
UPDATED: Monday, April 18, 2011 03:33
VIEWED: 4835
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Friday, March 25, 2011 4:32 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
Ariel is a planet in Firefly too.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

Yes, I thought of that. Ariel is more of a trickster. Would seem more appropriate if they had crash landed on the planet.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, March 25, 2011 5:51 PM


Worst of all is the government-school-corporate collusion on this matter, using the threat of denial of education or termination of parental custody to force parents to shovel this crap down their kids throats even when the parent has damn good cause to be skeptical of any benefit...

Case in point: TX Gov Perry, Gardasil, and a heap of dead kids.

Also: My sister, and even *knowing* that her kids didn't need to be on it, even *knowing* it was doing them both psychological and physical harm (the niece is developing cardiac problems as a result) felt she could not successfully oppose the school system and so lets their pet pill pusher, Bacharach, shovel that crap onto them without consideration for their mental and physical health.

My mother took a stand a time or two, or rather allowed *ME* to do so, and on a few occasions those damn well did involve violence or at least the threat of it... which leads me to a recent incident.

And no, I don't have all the details - local officials are bloody desperate to hush this one up till they can get their local media spin doctors all over it, but it this is what I think it might be, all manner of ass is about to be kicked over it.

Some mother finally took a stand over the forced medication of her child, and it came to shots fired.
I don't know the details, and usually I don't share this stuff till I do, but it's so bloody relevant here and I wanted to lock attention to it before it can be "dissappeared" from the public consciousness.

Mom surrenders after 10-hour standoff in Detroit


A woman who fired a shot to keep police at bay surrendered early this morning, ending a more than 10-hour standoff on the city's west side.

Children's Protective Services staffers were trying to serve a writ to remove the woman's daughter from the home on the 2600 block of Blaine about 5:35 p.m. Thursday, police said.

The woman, who hadn't been identified, had stopped giving medication to her teenage daughter, said community activist Malik Shabazz. He said the mother believed the medication was harming her daughter.

Daughter in overnight standoff is hospitalized


The standoff started after Child Protective Services arrived at the home on Blaine, near Linwood, at about 5:30 p.m. to take custody of the 13-year-old girl. Detroit police officers kicked in a side door and were about to kick in another, when the mother shot through a wall at them, police said.

The standoff lasted for hours, ending peacefully at about 4:45 a.m. today when the mother surrendered, police said.

I note that no one except the mom likely asked the teens opinion, and this does bring into sharp focus the question of who has the right to make these decisions - again, because the bloody obvious collusion and corruption between Big Pharma, Govt, and the Public Education System, I find myself more than a little dubious of their motives and intentions - not that there aren't some screwed up parents out there, but honestly, what do you *DO* if you're being pressured into shoving dangerous, off-label medications by The State, if a fucking SWAT team is their response to non-compliance with their suggestions ?

IF, and I say IF, cause I don't have full info - this has gone down the way I suspect, all hell is gonna break loose if I can make it do so.


PS. If this turns out to be what we think, she's got Ron Scott and the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, The Detroit 300, Malik Shabazz and his people, plus Vi/CoTL on her side, and that's gonna fall on them like a storm of blades.


Friday, March 25, 2011 6:06 PM


End the school system. All this nonsense has to stop. No more programming, no more poisoning.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, March 25, 2011 8:16 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

This is so backwards, it should be the mom and the daughter who decide what she takes, if anything, it isn't the school's job to force, I can tell mom felt desperate and that's why she made this choice. BTW, I hope mom tapered her off, that's the safest way to go instead of quitting it cold turkey. I worry about what will hapepn to the girl now. Thank you for sharing that story Frem.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Saturday, March 26, 2011 1:44 AM


We live in a society that thinks if jackboots don't win hearts & minds, surely tomahawk missiles hitting hospitals will. Logic is not their strong suit

My green isn't showing on beta. Where's my signature, also?


Saturday, March 26, 2011 2:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I believe that parents need support when they have a child with such issues, I don't think letting them suffer alone is the answer, but I'm not big on the medication of children, as you can probably work out. I think there are a number of things which would work better and be less dangerous for kids, including physiotherapies, play therapy and family therapy.
Well, you believe what you believe. Personally, I don't believe in belief; I try to follow the evidence.

I didn't answer cause I've been busy with life. I really hope people wouldn't have to wrongly diagnose and wrongly treat a child just for the sake of getting some help. That would be really tragic.
Yes, it would, but that is what happens. It's not that you get a "wrong" diagnosis and treat for THAT diagnosis, the point is to get a diagnosis.... ANY diagnosis... so you can treat at all. Clearly, you don't know the ins and outs of our insurance system. What our daughter was diagnosed with had nothing to do with her treatment... which BTW involved all kinds of off-label and even experimental treatments... but w/o that almighty key to the medical system, you ain't getting dick. And I'm SURE that if peeps here on this board knew what we were doing then, they'd have insisted that we be strung up for experimenting on our child. The fact of the matter is, it worked.


I note that no one except the mom likely asked the teens opinion
Really??? Were you there???? How would you know?

Oh, that's right- you don't.

But that didn't prevent your from getting all exercised about a situation you know nothing about. Frem, as much as you advocate treating children as adults, you seem to side with the mom as "final" arbiter of her daughter's condition w/o knowing the facts of the situation or even what the daughter was being treated FOR.

Having been on the neurowebforum for YEARS, I have read parents' posts who desperately under-treated their children. Kids who were having dozens of seizures per day while the parent wrung her hands and wondered if anti-convulsants might not do more harm than good. Kids who had tumors which were slowly taking over their skull cavity while the parent agonized over the morality of submitting their children to surgery. I wanted to go and throttle those parents, slap 'em upside the head to get some reality into them. And we've ALL read cases of the child who died of appendicitis or pneumonia while the parent prayed over them. Sometimes it turns out well. Sometimes it doesn't. Really, sometimes YOUR ideology gets in the way of what's best for the child. Parents aren't always right, especially a single parent under stress. It really DOES take a village to raise a child, and putting a parent in the driver's seat simply makes the parent the overlord and master.

This is so backwards, it should be the mom and the daughter who decide what she takes, if anything
Do you know what she was being treated FOR? Would you say the same if the child had pneumonia? Leukemia? Appendicitis? And what if the mom refused treatment and the child died? what then? You know the old saying: Be careful what you wish for. (You too Frem).

If you read my "TEPCO Poisons Japan" thread, the one thing I want to add here: Even sane people have a hard time not being twisted by the current insanity. Even the usually realistic peeps in this thread seem to have gone nuclear, and mostly over specific situations that they know nothing... absofuckinglutely nothing... about.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 8:54 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Frem, as much as you advocate treating children as adults, you seem to side with the mom as "final" arbiter of her daughter's condition w/o knowing the facts of the situation or even what the daughter was being treated FOR.


I side with the daughter, if she isn't disabled by her condition and is capable of informed decision making, and if not, I tend to give more credence to the parent than the fucking state, after witnessing the tremendous abuses thereof for so many years.

That's not to say there are not parents who are abusive or neglectful, but TO START FROM THAT ASSUMPTION, as you do, as you have, is outright fucking insane, but then it's become obvious you are utterly incapable of being reasonable within this topic, willfully blind to the tremendous abuses which go on, and not only unwilling to face up to and address them, but an active stumbling block for those who would.

Yanno, I've played nice, I let it slide when you shouted me down over the FLDS, I brushed it off when you shouted me down over Gardasil (and one of my own family is DEAD, cause of that shit, mind you!) and have generally acted with a tremendous degree of patience and tolerance for your endless wagon-circling and defense of even the most horrible abuses regarding the use of medication as a behavioral control device - mostly cause I empathize with your personal situation....

But it's becoming more and more clear I'd make more progress trying to argue Saddams WMD with Rappy than I ever will pointing out the bloody obvious to you.

No, I *don't* have all the facts, I said that right up fucking front, but when I make an assessment of a situation like this one can usually put a pretty high confidence on it, given several YEARS of history regarding such on this board alone - which you'd just as quickly dismiss, just as you dismissed my up-front admission that it's just speculation *at this time* because of your desperate need to believe a certain way and be damned to the facts and realities of the situation.

This wasn't the behavior of an abusive and/or neglectful parent so much as it was the act of a desperate mother who felt that the medication being forced upon her daughter for whatever reason, was doing harm to the child - and was progressively backed into a corner, and finally assaulted by a pack of fucking stormtroopers to take her daughter away by force because she wouldn't poison her kid ?

Mind you - whether that assessment is correct, that *IS* where the mother stood, and having seen exactly this go down in varying degrees for many years, I don't give the State one damn ounce of credence.

And imma get back to this shortly - I know why you feel and act the way you do, but I want YOU to know why this shit echos so hard for ME.

So I will tell you.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:08 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

You make some good points there Signe, there are indeed some parents who just don't get it. But I'd say most parents really do want what is best for the kid, we don't know all the facts here and we probably never will regarding this case. I know Frem feels ... passionately about these things. So we very well may never know what all happened.

I guess I'm somewhere inbetween you two, every situation is different.

I'm really glad I work with adults with differences, its just easier in my opinion. And my establishment will be for grown folk. I think part of the reason I've steered away from working with kids with differences is because its so much more complicated.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:27 AM


Ok, to update this...

The child has Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis, and the medication which she was on was causing violent rages, so there's certainly something wrong here, cause far as I know that's not within the usual range of side effects for the conventional treatment regimen.

I can certainly see the mothers point, too - she trusted Big Pharma, and her child wound up with Encephalitis, and now the medication the State pushed on them is causing damage/behavioral problems ?
Fuckin hell, can you blame her for being skeptical and mistrusting ?

ESPECIALLY when the mere act of even seeking alternatives results in a stormtrooper squad on your doorstep ?
How on earth is this any kind of rational, reasonable, or logical ?

Even more especially when they didn't have a warrant, and used an illegal "Blank Check" custody order which doesn't even meet the minimum standards for MCL 722 - but hey, don't take MY word for it, read the damn thing for yourself.

Channel 4 has more information on the matter here.

The cops tried to barge their way in without even showing the custody order, which wouldn't and doesn't stand legal scrutiny regardless - therefore becoming "armed intruders" operating under "color of law".
Ergo, she was IMHO, within her legal rights to shoot them dead - but of course we bend the rules into pretzels for the blue suited mafia, or just ignore them when they're inconvenient, ask Cory Maye about that one.

And yes, Malik is huge, but he's as sweethearted a guy as you could hope for - his presence helped much to defuse the situation, especially since the police are unlikely to pull any rough-stuff funny business with him and some of his people with cameras right there.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 10:09 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
But it's becoming more and more clear I'd make more progress trying to argue Saddams WMD with Rappy than I ever will pointing out the bloody obvious to you.


There are several state-sponsored religions, imo. Here are some off the top of my head. Some of them are related.

1. 9/11 Official Story
2. War on Terror/War on Iraq and Afghanistan
3. Medicine
4. Vaccines
5. Global Warming
6. Israel/Zionism

Most of the citizenry can be divided into the "believers" and the "agnostics/atheists." (A few are actually pagans, but the believers can't tell the difference between the agnostics, atheists, and pagans.)

Rappy and Signy are believers, just in different state-sponsored religions. Arguing with them is like arguing with a member of the AoG about the possibility God might not exist. Ain't gonna happen.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 5:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yanno Frem I've also shown a great deal of patience with your breast-beating self-righteousness. but

I let it slide when you shouted me down over the FLDS, I brushed it off when you shouted me down over Gardasil (and one of my own family is DEAD, cause of that shit, mind you!)
but the reality is, I never did any of that. May have slipped your mind?

So let's get back to reality, okay?

I asked several questions, which you only looked up after the fact. BASIC questions, such as "What was the daughter being treated for?" The reality is, you didn't know, did you? So, to quote myself: "But that didn't prevent you from getting exercised about a situation you know nothing about."

And, it wasn't just the "state" concerned about the daughter. Neighbors and the dad also became involved.

Now, as far as the dreaded "vaccine induced encephalitis". Vaccines are known to induce encephalitis (at about 1/1,000 to 1/10,000 of the rate of natural illness, but that's another story). Whether induced by actual illness or vaccine, when has the successful treatment for encephalitis been "holistic"? Well... never, actually. May as well blow holy smoke over the victim and pray.

CTS: You have your own axe to grind... an axe which you refuse to discuss openly so let me make this perfectly clear to peeps on the board who don't know your history:

IIRC Your son was born with allergies to proteins. MANY proteins, all natural. The suggested treatment was to feed him with a synthetic solution of amino acids... proteins broken down to their most elemental state so as not to elicit an allergic response, but still allow growth and development. Give his immune system a chance to catch up. YOUR response was Screw 'the man', my son isn't going to be dependent on big pharma. He's either either going to eat natural foods or" ... die(?). You fled the USA to avoid interference from "the authorities". And despite the fact that you say your son is doing "great!" you are looking into things like Faraday cages to resolve unspecified medical problems.

For your son's sake, I really DO hope he is doing "great". But it's entirely possible that you caused whatever problems your son has. You have an agenda, one which you have been dishonest about since the beginning. And you have a long, long history of cherry-picking your facts on everything from global climate change to vaccines. Your credibility is pretty close to zero as far as I'm concerned, along with your honesty, so it is near-useless to expect any sort of honest discussion with you. Sorry. I actually like you in many ways, and I agree with you that truth is often found in strange places... but sometimes those places are with the scientific consensus, which you resolutely refuse to consider... EVER! Someday maybe you will get over your inveterate and automatic opposition, or guilt, or whatever it is that's driving you, but this is not that day. And since your thinking is so driven to one side, you're unable to be rational. I hope that at some point we can discuss reality, and not just your emotional responses.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 10:17 PM



Well, you believe what you believe. Personally, I don't believe in belief; I try to follow the evidence.

Sig, this is strange because I think we are pretty much agreeing or we are not particularly far away from each others views, only your rage about something I said, gets in the way and you get defensive. I don't think you even give my views a chance without you finding something silly, like the above, to come back at.


Yes, it would, but that is what happens. It's not that you get a "wrong" diagnosis and treat for THAT diagnosis, the point is to get a diagnosis.... ANY diagnosis... so you can treat at all . Clearly, you don't know the ins and outs of our insurance system. What our daughter was diagnosed with had nothing to do with her treatment... which BTW involved all kinds of off-label and even experimental treatments... but w/o that almighty key to the medical system, you ain't getting dick. And I'm SURE that if peeps here on this board knew what we were doing then, they'd have insisted that we be strung up for experimenting on our child. The fact of the matter is, it worked .

I'm glad you found something that worked for her and I'm sorry that your medical system sounds so frakked up.


Saturday, March 26, 2011 10:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think what you are saying is

My argument has always been about medicating children where there are only behavioural issues assuming there is no underlying neurological damage.... I'm not big on the medication of children {for behavioral issues} as you can probably work out. I think there are a number of things which would work better and be less dangerous for kids, including physiotherapies, play therapy and family therapy. I'm also not a big believer in the diagnosis of ADD, ODD and ADHD and the like, along with diagnosis of mental illness at an early age...
In my experience, a significant behavioral issue is ALMOST ALWAYS an indication of an underlying neurological or physical issue. So when a parent shows up with a seriously misbehaving child, the first thing I DON'T do is look at mom/ dad and ask myself Hmmm.... I wonder what they did wrong?

When a parent comes to the Mass General webforum for help, the very first thing I suggest is to look for a physical cause. Because ADHD is often precipitated by a stuffy nose and lack of sleep, random outbursts of violence may signal temporal lobe seizures, and "autism" can be caused by a seizure disorder. Autism itself is a physical process detectable at birth... and NOT due to vaccines. Schizophrenia was associated with Rh incompatibility before they began testing for that, and has recently been linked with infant jaundice - a sign of ABO incompatibility.

I've actually pushed parents to continue looking for answers and helped them get diagnoses of (Frem- are you listening?) vaccine brain damage, heavy metal poisoning (a pretty pitcher purchased in Mexico used for orange juice), defective potassium channels, childhood disintegrative disorder, Landau Kleffner Syndrome, temporal lobe seizures and (in a woman) Hashimoto's encephalitis. I've never seen "behavioral" issues; what these kids experienced was 100% physical with behavioral consequences. Play therapy and physiotherapy just aren't going to be the solution. Not that WE didn't try ... brushing therapy and hippotherapy and wrapping and all of the other things that parents try when they are desperate to help their child. But none of that was effective, really. What REALLY worked was a big honking dose of steroids.

Curiously, opposite of what Frem thinks of me, I actually trust the parents quite a bit, and NOT to view them as the "cause" of the problem. Therefore, something as simple as "play therapy" or "family therapy" isn't going to be "the answer" either. At least, not for the families who care enough to show up looking for answers.

Bottom line: In my experience it's almost always neurological.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 2:50 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
YOUR response was Screw 'the man', my son isn't going to be dependent on big pharma. He's either either going to eat natural foods or" ... die(?). You fled the USA to avoid interference from "the authorities". And despite the fact that you say your son is doing "great!" you are looking into things like Faraday cages to resolve unspecified medical problems.

Good grief. Don't lie about me. DO NOT LIE ABOUT MY SON.

You know nothing about us or our situation. You twist whatever little you know to fit whatever warped idea you have of me. That is fine.

I have explained over and over again why we live in South America. Why we did what we did. You don't agree with my decision? Fine.

But you accuse me again of "fleeing the authorities," or causing my son harm, and you are dead to me. Period. Such accusations of illegal behavior (without a shred of evidence I might add) has real repercussions in the real world. You're messing with Tiger Mother now.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 3:08 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I agree with you that truth is often found in strange places... but sometimes those places are with the scientific consensus, which you resolutely refuse to consider... EVER!

EVER? Besides global warming and medicine (the two topics I listed as religions in my view), what scientific consensus have I refuted or refused to consider?

Have I refused to consider gravity, biochemical structure of DNA, the half-life of plutonium, the radiometric dating of dinosaur bones?

As far as global warming goes, I don't dispute the fundamentals of climate science. I only believe that some conclusions are premature.

As far as medicine goes, I believe medicine is a clinical art, not a science. You can't perform scientifically rigorous experimentation on humans, so the best you can do in medicine is approximate science: quasi-science, if you will. Ultimately, there is no such thing as scientific consensus in medicine; there is only clinical consensus and artistic consensus.

I don't dispute biochemistry. I dispute the certainty of the idea of "safety" in pharmacology, that we can be assured of the total effect a biochemical product has on an individual human. There are so many unknowns about the human body that there are usually secondary and tertiary effects the inventors have not considered or have chosen to ignore on purpose. Therefore, clinically, I support a more *conservative* use of medicine. I shouldn't have to spell this out, but for the record, I do not reject the use of medicine entirely.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 5:56 AM



You did, in fact, do both - do I really need to necro the damn threads, with quotes, to remind you ?
Cause I don't see the point of it.

And yeah, I *did* have some knowledge of the situation, but I prefer to have at least SOME evidence in hand before making a hard judgement call on something, however the situation came off as damned suspicious, and did in fact fit a common pattern of events - what is known in law enforcement as "probable cause", and was well worth investigating further.

Thing is, this wasn't like a month or a year, this was DAYS, this was someone with an axe winding up the State into a knee-jerk reaction as a fucking bludgeon - and the State violated both procedure and the law (and WHERE, pray tell, have we had THAT discussion before, ehe?) in that they churned out an illegal blank-check custody order, with no warrant at all, much less a proper one.

So from the perspective of the parent, they feel the current treatment regime isn't working, and start exploring other options, and before the week is out, WITHOUT NOTICE TO HER, NOR DISCUSSION WITH HER - next thing she knows is that she has a CPS goon with a couple badges on her doorstep - she demands to see a warrant, and they don't have one to show, nor is that custody order of any value legally, and you know damn well why if you read it.
(And this being the Detroit Police, was prolly followed by "We don't need no warrant, bitch!")

So she shuts the door in their faces and locks it, and proceeds to call legal aid, or a laywer, it's iffy on that point, but her immediate response was to call for legal assistance, during which, one of the officers in blatant disregard for procedure, and the law, tried to kick in the side door - and she banged off a shot through the wall, and things went rodeo from there.

But honestly, what would you have the woman DO, huh ?
Those oh-so-"safe" vaccines, required by law, crippled her child - and then the "treatment" prescribed by those same doctors appears to be doing more harm, and upon seeking alternatives she's met with a no warning ambush by "official" State people with no regard for the law, her rights, and all the illusions and lies they sell us to cover the fact that at the end of the day, it really is just rule of the gun.

They back her into a corner like that, what the fuck you expect her to DO, meekly hand over her kid for a round and round of rape and abuse in the foster care system, or worse, those damn next-best-thing-to-hellcamp group homes, or the truly horrific mental health care facilities around here which are so bloody awful they only comparison I can make is to romanian ophanages ?

Hell, she TRIED to play by the rules, was even trying to lawyer up when the cop started kickin in her door, and it didn't do a fuckin bit of good - she's STILL gonna be seperated from her kid, who is going to wind up yanked away from her mother, interrogated, threatened, yadda-fuckin-yadda....

But we been down this road, it's well travelled territory.

I do think it's kind of ironic that in your experience it's almost always neurological, and in mine its almost always pyschological - but I don't think that is confirmation bias, or at least not much, as it is the drastically different circumstances by which we might run across a child with problems, and the likely causes.

I also said almost always cause I am well aware that many neuro issues have a physical cause, but due to the circumstances of the time we had no access to many of the treatments or meds which might have had some effect - the only option we had if a kid couldn't recover without it was to cross our fingers and hand them off into the system hoping against hope they might not wind up under the care of the usual pyscho-pharmo "butchers" mostly employed at the time.

I will say that neither medication nor therapy is a pancea, each piece is but a tiny continuous whole of a long term treatment plan - but too damn many people making medical decisions from a position of authority, but no qualification, like your health care plan middle management, your school administrator, local law... who have no medical qualifications, mind you... have the power to force those arbitrary decisions down your throat, and WILL do it - also having the habit of going for the knee jerk quick fix cause they don't know a fuckin thing about medicine.

As for "significant behavioral issue" - I disagree, imma get into that in a while but I need to clear off my inbox and get me an irish coffee, heavy on the irish, cause the promised explaination requires dredging up some painful history.

Regarding the whole issue of State intervention and potentially abusive parenting, this all or nothing sledgehammer hit-n-miss bullshit helps no one - people who need help get stomped on, people who need stomping on get ignored, and it's just a fucking disaster, all the more so due to a lack of respect for the profession of social work and dearth of proper training and credentials - but what can one expect from a society based on sociopathy ?

I don't have it handy, but there's a recent news story about some creep who went and tortured his kids, while the community was semi-aware but didn't do something cause they figured the State would - and that just left me shaking my head, bad enough they do a piss poor job, but the fear of bringing down the State on their own head preventing folks who knew something was up from acting, meh...

One thing you'll notice about most not-crazy-nihilist Anarchists, is that they have a much greater sense of civic responsibility than usual, they HAVE TO, because in order to believe what they do, it naturally follows that one should be a present and active member of their neighborhood and community for its benefit, so yeah, while I think folks should as a rule mind their own damn business - in the case of obvious abuse, there's no excuse for it, even if you *DO* risk the wrath of the State falling on your head.

The problem comes when folk use CPS and so forth as a weapon against each other in their petty little personal squabbles, and get a free pass about it - that demeans the process too, as does a certain corruption within the foster/adoption system, which has some deep, dark, ugly roots if you dig far enough...

But mostly, the petty "I hate them, so imma call CPS on em and get em in trouble" shit, that has to GO, it's like tossing a knife into a crowd of rioting prisoners and not expecting someone to get shanked.

Oh, and regarding scientific consensus, their history does not inspire one to trust them whatsoever - from the dark ages of using mercury to treat syphillis, to thaloiomide, to gardasil, and as of late, bang-bang-bang down they go, these "Safe and Effective" drugs and treatments, which are ANYTHING BUT....
And all the people harmed who trusted them, all the while shouting down heretics who dare QUESTION a system so goddamn corrupt and untrustworthy no one with any sense would put stock in it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 7:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Good grief. Don't lie about me. DO NOT LIE ABOUT MY SON. You know nothing about us or our situation. You twist whatever little you know to fit whatever warped idea you have of me. That is fine. I have explained over and over again why we live in South America. Why we did what we did. You don't agree with my decision? Fine. But you accuse me again of "fleeing the authorities," or causing my son harm, and you are dead to me. Period. Such accusations of illegal behavior (without a shred of evidence I might add) has real repercussions in the real world. You're messing with Tiger Mother now.
CTS, I apologize for touching that nerve. I know how I would feel if someone did that to me. It's easy to feel afraid. FWIW I have no intention of harming you or your son. Everything I know, or think I might know, about you and your son is hearsay. And I certainly have no intention of pursuing you because I know that I DON'T know the situation. As I have said many times in this thread I am not there/ So in a legal and practical sense I think you are very much in the clear.


EVER? Besides global warming and medicine (the two topics I listed as religions in my view), what scientific consensus have I refuted or refused to consider?
Okay, "ever" WAS a little global! Still, there are some topics that you go off the rails on. If you claim to be scientific, it's not something you do until you get to a topic that you hold near and dear to your heart. It's like rationality goes only so far, and then after that "There be dragons"?


Sunday, March 27, 2011 7:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You did, in fact, do both - do I really need to necro the damn threads, with quotes, to remind you ? Cause I don't see the point of it.
I can. You accused me of doing something I didn't do. I know you and Rue tied into it, and Rue and I are often conflated. So I say your memory and your accusation are both mistaken.

I'm not "blaming" the mother. This is something I think you don't understand. This should not be a situation of "throwing the mom in jail" but "what is best for the child". In this case throwing the mom in jail serves no good purpose whatsoever. (Well IMHO in MOST cases throwing ANYONE in jail doesn't serve a useful purpose anyway, and this even less so, so there you are.)

Frem, I just came to a realization about you I hope you don't mind me sharing. And I apologize for being a 100% idiot and not seeing something that's been staring me in the face ever since whenever.

Someone on this board once said (wish I could remember who, it was prolly HK) We spend a lot of our adulthood re-fighting the fights we lost as a child. I'm reacting more to the daughter's situation and you're reacting more to the mom's. You always do, I think. I think you're still protecting your mom. You must have been one helluva courageous kid. Don't ever think that you are short on empathy, because you're not. Empathy has branded you deeply because you feel it deeply. If I were religious, I would say "God bless you, and god bless her memory. You both did the best you could".

AFA scientific consensus... the reason why you can point to so many consensuses going down in flames is because they WERE questioned. Science is not a set of facts that everyone agrees to, it is a process of asking and answering questions based on evidence. So you'll not find me supporting a consensus just because "everyone agrees" on it but because evidence backs it.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 1:00 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
CTS, I apologize for touching that nerve.

Thank you.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 2:23 PM


Oh look, a war. CTS, good point abiut safety, I'd challenge the science as well, back to Miranda. Pharmapocalypse. Huh. iPad thinks that's a word.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 3:03 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
In my experience, a significant behavioral issue is ALMOST ALWAYS an indication of an underlying neurological or physical issue. So when a parent shows up with a seriously misbehaving child, the first thing I DON'T do is look at mom/ dad and ask myself Hmmm.... I wonder what they did wrong?

And my experience is quite, quite different. In my experience behavioural issues are almost always due to family patterns, dynamics and parenting. Now I suppose you might say that there might be undiagnosed neurological issues, and perhaps there are, however, families who commit to therapy see the results. I guess the other biggie is developmental delay, which in itself wont gets treated with medication.


When a parent comes to the Mass General webforum for help, the very first thing I suggest is to look for a physical cause. Because ADHD is often precipitated by a stuffy nose and lack of sleep, random outbursts of violence may signal temporal lobe seizures, and "autism" can be caused by a seizure disorder. Autism itself is a physical process detectable at birth... and NOT due to vaccines. Schizophrenia was associated with Rh incompatibility before they began testing for that, and has recently been linked with infant jaundice - a sign of ABO incompatibility.

Regardless of whether you believe that you are born with autism (I do) and schizophrenia (the jury is out), you can't diagnose these at birth. A person needs to be at a certain developmental stage before it becomes apparent that there may be problems. With autism, it may be quite early, as soon as developmental milestones are not reached, but for schizophrenia its much, much later. As I said in my first post, all infants behave like adults with a mental illness, or perhaps adults with a mental illness behave like infants. That's why a diagnosis of bipolar in a 2 year old is unethical, all 2 year olds have the symptoms of bipolar, but when those behaviours manifest in adult life they will cause an adult significant difficulty in functioning. I do believe that the DSM even states that bipolar and schizophrenia cannot be reliably diagnosed until adulthood, although their emergence may be seen in adolescence.


I've actually pushed parents to continue looking for answers and helped them get diagnoses of (Frem- are you listening?) vaccine brain damage, heavy metal poisoning (a pretty pitcher purchased in Mexico used for orange juice), defective potassium channels, childhood disintegrative disorder, Landau Kleffner Syndrome, temporal lobe seizures and (in a woman) Hashimoto's encephalitis. I've never seen "behavioral" issues; what these kids experienced was 100% physical with behavioral consequences. Play therapy and physiotherapy just aren't going to be the solution. Not that WE didn't try ... brushing therapy and hippotherapy and wrapping and all of the other things that parents try when they are desperate to help their child. But none of that was effective, really. What REALLY worked was a big honking dose of steroids.

I really do put brain damage in a different boat, and although I understand what you say that it is often hard to differentiate between behavioural and neurological, I think that it would be useful to draw some distinctions between a child that has suffered physical brain trauma or has a diagnosable neurological issue, and the many, many children (1 in 3?) who are diagnosed with a behavioural problems with no other apparent evidence of physical trauma. It's a bit like comparing a brain tumour with depression.

That being said, poor attachment, stress, conflict, poor parenting all result in neurological trauma, and the evidence (seeing as you don't like belief) is that therapy has excellent results for healing said trauma. In fact, there is growing evidence that therapy can assist with physical trauma of the brain as well, such as when someone has been in a car crash. I've talked about this all before when I've gone on - and probably on and on - about the plasticity of the brain. It's that plasticity that worries me the most when people medicate their children unnecessarily (obviously my view here) because of how reactive and malleable the brain is, especially in infancy, that I think best left alone, if possible. But there are always going to be some circumstances where the brain damage is such that natural repair will be impossible. That is where i see the distinction.


Curiously, opposite of what Frem thinks of me, I actually trust the parents quite a bit, and NOT to view them as the "cause" of the problem. Therefore, something as simple as "play therapy" or "family therapy" isn't going to be "the answer" either. At least, not for the families who care enough to show up looking for answers.

I trust that parents want what is best for their children, but they don't always DO what is best for them. I'm not a big believer in instinct, other than the basic instinct to care for our young. We know what we know because of how we were parented and our own experiences. If you haven't had a lot to do with kids, you might not be aware that a two year old playing soccer in the middle of the night is not out of the norm (true story). Or that infants may not sleep through the night until they are three, or even older. Or that a small child having a tantrum may hold their breath until they pass out, or bang their head on a wall in frustration. It may be that your 'instinct' tells you that the best way to deal with an out of control toddler is to belt them, because that is what your parents did. Parents feel out of their depth on a regular basis and often seek advice on what is going on. A lot of what they will do will depend on that advice and unfortunately, not all advice is good.

Additonally, there are many theories of play therapy and family therapy, but generally they do not seek to view the parents as the problem as you have suggested. My understanding of play therapy is that it sees child's play as inherently healing and educative process. Play is how a child processes the world, makes sense of it many contradictions and solves problems and that is why is it used as the basis of the healing. Family therapies see the child as part of the family system and not an isolated unit and that you cant just 'fix' any one part of that system without every part changing in some way. I quote one lovely Italian therapist that I heard 'I love ze problem child, she takes you by the hand and leads you through the labyrinth of ze family' The strength of therapies is that all those things, empathy, listening, playing, along with music, touch and a whole host of other things actually have the capacity to heal brain trauma, to reconnect or connect neurons. It may not have worked in your circumstance, but it has been very successful for others.


Bottom line: In my experience it's almost always neurological.

Everything has an impact on a person neurologically - when I smile, cry, exercise, get angry, fall in love, do a maths quiz will all have an impact on my brain. So to a degree I'd agree with you. It's just that the evidence shows that there are lots of ways of healing other than drugs, and that drugs in fact, are risky for the very young and are probably, in most circumstances left alone for infancy and childgood unless their are very dramatic reasons why they might be necessary.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 3:11 PM



I also said almost always cause I am well aware that many neuro issues have a physical cause, but due to the circumstances of the time we had no access to many of the treatments or meds which might have had some effect - the only option we had if a kid couldn't recover without it was to cross our fingers and hand them off into the system hoping against hope they might not wind up under the care of the usual pyscho-pharmo "butchers" mostly employed at the time.

I will say that neither medication nor therapy is a pancea, each piece is but a tiny continuous whole of a long term treatment plan - but too damn many people making medical decisions from a position of authority, but no qualification, like your health care plan middle management, your school administrator, local law... who have no medical qualifications, mind you... have the power to force those arbitrary decisions down your throat, and WILL do it - also having the habit of going for the knee jerk quick fix cause they don't know a fuckin thing about medicine.

frem, you've pretty much said what I believe, only with no knowledge of how your medical system works in reality.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 5:00 PM


Siggy, I am actually going to explain that in detail, I've just been swamped with weekend security crazyness and haven't been able to find a mental place to look it over - you're partially right, but there's more to it than that.

Case Update: They set bond at $500.000.00 USD, of course, yet another lets-piss-on-the-law slap in the face from the system - so much for the Eighth Amendment...

She does have an attorney, but I dunno if Wanda is up to this one, cause it's gonna get nasty, which is all I can say at the moment - there's some tap-dancing I have to do so as not to have a judge all pissed off at me, but I will say that the medication being pushed on the daughter was in fact Risperdal, and she and the alternate doctor (who is in fact an actual MD, but also practices holstic) accurately documented both a progression for the worse under the former treatment regimen, and immediate improvement on the new one.

In a rational world with a functional legal and healthcare system, this one would be open and shut, but it's not that bloody simple, cause she offended the badge bearing mafia despite (and mind you, even the COURT admits this!) being well within her legal rights to fire on the police when they illegally tried to force their way into her home.

Also, the local media has for the most part been trying like hell to quash this, deliberately using vague language, lies by omission, and all that rot in order to spin the matter and dodge the questions of misconduct and overreach on behalf of state officials.

Please note that my initial suspicions so far have in fact panned out, as they often do.

*sigh*, yeah, this is gonna be some ugly business, I dunno if we can directly help this lady, but what I hope to do is parley it into some freakin desperately needed reforms.

ETA: Also, as one of the conditional terms of her surrender, the child was supposed to be placed in the custody of relatives in order to minimise trauma/disruption - of course the instant they got the cuffs on the mother, they hauled the kid right on off to one of those hellholes, right in front of her....

I plan to make sure the department is made very very very aware of the fact that this means the next time they try to "negotiate", such a history of bad faith means people are probably going to die, and some of em might be wearing badges.


PS. I'll post up the promised explaination as soon as possible, I got to fill in for someone, so imma be walkin the property, mind.


Sunday, March 27, 2011 10:40 PM


Okay, I've discussed this mess piecemeal here and there, but imma put it into a seamless whole here despite my reluctance to do so - HKCav is right, but you need the full picture to understand.

My first act of heresy was of course, stabbing my father in the leg in defense of my mother, an act which thankfully sent his ass lookin for greener pastures - but it also lead down a path which most folks don't travel, and almost never so early, that of questioning societys preciously held values, most of which I consider bunk... like a badly woven rug, when you pull ONE thread, it all starts to come apart.

I think the second one was a combination of two things, first my personal dismissal of the inherent racism of my family and neighborhood, cause I thought it was idiotic, and still do - which lead to questioning the "wisdom" of my elders, and thus to why should I obey their orders unless they made some kind of sense, followed by a total rejection of the concept of "Because I said so", well, so what.
This wasn't helped a whole lot by the other kids who DID accept their elders racist "values" and decided to take issue with me not doing so - having seen real violence all too often in my home, I didn't really make any distinction between playground stuff and violence-with-intent... to this day I still ain't too sure there IS any kind of meaningful difference, and as a result my primary "friend" in kindergarten was also my favorite weapon, Charlie the Chair - yes, I used the time-out chair to bludgeon people with, so what, when it's three on one, you even the freakin odds, and when they decided to beat you up for being a ni**er-lover, and yet YOU wind up "in the wrong"... you'd question the so-called wisdom of your elders too!

I wasn't a happy kid, about this, I got a class pic around here of it, twenty-nine smiling kids and one glaring, snarling one... guess who ?

Grade school didn't help matters neither, not when everyone else got bigger and I mostly didn't, but I do recall one incident from early in, when a teacher made an error, and then when I called her on it, proceeded to call me a liar, reprimand me and continue as if that *was* the correct answer - Mrs Rudd was of the notion you never, ever admit fault or error to the kids, and she was willing to screw the whole lesson plan into the ground rather than do so cause like most of em she figured we were so stupid we'd forget most if not all of it by the next day anyways...
Which caused the realization that adults were, in their own way, as petty, spiteful and STUPID as my classmates - which had more impact than you'd think cause at the time I considered anyone who couldn't mentally keep up with me to be a goddamn imbecile and treated them as such, not realizing till years later how hurtful and hypocritical this was of me - but also provoked the further realization that adults were as a rule NOT worthy of my respect.

But the one two punch came some time later, the spark that lit the fuse was my refusal of the pledge of allegience, a shocking, outrageous and unheard of act of unignorable heresy, which probably led in part to what followed by making the school officials dislike me bitterly - you recall me mentioning the kid who got kicked to death in the stairwell, yes ?
Guess who was next up on the target list ?

And while I suspected then, I do know now that adults were damn well encouraging them, cause they added "commie" to the racist comments, children learning the hatreds of their parents, as they learned from theirs, mouthing words they didn't even understand as excuses...

They managed to catch me on the grounds after school and did me over but good - skill and speed versus size and numbers, and they put the boot in but good, I spent the night in the hospital with a concussion and broken bones, mind you - and faculty sat there and watched it happen.
I already had some unfriendly thoughts about just how damn convenient the no weapons on school property policy made it for these bastards, as if we didn't have a memorial plaque and a corpse for enough evidence already, and that incident kind of sealed it for me, cause in my eyes, it was gonna be them or me....
And it wasn't gonna be me.

Yeah, ok, my mother gave me the knife - but you really think by that time given what had passed already that I didn't have a handful of shanks close to hand ?
I just never thought of bringin them to school till that point.
In fact I wasn't sure I wanted to drag her into it and offered it back to her - and oddly, there's a scene in LoTR eeriely remeniscent of how that went.
You know when Frodo offers Aragon the One Ring, and Aragon gently closes Frodos hand over it, encouraging him to accept his destiny, however awful, and with the implication that Aragorn is willing to back him up all the way, no matter what it takes ?
Well, it went down *JUST* like that.

And I didn't just slash them up, I pounded them into the turf, frankly if the faculty hadn't intervened (showing their true colors, you ask me!) I might have beaten them to death - cause for a fact, I was ENJOYING myself.
To quote Renton " Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it." - which is why dope never held much allure for me, cause I got a hate-on for sociopaths and predators that comes back to back with a bloodlust that borders on orgasmic, ok ?
See, even now, I don't hate em the way most folk do, with greed and envy and jealousy all tied in a spiral around the better reasons, but rather with the pure white hot clarity of a child, as only a child can hate, their WRONGNESS, their inhumanity, anti-humanity, if you will.

In which also came the epiphany, the shattering of the facade, and the realization that our whole society is a fucking lie, a rigged game pretending to be fair, and we're all suckers for playing by the rules, so fuck the rules - the final step from Heresy to Anarchy, although I doubt I could have put proper words to it at the time.

Of course, others had plenty of words for it, words with long, technical sounding names, but yanno, every single one of them boiled down to "will not meekly obey" and "we want you to take these pills" - I didn't buy that for a moment, nor did my mother, and what else it did was allow me to put a name to what was so very wrong with some of the kids in my class... like the one who sat in the back, empty eyed, slack jawed, no expression, who never did any classwork and other kids mocked cause he apparently drooled - a fucking brain dead zombie, for all intent and purposes, and now I could put a word to it, and to those who weren't quite that bad off, but getting there...
That word? - Ritalin.

I might be many things, but stupid ain't never been one of em - once I realized what it was, it was real easy to make the connection between the kids on it, and realize there had been this progression from normal to zombiefied, to so messed up they got "Transferred", hell, up till that point I thought Ritalin was a disease or something, cause it so obviously made people worse and worse - it looks a little different from point blank range, staring down the barrell of it pointed at you like that, than from a nice cold safe distance where no one is ever going to force-feed it to you at virtual gunpoint.

And we weren't having any of that, oh hell no - thus starting an ongoing back and forth between me, mom and the goddamn MD Board of Education, which has no business trying to practice medicine or influence the practice thereof anyways, which by itself would have been enough hassle...
Bullies, pecking orders, cliques, all those administrators understand, but a kid who didn't respect or play by the written and unwritten rules was beyond their understanding, and what they do not understand, they fear, try to destroy, yadda-fuckin-yadda.

Their opportunity came via the State - see, my mothers divorce wasn't one of those nice quick-n-clean ones, oh no, all dragged out cascade-failure style, with fallout landing everywhere and lots of harsh words and bad feelings in all directions, thankfully the judge overseeing custody did the one thing few adults had ever thought to do, and asked me MY opinion, which I gave to him, in the process verbally excoriating my father to where he blatantly balled his fist with intent, causing me to snatch up a sharp looking pen, and the baliff to haul me out of the room before I used it on him... needless to say he didn't get custody, yes ?
But anyhow, my mother was recieving some level of aid from the state while the financial mess got sorted out, and mind you that carried its own social stigmata in school as well, I believe the phrase was "Free Lunches get Free Punches", and so on and so forth.

So the Board of Education folks got to talkin with the Social Services folks - and you *DO* recall me pointing out that bullying doesn't STOP at graduation, those bastards simply gravitate towards positions of power and authority from which to continue it, right ?
And some of those folk had their own axes to grind with my mother over bucking their whim, the divorce, all other manner of petty dumbass shit...
So they concocted a plan to solve their little problem, and in a closed door "hearing" I bet lasted maybe five fuckin minutes, cut off the aid, declared her unable to parent via financial insolvency and declared my ass a ward of the state, bing, bang, boom, just like that.

And then they sent the goon squad to haul me off to one of their pet hellcamps.
Sent a damn lot of em too, they knew what they were getting into, and again, speed and skill versus size and numbers...
(As an aside, if you ever wondered where my cold rabidity about personal defense and the second amendment comes from, that also progressed from this, with uncountable situations where having a weapon close to hand made a difference for the better ever further reinforcing that stance.)

Only the dim bastards were used to the trained/learned helplessness reaction, and totally unprepared for someone that would fight them in every word, thought and action, every moment, of every day, forever and ever.
Imagine the worst possible epic disaster, triple it, and you might get close to the idea - at one point they had three police departments chasing me around Loch Raven, and needed a wrecker to get one of their cruisers out of the damn mud, and the attempted arson of the facility was kind of obligatory - that was also where I learned just how effective a force multiplier a handy fire extinguisher is when one is trying to escape a pack of goons.

Of course, by the time they did have me treed (in this case, literally) my mother had secured income, a local lawyer who had something of a crush on her, media attention, and the aid of a second chance school system which seemed like a godsend at the time, but as we learned later had nefarious intentions of its own - the hellcamp most assuredly did *NOT* want to face media attention or inspection and chose to cut its losses, while the bastards behind it tried to play the "trying to help" and "for your own good" cards, badly, since they didn't get a chance to make sure their bullshit stories matched.

I didn't need their fucking "help", I didn't WANT their fucking "help" - and having a will of your own is not a goddamn disorder, it's not a mental illness...
What they wanted to do amounted, in my opinion, to pyschic murder - they wanted to kill the person I was by changing that person into someone else with drugs and conditioning, someone more tractable, controllable, obedient, someone "better".. HA!, better for THEM!
And the who that I am now, would not have liked that person very much, at best considering them a sap and a dupe, or at worst considering them the lowest form of jackboot licker.

I am who I am, *MY* decisions, *MY* life, and lived maybe not in the manner or fashion as I had hoped or planned, but at least according to my guidance and no other - you understand ?

So when something like this happens, my first thought is always, always, going to be to consider that the child in question might not agree with the State, might not actually want or need their damn "help", and question the motives and intentions of those offering such "help" - it's only if the condition is disabiling past the point of coherent decision making that I will then consider the parents will as primary, and barring some factual hard-evidence of abuse, neglect or malice, that's where it ends for me cause the State has no damn business involving itself short of proof-in-hand cases, and oddly will NOT act in many of those, while going balls to the wall on thin bullshit like this - they can NOT, therefore, be trusted.

Cause I personally have seen that from a perspective most folk haven't, and you bet your ass I have an axe to grind about it - but it's worth considering that my primary goal here is reforms, not retaliation, and to seek restorative justice rather than retributive - it's only when forcing reforms becomes a dead letter issue, and the other side decides the rules don't apply to them, that I feel it's time for a retributive/retaliatory lesson... and I can hold a grudge for a damn long time, just ask David McDade (See Also: Genarlow Wilson), or WWASPS for that matter.

Anyhow, as one of my favorite authors puts it, we are all the sum of our scars - mine run deep, and are both weapon and shield, instead of letting the beast within drag me around, I threw a fucking saddle on it and broke it to *MY* will, and decided to use it run over any bastards who would foist such nightmares onto others for profit or entertainment - I am, after all, Vajrayana.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, March 28, 2011 5:15 PM



Thank you for baring your heart and telling that story. Wow.

You remind me of that animated picture of the horse, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.

God, we need more people like you in this world.

Here is another report that tells the story more from the mom's perspective.


Maryanne Godboldo was looking only for help.

Last year, the Detroit mother went to the Children's Center, a group that works with troubled children, to seek advice and a treatment plan for her 13-year-old daughter. The girl, who'd never had behavioral problems before, was suddenly irritable and not her usual self following a series of immunization shots.

As part of the center's treatment plan, a doctor prescribed the child an anti-psychotic medication. But the child's symptoms only worsened. As a result, Godboldo sought another physician, who quickly recommended taking the child off the psychotropic drug.

The mother agreed and, according to her attorney, who spoke exclusively with MLive Detroit earlier today, Godboldo began following that doctor's orders.

Unfortunately for Godboldo, the state didn't agree. Child Protective Services wanted Godboldo's child medicated according the center's plan, and CPS workers essentially told the 56-year-old mother — who was never under any court order to follow the plan — to agree to their program or surrender her child.

She refused both. And so, on Thursday, CPS workers showed up at Godboldo's house with the police, who said they had a warrant to take the child. But according to Godboldo's lawyer, Wanda A. Evans, officers never produced a warrant even after Godboldo repeatedly asked to see one.

A standoff ensued. A gunshot was fired from inside the house — though, according to Evans, not at officers. Finally, after long hours of tense negotiations, Godboldo — a mother, a teacher, a dancer and a respected figure in the city's arts circles — surrendered, was jailed and, on Sunday, was arraigned on multiple felony charges.

March 28, Detroit News: Godboldo is accused of barricading herself inside her west side home with her 13-year-old daughter and a gun after being confronted Thursday afternoon by Child Protective Services workers who had a warrant to remove the girl because the mother had withheld her medication. Detroit Police said Godboldo fired a shot and refused to leave the home until negotiators, including a Wayne County judge, helped talk her into surrendering.

"We talked that day mother-to-mother. I asked her to come out on her porch and I promised I would come here today to walk out with her," Wayne Circuit Judge Deborah Thomas said Sunday after the hearing. "I'm shocked by the amount of the bond. I never dreamed it would be set so high and she wouldn't be free to care for her daughter."

Meanwhile, according to Evans, the daughter, who has a physical disability, remains in the custody of the state even though several relatives and family friends have repeatedly volunteered to care for her in her mother's absence: "They had a hearing that they didn't notify anyone of, and a woman from CPS said that no family had come forward to take care of the girl. That's just not true. Relatives were all at the house when this incident happened, saying they would take care of her. It's like, the state just wants to medicate this child."

But for now, at least, the drugs are off the table. A Wayne County Circuit Court judge ordered the medication discontinued until further review.

How isn't this entire incident a travesty?

How does a woman who voluntarily goes looking for help wind up behind bars because she's trying to do what she thinks is right by her child? How can the state make a mom who, by all accounts, has done a wonderful job of parenting give her child medicine that she and a doctor both think only worsens a problem? And how is it that we can respect a judge ordering the child off the medication but not a mother acting on her physician's advice?

Evans compares Godboldo to comic Jenny McCarthy, who has railed publicly against vaccines as a potential cause of autism in children. Granted, the science weighs heavily against that theory, but as Evans says, "Nobody is kicking in Jenny McCarthy's door. She has the right to do what she thinks is in the best interest of her child. Why can't this woman?"

Hell, this isn't about vaccines even: Godboldo had gone along with the shots. She wasn't some religious nut denying her child a life-saving medical treatment. This was a mother who, along with her doctor, didn't believe her child benefited from psychotropic drugs.

As Judge Thomas' remarks suggest, the incident has sparked shock and outrage among many in Detroit who believe that Child Protective Services overreacted (and that state agencies are often far too quick to recommend medication for kids, especially black children). A rally of support for Godboldo is being held at Detroit's Hartford Memorial Church on April 2.

I doubt that anybody's trying to justify standoffs with cops or warning shots or any of the other sensational elements of this incident. But early evidence strongly suggests that the CPS workers overstepped their bounds in a major way.

If so, then how could Godboldo not resist? Because regardless of whether it's to mental illness, physical disabilities or state agencies, good parents do not simply surrender their children.


Monday, March 28, 2011 5:32 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'm sorry Frem, but I think its good that you do your best to help kids who have been mistreated by society. Some of us are doomed to certain fates. All we can do is twist them around and try to use what we've had to learn in order to help someone else, to try and keep them from ending up where we've been or gotten to.

I hope the mom wins her case and I'm glad they've found a course of treatment now for the daughter that is helping the problem and isn't causing those side effects. I hope she's back with her mom soon, very soon. I think that a child should always be put with a family member or friends when at all possible. When my little brother was taken from his mom he came to us because we already knew and loved him. Long story and a weird one. I'd hate to think of what might have happened if they didn't know us and he'd been sent to who knows who.

I just want everyone's children to be as healthy, safe and content as possible, actually I want everyone to be those things.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, March 28, 2011 5:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I think if you had run into just one decent teacher it would have all been different. Someone who had both compassion AND authority. You would have seen both sides of the human coin.


Friday, April 1, 2011 4:21 AM



Friday, April 1, 2011 4:50 AM



According to a police report, Godboldo locked the doors of her home when child welfare workers showed up Thursday afternoon with a warrant to take her daughter. The warrant apparently was issued without a hearing by a Wayne Circuit Court judge.

Untrue - they didn't have a warrant, they had an illegal "blank check" custody order, which I have posted a link to, above...

Which means from a legal standpoint, again - she was defending home and person from armed intruders operating under "color of law", but of course we bend the rules, if we apply them at all, when it comes to the badge bearing horde.

Also, three links.

I cannot format those as I normally do cause I have jammed/sprained/broken my left index finger and cannot type too well right now, so expect responses to be short, for a while.

And Will Grigg is tearing into this, keep an eye on his Pro Libertate blog for more info later.



Sunday, April 3, 2011 8:24 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

That's a bummer about your finger Frem, I hope it is a sprain and not a break.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, April 4, 2011 3:28 AM


Yes. Ow

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Monday, April 4, 2011 4:03 PM


Speaking of how bullying doesn't stop at graduation, and how parents fucking encourage it...

Police: Parents beat 73-year-old crossing guard

Lansing— Police say two Lansing parents beat a 73-year-old school crossing guard after he tried to break up a fight between their son and another 7-year-old boy.

Police Lt. Noel Garcia tells the Lansing State Journal that the boys were involved in an altercation at Lyons Elementary School on Wednesday. Garcia says the next morning the parents drove to the area to find the other 7-year-old boy, let out their son and told him to beat the other boy.

Garcia says the couple's 7-year-old punched the other child, knocking him to the ground. When the crossing guard intervened, Garcia says the couple attacked him.

Garcia says other child had minor injuries and the guard had a chipped tooth. Police plan to seek charges against the 29-year-old woman and 26-year-old man.

Charges will be the least of it, and as I mentioned, the hit or miss sledgehammer approach of CPS, cause if ever a case existed where one WOULD call into question parental custody, isn't this certainly one of em ?

See, folk are always so eager to blame the kids, but this is entirely common, only the parents are usually more discreet about it, so exactly HOW do they expect to accomplish anything when they're ignoring the source ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, April 4, 2011 6:23 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

That's a horrible story Frem, I feel so bad for that nice crossing guard. Rutting whitetrash parents (note that the term whitetrash can apply equally to anyone of any ethnicity that acts like ... whitetrash). How can anyone expect kids to behave themselves when the parents are encouraging this stuff? I'm glad that the crossing guard is okay.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, April 4, 2011 6:54 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
That's a horrible story Frem, I feel so bad for that nice crossing guard. Rutting whitetrash parents (note that the term whitetrash can apply equally to anyone of any ethnicity that acts like ... whitetrash). How can anyone expect kids to behave themselves when the parents are encouraging this stuff? I'm glad that the crossing guard is okay.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

Or it cannot be applied at all. Here it can get you shot, much in the way the N_ word would in the city.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Monday, April 4, 2011 7:02 PM


I had family that used to live in a trailer park.

As a word of advice: don't. You're better off renting an apartment than owning a trailer. The trailer depreciates to almost nothing the moment you buy it, making it very difficult to sell, which will basically trap you in the trailer park if you don't have much money. Big finance sink.


Monday, April 4, 2011 8:15 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Yeah, I've know really nice and sensable people who have lived in trailer parks who aren't whitetrash at all, so whitetrash and trailertrash aren't the same thing, I don't say trailertrash incidentally.

I'm going to say it if I want to DreamTrove, I'll just be careful in your neck of the woods. Unfortunately my brother and his wife are a bit whitetrashy, I hope my little nephews don't end up like that. But I suppose there are worse things to be in this world, they don't ever tell my older nephew to randomly beat up kids on the playground. They're actually raising a really good kid, whether I agree with all their parenting strategies or not, he's coming out first rate.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 1:56 AM


Missing the point.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 3:36 AM


Only thing I ever call "trash" is the stuff on people's lawn. Would it kill you guys to do something with all the tires? Hell, turn them into a planter, or make a tire swing, but SOMETHING.

Although I also tend to think if you're well off but you've gotten the city to put a municipal dumpster on your driveway, because you're too lazy to walk a regular garbage can twenty yards out to the curb, that maybe you're just a slob.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 5:21 AM



The parents in question "claim" that their son was being bullied by the victim, mind you, they also "claimed" that the crossing guard came at them with a knife.

Not only is this bullshit, but thanks to a witness, who had a camera, the latter claim falls as a blatant falsehood, and due to the benefits of personal reputation I managed to get the facts of the former as well - the victim managed to catch this jackass without his flunkies and take him one on one, so he went whining to his folks who then set this shit up.

Not only that, but I understand prolly better than anyone the dynamics of a situation like this - bullies and their parents almost without fail come from a higher social standing than their victims, a pecking order encouraged all throughout our society as it venerates the sociopath and demeans the altruist, ergo, there's always a certain sense of entitlement, the notion that they're GOING to get away with it, because that is the way things work, nudge, nudge, wink, wink - no matter what it says on paper, no matter what lip service is given.

Someone who really *is* encouraging their kid to stand and deliver against a bully, they're NOT going to encourage it in broad daylight on school property, cause they know damn well most bullies have the tacit and complicit support of school authorities and it's giving the shitheads home field advantage besides, you see ?

And that's another thing, again, that home field advantage, the bullies, and obviously, as in this case, the parents - know that the student is going to be in a certain place, within a certain time frame, and UNARMED.
I consider this a silver-plate handover, a set-up, I have ever since *I* was a child, and my opinion hasn't changed one fucking bit, cause it *IS*.

Imma include proof of that right here.

Death At 3PM


School lets out at 3pm.

These charts show without one ounce of doubt, that school is a contributory factor in crime...and here's why, tho no one will admit it.

A student often harrassed by his peers more often than likely...WILL BE ARMED, once he returns home and gets out and about.

But on his way home from school, he will not be, nor will he have neighbor/parental support to back him demanding that our children come to school unarmed (which is rational, and understandable) - we then take some responsibility for protecting them from harm.

The same principle applies at, say...Social Security...the sign on the door clearly indicates you must leave your weapons behind to enter the building, and beside that door is an ARMED guard...the presence of whom I find downright comforting when I have left my weapons in the car.

If I must be defenseless by the rules of the organization I am entering, it is their responsibility, defend me, period.

The SAME applies to schools...the child appearing at the bus stop to confront six larger kids who are going to kick the shit out of him does so unarmed because it is the schools policy that he not board the bus with a weapon...but where is the school when his safety is now endangered because he is unarmed ?

And on the way home, many times it is a "race" to get "home safe" and more than likely armed....before your aggressors get to you - where is the school then, by who's demands you are unarmed ?

If the school is going to demand compliance with certain rules that cause increased risks to their students (and usually FROM other students) - then the school is going to have to take responsibility for what happens to them....even if it's off school grounds, even if it's after school.

Now, consider well the mindset of the tormented child - the school demands he be certain places at certain times, and unarmed...and his tormenters know where he will be, and that he will be defenseless....and as well most of them know the teachers are going home and the school will not take responsibility for anything that happens after school or off the property.

In the mind of the victim, the school has "set him up" to be abused, and therefore a knowing and willing participant, especially if he's brought it up with them and been told there is nothing they can do after-hours or off the property.

And the sick thing is...the child is correct, the school places him in such situations, and then refuses to take their share of responsibility for what then happens to him.

Yet, now...if it was an adult, a stranger...they might act, but as long as it's students from the same school, they do nothing, how convenient.

What needs be done is to make the school system legally and financially responsible to some degree in cases where harm comes of it, for it is by their mandate the student is in this place, at this time, and not armed - and therefore easier to victimize.

So there it is, and I want these parents hammered for it, but of course because they are socially higher in the pecking order in great part DUE to their sociopathy, the court is already going easy on them, and will probably allow them to plead out to a misdemeanor and shovel it under the rug with probation and a fine, as the behavior no doubt continues - the message sent slapping their wrist not for what they did, but for being so indiscrete about it...
Me, I pushed for throwing the Felony beef at em, but not only was I ignored, lo and behold this very morning I get a goddamn jury duty notice, sent priority, assholes - they wanna bully ME do they, they wanna pick a FIGHT do they ?

Anyhows, it's all so easy to blame the kids, but it's not JUST the kids, it's us, our society, as well.
AND in most cases the administration - case in point.

Teacher Accused of Mocking 7-Year-Old's Hairstyle on Facebook

You KNOW that's an encouragement, an incitement, and quite deliberate, no matter what anyone says.
For the record *I* think it was cute, and it made the kid happy, so what OF it - but even in the case of things I think ridiculous - those huge super-baggy pants some folk wear, for example, I'll still back someones right to express themselves - when that ever-so-appropriately named jerk Dave Dicks (Flint MI Police Chief) decided to be an asshole about that...

I then refused service (I was still driving a cab at the time) to one of his officers, telling him that I did so because "his pants conformed to his body in a manner I found offensive", grinning all the while.

Still digging on the Maryanne Godboldo case, there's more to it, and having to cut through the stonewalling and asscovering is a hassle.

And... Jury Duty, hoo boy, that's gonna be interesting, as usual - prolly get my ass arrested tomorrow, if not cited for contempt at least.


PS. I cut that damn splint off, yeah it hurts, but if I can't type I start to go crazy!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 5:56 AM


Go Frem.

I guess it depends what the intentions are in picking you for jury duty. They have to know that you're a spanner in the works, and I can only see that being to the disadvantage of the defendant bully parents here.

You might not be able to influence the judge, but in the very least you'll give the other jury members something to think about.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 9:03 AM


Nah, hell, I don't even live in the vicinity where that trial would be held, and the defense attorney would be throwing holy water or something on me and screaming if he spotted me in THAT jury pool!
*laughing at the very thought*

This was more likely one judge calling another and deciding on some petty, minor harrassment and costing me a days wages for not minding my own business - they don't normally send such notices next-day mail, and such selection is supposedly at the hands of "random" computer software we've proven is anything but, however the lady assigned to investigate that was bangin Kwame on the side, AND allegedly doin a bit of humping within the department as well...

You can't trust anyone in this place, they're all corrupt as hell, and so long as Kym Worthy is still playing her version of Jonathan Wilds scam -
Then ain't nothin gonna change - Kwame wasn't busted down cause he was corrupt, he was busted down cause he didn't think he had to take her orders any more, Bing is every bit as slimy, and don't eeeeeven get me started on that punk Goodbee and his bimbo, after what they did to Evans.

But I *KNOW* all this, even if I can't get anyone with sufficient authority to act on it, and they're all oh so VERY well aware that I know, since I'll call them on it face to face, in person, flat out, while the sycophantic local media cringes and quickly points their cameras and mics away so they can pretend they didn't see or hear - and stupid as they are ain't not a one of em dumb enough to send in the goon squad and make a martyr, cause there would be no way in hell to cover up what would inevitably result.
(See Also: Weapon Shops of Isher, A.E. Van Vogt)

So they content themselves with lameass petty harrassment of the kind only localized officials can - to the point where even the damn police are sick of it, when I had to go into court last over a couple of caught-red-handed wankers who needed to be convinced to plead it out, they didn't even bother to send me a summons, but instead called me on the main security line and politely asked me to head on over, since 14A is down the street from here, and even punched me a tab for the gas money.

Ergo, this is the legal/political equivalent of his "honor" beaning me with a paper wad for speaking out of turn, lameass petty bullshit, is all.

But I figure to make the most of it, oh indeedy.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 9:09 AM


Ah. It DID seem like you were being called for jury duty more than anyone I'd ever heard of.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 2:37 PM


Well, there's more to it than petty harrassment, at least I don't have it half as bad as those poor sodders in Redford, who by virtue of being white wind up sent the notices over and over even though by law you're supposed to be removed from consideration for one full year after serving...

See, there's a bunch of stuff in that computer that shouldn't be, and it's selection criteria is as rigged as it gets, set up to produce a jury pool as hostile to the defendant as humanly possible, what they call jury stacking.

Kriho was initially charged with lying to the judge and prosecutor during "voir dire" -- the lengthy process in which judges and prosecutors stack our modern juries to make sure no one who disagrees with the government is allowed to be seated.

But upon review of the transcript, it turns out Laura Kriho didn't lie at all -- she was completely exonerated on the perjury charge. Instead, it turns out they just forgot to ask her whether she was against the drug war.

No matter. The court ruling under which Ms. Kriho is to be sentenced holds that potential jurors have a responsibility to leap to their feet during jury selection, bleating out any opinions they may have that might lead them to disagree with the court or the prosecution ... even if the questions are never asked.

(Either our courtrooms are about to start resembling revival meetings, with folks arching their backs in the aisles and babbling in tongues or wailing like certain Sunni mullahs, or else all potential jurors had better start asking for court-appointed counsel, to warn them what to say and when, lest they end up facing jail sentences for failure to "volunteer" some disallowed political opinion or other.)

In the opinion, Souter noted that black jurors were questioned more aggressively about the death penalty, and the pool was “shuffled” at least twice by prosecutors, apparently to increase the chances whites would be selected.

And this one, of course, obligatory.

Anyhows, I've already related many of the other tricks used to ensure that no trial in our so-called justice system is gonna be fair, but jury stacking is of course all part of the game, you see.

So, when they go to the computer, the data kicks me out somewhere in the top of the list as someone who's very likely to be extremely hostile to a poor, black, urban defendant and the software says BOOYAH and kicks out the notice, without regard to that whole full year thing, cause a lot of the folk around here don't KNOW that is illegal, and due to the dire threats will show up anyway, nor is the court likely to tell them any more than they will inform them of what jury nullification means.

Look at it from the computers perspective - white, middle aged, rural ancestry, poor-to-middle income, gun owner, dislike of government in general, former military service, suspected militia...
All the hallmarks of the kind of honkey cracker asshole who isn't even going to LISTEN to the facts of the case before screaming yee-haw, get a rope, let's string that **gger up!

Now imagine a jury pool loaded with 85-90% of THOSE, and you're the defendant - facing the whole goddamn book cause you wouldn't bend the knee, lick the judges boots and plead it, begging for mercy from his "honor".

This is what constitutes "justice" in most of america these days, and it's why I consider, quite properly, prosecutors to be the very scum of the earth.

And yeah, verily, I fuck with em - you bet, starting from the strip-tease song and dance at the metal detector, which goes bonkers over my prosthetics and medical patchwork, and rather accellerated when they demand your obsequious deference to his "honor" (an illegal and unconstitutional title of nobility) by leaping to your feet, if not bowing and scraping - at which point I don't fucking move, waiting till I have EVERYONES attention, and then slowly standing in the most insolent, brazenly contemptuous fashion possible, and it tends to start going rodeo from there....

You'd think they'd know better by now, wouldn't you ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 6:40 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

You sound a bit like you're showing off, not like you're making a social statement here. Sorry, but I just had to say it, I think it sometimes, but I've never said it about you. I don't think I'll ever say it again because I like ya, but I had to say it once.
Cheers and Slainte

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 8:57 PM


Oh I do play to it, all melodramatic and such, in part to avoid being taken seriously, although time and again that does bite me in the ass, sure.

Trick is to maintain interest, you see - there's an old saw that if you can make them laugh, you can make them listen, and so a certain amount of flim-flam is required for anything political in order to get or hold folks attention long enough for the inherent message to get across, which in this case is just how much a sham the entire trial *IS* in such a rigged system.

The only real question is gonna be how much of that bullshit I get *away* with before his "honor" pitches me from the courtroom, cause every second of it poisons the jury pool that much more effectively - so the flash is a mental misdirection, a social equivalent of the stage magicians hand-fake, to outrage/perplex/confuse him and delay his booting me long enough to "work the crowd", you see.

Which is in essence, what all politics IS, you think about it - the difference between the King and the Jester often as not is simply which chair they're sitting in.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011 3:37 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Feeling emboldened. You've always seemed like a show off. Doesn't mean I enjoy your stories any less, but you come across as a show off who likes attention.
I like attention too though.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, April 6, 2011 5:55 PM


Actually, personally ? - not so much, but as mentioned in V for Vendetta, you wear a mask for so long, you start to forget who you were underneath it.
Still, in order to effect change, you *need* to get attention - you can't wind up the community until you have their attention, and you must hold it long enough to get your message across.

Local politics-wise, that originally bit me on the ass when I broke into the "public" - held in an offsite venue with locked and guarded doors - rendered futile by a left-open ground floor window - meeting regarding a proposal to spend an ungodly amount of money to build a school that wouldn't even be in our district, and verbally excoriated them, only to realize about three quarters of the way into it that the public access channel was live, erk...
And in for a penny, in for a pound, and it snowballed from there - I much prefer to indulge in political machinations against folk who do not live within rifle range, yanno ?

All pointless anyway since I showed up this mornin and the cop on the metal detector goes "Oh, YOU - what are you doin here ?", and when I handed him the notice he told me to get lost and shooed me away like an errant housepet, meh - which just goes to show the local cops around here ain't completely stupid, especially the ones familiar with my baiting and chain-yanking, as this one was.
I do wonder what he told the judge in order to get that cleared, though.



Wednesday, April 6, 2011 8:25 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I guess you're off the hook Frem, :))
I hope whatever the situation is that has you frustrated will work out right in the end and that you are mannaging, sometimes rutted up stuff just happens and we have to do our best, whatever it is I hope it works out sooner rather than later.

That's funny about the cop sending you away. :)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, April 6, 2011 11:59 PM


Update: not a lot to go on, the court and their local press bootlickers have been suppressing and spinning to the best of their ability and neither me, Malik, Gus or Will Grigg so far have been able to break the stonewall.

But there's some things, and none of em cast a good light, since the State and it's agents have perjured themselves with a smile and a nod from the court, specifically Mia, who made several blatantly and proveably false claims in the petition which the court, of course, chose not to investigate even when they were called into question and took at face value - she states four referrals and seventeen allegations backdated to last spring, long before any of this even HAPPENED, and while the dates written in might match, the file numbers indicate every single fucking one was processed and entered in the past week.

I was a quartermaster long before I was a black bagger, THAT little stunt was childs play to figure out.

And the lies, oh the lies....

From this link


But a supervisor in the local division of the Michigan Department of Human Services obtained an emergency court order claiming Godboldo's decisions and her refusal to reveal the name of the new alternative treatment doctor amounted to medical neglect.

Had they reason and actual cause, that would have been simple to obtain - what happened is that because they HAD no legal claim to do so, they resorted to blatant intimidation, and given how the State has gone after doctors who didn't toe the party line, like how they destroyed the pain relief network, how sherrif bouchard keeps arresting even completely legal cannabis dispensery folk, and so and and so forth, it's well within reason that given no legal cause or need for that specific information, they were intent on intimidating or harrassing the doctor - all of which is beside the point because the lady was well within her rights to refuse such an invasion of her privacy as a "fishing expedition".

From a legal standpoint this is a lot like saying refusing a search is then probable cause to force a search, it's a circlejerk self-justification which is essentially meaningless.

"They broke into my home illegally in an effort to take my daughter," Godboldo said outside Wayne Circuit Court's Juvenile Division on East Forest. "They had no documentation that said they were allowed to enter my home."

This is true, they had no warrant, and the custody order was blatantly illegal, and did not comply with MCL722 whatever - here, read it for yourself.
Please note lines 7 and 8 - which amounts to "Whereever", and "Whenever" - sorry, that DOES NOT meet any legal standard within our so-called justice system no matter how minimal.

And here's the rub within that, something called "Fruit of the poison tree".

For example, a cop cannot arbitrarily start beating the shit out of you, then arrest you for assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, and failure to comply, when you resist his illegal conduct - well, LEGALLY they cannot, despite such happening every damn day in our so-called justice system, but the thing is, if the initial conduct "under color of law" is a criminal offense..

Like a forcible, armed invasion of your home with no warrant or authority - by law at that time they are NOT police, they are NOT in the commission of their duties, they are armed intruders with hostile intent, and by law (even if the courts ignore this, which they do) you are within your rights to shoot them.

The exact charges levelled are...

assault with a dangerous weapon, resisting and obstructing police, shooting inside a building and having a firearm during a felony

So lets examine these, in order.

1. Self-defense is NOT assault, the lady had a reasonable belief she was in physical danger from a large, heavily armed goon - and frankly the supreme court has previously ruled that due to police misconduct, a flight or defensive reaction to police may constitute a proper response.

2. They were not "police" from the moment they tried to break into the ladys house with no legal authorisation to do so, they were armed goons operating under "color of law", which is in itself a quite serious crime, although they'll not be charged for it, of course.

3. This is an old favorite of the court system in Detroit in order to discourage people from defending themselves, the country equivalent is "firing a weapon within city limits", but it's all the same, it's something to charge people with since they can't get away with arresting folk for exercising their second amendment rights, a workaround infringement in the same class as "free speech zones" in the basements of parking garages.

4. That one is straight bullshit, since she did not COMMIT a felony at any time, and right up there with "arrested for resisting arrest".
(It is however, worth a note that the Detroit Police Commissioner is currently himself facing the SAME charge, for different reasons, and it's being charged as a MISDEMEANOR.

So all this fire and thunder amounts to "How dare you defy us even if we *were* acting illegally!" - this, mind you, is WHY I am an Anarchist, because when the rubber meets the road, the "rule of law" ain't worth the paper it's printed on and superior force is what makes the rules, period.

Back to this propaganda puff piece...

However, Juvenile Court Referee Leslie Graves ruled the girl should be kept in the custody of the state. Graves said testimony and documents indicated there was probable cause to believe Godboldo's actions and her lack of cooperation with authorities constituted neglect.

That's a damn chilling statement, you think about it a bit.
"Lack of cooperation with authorities" - which is, in the end, what this is REALLY about.
Remember what I said about how bullies gravitate to positions where they can continue that behavior, yes ?

Imagine yourself, or your child, on the recieving end of a personal vendetta or axe to grind of some local yahoo, politician, homeowners association member with a puffed up ego, or what have you, using CPS as a bludgeon - this happens every single day, all over, and it's why I consider CPS to be more dangerous than helpful.

Godboldo was told to come to a meeting on March 23. When she didn't, Protective Services obtained the petition to remove the child.

Her lawyer, Wanda Evans, said the letter inviting her to the meeting never warned the state would take her child away from her if she failed to attend.

Not to mention it's a good bet that letter was posted on the EVENING of March 22nd, to ensure she wouldn't recieve it till the 24-25th, this is an old, old trick often used in criminal hearings when the evidence is so flimsy even the rubber stamp judges won't issue a warrant, cause when you don't show they issue a bench warrant, which itself is valid since it's never cross-checked against the validity of the original charges, you see ?

Or they scratch out the actual date and pencil in a later one (kind of how they altered the custody order, above) and then pounce on your conveniently disarmed ass as soon as you pass through the metal detectors, cause it's all about getting you in custody, in their power, so that they can then do anything they please.

A lawyer for the girl's father, Mubuarak Hakim, also accused protective services of failing one of its mandates to keep families together by not trying to find the father or another relative with whom to place the girl.

Oh they went far beyond that, one of the conditions of her surrender was that the girl be placed with relatives to minimize disruption and trauma - not only did the cops and CPS not do this, the instant they got the handcuffs on the lady they took the kid into their custody and paraded her right past her handcuffed mother en-route to one of the really despicable "facilities" around here, as a blatant and malicious slap in the face to the mother, and as a psychological assault on the daughter...

What they don't yet understand in consequence to this, is that if the local criminal element feels that the DPD negotiates in bad faith, they're much, much more likely to "go down shooting", not to mention the next time some stressed out person barricades themselves in, or suchlike - this will have long term repercussions, though in their arrogance they don't realize it yet.

A counselor reported the girl has become "agitated and aggressive" without her medications, Wenk said.

Wenk SAID - Mia Wenk is a liar, has already committed forgery and perjury, and by any reasonable standard lacks an ounce of credibility, the REASON the court has chosen not to investigate her statements and claims is because they know damn well they're false, and doing so would require throwing them out, dismissing the case, and open them to a hellstorm of legal liability, so it's a nod and a wink, and fuck the rule of law.

The father's lawyer, Roger Farinha, said during the hearing that throughout her 13 days in state custody, the girl has still not been given the prescribed drug in question, and yet the authorities have said she has been stable in their care. "So maybe the mother was right," Farinha said.

Which is documented, in writing, unlike Wenks claim - not to mention that it's awfully suspicious that the judge sitting the custody issue, on examination of the evidence, ordered that she NOT be given the medication.

Ponder THAT one a bit - no, it's not altruism, it's a matter of legal liability, while unable to say so publicly for the same reasons they can't call Wenk out for her lies, it means the judge also believes the medication is likely harmful and that ordering it to be given would leave them liable for civil damages.

This doesn't, really, have anything to DO with the child or her health, not anymore, and hasn't ever since the childs mother said "NO!" to the State and its agents, because THAT, is what this is about - making an example so us peons don't get too uppity, and it shows, in every aspect and facet of the case.

There's also a potential financial incentive, the "Non-Profit" Childrens Center and state funding/CPS, a tangle no one has sorted or even tried to, but given the amount of fuckery in the foster care system, it's likely that Childrens Center had motives other than helping from the start.

(Especially since Risperdal is all but banned in practice due to really nasty side effects and complications.)

The agency is trying to comply with a 2008 consent decree aimed at improving child welfare programs. A court-appointed monitor gave the department poor marks under former Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, but new Republican Gov. Rick Snyder will be given a chance to comply with the agreement. Snyder has proposed spending an additional $69.3 million on child welfare in the fiscal year that starts in October, although other parts of the Department of Human Services would face staffing reductions.

The New York-based group Children's Rights filed a lawsuit that led to the agreement to improve the state's foster care system. In 2008, the state settled the lawsuit filed on behalf of nearly 20,000 children.

Michigan officials agreed to several changes, including hiring hundreds of people to reduce the caseloads of workers who oversee children in foster care or protective services.

A court-appointed watchdog said late last year that Michigan had failed to achieve "by a wide margin" caseload numbers for workers who investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect.

The watchdog's report also concluded it is taking the state more than six months, instead of the 90-day target, to grant licenses to people who want to take care of children who are relatives.

Corrigan, a former Michigan Supreme Court justice, took over the Department of Human Services in January. She has committed to meeting the terms of the consent decree.

Of course, the DPD and CPS themselves are operating under multiple consent decrees also, which they've never even pretended to try to meet the terms of, and in the case of the DPD, the lady SUPPOSED to be enforcing it was instead knocking boots with the mayor!

And of course we're out the ten million for it, too...
These "consent decrees" are unenforceable in practice and ain't worth the paper they're printed on.

They wanna arrest some folk around here, instead of a mother tryin to do right by her child, they needs be arresting the motherfuckers in public office, STARTING with that bitch Kym Worthy.

Anyhow, that's all I got at the moment, but it's certainly enough to show bad faith all around on behalf of Detroit and its officials - not that this is either new or surprising.

A little advice for the lot of you - the very MOMENT that CPS says word fucking one to you, EVER...
Lawyer up, IMMEDIATELY, and discuss only through your attorney or with that attorney present and having previously consulted them in detail about anything you plan to say whatever.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, April 7, 2011 12:07 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
That's funny about the cop sending you away. :)

Even funnier in that I wasn't being metaphorical - he really did shoo me off like I was a stray cat or something, complete with little hand motions and everything - I like to leave them in doubt as to whether I am actually bonkers or just fuckin with em, and that cop in particular KNOWS its the latter, since he was one of the responding officers the last time some yahoos tried something over here - while on the job and in uniform I am by-the-freakin-book professional, you see.







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