NPR shows its true colors Kwicko claps

UPDATED: Sunday, March 13, 2011 15:36
VIEWED: 1844
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011 10:10 AM


nuff said


Tuesday, March 8, 2011 10:43 AM




Tuesday, March 8, 2011 10:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Damned straight that we need Muslim voices, just as we needed women’s voices, as we need Christian voices, Jewish voices, etc., etc. That you find it apparently abhorrent that there are those standing up for that need speaks more about you than anyone else. Right now the fear of Muslims has been keeping that from happening, and the right is pandering to and inciting that fear. I think it’s good that SOMEONE is trying to combat that. He’s absolutely right that the Republican party has been jijacked, and by gawd, they ARE xenophobic, fearing/hating Hispanics, Blacks as well as Muslims and others.

Cute heading: “It’s liberal because it’s intellectual”...what he said just before that clearly shows he was saying “it’s CALLED liberal because it’s intellectual”, and by gawd, it IS...or haven’t you been listening to all the assininity about “educated elite”?? Also correct that little of their funding comes from the government, but the right has made it SOUND like the government is totally supporting them. The title is also cute that “temptation to get rid of federal funding” is something bad, when she said clearly that it’s complicated being both a news station and accepting federal funding...the reasons for that escape you, I know, so I won’t bother trying to educate you.

That they show the Palestinian viewpoint, as opposed to most of America which is solidly wedded to Israel, no matter what atrocities they perpetrate, is laudable...and “it’s there in those who own newspapers” refers to Jewish people who own newspapers...right wingers who own newspapers slant things THEIR way, Murdoch does it EXCLUSIVELY, and all who own newspapers slant things which represent their own beliefs. How should they be any different?

He clearly says that while there are Jewish organizations not looking for a fair point of view, the same of some Muslim organizations...and right-wing organizations, and left-wing organizations, etc.

If that clip represents NPR “showing its true colors”, then despite the attempts by the shills to lead him into saying something that could be used against them, I think Schiller made honest, reasonable statements That you don’t is obvious; you apparently believe his words show them to be...I dunno what, but obviously something bad, like their in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood? It definitely didn’t show that, and what he had to say is right on, at this time in our history.

Another “fail”. ‘Nuff said. I know your response will be something personal and stupid; I'm not writing this to you, I'm writing it to the intelligent people here who might like to have a discussion about it, despite it failing completely to make whatever point you seem to think it makes.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, March 8, 2011 10:54 AM


Hilarious. Ya, okay Niki2 watch the whole video and show your true


Tuesday, March 8, 2011 2:36 PM


It's worth a note that there's way more Muslims in the world than Christians, and that most of them are moderate if not pretty damn laid back.

Not to mention they hate them radical fucks as much or more than we do, cause they have to put up with the bastards at point blank range and listen to their bullshit every day, unlike us - or at least us who don't stupidly listen to it on purpose to find an excuse to hate something.

And if we didn't go screwing them over and pissing them off, by trying to revamp the goddamn crusades, and they didn't have to fight us as well as them, those radical sleazebags would get curb stomped in short order.

But it's no use trying to talk sense to folk who want to hate so badly they go looking for a reason, an excuse, no matter what it is - when our society starts rewarding them with a rubber room and a nice white coat instead of positions of power and authority, violent conflict will generally end itself soon thereafter.

So yeah, ANY voice that isn't the usual hate spouting nutwads is of value, just cause the little handful is loud, doesn't mean they're anything but a little handful - of course, you couldn't much tell that listening to the MSM.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 8:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


But it's no use trying to talk sense to folk who want to hate so badly they go looking for a reason, an excuse, no matter what it is - when our society starts rewarding them with a rubber room and a nice white coat instead of positions of power and authority, violent conflict will generally end itself soon thereafter.
Right on, Frem.

I see there have been resignations at NPR because of this frackas. What a shame; just shows that nowadays one doesn't dare speak the truth for fear of "public opinion" coming down like a ton of bricks!

I'd like to hear any excerpt from that conversation which wasn't true; I listened, and he spoke the truth few get away with speaking nowadays, except perhaps said gently or intimated by Stewart, Colbert or another comedian.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 10:09 AM


Nothing I didn't already know. NPR is biased against conservatives. If it has nothing to do with the tea party or conservatives, NPR is pretty fair, balanced and reliable, but as soon as US politics enter the picture I change the station. The fact that they believe anyone who isn't liberal as they are is not enlightened is insulting. I mean really, branding the whole tea party as anti-education racists?

That being said, NPR is also one of the few stations where you can hear classical music and world music and NPR Science Friday is my favorite thing to listen on the radio.

I like listening to NPR for world news, science news and the like, but they are not remotely unbiased when it comes to domestic politics.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 10:39 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I agree that politically NPR is liberally-biased. But this situation is so blatant it's pathetic. O'Keefe is a hit man, and all the clipping of the video makes me suspicious.

Claims that the Muslim Education Actions Center is part of the Muslim Brotherhood are typical propaganda. They went so far as to put up a website entitled Muslim Education Actions Center TRUST, which entitles itself “”, so if you look up MEAC, you get a glimpse of their website, then it bounces you to “Project Veritas”, O’Keef’s propaganda site whose banner headline is “Promoting Modern-Day Muckrakers”. That’s all that needs saying about that.

They have so managed to usurp the actual MEAC by means of that “link”, that I couldn't find the actual MEAC website...I found MEAC New Jersey, which states:

Islam in America is at a crossroads. One path is continued confusion, hatred, intolerance and discrimination, and the other is the truth and beauty of the Quran.
Tell me Christians don't talk about the "truth and beauty of the Bible"...and they're right, we live in a world of confusion, hatred, intollerance and discrimination against Muslims, Hispanics and more.

MEAC may or may not be part of the Muslim Brotherhood, but the internet actions of O’Keefe in usurping their website is abhorrent.

Even "MEAC of America" brings up O’Keefe’s website, and the only other MEAC a search brought up were MEAC projects on midwifery, schools, etc.; everything else “MEAC” is “Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference”. I’d be most grateful if anyone could locate the actual MEAC which doesn’t “bounce” straight to O’Keefe’s fake. The website pictured at the beginning of the video is unattainable, as far as I can gets a quick glimpse of it before it bounces to O’Keefe’s site. Also note that the group identified on the video is O'Keefe's "MEACTrust", not MEAC itself.

Tho’ I can’t find that ACTUAL website (because of O’Keefe’s little trick), what they showed on the video said “We must combat intolerance to spread acceptance of Sharia across the world”. “Combat intolerance” “acceptance of”...that in no way states they want to “take over”, and the entire video purports to be something it’s not.

The two “undercover journalists” did their very best to elicit statements they could blow out of proportion and make sensational, but I didn’t see any. O’Keefe we already know about, so I was glad to see there was nothing said which they could TRULY point to; the hubbub is about remarks that are TRUE, just not allowed to be spoken in today's America.

The bullshit about the Muslim Brotherhood is O’Keefe’s cute trick; “while they further explained their connection to the Muslim Brotherhood...” – bullshit. There’s nothing about that on the video.

Saying “you asked about our organization”, the fake representatives said they contribute to schools and universities. They claimed to be founded by the Muslim Brotherhood of America (a lie; the group they proport to be from, MEACTrust, was created by O'Keefe). Schiller might well have asked about the connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, but if he did (and his fears were assuaged one way or another), that’s cut out.. Cut to the NPR guy saying “what we believe is that if we don’t have Muslim voices in our schools, on the air, it’s the same thing we faced when we didn’t have female voices...” Accurate.

They said the current Republican Party, Tea Party in particular, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundament Christian. Accurate; you have only to look at the recent anti-abortion, anti-same-sex, anti-union laws proposed (and in some cases passed) for that involvement.

He called it “this weird Evangelical kind of move.” I don’t agree with that, I think “fundamental Christian” is a title...I think the Tea Part includes a lot of people with those BELIEFS, but not who call themselves that. But, let’s see:

A new analysis by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that Tea Party supporters tend to have conservative opinions not just about economic matters, but also about social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. In addition, they are much more likely than registered voters as a whole to say that their religion is the most important factor in determining their opinions on these social issues. And they draw disproportionate support from the ranks of white evangelical Protestants.

How about

"There is a significantly outsized proportion of white evangelical Christians in the tea party movement." Those were the words of Robert P. Jones, president of Public Religion Research, the polling firm that yesterday released the first comprehensive survey on the religious and theo-political beliefs of voters aligned with the tea party movement.

According to the survey, nearly half of all respondents who considered themselves part of the tea party movement also considered themselves part of the religious right. "Among the more than 8-in-10 (81%) who identify as Christian within the Tea Party movement," the survey found, "57% also consider themselves part of the Christian conservative movement."

One third of tea partiers are white evangelical Christians, Jones said the survey showed, compared to one in five voters in the general population. But one in three Republicans are white evangelical Christians, too, more proof that supporters of the tea party and the GOP -- despite the tea party claims to be an outside force -- share many of the same beliefs.


White evangelicals comprise nearly 30% of all voters, Voted 78% for GOP; 52% of all Tea Party Supporters are Born-Again Evangelical Christians, According to a Post-Election Survey ( conducted by Public Opinion Strategies for the Faith and Freedom Coalition, the largest single constituency in the electorate in the 2010 midterm elections was self-identified evangelicals, who comprised 29% of the vote and cast an astonishing 78% of their ballots for Republican candidates. This is consistent with polling data by other organizations conducted before Election Day.

So that, along with their focus on social issues despite hollering that they were all about jobs, and their desire to pas laws restricting/eliminating workers’ rights to collective bargaining, abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. indicate Schiller was right on.

He went on to say the Republican Party has been hijacked (they have) by this group...but the fake guy finished it with “radical, racist, Islamaphobic Tea Party people...” Schiller added “not just Islamaphobic, but xenophobic” Accurate, as well; the anger/hatred against Hispanics and other immigrants has shown itself quite well from this group. He added “they believe in White, middle-America, gun-toting...I mean, it’s scary”. Damned straight, as has ALSO been shown repeatedly...

The demographic breakdowns: Tea Party activists are 60 percent male and 80 percent white, with 77 percent of them self-identifying as “conservatives” and 44 percent identifying as “Republicans.”

Several polls are now out, assessing the demographics of the Tea Party Movement that largely agree the majority of its members are Republican, largely white, above the mean in age. A poll conducted March 19-22 by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, Iowa.... "Tea Party supporters are likely to be older, white and male. Forty percent are age 55 and over, compared with 32 percent of all poll respondents; just 22 percent are under the age of 35, 79 percent are white, and 61 percent are men. Many are also Christian fundamentalists, with 44 percent identifying themselves as “born-again,” compared with 33 percent of all respondents."

As to gun-toting:

About two dozen gun-toting Tea Party activists staged a rally at the Montana statehouse on Friday to support the Second Amendment right to bear arms and limiting the reach of the federal government.

Outnumbered by the media and politicians in attendance, the protesters spoke in favor of conservative-backed bills to nullify various U.S. laws, such as the Endangered Species Act...

“We are turning our guns on anyone who doesn’t support constitutional conservative candidates,” said Dale Robertson, who operates out of Houston and helped start the movement nearly two years ago. He declined to say which states are next on the tea party’s hit list. He said party leaders in those states would be warned privately, but the movement’s wrath “will be very clear publicly” if they don’t listen.”

I could go on, but it’s not worth the effort, given objective and intelligent people recognize all this, and the others will decry it for one reason or another. The point is: Nothing was said that isn’t true; when Schiller said CLEARLY he was speaking for himself and not NPR, I disagree with some of what he said, but none of it was as spectacular as they're making it out to be,and the media is gobbling up joyously. In today’s world, if you say ANYTHING the right can hold up and sensationalize, you’re screwed. It has nothing to do with whether it’s true or not, you’re fair game to be attacked. Rarely are such attacks, or perpetrated fakes, show up committed by anyone else. All the insane things THEY say, on their own, tricked by nobody, are ignored by the right and Tea Party.

The Muslim Brotherhood IS represented falsely often; the hubbub about them taking over Egypt was a drummed-up fear-mongering tactic; certainly they’ll be involved in the Egyptian government, whatever it turns out to be, but A) They’re a secularist branch, and B) The odds that they’d ever “take over” are minimal.

Schiller said “I guess I am most disturbed by and disappointed by in this country (is) that the educated, so-called “elite” of this country is too small a percentage of the population, so that you have this very large, uneducated part of the population that carries these ideas.” Damned straight. But by “educated”, I[/u} see it as those, with education or not, are uneducated about the FACTS of what’s happening, uneducated because they buy things such as FauxNews’ lies, fraud and outright propaganda, and don’t get educated anywhere else.

I could go on, but it’s not worth the effort, given objective and intelligent people recognize all this, and the others will decry it for one reason or another. The point is: Nothing was said that isn’t true, with the possible exception of when Schiller said CLEARLY he was speaking for himself and not NPR, and even then said many true things. But in today’s world, if you say ANYTHING the right can twist and sensationalize, you’re screwed. It has nothing to do with whether it’s true, you’re fair game to be attacked. Rarely are such attacks, or perpetrated fakes, shown committed by the other side. All the insane things THEY say, on their own, tricked by nobody, are ignored by the right and Tea Party, and never called out by Republican politicians, leaders or legislators.

Gawd forbid one should speak the truth in America today; we HAVE been hijacked, too many of us, by fear, hatred, xenophobia and plays to racism. It's a form of censorship that's working quite well.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 10:43 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Damned straight that we need Muslim voices, just as we needed women’s voices, as we need Christian voices, Jewish voices, etc., etc.

NPR provides a forum for Muslims, Jewish folks, Christians, women, and other minorities. So long as they are not conservative or black liberals named Juan then anybody can have a voice on NPR.

Plus NPR is important because it gives a media job to all those who would never make it on talent alone. Its important to subsidize those who can't compete in the same ratings/market driven forum as the rest of us. Its kinda like having that special class for all the slow kids at school or giving race-based scholarships...because its just not fair to expect them to compete with regular folks who have both talent and differing political views. I mean, lets face it, if NPR were run and staffed by the folks at FOXNews then NPR would be the number one source for news in this country...and they'd probably not need a govt subsidy.

So I say fund NPR. But only if they throw in a free tote bag and umbrella for every American taxpayer.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 11:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Where else do you see any forums for "Muslims, Jewish folks, Christians, women, and other minorities"? By the way, I'm not sure women are a "minority" anymore, but I could be wrong.

Obviously in your opinion, minorities are all "the slow kids in class". The fact that FauxNews would DIE before giving a forum to any but right-wing conservatives is right and proper to you. I understand.

I realize YOU wouldn't be caught dead reading the post or the facts therein, but I understand that, too.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 11:11 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Obviously in your opinion, minorities are all "the slow kids in class".

I think all slow kids in class (meaning the kids who have learning disabilities such that they cannot function in a regular class) are minorities. It is absurd for you to think that all minorities are slow.

I used two examples or favoring a particular minority over everyone else. One is segregating out children with special needs. The other, race-based scholarships.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 12:54 PM


America loves a winner!

NPR , like Unions, are fully Left wing, no doubt about it.

Not that they should be outlawed, just no public $ needs to go to either of these organizations.

Props to O'Keefe. Showing the Libs for the gutless cowards, liars and two faced dick heads everyone knows them to be.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:17 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Well said Happy.

I do feel that we need to hear more moderate Muslim voices, if we don't then all we know is the scary folk who want to blow things up. I think that ordinary Muslims should speak up more readily, explain and show people that they are not pro-blow stuff up and that they are rational people. Because if we don't see rational Muslims it is easy to fall into thinking they're all extremists.

I will be pissed if the bill passes to stop funding public broadcasting because I watch OPB all the time and learn so much from it, besides, most of it, at least in my state is funded by viewers, so the government isn't spending that much on it are they?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, March 11, 2011 3:40 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Riona, they only get a tiny fraction of their funding from the government, so while they say a few stations will close if they lose it, it won't make a major impact. For which I'm grateful.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:36 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Just 'cuz:

On Tuesday, National Public Radio CEO Vivian Schiller lost her job, thanks to the antics of conservative trickster James O'Keefe. O'Keefe, you may remember, is the guy who tried (unsuccessfully) to lure a CNN reporter onto a boat under false pretenses, so he could record a seduction scene.

Last year, he was arrested while dressed up as a telephone worker to gain entry to Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans office. He pleaded guilty to entering federal property on false pretenses.

O'Keefe's most famous exploit was to dress in a pimp costume and attempt to coax representatives of ACORN, the progressive community organization, to offer tips on getting away with child prostitution.

Only it turned out he didn't actually wear his outrageous duds while talking to, and recording, the ACORN employees. Like so much of O'Keefe's work, that was a trick of the editing. Even his false pretenses have false pretenses.

In the NPR affair, O'Keefe's confederates posed as representatives of a phony Muslim organization, offered a bogus $5 million donation, and recorded some ill-considered lunchtime chitchat with Ron Schiller, NPR's top fundraiser. Schiller called Tea Party supporters "racist" and suggested that NPR might be better off in the long run without federal money.

Once the Web lit up with an excerpted video of the lunch (later supplemented by an ostensibly complete two-hour version), Schiller got fired -- and, in less than 24 hours, his boss Vivian Schiller (no relation) joined him out the door.

Ron Schiller behaved recklessly and stupidly, no question. Shouldn't he have smelled a rat? How could his sniffer fail him so spectacularly? Why would he talk so unguardedly? As NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard put it in a post mortem, "We live in public. The mic is always on."

O'Keefe's success at toppling NPR's brass has put us on notice: Deceit is now an acceptable tactic in the culture wars. Liars rule our discourse.

I use that word consciously and deliberately to describe O'Keefe. His organization is named, ludicrously, Project Veritas, and his fans view him as a truth-teller, but he's the inverse of a trustworthy narrator.

Deception is the very core of his act.

This kind of deception is becoming depressingly common, and you'd think we'd be learning to react more cautiously. Instead, just as the Obama administration dumped Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod the moment Andrew Breitbart framed her with a deceitfully edited video, NPR's board caved at lightning speed.

Given O'Keefe's record, you'd think the organization might have waited to assess whether this video was, like its predecessors, edited with ill intent. But the NPR board went straight to the crisis playbook: Act fast, cut your losses, try to move past a fiasco. In doing so, NPR empowered O'Keefe's brand of charlatanry and opened the door for others who might feel like deceiving and surreptitiously recording anyone who presents a target.

In the long run O'Keefe is likely to flame out in some embarrassing overreach. But he'll leave a long trail of suspicion and distrust. And in the short run a lot of us are going to be stuck in his mendacious world. The next time he springs some tawdry gotcha trap, we can only hope our employers take a little more care and time to consider the source than NPR did.

Absolutely fucking right on in my opinion! Someone else who got it right:

Again right on, but he tells some truths and makes you laugh while reporting it...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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