Top Secret video of WTC explosive controlled demolition on 9/11

UPDATED: Sunday, March 13, 2011 17:46
VIEWED: 8560
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Monday, March 7, 2011 12:58 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Just released this week after Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Cryptome (the REAL wikileaks) against the pathological liars in the kosher media mafiya, to protect the juice who perped the 9/11 terrorist attacks:


WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter

Video obtained by FOIA to NIST by an anonymous person who directed it be sent to Cryptome. Excerpt of the NIST letter.

Quote: These electronic files image were provided to NIST by the New York Police Department. The City of New York has provided NIST with the following notice:

"Please take notice that the City of New York ("City") has asserted that the contents of the enclosed DVD-ROM is protected under tbe Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. sections 101 et seq. Tbe City expressly reserves its rights in these materials, and requires that you obtain the City's permission prior to any reproduction, modification, adaptation, recompilation, or other derivative use of each DVD-ROM or portion thereof, including any still image extracted or derived therefrom, and that the City's permission be obtained prior to the commercial distribution of any video footage and of still or moving images extracted or derived therefrom in any medium, by sale, rental, lease, lending or other means. The City requires that the instant notice accompany any moving or still images that you disseminate for any reason, including dissemination that complies with the fair use authorized by section 107 of the Copyright Act, and requires that each recipient of these materials comply with the instant Notice. Moreover, the City requires that a summary statement of its copyright be embedded in any moving or still images extracted from the enclosed DVD-ROM that are broadcast in any medium for any purpose. This summary statement shall read as follows: "Copyright (c) NYPD." Please write to the New York City Police Department, Legal Bureau, 1 Police Plaza, Room 1406, New York, N. Y. 10038, for information about obtaining an appropriate license." Unquote

The video has been uploaded as provided by NIST without modification. Original in VOB format, 700MB.

A related collection of 153 still photos from another NYPD helicopter: (64MB)


Monday, March 7, 2011 1:03 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Another topic that doesn't matter, but never dies... And which, like Obama's birth certificate, PN is desperate to go on believing...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, March 7, 2011 2:11 PM


Sorry, wasn't on the list. I suspect it's a topic that matters.

If it were terrorism, it wouldn't matter, but it's not, it's an inside job conspiracy theory. Some of these people are jews, but jews isnt the topic, it still matters. The US govt. attacked its own citizenry. Everybody knows, but no one wants to admit it.


Monday, March 7, 2011 3:43 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The US govt. attacked its own citizenry. Everybody knows, but no one wants to admit it.

Well, plenty of people admit it. It's just the rest of the folks who don't want to consider that possibility chalk us up as crazy.


Monday, March 7, 2011 3:59 PM



yeah, you're right


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5:16 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, but there seldom is a good conspiracy theory.

It has yet to be explained to me (with a rational explanation) why having real terrorists crash planes into the WTC and Pentagon wouldn't have accomplished the exact same thing as the more exotic explanations:

Smuggled, secretly planted Plastique, Robot Planes, Drone Missiles.

Why do people always insist on fabricating the most convoluted conspiracies possible? If you want to implicate the U.S. government in these things, it makes much more sense to imagine the CIA helping real terrorists (who want to do the job anyway) to get the job done with legitimate means (actual real-life planes) rather than imagining the most complicated scheme possible.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 6:30 AM


The only people who believe this sort of moonbattery, are those that do not understand physics and metallurgy. Too bad for PN, I have co-workers who were in WTC7 when the planes hit WTC2. One of them had flaming debris come through his office window and destroy his desk (he had gone to the break room for coffee only moments before) WTC7 was fully involved. Since the construction was similar to WTC1 and 2, and fire felled them, it is logical to assume the fire also felled 7?

Remember, firefighting was halted in the aftermath of the towers falling, in favor or rescue attempts. WTC7 burned, unchecked for 3 or 4 hours before attempts were made to extinguish the blaze. All of those efforts had to take place outside the building since the commander on scene was uncertain how much damage 7 had taken from the towers falling. That made the firefighting ineffectual.

I'm disgusted with myself for contributing to PN's post count. Sorry PN, your signal to noise ratio is just way too low.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5:12 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
It has yet to be explained to me (with a rational explanation) why having real terrorists crash planes into the WTC and Pentagon wouldn't have accomplished the exact same thing as the more exotic explanations:

Cause the building likely wouldn't have come down - it still might have, but not THAT way, not straight down into it's own footprint, ever so neatly...

Case in point, the Murray Federal Building in Oklahoma was SUPPOSED to come down, apparently as a result of that weakass Ryder truck ANFO bomb, which factually didn't even DO most of the damage - and had the other explosives planted inside the building not malfunctioned, that WOULD have happened - only one of them did go off, and that is what caused most of the damage to the building, not the truckbomb, and in case anyone disputes that I have the freakin radio log intercepts which prove beyond all doubt there were additional explosives, mind you.

But the Murray Building *didn't* come down - now suppose it had, and someone like me who knows a little bit about this sorta thing started questioning how a truck bomb made with low order explosive from across the street did that kind of damage ?

We'd see almost the same situation we have here, where the official story is disputed back and forth by everyone from shills, to experts, to folks with an agenda, all the way down to outright nutters claiming aliens did it.

And that's the problem with holding to an "official story" that doesn't hold an ounce of water - it feeds these kind of things, in part deliberately cause that obfuscates the whole issue and allows persons responsible to stall off or avoid any real investigation or responsibility.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 6:38 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


The problem is, no one has explained to my satisfaction why the building *had* to come down. Why a plane crashing into the building wasn't enough of an incentive to move American politics in the appropriate direction.

Events would have transpired much the same way with or without a total building collapse. And certainly having it collapse *neatly* sounds damn unimportant in staging a False Flag op.

There is an effort vs return part of this that makes no sense to me. All of these conspiracy theories crank the complexity to 11 without ever answering WHY?

If the goal of the op was merely to increase security theater, draw down our freedoms, and drive us to war, the complexity described is not needed. A CIA paid-for plane ramming woulda done the job just fine without the bells and whistles, no matter whether collapse was partial, complete, neat, or messy.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 6:48 PM


Ignorant fucking sods. The buildings fell in their own footprint because they collapsed due to gravity. The earth is down. Straight down. Nothing will be going sideways when nothing is pushing or pulling sideways.

Take a physics class. It's not that hard.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 7:34 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The buildings came down because of explosives. Two fully fueled jets crashing into the buildings and the following raging fires never happened. And even if they did they were just pretend. It was all the explosives planted ahead of time just waiting for the random jets to bumble along to provide a good excuse.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:50 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Cause the building likely wouldn't have come down - it still might have, but not THAT way, not straight down into it's own footprint, ever so neatly...

Case in point, the Murray Federal Building in Oklahoma was SUPPOSED to come down, apparently as a result of that weakass Ryder truck ANFO bomb, which factually didn't even DO most of the damage - and had the other explosives planted inside the building not malfunctioned, that WOULD have happened - only one of them did go off, and that is what caused most of the damage to the building, not the truckbomb, and in case anyone disputes that I have the freakin radio log intercepts which prove beyond all doubt there were additional explosives, mind you.

But the Murray Building *didn't* come down - now suppose it had, and someone like me who knows a little bit about this sorta thing started questioning how a truck bomb made with low order explosive from across the street did that kind of damage ?

We'd see almost the same situation we have here, where the official story is disputed back and forth by everyone from shills, to experts, to folks with an agenda, all the way down to outright nutters claiming aliens did it.

And that's the problem with holding to an "official story" that doesn't hold an ounce of water - it feeds these kind of things, in part deliberately cause that obfuscates the whole issue and allows persons responsible to stall off or avoid any real investigation or responsibility.


I do not serve the Blind God.

I'd love to hear those logs. Silly men in black, not using encrypted communications so that anybody could intercept and record your transmissions.

The Murrah building is a classic example of diagonal loading in a concrete slab construction. The explosion didn't shatter the building and dish it out in a neat hemisphere. The shockwave from the bomb, lower and diagonally opposed to the orientation of the floor slabs, lifted them. Once they were lifted by the shockwave from the bomb, (which a nice, slow order explosion like homemade ANFO would have created in a most excellent fashion) then gravity took over and the slabs fell back to their original position. But the momentum that they had accumulated in their short movement was way beyond their structural limits and the columns failed or punched through the slab. The slabs themselves failed in a hemispherical perimeter. Using that hemispherical shape as a guide and drawing converging radii, you can estimate the location of the bomb. Not that you would need to, the truck bomb left a 30 foot crater, pretty well marking where it was.

In fact, if the corner column close to the bomb had failed, McVeigh might have succeeded in dropping the building. That would have induced differential force and might have caused the building to slump fail outside it's own footprint.

No government conspiracy to drop the building and kill 168 people. Explosively dropping a building is a science. It takes a construction crew and weeks of prep. it's messy and not something that can be set up sub rosa.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:13 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
It has yet to be explained to me (with a rational explanation) why having real terrorists crash planes into the WTC and Pentagon wouldn't have accomplished the exact same thing as the more exotic explanations:

Crashing a plane into the WTC would have just caused damage to several floors. It wouldn't have demolished the entire building and destroyed a beloved landmark.


Why do people always insist on fabricating the most convoluted conspiracies possible?
They are not fabricating. They are offering explanations that appear to be more consistent with the physical evidence.


If you want to implicate the U.S. government in these things, it makes much more sense to imagine the CIA helping real terrorists (who want to do the job anyway) to get the job done with legitimate means (actual real-life planes) rather than imagining the most complicated scheme possible.
This is indeed one of the many alternative explanations.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:18 AM



Originally posted by BNW:
Nothing will be going sideways when nothing is pushing or pulling sideways.

Why WAS there nothing obstructing the path of the floors above? Could it be because the lower floors were destroyed in advance of the fall, so the fall could come straight down without hitting anything to make it tip over?

That is what demolition crews do, you know.

YOU take a physics class. It's not that hard.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:22 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BNW:
Ignorant fucking sods. The buildings fell in their own footprint because they collapsed due to gravity. The earth is down. Straight down. Nothing will be going sideways when nothing is pushing or pulling sideways.

Take a physics class. It's not that hard.

What he said.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:22 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
The problem is, no one has explained to my satisfaction why the building *had* to come down.

You're speaking of motive. Sure, in naming an alternate suspect, it is good to have motive.

But sometimes, even without motive, it is enough to question the validity of the current suspect based on physical evidence alone. That is the thrust of most truthers, is questioning the physical evidence.

Motive is the area of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones et al. The best you can do with motive is a series of conjectures like false flag.

In this post, I mean to make the distinction between truthers who don't buy the official explanation, and conspiracty theorists who offer alternative explanations. There is a big difference. I am a truther, but not a conspiracy theorist. See?

ETA: Some popular possible explanations offered for motive for demolition include emotional intensity (total destruction would elicit a more intense response than mere damage), destruction of inconvenient documents/evidence in the buildings (kill 2 birds with one stone), increased chaos, actual or perceived destruction of our economy.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:29 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
Since the construction was similar to WTC1 and 2, and fire felled them, it is logical to assume the fire also felled 7?

The whole point of the truther movement is that fires do not fall buildings in this manner. In the entire history of buildings on fire, no buildings have EVER been felled by fire in this manner (straight down in near free fall speed).

However, this pattern of falling buildings can be seen most of the time in professional demolitions.

Wherefore the questions about the official story.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:40 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
It's just the rest of the folks who don't want to consider that possibility chalk us up as crazy.

Its not crazy to think that the US is responsible especially when their talking dog's arguments are so reasonable and that their neighbor is in fact...the devil.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:44 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Hardware:
Since the construction was similar to WTC1 and 2, and fire felled them, it is logical to assume the fire also felled 7?

The whole point of the truther movement is that fires do not fall buildings in this manner. In the entire history of buildings on fire, no buildings have EVER been felled by fire in this manner (straight down in near free fall speed).

However, this pattern of falling buildings can be seen most of the time in professional demolitions.

Wherefore the questions about the official story.

Ah, as ever the devil is in the details. You're asking the wrong question. At no time in history did a building with similar construction methods as the WTC towers fail due to fire. I've seen videos of a skyscraper in Spain burning for hours and it didn't fall. But that tower had reinforced concrete columns. WTC 1 and 2 had steel support columns. As you no doubt have seen by now, the fireproofing blew off of them in the impacts and the following fuel explosion. What felled the towers was not the fuel burning, that was mostly consumed in the fireballs. The interior of most modern buildings is a petrochemical refinery in solid state. Nylon in carpets, plastic in pipes, foam ceiling panels, wood and glues in chipboard furniture, and of course, paper, reams and reams of paper. All highly combustible. Of all of them, only the carpet is treated to be flame resistant, and not all that much. It will still burn in a fire, it just won't support combustion on its own.

WTC7, which did not have its fireproofing blow off, lasted much longer. But in all 3 cases once the fire caused the structural steel to fail it led to a pancake collapse. Buildings look like big, solid structures, but they are 90% air. When the collapse started, there was no place for the building to go but straight down. In video footage of the tower's collapse, you can see the upper portions of one of the towers begin to twist and sway. This is evidence of a fatigue failure, a few of the columns beneath the top of the building failed, and were forced to one side by the load above, while adjacent columns were still holding the weight above for a few more moments.

The only question that should be asked about the WTC collapses is; how do you create a higher performance fireproofing?

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:45 AM


Double tap.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:57 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by BNW:
Nothing will be going sideways when nothing is pushing or pulling sideways.

Why WAS there nothing obstructing the path of the floors above? Could it be because the lower floors were destroyed in advance of the fall, so the fall could come straight down without hitting anything to make it tip over?

That is what demolition crews do, you know.

YOU take a physics class. It's not that hard.

Come up with your own insult. Your lack of originality is showing.

Try dropping a two ton boulder on your head and then ponder why your soft squishy body provides no obstruction. My god, how did the boulder fall straight down without getting tipped over by your spine of steel? Someone must have set up explosives in your innards! It's a conspiracy!

A building is not a solid immutable object of immutable stone that will hold up ANYTHING. Modern skyscrapers especially. They hold their own weight in only one way: a carefully distributed load passed along specific lines of support. A collapsing disorganized block of several upper stories does to the lower stories what that 2 ton boulder would do to your body. Squish it. Straight down.

I could point out more: the obviousness that the building hit lower down fell first, as it had much more weight bearing down on the weakened spot. I could post videos of the second building that showed long corner columns standing a few seconds after the rest of it went down, showing that the upper stories tore their way through the center of the structure as they fell. Or I could point out the ridiculous notion that the dark, mysterious "THEY" somehow managed to know exactly what floors would be hit and put in explosives only on the floors below the impacts. And THEY did it when? In the few panicked minutes after the buildings were hit? Or in the months before, yet no one noticed?

I won't bother any more argument, because I'm sure it's been said, but the conspiracy nuts are sold on their conspiracy theories, logic and science and engineering and REALITY be damned. Well, being an ignorant sod does nothing but trap you into the life and mental state of an ignorant sod.



Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:00 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
But in all 3 cases once the fire caused the structural steel to fail it led to a pancake collapse.

"Pancake" is not a good word to use, unless you want to counter the official story that there was no pancaking.


NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers (the composite floor system—that connected the core columns and the perimeter columns—consisted of a grid of steel “trusses” integrated with a concrete slab; see diagram below). Instead, the NIST investigation showed conclusively that the failure of the inwardly bowed perimeter columns initiated collapse and that the occurrence of this inward bowing required the sagging floors to remain connected to the columns and pull the columns inwards. Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.

Anyway, yes, yes, I know the official story says nothing exactly like this has ever happened before, which is why no fire in the history of fires has ever made a building collapse in this fashion.

It stands to reason though, if nothing like this has happened before, and this is the very first time a vertical collapse has happened presumably without explosives, we should be open to several different explanations. Not just jump on one and defend it to the dying breath, you know?

In other words, we should take into account the WHOLE of the physical evidence and tested the steel for explosive residue, like any good arson investigation would have done. But they didn't do it. Why? Because they already had the answer they wanted, so to hell with the physical evidence.

Also, firefighters are not the only ones who question the official story.

Here you have architects and engineers for 9/11 truth:


Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:02 AM



Originally posted by BNW:
A collapsing disorganized block of several upper stories does to the lower stories what that 2 ton boulder would do to your body. Squish it. Straight down.

Including steel beams? Yeah, right.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:37 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The US govt. attacked its own citizenry. Everybody knows, but no one wants to admit it.

Well, plenty of people admit it. It's just the rest of the folks who don't want to consider that possibility chalk us up as crazy.

I'm one of those that thinks this would be an insanely complex plan to pull off, full of plenty of Fail points along the way. It was hard enough just what the hijackers did let alone coordinating that with the demo teams. Were they just sitting around on call to time the explosions? "Haji's in the bird, ETA to Square+1 in 30 minutes..."
And too many people would have to know. You couldn't reasonably expect that many people who knew something this big to not blab or try to cash in.

CTS - you said; "Well, plenty of people admit it." who are they?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:45 AM


Other motives of interest are the motives of the truthers. Chaos and fluke accidents that kill more than 3,000 people in a morning are very difficult for folk to process or accept. Much as "primitive" folk looked into the sky and posited beings throwing the lightning around and making the crops grow, the modern conspiracist is looking for the god of evil--or more to the point, his high priests. The whole conspiracy industry is a Freudian mess of the ultimate crimes in search of the ultimate criminals. Somebody must be in charge! Somebody must be to blame! There must be someone for me to openly hate and secretly worship!

And then there's the contempt for human beings that suggests that millions of Americans are just plain idiots who would stick their heads in the sand rather than doubt the "integrity" of a manifest fucking asshole like Dick Cheney. Well, it's all Freud again--all us sheeple want to protect papa Dick. Or else chaos will ensue. See, to the conspiracist, there is only one reality: some ultra powerful person or body is in charge, and only two choices: either you despise said person or body on principle and live a tragic life of utter victimization under the omnipotent heel of said person or body, or you toadie up to said person or body and live in a fairytale 'cause, you know, reality is just too hard for us.

Someone please explain to me why anyone who was willing to kill 3,000 people simply to advance a domestic political agenda would give a flying fuck whether it fell into its footprint or fell sideways killing even more puny humans? Seriously, if I was Dr. Evil and I had the choice between a cozy little demolition and seeing the building fall like a gargantuan tree across lower Manhattan, why wouldn't I go for the gusto--PARTICULARLY, when killing more people would be so much easier?

Option number 3: sometimes criminals are extraordinarily lucky.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 8:23 AM


As far as the controlled demolition of WTC1, please view the attached video at 1:50 you will see a descending level of destruction as the building collapses into itself.

So, about those secret conspiracies...

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:45 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
Option number 3: sometimes criminals are extraordinarily lucky.

That is certainly a possibility. From all accounts, EXTRAORDINARY luck is the ONLY explanation that would allow the official story to be true.

Each step of the 9/11 attacks was not impossible, but highly improbable. Combine a sequential series of highly improbable events, and the probability drops down exponentially. The criminals would have had to have Felix Felicis to have accomplished these steps successfully.

Given that scenario, it is not unreasonable to consider other alternative explanations that are way more parsimonious than extreme luck.

Everything said about motives or lack of motives is conjecture. Nobody knows "why would they" or "how come they didn't." As I said, motive is certainly an important part of the investigation, but it is all guesswork.

Many truthers simply want the physical evidence explained. That's it.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:49 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
CTS - you said; "Well, plenty of people admit it." who are they?

They are generally nicknamed "truthers."

Not all truthers believe it was the work of the US govt. But many truthers believe these events would not be possible without the help of some people in the US govt.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:52 AM



Originally posted by Hardware: will see a descending level of destruction as the building collapses into itself.

Huh? Nobody disputes this.

Buildings exhibit a descending level of destruction and collapse onto themselves in demolition jobs, you know.

What this video doesn't show is WHY the building collapsed onto itself.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:54 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:
CTS - you said; "Well, plenty of people admit it." who are they?

They are generally nicknamed "truthers."

Not all truthers believe it was the work of the US govt. But many truthers believe these events would not be possible without the help of some people in the US govt.

Ok - when you said "admit" I thought you meant people who were involved were admitting, "I was in on it, this is how it went down..."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:25 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Hardware: will see a descending level of destruction as the building collapses into itself.

Huh? Nobody disputes this.

Buildings exhibit a descending level of destruction and collapse onto themselves in demolition jobs, you know.

What this video doesn't show is WHY the building collapsed onto itself.

Sorry, you're wrong. Actual controlled demo jobs weaken the structure throughout, in advance with manual demo and the final demo throughout with explosives. The biggest charges are placed in the foundation and foot of columns to start the implosion from the bottom up. This allows the weight of the structure falling on the lower levels to impart energy to the demo, like a sledgehammer. Sometimes the footprint of the property or the construction of the building require that sections of the building be handled differently, but you'll see in the following examples that bottom up is the way the industry handles jobs.

Here's a few good examples.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:56 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
but you'll see in the following examples that bottom up is the way the industry handles jobs.

Uh... just because sometimes they do top-down and sometimes they do bottom-up doesn't prove I am wrong.

BTW, the "" links don't work for me. But I don't dispute they do bottom-up jobs sometimes.

Here are some top-down jobs if anyone wants to compare it to the WTC collapse.

(Skip to 1:55 when the collapse begins)

So... what we have here are 2 facts:

1. No building has EVER collapsed top down near free fall speed in the history of fires.

2. Buildings routinely collapse top down near free fall speed in the history of demolition jobs.

Why shouldn't we seriously consider the possibility that this may have been a demolition job?

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, .... why are we crazy for wondering if it maybe WAS a duck?


Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:43 AM


Your second link is actually a bottom up. If you watch the second story level begins moving downward first, the remnants of the stack on top of it move downward with it. The vertical stacks are separated into sections that rotate as they fall to land in the general footprint of the building.

The first clip is an interesting technique and one that I haven't seen used before in a building exceeding ten feet. But they cut the building at two levels, and let the weight of the upper portion sledgehammer down through the stack. That is very similar to what happened at the WTC.

However, the reason why controlled demo is unlikely is that it fails Occam's Razor. It's less likely that a building employing truss construction would fail due to a government plot to implode it after they somehow engineered a hijack and crash plot. And it is much more likely that a truss constructed building would fail due to fire.

Firemen have a saying; Never trust a truss.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Thursday, March 10, 2011 12:36 PM



Originally posted by Hardware:
Your second link is actually a bottom up.

Yes, you're right. Sorry.


And it is much more likely that a truss constructed building would fail due to fire.
Truss failures due to fire do not result in the kind of free fall building collapses we saw in WTC 1, 2, and 7. Remember, NIST has disavowed the pancake explanation.

Occam's Razor has to take into account ALL the complex physical evidence, not just some of it and ignore others for simplicity's sake. Given the speed, direction, pattern, and debris of the collapses, the simplest, most parsimonious, Occam's-Razor-consistent explanation is demolition.

Now who or why or how... those are other questions that are beyond the physical evidence of the collapses. That goes into the area of speculation and conjecture. Occam's Razor doesn't apply to politics and human behavior in the same way as physics because we don't understand human motivations and perceptions sufficiently well to know what the simplest explanations are. People often behave contrary to expectations of what is "simple."


Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:28 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Okay, let me get this straight. So I know PN believes that 9/11 was an inside job, that's not news. But DreamTrove and CTS believe it too? Give me a straight answer here people. You guys actually believe this whole thing? I guess I'm shocked and it might set the tone for how seriously I take you guys in future about other topics. I mean sure you have the right to believe what you choose, but ... .... ....??????
.... ?????? I think for once I'm speechless here.
I'm not trying to be mean, I like you guys and all but .... seriously?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, March 11, 2011 2:51 AM


I think that Hardware gave a good explanation of why the buildings collapsed, but the type of structural failure isn't why the buildings pancaked. The straight vertical fall is a result of where the initial structural failure occurred. The planes hit the buildings many floors down from the top and so the resulting fire caused the initial failure in that area. If the initial failure had been near the top, the buildings might have fallen sideways, but the massive weight of many floors above the failure point made any side ways forces irrelevant in comparison to the downward force. Generally I think "truthers" can be divided into two camps, the scientifically challenged and the mentally ill and this forum has a good representation of both.


Friday, March 11, 2011 3:52 AM


Well, ok, look...
Imma take it from where I left off and update later cause I am up to my neck busy with the mess in WI, awright ?

Firstoff, in response to the snark, for which at the moment imma give benefit of the doubt, had it come down due to damage it'd have come straight down more-or-less, but not like that.
First the supports on the impact side would have started to collapse, and everything above that point would have noticeably leaned in that direction, then the far side supports would have gone as they were stressed past the limit with a series of shrieks and pops clearly audible from the ground, THEN the top part would plow into the bottom and drive it down into the ground, sure... but you're talkin about a different sequence of events with a wider rubble footprint, and sure as shit it wouldn't have come down in a perfect sequential drop.

Not to mention I was LOOKIN at it, live at the time, and the very moment I saw FLASHFLASHFLASHFLASHflash... and heard CRACKCRACKCRACKCRACKcrack.... I knew exactly damn well what I was lookin at, which was when I turned the TV off and went to drown my sorrows in rum, cause at the time there'd have been no fuckin point in tryin to tell anyone anything, even if I did bash out a couple editorials on the dangers of leaping before looking, which were as expected, ignored.

Hell, I went through *THAT* dance before over Waco, when one of the tanks was crushing the front wall I clearly, CLEARLY, saw a 40mm grenade fly over it into the compound, and when I remarked on it got flamed, called a liar, all that song and dance, for quite some time - especially since the "official story" denied ever using them whatever.
And now we know, they fired over six hundred of the damn things.

For that matter, there was the "Don't Tase me bro!" discussion here, where despite it being right there plain as day, not ONE PERSON here noticed the officer pointing his M26 at the kids HEAD at the beginning of the incident, and more than one who STILL tried to argue otherwise - I tend to notice things, is all.

I don't put much stock in any theories, mind you, not a one of em, but what I do know is that the notion of the plane impact and/or fire taking those towers down is bullshit.
Beyond that, it's up to debate.

As to your notion, Anthony - it don't make no sense to me, neither, but I will say there were quite possibly, elements of our own Gov who wanted those towers to come down, which I'll get to in a moment, but the thing is...

Folks go lookin for one great, grand, all encompassing conspiracy, and in truth there's no such animal - for one, the whole bloody notion presumes government efficiency of a level that's less plausible than the tooth fairy.

No, what you got is a whole plethora of petty little ones, combined with backbiting, backstabbing, fingerpointing, blamestorming and attempts to exploit or take advantage of a situation topped off by a heaping helping of traditional office politics and bullshitting - good LUCK digging through that mess.

In fact, the evidence points to a damned lot of foreknowledge, both on our part and that of one of our so-called allies - but one thing struck me as oddball when looking into it, and that was that not all parties who had some idea of what was coming sat on it, or used it maliciously.

I know of two specific examples where someone used that foreknowledge to place relief or rescue resources in place ahead of time, and while doing so effectively obfuscated the source of those orders and directives.
Hell, I even suspect WHY.

You ever work under a really bad boss ? one that refused to acknowledge a problem which'd be eventually fatal to the business, and pushing the matter would reduce him to a screaming fit and get you fired ?
Now, provided you didn't quit (that whole steady paycheck thing..) what did you do - you worked around it, yes ?

There were at least two individuals who may not have "known", but suspected something was up and acted in a fashion to minimize casualties while placing resources nearby, and covered their tracks well in the doing - I got a pretty good idea, I think, who one of em was, but no clue whatsoever about the other, but the who is not as relevant as the simple notion that not everyone was "on board" with whatever was going down - again, it doesn't work like that in reality, never has.

As to elements of our own perhaps wanting those towers down...
Remember, back in 1993, the FBI flat out gave Ramzi Youssef and Khalid Shiek Mohammed a working bomb, and an expert (one Emad Salem) to wire it for them, and then by incompetence or design, let the bastards set it off.
On top of which, they tried to hang Emad Salem out to dry, but he had wisely begun to mistrust them and recorded conversations with his handler prior to the event in question - apparently Dept of Justice snatched him up into Wit-Pro after that and hid him somewhere far, far away from angry FBI personnel intent on causing him to have an "accident"... so there's some question of whether elements of the FBI may have intentionally helped that along.

Beyond that, some time after we bagged up Khalid Shiek Mohammed, in a joint effort of the US-DSS and Pakistani ISI, with a properly served and executed warrant, and in a by-the-book, hands-off interrogation, got a lot of interesting information out of him, quite a bit of it actionable cause he liked to talk shit, ole KSM did.
Not to mention all his files and notes, so we knew about Bojinka, oh yes - and the FBI then went and hid the files in a dusty warehouse somewhere hoping they'd be forgotten.

And since what KSM was telling the powers that be wasn't in any kind of accordance with what they WANTED to hear, reality be damned, they went and waterboarded his ass a hundred plus times, to where he was "confessing" to stuff he couldn't even have possibly done - rendering the value of whatever info we might have extracted from him to exactly friggin zilch.

We also bagged up Ramzi Youssef at around the same time, but he was more or less goon for hire, didn't know shit, and wouldn't tell us if he did - only reason he was involved besides being KSMs nephew is that unlike most would-be terrorists, he WAS fairly competent at it.

So it's not like our alphabet goons were in any way unaware of Bojinka and those kinds of intentions, and there's definately some suspicion to cast on the FBI here, as well as the usual absolute and unforgiveable incompetence all the alphabet boys are known for besides - but the fact that they actively HELPED an attempt on the towers is very telling, especially when you include recent events like the Ft Dix Six, Sears Tower, and other so called plots which all have in common the single fact that they were constructed, financed, and supported almost entire by an FBI plant who was winding up a bunch of incompetents who couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were stamped on the hell, AND a tremendously long history of doing exactly that kind of shit on a wholesale basis (See Also: Pike Committee, Church Comittee, COINTELPRO, etc).

What worries me most about that is that they will eventually go assisting a group that isn't completely incompetent, or is only pretending to be to bait them into offering the support they'd need to carry off a plan - which was probably what happened in 1993, and may well have been the case in 2001 also.

Hell, you could make a case for the notion that the primary terrorist threat doesn't come from overseas, but right here at the hands of our so-called protection - which looks more to me like a protection racket!

Anyhow, in light of the evidence, the idea that our own might have helped it along cannot be so easily dismissed when they're a history of doing exactly that.

And speaking of history, what does history tell us of these kinds of incidents and the "official story" behind them ?
Let's take a look.

"Remember the Maine!"
Complete Bullshit.

Sinking of the Lusitania
Mostly bullshit, she WAS carrying munitions, despite all our lies, and was thus a viable target.

Pearl Harbor
Iffy, it is now known that FDR damn well meant to provoke it, had a plan to do so, and kept Kimmel and Short in the dark, but how much of that was intent versus incompetence (always a sure bet with the US Gov-Mil) is up to conjecture - but calling it a "Surprise" when you're trying to provoke it is somewhat disingenious.

Gulf of Tonkin
Absolute bullshit.

Kuwaiti Incubator Story
Not only complete bullshit, but intentionally cooked up by PR Firm Hilton and Knowles for the express purpose of dragging us into a needless war.

And so on, and so forth - I wonder if after the Reichstag Fire, there were arguments like this over it...
But now after all is said and done, many years later, despite a lack of ironclad evidence either way, does anyone really believe the "official story" which was put out at the time, back then ?
Why not ?
Because of the events that came the heels of the event indicated some foreknowledge AND an plan in hand to take advantage of those events immediately, right ?
So explain to me why the USA PATRIOT ACT was pre-written, in hand and ready to go, oh so very quickly ?

No, I don't buy the official story - and I do suspect malfeasance, incompetence and exploitation on behalf of our own regarding this whole mess, oh hell yes - that does NOT mean I subscribe to any particular theory about it, nor do I give any of them credence without more evidence than we have.

But politically, now - just because I didn't actually SEE it happen, when the mouse is missing and the snake has a bulging stomach, doesn't mean the snake gets a free pass - denying what is by now fucking obvious is insulting.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, March 11, 2011 4:06 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
I'd love to hear those logs. Silly men in black, not using encrypted communications so that anybody could intercept and record your transmissions.

You want em, okay - here's some of the excerpts.

It's one thing to bust PN's chops when he's obviously just talkin shit, far and away another to throw tinfoil hat accusations at someone who does know something about this kinda of thing.



Friday, March 11, 2011 4:17 AM


Also, regarding fires, I do believe there's a radio intercept of the firefighters on or near floors 78-79 saying they could knock down the fire with two lines - doesn't sound like a raging inferno to me, so where was sufficient heat to damage even weakened steel ?

Ah, here.



Friday, March 11, 2011 4:19 AM


Also, worth a note although I don't necessarily consider it any kind of proof, something that stood out to me.

This is a photo from the book AFTERMATH, look at the column directly behind the firefighter.

THIS is a demo crew laying a cutter charge.

Explain that to me, if you would.



Friday, March 11, 2011 4:32 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
But DreamTrove and CTS believe it too? Give me a straight answer here people. You guys actually believe this whole thing?

I can't speak for DT.

I just know the official story that the buildings came down because of structural steel buckling due to fires is bullshit. I am 99% certain it was a demolition job. This is esp true for WTC 7.

Now, as to WHO did the demolition job, HOW they did it, WHY they did it, I have no clue.

It could very well have been the same or other terrorists who did it. It could be another nation. It could be our own govt or members of our own govt. I don't know. So in this respect, I don't *believe* in any specific "conspiracy theory."

What I believe is there is a coverup by our own govt after the fact of the demolition job. And I would like them to investigate the arson properly.

ETA: Here are some links (again) to professionals who feel the same way.


Architects and Engineers



Scientists and Engineers


Now you can write all of us off as PN-kooky. Whatever, you know? I've been called worse here on RWED for my views.


Friday, March 11, 2011 4:38 AM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
...why the buildings pancaked.

Again, please, you guys. If you are going to argue for the official story, get the official story straight. There was no "pancaking." Officially, the NIST says pancaking didn't happen. OK?

So you can stuff it about our being scientifically challenged. The pancake theory doesn't hold water. Even official govt report says so.

Since you apparently didn't read my earlier posts, here is the link again.


Friday, March 11, 2011 4:58 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
This is a photo from the book AFTERMATH, look at the column directly behind the firefighter.

Thank you. Picture's worth a thousand words.


Friday, March 11, 2011 6:43 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, but there seldom is a good conspiracy theory.

It has yet to be explained to me (with a rational explanation) why having real terrorists crash planes into the WTC and Pentagon wouldn't have accomplished the exact same thing as the more exotic explanations:

Smuggled, secretly planted Plastique, Robot Planes, Drone Missiles.

Why do people always insist on fabricating the most convoluted conspiracies possible? If you want to implicate the U.S. government in these things, it makes much more sense to imagine the CIA helping real terrorists (who want to do the job anyway) to get the job done with legitimate means (actual real-life planes) rather than imagining the most complicated scheme possible.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.

well not sure of cause, but I seems to once reading that Osama had been trained by the CIA, what if they use him and perhaps some others as "handlers" to go out and gather followers, and use them in probably the same manner as I suppose Weyland Yutani corp in the Aliens movies wanted to use the Xeno´s(the aliens)

I saw quite a few of those Conspiracy Theories programmes on youtube, and well in a way I would say some of them could be linked together, like the 2 9/11´s epis(obviously)but i meant to one of the others, the one about the Manchurian Candidates(they described the MC´s as somekind of once used, then throw away(in prison or perhaps in this particular case go out in a blaze))

the FEMA-camps could in a way also be linked to it in a more aftermatch way, i guess(scarry thought)

the others about the secret societies, and pop-control, or the 2012-one yikes, was wondering if that HAARP-thingy could help in some way if it is something the sun is supposed to do in that 2012-thingy


Friday, March 11, 2011 6:58 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Kirkules:
...why the buildings pancaked.

Again, please, you guys. If you are going to argue for the official story, get the official story straight. There was no "pancaking." Officially, the NIST says pancaking didn't happen. OK?

So you can stuff it about our being scientifically challenged. The pancake theory doesn't hold water. Even official govt report says so.

Since you apparently didn't read my earlier posts, here is the link again.

CTS, you have a terrible habit of acting like you're the only reasonable person in the room. It degrades your arguments, because who would ever bring their A-game to talk to bunch of half-wits? Ach.

Anyway, you don't have a monopoly on skepticism. No one here is arguing "for the official story." That's a most convenient strawman in your kit bag. What I see is people arguing against your explanations. Two different things, CTS. I think if you asked if anyone here trusts the official story you'd hear crickets. It doesn't mean that there was the vast army of conspirators that any one of your scenarios would require.

Why in hell would they go to all that apparent trouble to make sure the buildings fell straight down? Why? I know you get to say, "I'm not concerned with why, blah blah blah," but I'm asking you, please, to use your imagination to come up with ANY explanation that would justify the extraordinary risk and cost and danger of exposure that planting all these explosives represent just so the towers would make a tidy mess. It strikes me as utterly absurd. And nobody gets any points for saying, "But that's it! It's absurd...LIKE A FOX!"


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, March 11, 2011 7:25 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
CTS, you have a terrible habit of acting like you're the only reasonable person in the room.

I only throw back at them what they threw at me first, HK. Why do you always call me on my insults, but you ignore theirs (which again, they threw at me first)? That's curious, isn't it? It might appear like you like to pick on me, HK. Why is your standard for my behavior so much higher than that for others, HK?


No one here is arguing "for the official story."
Ask them. From everything they said, they ARE arguing for the official story. Let's just establish that for the record. Go ahead, ask them.

Raise of hands of everyone who thinks NIST is right on the money in explaining how the towers fell.

Let's see your hands, Pizmo, Hardware, Kirkules, etc. If you think NIST was wrong, please explain where you disagree. Thank you.

As for the other point, the complicated scenario of the who, how, and why of a demolition job, I have already stated I have no explanation. I am not trying to explain it. I only want to start at step 1, establish that there was a demolition job. From there, we can start forming conjectures of who, how, and why.

But we can't ignore the physical evidence of what happened, simply because we can't imagine who, how, and why.

Imagine coming onto a death scene, and ruling it suicide, not based on the physical evidence, but simply because you can't imagine who would want to kill the victim, how they could have done it without anyone seeing, and why they would have done it. All truthers are saying is, please just analyze the crime scene objectively based on physical evidence. Worry about the suspect, specific method, and motive later. See?

Surely y'all have seen enough detective shows to understand this?


Friday, March 11, 2011 7:51 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
...please, to use your imagination to come up with ANY explanation that would justify the extraordinary risk and cost and danger of exposure that planting all these explosives represent just so the towers would make a tidy mess.

OK, I'll play. ANY explanation, right?

Here's a possibility. Some leaders in our govt wanted a major catastrophe with significant loss of life to move the country in a direction that they believe, with all their hearts, that will end up saving more lives. Let's say they believe the War on Terror and the Patriot Act would prevent a nuclear war.

So they are like, "The sacrifice of a few innocents is worth it. But let's make that sacrifice as small as we can." So yes, they are willing to kill, but they wanted to kill as few as possible. Considering the spectacle, 3000 was a much smaller number than originally expected. One might say they achieved their goal.

Note: This is just some random explanation I pulled out of my ass, only cause you asked so nicely. It doesn't mean I believe this is what happened.


Friday, March 11, 2011 7:51 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Also, worth a note although I don't necessarily consider it any kind of proof, something that stood out to me.

This is a photo from the book AFTERMATH, look at the column directly behind the firefighter.

That is a box beam. Do you see the beam standing diagonally at about 4 o'clock from the beam you indicated? Those two lines on the end of the beam that run perpendicular to the length of the beam? Those are weld lines for a gusset plate. The gusset plate spans the joint between two beams where they are butt welded and the gusset plate, one on each face of the beam is welded along the length of the plate. It adds shearing strength to the joint. The welds didn't break, the plate broke at the weld.

THIS is a demo crew laying a cutter charge.

Explain that to me, if you would.


The demo crew is laying TDX, two dimensional explosives on a I beam. In order to make the cut, they first weaken the beam by removing the web of the beam, leaving only the head and the foot of the I. There are actually 4 sections of TDX. If you look closely you can see 3, one is blocked by the left worker's leg. The two dimensional explosives are stacked, face to face on either side of the foot and head of the I.

In order to cut a box beam with TDX you have to remove two faces of the box and arrange your TDX face to face along the two remaining sides. If you cut the face with a gusset plate the gusset plates would remain. I see a small sign of a gusset plate on the beam you indicate, what might be a weld line on the left side. Although the beam doesn't really offer a clear view. It is blackened, but that's inconclusive by itself. It was in a fire. If it had been cut by TDX the faces would have been blackened, but the cut ends would be bright and shiny.

Also note the workers are laying the TDX at an angle. That's to induce movement in the structure to get it to topple in a desire direction. If the shadow conspiracy was callous enough to sacrifice 3000 people, why not topple the building like a tree and get some real casualty count?

The OK city documents you present are interesting, but also inconclusive. Yes, there are at least 3 sources that state there were 2 additional devices found at the scene. But without the devices, we can equally assume that McVeigh and his accomplice left them there for the rescuers. Do the court documents from the trials mention the 2nd and 3rd devices?

I don't have time to listen to the radio logs now. I've bookmarked them for future review.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Friday, March 11, 2011 8:03 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
If the shadow conspiracy was callous enough to sacrifice 3000 people, why not topple the building like a tree and get some real casualty count?

Because they are not THAT callous perhaps? Why does it have to be all or nothing? Why do the perps have to be all hysterically evil or absolutely incapable of mass murder? Is it possible for some selfish or misguided people to have lines they won't cross?


Friday, March 11, 2011 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
But without the devices, we can equally assume that McVeigh and his accomplice left them there for the rescuers.

RE OK City, if you really want to look into it, you should look at the larger picture of evidence.

For example, have you seen Brig. Gen. Partin's report? It was submitted to Congress and is part of the congressional record.
(The link is acting funky. FFF changes all caps into small letters, and the link won't work without all caps. So I have taken out the http:// in hopes the all caps will be maintained.)


Bomb Damage Analysis Of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 30, 1995
by Benton K. Partin
Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.)
8908 Captains Row, Alexandria, Virginia 22308

On April 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed, causing extensive damage to the structure, the loss of 168 innocent lives, the victimization of the families of those who lost loved ones, hundreds of non-fatal injuries, and substantial property damage in the vicinity.

The media and the Executive branch reported that the sole source of the devastation was a single truck bomb consisting of 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate, transported to the location in a Ryder Truck and parked in front of the building. It is impossible that the destruction to the building could have resulted from such a bomb alone.

To cause the damage pattern that occurred to the Murrah building, there would have to have been demolition charges at several supporting column bases, at locations not accessible from the street, to supplement the truck bomb damage. Indeed, a careful examination of photographs showing the collapsed column bases reveals a failure mode produced by demolition charges and not by a blast from the truck bomb.

Read more at link....






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