Girl executed for being raped

UPDATED: Sunday, April 3, 2011 20:47
VIEWED: 3933
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Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:28 AM



We’re all focused right now on Libya and budget battles at home, but this story from Bangladesh just broke my heart and outraged me — and offers a reminder of the daily human rights struggles of so many women and girls in villages around the world. A 14-year-old Bangladeshi girl, Hena,allegedly was ambushed when she went to an outdoor toilet, gagged, beaten and raped by an older man in her village (who was actually her cousin). They were caught by wife of the alleged rapist, and the wife then beat Hena up. An imam at a local mosque issued a fatwa saying that Hena was guilty of adultery and must be punished, and a village makeshift court sentenced Hena to 100 lashes in a public whipping.

Her last words were protestations of innocence. An excellent CNN blog post, based on interviews with family members, says that the parents “had no choice but to mind the imam’s order. They watched as the whip broke the skin of their youngest child and she fell unconscious to the ground.”

Hena collapsed after 70 lashes and was taken to the hospital. She died a week later, by some accounts because of internal bleeding and a general loss of blood. The doctors recorded her death as a suicide. (Women and girls who are raped are typically expected to commit suicide, to spare everyone the embarrassment of an honor crime.) I’ve covered enough of these kinds of stories to know that it’s difficult to know exactly what happened unless you’re on the scene talking to everyone who was there; maybe the imam has a different version of events. But all accounts that I’ve seen such that this was a brutal attack on a helpless girl in the name of sharia and justice.

Fortunately, Bangladesh has a robust civil society, which has reacted with outrage to the case. A court ordered the body exhumed after word leaked out, and an examination revealed severe injuries. Lawsuits are now underway against the doctors who had called her death a suicide, and several people have been rounded up — including the alleged rapist. The Bangladesh press is on the case. But Hena’s family is under police protection because of concern that other villagers will take revenge at them for getting the imam and others in trouble.

Let’s hope that the public reaction and punishments are so strong that the word goes out to all of Bangladesh’s villages that such misogynist fatwas are not only immoral but also illegal. And that the crime lies not in being raped, but in raping.

Good God. Where are you?


Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:36 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Rutting Sherria law, rutting bastards. I can understand why some people in America are scared of Sherria going on in their towns. Obviously that behavior is against the law here in America already, so I don't know that we need a law banning Sherria specifically, but people need to have it drilled into them that we don't tollerate rutted up crap like that here.

How old was the girl? I do hope that people stand up against this in the town/village. This girl needed to be helped, not killed. Rutting bastards.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:37 PM


America loves a winner!


A 14-year-old Bangladeshi girl,

That'll learn her. She won't be doin' that no more.

Great Sharia law, eh Niki ?

Bet you wish we had that over here, huh?


Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:54 PM


Yeah. That'll learn her. She won't be doin that no more.

Great Sharia law, eh Kwicko?

Bet you wish we had that over here, huh?

Fixed. You're welcome


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:21 PM


I'm almost not sure what to feel worse about. The girl who was raped and then brutally murdered in a farce of justice, or the internet sideshow jumping all over her grave.

Probably the girl. But the desecration is a close runner up.

I mean, if we don't have people calling to an end to all religion over this, or declaring this proof that Muslims are evil even though the girl probably was Muslim herself, then I bet if I look around the comments I'll find someone agreeing that yeah, women are at fault for rape.

Oh hey, I found it.


Before we get all self-righteous, the attitudes toward rape described in this article were prevalent in this country only a hundred years ago (or less).

The writer, once again, wants to make this about a designated victim group - the "hate crime" mentality that makes a crime or injustice against members of some groups more heinous than the same crimes against people who are not members of those groups. And a corollary assumption that members of the designated victim groups are all good people and the others are assumed to be bad people. Reverse prejudice is still prejudice. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:24 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I'm almost not sure what to feel worse about. The girl who was raped and then brutally murdered in a farce of justice, or the internet sideshow jumping all over her grave.

It's all sad.

These people who call themselves "muslim" are not real Muslims.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:31 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Bytemite:
I'm almost not sure what to feel worse about. The girl who was raped and then brutally murdered in a farce of justice, or the internet sideshow jumping all over her grave.

It's all sad.

These people who call themselves "muslim" are not real Muslims.

Yes they are. Just ask the dead girl who did this to her....sure it was muslims and not jews. But, you can continue defining who is and is not a Muslim.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:37 PM


Byte, as always, has a point. Also, the family is pressing a wrongful death suit. Bangladesh is a mess, and we keep it so.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:41 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by kaneman:

Fixed. You're welcome

Dang... you might be right this time.

Thanks ?


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:49 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think that any hype about this online being a bad thing doesn't even compare to what happened to this girl being a bad thing. I don't think we can even compare them and say "which is worse?" because it seems obvious to me that raping and killing a person is worse than talking about it online. Come now. So I guess I disagree with Byte's contemplation.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:52 PM


Riona: No kidding.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 4:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The bible is full of lots of this kind of crap, too. Most mainstream religions have this kind of crap in their "sacred" texts.

This kind of thing could have never happened here in America. She'd be burned as a witch instead.

Religion will lead people to do some pretty horrific things. Just ask George Tiller. Oh, wait - you can't. Maybe you could ask the "christian" who killed him, or the other "christians" (including several here) who cheered his actions.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 6:02 PM


So are the founding documents of our country.

The thing is that tragedy used as propaganda is real tragedy, but it's taken out of the context of "this is a crime committed by someone" to "this is the way these inferior undesirable people are, and we should either exterminate them or control them, and impose our society on them through a bloody pointless war."

The goal here, in perpetuating this story is to make you hate muslims, but I don't think that this is an accurate portrayal of muslims in general.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:03 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Notice how pissed "christians" get when I point out some of the horrors inflicted by followers of their particular "god". HItler was a Roman Catholic. So was Tim McVeigh.

I've yet to hear any of those on the right call for investigations into christians to see what evil they have planned, or to see how their churches are radicalizing American christians.


Friday, April 1, 2011 1:59 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The goal here, in perpetuating this story is to make you hate muslims, but I don't think that this is an accurate portrayal of muslims in general.

I passed on this story, but not because I want to make you hate Muslims. It is just a tragic story about the sexual and violent victimization of girls. This sort of brutal victimization happens the world over, whether they are Muslim or not.

There are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. This perverted crime is NOT representative of their beliefs and practices collectively.


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:04 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Notice how pissed "christians" get when I point out some of the horrors inflicted by followers of their particular "god". HItler was a Roman Catholic. So was Tim McVeigh.

I've yet to hear any of those on the right call for investigations into christians to see what evil they have planned, or to see how their churches are radicalizing American christians.

Aside from the fact that it ain't entirely related to this thread (not saying it's not a good point though), statistically, more folks are 'christian' or at least familiar with it. Islam is a scary unknown for a larger number of people. When disasters happen that are associated with the unknown, Islam and Bangladesh in this case, they want to know how and why it happens. I'm more inclined to question the people involved or perhaps Bangladesh in general, but Islam is larger than that and is associated (rightfully or wrongfully) with many other negative things. Many folks as a result want to look there first.

Does that make it right? I don't think so, but it does make more sense than assuming it's all the fault of the iconic 'rapid racist fundamentalist bible thumper' who somehow controls our government despite not being smart enough to leave snakes alone.


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:05 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I've yet to hear any of those on the right call for investigations into christians to see what evil they have planned, or to see how their churches are radicalizing American christians.

Well said.

Because we are familiar with Christianity, we KNOW that their actions do not reflect what Christianity teaches. We know they are not real Christians.

But with a foreign religion, it is easy to erroneously associate bizarre and perverse crimes with that religion's teachings. We don't know what real Islam is, so we assume that whatever sensationalist news we hear must be indicative of what Islam, taken to an extreme, must really be like, ignoring the other 1.5 billion Muslims who live normal, non-violent lives.


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:31 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Kwicko:
This kind of thing could have never happened here in America. She'd be burned as a witch instead.

Then she'd be the first one.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, April 1, 2011 1:29 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
This kind of thing could have never happened here in America. She'd be burned as a witch instead.

Then she'd be the first one.

Possibly. Certainly not the first one *KILLED* for it, though.

We have a rich history of some pretty horrific shit right here at home. In fact, our country was founded on some pretty horrific shit.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:08 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Possibly. Certainly not the first one *KILLED* for it, though.

We have a rich history of some pretty horrific shit right here at home. In fact, our country was founded on some pretty horrific shit.

But here it's history, three hundred years old, and everyone is aware it was wrong and horrible. In Bangladesh and other places where village courts and Imams routinely decree flogging and stoning of rape victims for adultery, women are dying today, and the powers-that-be there don't seem to mind much.

Then again you don't seem to mind much, except as an excuse to say how America is so much worse.

I think I stick with my previous conclusion. You're a sick fuck and I'll just leave you alone with that.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:13 PM


ROFL...Geezer, what had you forgotten that everything is "America is worse" with that fucking idiot? Why do you think only an old drugged out hippie ever comes to his defense?


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Possibly. Certainly not the first one *KILLED* for it, though.

We have a rich history of some pretty horrific shit right here at home. In fact, our country was founded on some pretty horrific shit.

But here it's history, three hundred years old, and everyone is aware it was wrong and horrible. In Bangladesh and other places where village courts and Imams routinely decree flogging and stoning of rape victims for adultery, women are dying today, and the powers-that-be there don't seem to mind much.

Then again you don't seem to mind much, except as an excuse to say how America is so much worse.

I think I stick with my previous conclusion. You're a sick fuck and I'll just leave you alone with that.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Well, your previous conclusion also ended with you throwing a little bitch-fit and announcing that you were taking your ball and going home, but you lied about that, too.

Looks like once again, I've touched a nerve, eh?

Show me where I said America is so much worse, or shut the fuck up about it, ya worthless fuck.

I guess since you don't spend every day proselytizing against the sick fucking "christians" who gleefully murder doctors in this country, you don't seem to mind them doing that. In fact, since I've never seen you condemn such actions, I can only surmise that you approve of them. Hey, assigning opinions and positions is fun, eh, fucko?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:40 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Possibly. Certainly not the first one *KILLED* for it, though.

We have a rich history of some pretty horrific shit right here at home. In fact, our country was founded on some pretty horrific shit.

But here it's history, three hundred years old, and everyone is aware it was wrong and horrible. In Bangladesh and other places where village courts and Imams routinely decree flogging and stoning of rape victims for adultery, women are dying today, and the powers-that-be there don't seem to mind much.

Then again you don't seem to mind much, except as an excuse to say how America is so much worse.

I think I stick with my previous conclusion. You're a sick fuck and I'll just leave you alone with that.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Well, your previous conclusion also ended with you throwing a little bitch-fit and announcing that you were taking your ball and going home, but you lied about that, too.

Show me where I said America is so much worse, or shut the fuck up about it, ya worthless fuck.

I guess since you don't spend every day proselytizing against the sick fucking "christians" who gleefully murder doctors in this country, you don't seem to mind them doing that. In fact, since I've never seen you condemn such actions, I can only surmise that you approve of them. Hey, assigning opinions and positions is fun, eh, fucko?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill

I don't support that at all. It just happens so infrequently that it stays under my radar. Know what I mean, huh, fucko?


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kaneman:
ROFL...Geezer, what had you forgotten that everything is "America is worse" with that fucking idiot? Why do you think only an old drugged out hippie ever comes to his defense?

I don't say "America is worse" (and I'll bet you money you can't find me saying that, unless it's as a quote in response to someone accusing me of saying that.

What I *don't* buy, and what all you right-wing assholes DO buy, is that everything America does is automatically better just because America does it. American exceptionalism is a fucking myth, and only fucking morons believe that shit. We're born, we live, we die, our shit stinks, we love our kids, and we try to help out our neighbors. Wow. We're like everyone else.

There seem to be only two things America really is Number One at: exporting war and yelling "We're Number One!" Those two things we do better than anyone else.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Possibly. Certainly not the first one *KILLED* for it, though.

We have a rich history of some pretty horrific shit right here at home. In fact, our country was founded on some pretty horrific shit.

But here it's history, three hundred years old, and everyone is aware it was wrong and horrible. In Bangladesh and other places where village courts and Imams routinely decree flogging and stoning of rape victims for adultery, women are dying today, and the powers-that-be there don't seem to mind much.

Then again you don't seem to mind much, except as an excuse to say how America is so much worse.

I think I stick with my previous conclusion. You're a sick fuck and I'll just leave you alone with that.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Well, your previous conclusion also ended with you throwing a little bitch-fit and announcing that you were taking your ball and going home, but you lied about that, too.

Show me where I said America is so much worse, or shut the fuck up about it, ya worthless fuck.

I guess since you don't spend every day proselytizing against the sick fucking "christians" who gleefully murder doctors in this country, you don't seem to mind them doing that. In fact, since I've never seen you condemn such actions, I can only surmise that you approve of them. Hey, assigning opinions and positions is fun, eh, fucko?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill

I don't support that at all. It just happens so infrequently that it stays under my radar. Know what I mean, huh, fucko?

My, Geezer, but you've changed.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:43 PM


This my radar catches:

For anyone wondering about the history of deadly Islamic terror on American soil in the last 35 years, here’s what we could find:

Date Country City/State Killed Injured Description
4/14/1972 USA New York, NY 1 3 Ten members of a local mosque phone in a false alarm and then ambush responding officers, killing one.
1/19/1973 USA Brooklyn, NY 1 1 Muslim extremists rob a sporting goods store for weapons, gunning down a police officer who responds to the alarm.
7/18/1973 USA Washington, DC 8 2 Nation of Islam members shoot seven members of a family to death in cold blood, including four children. A defendant in the case is later murdered in prison on orders from Elijah Muhammad.
10/19/1973 USA Oakland, CA 1 1 Nation of Islam terrorists kidnap a couple and nearly decapitate the man, while raping and leaving the woman for dead.
10/29/1973 USA Berkeley, CA 1 0 A woman is shot repeatedly in the face by Nation of Islam terrorists.
11/25/1973 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A grocer is killed in his store by Nation of Islam terrorists.
12/11/1973 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A man is killed by Nation of Islam terrorists while using a phone booth.
12/13/1973 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A woman is shot to deah on the sidewalk by Nation of Islam terrorists.
12/20/1973 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 Nation of Islam terrorists gun down an 81-year-old janitor.
12/22/1973 USA Oakland, CA 2 0 Nation of Islam terrorist kills two people in separate attacks on the same day.
12/24/1973 USA Oakland, CA 1 0 A man is kidnapped, tortured and decapitated by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1/24/1974 USA Oakland, CA 4 1 Five vicious shooting attacks by Nation of Islam terrorists leave three people dead and one paralyzed for life. Three of the victims were women.
4/1/1974 USA Oakland, CA 1 1 A Nation of Islam terrorist shoots at two Salvation Army members, killing a man and injuring a woman.
4/16/1974 USA Ingleside, CA 1 0 A man is killed while helping a friend move by Nation of Islam terrorists.
3/9/1977 USA Washington, DC 1 1 Hanifi Muslims storm three buildings including a B'nai B'rith to hold 134 people hostage. At least two innocents were shot and one died.
7/22/1980 USA Bethesda, MD 1 0 A political dissident is shot and killed in front of his home by an Iranian agent who was an American convert to Islam.
8/31/1980 USA Savou, IL 2 0 An Iranian student guns down his next-door neighbors, a husband and wife.
1/31/1990 USA Tuscon, AZ 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated in front of a Tuscon mosque after declaring that two verses of the Qur'an were invalid.
11/5/1990 USA New York City, NY 1 0 An Israeli rabbi is shot to death by a Muslim attacker at a hotel.
1/25/1993 USA Langley, VA 2 3 A Pakistani with Mujahideen ties guns down two CIA agents outside of the headquarters.
2/26/1993 USA New York, NY 6 1040 Islamic terrorists detonate a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 in an effort to collapse the towers.
3/1/1994 USA Brooklyn, NY 1 0 A Muslim fires on a vanload of Jewish boys, killing one.
3/23/1997 USA New York, NY 1 6 A Palestinian leaves an anti-Jewish suicide note behind and travels to the top of the Empire State building where he shoot seven people in a Fedayeen attack.
4/3/1997 USA Lompoc, CA 1 0 A prison guard is stabbed to death by a radical Muslim.
10/31/1999 USA Near Nantucket 217 0 An Egyptian airline pilot runs a planeload of 217 passengers into the water after uttering a Qur'anic prayer.
3/17/2000 USA Atlanta, GA 1 1 A local imam and Muslim spiritual leader guns down a deputy sheriff and injures his partner.
9/11/2001 USA Washington, DC 184 53 Nearly 200 people are killed when Islamic hijackers steer a plane full of people into the Pentagon.
9/11/2001 USA Shanksville, PA 40 0 Forty passengers are killed after Islamic radicals hijack the plane in an attempt to steer it into the U.S. Capitol building.
9/11/2001 USA New York, NY 2772 251 Islamic hijackers steer two planes packed with fuel and passengers into the World Trade Center, killing hundreds on impact and eventually killing thousands when the towers collapsed. At least 200 are seriously injured.
3/19/2002 USA Tuscon, AZ 1 0 A 60-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim snipers on a golf course.
5/27/2002 USA Denton, TX 1 0 Muslim snipers kill a man as he works in his yard.
7/4/2002 USA Los Angeles, CA 2 0 Muslim man pulls out a gun at the counter of an Israeli airline and kills two people.
9/5/2002 USA Clinton, MD 1 0 A 55-year-old pizzaria owner is shot six times in the back by Muslims at close range.
9/21/2002 USA Montgomery, AL 1 1 Muslim snipers shoot two women, killing one.
9/23/2002 USA Baton Rouge, LA 1 0 A Korean mother is shot in the back by Muslim snipers.
10/2/2002 USA Wheaton, MD 1 0 Muslim snipers gun down a program analyst in a store parking lot.
10/3/2002 USA Montgomery County, MD 5 0 Muslim snipers kill three men and two women in separate attacks over a 15-hour period.
10/9/2002 USA Manassas, VA 1 1 A man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas two days after a 13-year-old is wounded by the same team.
10/11/2002 USA Fredericksburg, VA 1 0 Another man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas.
10/14/2002 USA Arlington, VA 1 0 A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.
10/22/2002 USA Aspen Hill, MD 1 0 A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.
8/6/2003 USA Houston, TX 1 0 After undergoing a religious revival, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4" butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
12/2/2003 USA Chicago, IL 1 0 A Muslim doctor deliberately allows a Jewish patient to die from an easily treatable condition.
4/13/2004 USA Raleigh, NC 1 4 A Muslim man runs down five strangers with a car.
4/15/2004 USA Scottsville, NY 1 2 In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.
6/16/2006 USA Baltimore, MD 1 0 A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim gunman in an unprovoked terror attack.
6/25/2006 USA Denver, CO 1 5 Saying that it was 'Allah's choice', a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
7/28/2006 USA Seattle, WA 1 5 An 'angry' Muslim-American uses a young girl as hostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.
10/6/2006 USA Louisville, KY 4 1 In an 'honor' attack, a Muslim man rapes and beats his estranged wife, leaving her for dead, then savagely murders their four children.
2/13/2007 USA Salt Lake City, UT 5 4 A Muslim immigrant goes on a shooting rampage at a mall, targeting people buying Valentine's Day cards at a gift shop and killing five.
1/1/2008 USA Irving, TX 2 0 A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their 'Western' lifestyle.
7/6/2008 USA Jonesboro, GA 1 0 A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.
2/12/2009 USA Buffalo, NY 1 0 The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
6/1/2009 USA Little Rock, AR 1 1 A Muslim with 'religious motives' shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center.
11/2/2009 USA Glendale, AZ 1 1 A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)
11/5/2009 USA Ft. Hood, TX 13 31 A Muslim psychiatrist guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers after proclaiming that 'Muslims should stand up and fight."

(3,308 killed by Muslims in America in 65 terror attacks)


Friday, April 1, 2011 2:55 PM


Major Attacks on world by radar catches this.

Chronological List of Islamic Terrorist Attacks,

Terrorist Attacks 1968 - 2004


June 5 - U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy murdered by Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan, in Los Angeles, which causes further terrorist attacks, as Arab terrorist groups demanded his release.


Feb. 18 - Boeing 707 attacked at Zurich, Switzerland, killing the pilot and 3 passengers.

Aug. 29 - TWA 707 hijacked from Rome to Damascus, released with only wounded.

Nov. 27- EL AL office in Athens, Greece attacked. Innocent bystanders killed.


Feb. 21 - Swiss airliner blown up over Switzerland, killing all 47 people on board.

Feb. 23 - PLO terrorists open fire on a busload of Christian pilgrims killing 1 and wounding 2 Americans.

April 21- Bomb explodes aboard a Philippines airliner. All 36 aboard are killed.

Sept. 6 - “Skyjack Sunday” in Jordan. 3 planes (TWA, Swissair, Pan Am) en route to the U.S. hijacked, 400+ hostages, planes blown up in Jordan, Governments agreed to PFLP’s demands, released terrorists from jails and hostages released.

Sept. 14 - The PFLP hijacked TWA flight to Ammon, 4 Americans injured.

Nov. 28 - Jordanian prime minister Tal killed by terrorists at the Sheraton Hotel in Cairo, Egypt.

Dec. - Jordanian ambassador to London, England is shot by hit squad.


Jan. 26 - Bomb explodes on a Yugoslav plane killing all but one passenger.

May 30 - Ben Gurion Airport, Israel attack killed 26, and wounded 78 U.S. citizens from Puerto Rico.

Sept. 5 - Palestinian terrorists seize 11 athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, 9 hostages and 5 terrorists killed, plus David Berger from Cleveland.


March 2 - Khartoum, Sudan. Cleo Noel, Jr., U.S. ambassador, and George C. Moore, U.S. diplomat, were held hostage and then killed by terrorists at the U.S. Embassy.

Aug. 5 - Suicide squad attacks Athens airport, Greece, killing 3 civilians and injuring 55.

Dec. 17 - Bomb explodes at Pan Am office at Rome, Italy killing 32 and injuring 50+. The terrorists take 7 Italian policemen hostage and hijack an aircraft to Athens, Greece, killing one of them.


March 1 - Diplomats taken hostage from Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, 2 that are killed are Americans.

April 11 - Kiryat Shmona Massacre at an apartment building killing 18 people, 9 were children.

Sept. 8 - Athens, Greece. TWA Flight 841 exploded from bomb in cargo hold, all 88 passengers killed, including 32-year-old Steven Lowe, an American citizen.

Nov. 23 - British DC-10 hijacked at Dubai, UAE, flown to Tunisia where a German passenger was killed.


Jan. 19 - Arab terrorists attack Orly airport, Paris, France, seizing 10 hostages from a bathroom. French provided the terrorists with a plane to fly them to safety in Baghdad, Iraq.

Sept. 30 - Hungarian airplane explodes killing all 64 persons on board.

Dec. 21 - Carlos “The Jackal” holds 11 oil ministers and 59 civilians hostage during the OPEC meeting in Vienna, Austria. Flew to Algeria, got $300,000,000 in ransom money, Carlos and his Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists escape.


Jan. 1 - 82 innocent travelers are killed aboard a Lebanese plane.

June 27 - Air France airliner hijacked, forced to fly to Uganda. Some 258 passengers and crew are held hostage. 3 passengers killed. July 4th, Israeli commandos rescue the remaining hostages.

Aug. 11 - Terrorists attack Istanbul airport, Turkey, killing 4 civilians (1 from U.S.) and injuring 20.

Dec. 4 - Terrorists occupied the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands, 1 official killed.

Dec. 14 - Passenger train hijacked and passengers were kept hostage, 3 were killed.


Jan. 1 - F.E. Melov U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, and Robert O.Waring, the U.S. economic counselor, kidnapped and later killed in Beirut.

Oct. 13 - Palestinian terrorists hijack a Lufthansa Flight 181 Boeing 737 and order it to fly around a number of Middle East destinations for four days, pilot is killed by the terrorists, 90 hostages rescued.


March 11 - Gail Rubin, niece of U.S. Senator Ribicoff, among 38 people shot to death by terrorists on a beach near Tel Aviv.

June 2 - A bomb kills 2 people at the CHOGM meeting in Sydney Australia.


July 29 - Terrorist bombs two railway stations in Madrid, kills 7.

Nov. 4 - Terrorists seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 66 American diplomats hostage. 13 freed, but the remaining 53 were held until their release on January 20, 1981 - 444 days - at the inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.


April 30 - Terrorists took over the Iranian Embassy in London, holding 26 hostages, 2 of whom died on May 5th after being tortured. Much of the embassy was destroyed by fire.

April 19 - 13 people killed, 177 injured in a terrorist attack in Davao Philippines.

May 13 - Pope John Paul II seriously wounded in assassination attempt in Rome, Italy, by terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca.

Oct. 6 - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat machine gunned dead by Islamic Jihad in Cairo for working for peace. 7 others killed, 28 wounded. The assassins are later executed.


Beginning of the 8 years of terrorism in Lebanon.

July 19 - David Dodge, President of the American University in Beirut kidnapped, spends one year in captivity.

Aug. 19 - Two American citizens, Anne Van Zanten and Grace Cutler, were killed along with 6 others when the PLO bombed a Kosher restaurant in Paris, France.

Sept. 14 - Lebanon’s President Gemayel and 26 others assassinated by a massive car bomb in Beirut.


Mar. 16 - 5 Marines wounded in hand grenade attack on Beirut International Airport.

April 18 - CIA’s Middle East Director, and 83 others are killed, 120 injured in truck bomb on the US Embassy in Lebanon.

Sept. 29 - Gulf Air Flight 771 is bombed, explodes killing all 166 aboard.

Oct. 23 - Simultaneous suicide truck bombs in Lebanon: 1st crashed into lobby of US Marine Corps Headquarters, 241 Marines dead, 82 seriously injured - and 2nd was French compounds killing 58 paratroopers.

Dec. 12 - US Embassy in Kuwait targeted to destroy the building with a truck bomb, attack foiled by guards and the device killed 5 people and injured 80.


Jan. 18 - Malcolm Kerr, President of the American University of Beirut, was killed by two Hizballah gunmen.

Mar. 8 - Rev. Weir and wife kidnapped in Lebanon and held for 16 months.

Mar. 9 - Car bomb kills 80 (22 Americans) and wounds more than 200 civilians when it drove past the checkpoint at the U.S. Embassy in Awkar.

Mar. 16 - Hizballah kidnapped, tortured and killed William Buckley, an officer at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.

Apr. 12 - Hizballah bombed restaurant adjacent to US Air Force base in Torregon Spain, 18 servicemen killed and 83 Americans wounded.

Sept. 20- US embassy in the Beirut is bombed - 2 servicemen and 23 employees are killed, 21 Americans injured including the U.S. and British Ambassadors. 50+ Lebanese were injured.

Dec. 4 - Terrorists hijacked Kuwait Airlines Flight 221 and demanded the release from Kuwaiti jails of some members, serving sentences for attacks on French and American targets. 2 Americans murdered.


March 16 - US journalist Terry Anderson kidnapped in Lebanon, finally released in Dec. 1991 - 6 years later.

April 5 - Bomb explodes outside Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut killing 80 people.

April 12 - Bombing of U.S. soldier’s favorite restaurant in Madrid, killing 18 and injuring 82.

June 14 - TWA Boeing 727 Flight 847 hijacked en route to Rome, 8 crew and 145 passengers were held for 17 days, U.S. Navy diver was murdered. After being flown twice to Algiers, the hostages were released after the US pressured to release 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.

Sept. 30 - Four Soviet diplomats kidnapped in Lebanon, 1 killed but other three released unharmed after a relative of the terrorist leader’s was kidnapped and killed by the Soviet KGB.

Oct. 7 - Terrorists seize the Italian cruise liner, Achille Lauro, during a cruise in the Mediterranean, taking more than 700 people hostage for 3 days. Disabled U.S. citizen, Leon Klinghoffer, was murdered in front of other hostages by throwing him in the ocean, before the Egyptian Government offered the terrorists safe haven in return for the hostages’ freedom.

Nov. 23 - 98 passengers and crew of an Egyptair Flight 648 are held hostage by Palestinian terrorists in Malta. 5 passengers shot, 2 died, later 57 additional passengers killed when the terrorists set off explosives in the aircraft.

Dec. 27 - Suicide grenade and gun attacks in passenger terminals at Rome and Vienna, Italy airports results in 16 people being killed plus 5 Americans and more than 100 civilians injured.


March 30-April 2nd - A bomb exploded on a TWA flight 840 from Rome as it approached Athens airport. The attack killed 4 U.S. citizens who were sucked through a hole made by the blast, 1 infant, and 9 injured, although the plane safely landed.

April 6 - An explosion at the “La Belle” nightclub in Berlin, U.S. soldiers’ hang-out, was bombed, killing 3 and injuring 230 people, including 79 U.S. soldiers.

Sept. 5 - Pan Am Boeing 747 Flight 73 en route to Frankfurt and on to New York hijacked by Palestinian terrorists, with 379 passengers, including 89 Americans, 22 hostages killed, 127 wounded.

Sept. 9 - Hezballah kidnapped Frank Reed, President of American University in Beirut, and held for 44 months, and Joseph Cicippio, and Edward Tracy who were each held for 5 years.

Sept. 17 - A 10-month series of terrorist bomb attacks in France begins. One bomb in Paris kills 5 and injures 52.


A car bomb exploded outside the back gate of the U.S. Embassy in Rome and rockets were fired at the compound from across the street. One passerby was injured in the attacks.


Feb. 5 - US Marine Corps Lt. Colonel Higgens, Chief of the U.N. Truce Force kidnapped and murdered by Hezbollah.

March 16 - 4000+ Kurdish civilian bodies found after Saddam Hussein ordered nerve gas attack (weapon of mass destruction) in northern Iraq, after they revolted against his rule from Baghdad. 1.5 million relocated, 200,000 disappeared.

April 5 - 122 held hostage after a Kuwaiti Boeing 747 was hijacked and diverted to Iran, then Cyprus. Kuwait refused requests by hijackers to release 17 convicted terrorists. After 15 days the hijackers were granted asylum in Algeria and released their hostages.

June 26 - US Naval Attache killed in Athens, Greece.

Dec. 21 - Pan Am Flight 103 - Boeing 747 from London to New York, blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, by a bomb. All 259 passengers and 11 on the ground were killed, including 35 Syracuse University students and many U.S. military personnel.


June 12 - A bomb exploded aboard an unoccupied boat used by U.S. consular staff.

Sept. 19 - 171 passengers killed when French UTA flight 772 explodes in mid-air over Niger.

October 11 - Izmir, Turkey. A bomb went off outside a U.S. military PX.


Feb. - Attack of tour bus in Egypt killing 11.

Feb. 7 - Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, U.S. civilian contractor shot as he was getting into his car.

Oct. 28 - Ankara, Turkey. Victor Marwick, an American soldier serving at the Turkish-American base, Tuslog, was killed and his wife wounded in a car bomb attack.

Oct. 28 - Two car bombings killed a U.S. Air Force Sergeant and severely wounded an Egyptian diplomat in Istanbul.

Nov. 8 - Bomb destroyed part of the American University in Beirut, killing 1 and wounding 12.


March 17 - Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, destroyed by bomb killing 29, injuring 60.

Hotel in Yemen bombed and U.S. servicemen killed, Operation Restore Hope.


Jan. 25, Virginia, U.S.A. A Pakistani terrorist opened fire with AK-47 on CIA employees standing outside the building. Two agents, Frank Darling and Bennett Lansing, were killed and 3 others wounded.

Feb. 26 - World Trade Center in New York badly damaged by a massive bomb by Islamic terrorists. The van bomb was planted in an underground garage and left 6 people dead and 1042 injured and almost � billion dollars in damage.

Feb. 26 - A bomb exploded inside a cafe in downtown Cairo killing 3, 18 wounded, 2 U.S. citizens.

July 5 - In 8 separate incidents, 19 Western tourists traveling in southeastern Turkey were kidnapped, including U.S. citizen Starger, after weeks in captivity, they were released.

Oct - Killing of U. S. soldiers in Somalia.


July 18 - 86 civilians killed and 300 wounded in bomb attack on Jewish social centre in Buneos Aires, Argentina.

July 26 - Israeli Embassy in London is car-bombed, wounding 20.

Air France Flight 8969 is hijacked to crash the plane in Paris but didn’t succeed.
A small bomb explodes on board Philippine Airlines flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman.


Jan. 22 - Islamic Jihad militants blow themselves up amid a group of soldiers near Netanya, killing 21. Operation Bojinka is discovered on a laptop in a Manila, Philippines apartment, in which Osama bin Laden was planning to blow up 12 planes as they flew to the U.S., plus kill the Pope.

March 8 - Attack on US Diplomats in Pakistan.

April 9 - Islamic Jihad suicide bomber attacks military convoy in Gaza, killing 7 soldiers and an American tourist.

May 5 - Five foreign oil workers murdered by Islamic GIA terrorists in Algeria.

June 26 - Assassination attempt made against Egyptian President Honsi Mubarak by Islamic radicals who ambushed his motorcade.

July 4 - Six tourists, including two U.S. citizens taken hostage in Kashmir, India. Terrorists demanded the release of Muslim militants held in Indian prisons. On Aug. 13 the decapitated body of the Norwegian hostage was found with a note stating that the other hostages also would be killed if the group’s demands were not met. They were not and all other hostages were killed in 1996 by the terrorists.

July 25 - Islamic terrorists explode bomb in metro station in Paris, France, killing 7 people and injuring 84.

Nov. 13 - Car bomb exploded at US Army Office of the Program Manager for Saudi Arabian National Guard Modernization, in Saudi Arabia, killing seven, five of them U.S. citizens, and wounding nearly a hundred.

Nov. 19 - Islamic radicals plant bomb in Egyptian embassy in Pakistan killing 17.

Dec. 11 - 15 concurrent car bombings in Algiers kill 15 civilians and over 200 injured.


Feb. 11 - Terrorists explode car bomb in Algiers killing 17. The following month, 2 more killed in another bomb and 10 are killed in a train ambush in western Algeria.

Feb. 25 - A suicide bomber blew up a commuter bus in Jerusalem, killing 26, including 3 U.S. citizens, and injuring 80 others, among them another two U.S. citizens.

April 19 - Eighteen Greek tourists were gunned down near the historic Pyramids in Egypt by Islamic terrorists aiming to destroy the country’s tourist industry.

May - Osama bin Laden unites the Islamic Fundamentalists worldwide in their Jihad against Jews and Western Gentiles, such as al-Qaeda, Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah, Hamas, Mujahideen, using the Taliban’s organization to help fund the operations.

June 25 - Terrorists explode a truck bomb next to a USAF Khobar Towers housing facility at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 American servicemen and 515 injured including 240 U.S. personnel.

Islamic terrorists attack tourists in Luxor, Egypt, killing 71 people, most of them vacationers.

Aug. 26 - Sudan Airways A310 Airbus airliner hijacked en route to Jordan and diverted to England. British authorities negotiate with hijackers who release all the 13 crew and 180 passengers unharmed.

Dec. 3 - A bomb exploded aboard a Paris subway train, killing four and injuring 86 persons, including a U.S. citizen.

A terrorist opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the US, Argentina, Switzerland and France before turning the gun on himself.

Dec. 23 - A car bomb in the Algerian capital, Algiers, kills three and injures 70 people in cafe near the port. Again a week later, a car bomb kills 28 people and injures 35 people. 3rd car bomb in the past two weeks, killing additional 13 people and injuring more than 250.


Jan. 2 - Major cities worldwide and U.S. get letter bombs with Egyptian postmarks at newspaper bureaus in DC, New York, London, Riyadh, S.A., and Leavenworth, KN. Experts defused all but the 1 in London, injuring 2.

Jan. 7 to 21st - Islamic terrorist rampage during these 14 days with car bombs and beheadings in Algiers, total of 238 dead, 139 wounded.

Feb. 23 - Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State building in New York, killing 1 and wounding over a dozen visitors before turning the gun on himself.

March 7 - Two killed in bus bomb attack in Beijing, China.

April - Terrorists behead innocent civilians this whole month with a total of 272 murdered and over 100 injured. Knives, axes and chainsaws were used and many of the bodies were burned while still alive.

Sept. 18- 9 German tourists killed when Muslims fire bombed bus in Cairo, Egypt.

Nov. 12 - 2 Terrorists shot to death 4 U.S. auditors of a Texas petroleum company and their driver at a Sheraton Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan.

Nov. 17 - 58 western tourists killed and 30 injured in gun attack at historic monuments in southern Egypt. 6 of the Islamic terrorists are killed in shoot out with police.


Jan. 15 - U.S. Embassy bombing in Peru.

Feb. 23 (Published) - A Statement signed by many Islamic Jihad Leaders from most Muslim countries, first by Sheikh Osamah Bin-Ladin: “…In compliance with God’s order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims:
The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies–civilians and military–is an individual duty for every Muslim who can, in any country in which it is possible… We — with Allah’s help — call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded, to comply with Allah’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. Unless you go forth, Allah will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place.”

Aug. 7 - Simultaneous bombs in US Embassies in Kenya, and Tanzania, heavily damaged by massive attacks. In the Nairobi attack 292 people were killed, including 12 Americans, and 5,000 injured. 10 people were killed and 86 injured in Tanzania incident for a total of 302 dead, 5086 injured within an hour.

Aug. 25 - 3 people killed and 25 injured in bomb attack on Planet Hollywood restaurant in Cape Town, South Africa.

Dec. 28 - 16 Western tourists kidnapped, 12 Britons, 2 U.S. citizens, and 2 Australians on the main road to Aden, Yemen. Four victims were killed during a rescue attempt the next day.


Aug. 31 to Sept. 22nd - Russian apartment bombings kill almost 300 and injured 100.

Oct. 31 - EgyptAir Flight 990 crashed off the U.S. coast of Massachusetts, killing all 217 people on board, including 100 Americans.

Nov. 12 - Six rockets were fired at the U.S. and U.N. offices in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Dec. - Millennium terror plots foiled as customs agents arrest a man smuggling in explosives. Plan to attack Los Angeles airport and other sites intercepted by CIA. Also Jordanian authorities foil a plot to bomb US tourists in Jordan, pick up 28 suspects.

Indian Airlines Flight 814, en route to Delhi, India is hijacked, 1 passenger is killed. After negotiations with the Taliban, the hostages are released.


The last of the 2000 millennium attack plots fails, as the boat meant to bomb USS The Sullivans sinks.

Oct. 12 - A suicide boat exploded next to the U.S.S. Cole (guided-missile destroyer), blowing a hole 40 feet in diameter, killing 17 American sailors and injuring 39.


Feb. 5 - A bomb blast in Moscow’s Byelorusskaya subway station injures 15 people.

March 28 - Bombing at bus stop in Yemen. U.S. citizens injured including a 15 year old boy from NY.

Aug. 9 - Bombing at Sbarro’s pizzeria, killed 15 and wounded over 90, 2 of which were U.S. citizens.

Sept. 11 - 4 U.S. jetliners hijacked and forced to crash into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon like missiles, and 1 crashed in Pennsylvania on the way to the Capital Building in D.C. In all, 266 people perished in the four planes, 2602 people were killed on the ground, plus 343 firefighters, and 184 people at the Pentagon. Almost 5000 injured, 500 rescue workers now have respiratory ailments. 7 buildings collapsed in NY and 23 damaged, plus 4 subway stations.

Paris embassy terrorist attack plot foiled

Oct. 27 - Darya Khanah bombed

Dec. 13 - Terrorist attack on Indian Parliament.

Dec. 22 - Richard Reid, attempting to destroy American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami, is subdued by passengers and flight attendants before he could detonate his shoe bomb.


Jan. 27 - A Palestinian woman triggered a massive explosion in Jerusalem killing 1 Israeli and injuring more than 150, including American Mark Sokolow, his wife, and both teenage daughters. Sokolow had survived the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center, escaping from his law office on the 38th floor of the South Tower before it collapsed.

Feb. 16 - Bombing in Karnei Shomron, in a group of teenage girls from the U.S. 2 killed, 4 wounded.

Singapore embassies terrorist attack plot foiled

March 24 - 20 people die and 93 injured in 3 bomb attacks on Russian towns near the border of Chechnya.

April - Explosion at most historic synagogue in Tunisia left 21 dead, most are German tourists.

May 9 - A bomb exploded in Dagestan kills 42 people and injures 130 during Victory Day festivities.

French oil tanker Limburg bombing off Yemen

Kidnapping and murder of journalist Daniel Pearl

Oct. 12 - Bali car bombing of holidaymakers in a nightclub kills 202 Australian citizens.

Zamboanga bombings in the Philippines<

Oct. 19 - Car bomb explodes at McDonald’s restaurant in Moscow, killing 1 person and wounding 5.

Oct. 23 - Moscow theater hostage crisis begins; 120 hostages and 40 terrorists killed in rescue 3 days later.

Nov. - Kenyan hotel suicide bombing kills 16 safari tourists.
Marines attacked / murdered in Kuwait


May 10- Suicide bombers killed 36 (10 U.S. citizens), at housing compounds for westerners in Riyadh, S.A. Many wounded.

May 12 - attack outside U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 12.

May 14 - 16 die in a suicide bombing at a religious festival in southeastern Chechnya.

May - 4 bombs killed 33 tourists (8 U.S. citizens) in Casablanca, Morocco.

July 5 - 15 people die and 40 are injured in bomb attacks at a rock festival in Moscow.

Aug. 1 - An explosion at the Russian hospital in North Ossetia kills 50 people and injures 76.

Aug. - Suicide car bomb killed 12 and injured over 150 at Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Sept. 3- A bomb on a passenger train in southern Russia kills 7 people and injures 90.

Oct. 15 - Bombing of US diplomatic convoy in the Gaza Strip: 3 U.S. citizens killed.

Nov. - Explosions rocked a Riyadh, S.A. housing compound, killing 17.

Nov. - Truck bombs detonated at London bank and British consulate in Istanbul kills 26, injures 22.

Dec. 5 - Suicide bombers kill 46 people in an attack on a train in southern Russia.

Dec. 9 - A blast in the center of Moscow kills 6 people and wounds at least 11.

Bombings of United States expatriate housing compounds in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kill 26 and injure 160.

Attacks in Casablanca, Morocco leaves 41 dead. The attack involved 12 bombers and 5 targets. The targets were “Western and Jewish”.

Istanbul Bombings: Within five days, truck bombs go off at two synagogues, the British Consulate, and the HSBC Bank in Istanbul, Turkey


109 Kurds are killed in 2 suicide bombings in Arbil, Iraq

Feb. 6 - Bomb on Moscow subway kills 41.

Feb. 27 - Superferry 14 is bombed in the Philippines by Abu Sayyaf, killing 116.

March 11 - 10 Simultaneous bombings of busiest rush hour commuter trains in Madrid, Spain kills 202 people and injures more than 1,400.

April 21 - Bombing of a security building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills 5.

May 29 - Al-Khobar massacres–Islamic terrorists kill 22 people and one American at an oil compound in Saudi Arabia.

June 8 - Robert Jacobs, a US defense contractor employee is assassinated at his home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia by Al-Qaeda terrorists.

June 11 - Terrorists kidnap and execute Paul Johnson, Jr. in Riyadh.

Aug. 24 - Russian airplane bombings kill 90.

Aug. 31 - A blast near a subway station entrance in northern Moscow, caused by a suicide bomber, kills 10 people and injures 33.

Sept. 1 - 3 - Beslan school hostage crisis in North Ossetia, Russia results in over 330 dead.

Sept. 9 - Australian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was bombed, killing 9 people.

Oct. 7 - 3 car bombs explode in the Sinai Peninsula hotel, killing 32 and wounding 114, most of them tourists.

Kwicko, I formally condemn your mother for not aborting you. Yeah, I'm sure her brother was happy to have a son, but you are inexcusable....You sick fuck


Friday, April 1, 2011 3:23 PM


John Le Carre once said something to the effect that 'one side uses car bombs and suicide bombers and the other uses high tech military apparatus'. I do believe he was referring to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict at the time, but I think the same can be said for the whole Muslim terrorism vs the war machine of the Western powers. Really, if America and/or other western nations decides to invade any other country, then the power imbalance is absolutely and totally in favour of America/the West. 1000X. So people resort to morale demoralising tactics, because if there is one thing that everyone knows is that us infidels are cowardly custards. Our sense of individualism ensures that. US et al Soldiers do not want to die, wheras cultures who don't have the same individualist beliefs are more prepared to sacrifice their lives for the good of the many. I know this is an outrageous generalisation, but I believe that it is also basically truthful.

People do shitty things to one another, have done, will do. Religious laws are often harsh and intolerant, and they appall me, but they are their laws. Not so long ago, Christians burned heretics and witches and traitors alive, or pressed them to death, or boiled them in oil. Any trip to Europe and probably the historical sight of the US demonstrate the inherent cruelty and intolerance of our society and any visit to a jail will show the number of poor, ignorant, mentally ill, intellectually disabled people that we lock and not care about.

I abhor these acts and these laws, but I don't see myself or my culture as being inherently superior to any other on this planet, and I see that the West is motivated by selfish greed, and willing to use violence against others when its power/economic base is threatened


Friday, April 1, 2011 3:42 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
I see that the West is motivated by selfish greed, and willing to use violence against others when its power/economic base is threatened

When the Christian West kills people, the murders are either justified, or the work of rogue perverts. When Muslims kill people, the murders are examples of their savagery and barbarism.

This double standard has not changed since the colonial days. The savages used to be indigenous peoples, American Indians, aborigines, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Africans.... "Muslims" are simply the latest bigoted excuse to demonize a huge demographic to justify our own violence against them.

From Pocahontas (1995):


John Smith: Savage is just a word, uh, you know. A term for people who are uncivilized.
Pocahontas: Like me.
John Smith: Well, when I say uncivilized, what I mean is, is...
Pocahontas: What you mean is, "not like you."

Pocahontas: You think I'm an ignorant "savage" and you've been so many places; I guess it must be so, but still I cannot see if the savage one is me.


Friday, April 1, 2011 4:33 PM


You say it much better than me, CTS.

Just watched that footage released last year through wikileaks, where the US military from air craft a couple of miles away, decided that a group of Iraqi were insurgents and then order their executions. Hard to tell the difference from a small screen in a plane whether someone is carrying a long lensed camera or a AK47, but they were the ones to give the order. the result. A massacre the same as if someone had let of a car bomb, indiscriminate killing of insurgents and innocents, including reuters photographer. And then they fired on the van, a family with children, who stopped to carry off the injured!!!

It was horrifying. War from afar. How to dehumise your victims. Personally I think there is more honour in cutting off someones head than firing on targets you can barely see from your safe comfort zone, wherever that may be.

It hit home to me.


Friday, April 1, 2011 8:52 PM



Christian crusades and inquisitions have killed millions, and are still doing so. Even if you don't see the obvious "crusade" qualities of out mideast wars (I have to agree with Putin on this one) execution of witches is a commonplace practice in 21st century Christianity. Every year, more witches are put to death by Christians than soldiers are killed in wars.

Probably there was a pause there where you were wondering what I'm talking about. If we're including Bangladesh in our analysis of Islam, then it's fair to say we're taking a global perspective. This globe has Africa on it. As a witch you can get burned, stoned, flogged, all sorts of options are available, up to and including being dismembered and/or eaten.

This is a comment on Bangladesh, not Islam

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 2:19 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
And then they fired on the van, a family with children, who stopped to carry off the injured!!!

Yes, I remember that one. Wikileaks has it at as well.

Of course, I have argued with people who defend it as honest-to-goodness collateral damage. Collateral damage with enthusiasm and glee.

Collateral damage is just another word for savagery, "Christian" style. When "Christians" kill, they don't just come out and do it. They stage a elaborate excuse, then put their hand over their mouths and say, "Oh no! It was an accident! (Oh, well.)" or they say "Yes, I killed him, but he was a very, very, very bad person who deserved it. (He was so bad he didn't deserve a trial.)"

This is seen in everything from mundane routine, when corrupt cops plant drugs and throwaway guns on their victims, to wars, when the govt convinces a few other govts that there are Magic Ninjas (TM) being trained in certain countries, so we can invade them to look for these boogeymen.

This was also seen recently in this disturbing story by the Rolling Stone, which found a system that ignored and maybe even encouraged out-of-control dehumanization and civilian murders.


But a review of internal Army records and investigative files obtained by Rolling Stone, including dozens of interviews with members of Bravo Company compiled by military investigators, indicates that the dozen infantrymen being portrayed as members of a secretive "kill team" were operating out in the open, in plain view of the rest of the company. Far from being clandestine, as the Pentagon has implied, the murders of civilians were common knowledge among the unit and understood to be illegal by "pretty much the whole platoon," according to one soldier who complained about them. Staged killings were an open topic of conversation, and at least one soldier from another battalion in the 3,800-man Stryker Brigade participated in attacks on unarmed civilians. "The platoon has a reputation," a whistle-blower named Pfc. Justin Stoner told the Army Criminal Investigation Command. "They have had a lot of practice staging killings and getting away with it."

The entire article is worth reading, but since Abu Ghraib, this has been a very disconcerting trend in the American ("Christian") military.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 2:26 AM


Collatoral damage with glee...yes, that's about it. One of the issues some of the US allies have about having mixed forces is that American rules of engagement are much more, er, can I say liberal than the British or Australian forces, who tend to have more rules around engaging when there is likely to be civilian casualties. And as for the privateers employed by the US, well they don't seem to have much in the way of ROE. I believe they make it up as they go along.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 12:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The American rules of engagement (ROE) seem to have been revised downward quite a bit in recent years, to a point where they're now essentially, "shoot first and ask questions never." And they've been expanded to cover not only the military, but the entire alphabet-agency conglomerate AND both houses of the U.S. Congress.

And the SCOTUS has just told everyone that this is business as usual, and no need for alarm.

If you ever said "Support the Troops!", you are a socialist. You've taken money from me, by force and at gunpoint, and you've given it to people who are on a mission I don't support, and are murdering others in my name, and I am given no choice in the matter.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 4:03 PM


Pffth, much worse, is the fact that they probably WERE operating under orders - unwritten and unrecorded ones, but orders, or at least "clearance", nonetheless.

Given how Phoenix backfired, everything related to that kind of thing out of JCOS since about 1980 has been a no-paper-trail kind of thing, NOTHING committed to paper or official record, full deniability, you understand ?

The 902nd MI is in fact notorious for this kind of conduct, seconding people with "certain skills" out of existing units for dirty work, ISA and COIN came out of that, and if they followed the usual policy these assholes were paid cash bounties for those kills, in a direct no-paper handover to prevent any record of those payments.

A smart investigator would check the financial transactions of those involved, but of course that would require an actual investigation rather than covering the mess up - we used to joke that ISA meant "Insulate Superior Asses" cause it was well known that if ever caught at any of that shit we'd be completely disavowed and left swinging at the windy corner, just as these guys were.

Veritas Omnia Vincula Vincit - What a joke, when we were the ones shovelling dirt over it....

Anyhows, I tell you, they were acting under orders and approval - given how the braindead drones which comprise our current military won't take a piss without official authorisation, it's bloody obvious even if no one here wants to admit it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 4:54 PM


America loves a winner!


If you ever said "Support the Troops!", you are a socialist...


Seriously.... that's about as stupid as it gets, ladies and gents.

Just wow.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 5:02 PM


I apologize in advance, I've got brief rant here.

Curious how this thread, and seemingly every other, turn into discussions about how the US and/or Christians must be worse. Certainly Geezer was out of line with the 'sick fuck' comment, but I don't think it's unreasonable that a discussion on the rape, torture and murder of a 14 year old girl in Bangladesh under the (false)justification of Islam remain centered on the crime, Bangladesh and Islam.

We can prove Islam is not at fault without having to spout this nonsense over 'who's worse' can't we? Also, far as I understand it, this poor girl was not raped and tortured to death for being a witch.

I'm not saying there aren't some very valid points concerning violence attributed to war and what is considered 'acceptable' but c'mon, does every tragedy have to be about how we supposedly started it or are presumably worse?

End rant.

Just my opinion, but if most folks prefer this become the subject of every topic, it's pretty arrogant of me to expect them to change. Not that I expect to change any minds over the internet but... well I think ya know what I mean.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 5:46 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

If you ever said "Support the Troops!", you are a socialist...


Seriously.... that's about as stupid as it gets, ladies and gents.

Just wow.

We've already shown that the military IS socialism in action - taking MY tax dollars and buying things for other people that I have no desire to buy them. In addition, military veterans tend to get MUCH better benefits and pensions than private-sector workers do. For instance, what other job, after 20 years on the job, gives you half your salary - with regular increases - AND free health care for life?

Of course you won't see this for the reality of it, and of course you'll support it. You ALWAYS support murder, just as long as it's Americans doing the killing. As you said earlier, "abso-fucking-lootely". You're quite proud of it, too.

Just wow, indeed.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 5:49 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Curious how this thread, and seemingly every other, turn into discussions about how the US and/or Christians must be worse.

Huh. *YOU* must be psychic, eh? Apparently you can hear things I haven't said.

As I asked others, please show me where I claimed America and/or Christians are *worse* than other nations. I claimed that by and large, they are no better, despite the claims of Americans and/or Christians to the contrary.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 6:21 PM


happy trader, or maybe you are misreading the posts.

how about 'don't take the moral high ground, when you aint behaving so moral' or if you want to get biblical 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone..'

my post was in response to the long list of atrocities committed in the name of Islam.


Saturday, April 2, 2011 8:12 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Bangladesh should switch to Talmudic Law, which legalizes rape, incest and pedophilia. Hell, it even requires rabbis to suck the dick of every little baby during circumcision ritual bris.

That's progress...


Sunday, April 3, 2011 2:43 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
how about 'don't take the moral high ground, when you aint behaving so moral' or if you want to get biblical 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone..'


Or "He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Or "Pot, meet kettle."

Or, "Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?" (Matt 7:4)

Or, generalizing this girl's brutal, atrocious murder to "Islam" is as fallacious as generalizing that 15 year old Afghan boy,s (Mudin's) murder to "Christianity."

That's all we're saying.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 2:48 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I claimed that by and large, they are no better, despite the claims of Americans and/or Christians to the contrary.

That's giving them the benefit of the doubt.

The way I see it, if these pseudo-Muslim monsters are like the Reavers, then the pseudo-Christian Western powers are like the Alliance. Trying to debate who are the worst monsters, who killed more people, who kills in worst ways, is neither here nor there. They are both monsters; they just operate in different ways.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 5:12 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

We've already shown that the military IS socialism in action - taking MY tax dollars and buying things for other people that I have no desire to buy them. In addition, military veterans tend to get MUCH better benefits and pensions than private-sector workers do. For instance, what other job, after 20 years on the job, gives you half your salary - with regular increases - AND free health care for life?

That might be YOUR view, but it no where remotely has been 'shown' to be the case.

And what is the earning potential for those in the military for those 20 years compared to what they could make in the real world ? I'd like to see your source for the claim that military folks better retirement packages than those in the private sector. But then again, we ARE talking about government.


Of course you won't see this for the reality of it, and of course you'll support it. You ALWAYS support murder, just as long as it's Americans doing the killing. As you said earlier, "abso-fucking-lootely". You're quite proud of it, too.

Just wow, indeed.

Nothing you say is even remotely true. I support the troops. Doesn't mean I support 'murder'.



Sunday, April 3, 2011 5:28 AM


I ain't casting stones or claiming any high ground, moral or otherwise. Not entirely sure why that's attributed to me... is it a complement? That was just a rant, focused on a behavior (not an individual(s)) from my viewpoint, and one I apologized for in advance. Obviously mine ain't the only viewpoint. I apologize again if it helps. I did miss your post though megons, sorry 'bout that.

It just seems a trend is all. I'm more interested in the factors that actually pertain to the region and were responsible for this atrocity, but calling out an opposing behavior is not the same thing as promoting the discussion I'd prefer. I always know rants are a bad idea (especially here) but for sometimes I can't help put post one.

Anyway, I appear the only recent poster thinking this way and I've already ruined my position with an immature rant, so carry on.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 5:43 AM


America loves a winner!


Anyway, I appear the only recent poster thinking this way and I've already ruined my position with an immature rant, so carry on

I don't think you've ruined anything. Seems to me that you're calling it as you see it.

There is a pattern here, from many , who simply react and post contrarian points to what ever is being said.

If one person supports something, then they're branded as being for something completely different from what they said.

I support the military, I'm branded as being 'for' murder.

I support freedom, I'm an elitist, or some how favor 'hate'.

It's nonsensical, illogical and juvenile in its thought pattern.

Sadly, it's the internet.

Simply because *I* am for something, some love to troll away, and take a serious, mature conversation, and dissolve it down to the lowest common denominator. It's what makes RWED basically troll country, far too often.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 11:07 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
how about 'don't take the moral high ground, when you aint behaving so moral' or if you want to get biblical 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone..'


Or "He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Or "Pot, meet kettle."

Or, "Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?" (Matt 7:4)

Or, generalizing this girl's brutal, atrocious murder to "Islam" is as fallacious as generalizing that 15 year old Afghan boy,s (Mudin's) murder to "Christianity."

That's all we're saying.

On that note, "Christianity" - in the form of NATO - just pulled the trigger and killed 13 Libyan rebels by "mistake".


Sunday, April 3, 2011 12:08 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Wouldn't it be funny if Kwicko and Auraptor - sworn mortal enemies - were both right?
Or maybe just hilarious in a black humor sort of way.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Sunday, April 3, 2011 12:17 PM



Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:
I ain't casting stones or claiming any high ground, moral or otherwise. Not entirely sure why that's attributed to me... is it a complement? That was just a rant, focused on a behavior (not an individual(s)) from my viewpoint, and one I apologized for in advance. Obviously mine ain't the only viewpoint. I apologize again if it helps. I did miss your post though megons, sorry 'bout that.

Not attributed to you and not a complement or a compliment? :) You seem to have misread the post once again or not understood that 'moral highground' refers to those who claim that Islam is a religion of terror, and focus on the abhorrent acts performed in the name of that religion. So the argument goes, should one society/religion/etc)criticise the atrocitites of another society/religion when said society/religion is responsible for atrocities themselves.

Get it? It's not always about you.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 12:58 PM



Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:
I ain't casting stones or claiming any high ground, moral or otherwise.

But other people were. Our posts on "Christian murders" were directed towards them.

You didn't understand why we go on about "Christian murders." It is to respond to OTHER people (not you) who cast stones from glass houses.

You're ok, dude.






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