"About the budget" my ass...about nepotism, trickery and gimmes

UPDATED: Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:33
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011 8:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

"It's all about the budget!", "Jobs, jobs, jobs". I don't buy it, and neither should you
But it’s “all abut the budget”. Don’t forget, Walker gave tax cuts to corporations JUST before he started screaming “deficit”—-tax cuts which amounted to almost exactly the same as the deficit he was screaming about.

Walker's not alone, it's happening across the country where Republicans got power:

Conservative are shifting the burden of record budget shortfalls onto middle-class, poor and elderly Americans, while simultaneously doling out tax cuts to corporations. While progressive governors have proposed raising revenue from those who can afford it, alongside painful cuts to programs, Republican governors have unveiled budgets that cut taxes for corporations and raise them on the middle-class and working poor.

NEW JERSEY: Last year, Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) budget raised taxes on the working poor and middle-class by cutting the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit and homestead rebates — yet still found money for lucrative corporate tax cuts. This year, Christie’s budget calls for $200 million in business tax cuts, while cutting mental health services, $540 million from Medicaid, and witholding property tax rebates for seniors until public workers give up many of their health and pension benefits. Many New Jerseyans have said they prefer a tax on millionaires to Christie’s draconian cuts.

MICHIGAN: Gov. Rick Snyder’s (R) budget would make Michigan’s already regressive tax system even more unfair for the state’s poorest residents. The plan cuts taxes on business by more than 86 percent while slashing $1.2 billion in funding for “schools, universities, local governments and other areas.” Snyder also wants to raise personal taxes by 30 percent — an increase that will fall disproportionately on Michigan’s lowest income residents.

GEORGIA: Last week, the Georgia House passed an austerity budget that will increase health insurance costs by more than 20 percent for state workers, teachers and retirees and cut funding for state universities by $75 million. The House has already gutted the state’s HOPE scholarship program, and is now considering implementing a regressive new tax system that would lower income taxes for the rich while raising the sales tax on basic necessities. House Majority Leader Larry O’Neal (R), meanwhile, has introduced a bill that would implement a flat income tax rate and cut corporate taxes by 33 percent.

FLORIDA: At a Tea Party rally last month, Gov. Rick Scott (R) unveiled his budget, telling supporters he would make the state the most “fiscally conservative” in the nation. The budget would slash corporate income and property taxes, lay off 6,700 state employees, cut education funding by $4.8 billion, and cut Medicaid by almost $4 billion.

OHIO: Gov. John Kasich (R) has proposed cutting 25 percent of schools’ budgets, $1 million from food banks, $12 million from children’s hospitals, and $15.9 million from an adoption program for children with special needs. A Kasich staffer revealed yesterday that these cuts are more about politics then budget-balancing, telling the Cincinnati Dispatch that “even if there weren’t an $8 billion deficit, we’d probably be proposing many of the same things.” The plan includes tax cuts for oil companies, a repeal of the estate tax and an income tax cut for the rich that former Gov. Ted Strickland (D) halted last year because of the state’s fiscal crisis.

IOWA: Gov. Tom Branstad (R) began this year proposing a budget that included a $200 million tax cut on commercial property taxes and corporate income but would freeze spending on schools, cut $42 million to state universities and lay off “hundreds” of state workers. Since then, the Governor has already begun laying off state nursing home workers and frozen funding for mental health services. The budget is now moving through the politically divided legislature, where Republican-controlled House committees have gone even further, approving tax refunds for upper-income Iowans while cancelling infrastructure investments, eliminating preschool for 4-year-olds, closing Iowa workforce development offices, and making even deeper cuts to public universities.

PENNSYLVANIA: Gov. Tom Corbett (R) presented a budget last week that would cut taxes for corporations, while freezing teacher salaries, cutting dental care for Medicaid recipients, and eliminating more than half of the state’s universities. Yet the state has lots of revenue potential in northern Pennsylvania, where out-of-state energy companies’ “fracking” of natural gas has reaped them hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. Corbett has refused to tax these companies, many of which helped fund his gubernatorial campaign, and has instead opted to lay of more than 1,500 state workers.

MAINE: Despite calling for “shared sacrifice” Tea Party Gov. Paul LePage’s (R) budget would cut income taxes for Maine’s wealthiest one percent, while actually raising property taxes for the state’s middle class. This so-called “jobs budget” freezes healthcare funding for working parents, cuts money for schools and infrastructure and raises the retirement age for public workers. Yet LePage was still able to find more than $200 million in tax cuts for large estates, business and the rich.

WISCONSIN: The tax cuts Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed earlier this year worsened his state’s fiscal condition, so now Walker is planning to raise taxes on the poor, eliminate $26 million in tax credits for seniors and single mothers and cancel property tax rebates for low-income Wisconsinites making less than $24,000 a year.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Gov. Nikki Haley (R) has proposed ending the state’s corporate income tax, even while she calls for cutting physical education, K-12 schools, and Medicaid. Haley has received pushback from Republican colleagues: last week the legislature rejected her plan to force state employees to pay more for health insurance.

KANSAS: Facing a $493 million budget shortfall, Gov. Sam Brownback (R) has called for eliminating the corporate income tax while proposing a $50 million cut to education. With majorities in both Houses, Republicans have proposed a cut to the federal Earned Income Tax Credit that would push 6,500 families below the poverty line.

ARIZONA: Last October, as she ignored 26 other possible funding solutions, Gov. Jan Brewer (R) implemented painful cuts to the state’s Medicaid program, which resulted in 2 deaths and left 98 Arizonians waiting for transplant funding. After months of protests, Brewer finally agreed to set aside $151 million in an “uncompensated-care pool to pay health-care providers for ‘life-saving’ procedures, including transplants.” However, House Republicans refused to restore funding for organ transplants because, as House Appropriations Committee chair Jon Kavanagh (R) said, “not enough lives would be saved to warrant restoring millions in budget cuts.” Then, while peoples’ lives were in danger, Brewer eagerly signed tax cuts for businesses that will cost the state $538 million.

Despite calling for “shared sacrifice” in their plans, Republican governors have yet to ask corporations to share the burden of record budget shortfalls. Ultimately, choosing big business over Main Street could undermine the already slow economic recovery. However, a Main Street Movement in many of these states has emerged to protest placing the burden of deficit reduction solely onto the backs of the middle-class and public employees.

Then there's the (not uncommon) scandals and nepotism, favoritism, etc. Wisconsin's got a good lead on that one:.

It doesn’t pass the smell test. The father of Wisconsin’s two most powerful state lawmakers was just picked to lead the Wisconsin State Patrol.

Department of Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb, with Gov. Scott Walker’s blessing, announced the appointment of Stephen Fitzgerald, 68, to the position Tuesday that will pay Fitzgerald $105,678 a year and boost his public pension just as he presumably nears retirement.

Fitzgerald’s eye-rolling appointment also follows his defeat in the fall election for Dodge County sheriff by a 2-to-1 margin. So he’s been seeking employment and just bounced back big time by landing a law-enforcement gem.

Citizens expect their leaders to pick the best candidates for top state positions — not the best connected or closest relatives of top lawmakers.

At a minimum, this pick looks bad and will cause lingering suspicion as the state budget plays out. That’s because Fitzgerald’s two sons are Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald.

No matter Stephen Fitzgerald’s qualifications, his appointment looks like a goodwill offering from Gov. Scott Walker to the top two lawmakers Walker will need on board with his budget and policy agendas.

Well DONE, Fitzgeralds and Walker...nepotism at it’s best!

Then there’s State Senator Randy Hopper:

In the possible lead-up to a recall election, State Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac, is being accused of living outside his district while carrying out an affair.

Hopper's wife, Alysia Hopper, sent a letter to TMJ4 in Milwaukee saying the senator started an affair with a then 25-year-old Republican aide, and has since been living outside of his district home, primarily in Madison. Hopper's spokesperson Jeff Harvey told TMJ4 in a statement he and his wife are currently in the process of getting divorced, and that Hopper maintains an apartment in the district.

The allegations come at a particularly bad time for Hopper, who was first elected in 2008. He, along with 15 other state senators, is facing recall efforts over his vote for Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill. Hopper could be in a vulnerable position, as he won his district with 50.5 percent of the vote.

Typical politician, admittedly, but there’s also the fact that

Valerie Cass, who was a lobbyist for Persuasion Partners, Inc., a right-wing lobbying firm, is the mistress in question. The spokesperson for the department where she’s working has no details on whether the job was an existing job or one created for her.

Wisconsin Republicans, from Scott Walker on down, have repeatedly justified their move to strip collective bargaining rights for state employees by claiming that the state is broke. However, this has not stopped them from giving a state job and a 36% raise to the 26-year-old girlfriend of Wisconsin state Senator Randy Hopper.

A state worker with ties to Sen. Randy Hopper is being paid $11,000 more annually than her predecessor in a position at the department of regulation and licensing. On February 7, on the advice of Scott Walker's cabinet, Cass was hired and given a 36% raise compared to her predecessor. Four days later, Scott Walker unveiled the budget repair bill calling for deep cuts in the salaries, benefits and collective bargaining rights of state employees. Walker justified the bill by claiming the state was broke.

Yup, it’s all about the budget, the betcha...not to mention shifting the burden to the working class, elderly and poor. It’s another example, to me, of the Republicans’ real objective; shift as much as possible from the working class and poor to the rich, quick, while you still can, and hope nobody notices. Don't worry about it hurting the economy; the more the regular citizens hurt, the better the chances for Republicans to take over MORE in 2012. Meanwhile, give it to corporations and the rich, they're on their side anyway, and they've got the bucks for re-election! Gimme a break!

Next time you hear about “jobs, jobs, jobs” and how it’s all about the budget, bear these guys in mind. How much more will they get away with before they’re stopped? Probably a lot, despite recall efforts.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 8:40 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

But it's not specific to Republicans. Witness the problems the new Democratic Mayor of Washington D.C. and the chairman of the mostly Democratic city council are having.

The Mayor has been hiring cronies and their famaly members for salaries that bust the city's payroll cap, and is being accused of offering a rival candidate in the recent mayoral election a bribe and a city job if he'd do a hatchet job on former mayor and front-running candidate Adrian Fenty.

The Board is in trouble for several members leasing luxury SUVs on the City's dollar for use as official vehicles for their commute to and from work. Chairman Kwame Brown turned down a loaded Lincoln Navigator because he didn't like the interior color, so the city's property chief spent several weeks on a nation-wide search for the perfect model. Looks like the city will be out $25,000.00 for the one Brown rejected.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 8:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yup, like I said, both parties do that shit. But it was the REPUBLICANS who were screaming about "the economy", and were elected on that cry, when in actuality their actions have been to use the cry to shift the burden of taxes. How is that helping the economy??

I probably should have left Wisconsin out, given they all do it, but Wisconsin is one of the places most obviously giving out tax credits then turning around and costing jobs by trying to take down the unions. So why are the Republicans in these states getting away with it?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 10:37 AM


I support radical increases in spending, as long as they don't serve a purpose. The sooner the economy collapses the better ;)

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 3:20 PM


HaHa, I'm with DT on this. COLLAPSE COLLAPSE COLLAPSE. Yeah. I'm well off and don't care too much about other people. So, it will be great watching what poor people do when they realize the government's titty is dried up. That they and the governmental whore types did it to themselves. Then maybe when we have to start a new system they may pay some taxes and not get tax returns when they don't pay taxes. It is going to be a hoot.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 7:11 PM


Well shit, Geeze - I have an even better example of THAT bullshit for ya, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

The partisan shit generally comes in after - we DO tend to remove and grind up Democrats caught out at this, while Republicans get a tap on the wrist, pat on the back, a kiss on the ass, and wind up right back in the game - and THAT generally only for being too obvious or getting caught!

Of course, around here ya got Kym Worthy playin an upgraded version of ole Johnnie Wilds game.
And with full control of the courts, that's damn hard to get a lever under to break you know.

Which has lead to such things as wasting more resources on investigating/prosecuting Kwame LONG after we got plenty enough to throw him under the prison and keep him outta public office, just to keep the endless charade going on for political points for the Republican crony creeps in both the Governor and Attny Generals Office while the slobbering sycophants of the Detroit "news" and "Free" press gobble it down with a smile and regurgitate it all over us while suppressing the complete economic and legal destruction these curs have visited upon us.
(See also: Clinton - goddamn, it's not like they didn't have better shit to impeach him for, but doing so would have then brought into question THEIR guilt as accomplices.)

And don't even get me started on the ugly business of the politically motivated prosecution of Monica Conyers (who WAS, in fact guilty, duh) which had nothing to do with the crime at hand and everything to do with her opposition to the former Bush administration, which was initiated by political favors and donations to cover some of Worthy's overhead and financial obligations, and presided over by a Republican judge who was IN ON THE GODDAMN SCAM, and pissed off that they "bought" him cheaper than they did Conyers!
(And who, of course, was neither charged nor prosecuted for HIS involvement)

Beyond all that there's also the fact that the people of Detroit KNEW what a scumbag Kwame was, and elected him despite this, not because of racial solidarity (although there's something to be said for the inherent rejection of the BLATANT racism rife within in the Republican party) but rather because the candidate offered by the Republicans was so vile, so slimy and corrupt, he was even WORSE!

For that matter, yanno I am completely against Capital Punishment in damn near every respect of it, but when it comes to a public official who has so completely broken the public trust, so betrayed all they were supposed to uphold, that they must be forcibly removed from office - given how many times (See also: Nixon administration, See also: Bush administration, See also: Johnson administration) they somehow sleaze their way back into the halls of power, I feel there is only one recourse.

In THIS case especially, cause this was a pre-meditated attack and exploitation cooked up by the "Republican Governors Association" involving flat out lies, collusion and conspiracy, and violations of both law and procedure left and right.


Tick, Tick, Tick... it's coming, you know damn well it is.


Thursday, March 24, 2011 8:23 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

There's trash going around on both sides, too bad we don't have more parties to choose from, as in more parties that are actually represented, so you could vote more specifically for what you want. I don't like Walker either. And yeah, not seeing a lot of new jobs here.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, March 25, 2011 2:23 AM


Well, if you think what Walker pulled is crazy, you oughta see the shit Snyder is up to...

And apparently he don't want to talk to me about it, in fact his goons are under orders not to allow me within vocal range cause of that whole voice-of-saruman trick, grrrrr.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, March 25, 2011 1:12 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Originally posted by RionaEire:
There's trash going around on both sides, too bad we don't have more parties to choose from, as in more parties that are actually represented, so you could vote more specifically for what you want. I don't like Walker either. And yeah, not seeing a lot of new jobs here

I'm with you, Riona!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, March 25, 2011 8:47 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hey Frem, what's saruman?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Saturday, March 26, 2011 8:31 AM


Saruman the White, from LoTR.

He's noted for using voice and word to manipulate people very effectively, See Also: Bene Geserit, Maximilien Robespierre, etc.

Not nearly as effective as hollywood would have folk believe, but via combination of modulated voice, reasonable argument and force of personality I can be damn convincing in person - however all reputation is folly, and worse, folly that grows an extra length in the telling...

Still, it's funny to watch, I keep waiting for one of em to say "The Bene Geserit Witch must LEAVE!", hehehehe.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:33 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Frem, you forgot The Force!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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