New USSA propaganda

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 15:17
VIEWED: 1598
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Friday, January 21, 2011 3:50 PM


Sorry John, no offense, just didn't wanna be skipped... anyway

Yep, say hello to Stalin's Amerika.

Scary stuff.

I know it's a lot of watching, watch at least one all the way through. The range of what they find suspicious and what they think you should do is insane.

"He doesn't have a credit card" Terrorist!
"He didn't log his movements" Terrorist!
"He doesn't speak English" Terrorist!


Friday, January 21, 2011 5:13 PM


Thanks, DT.

I'm chilled to the bone.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, January 21, 2011 5:38 PM


When I was a kid we used to make fun of the Soviets. Everyone said "The USSR isn't really like that, it's just US propaganda." Then a friend of mine went to Finland as an exchange student (two of them actually) but this girl went to Russia (Karelia or Karjala if you're Finnish,) Anyway, she was out with some boys, and they were accosted by KGB. Someone had reported a girl speaking Finnish, and they had come in. They were all taken in as suspects, and the boys were all detained, and the girl was deported to Finland (proper, being Karelia, some folks thought it *was* Finland;) but you know what I mean.) Anyway, that's when I began to get the real picture.

Well, meet the new America. The ingenious insidiousness of a Stalinesque society is that to create a police state, you only need one random busybody who wants some recognition, power, or just doesn't understand the implications of it, in each community, and most communities have several, and if there's not one, you can plant one, or sell the idea that good citizens should become one, as these videos are doing.

There's always a temptation to snark "Now that's change I can believe in" but that's what leads to divisiveness, an then people start defending the policy, which is insane.

I actually deleted a snark at the state of Georgia out of deference to Rap, which I was a little uneasy about when I made it because I thought he might take it personally, but then he posted something eminently rational on another thread, and I thought it was only fair to delete my snark at his state (I've been stopped several times in Georgia by some random cop wanting to know my business. It seems routine. Happens in NYC too, and occasionally in little gated communities.)


Friday, January 21, 2011 5:49 PM


America loves a winner!

Thanks, DT

Sorry I missed the snark. There are reasons to snark on any state, area, people, gender, etc.... but I'll take any kind gesture, when ever I can get it.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 21, 2011 6:16 PM


It's not just Stalin Russia. Every totalitarian government I know makes use of civilians as spies.

How else can they catch you saying something against the govt to a friend, or engaging in behavior they don't approve of (like using cash for large purchases)?

I know nobody believes me about the slippery slope to tyranny. But this, for me, is like that moment in V (the original series) when the Holocaust survivor decides to hide scientists. There was a recognition on his face, of signs that his society was sliding into nowhere good.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, January 21, 2011 7:42 PM


And you haven't been living here. V was commentary on what was already happening here.

The one I find creepiest is Siege, 1997? '98? With Denzel, Bruce and co, it predicts all of this, including a muslim terrorist attack in NY, though not WTC, but the whole scenario, nailed. And scary.

As for civilian spies, I've been places where they're hired to rat, but programmed to rat, everyone, I only know of the USSR, but I'm sure it's not unique.

But yes, it's definitely a sign of the slippery slope to totalitarianism.

Obama has actually started to scare me. He is a bright charming guy, who goes on TV and does the Mr. Cool meet and greet, and then he appoints people and delegates authority to them to do evil. Then, when they do evil, he does nothing. He doesn't yank them until they get in *trouble* for doing evil, and then it's all that person's fault, and we'll put someone else in.

It's like I feared: The agenda hasn't changed that much, but it's being more competently done, and it's not an agenda I'd like to see done at all. Can we go back to incompetence? Maybe I should reconsider Palin for President


Friday, January 21, 2011 9:17 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Didn't the parents of Obama's Israeli jewish chief of staff blow up the King David Hotel?

They also specialized in bombing buses.


"I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough. Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at. Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon.''
-Professor Bill Ayers, FBI/CIA employee and confessed bomber of NYPD HQ, US Capitol, NY Supreme Court, bombed and killed two female bombers in his house, busted CIA LSD mind-control agent Timothy Leary out of prison, confessed to 12 bombings in Operation Northwoods but never prosecuted, author of Barack Hussien Obama Sotoro's authorized biography and grant recipient of Obama's Annenberg Foundation


"It is necessary - secretly and urgently to prepare the terror, to introduce mass terror. Do not look in the file of incriminating evidence to see whether or not the accused rose up against the Soviets with arms or words. Ask him instead to which class he belongs, what is his background, his education, his profession. These are the questions that will determine the fate of the accused. That is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror. Yours, Jew Lenin. P.S. Find tougher people."

"As dictator, Lenin adopted the merciless terror methods of France’s Illuminati chief, Robespierre. To help in the killing, Lenin mobilized 1,400,000 Jews, putting many to work for the Cheka secret police. Lenin ordered the Cheka to "execute weapons owners!" They were also to kill as many students as possible, including every youth seen wearing a school cap. Concentration camps were set up from which victims never emerged. Barges were used to drown people. Eyes of churchmen were poked out, tongues cut off, hands sawn off, heads drilled with dental tools—while screaming victims were still alive. Those nearby were forced to cut off the scalp and skull of victims and eat their brains; then, they, too, were executed. Whole families were arrested, mothers brutally raped and killed with children and fathers watching. Then all were grotesquely tortured and killed. Lenin and Trotsky were, nevertheless, never satisfied. "Put more force into the terror," Lenin demanded. In August, 1923, with syphilis ravaging his mind, an ailing Vladimir Lenin sat on his balcony at Christmas and howled at the full moon like a wolf. A few weeks later, he was dead. But the Red Terror had only begun. Lenin’s bloody successor, Joseph Stalin, was at his bedside ready to assume Lenin’s mantle as chief executioner. From 1923 to his own death in the 50s, Stalin saw to it that tens of millions more were purged, arrested, locked away in psychiatric hospitals and gulags, and tortured in KGB chambers of horror."

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
-Hussein Obama Soetoro

"Two words for you: predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I’m joking? My approval ratings, which have just gone down. It doesn’t bother me. Beside I happen to know that my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth. There are few things in life that are harder to find and more important to keep than love -- well, love and a birth certificate. This is a big fucking meal!"
-Barry Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden Soetoro, Al Qaeda Taliban member

Hussein Obama Soetoro massacred 1,500 Christians and burned down 800 churches for his Commie cousin in Kenya


Friday, January 21, 2011 9:37 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
And you haven't been living here. V was commentary on what was already happening here.


I think the slippery slope started back in 1913. Things changed in this country that year.

The one I find creepiest is Siege, 1997? '98?
1998. Ed Zwick is Awesome, that is the only explanation. The man had his eyes on America's windsock, and nailed it.

The agenda hasn't changed that much, but it's being more competently done,

Can we go back to incompetence? Maybe I should reconsider Palin for President
LOLOL. I don't really think the president makes a difference in how fast the agenda is accomplished. Each party has its turn taking the blame so that different segments of the population can get its turn with the illusion that no evil is being done for a while.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, January 21, 2011 9:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

V is for VICTORY!

You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America


“Resistance V’s appeared all over the French country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Nazi Occupation.”

“The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”

The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.


Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:30 AM



This country? Peru?

Yeah, no kidding. That storm had been brewing, but Wilson was the loser who finally sold us out. Both on economic policy, and immediately, once that was in the bag, the war. FDR was the one who put us in debt to our central bank, after that, govt. Was a puppet.

The president now has only one real power, he or she appoints the cabinet. The more corrupt the leader, the more random the position assignment; the more ideological, the more conspiratorial the appointments. Cynthia McKinney say Obama was already bought and paid for, and I think thats only partly true, I think he was also part of that ideological camp.


I'm not the last line of defense. I run away, like CTS here


Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:51 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I'm not the last line of defense. I run away, like CTS here

Is this your new signature?

There is a time to run folks.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:21 AM


Roger that


Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:37 PM


Okay, even I think Alex Jones is a damn nutter, but I gotta tell you...

I like it.



Saturday, January 22, 2011 8:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I'm not the last line of defense. I run away, like CTS here

Is this your new signature?

There is a time to run folks.

Some would rather stay and fight the good fight, even if it is in vain.

This Space For Rent!


Sunday, January 23, 2011 6:42 AM


I don't think Alex Jones is a nutter so much as that he is the Michael Moore of Conspiracy Theory. As long as you don't accept his conclusions or his solutions, he's a good source for searchable keywords


Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:46 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I don't think Alex Jones is a nutter so much as that he is the Michael Moore of Conspiracy Theory. As long as you don't accept his conclusions or his solutions, he's a good source for searchable keywords

He lost credibility with me when he put out a video about the USS Liberty. Veterans of the USS Liberty said he made claims in the video about the attack that never happened. So that is when I found out he makes shit up, or at distorts truth, to make a point. Even if it is a good point I happen to agree with, I can't endorse his methodology.

I guess Michael Moore does the same thing. So good comparison.

Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Sunday, January 23, 2011 1:50 PM


I guess they do the same thing as PN, Conspiracy Aggregator.

The USS Liberty isn't even a conspiracy. I mean, I guess a conspiracy theory would have to say more than the ship was attacked by Israel: The Israeli govt. openly admits this, and yet I *have* seen this as the story on conspiracy pages.

From Wikipedia

In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 as full payment to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 in compensation to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the U.S. claim of $7,644,146 for material damage to the Liberty itself.[8]

I just have to say, is 6 million a magic number for Israel, a nation of 6 million people? it's like Henry Paulson and Pat Robertson with 700.

Numerology, alive and well. Where did the tarp allocation come from? A Christian Scientist with an obsession with the number 700. Where did our troop allotment for Iraq come from? The Revelation of St. John the Divine.*

* Oh, and this is extra special, I posted a thread here on numerology, the bible and the iraq war once, and in it, I predicted the exact date when we would officially hand over power to the iraqis, which turned out to be spot on, but I knew, because it had to be 1260 days after the official start of the occupation, because that's what Revelations says.

Anyway, I digress

Conspiracy aggregator is not a bad website idea, now that I think of it. I mean, automated.

But Alex Jones and Michael Moore do a couple of other things that bug me, in their tying together:

1) They are so sure they've pegged the bad guys. No one else could be to blame, it's not more complicated than they've said.

2) They hand you solutions which are misleads. I think this is potentially dangerous. It's kinda like if Wulf were really president [/snark]

Actually, I think Wulf's come a long way on that solution thing, but it will take some time...

Alex Jones does better for me because he's closer to my world view, I'm more of a conspiracist than a democrat. I'll give him that this is about ruling families, and eugenics.

I came up with a theory recently that I think explains it better, and requires no cooperation between members in order to work. It's a purely economic model I'm tentatively calling "the bad idea that destroyed the world."

Thing is, bad ideas are infectious, because if they're evolutionarily able to replace other ideas, then they take over. That of course would be why we have war. War society defeats Peace society.

War Leader: "Let us decide this on the battlefield. We will kill until only one army is standing!"

Peace Leader: "Let us work out our differences through negotiation. We can talk it through, and reach terms of coexistance"

War Leader: "Fine. You talk. We'll shoot."


Sunday, January 23, 2011 4:46 PM


Actually I think the least nutty of the bunch is probably Mike Rivero, although even he gets a little foamy at the chops if you bring up the I-word... nobody likes the Zionistas but allowing ones rage to consume them is a dimbulb idea.

And then you got Jeffie Rense, who's cracked almost as bad as PN, but somehow manages to get his hands on damn good intel once in a while, only to have to it dismissed out of hand cause of how bonkers he is.

That's the problem with diggin so deep into the ugly, it's like a lovecraftian investigation, you wind up seeing things, knowing things, that can really, really damage you psychologically, and if the person in question wasn't iron willed and rock stable to begin with, well....


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, January 23, 2011 7:23 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Actually I think the least nutty of the bunch is probably Mike Rivero,...

I once tried to find one thing, anything, that I disagreed with Rivero on. I couldn't find it, which was a bit scary. But that was years ago.

Nowadays, he posts a lot of links to iffy, rabid bloggers who aren't as sane as he is. Getting a bit more like Rense, where you have to sift through a lot of uncorroborated, outlandish claims and rants to find an occasional nugget. WRH isn't nearly as bad, but I hate to see it moving in that direction.

I also see a lot more ads than years ago. I understand they need to eat. But they don't seem to filter the quality of their info and links as much as before. Feels like they went from a steakhouse to a buffet.

Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Sunday, January 23, 2011 7:35 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I guess a conspiracy theory would have to say more than the ship was attacked by Israel...

If I remember right, the AJ vid was about false flag operations. One of them was the USS Liberty, which AJ alleges was a botched false flag. They were trying to pin it on Egypt, but couldn't because they weren't able to kill everyone.

The veterans who reviewed the Liberty segment said the video described a specific attack that never happened. As in, "Wait a minute, I was there that day, and that never happened."

Add to that the fact that I couldn't find corroboration anywhere for some of the other stuff they alleged happened or was said--it made me wonder how much they just invented out of thin air.

Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Monday, January 24, 2011 2:23 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I once tried to find one thing, anything, that I disagreed with Rivero on. I couldn't find it, which was a bit scary. But that was years ago.

Yeah, not to mention some of those banner ads don't get property vetted for malware infectors, caveat emptor indeed - part of the problem is his own success bitin him in the ass and the tremendous server bills which come with that many hits.

But what I really wanted to mention, heh heh heh.
You want MORE than just a bit scary...
Try finding something to disagree with here.

You might, but you'd almost have to TRY.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, January 24, 2011 2:23 AM


Database hiccup, ignore, bleh.


Monday, January 24, 2011 7:44 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Try finding something to disagree with here.

He's a good writer. A very persuasive writer. Hard to quibble with his passion, even if I might want to nitpick here or there.

I'm enjoying this page. Thank you.

Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:20 AM


Interesting link. The guy is hitting in the right general direction. I like his ant trail vision. I think I'll steal that one. I use ant analogies a lot. Laws are ant trails.

The only real problem I see with his arguments is not structural or informational, but semantic. A little of Orwell's politics and the english language could straighten out a lot of what to me were ambiguities. I get that if I had been reading this guy for a while I could usually guess what he meant because I would know where he stood on issues, but political argument should really hit the noob as far as firmly telling the specific points.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

It's gettin' scary out there, no question about it. Spiking people's fear will always give more power; worked for Hitler!

I know we have tons of propaganda, and censorship, here. I found it out when I discovered I could get MUCH more REAL news from friends in Canada, Britain and Australia...which is not to say they don't do it to, just that I'd hear about news stories I NEVER heard on the MSM.

Sad state of affairs.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:42 AM



I hate to say this, but I think you just Godwinned Obama.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:40 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, stop with the "godwin" thing, it's long since gotten tiresome, and you use it for so many things, it's lost its impact. I don't think you even know what it means exactly:

It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[3][2] In other words, Godwin put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion, regardless of topic or scope” someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis."
What I wrote has NOTHING to do with the Nazis; Russia was doing it long before them, China and many other countries do it today, and who knows how long it's been going on? Nazis never had any lock on propaganda!

So why just Obama??? I learned this a number of YEARS ago...given I've been on the internet for twelve or so years, and it took me a couple of years to "get it", that means it's been about eight years since I figured it out. That has nothing to do with Obama.

I'm sure it's been going on for decades, I just wasn't aware of it. Are you SO desperate to blame Obama for everything that you're willing to ignore history?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:24 PM



Chill. Lighten up. I thought it was frickin hilarious.

That said, two things

1) you will never escape godwin anymore than you can escape sockpuppet, troll, "someone is wrong on the Internet" or any meme.

2) fuck it, reread 1) but also, do you see no humor in this? I mean, I am forced to defend Obama against Niki. I have a dry ironic sense of humor I guess.

ETA: go back and read any of the threads on Godwin and its full implications, you are missing the point, I'm not going to repost here, over a joke, that would be dumb,

But that said, this is new policy, the rat your friends and neighbors, and under Obama DHS has gotten way out of control, body scanners, border shootings, omfg WTF

Even that said, also This:

"just like Hitler" is considered the quintessential Godwin. Since you're comparing this action taken by our new secret policy to those done under that of a world leader, you did in fact just draw a parallel between Obama and Hitler.

I, for one, find that funny, as I find the situation it out me in, having to call you out on it.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 8:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I disagree. I think calling "Godwin" to things that have NO relationship to the Nazis is reaching. I was thinking more of Russa and Communist China and other countries where censorship and propaganda are obvious and consistent. Nazi Germany is in the past, to me, and I rarely use it to back up a point; I also rarely see the connection. I wasn't even thinking of Nazis, so you were wrong on both counts:

A) There was no intent to make a comparison with Nazis; and

B) MANY other governments practice censorship and propaganda, always have been, always will, so complaining about it happening in our country isn't reference to just Germany.

I think you pull that out of your hat by reaching in some cases; that opinion comes from what you just did to me, because I usually ignore it when you call "Godwin", so having it done to me made me recognize that. I may be wrong, but considering how many times you've done it, I'm guessing it's happened before.

Sorry, but I don't find it amusing to accuse someone of comparing something to Nazi Germany when they weren't and had no intention of making the comparison. Just my opinion.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:17 PM


You're saying Hitler has no connection to the Nazis?






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