God Hates us all

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 19:07
VIEWED: 4626
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Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:25 AM


Get past the first half and the point is made....We humans are really horrible little creatures. We fight, kill, argue, enslave, abuse..all for power or game....I hate everyone equally.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:32 AM


This is nonsense.

God does not hate us all.

From my understanding, we (humans) were given the gifts of free-will and intelligence. Probably, the greatest gifts that has ever been given/allowed.

What we do with it, is up to the individual.

Its also the greatest test.

(I know there are atheists here, and other places. I don't want to offend, but I am not one of them.)


Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:36 AM


If there weren't human dirtbags, it wouldn't be nearly so fun to give them their comeuppance.



Thursday, June 23, 2011 7:59 AM


Keeping order in every verse

In the words of Riddick "I absolutely believe in God and I absolutely hate the fucker!!"

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, June 23, 2011 8:50 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Which "God" would that be?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, June 23, 2011 8:50 AM


peacekeeper wrote: "In the words of Riddick "I absolutely believe in God and I absolutely hate the fucker!!"

When children reach puberty, they usually curse their parents. Yet, after they have lived, and reached adult-hood... that cursing turns to understanding, and being grateful.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:00 AM


"I reject this fucking race! I despise this fucking place!"

A telling and inevitable conclusion for the song and for the the way of thinking it celebrates. The man who believes "God hates us all" will come to reflect that sentiment in his own orientation toward his fellows. Or perhaps more to the point, his notion of God proceeds from his own feelings about the cosmos and about himself.

It's axiomatic in psychology that a person's understanding of the cosmos corresponds rather precisely to his or her understanding of the self. In other words, how we feel about God, we end up feeling about ourselves.

The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

On the other hand, the Christian who believes that life is a test of his faith which he is doomed to fail, fares no better. It is an absurdly cruel God who gives His worshippers a scant 70 or 80 years to figure out what's what and base the following infinity of existence upon their findings.

Seriously, the first twenty years, let's face it, gotta be a write off. What happens to us as children is far more powerful in determining our actions than what we as children elect to do of our own free will. Then come the twenties, when we're finally in a place to begin to understand just how unconscious we were as children. Then the thirties when we do the same work for our twenties that we'd just done for our childhoods--the extent of our will-less, habitual behaving is truly immense, is it not? Anyone who's made it past their twenties knows the twenties are a fanciful decade of error and illusion (perhaps I'm being optimistic, some folk don't seem to figure out just how foolish they've been all their lives until much later in life). Which pretty much takes care of the first half of life's "test." So then we have the second 40 or so years to get our shit together for eternity. Ach. What a misery!

Or the awful American Calvinist notion that me and mine are saved and the rest of you losers and reprobates are going to hell. As they live, such Christians can feel strong and virtuous, but their cosmology will get them in the end. After all, what manner of asshole does God have to be to condemn even people who have never heard His gospel to the everlasting abyss? Because a man doesn't go to the particular protestant church, he will rot in hell? Any child can understand the rank injustice in that. And in such a Christian's final moments, is it not tragic to imagine them never feeling the weight of that injustice nor their part in its perpetuation?

I'm a good deal more comfortable with people who are conversant with mystery. The unknown and the unknowable. I'm not talking about a tepid and ill defined agnosticism, but a real seeker of truth who knows her limits and yet continually tests them. Perhaps an atheist poet is the sanest orientation to the divine. Or maybe just a poet of any kind.

A poet like the writer of that song, perhaps. After all, a man who truly believes the words of that song as his final statement on the matter would not write that song, nor sing it, nor wish to share it with us--the very folk he claims to reject. Ain't art a magnificent, paradoxical, mysterious and improbable thingamajig?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:05 AM



The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

We do have one comfort. Sheer stubborn pride. It's a long lonely fall, if even the cosmos casts you off and there's only the hard ground to catch you. But we'll make our own wings.

And your cold unfeeling universe... Looks like this.

I'll see you out there.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:11 AM


HKCavalier: wrote

"On the other hand, the Christian who believes that life is a test of his faith which he is doomed to fail, fares no better."

Preach it. I have never trusted those that say we are "born of original sin" and are thus evil. Never in life.

We are born innocent, and live. What we DO, how we ACT, who TEACHES us.. that is how we become.

Our fate is our own, and if we followed the things we were taught, but found out later that they were false? Then, chose the right path? I don't believe God would punish us for the wrongs we did before we found the truth.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:42 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I believe its about relationship much more than it is about being good or bad. Of course that doesn't mean we should screw off just because we know God would forgive us, why would we want to be trashy folk like that when we know that we can do wonderful things to help each other and the world?

Kaneman, are you having a crappy day? You sound pretty bummed about humanity in general. I hope things shape up in your world soon. Just remember that you do have some control over the world you live in, not complete control by any means, there's crap you can't fix on your own, but you can make the world a better place as you go along.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:48 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

We do have one comfort. Sheer stubborn pride. It's a long lonely fall, if even the cosmos casts you off and there's only the hard ground to catch you. But we'll make our own wings.

And your cold unfeeling universe... Looks like this.

I'll see you out there.

Love it.

Oh and Kaneman, God doesn't hate us all, but he'd struggle with you.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:59 AM


As strange as it is, I always thought of God in this way..

You give 100% towards something good. You give all you have to doing the right thing.

Maybe it isn't enough? But you really don't have anything left. I mean, you really have NOTHING left.

Then out of the blue, and for no reason whatsoever, that extra little bit is there.

Thanks Wulf, I've learned to appreciate Youtube.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:00 PM


I disagree - see, in regard to this imma outsider-theory maltheist, and believe that the thing that Christianity regards as its "god" is actually a kind of spiritual vampire which feeds on human misery, wrapped around our world like a junkie clinging to his stash, and feeding that misery in every way possible by exterting its influence on the weakminded, indoctrinated and vulnerable in a deliberate and malicious attempt to cause as much suffering as possible to get its fix.

With that in mind, my antagonism towards the belief might start making more sense to you.
To serve its will is to harm, hurt, destroy, because that is all it truly cares about, regardless of our perceptions or intentions.
And those pearly gates open on a firey pit to the howling laughter of a blind, mad tyrant.

I serve humanity, first and always, via a longterm perspective focused on ensuring we survive, prosper and one day dance amongst the stars themselves, a concept known to some as "Via Stellarum".

This of course puts me in opposition to most religion, it being anti-science, anti-education, anti-humanity, and in a longterm perspective, detrimental to civilization itself because when you follow the obvious resultant path to its logical endpoint, they'd have us all back in the caves as savages again.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:24 PM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by SkyDiveLife:
peacekeeper wrote: "In the words of Riddick "I absolutely believe in God and I absolutely hate the fucker!!"

When children reach puberty, they usually curse their parents. Yet, after they have lived, and reached adult-hood... that cursing turns to understanding, and being grateful.

Be grateful for WHAT exactly.I am grateful for my parents for giving me the upbringing that was expected of them,and I love them for it.GOD had jack shit to do with it.I am grateful for the food on my table, the money in my pocket, the fruit of my loins and the company I keep.That was all MY doing. God had jack shit to do with it.I am grateful for the decisions I have made, the loves I have won and lost, the mistakes I have made and the successes and failures in my life.I am a well liked, reasonably well respected and happy individual.And all that is IN SPITE of what your God purportedly throws at me. God(if you still believe in such twaddle) has done nothing but take away any individuals right to be individual.But not me, never needed him and never will.In fact, I'm better than him.I answer my own prayers and I don't make generic excuses when things go tits up.I worship my ability to run my own life.And God has jack shit to do with it.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:48 PM


If God hates us, ergo, we are fags.


I think I see the hand of God.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 2:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:

The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

We do have one comfort. Sheer stubborn pride. It's a long lonely fall, if even the cosmos casts you off and there's only the hard ground to catch you. But we'll make our own wings.

And your cold unfeeling universe... Looks like this.

I'll see you out there.

Cold, unfeeling, unimaginably hot, desolate, and yet still GORGEOUS.

I always get the impression from my theistic friends that they think that because I have no gods, I have no sense of beauty. Au contraire - to me the beauty is all the more amazing because it's so unexpected, so random.

That the universe doesn't care about me doesn't imply that I shouldn't care about the universe. I find it amazing and beautiful, even though it doesn't notice me at all.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 2:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
If God hates us, ergo, we are fags.

Okay, that was funny.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:28 PM


All wumphs are mipples.
Some skicks are threeps.
Some threeps are mipples.
No wumphs are threeps.

Are any skicks also wumphs?

A) The intersection allows that possibility under the superclass of mipples
B) There is no intersection between subgroups precluding the possibility
C) Additional data is needed. The schema insufficiently defines the relationship between skicks and mipples*
D) Hell, they might as well be.

* If we conclude this as a derivation of R. James et al. (pp 329-348) Atlantic 1978, seeing mipples in the context of an evolving social dynamic with subgroups, we can draw parallels within the contemporary framework in which the discursive strategy reached the end of its intellectual evolution. The framework of territorialised regional learning in the context of social dynamics offers a number of key propositions ...

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:32 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

We do have one comfort. Sheer stubborn pride. It's a long lonely fall, if even the cosmos casts you off and there's only the hard ground to catch you. But we'll make our own wings.

And your cold unfeeling universe... Looks like this.

I'll see you out there. of the most to the point posts i have ever seen.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:34 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
"I reject this fucking race! I despise this fucking place!"

A telling and inevitable conclusion for the song and for the the way of thinking it celebrates. The man who believes "God hates us all" will come to reflect that sentiment in his own orientation toward his fellows. Or perhaps more to the point, his notion of God proceeds from his own feelings about the cosmos and about himself.

It's axiomatic in psychology that a person's understanding of the cosmos corresponds rather precisely to his or her understanding of the self. In other words, how we feel about God, we end up feeling about ourselves.

The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

On the other hand, the Christian who believes that life is a test of his faith which he is doomed to fail, fares no better. It is an absurdly cruel God who gives His worshippers a scant 70 or 80 years to figure out what's what and base the following infinity of existence upon their findings.

Seriously, the first twenty years, let's face it, gotta be a write off. What happens to us as children is far more powerful in determining our actions than what we as children elect to do of our own free will. Then come the twenties, when we're finally in a place to begin to understand just how unconscious we were as children. Then the thirties when we do the same work for our twenties that we'd just done for our childhoods--the extent of our will-less, habitual behaving is truly immense, is it not? Anyone who's made it past their twenties knows the twenties are a fanciful decade of error and illusion (perhaps I'm being optimistic, some folk don't seem to figure out just how foolish they've been all their lives until much later in life). Which pretty much takes care of the first half of life's "test." So then we have the second 40 or so years to get our shit together for eternity. Ach. What a misery!

Or the awful American Calvinist notion that me and mine are saved and the rest of you losers and reprobates are going to hell. As they live, such Christians can feel strong and virtuous, but their cosmology will get them in the end. After all, what manner of asshole does God have to be to condemn even people who have never heard His gospel to the everlasting abyss? Because a man doesn't go to the particular protestant church, he will rot in hell? Any child can understand the rank injustice in that. And in such a Christian's final moments, is it not tragic to imagine them never feeling the weight of that injustice nor their part in its perpetuation?

I'm a good deal more comfortable with people who are conversant with mystery. The unknown and the unknowable. I'm not talking about a tepid and ill defined agnosticism, but a real seeker of truth who knows her limits and yet continually tests them. Perhaps an atheist poet is the sanest orientation to the divine. Or maybe just a poet of any kind.

A poet like the writer of that song, perhaps. After all, a man who truly believes the words of that song as his final statement on the matter would not write that song, nor sing it, nor wish to share it with us--the very folk he claims to reject. Ain't art a magnificent, paradoxical, mysterious and improbable thingamajig?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

I think you miss the point..the song is about we humans suck..we are worse to each other than some insects. If there is a "your"god..he must hate us..simply put.

Kwicko, I formally condemn your mother for not aborting you. Yeah, I'm sure her brother was happy to have a son, but you are inexcusable....


Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:41 PM

KANEMAN's my nook..i can't scroll doen and remove that whole aborting'll live i'm sure...not the first time you've seen it...again just old and unremovable at the moment


Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:18 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I heard this once - it went to the effect of - why are we seeking immortality in religion? We have real immortality in the decisions we make that can never be undone. The effect we have on people and our world as we live.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kaneman:'s my nook..i can't scroll doen and remove that whole aborting'll live i'm sure...not the first time you've seen it...again just old and unremovable at the moment

Meh, it doesn't worry me, and my mom's long gone, so I'm not sure who this is supposed to offend.


Friday, June 24, 2011 6:05 AM


Kane, you can probably get other browsers for it.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, June 24, 2011 7:38 AM


I think God loves us all in spite of ourselves. God allows us to love back or not as we see fit.

It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics - RAH

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Friday, June 24, 2011 10:32 AM


Well said hardware.

I was under the impression that Christianity was about love and forgiveness. That's kinda 'Christ like' don'cha think?


Monday, June 27, 2011 12:52 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Peacekeeper, thanks for your post. I now know everything about you that I need to know for future interactions. Your obscene narcisism now makes perfect sense. Now I know.

I feel bad for Frem that he has that much hatred in him, but I suppose I've always felt bad about that. Carrying around that vitriol would be hard.

Those are beautiful pictures Byte, I love them. Wouldn't it be grand if we could go there in spaceships and fly about through the stars and swirls of the fabric of the universe.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, June 27, 2011 1:06 PM


The vitriol is actually part of my belief system, but an explaination will have to wait a bit, as I have to cover two shifts tonight.



Monday, June 27, 2011 1:37 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I like an awful lot of what I'm reading here, with a few exceptions:

When children reach puberty, they usually curse their parents. Yet, after they have lived, and reached adult-hood... that cursing turns to understanding, and being grateful.
While that may be true for many, for many OTHERS, the cursing never ends, despite coming to peace with the past and understanding what went into it (especially for those who were abused, physically, sexually, psychologically or otherwise). For some who never become self-aware, they merely repeat their own childhood with their children, and/or are at the mercy of subconscious ghosts who often determine their beliefs and/or actions.


You give 100% towards something good. You give all you have to doing the right thing.

Maybe it isn't enough? But you really don't have anything left. I mean, you really have NOTHING left.

Then out of the blue, and for no reason whatsoever, that extra little bit is there.

I, on the other hand, have experienced and observed that when I give 100%, it usually comes back to me, then or later, a thousand fold.

I don't think being atheist is a bad thing, either. We're each responsible for ourselves and our own lives, and our attitude toward same can be good or bad. I don't understand how

But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent
Why can't one be happy, hopeful and self-determined without belief in a "god"? I don't understand. We have no god in buddhism, yet a lot of joy...yes, we believe in something, but it's not an individual, it's a natural balance in the universe. Does that make MY being happy, hopeful and self-determined bad? There seems to be a dichotomy there.


to me the beauty is all the more amazing because it's so unexpected, so random.

That the universe doesn't care about me doesn't imply that I shouldn't care about the universe. I find it amazing and beautiful, even though it doesn't notice me at all.

Bang on! That's how I feel, too.

We have real immortality in the decisions we make that can never be undone. The effect we have on people and our world as we live.
Bang on Kiki, too!

we humans suck..we are worse to each other than some insects
Now that's just bullshit. We are worse to each other than some individuals in some species; better to one another than some individuals in some species. Simple as that. There is both amazing good and astonishing bad in humans; it's our choice which we'll be.

I don't know why Riona is so hateful to you, PK; if so, she must hate me too, because I feel much the same. To me, you have always come across as a civil, humorous, decent person with mostly reasonable attitudes (in my "humble" opinion)...why does not crediting a "god" with all that make you so horrific? With the exception of

has done nothing but take away any individuals right to be individual
which I don't think is true at all, and the concept that I answer my own prayers, we are in agreement. I don't look to any outside force to make me what I am, I know where it came from. I know my weaknesses, my strengths, the things I'm grateful for and the things I regret. I don't know them ALL, but I try to. I try to be what I want to be; I know I fail and I accept myself for those failures, with the hope that I can learn from them and be better. Why is that "obscene narcissism"?

I, too, am sad for Frem; for what he's suffered, how it's molded him, and that it applies to virtually everything around him, or so it would seem from what he writes. You deserve better Frem.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, June 27, 2011 2:43 PM


I don't understand how someone could find part of this offensive or narcissistic either.


Be grateful for WHAT exactly.I am grateful for my parents for giving me the upbringing that was expected of them,and I love them for it.GOD had jack shit to do with it.I am grateful for the food on my table, the money in my pocket, the fruit of my loins and the company I keep.That was all MY doing. God had jack shit to do with it.I am grateful for the decisions I have made, the loves I have won and lost, the mistakes I have made and the successes and failures in my life.I am a well liked, reasonably well respected and happy individual.And all that is IN SPITE of what your God purportedly throws at me. God(if you still believe in such twaddle) has done nothing but take away any individuals right to be individual.But not me, never needed him and never will.In fact, I'm better than him.I answer my own prayers and I don't make generic excuses when things go tits up.I worship my ability to run my own life.And God has jack shit to do with it.

PK does seem to be claiming God is only responsible for the negatives in his life. He's just plain better than a God who selfishly grants us the salvation we don't deserve, if only we ask for it and try our best to do right. What's so narcissistic about that? This whole faith in God thing observed by the majority of the Earth in some way, shape or form... twaddle.


Monday, June 27, 2011 3:10 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

My main experience with Peacekeeper has been in the thread about how France is fining Muslim women who wear headscarfs. Peacekeeper is all for the ban because its inconvenient for _him if a woman is wearing a headscarf, its inconvenient for _him if someone doesn't make eye contact or wears something that makes it harder for him to get them to. That's why I say "obscene narcisism", he wasn't complaining about opression or anything, he was complaining about what is and isn't convenient for him. Perhaps obscene selfishness is a better fit, the line between selfishness and narcisism is a tricky one. I don't really care if someone is selfish, I'll admit that I'm selfish about some things, but his attitude in that thread, enforced by the way he worded himself here, denoted overkill in the self-centered department. Often in life its not what you say, but _how you say it.

Niki a chara, of course I don't have hateful feelings towards you, or towards him for that matter. As I've said you may agree with Peacekeeper but you're manner of describing yourself and your beliefs is more civil and normal. You look to yourself to find what you seek, you believe in self confidence and finding strength within yourself as well as drawing strength from the wonderful things of the world. You also gain strength from triumphing over adversity. Are these accurate statements of how you view things? They are very civil and sensably spoken and you always speak civilly and sensably, thus meaning I don't say things to you like I said to Peacekeeper.

But I can be sweeter and if I'm being too unkind I can settle down a bit. I was just saying what his post felt like to me as a reader of it.

I think that once Peacekeeper and I have seen more of each other (he doesn't post that often afterall) I will not mind him so much, my experience with him is limited after all, mostly to the headscarf thread and to this thread.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, June 27, 2011 3:26 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent
Why can't one be happy, hopeful and self-determined without belief in a "god"? I don't understand.

Sigh. I should really never get into these kinds of conversations, because everyone has such hard and fast definitions for the words we're all using in common and these definitions rarely overlap. And people are freakin' hell-bent on not listening to each other nor trying to understand what the other person means. No, what I see time and again is people taking comments out of context and feeling put upon.

In my experience there is a continuum with People Who Believe in God on one end, and Card Carrying Self-Described Atheists on the other. There's a lot of spirituality between these two extremes. Buddhism is one of the in between ones.

Part of the reason I tend to write lengthy posts is because I try to create some semblance of my context for the reader, so he or she has the best chance of understanding what I'm getting at. Please, Niki, do reread my whole post and remember it's me talking. I was talking about cosmology and comparing Theism with Maltheism and then Atheism. I was speaking of Atheism as a cosmology that has no "top end," as it were. I was saying that it troubled me. Not that it was evil or wrong or stupid or anything else you can assume. Psychologically, it seems to lack fullness on a cosmological level. And therefore, on a self-esteme level because our self image tends to be reflected in our understanding of the Universe as a whole. Maltheists see a Universe that wants them dead, and Atheists see a Universe that is wholly indifferent to them. That troubles me. That's alls I was sayin', yo.

Buddhism, as I understand it, doesn't have this problem. The Universe is not neutral in Buddhism.

My working definition of Atheist is drawn from long experience interacting with self-described Atheists. None of the Atheists I have known in real life would have accepted Buddhism as Atheist, except very grudgingly and after a lot of convincing. All the self-described Atheists I've known personally have been extremely materialistic. That's the context I'm working from.

Anyway. I don't mean to antagonize you here. I just feel so dismayed that people can't have a simple conversation about spirituality without 'em feeling like they're being trampled on by everyone who doesn't agree with them. Sigh. Grr. Arg.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, June 27, 2011 11:52 PM


Ok, explaination - the vitriol is in fact what you might call the power source of my beliefs, the fuel they run on.

You know how some beliefs work at trying to empty oneself of that sorta thing, achieve unity or something thereof that way ?
Think in the other direction.

I take the outrage, the bitterness, the essence of what one feels when they look upon injustice, purposely caused misery, deliberate ignorance and malice - and I smash it all together and refine it into something that's as close to pure distilled hate as it makes no nevermind, then compress it even further in a mental fashion somewhat similar to the function of an internal combustion engine, and light it off.
Only what comes OUT isn't smoke and exhaust, what comes out is rage-fueled compassion, it's hard to explain to someone unfamilar with at least the basics of esoteric and eastern beliefs, but it's a transformation of the negative into the positive, because the end result of the actions thus fueled, or at least the end result one strives for, is the betterment of the world or peoples lot within it, you see.

When you set yourself against strong forces, or such are set against you, in a spiritual and psychological sense, you need some pretty damn strong mojo in order to keep going, to not be crushed, when you see and experience things so awful they break most folk on such a regular basis, sometimes that's all that CAN keep you goin.

And for me, it's a combination of immense, inexhaustible rage and boundless compassion that while perhaps expressed in unpleasant ways, is always directed with a razor pinpoint focus at removing the root causes of those things that provoke it.

Better than that, I don't think I can explain it, alas.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:52 AM



All the self-described Atheists I've known personally have been extremely materialistic. That's the context I'm working from.

I'm assuming you mean "lack of belief in the supernatural and metaphysical" as opposed to "I'm going to buy stuff because I'm going to die some day and have an irrational fear of death."

English is a limited and contradictory language. Might I suggest Empiricism or Physicalism as alternative terms? They're pretty close to synonymous.

Apologizing in advance for the pun, but I don't think it MATTERS that I'm not a mystic. Who have I harmed?


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:25 AM


Bytemite wrote:
"Apologizing in advance for the pun, but I don't think it MATTERS that I'm not a mystic. Who have I harmed?"

Thats a very good point. You can have your beliefs, I can have mine.

So long as you don't push your beliefs on me thru force (of law or other) than its fine.

I can be a "mystic" and you can be a "self-involved, narcacistic, spoiled, loner".

This applies to most "hot-button issues", I believe.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:54 AM


I was merely using the terminology already used. HK said something about "the mysteries," hence, mystic.

I meant no offense. What did you mean?

Otherwise, yes, people are entitled to their beliefs about things that can not be proven or disproved. The social impact is negligible unless people want to make something of those differences.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 6:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Okay, Riona, I better understand your stance now. I think possibly I reacted to the word "obscene" the way you reacted to "abhorrent"--it seemed an overly harsh judgment to me. I'll let you get to know PK over time, I think you'll find him one of the more civil people here, whether I agree with him or not. But that's MY impression, seen obviously through my own prism.

Yes, your description of what I believe is accurate, but I find it amusing that when I read your description, to ME it looks exactly like what PK said, only in different terms. There's nothing wrong with how you post, everyone has their own style, and if people disagree, as you can see it gets pretty heated. Nothing wrong with that--the only problem I have is when people get overly personal or overly nasty. You do neither.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 6:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, Cav, it certainly is a real negative of the internet that we're denied all the other communication tools we usually use (facial expression, etc.) and are left to "understand" things through our own understanding of words. Yes, the universe isn't neutral in buddhism, at least as I understand it.

But you certainly didn't antagonize me, nor did I feel trampled upon. I just couldn't understand how having no god would exclude being "happy, hopeful and self-determined". Still don't, I think, because I'm confused by your explanation--but then, I know shit about cosmology, so don't pay me no mind. I also don't know any atheists, per se, outside this forum. I know people who don't have a particular god, or don't believe there is one, but the latter are more "agnostic" than actually atheist, and it's a passing matter for them, not something they focus on. I find it interesting that those you've known are materialistic; it would be fascinating to find out how being atheist and materialistic combine.

I do feel the universe is indifferent to me, with the only exception being karma, but I'm not sure I fully accept karma either. I just have no problem with the universe being indifferent to me, I'm not indifferent to IT but I can't imagine (without a god) how it could NOT be indifferent to me. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:44 AM


Keeping order in every verse

I remember the discussion Rioneire is referring to. I was merely commenting on how I sort of understood how the French government was putting the feelings of the MAJORITY over the feelings of the MINORITY.Convenience to me had nothing to do it.I don't want to start that whole debate again, but Offensive and Narcissistic isn't really me to be fair. Or maybe because I didn't agree on this particular topic was inconvenient to YOU. Sorry.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Byte, given his actions in those other two threads, what he "means" is probably just snarking. Rather a nasty new voice (if he IS new), unfortunately. I vote for ignoring him henceforth unless he can manage to contribute something of actual value, and do so civilly.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:55 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

PK, I agree. Again, that problem communicating via the written word. And no, offensive and narcisstic are two words I would never think of in conjunction with you. Takes a while for us all to get to know one another; I put it down to that.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:26 AM


America loves a winner!

Well, he's not on my BFF list either.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:48 AM


Frem, I'm not entirely sure I follow. Not criticizing your beliefs, just not sure I am understanding. If you are advocating a philosophy of 'making lemonade' and 'loving your enemies' then I think that is shiny. While I'm not sure I get the process, if that works for you I am happy for you.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:57 PM


Uhh, no - that kinda thing is something I call the false trap of forgiveness, classed in the same realm as the idiotic and self destructive idea in some therapies of needing to "forgive" an abuser, some things can not, should not, be forgiven because that is exactly what enables them.

Anyhows, from a spiritual and psychological aspect, Shadow Vajrayana is a very "brutal" belief system, rendered in many shades of grey and both more inclined to accept and make use of, human flaws and frailties - but it's not really easy at any time to explain to westerners as it comes across a lot like this...

Suffice it to say, it works for me, and the very IDEA of forcing it upon others unwanted is in fact in direct contravention to it's principles.
(much like Anarchism, but try telling some of THEM that!)


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:
Well said hardware.

I was under the impression that Christianity was about love and forgiveness. That's kinda 'Christ like' don'cha think?

The GOP is doing their best to edit out those parts. I'm sure they've already changed the Wikipedia entries for such things. ;)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SkyDiveLife:
Bytemite wrote:
"Apologizing in advance for the pun, but I don't think it MATTERS that I'm not a mystic. Who have I harmed?"

Thats a very good point. You can have your beliefs, I can have mine.

So long as you don't push your beliefs on me thru force (of law or other) than its fine.

I can be a "mystic" and you can be a "self-involved, narcacistic, spoiled, loner".

This applies to most "hot-button issues", I believe.

Will you agree to never try to force your beliefs on me through force (of law or other)?

Will you support a woman's right to choose when or whether to have children?

Will you support the banning of Judeo-Christian law in this country, just as so many insist that we must unite to ban Sharia law in this country?

Will you support the doing away with such religion-based pablum as posting the Ten Commandments in some courthouses, printing "In God We Trust" on our currency, and adding unnecessary clause like "under God" to our Pledge of Allegiance?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Byte, given his actions in those other two threads, what he "means" is probably just snarking. Rather a nasty new voice (if he IS new)...

He really isn't.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:58 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by SkyDiveLife:
Bytemite wrote:
"Apologizing in advance for the pun, but I don't think it MATTERS that I'm not a mystic. Who have I harmed?"

Thats a very good point. You can have your beliefs, I can have mine.

So long as you don't push your beliefs on me thru force (of law or other) than its fine.

I can be a "mystic" and you can be a "self-involved, narcacistic, spoiled, loner".

This applies to most "hot-button issues", I believe.

Will you agree to never try to force your beliefs on me through force (of law or other)?

Will you support a woman's right to choose when or whether to have children?

Will you support the banning of Judeo-Christian law in this country, just as so many insist that we must unite to ban Sharia law in this country?

Will you support the doing away with such religion-based pablum as posting the Ten Commandments in some courthouses, printing "In God We Trust" on our currency, and adding unnecessary clause like "under God" to our Pledge of Allegiance?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill

Yep i'll agree to all of em...just so long as you agree that when a women gets prego...and the guy doesnt want it and she keeps it anyway..the dude is off the hook financially..many guys want the baby and the women flushes questions asked...on the other hand when the guy doesn't want it..but the woman has it..he's responsible for life..fair?...not sure there is an alternative..just marrige


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 6:09 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
"I reject this fucking race! I despise this fucking place!"

A telling and inevitable conclusion for the song and for the the way of thinking it celebrates. The man who believes "God hates us all" will come to reflect that sentiment in his own orientation toward his fellows. Or perhaps more to the point, his notion of God proceeds from his own feelings about the cosmos and about himself.

It's axiomatic in psychology that a person's understanding of the cosmos corresponds rather precisely to his or her understanding of the self. In other words, how we feel about God, we end up feeling about ourselves.

The man who believes in an utterly neutral, inhuman and unfeeling cosmos will end by emulating that in himself. Hence we see "the cold man of science." This is why atheism ultimately troubles me as a "belief system" because in saying that there is no God and life proceeds according to no rule beyond thermodynamics, the atheist expresses an ultimately self-defeating cosmology. Determinist, pessimist, entropy-obsesses atheism is no way to live. But happy, hopeful, self-determined atheism is ultimately incongruent. The only happy atheist then is a bad one, a logically flawed one. And if the self-consistent atheist ends her days as one, she will end without happiness, nor hope, nor a sense of personal significance.

On the other hand, the Christian who believes that life is a test of his faith which he is doomed to fail, fares no better. It is an absurdly cruel God who gives His worshippers a scant 70 or 80 years to figure out what's what and base the following infinity of existence upon their findings.

Seriously, the first twenty years, let's face it, gotta be a write off. What happens to us as children is far more powerful in determining our actions than what we as children elect to do of our own free will. Then come the twenties, when we're finally in a place to begin to understand just how unconscious we were as children. Then the thirties when we do the same work for our twenties that we'd just done for our childhoods--the extent of our will-less, habitual behaving is truly immense, is it not? Anyone who's made it past their twenties knows the twenties are a fanciful decade of error and illusion (perhaps I'm being optimistic, some folk don't seem to figure out just how foolish they've been all their lives until much later in life). Which pretty much takes care of the first half of life's "test." So then we have the second 40 or so years to get our shit together for eternity. Ach. What a misery!

Or the awful American Calvinist notion that me and mine are saved and the rest of you losers and reprobates are going to hell. As they live, such Christians can feel strong and virtuous, but their cosmology will get them in the end. After all, what manner of asshole does God have to be to condemn even people who have never heard His gospel to the everlasting abyss? Because a man doesn't go to the particular protestant church, he will rot in hell? Any child can understand the rank injustice in that. And in such a Christian's final moments, is it not tragic to imagine them never feeling the weight of that injustice nor their part in its perpetuation?

I'm a good deal more comfortable with people who are conversant with mystery. The unknown and the unknowable. I'm not talking about a tepid and ill defined agnosticism, but a real seeker of truth who knows her limits and yet continually tests them. Perhaps an atheist poet is the sanest orientation to the divine. Or maybe just a poet of any kind.

A poet like the writer of that song, perhaps. After all, a man who truly believes the words of that song as his final statement on the matter would not write that song, nor sing it, nor wish to share it with us--the very folk he claims to reject. Ain't art a magnificent, paradoxical, mysterious and improbable thingamajig?


The poet of that song concludes it in gods voice...not his own...point being if there is a god he must hate us...homocide suicide peace through war stabbing each other for game...i'dlisten a tad closer before you rant...i think god hates you

Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011 6:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

".on the other hand when the guy doesn't want it..but the woman has it"

Well, the woman didn't just go to the store and buy a random baby to make life miserable for the poor unsuspecting victimized man.

The man had SOMEthing to do with the baby. Think on it a while ... what could he possibly have to do with a baby being conceived ... ?






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