumably by anti-healthcare activists). Finally, the SPLC intelligence project director says there can be no exoneration for those who use charged imagery like Palin’s crosshairs, inflaming the disturbed. (See MSNBC Video with Potok)

In retrospect, none of Potok's accusations and innuendoes has been confirmed to accurately describe Loughner as significantly influenced by the right. Instead, he has been increasingly revealed to be a liberal-leaning Jew whose motives for shooting Giffords may have stemmed from reasons entirely unrelated to right-wing influences, perhaps from his family's association with Giffords as members of the same synagogue! (See Texe Marrs' Jared Loughner Is A Liberal Jewish Satanist)

MSNBC always interviews Mark Potok when there is any possibility of casting suspicion on the right. The powerful cable news channel is presided over by NBC/Universal president and CEO, Jewish Jeff Zukor. (Zukor produced NBC's “Book of Daniel” comedy, mocking a degenerate "Christian" family.) (See, Who's Behind NBC's "Book of Daniel?") Empowering Potok to influence a vast American audience, MSNBC pivotally encouraged the misdirected national debate this week. It continues to mock the religious right, especially the rampant “bigotry” of conservative Arizona.

The premature attack by Jewish media, ADL and SPLC must have been known to conservative voices like Hannity, [billionaire jew] Limbaugh, Beck, WorldNetDaily, American Family Association, and National Review. While there is some emerging willingness to criticize SPLC when it attacks the right there is never any criticism of ADL. Both of these Jewish muscle groups enjoy complete absence of identification by the religious right as Jewish. Conservative leaders fear such would sound “anti-Semitic” [95% of jews are not Semites] – opening up the whole right wing to ADL/SPLC vilification. As a result they have made little mention, if any, of these Jewish supremacist groups.

Once again, ADL and SPLC escape moral prosecution by Christians and the American people.

It hasn’t been proven Loughner read WND, listened to conservative talk radio, subscribed to Human Events or supported Sarah Palin. If he had, there would be a much greater firestorm of accusation from Jewish attack groups. They and Jewish-dominated media might have successfully seized this opportunity to “prove” that the right breeds violence. This could have led to legislation to cripple and silence the "violent" right. (See, Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish) But there was no substantive evidence, and soon a national conservative backlash against “Democrats” forced ADL to merely pontificate against “hate” and petition Congress for increased “civility.” Foxman could only express pious disappointment at Sarah Palin's description of the left's attack as "blood libel."

But the right again squandered (and still squanders) the perfect opportunity to expose ADL and SPLC, bitterest enemies of Christianity and freedom. Even now, the right could justifiably point out these groups’ baseless, vicious rush to judgement incites the very incivility against which they moralize. Instead, the religious right directs public anger against an amorphous target: the political “left.”

New York Daily News: This sinister Devil’s shrine was found in the backyard of killer Jared Lee Loughner’s Tucson home

At left is the New York Daily News photo of the Sukkot booth erected in the Loughner backyard. At right are similar primitive booths that were erected in Israel by Jews during the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles).

Shooter Jared Lee Loughner Is a Jew, a Satanist, a Pot-head, and a Heavy Metal Rock Music Addict Who Spitefully Had Declared: "No, I will not trust in God!"

by Prof Texe Marrs PhD, Capt USAF Intelligence, author of millions of books


On January 7th, my latest weekly radio program began airing on my website. Its title: Down the Rabbit Hole (Volume 1). It is, I explained, the first of a series in which I will be looking at the world in a quite different way. The plot and narrative of Lewis Carroll’s quirky and surreal, 19th century novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, was, I said, a type of futuristic prophecy of bizarre things to come.

Of course I had no idea that the very next day, a savage maniac who had boasted on the web that among his favorite books is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland would ruthlessly commit a grotesque crime in Tucson, Arizona that would grip the world’s rapt attention.

The tragic shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others and the killing of six of those victims by murderer Jared Lee Loughner has produced a flurry of news reports. Most of them, regrettably, are biased and incomplete, which is characteristic of the liberal, left wing media.

Predictably the media wildly attempted to paint the heartless killer as some type of a “gun-loving, conservative, tea party nut...” or worse.

I have seen and evaluated the evidence and have come away with a very clear and unmistakable understanding of who this troubled maniac is and why he did what he did. My analysis contrasts sharply with that of the controlled press.

Loughner Is a Jewish Satan Worshipper

According to one media source, Jared Lee Loughner is a Satan worshipper. New York’s Daily News published photos of a “Devil shrine” and altar found in the Loughner family’s back yard of their home in suburban Tucson. What appear to be sinister candles, a skull, and other paraphernalia are all shown there in photos. The Daily News used words like “chilling,” “sinister,” “twisted,” and “frightening” to describe what was found by investigators.

Over the years I have investigated almost all the criminal cases of mass killers and assassins, and in virtually every case, I found the same things. Just as with Jared Lee Loughner, all the killers were involved in some form of Satanic worship as well as being crazed fans of heavy metal rock music. As we shall see, Loughner was a hard-core heavy metal music addict.

As reported in the New York Daily News, this sinister Devil’s shrine was found in the backyard of killer Jared Lee Loughner’s Tucson home.

Now, I suspect that the New York newspaper knew that this shrine and altar was used for Shabbat Sukkot, the Festival, or Feast of Booths. However, the newspaper wanted the sensational accusations of Loughner being a Satanist firmly lodged in the minds of Americans. The media obviously do not want us to know that Loughner is not only a Jew but that the Loughner family are fanatical Jews who go to extreme lengths in celebrating Sukkot. In this instance, the media may have outdone itself because now, due to the exposures in this article, many will discover not only that the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, is Jewish, but that Sukkot, one of the most popular of Judaism's holy periods, is Satanic in nature. It might also be noted that Michael Hoffman, in his classic exposé, Judaism Discovered, covers Sukkot and all the Jewish holy days and provides evidence that the rabbis have saturated their religious rituals with occultism that comes straight from pagan Babylon.

Loughner Is a Jewish Liberal

On his internet Facebook page, Loughner says that in addition to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, among his most favorite books are The Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, Siddhartha, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Aesop’s Fables, Plato’s Republic, Fahrenheit 451, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and Peter Pan.

Quite a varied selection there. Loughner’s naming of The Communist Manifesto suggests the killer is a died-in-the-wool radical and a Communist.

On the other hand, Hitler’s Mein Kampf was also on Loughner’s reading list, which naturally sent the liberal news media on a tear in a vain attempt to portray the murderer as a “radical right-winger or Hitler lover“ That doesn’t wash, however, because everyone who knew the young man described Loughner as a “left-winger and a liberal.”

Some in the media theorized that Loughner was an “anti-Semite.” This theory was based on the fact that Congresswoman Giffords, whom he shot, is a Jew. But, as it turns out, Jared Lee Loughner is himself a Jew. He listed himself as “Jewish” on his MySpace internet page. His mother, Amy, is a Jew. That little factoid is something the mass media conveniently omitted. Indeed, the surname “Loughner” is Jewish in origin, and the meaning of the name “Jared,” in the Jewish Name Dictionary, is “Hebrew Descent.”

It is also a fact that nowhere in his postings on the internet does Loughner indicate a shred of anti-Semitic sentiment. The words “Zionism” or “Israel” are not mentioned, nor does Loughner discuss the hot button of immigration, a favorite theme of Jewish legislators. Noteworthy is that Congresswoman Giffords voted for the “Dream Act” and supported other legislation favoring illegal immigration.

Loughner is a Liberal, Left-Winger

On the same Facebook page, Loughner listed only one political columnist whose work he enjoyed reading—Ben Smith, a liberal who writes for the pro-Democrat Party internet site, Politico.

Jared Lee Loughner also published on the internet pictures of the burning of the American flag and spoke disrespectfully of the U.S. Constitution. Conservatives and Tea Party people would never do that.

Meanwhile, a young woman named Caitie Parker who said she went to school with him reported that Loughner was “left wing, quite liberal, and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.” She also said that he was “a pothead into heavy metal rock music like Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, and Anti-Flag.” According to the Tucson Police Department, Loughner had been arrested once for possession of drug paraphernalia.

All these are signs of Loughner being anything but a conservative and traditionalist.

Loughner Was Functionally Illiterate

It seems that the killer fancied himself to be gifted with a higher intelligence than others and he would often make fun of those whom he believed exhibited bad grammar and poor English skills. However, his own writings that I studied, including those Loughner had posted on the internet, were riddled with bad grammar and were virtually incomprehensible. Jared’s markedly deficient language skills provide prima facie evidence that his excessive pot-smoking drug use had addled his brain. Listening to heavy metal music does that to a person, too.

Don’t believe it?—check out the muddled, dolt-headed behavior of Ozzy Osbourne, or watch a TV interview with The Rolling Stone’s Keith Richards. These mentally deficient people are worse off than elderly, punch drunk retired boxers who were knocked out a score or more times in their prime. Listening to too much heavy metal music destroys more brain cells than drinking a pint of pure arsenic, the only difference being that the heavy metal rock music addict is still alive. Yes, retarded and brain dead, but medically still alive simply because he has a cardiac signal.

To make matters worse, reports indicate that Jared Lee Loughner dropped out of high school after he was caught drunk on campus and was diagnosed with “acute alcohol poisoning.” Later, as a student at low-cost Pima Community College, Jared Lee Loughner once was heard complaining about his having to pay for college. Loughner stated that college should be free, paid for by the government. Fascinating, since one of President Obama’s campaign promises is to require the government to pay 100% of college costs for all students. Jared: meet Barack Obama.

The notion that a conservative traditionalist or a person who strongly believes in family values would be a dope-head and would shoot and murder anyone, let alone 20 innocent men, women, and children, is ludicrous. My own audience—the readers of Power of Prophecy—are almost all Christian believers who believe in exactly what God said to us in His Ten Commandments “Thou Shalt Not Kill!”

Just what part of this Commandment do the left-wingers, the flag burners, the abortionists, the pro-Communist thugs, and their ilk not understand?

Loughner’s Disregard For Life and Murderous Attitude

In examining the spectacle of Jared Lee Loughner’s brief but debauched life, we discover where he stood in regards to life. One day while attending a class at Tucson’s Pima Community College (yes—liberals allow even unqualified high school drop-outs to attend college classes), a young girl openly read to the class a tender and touching poem about a baby that was aborted. Reportedly, every student in the classroom teared up—all except Jared Lee Loughner. He was inappropriately laughing out loud, mocking the others. “Maybe they should have tied a bomb to the baby’s body and exploded it and made him into a terrorist bomber,” Loughner cackled.

Abortion of a baby obviously meant nothing to this dumbed-down monster. So the fact that Congresswoman Giffords was an avowed pro-abortionist would not matter to him either. His total disregard for human life certainly was demonstrated on January 8th at the Safeway food store in Tucson.

Military records show that Loughner attempted to join the U.S. Army, but he failed a drug test. Since this crumb was no patriot, we can only assume that he fantasized about being issued an automatic rifle by the Army so he could go out and kill people.

While Loughner was a lazy goof-off who couldn’t hold a job, he did volunteer to work part-time at the Pima County animal shelter. I have found in my investigation that more than a few satanists obtain animals for sacrifice to the Devil from animal shelters. The practice has gotten so bad that some animal shelters close their doors during the Halloween period, for fear that Satan worshippers will “adopt” out pets just to slaughter them in rituals.

To Sum Up

Please allow me, dear friends, to sum up some of the things we know for sure about this bloodthirsty killer:

1. He is a Jewish Satanist.

2. He is a brain-addled doper.

3. He is a narcissist and a sociopath who selfishly has feelings for no-one but himself.

4. He has no sympathy for aborted babies and no regard whatsoever for the sanctity of life.

5. He is a warped fan of satanic heavy metal rock music, further proof of his immaturity and maladjustment.

6. He is a dumbed-down, inept educational drop-out and failure who probably has less than the equivalent of a second grade education and no social skills.

7. He was an unemployed loser who lived with and sponged on his parents. (True, he sought to join the U.S. Army but for what purpose—to go and kill? He certainly was not an American patriot.)

8. He is a hater of God.

A Hater of God With an Interest in Buddhism
Let me for just a moment dwell on Jared Lee Loughner’s hatred of God. Several who knew him said that Jared was “hostile to religion.” We note that he did not list among his favorite books the Holy Bible. However, interestingly, he did name the Buddhist classic, Siddhartha. Siddhartha is the story of Gautama Buddha, the founder of the Buddhist religion.

Many Jews are attracted to Buddhism because it is a religion in which there is no personal deity in a place called Heaven. In Buddhism, an offshoot of Hinduism, the Cosmos is itself divine and when a man or woman dies, the best he or she can hope for is a better life in another incarnation, eventually leading to a state of nothingness called “Nirvana.” (Not surprisingly, one popular heavy metal music group called itself “Nirvana.”)

These concepts are strikingly similar to those taught by Jewish kabbalist rabbis. Menachem Begin, the bloody Jewish terrorist whose murderous activity with the Jewish Irgun Gang earned him so much popular support among Jews that he was elected Prime Minister of Israel, was a Buddhist who regularly practiced a Buddhist form of meditation.

Jared Lee Loughner’s interest in Buddhism, while simultaneously spouting he will not trust in a personal God, is common among Jews who are New Agers.

Loughner Stated on You Tube: “No, I Will Not Trust in God.”
What I find most significant is Loughner's adamant assertion, "No! I will not trust in God." In the Holy Bible, in Proverbs 8:36, we find this principle stated by God:

“All they who hate me love death.”

Murderer Jared Lee Loughner had pridefully declared, “No! I will not trust in God.” Then he went out and slaughtered six innocent people and shot fourteen more. This devil youth hated and refused the love of God and, instead, loved death.

I wonder if Loughner had been witnessed to by saved Christian youth. He clearly was aware that God calls on each of us to put our faith and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Sadly, his conscience had been seared as if with a hot iron. His mind had been sapped by illegal drugs and alcohol and by the evil lyrics and soul-destroying beat of heavy metal rock music. Consider his music idols—for example, Jimi Hendrix, the late guitarist who died of a drug overdose and who admitted that he was possessed by devils; and Jim Morrison of the Doors, who also was a Satan worshipper. Morrison, too, died young of a drug overdose. These rock stars, like Loughner, pompously said “No!” to God, and hated and despised life itself, including their own.

In my investigations I have found that every mass killer is a hater of God and of Jesus Christ. Remember Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the Columbine High School killers? They left behind videos espousing their hatred of God. They especially sought as victims young, fellow students whom they knew to be Christians and cruelly blew their brains out.

Klebold and Harris were proven to be God-haters who, just like our current culprit, Jared Lee Loughner, were Jews. The three youths loved death and fantasized about killing innocents. Klebold and Harris, too, were big devotees of satanic heavy metal music.

Yet another fact the media avoid like the plague is that Klebold and Harris were homosexuals who could not relate to girls. I was not surprised to discover that Jared Lee Loughner is a homosexual. He had been quoted as saying, “I would like to be a woman.” The Scriptures state flat out that people who participate in perverted sex as gays are mentally sick, being “turned over by God to a reprobate mind.”

Was Jared Lee Loughner a Manchurian Candidate?
Now some may argue that Jared Lee Loughner was a victim of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control program. Loughner’s writings did, in fact, indicate his fear and/or obsession with mind control. Some of the books he named as his favorites—Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, etc., were the same ones discovered to be the obsession of other serial mass killers and assassins.

This does indicate the possibility that Loughner was a Manchurian Candidate. It could be that he was to be a “lone nut assassin,” programmed to kill Congresswoman Giffords, a Jew. This vile crime would empower the government to clamp down on supposed “anti-Semites” and “anti-Government types.” In fact, the Department of Homeland Security seems determined to use the incident as a pretext to do exactly that, regardless of the fact that Loughner himself is Jewish.

It may well be that in the future, anyone who opposes Obama Care, or Socialist bailouts to the international bankers, or increased taxes, or the unbridled growth of the federal government and the Police State, will be branded a “dangerous enemy of the state.” The Oklahoma City bombing proved to be a boon to the builders of the New World Order—haters of American traditionalism—as did the horror of Waco. Now, the despisers of God and enemies of the Constitution can cluck and talk about how “so and so might just be another Jared Lee Loughner.” (Incidentally, one observer on an internet chat page asked, “Isn’t it interesting how the media leaped to add the middle name “Lee” to Jared Loughner’s name? You know, like in Lee Harvey Oswald?” It does seem odd that a lot of the serial mass killers and assassins are psychologically dubbed with a middle name: John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln), Mark David Chapman (Lennon), Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK), John Wayne Gacy (33 boys), etc.

I also suspect that the bigoted Jewish groups like AIPAC, the AJC, and the ADL will use the Jared Lee Loughner shooting incident for all its worth. At the least, these Jewish organizations and others will again attempt to bash the 2nd Amendment of our Bill of Rights, the right to keep and bear arms.

Where Do Christians Stand?
What are my views about the tragic incident in Tucson in which 20 victims were needlessly shot and six lost their lives? First, I am not ashamed to say that I cried and shed tears when I saw the picture of that lovely little nine year-old girl, Christina Green, who died at the hands of this God-hating lunatic. My heart goes out to that darling girl’s mom and dad, and I grieve for the families and loved ones of all those who died or were injured. This is not the America and world that I want, and I know it is not the America and world you, my dear friends, desire and pray for so fervently.

But unfortunately, it is the world that exists, plagued by Satanists and populated by many who hate God and do not cherish life.

Will Savage History Be Repeated?
As horrible as the Tucson incident was, when I read Solzhenitzyn’s Gulag Archipelago or historical guides such as The Black Book of Communism, my heart and senses are made numb by the thought and reality of sixty-six million innocent men, women, and children suffering the most excruciating of pain, torture, and deprivations at the hands of the mass killers. Their executioners were predominately Jews who hated God and despised Christianity and Christians.

Led by Lenin, Trotsky, and other brutal killers, they said they were building an earthly paradise in which, in the modern-day words of the late Satanist John Lennon’s song “Imagine,” there would be no country, no religion, no heaven, no God, only the “Brotherhood of Man.” But what they really wanted was a global prison and the extermination of almost all the goyim (the Gentiles, whom they called the “bourgeoisie.”)

People just like them are alive today, right now, and they want to do to you, me, and to billions of others what their forebears did to the hapless population of Soviet Russia.

That grave threat, that present danger, that satanic reality, is why I founded Power of Prophecy Ministries. Make no mistake—you and I are on the side of Life, because Jesus declared that, “God is God of the living and not the dead.” And if, as the Scriptures testify, “All they who hate God love death” then it is equally true that “All they who love God love life.”

The End of All Murderers
I have great pity for those agents of hell like Jared Lee Loughner who have been offered the gift of eternal life, but instead, have arrogantly announced, “No! I will not trust in God.” I do not know what fate awaits Loughner—that is, what punishment the judicial system will mete out to him. But I do know what the Holy Bible says. It states that all murderers will have their part in the Lake of Fire, and all who reject God shall also have their share and portion in that dreadful place.

And who will guarantee that this will be done? The answer comes forth and burns like napalm in a man’s mind: “Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord.”


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:58 PM


John has a point.

A couple of them.

1) the guy is not a tea partier. He exhibits many characteristics inconsistent with this image, he does appear to be a gay jewish intellectual democrat.

2) he also seems to be a libertarian, and a communist, insane, and violent, his motives are unclear. I doubt this was over the healthcare bill, it was something more recent.

3) democrats also targeted Giffords, and she, as a republican blue dog democrat had as many democratic enemies as republican ones.

4) The primary motive in such crimes is to make a personal impact. The attack may in fact have been personal, rather than policy, both in the killers mind of self aggrandizement, and in the motivation and target choice.

5) the doctors did kill the child, who arrived in better shape than Giffords, but was not granted the same level of care. At the time they sacrificed her, she was still alive. We were not specifically told that there was heart damage, just chest, but even so, even with an irreparable heart, there were five other victims present as donors. I had already figured this one out, but had been avoiding commenting on it.

All that said, both PN's sources and MSM sources lack credibility. Heavy Metal does not damage your brain, Judaism is not satanism, etc. And anti-flag Is punk, the doors and Mimi hendrix are classic rock. I have all three on my mp3 playlist, but I don't think that's abnormal. Okay, not a lot of you have anti-flag on mp3, but some do, and most of you have the other two.


Jared Lee Loughner also published on the internet pictures of the burning of the American flag and spoke disrespectfully of the U.S. Constitution. Conservatives and Tea Party people would never do that.

This is pretty obvious. But there's more to the story:

Jared is a first class psycho. His rantings are not politically consistent at all. It's impossible to tell what he believes, or even if these beliefs drive him to action.

Personal connections with Giffords, a deep psychosis, and a desire to destroy the status quo seem to drive him, but its not steered by any sort of logic.

Analyzing his rants, i'd say he is atypical of any political bent, pure, and gets his nihilism from both sides, but his cultural spectrum of focus is well outside the Christian right. He also distinctly fits the ayn rand profile of psychology, as in completely self absorbed, but he does not list any of her works as his formative ones, and a disciple would never neglect their objectivist guru like that.

Pirate News is essentially correctly, even though there is much there which is not solidly ground on planet earth.

What I can say is that both sides have tried to make political hay out of it, to their shame.

I fall back on a campaign, apparently receiving death threats from both sides, not hiring security, and endangering the citizens. Add to that, a random lunatic trying to make an impact where he will be recognized, I'm not convinced he was driven to this by irresponsible rhetoric. But it probably didn't help.

The killer has an extraordinarily loose grip on reality.

Remember, the guy who shot reagan wanted to impress Jodie Foster, and the woman who shot Ford was protesting the imprisonment of Charles Manson. This guy would have shot Obama if he had been there, simply because he was a more newsworthy target, but he probably also would have shot McCain or Palin. If he had staying in school, he would have been a school shooter. I don't have a solution, except maybe less lethal weapons.

John Stewart did a decent piece on this, attacking Palin's hypocrisy, but frankly, I see it all over.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:05 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Gawd, it's a pain scrolling past PN's endless blathering to see if there are any pertinent comments made by others! And it's also disgusting that he not only spews his own ugliness all over the forum, but changes others' titles to reflect the same insanity.

If ANYONE needs to be brought to the attention of the mental-health services...oh, but then I'm told he HAS, and is off his meds. I would feel sympathy for him if so, as I know a number of people who don't take meds and control their disorders just fine, but obviously he can't, or won't, so he's nothing but an irritant.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It's common for schizophrenics to claim TV broadcasts are a government conspiracy to control their thoughts. Hence 'tin' foil hats. Similarly modern schizophrenics claim abduction by aliens - UFOS - massive government conspiracies - black helicopters - science-derived mind control - mysterious operations where they are taken apart and put back together -

Before this technology, what what did schizophrenics claim? Demons? Temptations? Spiritual torments?

Folks, they may be delusional - but they aren't aliens.

OUR society gives form to their delusions. Was Loughner drawn to the extremist - and also right-wing - arm of US politics? OF COURSE HE WAS. There is no doubt.

His actions were both insane AND political. We don't need to be making a choice between one or the other. It is perfectly realistic to think they reflect both his delusions and our society, and were both.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 9:28 PM



Was Loughner drawn to the extremist - and also right-wing - arm of US politics? OF COURSE HE WAS.

Didn't we have this conversation already? I asked for your sources claiming he was drawn to right wing rhetoric, you gave them, I reviewed them, and found there was no right wing rhetoric. If anything, he might have been under the influence some form of misguided and extremist anarchy. You responded by claiming he was inspired by the 'sovereign citizen' movement which you falsely labeled as right wing as well. When you make a habit of presenting partisan conjecture and wishful thinking as if it were irrefutable fact, it's hard to take you seriously.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 10:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

They are most definitely not liberals or socialists, and their overlap with Christian, militia, and other right-wing political fringes puts them in that category.

As for your posts I see you have absolutely nothing to back up your claims, so I have a far harder time taking you seriously than I take, say WIKI. But whatever floats your boat. Also your angry hostile attitude doesn't match what you think you are.

ETA: So I read all of your posts. You seem to take major offense at anyone even associating Loughner's delusions with the right-wing fringes, and to any 'liberal' who steps over your line of what you consider acceptable or who makes an argument you disagree with, because you take it upon yourself to get into flame wars with those posters. OTOH you NEVER get into it with any of the more threatening, offensive , delusional and/ or snarky right-wingers. You also seem very defensive about gun rights. I suspect you may be far more partisan than you think you are b/c you seem to identify very heavily with the right wing and think of 'liberals' as the 'other'.


Friday, January 21, 2011 12:01 AM



They are most definitely not liberals or socialists, and their overlap with Christian, militia, and other right-wing political fringes puts them in that category.

This is an opinion. Are you claiming if they not liberal so they must be conservative? When all you have is a hammer everything tends too look like a conservative, er... I mean a nail. Also, you're wiki reference does not refer to them as right wing either.


As for your posts I see you have absolutely nothing to back up your claims, so I have a far harder time taking you seriously than I take, say WIKI. But whatever floats your boat.

First off, I'm not claiming anything, as much as challenging your conclusions, so there's not as much to 'back up.' I'm calling you and everyone else who wants to blame the 'right' out on what I see as irrational knee-jerk blame gaming. I'm actually backing my argument up with your own sources. I watched Loughner's youtube videos as you suggested and commented on what I saw, finding no political rhetoric of any kind. The real evidence we have is his mental illness and a personal history with Giffords.


Also your angry hostile attitude doesn't match what you think you are.

Well... I could nit pick on what you think you know about who I am and what I think of that, but I think you're right in that I am sounding more hostile and arrogant than I'd prefer. Insulting you was unnecessary and I apologize for offending you. I don't mean to be hostile as much as critical. I've found myself returning to RWED often when I'm in between tasks or when feeling restless. Perhaps that's RWED's corrupting influence, but I'll take responsibility for my actions.

Anyway, if you'd like to point at specific phrases that lead you to believe the right has influenced this, I'll be glad to debate them, but what I'm seeing is a blanket statement that doesn't appear related to the data you're supplying. Maybe you could help me see that? Or not, and just insult me, claim I've got nothin' and tell me to do my own gorram research, whatever floats your boat

I've done my 'research' I'm just trying to figure out what makes you think the way you do. I've read what you've supplied and your conclusions still don't make any sense to me. You're under no obligation to respond, I was just curious is all. I guess I felt a little insulted myself when you suggest violent extremists were influenced by Christians and Conservatives, despite the fact that I don't identify with the 'mainstreams' of either of those.


Friday, January 21, 2011 12:13 AM



ETA: So I read all of your posts. You seem to take major offense at anyone even associating Loughner's delusions with the right-wing fringes, and to any 'liberal' who steps over your line of what you consider acceptable or who makes an argument you disagree with, because you take it upon yourself to get into flame wars with those posters. OTOH you NEVER get into it with any of the more threatening, offensive , delusional and/ or snarky right-wingers.
You also seem very defensive about gun rights. I suspect you may be far more partisan than you think you are b/c you seem to identify very heavily with the right wing and think of 'liberals' as the 'other'.

I must admit, in general I hold the 'liberal' posters to higher standards cause I've kinda given up on most of the righties. I do typically ignore the threatening offensive righties. Some of the 'liberal' posters will argue back intelligently and in the process I might even learn more about the issue, maybe even adjust my stance.


You also seem very defensive about gun rights. I suspect you may be far more partisan than you think you are b/c you seem to identify very heavily with the right wing and think of 'liberals' as the 'other'.

I gotta disagree with ya here though. I'm using 'liberal' here only because you are and it's convenient. I'm not assuming that niki, kwicko, frem, magons, or yourself are the same. For some of the 'liberal' posters I 'spect that label doesn't mean a damn thing. Maybe I am more partisan than I think, I'll have to think on that more, but I do want to make it clear that I don't intend to lump any group of people, ideological, political, religical or otherwise into stereotypes outside of blatantly snarky humor.

EDIT: Concerning guns, I don't care for them personally. I just dislike the idea of limiting freedoms or blaming guns for our problems.


Friday, January 21, 2011 4:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not a whole lot of time, so I'm prolly going to re-state what someone already said. Paranoid schizos don't make up their delusions whole-cloth. They get their script from OTHER people with the farthest-out-there, well publicized delusions... delusions which fit a paranoid schizo's need to be super-paranoid. The current schizophrenic delusion focuses on "gubmint", "Jews" and the "new world order". That is why Loughner didn't focus on the Forbes 400, or the Catholic Church, or Russian spies, or animal experimenters

If a radical left-wing group had been pushing for someone to "take out" the Forbes 400, or to get an Uzi and "clean house" at Goldman Sachs, and Louhgner had systematically started on that plan, I'm sure the right-wing would be blaming the left wing for his actions. And while the left would be distancing themselves from the radical and violence-inciting among themselves, the blame would be justified.

So, it was the far right wing that gave form and shape to Loughner's delusions, and the right wing which pushed and guided his impetus to violence.

It was also the right wing which yanked funding for mental health treatment, and the right wing which feels it is entirely appropriate for the violently insane to have guns. So to the extent that sane people are at fault for a crazy person killing people, it's the right wing.

Oh, and BTW... is everyone tired of/ embarrassed by Sarah Palin? After the initial flare of interest in her "blood libel" blooper, coverage and comment seems to have dried up. She's just a right-winger with a narcissistic personality disorder, kind like the trolls here on the board. IMHO


Friday, January 21, 2011 10:36 AM


Yeah, this is a bad thread for me, seems to have brought out the worst of me. I'ma try and do better and this will likely be my last post on this thread.


If a radical left-wing group had been pushing for someone to "take out" the Forbes 400, or to get an Uzi and "clean house" at Goldman Sachs, and Louhgner had systematically started on that plan, I'm sure the right-wing would be blaming the left wing for his actions. And while the left would be distancing themselves from the radical and violence-inciting among themselves, the blame would be justified.

I still don't believe the blame would be justified, not unless we had proof he was taking this rhetoric to heart. As is, we don't have proof he's even heard political rhetoric (though I do consider that unlikely).


So, it was the far right wing that gave form and shape to Loughner's delusions, and the right wing which pushed and guided his impetus to violence.

It was also the right wing which yanked funding for mental health treatment, and the right wing which feels it is entirely appropriate for the violently insane to have guns. So to the extent that sane people are at fault for a crazy person killing people, it's the right wing.

I respectfully disagree and find everything (save the yanked mental health funding) ridiculous. That's a pretty extreme stretch. I can only hope that this tragedy will bring more attention to our treatment of the mentally ill and less to blaming and punishing the party we don't agree with.


Friday, January 21, 2011 11:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


what what did schizophrenics claim? Demons? Temptations? Spiritual torments?
Exactly those, throughout history. Since WWII, lots have endured delusions of Nazis and Commies, too.

For bipolars, it’s more grandiosity and delusions of being an angel, God, messiah, something like that. I’ve known quite a few, a couple of who came to our support group convinced they were one of the above and could “cure” us was sad and in one case kind of scary.

I don’t think it’s what they “claim”, that’s the wrong word for me. I think it’s what they BELIEVE...and battle to keep in touch with reality if they can. Remember “A Beautiful Mind”? That one pegged it PERFECTLY, when it comes to schizs. I’ve always felt sorrier for them than any other mental disorder...except borderline. It made me glad I’m “only” Bipolar, just as seeing what Bipolar Is go through made me glad I was Bipolar II. I got off damned lucky!

Sig, schizs don’t necessarily get their ideas from outside sources, trust me. Like all of us, they have good imaginations, only for them the difference between imagination and reality gets blurred. Same for manic Bipolars in that way. Yes, sometimes they do, but sometimes it’s just something which happens or their disorder creating things with their imagination. In this case it looks like there was a lot of “grinding” on Giffords herself, possibly stemming from only one meeting with her. It can go from there, with no outside help at all.


Was Loughner drawn to the extremist - and also right-wing - arm of US politics? OF COURSE HE WAS. There is no doubt.
Kiki, I disagree. From what we’ve seen, he had attitudes from the left AND right...perhaps the right moreso, we don’t know---so far anyway. I tend to think it was more the kind of obsessiveness some with mental disabilities endure, fastening on something and what we call “grinding” on it until it’s about to burst forth.

There’s plenty of guilt for the state we’re in, Dems jumped on the virulent-rhetoric bandwagon pretty good, too. Just last night I heard some idiot trying to defend his saying the right’s “big lie” was akin to Goering’’s all totally out of hand and Arizona won’t change anything. I fear this is going to be a pattern for a long time to come. Will be interesting to see if the rhetoric toward the President continues as horrible when a White President is next elected. That’s part of it, unquestionably.

But Loughner is a separate case; unless he talks, we’ll never know how much politics, right or left, had to do with it. I agree that

under the influence some form of misguided and extremist anarchy
is to me the more logical answer.

When you make a habit of presenting partisan conjecture and wishful thinking as if it were irrefutable fact, it's hard to take you seriously.
goes for both sides, and we see it quite clearly here.

I don’t see Happy the same way you do, Kiki; mostly I’ve found him (her?) to be reasonable---bent to the right somewhat, yes, but not nearly as snarky as others, and yes, “gunbunnies” as Frem calls them ALL tend to be pretty vociferous about their “second-amendment rights.” Show me anyone pro-gun who is mellow about it: I dare you! :biggin: Yes, I have noticed a somewhat more aggressive tone, but I chalk that up to RWE, as most people who’ve come since I got here start to go down that road eventually. I don’t blame RWE as much as I blame our trolls.

in general I hold the 'liberal' posters to higher standards cause I've kinda given up on most of the righties
Wow, that’s interesting. Me, too, and I realize it’s a failing. It bothers me more when Story or Mike or someone does nothing but snark childishly than it does when any one of the numerous others on the right do, and I think it’s for the same reason.

The one that gets me is that righties are quite happy to blame lefties so MUCH, while ignoring the language their own side has been using consistently for the past few years. If the lefties had just kept their mouths shut and not mentioned the vitriolic rhetoric, righties would have nothing to turn the attention to them and blame them. I don’t know where they get it; yes, I know it’s an effective political ploy and I know their base (as evidenced by those here) grabs onto it for dear life, but I don’t see the EXAMPLES>

In other words: Please show me equivalent examples of violent rhetoric, calling people terrorists, urging “taking them down”, talk of guns and revolution BY THOSE IN THE PUBLIC EYE on the left. I said “equivalent”, remember, as the language from the right has been FAR more vociferous and far more virulent, as far as I can see. Then maybe I’d believe it; but so far, the truly horrific stuff has been happening consistently from the right, with the left jumping in and attacking back. So let’s see specifics, lots of ‘em, ‘cuz it’s easy to provide lots of ‘em coming from the right...

With the final statement that the Tuscon case, in my opinion, has little or nothing to do with politics and far more to do with paranoid schizophrenic delusions.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Primitive booths that were erected in Israel by Jews during the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)

“Judaism is one of the oldest living esoteric traditions in the world. Virtually every form of western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic and occult teachings—magic angelology, alchemy, numerology, astral projection, astrology, amulets, altered states of consciousness, alternate healing and rituals of power—all have roots in the Jewish occult.”
—Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis, Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism (2007)

New York Daily News photo of the Jewish Sukkot booth erected in the Loughner backyard (above and below)

Did Jared Lee Loughner Carry Out a Deadly Kabbalistic Ritual in Tuscon? Babylonian Judaism, the Kabbalah, Illegal Drugs, Fantasy Games and Satanic Music—A Lethal Combination...

Dictator Obama Bill to Kill Internet


Sunday, January 30, 2011 1:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just wanted to point out a few things:

Loughner's ex girlfriend claims he's not crazy, but angry against the government, that even before his behavior deteriorated he went on angry political rants:

The FBI did a forensic analysis on Loughner's computer and found he was researching assassinations and the death penalty before he went on his shooting rampage:

Unlike Figueroa, I think Loughner is delusional, but it's not a case of either/ or - you can be both delusional AND politically motivated.

And for those who think that political extremists don't influence behavior: Frances Fox Pivens, an obscure historian at CUNY, has been targeted by Glenn Beck as a fomenter of violent revolution. Since then she's received violent and demeaning emails, and death threats from unstable individuals with a poor grip on reality:

These are example links, a simple google search will provide more sources.

As for whether or not Sovereign Citizen movement is right wing, I'm reposting the WIKI link. There you will find a number of links for overlapping and related groups which ARE right wing, the grouping of which indicates that indeed, it's a right-wing movement. -

But even more, to not understand that it IS right wing is to not understand the origins of its arguments and beliefs, and the distinctions that must be made between one set of arguments and another.

Other than that, yeah, we've all had threads that were less than stellar.


Monday, January 31, 2011 5:31 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

any thoughts ?


Monday, January 31, 2011 9:22 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


1KIKI said:

any thoughts ?

FBI runs the patsies, assassins and death squads...

Ask MLK, JFK, RFK. Oh you can't, they're dead.

FBI Crime Lab busted falsifying evidence in 100s of cases, says US Dept of Justice

40,000 violations of the law by FBI snooping since 9/11

Dictator Obama Bill to Kill Internet


Monday, January 31, 2011 4:10 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I only came back here because of the title change, but read your last post, so I'll reply to that much. (Obviously PN, as usual, has no "thoughts" and feels the need to change the title to something stupid.)

I agree with everything you said, Kiki--except I don't know anything about "Sovereign Citizen" and I'm not about to get back into this hellaciously-long thread.

PN, who the hell is "Nikovich12"? I'm "Niki2", you idiot.

Get a brain
Take your meds
Get a life

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:02 AM


Sorry, your comment on the Sovereign Citizen movement doesn't hold water. It's as if you are saying that I live on the same block as a pot smoker therefore I must be a pot smoker. Does not follow.

Individuals can be right or left wing, philosophies can be right or left wing. A movement is a collection of people. Unless all of those 300,000 people your link states are right wing you cannot state the entirety of the movement is right wing. They may have goals or points of congruity with other right wing movments, but even you link doesn't make that comparison.

On the face of it the Sovereign Citizen seems to be about taxes and rights with respect to the fedgov.

But really, this thread has staggered on long enough.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Wednesday, July 24, 2024 4:52 AM


a psycho gun man but...

an event that may haunt the Republican Party?






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